Site about construction and repair

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  • All the best in the world is made in Siberia All the best in the world is made in Siberia

    Interest in Siberia is becoming more and more obvious every year - the popularization of Siberian cuisine, the development of tourism, the organization of international forums and conferences, new investment projects - all this speaks not only of a huge...

  • You can also use other plants You can also use other plants

    In our area, it is not so often possible to find a hedge, but in recent years this method of gardening has begun to be actively used by our summer residents. And there is absolutely nothing surprising in this. Hedgerows are not only...

  • Periwinkle: photo of flowers, and how to care for the plant Periwinkle: photo of flowers, and how to care for the plant

    Back in the III century BC. the gardens of the Romans were decorated with "walls" of trimmed bushes. So for thousands of years there has been an ongoing selection of the best varieties and species of trees and shrubs that are suitable for the formation of hedges ....

  • Fast growing perennial hedge - selection of plants Fast growing perennial hedge - selection of plants

    The main task of landscape design is to create a beautiful and functional site. Fast-growing ornamental shrubs play an important role in its solution. Their planting allows you to create a picturesque outline of the garden and ...

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