How to make from maple leaves. Master class “Roses from maple leaves. Procurement of natural material

Today we will tell you and show you how to make “live” roses from maple leaves with your own hands. Maple leaves are quite durable, and roses from them do not always come out beautiful: more often they look like a tight winding of layers, only vaguely reminiscent of the grace of the queen of flowers. But with our master class you can step by step make a rose that looks exactly like a flower. We propose to use both important qualities of maple leaves: their strength and large area, which we will use to form voluminous wrapped petals.

To make a rose from maple leaves with your own hands, you will need:

fresh autumn maple leaves (quite a lot);

sewing thread on a spool of any suitable color - beige, yellow, orange.

How to make roses from maple leaves with your own hands: step by step and accessible

First we take a thin and small leaf. We bend it in half, bending the top of the sheet back. The fold should form on its own; there is no need to crease it, otherwise the sheet may tear at the bend, and even if it survives, the bud will not be voluminous.

Now we roll this sheet into a tube. Soft and neat.

We take the next sheet of approximately the same size or a little larger. In our work, we focused more not on the size of the sheet, but on its color. I wanted the leaves in the finished rose to fit well with each other, but at the same time I really wanted to add color to the monotonous yellow.

We combine the stems of both leaves, bend the second leaf back, as we did with the first leaf.

We bend the right edge from the center of the sheet down at an angle of 45 degrees to the fold, also without compacting the fold, everything should be natural.

We also bend the left edge of the same leaf down.

This is how we formed the petal. We take another sheet, apply it so that the center of the fold falls on the second sheet, but with an offset. It is advisable to lay rose petals from maple leaves in a spiral relative to each other. We also gently bend the right and left edges of this third leaf, forming a voluminous petal.

If you feel that it is difficult to hold the petals with one hand, remember that we have a thread, and tightly wind the rose bud at the bottom, moving to the stems of the leaves. We do not cut or break the thread, but we fasten it so that it is convenient to work further.

As you can see, a small rose has already turned out.

But we don’t give up and turn it into a full-fledged rose by adding and adding leaves and petals. It is important that the folded edges on the right and left do not meet at an angle in the center of the sheet, and that there is free space between them. In addition, large leaves had to be folded at the edges not once, but twice or even three times. As you work, your hands will “catch” the style of twisting roses from maple leaves and everything will fall into place, even if the description seems not entirely clear.

The rose can be decorated with a bed of leaves. You can arrange the bouquet around the perimeter, or you can edge each rose this way. Or leave the roses as they are.

In the autumn and summer, you can make a variety of crafts from maple leaves, which are not only suitable as children’s work for school or kindergarten, but will also become a worthy decoration for your home.

The most common interior item of this type is roses made from collected leaves. Their creation does not require special skills and takes only a few minutes of continuous painstaking work. Understanding the technique of forming such flowers will facilitate the process itself and bring extremely positive emotions to its creator.

Roses from maple leaves will be obtained only if the working material is completely preserved in its original form. To prevent the leaves from losing their original appearance, several practical methods have been identified for their “preservation”.

When using this method of “preserving” maple leaves, it is important to remember that when they dry, in most cases they change their color to a darker one. This feature should be taken into account when choosing the source material for crafts.

To do this you need:

The only drawback of this method of “preserving” maple leaves is the persistence of the specific smell of fallen leaves in the room after performing the above manipulations with the working material.

The 3rd method of preserving the original appearance of maple leaves involves using regular paraffin or wax:

  1. Wash the collected maple leaves and wipe with a cloth, removing excess moisture from their surface.
  2. Melt paraffin or wax in a water bath. Using a microwave or open flame to alter these materials is dangerous as they are considered one of the most flammable non-food items.
  3. When the wax or paraffin becomes liquid, pour it into a deep container. Allow to cool to room temperature. If the temperature is incorrect, the maple leaf will change color after dipping.
  4. Dip the maple leaf into the melted mixture. Turn over.
  5. After making sure that the liquid composition has completely covered the sheet, carefully remove it from the container, allowing the excess to drain on its own.
  6. Place the maple leaf on a piece of paper or newspaper. Leave until completely dry.

The fourth method of “preserving” maple leaves is to use a glycerin solution:

  1. Mix glycerin in liquid form with water in a ratio of 1 to 2.
  2. Pour the solution over pre-washed and dried maple leaves, making sure that it completely covers them.
  3. Leave the leaves for 3-5 days.

Using this method, it will be possible not only to preserve the original color of maple leaves, but also to give them a natural shine. A beautiful appearance will have a positive effect on the final quality of the craft.

DIY autumn rose

Roses from maple leaves, in order to avoid damage to the collected natural material, are recommended to be made in accordance with the generally accepted algorithm. It involves the step-by-step creation of the rose itself, the flower stem and the final formation of the composition.

Forming a rose

Roses made from maple leaves turn out beautiful if you use different sizes of working material. In this case, the collected leaves should be approximately the same color. Otherwise, the appearance of the craft will be far from the natural appearance of the flowers, which will cause conflicting feelings when visually assessing the final result of the work done.

For one component of the composition you will need at least 7-8 maple leaves.

  1. Check the collected leaves for damage. After making sure that they are absent, rinse the natural material under running water. Remove excess moisture with a cloth made of natural fabric.
  2. Fold the smallest maple leaf crosswise. When deforming the sheet, make sure that no cracks form, which can later lead to a complete rupture of a piece of working material.
  3. Roll the used sheet into a tube. This will be the core of an autumn rose bud.
  4. Take a second sheet, slightly larger in size than the first.
  5. Fold the second sheet in half. Wrap it as carefully as possible around the first “tube” - the core.
  6. Fold the edges of the outer leaf outward, as if forming a rose petal.
  7. Repeat steps 4 – 6 7 – 8 times depending on the number of leaves prepared to create 1 bud. If all the leaves used are the same size, the order in which they are placed in the bud does not matter.
  8. Tie the lower part of the craft with thread to secure the bud.
  9. Spread the petals and add volume to the rose bud. If the resulting flower is not full enough, add 2-3 more maple leaves to the bud. It is not recommended to use a larger number of leaves, since it will be almost impossible to fix such a bud with a thread. Tying the bases with denser material or a wide ribbon will significantly reduce the natural appearance of the final composition.

If the integrity of one of the petals in the bud is damaged, it is not recommended to unfold the rest and redo the craft. The final result of the work done should be as close as possible in its naturalness to the appearance of a real rose. The vast majority of plants found in nature do not have ideal forms.

Despite this, if the tears that have formed in the maple leaves are very noticeable and are in excessive quantities, it is better to make the bud again. Serious violations of the integrity of the petals can lead to the rose falling apart during the formation of the bouquet.

Such unforeseen circumstances will force you to disband the composition, at the risk of breaking other roses made from maple leaves.


Maple leaf roses will look unnatural without a properly made stem. It can be formed in 2 ways.

Rose from maple leaves step by step

The first, simplest method, assumes that all (or the absolute majority) of maple leaves used in crafts have cuttings at the base.

Creating a rose stem in this case requires several steps:

  1. Using scissors or a stationery knife, achieve the same length for all leaf cuttings included in the composition. If the branches at the base are too short, it is recommended to cut them off completely, and then use another method of forming the rose stem.
  2. Cut a piece of transparent tape at least 15-20 cm long. Narrow adhesive tape is best in this case. It will be less noticeable, increasing the naturalness of the final appearance of the resulting composition. If you don't have tape, you can use foil and a stapler or glue gun.
  3. Wrap tape around the maple leaf cuttings. It is not recommended to tighten the bases, as this may interfere with the fixation of the petals inside the bud.
  4. If there is no sufficient fixation, staple the adhesive tape in several places.

If the leaves used in creating the craft do not have cuttings, you can create a stem for the future rose separately, and then glue it to the base of an existing bud.

To do this you need:

  1. Take 2 or 3 A4 paper sheets.
  2. Roll 1 sheet into a tube. Secure the joints with glue, a stapler or double-sided tape.
  3. Repeat step 2 with each piece of paper prepared for the craft.
  4. Slightly bending the upper part of the stem, attach it to the base of the bud using glue, a stapler or double-sided tape.
  5. If necessary, the stem can be painted green (to create a natural appearance) or wrapped in foil (or colored paper) to disguise the original working materials.

When using the second method of creating a stem, it is recommended to cut the paper tube so that its total length is no more than 10-15 cm.

Otherwise, the bud will not be able to be tightly fixed, which will lead to the fact that when it falls, the integrity of the maple leaves used in the craft may be damaged. As a result of this, the overall appearance of the rose will be spoiled, and it will be impossible to restore it without redoing the flower again.

Making and decorating a bouquet

Roses formed from maple leaves can be combined into one bouquet. To do this, in a similar way to the above, you need to make a few more flowers. The optimal number of roses for a single composition is considered to be 7 or 9. A larger number of “maple roses” will be difficult to fix in a bouquet due to the volume of the buds.

If they are tightly fixed to each other, the maple leaves may tear, which will provoke the need to remake the flower. If the number of artificial roses is less than 7, the final appearance of the craft will look unfinished.

If making more roses is not possible, you can supplement the bouquet with paper flowers of a similar type or form other plants using colored paper (cardboard can also be used as an alternative), glue or tape.

When the individual elements of the composition are ready, you can proceed to the final stage - the formation of the topiary:

  1. Place the maple roses next to each other without squeezing the outer “petals.”
  2. Using scissors or a stationery knife, achieve the same length for the stems of all plants that make up the future bouquet.
  3. Tie the stems of “maple roses” with a wide ribbon of a soft shade, wrapping it around all the cuttings at least 2-3 times.
  4. Appreciate the splendor of the bouquet. If necessary, at this stage it is possible to increase the number of elements of the composition without the need to completely redo the craft. Additional plants are inserted into a bouquet already secured with ribbon.
  5. Prepare 10-20 bright maple leaves without visible defects on the surface and cuts. Wash them under a gentle stream of running water, then remove excess moisture with a cloth. Allow the leaves to dry on their own until drops of water completely disappear from their surface.
  6. Alternately placing the leaves around the existing bouquet, use them to wrap the composition completely.
  7. Secure the outer maple leaves with a staple gun, glue, glue gun or double-sided tape.
  8. If desired, you can decorate the composition with berries that have a color similar to flowers, or natural plants. To make the craft original, it is recommended to stick a bright ribbon or a thin line of foil on the outside of the maple leaves in the edging. This will create a kind of visual accent, adding zest to the final look of the composition.

How to make other flowers from maple leaves step by step?

If a person is faced with the task of creating a “maple bouquet” consisting of a variety of plants, he should use the following simple algorithms for creating artificial flowers.

Artificial plant name How to create it
Maple asters 1. Select 10-20 medium-sized maple leaves without visible damage to the top surface. Prepare them for further work (wash, dry, trim dry cuttings).

2. Take the smallest sheet in size. Fold it in half and roll it into a tube. This will be the core of the future flower.

3. Take a second sheet, slightly smaller in size than the first. Wrap it around the core, slightly bending it towards the outer edge.

4. Repeat step 3 with two subsequent leaves.

5. Take a small maple leaf and, without bending it, fix it at the base of the resulting bud.

6. Repeat step 5 with the remaining leaves.

7. Assess the splendor of the resulting flower and, if necessary, add external petals.

Maple wreath 1. Weave a wreath of the desired size using slightly dried branches. Dry working material will be too brittle, which will minimize the chances of using it to create the main frame of a future flower craft.

2. Secure the branches with a thin thread in several places, wrapping it around the frame three times.

3. Wrap the wreath tightly with gold or yellow thread, leaving small branches free. As an alternative, it is also acceptable to use a narrow ribbon of a similar color.

4. Glue maple leaves to the branches.

5. To make the composition look more lush, you can decorate it with fir branches, berries or maple roses made according to the above algorithm.

maple water lily 1. Inflate the balloon to the size that the future flower should have.

2. Spread a thin layer of Vaseline over the surface of the ball, which is necessary in order to minimize the likelihood of damage to the integrity of the maple leaves due to gluing during the creation of the craft.

3. Fix the ball in a stationary state. Glue it at the base with maple leaves of medium and large sizes, fixing them with glue on the ball itself and on each other’s surfaces.

4. Having thus created the required thickness of the future water lily, leave the workpiece for 3-5 days until the maple leaves are completely dry and fixed.

5. Burst the balloon. Remove any remaining rubber from the inside of the water lily.

6. Form the core of the flower using the above algorithm (the inside of the rose bud).

7. Secure the core inside the water lily with glue, a glue gun or double-sided tape.

Any flowers, including roses, made from maple leaves retain their original appearance for several months. If slight pigmentation occurs on the craft, but provided that the structure of the maple leaves is preserved, you can not remake the composition again, but cover it with varnish or permanent paint of any shade.

The ease of creating such crafts, as well as basic care, make this type of creativity a favorite not only among children, but also among adults, who thus get rid of accumulated emotional stress.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about creating a rose from maple leaves

Master Class. Maple leaf rose:

Autumn evokes the desire to capture the play of colors not only in memory, but also in the house, where on long winter evenings you can see, touch, and breathe in the charm of autumn, so beautiful with a slight touch of bitterness.

You can decorate your home, succumbing to the impulse inspired by autumn landscapes, by simply and unpretentiously collecting multi-colored maple leaves from the nearest park and placing them throughout the apartment one at a time (using tall narrow glasses or vases) or in armfuls, like flaming bouquets.

But with a little time and a minimum of effort, you can build real works of art from them, which will delight the eye for a long time and serve as a real decoration for your home.

Other crafts from autumn gifts of nature:

— Crafts from chestnuts, spikelets and other gifts of nature
— Crafts from acorns
— Pumpkin crafts
— Crafts from pine cones
— Crafts from twigs and twigs
— Crafts from dried flowers

Pendants and garlands made of maple leaves

You need to take two or three leaves, preferably of different sizes, cover them with transparent varnish or dip them in paraffin melted in a water bath, and then tie them together with a thread, which can be decorated with beads to match the leaves and, making a loop out of it, hang it, for example, under ceiling of a children's room.

You can complicate the task by collecting leaves treated in this way into a garland. From which it is easy to create an intricate pattern, fixing it on the wall, or around a picturesque branch placed in a vase, or placing it in a high-hanging pot of flowers and simply letting it hang freely along the wall. If you combine several of these garlands, you will get a bright curtain for the window.

Maple leaf wreaths

Another popular fall craft is maple leaf wreaths. You can either simply weave a wreath of leaves, just as you did with flowers in the summer, or you can do something more intricate. In this case, the wreath is made from birch or other branches, and leaves, acorns, ribbons, cones and other gifts of nature are used for its decoration.

Read also:

What else can be made from cones.

Decorate candles and candlesticks with leaves

Leaves dried under a press or iron can be glued over a glass jar, coated with clear varnish for decoupage, and a candle can be placed inside. The result is an original lamp that can decorate any romantic evening. Thick candles are decorated in the same way - the leaves are simply glued or tied to their surface. It looks very unusual, especially if you use candles of light, dim colors.

Roses and bouquets of maple leaves

Roses made from maple leaves deserve a separate theme, from which you can collect not only bouquets, but also tie them into wreaths, decorate wickerwork with them, and lovers of vintage style can easily fit such decorations into their interior by covering flowers made from maple leaves with gold or silver paint.

It is very easy to make roses from maple leaves, which you can then collect into one large bouquet. These flowers will delight you all winter. Plus, this is an interesting idea for a little surprise for a girl from a guy. These roses are made in an easy way - just fold maple leaves and wrap them around the workpiece. Don't forget to bend the edges, like a real rose. Here is a detailed step-by-step master class on making roses from maple leaves and a bouquet of them:

And here are some more craft ideas made from these roses. You can use them to make a topiary, which you read about below, a wreath, decorate paintings and much more, and even bouquets of dry leaves can be quite varied:

DIY bouquet of maple leaves: master class in step-by-step photos for children and adults. Video.

DIY maple leaf bouquet

This master class was sent to our competition of children's autumn crafts by Polina Skorikova and her mother Yulia.

I give the floor to Polina and Yulia to conduct the master class.

DIY maple leaf bouquet: materials and tools

To make the bouquet we needed:

- a large number of maple leaves (clean, not dried out, not diseased),

- basket,

- filler (straw),

— artificial snow (spray),

- stapler or thread.

— elastic band (for fastening the bouquet).

Polya, her sister Ksyusha and mother Yulia were collecting leaves near the house. Then, on the same day, we made a craft (Polina and her mother).

While collecting maple leaves for a bouquet, you can read a poem to the children:

There lived a carved maple leaf,
In the morning I listened to the bird whistle,
Rusted on a maple branch
And all summer it was green,
Liszt dreamed that he could do it himself
Soar to the blue skies.
Time passed and according to signs
Indian summer has arrived.
Our leaf has become colored -
Red-yellow – painted.
The autumn wind has arrived
I noticed him from afar,
Spun and tore off...
“I’m flying!” the leaf said.
(Irina Blazhevich)

Do-it-yourself bouquet of maple leaves: step-by-step description and step-by-step photos

Step 1. Making the core. At the very beginning, you need to make the “core” of the flower bud. To do this, fold the maple leaf in half.

Then this folded sheet must be rolled into a tube.

The core is ready.

Step 2. Making the petals.

Then you need to make the “petals” of the bud. To do this, you need to also fold the other leaves in half and attach them to the “core” as shown in the photo below.

And we wrap the petals around the “core”.

At the bottom, each petal must be fastened. You can use thread, but we used a stapler.

Step 3. We assemble a bouquet of maple leaves into a composition.

We fasten the finished bouquet at the bottom with an elastic band to hold it in place and place it in the basket.

We put stuffing on the bottom of the basket (we used straw) to make the bouquet stand more stable. We make a hole in it for the bouquet.

We spray the flower buds with artificial snow (spray) so that they turn white. A bouquet of maple leaves is ready!

Do-it-yourself bouquet of maple leaves: step-by-step video

If you prefer to make crafts using step-by-step videos, then you will find another version of the master class on making a bouquet of maple leaves with your own hands in the video below. This is a video master class from the teachers of the FLORET studio - a floristic studio from Arkhangelsk.

Bouquet of maple leaves- a wonderful gift for family and friends! Make it these autumn days with your children and enjoy the beauty of nature!

Autumn leaves are an excellent material not only for making herbariums, but also for creating unusual compositions and flower bouquets. From the leaves of maple, birch or rowan you can make beautiful roses that will decorate both the interior and an autumn themed event.

  • maple;
  • linden;
  • birch;
  • viburnum;
  • chokeberry;
  • poplars.

In this case, the foliage should be intact, without obvious damage, and not dry. The material must be malleable and easily take a new shape. The leaves must be aesthetically beautiful: the same or similar color shade, so the color scheme of the bouquet must be thought out in advance.

Procurement of natural material

How to make a rose from leaves so that it lasts for more than one day - prepare the material correctly:

The main thing is not to dry out the foliage. Otherwise, it will break and become deformed when creating a rose.

Master class: how to make a rose

Master classes will help you create a rose from maple, birch leaves and chokeberry leaves with your own hands. In addition to the main natural material, you will need strong threads to attach the foliage into buds. No other special tools are required for this craft.

Please note that any leaves must have cuttings.

From maple leaves

For roses, it is better to choose large maple leaves; too small ones will not work. Within one bouquet, the color scheme of the buds may differ, but for one rose it is recommended to select leaves of the same tone.

Step-by-step instruction:

The shape of the wedge leaf allows you to form a flower in another way:

  • the core is made as in the previous version;
  • take the sheet and bend its central part inside the wrong side;
  • wrap the core with this sheet so that the edge of the previous sheet falls in the middle of the next one;
  • continue to form the bud until it reaches the desired size;
  • The base of the flower is fixed with thread.

From chokeberry leaves

Chokeberry leaves turn red and brown in autumn, making them suitable for creating bright bouquets. On average, one bud takes 19 leaves, but it is better to have a small supply of them. In addition to the leaves themselves, you will also need a small twig (twig) from the same tree.

How to create a rose from chokeberry leaves:

  1. Core twisting. Take a small twig and wrap it with a leaf, with the front side facing inward. The base of the core is held with your fingers.
  2. Creating petals. Take the second leaf and bend it around the stamen, then take the next leaf, gradually forming a bud. The front side of the leaves faces the core.
  3. Creating a bud. When the flower has reached the desired size, its base is fastened with thread or wire. The rose petals are folded back, fluffing the resulting flower.
  4. The branches located at the base of the core allow you to form a bouquet that can be placed in any convenient container.

From birch leaves

Birch leaves, both in shape and structure, are well suited for creating roses. For one bud you will need to collect 7-8 leaves of large, medium and small sizes. The color scheme of the material should match, while the soft yellow leaves will allow you to create original tea-colored roses.

Flower making technology:

From leaves of different trees

When autumn has just begun and there is not much yellowed foliage yet, a flower can be made from leaves of different tree species.

To create the composition “Rose in a Pot” you will need the following materials:

  • bright, beautiful, preferably large leaves (loach, maple, aspen or any other) - 15–20 pcs.;
  • green maple leaves - 2 smaller, 3-4 larger;
  • juice straw (medium size);
  • a twig (twig) with leaves in diameter slightly smaller than the juice tube (the tube should fit over it);
  • elastic bands for weaving;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • Polish for hair;
  • rose pot;
  • plasticine or modeling mass (for fixing the rose);
  • earth or ground pine cones.

Step-by-step master class:

Making bouquets from natural materials

The resulting buds can be arranged into beautiful bouquets:

  1. Maple roses are decorated with large leaves of the same tree, and the color scheme can be very variegated and differ from the color of the buds. To make the leaves even and beautiful, they are ironed, placed between sheets of paper. The prepared leaves are carefully wrapped around the maple buds and secured at the base with a thread. You can decorate the place of fixation with adhesive or rag tape of a suitable shade.
  2. The flower arrangement will look good in a “vase” made of natural material. For this, half a pumpkin, previously peeled and dried, or a basket woven from newspaper tubes is suitable. You can supplement the composition with bunches of rowan berries, cones, and leaves of other trees.
  3. If you attach stable cuttings from twigs (branches) to the buds and wrap them with adhesive or rag tape of a suitable color, then such a bouquet can be placed in an ordinary tall vase, decorating it with sprigs of asparagus, bergrass or gypsophila.

How to keep a bouquet of leaves attractive

How to make a rose from leaves is described in detail in the master classes. One more question remains: how to preserve the freshness of the bouquet, because natural material dries quickly and loses its shape.

You can also create roses from autumn leaves. This bouquet will help decorate the interior of your home or a themed party. The main thing is to choose the right material, choose the execution technique and turn on your limitless imagination.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about making roses from leaves

Bouquet of roses from maple leaves: