Presentation - basic phrasal verbs presentation for an English lesson on the topic. Presentation "phrasal verbs" Presentation in English phrasal verbs


Mityugina Tatyana Gennadievna MOU Kokinskaya secondary school of the Bryansk region What is a phrasal verb?

It "s a verb + a particle

(preposition or adverb)

that changes the meaning

to make a new verb.

Meet Phrasal Verbs, please!

Contents (part one) Separable phrasal verbs
  • Separable phrasal verbs can be separated by their object. When the object is a noun, it is usually entirely optional whether the object is placed between the verb and the particle or placed after the particle. Both sentences below are correct:
  • I took my shoes off.
  • I took off my shoes.
  • However, when a pronoun is used instead of a noun, the pronoun must be placed between the verb and the particle:
  • I took them off.
  • I took off them.
  • But in one type of sentence, separable phrasal verbs must be separated - when the phrasal verb has two objects:
  • She put a blanket on. She put on a blanket.
  • She put a blanket on the bed. She put on a blanket the bed.
  • Nonseparable phrasal verbs
  • Nonseparable phrasal verbs cannot be separated by their object:
  • He ran into a tree. He ran a tree into.







  • Look......! There is a car coming.
  • Could you look……. my dog ​​while I am on vocation?
  • I'll look ….. and see you next week.
  • If you don't know the word look it ….. in the dictionary.
  • Have you seen my shirt? I've been looking ….. it's everywhere.
  • Look….. this picture, please.
  • look ahead -
  • Look about-
  • look back-
  • look round-
  • look through-
  • look like-
  • Look well (ill)
  • look here! -
  • look down-
  • look over-
  • Look forward to
  • Look up to-

look ahead

look around (orient)

look back (including on the past)

look around

look through, view

be like...

look good (bad)


look down


look forward to

Translate into English
  • I advise you not only to review this contract, but to read it carefully.
  • I have always treated him with respect (looked up).
  • Everyone likes to be taken care of, right?
  • We look forward to meeting you in Moscow.
  • Find the meaning of new words in the dictionary.
  • Don't always look back at the past. We must live and look forward.
Match the verbs in list A with their own words in list B

1d, 2a, 3b, 4f, 5c, 6h, 7e, 8g.

  • look...over
  • looked on
  • looked at
  • look up
  • look into
  • look out
  • look up to
  • look through
  • looking into
  • look it up
  • don't look out
  • looking through the text quickly
  • look over
  • looks after
  • looking on


put on

write down

expel, remove

put up

Fill in the gaps and translate
  • Close your books and put them…….
  • Take your notebooks and put……. all words that are on the board.
  • Mr.Garrett put …….. his trip to Washington untill next month.
  • Alison is not ready yet. She hasn't put her coat …… .
  • Never put …….. till tomorrow what you can do today.
Guess the meaning & use (give the examples of usage)
  • Put to school
  • Put out of-
  • Put in order
  • Put an end to smth. -
  • Put back-
  • Put by-
  • Put through-

send the child to school

throw out

put in order


put in place

put aside, avoid

execute, connect (by phone)

Translate into English
  • It's cold outside. Put on a hat and scarf so you don't catch a cold.
  • Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
  • Please don't hang up. I'll take a pen and write down your phone number.
  • It's hard for me to accept his decision. I think otherwise.
  • You must put an end to this unpleasant story.

to bump into, to meet by chance

go with someone

Come back

break away

Fill in the gaps and translate
  • Come…………. or we'll be late.
  • I came………….. this book in a little book shop.
  • Come …………….. here. I want to talk to you.
  • Come ……………….. with us, or you will miss a bus.
  • The button has come …………….. my coat.
Guess the meaning & use (give the examples of usage)
  • Come round-
  • come away-
  • Come before-
  • Come down-
  • Come forward-
  • Come out-
  • Come to good-
  • Come up-
  • Come from-
  • Light come light go

visit, visit


fall, fall (about precipitation, about prices)

move forward, come forward

to appear, to appear

end well

get up

easily got, easily parted


originate from...

Translate into English
  • Didn't they promise to visit us tonight?
  • When I was looking through old newspapers, I accidentally found useful information on this topic.
  • It seems that prices go up all the time and never go down.
  • Where is he from? From Scotland.
  • I'm glad this story ended well

get up

going to



get off, get off

get along

get out

Fill in the gaps and translate
  • If he gets ……… early, he'll come in time.
  • Take this bus and get ……… 15 minutes.
  • It was too hard for her to get……….after that illness.
  • The more we get………………the happier we’ll be.
  • How do they get……………? Pretty well.
Guess the meaning & use (give the examples of usage)
  • Get out! -
  • Get back-
  • get away-
  • Get in-
  • Get on-
  • get down-
  • Get around-
  • Get ahead-
  • Get by heart

Get out!


to avoid

get into the election

start; get along

how are you getting on?

get down, get down



Translate into English
  • He is said to have recovered and is now feeling well.
  • Let's all meet together and decide what to do.
  • I heard you have a new history teacher. How is your relationship with him?
  • Hello! How are you?
  • He cannot learn this poem. It's too big for his age.
  • Are you getting off at the next stop?

get involved

go out, get off...


do without…



Fill in the gaps and translate
  • Mike doesn't go……. sports.
  • The meeting went……. for two hours.
  • The lights went ……… and the film began.
  • You may take this book. I can easily go……. it for a week.
  • Your blouse doesn’t go ……… with this skirt.
Guess the meaning & use (give the examples of usage)
  • Go to sea
  • Go about-
  • Go against-
  • go ahead-
  • go away-
  • Go back-
  • Go between-
  • Go out (with)
  • Go under-
  • Go with-
  • go down-
  • Go down with-

become a sailor

go to and fro


move forward

leave, clean up

come back

to mediate between...

go out and meet...

fit, match

descend, fall

get sick with something

Translate into English
  • When I was young, I went in for sports, and now, unfortunately, I don't have time for it.
  • Do you know that John is dating Ann?
  • He felt that someone was following him and ran.
  • Do you think the red purse goes with this dress?
  • He called and said he had the flu and couldn't come.
  • Experts say that the price of this painting cannot fall, it will rise.
  • This is not contrary to the law on education.
Match the verbs in list A with their own words in list B


Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb
  • go back
  • going about
  • gone in for
  • go for
  • going along
  • went off
  • went down
Match the verbs in list A with their own words in list B

1b, 2e, 3d, 4f, 5g, 6c, 7a.

Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the verbs above
  • going up
  • go through
  • gone on
  • went in
  • go down
  • go by
  • go back
  • going about


  • presentation template by Tsaplina L.V.
  • "Happy English-2" T.B. Klimentyeva, D. Shannon "Title" 2002
  • "Ready-made exam answers - grade 11 - English", Severinova E.Yu., St. Petersburg, "Trigon", 2004.
  • N.A. Bonk, E.M. Saltykova “English for Advanced Learners”, Moscow, ROSMEN, 2009
  • "Methodological mosaic" - supplement to the journal IYaSh, No. 4, 2003, No. 1, 2003.

  • a large collection of idioms and phrasal verbs
  • (Translation ) The concept of phrasal verbs. Phrasal verb types.
  • (Translation ) Phrasal Verb Page by Dennis Oliver. Phrasal verbs page by Denis Oliver.
  • (Translation ) a list of 1000 phrasal verbs with exercises / tests. Descriptions of the meaning of words and examples of use
  • (Translation ) - Dictionary of English Phrasal Verbs (Dictionary of English Phrasal Verbs). The list of verbs opens alphabetically.

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Slides captions:

For your information English teacher MAOU "Secondary School No. 8", Kogalym Zankovich A.V.

to look to look at - look at to look after - look after (take care of) to look in - visit, go in to look up - look for, look at something in the dictionary Look out! - Caution! to look for - look for

Fill in: Look... ! There is a car coming. Could you look … my dog ​​while I am on vacation? I'll look …and see you next week. If you don't know the word, look it… in the dictionary. Have you seen my shirt? I've been looking … it's everywhere. Look at this picture, please.

to put to put off - delay, postpone, reschedule; to put on (a coat) - put on a coat; to put away - clean up, hide; to put down - record; to put out - put out the fire; to put up with - put up; to put aside - put aside (temporarily)

Fill in: Close your books and put them …. Take your notebooks and put … all the words that are on the board. Mr. Garrett put … his trip to Washington until next month. Alison is not ready yet. She hasn't put her sneakers…. Never put … till tomorrow what you can do today. 1) side; 2) down; 3)off; 4)on; 5) off;

to come to come across - meet by chance to come along - go with someone to come back - return to come off - fly off, break away Come on! - Let's go to!

Fill in: Come ...or we'll be late. I came … this book in a little store. I want to talk to you. Come ... with us, or you "ll miss the bus. The button has come ... my coat. 1) on; 2) across; 3) back; 4) along; 5) off;

to get To get up - get up, get up; To get together - get together, meet; To get over - recover from illness; To get off - get off, get off; To get along with somebody- live (live)

Fill in: He gets … early, he'll come in time. Take this bus and get … in 15 minutes. It was too hard for her to get… after that illness. The more we get … the happier we'll be. How do they get…? Pretty well. 1) up; 2) off; 3) over; 4) together; 5) along;

To give to give away - give, donate, distribute to give out - distribute (textbooks); to give in - give in, give up; to give up - refuse, quit;

Fill in: He had to give … smoking as he got sick. “I give…,” Alison said. Give … the textbooks. They gave … their food for free. 1) up; 2) in; 3) out; 4) away.

to go to go in for- get carried away to go off- go out to go on- continue, move on; to go without- do without something

Fill in: Mike doesn't go ... sports. The meeting went ... for two hours. The lights went ... and the film began. You may take this book. I can easy go ... it for a month. 1) In for; 2 - on; 3) off; 4) without;

Electronic resources:

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

This presentation is designed for grammar lessons. This form of presentation of the topic increases interest in learning and contributes to the best assimilation of grammar...

Presentation-simulator "Phrasal verb to COME"

The presentation-simulator "Phrasal verb to COME" is intended for practicing and consolidating knowledge of English phrasal verbs. Recommended for students in grades 7-9....

What is a phrasal verb?

It's a verb + a particle

(preposition or adverb)

that changes the meaning

to make a new verb.

Meet Phrasal Verbs, please!

Contents (part two)

Separable phrasal verbs

  • Separable phrasal verbs can be separated by their object. When the object is a noun, it is usually entirely optional whether the object is placed between the verb and the particle or placed after the particle. Both sentences below are correct:
  • I took my shoes off.
  • I took off my shoes .
  • However, when a pronoun is used instead of a noun, the pronoun must be placed between the verb and the particle:
  • I took them off.
  • I took off them .
  • But in one type of sentence, separable phrasal verbs must be separated - when the phrasal verb has two objects:
  • She put a blanket on. She put on a blanket.
  • She put a blanket on the bed. She put on a blanket the bed.
  • Nonseparable phrasal verbs
  • Nonseparable phrasal verbs cannot be separated by their object:
  • He ran into a tree. He ran a tree into.

fault with


find your calling

expose someone

to figure out

  • You can't trust him until you find everything ………….. .
  • He found …………… after graduating from the University.
  • She is unpleasant. She always finds ………..… everyone.
  • It happened long ago. And we can't find ………. the truth about this accident.
  • It was very difficult to find him ……….. because he denied everything.

fault with

  • You were wrong. There is no need to blame anyone.
  • I think my sister will find her calling. She is a very talented girl.
  • The police caught and exposed the robber.
  • Can you find out what happened yesterday?

meet (by chance)


run out of stock



Fill in the gaps and translate

  • Yesterday I ran …………. my friend whom I haven't seen since we left school.
  • Why are you so upset? My kitten was run …………… by car.
  • I’ll have to go to the baker’s because we’ve run …………… bread.
  • Let’s run the documents ………….. once again before signing them.
  • When he was walking in the park he ran ………… an old friend of his.

  • We've run out of milk. Go to the store, please.
  • Drive slower, you might run over someone.
  • You should read this article carefully and not just skim through it.
  • We met her friend by chance while shopping.

distribute, donate

distribute, distribute


give in, surrender

quit, refuse

Fill in the gaps and translate

  • Mary has to give …………..all her kittens except one.
  • He is younger. Give him…….., please!
  • The teacher asked me to give … ……… the textbooks.
  • You should give this book………. to the library.
  • My father gave ………..smoking two years ago.

  • Mark Twain said, "It's not hard to quit smoking - I've done it many times."
  • The teacher asked him to hand out notebooks for tests.
  • My father taught me not to give up in the most difficult situations.
  • You must return this book to the library in a week.

Match the verbs in list A with their own words in list B

  • give in
  • give … back
  • give ... out
  • give… up
  • give … away
  • return
  • distribute
  • stop doing
  • surrender
  • give smth. to somebody for free.

1d, 2a, 3b, 4c, 5e



appear, make louder

apply to...for...

turn inside out

turn into

Fill in the gaps and translate

  • You’ll have to turn…………..tomorrow. It's very important for us.
  • One must always have somebody to turn…………. help.
  • If you don’t turn ……………….your music, I’ll get a headache.
  • When leaving, don’t forget to turn……………… the stove.
  • Turn ........ the light, please. It's getting dark.
  • The girl kissed the frog and it turned ………………..

a handsome prince.

  • We asked the neighbor to turn down the sound of the TV, but he made it even louder.
  • Don't forget to turn off the lights when you leave.
  • As soon as the father comes home from work, he immediately turns on the TV in the living room, and the radio in the kitchen. It's horrible!
  • I did not notice how my sister turned into a beautiful girl.
  • He always appears unexpectedly.


  • presentation template by Tsaplina L.V.
  • "Happy English-2" T.B. Klimentyeva, D. Shannon "Title" 2002
  • "Ready-made exam answers - grade 11 - English", Severinova E.Yu., St. Petersburg, "Trigon", 2004.
  • N.A. Bonk, E.M. Saltykova “English for Advanced Learners”, Moscow, ROSMEN, 2009

  • a large collection of idioms and phrasal verbs
  • (Translation ) The concept of phrasal verbs. Phrasal verb types.
  • (Translation ) Phrasal Verb Page by Dennis Oliver. Phrasal verbs page by Denis Oliver.
  • (Translation ) a list of 1000 phrasal verbs with exercises / tests. Descriptions of the meaning of words and examples of use
  • usingenglish . com (Translation ) - Dictionary of English Phrasal Verbs (Dictionary of English Phrasal Verbs). The list of verbs opens alphabetically.

slide number 1

Description of the slide:

slide number 2

Description of the slide:

What is a phrasal verb? It "s a verb + a particle (preposition or adverb) that changes the meaning to make a new verb. Meet Phrasal Verbs, please!

slide number 3

Description of the slide:

slide number 4

Description of the slide:

Description of the slide:

Fill in the gaps and translate Look......! There is a car coming.Could you look……. my dog ​​while I am on vocation?I’ll look ….. and see you next week.If you don’t know the word look it ….. in the dictionary.Have you seen my shirt? I’ve been looking ….. it everywhere. Look ….. this picture, please.

slide number 6

slide number 7

Description of the slide:

Translate into English I advise you not only to review this contract, but to read it carefully. I have always treated it with respect (looking from the bottom up). Everyone likes to be looked after, don't they? We look forward to meeting you in Moscow .Find the meaning of new words in the dictionary. Do not look back at the past all the time. We must live and look forward.

slide number 8

Description of the slide:

slide number 9

Description of the slide:

Fill in the gaps and translate Close your books and put them …… .Take your notebooks and put ……. all words that are on the board.Mr.Garrett put …….. his trip to Washington untill next month.Alison is not ready yet. She hasn’t put her coat …… .Never put …….. till tomorrow what you can do today.

slide number 10

Description of the slide:

Guess the meaning & use (give the examples of usage) Put to school -Put out of -Put in order -Put an end to smth. - Put back - Put by - Put through -

slide number 11

Description of the slide:

Translate into English It's cold outside. Put on a hat and scarf so you don't catch a cold. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Don't hang up, please. I'll take a pen and write down your phone number. It's hard for me to come to terms with his decision. I think otherwise. You must put an end to this unpleasant story.

slide number 12

Description of the slide:

slide number 13

slide number 14

Description of the slide:

Guess the meaning & use (give the examples of usage) Come round -Come away -Come before -Come down -Come forward -Come out -Come to good -Come up -Come from -Light come light go -

slide number 15

Description of the slide:

Translate into English Didn't they promise to visit us tonight? When I was looking through the old newspapers, I accidentally found useful information on this topic. Prices seem to go up all the time and never go down. Where does he come from? From Scotland. I'm glad this story ended well

slide number 16

Description of the slide:

slide number 17

Description of the slide:

Fill in the gaps and translate If he gets ……… early, he'll come in time.Take this bus and get ……… 15 minutes.It was too hard for her to get ……….after that illness .The more we get ………………the happier we'll be.How do they get ……………? Pretty well.

slide number 18

Description of the slide:

Guess the meaning & use (give the examples of usage) Get out ! -Get back -Get away -Get in -Get on -Get down -Get around -Get ahead -Get by heart -

slide number 19

Description of the slide:

Translate into English They say he recovered and is doing well now. Let's all meet together and decide what to do. I heard you have a new history teacher. How is your relationship with him? Hello! How are you? He can't memorize this poem. It's too big for his age. Are you getting off at the next stop?

slide number 20

Description of the slide:

slide number 21

Description of the slide:

Fill in the gaps and translate Mike doesn’t go……. sports.The meeting went……. for two hours.The lights went ……… and the film began.You may take this book. I can easily go……. it for a week.Your blouse doesn’t go ……… with this skirt.

slide number 22

Description of the slide:

Guess the meaning & use (give the examples of usage) Go to sea -Go about - Go against - Go ahead - Go away -Go back - Go between - Go out (with) - Go under -Go with - Go down -Go down with-

slide number 23

Description of the slide:

Translate into English When I was young, I played sports, and now, unfortunately, I don’t have time for it. Do you know that John is dating Ann? He felt that someone was coming for him and ran. What do you think , does the red purse go with this dress? He called and said that he had the flu and could not come. Experts say that the price of this painting cannot fall, it will rise. This is not contrary to the law on education.

slide number 24

Description of the slide:

Used: presentation template by Tsaplina L.V. "Happy English-2" T.B. Klimentyeva, D. Shannon "Title" 2002 "Ready-made exam answers - Grade 11 - English", Severinova E.Yu., St. Petersburg, "Trigon", 2004. N.A. Bonk, E.M. Saltykova "English for Advanced Learners", Moscow, ROSMEN, 2009 http: / / We advise you to look: - a large collection of idioms and phrasal verbs ( Translation) The concept of phrasal verbs. Phrasal verb types. (Translated) Phrasal Verb Page by Dennis Oliver. Phrasal verbs page by Denis Oliver. (Translation) list of 1000 phrasal verbs with exercises/tests. Word definitions and usage examples (Translation) - Dictionary of English Phrasal Verbs. The list of verbs opens alphabetically.