Dream interpretation of the birth of a daughter. Why dream of the birth of a girl: interpretation from a dream book. Women's dream book Why dream of Childbirth from a dream book

The birth of a girl, which you saw in a dream, denotes changes in the near future, and fundamental ones, such that they bring enrichment of the inner world, purification and readiness for cardinal life changes.

In some cases, such a dream can mean your readiness for something new, for example, a big purchase, a job change, moving to a new place, working on a new project, etc. The birth of a girl is most often associated with many interpretations of dreams, so perhaps the reason this message will serve to change.

Seeing the birth of a girl means something good, portends prosperity and success in all endeavors. Often, women who had such dreams admitted that they dream of this in reality or are already expecting a baby.

If the birth of a girl was dreamed of by an unmarried girl or woman, then this means a tarnished reputation in the near future, and she herself will be to blame for this. If a married woman saw such a dream, one should expect favorable news.

Why dream of the birth of a girl according to Lof's dream book

The birth of a child characterizes a sacred action in all cultures of the world. According to the interpretation, birth does not need to be reduced to a biological manifestation of a person, since it may involve the foundation of additional facets of your personality or self-knowledge of your capabilities in real life.

A woman can see such a dream because she wants it to come true in real life, or vice versa, she is very afraid of it. People who in a dream see childbirth with a favorable outcome can assert, in addition to the fact of birth, their own archetype of a woman.

This means that inside such persons feel their feminine, meet the requirements of their gender and are ready to perform the function of childbearing.

Dream of the birth of a girl - interpretation according to the Wanderer's dream book

To see the birth of a girl for a man means the embodiment of new plans, ideas, opportunities and his undertakings. To give birth to a woman for a woman means the joy that she will experience in the near future, the achievement of her goals.

What does the birth of a girl mean according to Miller's dream book

And why dream of the birth of a girl according to Miller's dream book? The birth of a child means solving problems and improving any life circumstances. It is possible that the woman who saw such a dream will really expect an addition to the family soon.

For an unmarried woman, such a dream may tell her to protect her reputation and take care of her principles and virtues.

French dream book - the birth of a girl in a dream

And the most positive and optimistic interpretation looks French dream book- a dream about the birth of a girl means that soon happiness and prosperity will settle in your house for a long time.

Popular dream books answer the question of why the birth of a girl is dreamed of in different ways. The exact interpretation depends on who has the dream and what emotions this dream evokes, but most opinions are that the birth of a girl in a dream portends a joyful and happy future in real life.

To give birth in a dream to a girl according to Vanga's dream book

According to Vanga, a dream in which the dreamer gives birth to a girl promises him some troubles, but they will be pleasant and joyful. It is possible that you can get pregnant with a daughter in real life. If you dreamed that the birth was difficult and lasted a long time, in reality you will face difficulties in work, but they will be resolved in the near future, and also very successfully.

If the birth in a dream went quickly, some of your problems will be taken over by another person. For an adult woman who is already the mother of several children, a dream in which a girl is born portends an outbreak of feelings for her husband or loved one.

Why dream of the birth of a girl according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova claims that a woman dreams about the birth of a daughter, if in reality she dreams about it or is already pregnant and expects replenishment in the family. But the explanation of why pregnancy and the birth of a girl are dreamed of varies depending on who the dreamer is.

Why does a married woman dream about the birth of a girl? Such a dream promises joyful and positive emotions from some kind of news. But why dream of giving birth to a girl to an unmarried girl? This means that, perhaps, her reputation will be tarnished, and through her own fault.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov also answers the question of why a pregnant woman dreams of the birth of a girl. Such a dream is a good sign, promising a quick birth without much effort and the birth of a healthy baby. According to the dream book, giving birth to a dead girl means that in real life you can get sick or suffer from loneliness.

Give birth to a girl according to Magini's dream book

According to the dream book, giving birth to a girl in a dream is a good, positive sign. As a rule, this is an omen of unexpected, but pleasant events or news. When asked why she dreams of giving birth to twin girls, the dream book answers that this is receiving the same news, but only from different people. According to the dream book, giving birth to a girl and a twin boy means rejoicing at some unexpected news that you have been waiting for a long time.

The explanation of why one dreams of giving birth to twins of girls is this in Magini's dream book: these are two pieces of news that will make you very happy. If you dreamed that you had childbirth with the birth of a dead girl, it means that some hopes will not come true. According to the dream book, to give birth to a red-haired girl is to hear the news, because of which you will be very surprised.

Why see a child in a shirt in a dream? This means that in real life a pleasant surprise awaits you in the near future. According to the interpretation of the dream book, giving birth to a girl with blue eyes is a sign of help and support from an unexpected person.

The birth of a daughter with black hair in a dream warns of betrayal from the wrong side. Why, according to the dream book, give birth to a girl with brown eyes? This means becoming a victim of deception in reality. Magini's dream interpretation interprets the meaning of the dream "to give birth to a girl, feed her" as a twist of fate - you will start a business that can become very successful in the future.

I dreamed that I gave birth to a girl: interpretation from the dream book of Nostradamus

To give birth in a dream to a big girl, according to Nastradamus, means excessive shyness. Why dream of giving birth to a disabled girl? A dream portends help to a person who will greatly need it. The dream interpretation answers the question of why one dreams of giving birth to a red-haired girl - this is to unexpected news.

What does it mean in a dream to give birth to a girl according to the Great Dream Book

If you dream of your own childbirth and a girl is born, in real life you will have a chance to forget everything old and start living from scratch. The dream interpretation explains why one dreams of giving birth to a second child, a girl, as an unexpected and great joy. If you dreamed that an unplanned daughter was born, then your work will be rewarded. Why dream of giving birth to a fat girl? According to the interpretation of the dream book, this is a sign of minor troubles.

The birth of a girl according to Miller's dream book

Miller interprets a dream in which a married woman gives birth to a girl as a solution to all problems, troubles and disputes. If an unmarried girl had such a dream, she should think about her behavior, about how she behaves in public.

To give birth in a dream to a girl from her ex-husband means that the girl should behave more modestly. To give birth in a dream to a girl without pain is a warning that complex problems will soon be resolved. If the child was born with severe pain, you may have an enemy or ill-wisher. A girl was born - a copy of her mother? In real life, you will take on a job that you have never done before. If you dreamed that a child had long hair, then in real life he would have excellent health.

If in a dream a girl was born to a man, then in reality he has too much work. This is a sign that it’s worth unloading yourself a little, because you can’t take on an unbearable burden.

Sleep theme:

Everything that we experience in life, that we had to see and hear about, can come back to us in dreams. If a woman dreamed that she gave birth to a girl, this is quite capable of being both a reflection of real events and a signal of fate that needs to be correctly unraveled.

The birth of a baby is always a small miracle and a great happiness. No wonder that many dream books unanimously interpret such night dreams, especially the birth of a girl, as a good sign. And it is based on several fundamental factors.

  1. Who are you - a married woman, a young girl or a man.
  2. What time of day was in a dream when the birth of a baby was dreamed.
  3. You gave birth or someone else.
  4. You acted as an outside observer, or took delivery.
  5. What was the condition of the newborn?
  6. Appearance of a girl.
  7. How many babies were born in a dream.
  8. What did you do with the girl in the dream.

And this list is not final. So, having become a participant in such events during his stay in the country of Morpheus, try to remember the smallest details and details. This will help to most accurately explain what the night “movie” promises, what different people should expect in real life and what to pay attention to.

What does a dream promise a married, unmarried woman

As already mentioned, the interpretation of a dream in which a girl is born depends on whether a married woman or an unmarried girl sees him.

As for the former, the birth of a girl can say:

  • about the readiness to accept new life circumstances, the thirst for passionate feelings and joyful moments;
  • about the imminent receipt of an inheritance or some good news;
  • about the end of the "black streak" in life and a happy improvement in the situation;
  • about a possible and necessarily pleasant surprise.

In addition, when such a dream comes to a married lady who already has adult children, this should be regarded as a return in reality to a passionate, as if at the very beginning of an acquaintance, relationship with her husband. There is also a possibility that this is evidence of a connection with the mystery of the reincarnation of souls, and once you lived in another body and in another dimension. Then you should reconsider your life and think about your purpose in this world.

If we talk about the moments when the birth of a girl appears in the dreams of a young and still lonely girl, they promise:

  • a close fateful acquaintance, and maybe even a marriage proposal;
  • wonderful news that is already on the threshold, capable of radically and for the better changing life;
  • possible profit after you complete some important and difficult task.

Some dream books are not so optimistic and interpret the situation when a young lady dreamed of childbirth as a warning: you need to take care not to ruin your impeccable reputation through your own fault. Especially in the case of childbirth in water.

Seeing a stillborn baby in a dream

If in a dream you had a chance to give birth to a girl, but she turned out to be dead, you will have to listen to your body: this is probably how the subconscious notifies you that you are unhealthy. Especially if you dreamed that you had a caesarean section.

Another interpretation is the risk in real life of not meeting “your” person and being left alone.

Interpreting the birth of a girl, a dream book in such a situation can also prophesy the complete destruction of your long-cherished plans that required a lot of effort and money.

If a dead girl turns into a ghost in her dreams, get ready to go through a period of serious bad luck and failures. And regardless of the fact that you are one hundred percent sure that you are right. Disappointment will cover with a wave, and you will have to come to terms with it and wait it out.

gave birth to twin girls

From time immemorial, the birth of twins has been considered a special gift from the gods. It is not surprising that dream books also regard this situation as exceptionally favorable. What does the night vision prophesy in which you were lucky enough to give birth to twin girls?

  1. In reality, wait for several messages about some important event for you. But they will come from different sources, and each of them will voice his own version.
  2. Such a dream suggests preparing for something unknown, but surprising and bright. And if the girls who managed to be born are also beauties, a flurry of unforgettable impressions and emotions awaits you.
  3. There is a chance that you will be noted and praised by the management. Maybe this is not the end of the matter, and there will be a promotion.
  4. When the twins are miniature, this is a warning about the considerable difficulties that will fall out to fight when achieving what is intended. But you can still achieve what you want.

Give birth to triplets in a dream

Even in the kingdom of Morpheus, such an event can turn into a real test for the human psyche. Most often, such dreams are so vivid and believable that they are firmly and permanently stuck in memory. If such an addition in a dream is three girls, dream books tend to interpret this sign as positive. What promises the appearance of triplets girls?

  1. Waiting for news was pretty exhausting, but it didn’t take long to endure. You will receive them soon and will be very pleased.
  2. Get ready: it is quite possible that real life will amuse you with a surprise. Very significant and no less enjoyable.
  3. In a dream, you know for sure that you gave birth to three boys at once. But the staff of the maternity hospital brought the girls and assures that these are your newborn babies. Such a "cunning" may mean that in reality there is a chance to change your fate for the better.
  4. All fears that it will not work out to complete some kind of fostered business can be brushed aside.
  5. For an unmarried girl, such a vision is ambiguous. It is able to warn of an upcoming wedding and future prosperity, but there will be no love in this marriage.
  6. If in a dream you see how triplets are born, say, to your girlfriend or even a stranger, be sure that all controversial issues that cause trouble in reality will be successfully resolved.

What does sleep mean during pregnancy

Women who are expecting a baby often dream of giving birth. There is nothing surprising in this. And yet, one should not write off such dreams solely on an “interesting position”. Sometimes they are not only a reflection of real expectations, but also a kind of "video message" from the subconscious and the cosmos.

When a pregnant woman dreamed that she gave birth to a girl, this could say:

  • about the forthcoming easy and prosperous childbirth for the woman in labor and the child, after which the mother and child will be healthy and in excellent health;
  • about happiness, love and prosperity, which will forever settle in the family;
  • that everything conceived will be realized in the best possible way;
  • that all problems will be resolved to everyone's satisfaction if a difficult birth is seen, ending in a successful caesarean section.

There is another interesting nuance. Let's say the expectant mother wanted the sex of the newborn to be a surprise, and during the ultrasound examination she asked not to mention who was there. Having given birth in a dream, she also does not know who appeared. So, most likely, in reality she will have a daughter.

The man dreamed that his wife, the girl gave birth to a girl

Not only ladies dream about the birth of a child. There is nothing to be surprised: for many representatives of the strong half of humanity, although this is an extreme, but a familiar situation, if not from their own experience, then from rumors and stories of friends. Especially since it has become customary to "give birth" couples. What can a dream say on such a topic?

  1. Favorite work will soon bring great success. And with him will come unquestioned authority among colleagues.
  2. The more children are born in the world of a man's dream, the greater the future success in life. Whether fast career, whether that unexpected profit.
  3. Watching childbirth in a dream is evidence of the habit of achieving what you want, no matter what it takes.
  4. Perhaps you have planned a new project. So, just the right moment has come to translate it into reality. It will be successfully implemented, bringing profit, recognition and respect of business partners.
  5. For no reason, did his man give birth in a dream himself? "There is no smoke without fire." His extramarital affairs will come to the surface, and the consequences will be unpredictable.
  6. There is another interpretation - he was seen by a creative person, with a mass interesting ideas. The dreamer should listen to his intuition: the doors of great prospects are wide open before him.

Alien childbirth

It often happens that outsiders become the main characters in dreams where children are born. We observe the process from the outside, or take birth.

These night visions can:

  • promise the fulfillment of the most secret desires;
  • "show" those who can be trusted as oneself;
  • testify that the woman you are helping to give birth to a girl treats you like a native person;
  • mean liberation from some kind of burden on the heart;
  • prophesy a bright future for your daughter, if you dreamed that she was giving birth to a girl;
  • warn that any attempts to establish relations with close relatives will fail if one of them dies from childbirth seen in a dream.

But the grandmother, who dreamed in the role of a newly-made mother, promises that the hopelessly unrealistic business that you started and are already going to back down will end in your complete victory.

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    What if dreaming birth daughters? See in dream how was born daughter, means that in the near future prosperity and joyful moments await. Dream about birth girls for a young girl speaks of her promiscuity. Be careful that even if had a dream bad dream, this does not mean that the same thing will happen in life. Birth daughters in dream- a frequent occurrence.Read completely

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    Often dream about birth daughters dreaming husband pregnant woman. Then this dream can reasonably be interpreted as a desire husband be close to your wife and support her. If birth daughters dreamed man or a woman who passionately wants to have children, it is quite possible that this dream come true. Sometimes it's worth looking at events in dream and from the most pragmatic point of view: if you are preparing for childbirth, or dreaming of a child, your thoughts may well materialize in dream.Read completely

  • Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    For what dreaming birth daughters in dream. Dream Interpretation interprets dreams about birth daughters extremely ambiguous. For men such dream means joy, inspiration and new strength for the implementation of the most daring ideas and projects. Dream about birth daughters, dreamed a woman who has already raised a child, speaks of the return of passion and romance to relationships. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    To give birth to a girl according to the dream book. See in dream birth daughters a very good sign that portends happiness and prosperity. Probably a woman who sees such a dream dreams about it in real life, or is already expecting a child. I dreamed that I gave birth daughter and fast. In dream I was the happiest and in reality. And dream very bright as predicted. I have been living for four years husband and no children. I woke up the happiest today in dream she could even give birth and for some reason named her Mary.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    If mom sees in dream birth his daughters or a boy - this speaks of the beginning of a new undertaking, the realization of something. Any birth- this is a symbol of rebirth and the beginning of new plans that are coming in a future life. The birth of a baby is a joyful event; this is the happiness that lies ahead. To the record: Why dreaming fish man. to the record: Dream Interpretation had a dream ex-boyfriend.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "womanadvice"

    For what dreaming birth girls? Such dream is a good sign that promises joy. A woman who has long dreamed of daughter or is in position. For a married lady dream portends happy news, but at the same time they will be unexpected. If a woman who already has an adult child sees such dream, which means that she will be able to return to relations with husband old passion and romance.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    Based on what you see in dream plot, you can draw conclusions about the coming material well-being or get to know yourself better, since the symbol personifies the subconscious "I". Birth. If a woman dreamed future daughter, which she wears under her heart, the dream book reports that in reality there are many worries. A girl who is afraid of getting pregnant will have to fight temptation. A married woman fears that husband have a mistress. For pregnant women, this is a sign that a boy will be born.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sudba"

    For what dreaming dream own birth - dream says that fate gives one more chance to start your life from scratch. Meaning sleep according to the big dream book for men, dreaming birth daughters- you will have new ideas for the implementation of your affairs. Interpretation sleep for a married woman birth daughters Your fame won't last long. According to the best dream book for a pregnant woman, dreamed birth daughters- your birth will be safe.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "elhow"

    give birth daughter in dream promises pregnant women in reality very easy and safe childbirth. See birth daughters at home - a sign of the imminent end of their difficulties and problems. For a woman who already has adult children, such dream heralds the return of romance in relationships with husband, the emergence of new vitality.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    In the dream book of Sivananda birth child - a Hindu spiritual teacher interpreted this dream not unequivocally, for an unmarried girl birth baby in dream spoke of her promiscuity in real life. If such a dream dreamed married girl, it meant that birth her baby will pass safely, the birth will be quick and without complications. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonmir"

    dreamed from Monday to Tuesday. In dream I gave birth to a girl, even the weight was said, 4.190. We came home two days later daughter looked like husband, I began to breastfeed her, first one, then the second, I was very worried that she was not hungry! The choice of socks shows that in the future you can expect very promising relationships. And so dream maybe dream to something amazing, according to ancient legends dream With birth daughters- to diva dreaming.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    Such dreams see, as a rule, women who work on themselves, or undergo sessions with a psychotherapist. How a woman behaves during childbirth in dream, means how she perceives her new birth. If a woman has in dream a girl is born - this means surprises, surprises. To the record: Why dreaming fish man. to the record: Dream Interpretation had a dream ex-boyfriend.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    Dream: birth daughters. in real life, I broke up with a man. I have two daughters from the first husband. and he has one daughter from another ex girlfriend. We don't have children in common. in dream I saw that they show me a child, daughter which I gave birth to. husband was present there and husband they said that he had a second daughter and I thought to myself that I. to the record: Why dreaming fish man. to the record: Dream Interpretation had a dream ex-boyfriend.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Dreams like this are mostly dreaming pregnant women or women who dream of birth daughters.To me dreamed that I gave birth to a girl easily, but seeing daughter the mench had a tantrum, I cried, therefore, not a son was born, I cry and remember the words husband that we don’t need a third to plan everything exactly daughter will be (he really tells me so in Java). It seemed in dream that everything collapsed.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed that I gave birth daughter and in dream talking to husband with my mother-in-law, about the fact that our second girl was born, she gave birth easily, at home herself, on the bed. Hello. to me dreamed that I was pregnant from my current young man, although in life we ​​had just begun a relationship. In dream I gave birth daughter although I haven't seen the process. I remember how I sat and chose the name of my daughter to be included in her certificate of birth.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    For what dreaming that gave birth to a girl? Such a dream is usually interpreted positively, because a born child implies the kindest, sunny feelings. As a rule, for a woman, this is a very meaningful and prophetic dream, especially dreamed on the night of Thursday to Friday. If your adult is giving birth daughter This is a bright future for her. Birth two at once daughters- means success in all matters. Whoever sees this can count on a real streak of luck.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    childbirth in dream: interpretation of different dream books. Interpretations of the dream book about birth child A particularly favorable interpretation of the dream book is given about what dreaming give birth daughter a woman may well be preoccupied with the question "why husband dreamed what have I given birth to? on...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation Birth daughter dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Birth daughter?If a daughter dreamed father, then very soon she will meet her future husband. To make it all come true, give daughters Golden ring. If a daughter dreamed mother, then in real daughter experiences emotional discomfort, cannot decide what to do, and does not know who to ask for advice.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    See in dream birth a girl's child is always a harbinger of serious changes in life (like any other dreamed childbirth). For a woman such dream means that she is open to everything new, looking forward to love, new relationships. If birth baby girls dreaming man, then, most likely, he is planning a new business that will become successful, profitable and give him respect and authority. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    dreamed in dream- to birth daughters; new ideas and projects; major changes in life in the field of feelings. Interpretation of this sleep will depend primarily on who exactly ( a man or woman) is the dreamer. For men and women Not concerned about the problems of conceiving and raising children, Dream symbolic - we are talking about new projects and plans in reality.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    If suddenly man dreamed that he was giving birth, then dream warns him to rejoice birth child in dream portends happiness and success. When a woman dreaming that she is a wife, and she has a very affectionate husband, this is a symbol of grief in her real family.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    gypsies in dream this is deception. and the knives are the male. i.e. will deceive you the male. I really want to believe that it won't husband. still be vigilant. good luck. Childbirth Daughter Birth Gynecologist Daughter.Daughter. Dream Interpretation - daughter scary dream had a dream...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "eva"

    had a dream strange dream. Like I'm about to have another one daughter, but I don’t give birth to her, but my little one daughter.... that is, I come to the hospital, bring her something tasty ( daughter in dream little at all) and we are waiting for her to give birth to MY daughter, one more .. with husband we even choose a name ... and the doctors say, soon already ... in general, nothing negative ... birth daughters in dream. I didn’t wait, they woke me up.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    Dream: Birth daughters. tonight dreamed that I walk past my friends and joyfully announce that I was born daughter. I haven't seen childbirth and I'm not pregnant. what is it for? I have a normal reputation, not a walking girl. although maybe I just don't know what they're saying behind my back. but when I woke up, I felt joy. nothing about the father of the child dreamed. I don’t know who it could be.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Former husband Room Daughter dreamed former husband. Dream Interpretation - Child. Such dream means that all your attention is transferred to your own home. There are urgent matters and the need for acquisitions for home and family. Birth daughters Nursing mother Baby Head Nursing mother. Dream Interpretation - Torn black cats. Dear Diana, images of your sleep portend unpleasant events - hence the sensations after sleep. See in dream a dead bird to problems related to your plans, some kind of expectations, hopes. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "imgur"

    give birth to a girl in dream, dreamed newborn girl, Daughter(for... dreamed children girls, see two girls in dream- to birth....- Sonnicus 20 Mar 2003 ... still wondering why everyone dreaming that they give birth to girls?!) ... to me dreamed what am i breastfeeding daughter, childbirth in dream did not have! and in... If dreamed childbirth or you had to give birth and give birth in dream, look ... give birth to a girl in dream means birth daughters in real life.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation Birth son's child dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Birth son's child? son's behavior in dream means for a woman attitude towards her husband, and for men- resumption of some kind of relationship You hug your son or daughter- portends a squabble.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    wife gives husband water - happiness. wife and husband give each other combs - portends happiness. A wife or a concubine beats you - misfortune, trouble. The wife puts on brocade clothes - portends birth noble offspring. A wife with loose hair means she has a secret connection, lover. If dreaming daughter asks for something or takes from you - a warning that someone is using you and your funds for their own selfish purposes. Strained relationship with daughter in dream- portend trouble. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    dreams in which you see Husband or beloved at home, Husband calm and busy with creative work (Preparing), They always predict that peace, mutual understanding and peace will reign in your relationships and in reality. dreamed, What the male gives you a ring dreamed the male with a ring - get a marriage proposal. dreamed the male with baby, The male With daughter - birth a brilliant idea connected with the realm of the senses. If a The male in dream portends birth ideas, then the image of it daughters indicates it's new...

As a rule, childbirth seen in a dream is interpreted as a harbinger of imminent changes, moreover, cardinal ones, entailing purification, renewal and readiness for a new life. True, in some cases the interpretation can be much more prosaic: childbirth means you are ready to start, for example, working on a new project, new beginnings in your personal or professional sphere, or remodeling your own home.

But the birth of a girl is usually associated with some kind of news, so it is possible that this unexpected news will serve as an impetus for them.


Give birth to a girl according to the dream book

Seeing the birth of a daughter in a dream is a very good sign that portends happiness and prosperity. Probably a woman who sees such a dream dreams about it in real life, or is already expecting a child.

A dream in which an unmarried girl dreamed of the birth of a daughter portends a tarnished reputation, and she herself will most likely be to blame for this.

If a married girl saw such a dream, unexpected news and good news await her.

As the dream book interprets, giving birth to a girl in a dream for pregnant women is a very favorable sign, it promises health and easy childbirth.

I dreamed about the birth of a daughter at home, which means your problems, and difficulties in reality will soon end.

In the dream book of the fortune teller Vanga, giving birth to a girl in a dream means surprise and some pleasant worries in reality, in general, such a dream is positive, it is possible that in reality you will become pregnant with your daughter.

For every woman, the birth of a child is a real miracle, so such a dream is considered very bright and pleasant.

A dream in which a woman who already has an adult child dreams about the birth of a daughter portends the return of passion and romance in a relationship with her spouse (lover).

According to the dream book, giving birth to a girl in a dream with a painful but successful birth means difficulties in solving problems that, despite nothing, can be resolved well.

If the birth in a dream was quick and extremely easy, in reality you can shift things onto the shoulders of another person, and you yourself will breathe a sigh of relief.

I dreamed that you were giving birth, in reality, take part in some minor event, the consequences of which will be unexpected for you.

Seeing in a dream how one of the relatives dies during childbirth is a sign that your attempts to resolve relations with loved ones are unlikely to be successful.

If you dreamed of your own birth, then in reality fate will give you a chance to start a new life.

In Freud's dream book, giving birth to a girl in a dream means profit in reality, most likely in the near future you will complete some important business and receive a reward.

Also, the birth of a daughter is a sign that in reality you will start a new relationship that is unexpected for you, possibly with an unfamiliar person who will bring you a lot of pleasant emotions and happiness.

Why else dream of the birth of a girl

Why dream of the birth of a dead girl - you had a dream in which you gave birth to a dead girl, which means that in reality you will be lonely. Sometimes such a dream portends an illness.

In a dream, you have an unwanted or unplanned daughter, which means that in reality you will very soon receive a reward for your work and efforts.

The birth of a blue-eyed girl is a great joy.

Childbirth in torment - to well-being in the family.

Childbirth in water - to profit or replenishment in the family.

Why dream of the birth of a girl who looks like her mother - a dream in which a daughter is born who looks like her mother - fortunately.

Someone else gives birth to a girl, right in front of your eyes - to the fulfillment of desires.

A dream in which your daughter gives birth to a girl is a sign that she will have a bright future.

If in a dream you gave birth to a girl and you cannot stop admiring her beauty, then in reality you will have great success.


Dream Interpretation of the Birth of a Girl

Why dream of the birth of a Girl in a dream from a dream book?

The birth of a girl in a dream - oddly enough, usually means just the same event, unexpected and pleasant. It is quite possible that a charming baby will soon appear in your family.


Why dream that she gave birth to a girl?