Why can't you put an empty bottle on the table. Why you can’t put an empty bottle on the table: tradition or superstition?

During the feast, alcoholic drinks flow like an inexhaustible river. But as soon as you gape a little and leave an empty bottle on the table, you immediately get a lot of complaints addressed to you. Everyone knows that this is not worth doing and it is better to hide it under the table, but not everyone can substantiate such a statement. Why does an empty bottle sitting peacefully on a table bother some people? Let's try to figure it out!

The first, for example, deals with the size of containers relative to the shelf. Thus, large bottles are in the lowest position, followed by beer bottles and cans. The idea also has a practical side: larger bottles are heavier and therefore more securely placed on lower shelves, including protecting you in the event of an accidental drop. My suggestion is that you work with a type or brand, filling it from the bottom of the brewery. Therefore, if you are working with a low power model, make sure that cold air is always circulating through the bottles and cans.

There are several versions of the origin of this belief.


Many are sure that an empty bottle on the table will bring emptiness to this table and into the master's pockets. Popular belief says that empty dishes can become a refuge for evil spirits. According to another, no less common superstition, an empty vessel, with a narrowed shape resembling a funnel, has the ability to suck energy out of a person, leaving his bodily shell devastated. There is also a sign that an empty bottle is a harbinger of a quarrel or a hint to overstayed guests that it is time and honor to know.

Another tip is to keep one of the shelves just for kids and people who don't drink alcohol. Thus, you prohibit minors from interacting with drinks that are not appropriate for your age. All attention with the little ones, yeah! Step 3: Care of the brewery. The mechanism of a brewery is simple in most cases. A small fan circulates the cold air generated by the compressor and maintains the temperature inside the set. However, caution must be exercised.

Don't confuse the display with a refrigerator: leftovers, condiments and other items should be in a traditional freezer or in your refrigerator. This is because the door is opened and closed, especially during the holidays, can compromise the preservation of food. Avoid Hazardous Installations: Keep a close eye on the voltage required for your brewery to operate properly and do not share a room with other appliances. This may shorten the life of the engine. Respect the capacity: each model has a certain number of liters.


Empty bottles on the table just get in the way. It's just dirty dishes that have already been used and it's time to put them away.

In addition, the weight of an empty bottle is less than a full one; accordingly, it is less stable and, during a stormy feast, can inadvertently fall and break, causing inconvenience to the owners.


There are more mundane theories about the origins of this popular dining tradition. There is a legend that it owes its origin to the Russian Cossacks, who returned from France after the military campaign of 1812-1814.

Don't overdo it and don't overload the brewer. Also, if you do efficient cooling, you can cause even more structural damage to the equipment. And, of course, keep cleaning up to date: when dealing with drinks of all kinds, no one can dump liquids on shelves and doors, right?

But if this happens, rest easy, nothing that a clean cloth and the right cleaning product will solve! How about you now take a look at the models we have at your disposal and choose yours? Probably, you, who are interested in Russian culture in general, have read something. In this case, it's easy to remember. Already for you who want to travel there, this is a good advice to make beautiful and earn precious points with local friends.

Then the Parisian waiters did not keep a strict record of the number of bottles of alcohol sold. Much easier to calculate empty bottles that remained on the table after the gatherings.

The Cossacks realized that they could save a lot of money by hiding a certain number of drunk bottles from the table.

Since then, the tradition has gone to put empty bottles under the table!

If you remember others, please comment! When you share a space with other people, even if they are total strangers, it is always good to share what you should be eating, drinking, or smoking. Refusing food offered to you can be a very serious crime.

Drinking vodka. Vodka is meant to be toasted, not sipped on your own or accidentally filled in your face. If you really want to drink "solo", which is not a good idea, try going from 100 to 100 grams instead of sucking straight into the bottle.

Signs and beliefs have haunted a person since ancient times, and most people believe in them and follow their "advice". Today we will talk about, perhaps, the most famous sign, and try to find out why you can’t put empty bottles on the table.

Why are empty bottles not put on the table?

Almost everyone knows that an empty bottle on the table is bad, which promises poverty, hunger and other everyday problems. In ancient times, it was also believed that an empty vessel standing on a table would draw into itself all the energy of a person, his health, strength and good luck. By the way, according to another legend, empty bottles should not be left, especially if there is a woman who has not given birth nearby, because. this may threaten her with very difficult childbirth in the future, or it may even deprive a woman of the joys of motherhood.

Still on vodka DO NOT fill a glass in the air, DO NOT drink with an empty glass, DO NOT fill cups holding the bottle down, DO NOT leave an empty bottle on the table and, above all, alcohol placed in a glass. DO NOT return to the table. If you are invited to go to someone's house, always bring something, a gift such as a cake, a drink, or a souvenir.

Crushing hands while the two are not in the same room is bad luck. If you are giving flowers to someone, make sure they come in different quantities. Remove your coat, boots, hat, and jewelry when you enter anywhere, be it a carriage, a house, a bar, or the Bolshoi Theatre.

According to another version, evil spirits live in an empty bottle, which can break out and cause a lot of disasters, so the empty vessel must not only be removed from the table, but also must be closed. Deterioration of the financial situation, serious illness, discord in the family, quarrel with loved ones, all this can happen to a person, if you believe this sign.

Russians do not tolerate informality very well or our "mulambagem". The logic here is different: it is easier to notice in exaggerated simplicity. When entering a church, a man should bow his head in reverence. Women are not forced to cover their heads, but it is a sign of respect. Miniskirts, shoulders and cutouts, never. And photography is also inappropriate.

"Never, never, never whistle at someone's house." Of course, it will scold you. Whether it's polished or rough rough, you can't tell. They say whistling in the house drives away money. Never, never, never show something bad that happened, in itself or in another person. For example, when you demonstrate that someone broke their arm in 2 pieces, never point to your arm to show where.

But still, this custom has a very real explanation, which is completely unrelated to beliefs and examples. The fact is that during the First World War, in taverns, as a rule, you had to pay according to the amount of alcohol drunk, namely, according to the number of empty bottles, so soldiers visiting entertainment establishments often hid empty bottles under the table in order to give less money for dinner.

"Are you ready to travel?" After everything is neat and before leaving for home, everyone should sit and be silent for a few moments. Similarly, never return to something left at home after a trip. If it's not a passport, leave it.

Speak up, my favorite bunch of vagabonds! Pay attention to my hands. You, my noble Myrmecophage tridactyl, do you know what illusionism is? Illusionism is a performance art that aims to entertain the public by giving the illusion that something impossible or supernatural has happened. Those who practice this activity are called illusionists or magicians.

It was from those times that she went, not to put empty bottles on the table. So it’s up to you personally to decide whether to treat this custom as a warning to the ancestors or simply as a historical fact.