An 24 cabin layout is the best places. Availability of flight characteristics

One of the passenger aircraft developed in the Soviet Union is the An-24. This is a turboprop aircraft for short and medium haul routes. It made its first flight in October 1959. Since 1962, the aircraft has been used by various airlines and in various countries.

It has several modifications, among which two options are in the lead - military transport and passenger. Various aircraft were produced until 1979. Now such aircraft are no longer produced, but some models are still in operation. We will talk about the technical characteristics of the An-24 aircraft below.

The first developments started in 1958 In the 60s a transport model was created, which had the characteristics of a rather cargo one. Loading into it was carried out through hatches in the side of the hull. It also differed from the standard one in that it had a reinforced floor in the cargo compartment. This model was called An-24T.

A little later, an aircraft with an additional engine and a more powerful one was released. In the 61st year tests were carried out, and a year later it was already approved for serial production.

If you watch the video of the An-24 taking off, you will see how easily it rose into the sky.

During the Soviet period, it was one of the most popular aircraft. A third of the total passenger turnover was accounted for by the An-24. In the photo of the An-24, you can see that it was a large and beautiful model.

Over 1200 aircraft was released by 1979, of them 1000 - at the Aviant plant in Kyiv. An-24s were also produced in China.

Features and Specifications

Its design is identical to the An-26 except for a few details. It has a sealed fuselage. The cabin is located in its bow.

In the An-24 cockpit, control systems are duplicated. There is an electric autopilot and reliable radar equipment. Behind it are the luggage compartment, passenger compartment, wardrobe.

Characteristics and Short story An-24.

Two An-24 turboprop engines provide 2550 l each. They are included in the power plant with four-bladed propellers. Its chassis consists of two main and one front legs. The wing is made in the form of a trapezoid and is composed of two spars.

Cruising speed of An-24 — 460 km/h He flies on a route of range up to 1850 km. On board the aircraft can be placed from 48 to 52 people. The crew includes 3-5 people. Its length is 23.53 m and its height is 8.32 m. Empty aircraft weight 13 350 kg.

Interior characteristics

There is one aisle in the cabin, on both sides of which there are a pair of seats. There are 10-12 rows in total. Number of seats in the An-24 aircraft — up to 52. The layout is single-class.

Scheme of the An-24 cabin.

If we talk about the layout of the An-24 cabin, then it is very simple. There are general rules by choice of place, as well as to all others. After analyzing the reviews, we can conclude that the chairs there are comfortable.

Incidents with An-24

February 2013 it was found that over 162 models was lost as a result of accidents. 2120 passengers died using this aircraft. The first accident occurred during a test flight in 1962 and the last one in 2015.


An-24 is a passenger aircraft that was produced during the Soviet period. He had excellent specifications, which made it one of the most popular in the aviation of the USSR. Among the modifications there are military transport models. These aircraft are used to this day, both by Russian and foreign companies.

The cabin can accommodate from 48 to 52 people. The normal layout is only one class of service. Passengers will find comfortable chairs there.

Most of the aircraft developed in the 50s of the last century have long become exhibits of aviation museums, or even completely disappeared without a trace. But there are exceptions: the An-24 aircraft today is doing exactly the same thing as half a century ago - it carries passengers over short distances, serving local airlines. The winged veteran is also used in the army, where he regularly performs many different functions. From time to time there is talk about the need to replace the An-24 with more modern aircraft models, but so far it is still in service, not only in Russia and Ukraine, but also in a number of other states.

The history of the development of the An-24 passenger aircraft

In the mid-50s of the last century, the Il-14 and Il-12 aircraft were mainly used to transport passengers on local airlines in the Soviet Union. There were also old Li-2s. All these machines were equipped with obsolete piston engines, which greatly limited their capabilities. With this in mind, the government of the USSR in 1957 issued a decree, according to which it was necessary to build an aircraft with turboprop engines capable of carrying up to 44 passengers at a cruising speed of 450 kilometers per hour on lines up to 400 kilometers long. It was also intended to use new car in military transport aviation.

The multipurpose purpose led to the inclusion in the list of requirements for the aircraft of the possibility of its operation at airfields with unpaved strips and takeoff on one working engine. In the Kiev OKB-473, which is now called the Antonov State Enterprise, there was already a project for such a machine. The aircraft, tentatively named An-26 (not to be confused with the later model of the same name!), largely corresponded to the government task, however, it did not promise to be economical. This was due to the use of very powerful motors (5,800 horsepower each).

Such engines were needed in order to minimize the takeoff run to 300 meters, but for customers this characteristic was not particularly significant. Therefore, it was decided to equip the aircraft with AI-24 engines, each of which had a power of 2400 hp. This was enough to maintain a stable flight, including in emergency mode, and fuel consumption was sharply reduced.

The future Antonov An 24 made its first flight on October 20, 1959. Despite the quite successful and very soft landing, it immediately became clear that the aircraft needed to be improved in a number of areas. In particular, the pilots complained about poor visibility from the cockpit, the claims were caused by the insufficiently reliable operation of the landing gear system, and the engines also caused complaints.

After making many alterations to the design, in 1961 the An-24 was sent for state tests, which revealed a poor rate of climb of the machine in take-off mode on a single engine, insufficient range at full load, as well as low efficiency of air conditioners and anti-icing system. In total, there were more than 360 different comments in the final document. Despite this, the An-24 was recommended for mass production, preparation for which was to be carried out in parallel with the elimination of deficiencies. Without completion of all technical work on fine-tuning the aircraft, its commercial use was not allowed.

From the beginning of 1962, large-scale production of the new aircraft and its operational tests began - intensive flights along planned routes without people in the cabin - ballast of equivalent weight was transported instead. For the first time, passengers used the An-24 in September of the same year, and on October 31, regular flights began on the Kyiv-Kherson route.

The improvement of the design continued later, since many problems were not discovered immediately. In addition, the development of new modifications of the An-24 with improved performance characteristics was carried out. The construction of aircraft continued until 1979, and in total more than 1200 such machines were manufactured (according to other sources, over 1400). In addition, a copy of the An-24 was produced in China under the designation Y-7 Xian.

Description and design characteristics

The most noticeable external difference between the "twenty-four" and many other passenger aircraft is the turboprop engines with huge "propellers" that give the car a rather archaic appearance. Nevertheless, such motors have good characteristics, especially when flying at relatively low speeds, which are optimal for propellers. Their main advantage is low fuel consumption. The savings compared to jet engines is approximately 30%.

The wing of the An-24 is almost straight, the sweep is negligible. According to its aerodynamic configuration, this aircraft is a twin-engine high-wing aircraft with one keel, in the lower part of which elevators are located. The engines are located under the wing, at the height of the cockpit.

The total weight of the machine was somewhat reduced (by about 12%) due to the use of pressed monolithic spars and panels, various plastics and fiberglass in the design. All these materials, new for the 60s of the last century, were used for the manufacture of elements of the center section, cockpit lining panels, passenger compartment and partitions.

Flight characteristics of a turboprop aircraft

The performance indicators demonstrated by the An-24 look like this:

takeoff weight 21 tons (normal), 22.5 tons (maximum allowable)
6.5 tons
Empty weight 13.35 tons
Length 23.53 m
Height 8.32 m
Wingspan 29.2 m
Cruising speed 460 km/h
Max speed 540 km/h
Range 1850 km (practical), 2820 km (when ferrying an empty aircraft)
practical ceiling 7 700 m
takeoff run length 850-1000 m
Landing run length 580 m (with a weight of 20 tons)
Fuel supply 4 850 kg

For a number of modifications of the An-24, the technical characteristics look somewhat different: the table shows the data of the most common version of the aircraft.

Basic layout of the cabin

The Antonov aircraft was created in those years when the requirements for the level of comfort of air travel were extremely low. Therefore, the An 24 has a rather unpretentious interior - there simply could not be any business class in it. At the same time, it cannot be said that passengers are in Spartan conditions. They are placed in soft chairs, installed according to the 2x2 scheme in 12 or 13 rows. The most common option for An 24 is the layout of the cabin for 48 seats. There is a toilet in the tail section of the aircraft - it is only one, but this is enough for a small number of passengers. Auxiliary devices, such as sockets for recharging phones, which are typical for modern liners, are not on board.

Places in the last rows are considered uncomfortable, especially on the 12th, where there is no way to recline the back of the chair. In addition, it must be taken into account that rows 4,5,6,7 and 8 are located directly under the wing of the aircraft, and opposite the windows there are engines that create a lot of noise and block the view.

Aircraft safety

The total number of An-24s that became victims of accidents, catastrophes and armed attacks is 170 units. This is quite a lot, even taking into account the fact that some aircraft from this list were destroyed directly on the ground as a result of artillery shelling, terrorist attacks and even missile attacks, including from NATO countries. In the biography of "Antonov An 24" there are many "black pages", dozens of tragic incidents, during which all passengers or a significant part of them died. The total number of victims is 2,218.

At the same time, pilots have always considered the "twenty-four" a reliable and fairly safe aircraft. This paradox is explained by the fact that in the 60-80s of the last century, the accident rate was generally much higher. For example, the American Boeing-727 differs little from the An-24 in this regard, and the number of deaths on its account reaches 4,211.

A large number of the most severe disasters in terms of their consequences occurred due to collisions of the An-24 in the air with other aircraft, meteorological probes and even “unidentified objects”, which indicates the low quality of the work of dispatchers, and not flaws in the design of the machine.

Aircraft pros and cons

Like any other airliner, the An-24 has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

The first ones include:

  1. Unpretentiousness of the aircraft and ease of maintenance;
  2. Ability to operate at airfields with unpaved runways;
  3. Low fuel consumption and long engine life;
  4. Ability to perform flights, including takeoff from the runway with one engine running;
  5. Sufficient for regional aircraft speed and capacity.

Among the shortcomings, the following can be noted:

  1. The aircraft is obsolete in its design and needs to be replaced;
  2. The engines make a lot of noise, which is not up to modern standards;
  3. Low level of comfort in the cabin, passengers are deprived of many modern amenities;
  4. The equipment in the cockpit is rather primitive, as is the control system as a whole.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the high level of wear and tear of the An-24s that have been preserved in a flightable condition.

Modifications based on the An-24 aircraft

IN different years a total of three dozen different variants of the "twenty-four" were produced. This aircraft was indeed multi-purpose and was used not only for the transport of passengers.

An-24 "Thread"

A machine with this designation appeared shortly before the cessation of construction of the entire An-24 line - in 1978. This aircraft got its name due to the placement on board the latest at that time radar station "Thread". The main purpose of the machine is ice reconnaissance. In general, the aircraft is a development of an earlier modification of the An-24LR "Toros".

An-24 "Troyanda"

This plane was a flying laboratory. The main purpose is to develop the technology for searching for submarines. How exactly the Troyand equipment operated is not known exactly. Presumably, special equipment was supposed to record the thermal footprint left by the nuclear reactors of submarines.


The first serial modification of the aircraft. At least 200 copies were made, which were actively used on local lines. By the end of the 70s, most of these machines had already been decommissioned. From later versions, the An-24A differed in the design of the chassis and a somewhat smaller capacity (up to 44 passengers).


Aircraft modification "B" produced the most - at least 568 pieces. The first flight took place in 1965. This aircraft differed from its predecessor in the increased capacity of the fuel tanks, the design of the landing gear and flaps. In addition, the passenger compartment was slightly redesigned, the luggage racks were replaced, the level of comfort was increased, and windows were added. Over time, the An-24B began to be equipped with updated engines. It was allowed to remake the cabin into a cargo version.


This An aircraft was designed to fight forest fires. Initially, it was planned to place a special water tank on board, but then preference was given to the use of so-called meteorological cartridges - with their help it was possible to cause rain. In addition, the An-24LP could carry paratrooper firefighters for subsequent landing.

An-24LR "Toros"

Like the aircraft with the Nit radar, this machine was intended for ice reconnaissance, but it was built much earlier - back in 1964. Along the fuselage of the car, special fairings were installed, inside of which antennas were placed, providing a side view of up to 30 kilometers in width. Film was used to fix the picture. The aircraft crew could have included hydrologists.


Modification designed for constant monitoring of the radio and performing general tasks of radio intelligence.

Aircraft for export often had a slightly different designation, and sometimes a special index. As a rule, they were made in a somewhat simplified form.

Companies operating An-24

At present Antonov An-24 passenger planes are used in three countries. These are Russia, Kazakhstan and North Korea.

The list of airlines operating this machine is as follows:

  1. Alrosa - there are three aircraft;
  2. "Yakutia" - 6 An-24;
  3. "IrAero" - three units;
  4. Khabarovsk Avia - three aircraft;
  5. "Angara" - 6 units;
  6. "Turukhan" - 16 aircraft, the number of serviceable is unknown;
  7. "Pskov Avia" - 2 An-24;
  8. "Southern Sky" (Kazakhstan) - 5 units;
  9. SCAT (Kazakhstan) - at least one aircraft;
  10. Air Koryo (DPRK) - 5 units.

Russian airlines operate aircraft exclusively of the An-24RV modification, while foreign carriers have An-24B variants.

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"An-24" is a passenger turbine propeller aircraft. It is intended for airlines of short and medium range. Its design has 2 powerful turboprop engines (AI-24 series No. 2 or AI-24T) with an air-type propeller. It has a flight range of 3000 km, a cruising speed of 490 km / h, and a maximum take-off weight of 21 tons. This aircraft was produced from 1959 to 1979. More than 1000 units of such aircraft were manufactured. So far, over 300 units are in use. Basically, the An-24 aircraft is used in the CIS and African countries. This is a true fact. Next, we consider this model in more detail.


The development of the An-24 turboprop twin-engine aircraft, the operation of which was envisaged on local airlines, began in 1958 at GSOKB-473 im. O. K. Antonova. It was carried out on the basis of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1417-656 dated 12/18/1957. According to this document, the An-24 aircraft, the characteristics of which will be indicated below, must carry passengers with a load of 4000 kg over a distance of up to 400 km with a certain speed - 450 km / h. The use of AI-24 engines was also envisaged.

The An-24 aircraft made its initial flight on 10/20/1959. In this case, the crew was at its helm, commanded by test pilot G. I. Lysenko. The subsequent factory and state tests fell on 1961.

Serial production of An-24 began in the first half of 1962 at the Kiev Plant No. 473. In September of the same year, the first passenger flight was carried out. On October 31, 1962, the An-24 aircraft began to operate on the Kyiv-Kherson route.

The production of this aircraft was carried out until 1979. From 1962 to 1979, more than 1200 units were produced. Of these, 1028 were manufactured by the Kyiv Aviation Plant "AVIANT". An analogue of this aircraft was also produced in China. Its name was "Y-7".

The design and layout of the aircraft "An-24"

This model is an all-metal cantilever monoplane with a high wing. There is also a three-post type chassis, on which two front twin wheels are installed. An-24 passenger aircraft consists of the following parts:

  • Semi-monocoque fuselage.
  • Power set - stringers and beams. Connections are glued.
  • The layout is traditional: in front - the crew cabin, then between the luggage compartments - the passenger compartment with a buffet and a toilet.
  • Wing: power set - two spars and 23 nerfure.
  • Flaps: on the center section - single-slotted. They are deviant. Next - double-slot retractable. The ailerons here are split.
  • Plumage - traditional type with an additional ventral keel.
  • Chassis: tricycle with swivel front strut.
  • The wheels are double. Pressure regulation in them is carried out on the ground.
  • Power plant: 2 TVD AI-24. In this case, the power is 2550 hp. With. It has a variable pitch screw. Its diameter is 3.9 m.

Design advantages

Here are the following advantages:

  1. The useful volume of the fuselage has been increased. This is due to the high location of the center section.
  2. A significant absence of wing breaks in the upper part and manifestations that reduce the diffuser effect at the junction with the fuselage. This is an important property. As a result, the aerodynamic properties of the wing are increased. Under the diffuser effect is meant the separation of the boundary layer of the flow due to the interference of the main one. It occurs at the junction of the wing and fuselage.
  3. Good lateral and longitudinal stability of the aircraft. It is preserved due to the absence of flow stall, as well as at supercritical angles of attack.
  4. The presence of a high location of engines. This makes it possible to operate the An-24 aircraft on unpaved airfields, since foreign objects are not sucked into the engine.
  5. The high wing does not obstruct the view of passengers and facilitates loading operations.


However, there are downsides to this design. They are as follows:

  1. The extended landing gear requires larger nacelles. This leads to an increase in resistance.
  2. Compared to a low-wing aircraft, this model creates less efficient air during takeoff and landing.

An-24 aircraft. Wing characteristics

In this case it is:

  • Area: 74.98 m².
  • Profile:
    - 1-7 ribs (TsAGI-S5-18 is used);
    - 8-11 ribs - transitional profiles;
    - 12-23 - TsAGI-SV-13.

In this model, the ribs are twisted with respect to the root at an angle from 2.5 to 0. This, combined with the change in profile, provides aerodynamic and geometric twist of the wing, which results in laminarization of the flow. This leads to a reduction in drag, an increase in lift and aileron effectiveness, and an increase in speed, causing a flutter effect.

  • Elongation: 11.7. This is the ratio of the square of the range to the area.
  • Taper: 3.92. This is the ratio of the root rib to the cantilever.

Tapering and elongation in this case are chosen in such a way that, in combination with twist, provide a uniform load on the wing and reduce drag. A symmetrical flow stall is also carried out in areas of high angles of attack.

  • Sweep: not on the center section. Further to the console - 6.5 about.
  • Transverse V. Only at the console - -2 o.

This provides lateral stability. As a result, controllability is increased in case of failure of one of the engines. This is also facilitated by an increase in vibrational stability and a decrease in the roll towards the failed motor.

  • Wing installation angle: 3 about. Selected to reduce fuselage drag by positioning it downstream at cruising speed.
  • Aileron asymmetrical biconvex. Here the aerodynamic compensation is 29%.

Modifications of the specified model

In this case it is:

  • "An-24V". Passenger plane for 50 seats. It is the main primordial type. It is possible to re-equip it into a cargo-passenger and administrative.
  • "An-24RV". It is equipped with an accelerating turbojet engine with a capacity of 1950 hp. With. As a result, a quick start of the main engines is ensured.
  • An-24T is a purely transport version with a cargo hatch in the lower part of the fuselage. The plumage in this case has two tail keels on the sides of the hatch.
  • An-24RT is also a transport type with an accelerating engine, like the An-24RV.
  • "An-24LP" - a modification for extinguishing forest fires.


The An-24 aircraft has the following specifications:

  • Type: An-24.
  • Wing span size: 29.2 m.
  • Fuselage length: 23.52 m.
  • Aircraft altitude parameter: 8.32 m.
  • Wing area: 72.46 m². For modifications with single-slotted center section flaps - 74.98 m².
  • Weight: empty - 13.3 tons; equipped - 13.75 tons.
  • Payload: 4.6 tons of cargo / 48 passengers / 38 soldiers / 24 stretchers.
  • The maximum takeoff weight is 21 tons. For the AN-24RV - 21.8 tons. On modernized aircraft, taking into account the strength of the chassis - 23.5 tons.
  • Fuel weight: 4.76 tons
  • Crew: 5 people.
  • Power plant: 2 AI-24A TVDs, 2550 hp each. With. In the An-24RV modification, one turbocharged engine is added.

Availability of flight characteristics

In this case it is:

  • Cruise speed: 490 km / h.
  • Practical range: 990 km.
  • Maximum speed: 540 km / h.
  • Ferry range: 2820 km.
  • Practical ceiling: 9100 m.
  • Takeoff run: 500 m.


After reviewing the above, you can fully imagine what the An-24 aircraft looks like. In general, the model is not bad. In those days, the An-24 aircraft, the photo of which is available in this text, was considered high-class in its kind.

An-24 - legendary aircraft July 14th, 2014

And now let's find out where the An-24 came from, which was installed yesterday at the Saratov air terminal, and why this particular aircraft was awarded such an honor. Let's plunge into history and look at the path of the aircraft to the final point.

In September 1963, a new An-24 turboprop aircraft landed on the airfield of the Saratov airport. Only 2 years since its operation in the USSR began.
The flight was operated by Moscow pilots from Bykovo airport. It was the first aircraft at our airport with such a large capacity - from 48 passenger seats and so high-speed (cruising speed of 450 km / h).

September 1963 The very first An-24 flew to Saratov

The Kommunist newspaper wrote at the time:

An-24 multi-seat turboprop aircraft landed on the airfield of the Saratov airport for the first time. He delivered passengers and mail from Moscow. After a short stop for technical inspection, the airship recovered on its way back with Saratov passengers on board. This flight opened the regular air service of An-24 aircraft on the Saratov-Moscow line.

The first aircraft of this type, assigned to the Saratov squadron, appeared in January 1965. They became a board with the number USSR-46773. It was written off in 1983 to develop a resource.
For the next 20 years, the An-24 became the main "workaholic" of our airport. In the 1970s, the number of aircraft reached 25, with 75 flight crews carrying them.

A scene from the movie "The City Goes to Work". Saratov airport, 1970s. The planes are still in the old Aeroflot livery.

Our An-24s flew to many cities of the republics of the USSR, reaching such distant cities as Irkutsk.

The An-24 achieved a record flight time for a listed aircraft in the Volga Civil Aviation Administration. One aircraft flew 2500 hours a year.

Only the Yak-42 could push these liners off the pedestal, but this happened closer to the mid-1980s.

The An-24 was produced until 1979, but is still actively used in many countries.

Saratov Airlines parted ways with the last of them in 2004. At the same time, the RA-47304 flew in several other airlines and only in 2011 was laid up, having flown more than 50 thousand hours.

The last An-24 of Saratov Airlines.

I also managed to fly from Saratov to Sochi in the 1990s on the An-24. But even now it is possible to fly on these aircraft, because more than 150 of the ~ 1300 aircraft produced are still flying. This is one of the main types of aircraft used in the Siberian regions. An-24s still fly to our airport, and they have all the documents that allow maintenance of these aircraft.

An-24 airline "Katekavia" at the Saratov airport. December 2013.

An-24B with tail number USSR-46331 made its first flight on August 29, 1969, and the next day it entered the disposal of the Gorky air squadron. He came to Saratov in 1992. Since June 1998, it has been in storage at a former heliport next to the same Yak-40.

This year it was decided to install it as a monument.

photo by Alexey Naumenko

To do this, it was tinted, patched up. To take it out, part of the fence (in the place where the first wooden air terminal was located) was dismantled.

With the city administration and the traffic police, they agreed on the installation and transportation of the aircraft to the installation site along the city streets. At the most "car-free" time, from 3 am Saturday to Sunday, parts of the roads were blocked, and the plane was moving. The transportation process took about 2 hours.

In order for the aircraft to take up less space on the streets, the propellers were removed from the turbojet engines and the wings were cut off. But even so, the margin of dimensions along Planernaya Street was only a few centimeters. Despite the fact that the branches facing the roadway were sawn in advance, the plane did not always accurately pass between the poles and trees. But these obstacles were quickly removed.

In order for the keel to pass along the street, wires were raised.

Never correlated it with highways. The plane is not very large, but in "urban" conditions it turns out to be that colossus!

So he rode in the light of the moon to the goal.

Drives past Zhukovsky street.

Passing a water tower of the mid-twentieth century, it turns onto Aeroport street.

Passes by the "airport" houses on Vysokaya No. 10 and No. 12.

Turns to the station.

And there he is! Today he should return to the place of the wings and propellers.

Vitaliy Nikolaevich Trenin, ex-PIC An-24. He flew An-24 aircraft from 1971 to 1985. He says that it was from this aircraft that a breakthrough in air transportation began in Saratov: "A very reliable and comfortable aircraft for those times. This aircraft is worthy of taking the place of a monument in front of the Saratov airport. In the memory of many Saratov residents, especially the older generation, he remained in memory, like the plane on which they flew from Saratov throughout the Soviet Union.

The book by A.I. Zhavoronsky "In Heaven and on Earth", data from the site, photo archive of Saratov Airlines, personal photo archive and archive, photograph from the site "Photographs of Old Saratov" were used.

The plot of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Saratov:

The plot of TNT-Saratov:

TVC-Saratov TV report:

Photos of the memorial aircraft in finished form are in the next post.

The active development of domestic aviation began in Soviet times. Then there were gas turbine engines for aircraft. This prompted the country's leadership to order the Antonov Design Bureau a new generation military transport aircraft, which was given the name AN-24. However, priority was still given to passenger airliners. The first twin-engine turboprop passenger aircraft An-24 was created more than fifty years ago. It was intended to transport people on short distance domestic routes.

Photo An-24

The first flight of the liner from this series took place 58 years ago. Then, a few years later, it was upgraded, turning it into a transport aircraft, which was given the name An-24T. However, its technical and operational characteristics indicated that it was more of a truck than a transport vehicle. Despite this, even a cargo hatch was not provided here, not to mention a loading ramp. Loading and unloading was carried out through hatches intended for passengers. However, in this transport model, the floor in the cargo compartment was noticeably reinforced. Further, on the right side they made a hatch for loading cargo.

An-24 aircraft in 1964

The qualitative improvement in the takeoff and flight characteristics of the AN-24 aircraft was noted after it was equipped with a powerful jet engine.

The result was an An-24 supersonic aircraft, a photo of which can be viewed in the gallery. Despite the successful testing of this model, the leadership of transport aviation had many complaints and comments. They were interested in why there is no hatch in the tail section of the aircraft for receiving cargo. This was not the only reason that became the impetus for the decision to create a new machine capable of meeting all the requirements of the country's leadership.

The design of the transport liner was undertaken by specialists from the Antonov Design Bureau in 1965, then they took the An-24 model as a basis.

Thorough tests of the upgraded liner were carried out for two years. Since the car was intended for the military, much attention was paid to the landing of paratroopers. The modernized liner entered serial production in 1966. Its creation was carried out by specialists from the Irkutsk Aircraft Building Plant.

This model was produced until 1979. So far, over 1200 machines have been created. The vast majority of them were assembled at the Aviant plant in Kyiv. Many airline executives became interested in the flight qualities of the aircraft, which made the upgraded model very popular. The liner began to operate on almost all domestic flights Soviet Union, and this is over 450 destinations. Soon, foreign carriers became interested in the An-24 aircraft and began to export it to 25 countries of the world.

Passenger aircraft models

The first serial version was the An-24A liner. After its modernization, aircraft manufacturing companies began production of the An-24B model. The aircraft's takeoff weight has been increased. Until 1970, 400 copies of such machines were produced. The An-24RV model became the most massive version. It was distinguished from its predecessors by the presence of an additional engine, which significantly improved the take-off and flight characteristics of the aircraft.

When designing the aircraft, the designers paid special attention to the reliability and ease of control of the liner.

In this regard, duplicated piloting was created here, which allows each pilot to control the aircraft from his seat. Such a system is unique, because in the event of a failure of one remote control, the second pilot can take control of the liner. In addition, an autopilot system is provided here, which greatly facilitates the work of pilots.

The first model was equipped with the most reliable radar equipment of the time. This version of the passenger aircraft could accommodate 50 people and was designed for flights over short distances. These were local airlines. The operational resource of the upgraded aircraft was increased to 50,000 flight hours, which was considered a good indicator of that time.

Photo An-24RV

Then they released a more comfortable model, however, the number of passenger seats was reduced in it. If necessary, the An-24 passenger aircraft can be quickly converted into a cargo version. This is done quite quickly, thanks to removable chairs. An important advantage of the liner is the ability to land on snowy and wet runways. In addition, the aircraft does not require too long acceleration - 650 meters is enough.

An-24 aircraft entered mass production in 1962. At the same time, their testing ended, which lasted for two years.

The liner made its first flight with people on board in September of the same year. A month later, Antonov's planes began flying on the Kyiv-Kherson route. Soon they began to serve the route Moscow - Voronezh - Saratov.

All models are so reliable and demonstrate high performance that they began to be used to perform a variety of secondary tasks. First of all, this is due to the fact that An-24 aircraft do not need too long runways.

Another advantage compared to similar aircraft in this class is improved fuel economy. This is what allows you to operate the aircraft on short routes. Today there are over 40 modifications of such liners.

Photo of the An-24 cabin by UTair

Aircraft capabilities

Operational and technical characteristics of the An-24 aircraft:

  • Height - 8.3 meters.
  • Length - 23.5 meters.
  • Wing area - 72.4 m².
  • Wingspan - 29.2 meters.
  • The maximum takeoff weight can exceed 21 tons.
  • The weight of an unloaded aircraft is 13,300 kg.
  • The power of each of the two engines is 2550 horsepower.
  • The capacity of the fuel tanks is 4760 liters.
  • The maximum speed of the An-24 aircraft with minimum fuel consumption is 498 km/h.
  • Flight range - 3000 km.
  • The takeoff run does not exceed 850 meters.
  • The maximum flight altitude is 8400 meters.
  • The flight crew consists of five people.
  • Passenger capacity varies by model. In the cabin of the An-24RV aircraft there are 48 passenger seats, and the An-24 model accommodates 32 passengers.

An-24 cockpit

Design features

Each of the models is equipped with two turboprop engines with four-bladed propellers. Each wing has two fuel tanks, which, if necessary, can be combined into one system.

The reliability of the design and the power of the engines allows you to fly to your destination even on one engine. The An-24 aircraft meets all the controllability requirements for aircraft of this class.

The body of the aircraft belongs to the category of all-metal monoplanes. It is equipped with twenty portholes. emergency exits are mandatory. The plumage is single-keel with the presence of an aerodynamic ridge. The wings are elongated, trapezoidal in shape. They are equipped with spars and flaps. The chassis is equipped with three supports that retract into the body. The fuselage includes the cockpit, followed by the passenger compartment, followed by the luggage compartment, then the pantry and toilet.

There are partitions separating the cabin with passengers from other rooms. Dual liner control includes two columns with helms. The flight and navigation complex, as well as radio equipment, help to fly in any meteorological conditions and at any time of the day. The plane can land and take off not only in poor visibility, but also in complete darkness.

An-24 of UTair

Aircraft modifications

Aircraft modifications design office Antonova:

  • An-24 "Troyanda". The model is a flying laboratory designed to test search instruments capable of detecting enemy submarines and ships.
  • An-24A. Passenger liner, accommodating 44 passenger seats.
  • An-24 "Thread". This is a research aircraft equipped with special equipment to study the ocean depths and the resources of the planet.
  • An-24B. Passenger aircraft with increased takeoff weight. There are 52 passenger seats in its cabin.
  • An-24LP. This model is designed to extinguish forest fires.
  • An-24R. The model is engaged in radio intelligence and radio search.
  • An-24LR. This aircraft was created for ice reconnaissance.

Electricity is supplied from two generators installed on the motors. If they fail, the aircraft can receive electricity from two sufficiently capacious batteries. As you know, wings are more susceptible to icing, as well as engine air intakes. Air-thermal systems that reliably resist icing help to get rid of this serious trouble. In the event of an aircraft depressurization, all passengers will be saved by oxygen masks located in special compartments above the seats.

Another advantage of these aircraft compared to similar aircraft of this class is increased fuel economy. This is what allows you to operate the liner on short routes. Today there are over 40 modifications of such liners.

The An-24 aircraft is the prototype of the An-26 airliner. The similarity is perfect except for the design of the cargo compartment and the tail section equipped with a ramp. The reliability of the tightness of the fuselage is time-tested. The design includes a large number of stringers and beams. Here, instead of rivets, glue-welded joints (spot welding) are used. Color photographs of all models are posted in the catalog.

Photo gallery

Antonov An-24 An-24 An-24 aircraft in 1964
Photo An-24RV Russian Navy Photo An-24RV An-24 armed forces Ukraine
Aircraft An-24 North Korea Photo of the An-24 cabin of the UTair company An-24РВ of the UTair company
An-24B of UTair company An-24 of UTair company An-24 TsSKB Progress
An-24 An-24