What does the number 8 mean? The infinity symbol is the number “8” and its meaning in numerology. Birth date numbers

The number 8 is considered to be the exact opposite of the number 7, because it denotes material forces. The ambiguity of this symbol is expressed by the lemniscate. And the lemniscate, in turn, resembles the ancient symbol of infinity, which looks exactly the same as the number eight, but in a different position. The number 8 has its own designation for both infinity and materialism. Since this number includes two digits “4”, the number eight can denote material wealth and spirituality of thoughts.

History of the origin of the number 8

This symbol first appeared in Ancient China. The Chinese considered this sign to be associated with luck, music and a kind of “organized multitude.” In addition, spatial and temporal concepts were personified with pairs of opposites and eight trigrams drawn in a circle.
In the Buddhist religion this symbol denoted the totality and completeness of the possibilities expressed by the eight numbers of a good omen, which are inscribed on the main Buddhist symbol - a wheel of 8 spokes.
In Taoism The number eight is associated with various possibilities that are represented in the manifestations of the material world, as well as Taoist immortals or saints.

Number 8 in esotericism

In the number eight you can see a certain trinity, which is represented in its outline. Among esotericists, this number represents the inevitable Fate, Conduct, Harmony. The divine idea shows the meaning of balance between the symbols of the great correspondences of polar principles and the highest metaphysical scales. The natural aspect includes cause-and-effect relationships, the breakdown of which will inevitably cause countervailing forces.

Read also: who invented Arabic numerals

Number 8 in relationships

In relations between people, the number eight is associated with the principle of Themis, that is, quick retribution and retribution follows; those who dare to shake moral principles will stand and upset the balance

This number has a religious, occult and mystical meaning, which can drive some ardently religious people who have a kind, gentle and sympathetic heart, responsive to the suffering of others, to a blind adherence to faith.
In the Russian Orthodox Church, a star with eight rays is called the “Star of the Virgin Mary.” In occultism, the number eight acquired a special meaning because of the planet Saturn, which is also called the fateful planet. The design of the number eight is represented in the form of a star with eight rays, which is called the “Wheel of Ezekiel.” It looks like a circle that is divided into eight parts.

Bad meaning of number 8

The black side of the eight can be reflected in a strong attachment to material objects, to exceptional greed. Some people familiar with the meaning of the number 8, as a symbol of justice, are capable of being so committed to it that it will carry a strong negative connotation. Such people are capable of displaying real paranoia, since they will consider themselves the only bearer of truth.

The meaning of number 8 in numerology

The main meaning of the number 8 in numerology is wealth, prosperity and success in your chosen activity. A person who carries this number in the main life set can reach unprecedented heights and help others achieve perfection.


Mysticism of the number 8

Numerologists describe the mysticism of the number 8 as follows:

  1. An inverted eight is a symbol of infinity (a closed circle), so this number is associated with magic and Universal consciousness.
  2. She is credited with the meaning of the golden mean. This is a divine sign of harmony between the masculine and feminine, between life and death.
  3. A lucky number, which in ancient times was a symbol of life in paradise, bliss and perfection. The meaning of the number 8 in numerology is so favorable that magicians use this number as an amulet.
  4. A special knot that existed in Ancient China, which was woven from eight eights, was considered a powerful amulet, charged with longevity and good luck.
  5. The number eight in astrology is the designation of the “ringed planet” Saturn.
  6. The Egyptians considered 8 the embodiment of reliability. It was symbolized by a dual square - the number eight divided in half has two equal parts (4 and 4). If you divide it again, then all parts will again be equal (2, 2, 2, 2).

More details about the numerical interpretation of number viii are described in the video made by the School of Vedic Astrology.

The meaning of the number 8 in the date of birth

The meaning of the number 8 in the date of birth is expressed as follows:

  1. Those born on the 8th try themselves in various fields of activity. It is difficult for them to choose a particular activity.
  2. Success does not come to such people immediately; they reach the heights of excellence thanks to their diligence and patience.
  3. Methodically moving toward their goal, the G8s are ready to invest all available strength and resources. They never stop halfway.

The characteristics of those born on the 8th are special, since this number attracts Fortune.

Individual characteristics

Individual characteristics of those lucky enough to be born under the number 8:

  • hard work, willingness to sacrifice a lot for the sake of the task;
  • speed and originality of thinking;
  • criticality, a sober look at things and at oneself;
  • willingness to rely solely on one’s own strengths;
  • excerpt;
  • loyalty;
  • sincerity;
  • reliability, responsibility both in business and personal;
  • tirelessness, constant striving for new heights;
  • practicality, thriftiness.

Negative character traits

Negative character traits of those with an eight in their date of birth:

  • emotional instability, constant mood swings;
  • a heightened sense of ownership, reaching the point of greed, jealousy in personal relationships;
  • susceptibility to depression;
  • excessive fatalism, a tendency in difficult situations to refuse responsibility and rely on fate;
  • stubbornness, inability to give in;
  • pessimism and sarcasm;
  • superficiality, unwillingness to delve deeply into the essence of the matter.

Lucky days

The most successful days of the week:

  • Monday;
  • Saturday;
  • Sunday.

Happy days of the month:

Impact on marriage

The influence of the number 8 on marriage is twofold and is expressed as follows:

  1. There is never a lull in the personal life of those born under the number 8. Such people easily establish relationships, making a good impression on the opposite sex.
  2. The duration of unions is short, since maintaining the character of such a person is a difficult task.
  3. They are capable of suppressing and driving to despair with pathological jealousy.
  4. Another negative property is the inability of Eights to express their love and care.

Suitable partners:

  1. Long-term relationships and marriage are possible with the complete opposite. The partner must be able to give in and not strive to dominate.
  2. Favorable compatibility with those who are morally stable and know how to turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of others. Not everyone is able to wait out unfavorable periods when Eights find themselves in a depressed mood and begin to lash out at loved ones.
  3. The most suitable partners are busy and independent people who will be distracted by their own affairs instead of supporting scandals.
  4. The partner must be able to relax the ever-tense figure eight. Loyalty is also important: the only chance to escape from the pathological jealousy of these people is not to give them a reason.
  5. A necessary characteristic of a suitable partner for marriage is the ability to share passion for work. Common interests and mutual understanding will become the basis of a strong and happy union.

Impact on the profession

Eight in the date of birth has the following influence on the profession:

  1. They usually realize themselves in leadership positions. These are born leaders and competent bosses.
  2. When choosing a specific field of activity, they surrender to the will of fate, for example, getting a job under the patronage of friends. They can continue the family dynasty, and fully justify the hopes of their relatives. But if you choose your own path, it is usually a sought-after and prestigious profession that allows you to earn a lot.
  3. Thanks to responsibility and hard work, which often turns into workaholism, they turn out to be valuable personnel in any field. It is precisely such people who are especially needed at the stage of formation of an organization. With them, any project will not stall at the initial stages, but will begin to develop systematically.
  4. They have a commercial sense, so they often open their own business, achieving noticeable success.
  5. They find themselves in the creative field, but will never find themselves in the role of a free, hungry artist. Such a person, even in creativity, will find a strategy that allows him to direct his talent into a commercial direction. It is the eight-person writers who produce multi-volume series of quickly selling out books.

Most suitable areas:

  • land business;
  • banking;
  • investment projects;
  • policy;
  • individual entrepreneurship;
  • writing or publishing books.

Features of children born under the number 8

Children born under this number have the following characteristics:

  1. Usually they are liked by all teachers at school, who appreciate their perseverance and perseverance in mastering knowledge. In their studies, they show themselves as excellent students or solid students; there are practically no exceptions.
  2. They are distinguished from most children by a sober and critical view of themselves and their successes, characteristic of older people.
  3. The position in the company of peers is determined by which children there are more there. If they are driven and ready to obey someone else’s initiative, then Eights confidently organize joint activities. At the same time, everyone benefits: Eights satisfy their ambitions, and the rest are never bored with nothing to do. But if the majority has its own opinion and is ready to defend it, then a clash of interests is inevitable.
  4. It is important for parents to teach such children tact and compliance so that they are not expelled from the company. They are very persistent and may not notice that they are fighting alone against an entire group. Frequent conflicts can significantly spoil the atmosphere in a children's team.
  5. They need a positive example from their parents from early childhood. This is the only period when little eights are susceptible to spiritual influence, and it should not be missed. With such children it is worth behaving especially consistently and pedagogically.

What do two eights mean in a date of birth?

Two eights in the date of birth are characteristic of the most gentle and compliant people of all those born under this number.


  • very caring with loved ones, capable of sacrificing their interests for their sake;
  • have leadership and organizational skills, so those around them willingly follow them;
  • They have a softer leadership style, which many people like.

If an ordinary eight is inclined to take tough measures, then those born under these two numbers prefer workarounds. They are more likely to use cunning and praise, and get no worse results.

What do three eights mean in your date of birth?

Three eights in the date of birth mean:

  • instability of qualities that give two such numbers;
  • unpredictability;
  • impulsiveness;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • aggressiveness;
  • imperiousness.

Number 8 in numerology

In numerology, the number 8 affects men and women almost identically.


Features of women born on the 8th:

  1. Sensitive and gentle natures, but they hide it under a mask of restraint and coldness.
  2. They feel an urgent need for love, but try to be guided in relationships by reason, not feelings.
  3. The expressed need for financial well-being often becomes an obstacle to family happiness. When choosing between a beloved, but poor man, and a man who is less significant to himself, but more wealthy, they will prefer the second.
  4. They want to have children early, thus often tying themselves to the wrong person.
  5. They usually find family happiness at a fairly late age and with a partner of equal or superior social status.


Men-eights can be characterized as follows:

  1. Usually they try to get married early. Since the desire to make a career does not allow them to devote enough time to their young wife, they are rarely destined to preserve their first feelings.
  2. Their relationship is best cemented by common interests between them - hobbies, travel or a common circle of friends.
  3. They play the main role in the family, are very caring and are always ready to help their loved ones.

Meaning of number 8 in name

The meaning of the number eight in the name is expressed as follows:

  • such people, despite their complex nature, enjoy authority in society;
  • they are extremely competitive in their chosen field and spare no effort and time to achieve their goals;
  • people with name number 8 constantly expect approval from others;
  • are capable of great sacrifices for the sake of their loved ones, so they are often exploited by those to whom they are attached.

The task of such a person is to find a balance between high ideals and reality that does not always correspond to them.

Table for calculating the number of a name


You can learn about what the Destiny Number “8” means, its description, secrets and meaning from the video. Filmed by Dmitry Shimko's channel.

Positive characteristics: In numerology, Eights are authoritative business-minded leaders. They value control and tend to be powerful and balanced, successful and with a fairly realistic outlook on life. They are effective managers and in most cases occupy leadership positions.

Negative characteristics: Eights can be tough, insensitive, and greedy. At worst, an intolerant religious fanatic.

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All about numerology: http://site/numero.html
The number 8 is perhaps the most misunderstood of all single-digit numbers, for both beginners and professionals, since many people think that the number eight brings money and power. Most often, when a client requests consultation for a name change, it means that he or she wants to add an eight to his or her destiny, mistakenly believing that it will bring wealth and power.

It is true that the number 8, more than any other number, puts emphasis on the areas of career, business, finance and power. However, as with many other single-digit numbers, the figure of the number reflects its most important meaning and in the case of eight, this is primarily balance. Eight is both a great creator and destroyer and when the number 8 comes into your life, rest assured that you will receive the fruits of what you have already sown.

Eight balances the material and immaterial worlds. At best, it is like a spiritual and material component of a person’s life. On the spiritual side, 8 is practical, realistic and smart. He knows the difference between pretense and genuine spiritual insight. On the material plane, the Eight is results oriented, often in the form of money, but is not overly concerned with money for money's sake. People with a strengthened eight have lost their fortune at least once throughout their lives. They never consider bankruptcy a reason for frustration, but rather as a lesson from which they can emerge more experienced, stronger and more successful.

Some of the most recognizable traits of an Eight are ambition, power, efficiency, organization, management, discipline and control. 8 are goal-oriented, goal-oriented, have common sense, can discern, are practical and realistic. The congenial number eight is of course one, since both numbers are powerful and have strong leadership qualities, are undeniably masculine and will not shy away from confrontation.

However, in one, unlike the eight, there is no diplomatic skills and understanding of human nature and its operation more according to rules and laws, and also, perhaps the most important reason, is that the eight tend to succeed in business, and in power in areas (military forces and law enforcement agencies).

When an 8 appears in your destiny, it indicates the presence of the character traits mentioned earlier, as well as the potential to be very successful and prosperous - hence the reason so many people like to manipulate names to add one or more 8s. However, the energy of the 8 requires the support of other numbers to thrive, such as the 8 to help you not miss important details, and the 9 to keep you connected to humanity. So be careful what you ask for. If you decide to change your name to add one or more eights and your destiny is not ready to support this strength, you may gain more negative qualities such as disappointment, dissatisfaction, anger, aggression, greed, intolerance, hatred and insomnia.

Most Eights have found their way into the upper echelons of society, but you will also find a disproportionate number of Eights among the homeless.

If 8 appears in your life cycles or is brought to your birth date, there is a chance of increased energy, focus and increased self-confidence. Shape 8 shows balance and self-confidence. The positive quality of the Eight is that it is ready to admit its mistakes and is generous with forgiveness. Eights are physically imposing and often athletic, especially good at sports that require strength and endurance.

Like everything from one digit, eight has positive and negative sides. However, one of the mysteries of numerology is that there are a small number of people who, from an early age and for no apparent reason, are the absolute opposite of how their number characterizes them. The key word here is "seems or possibly". This phenomenon occurs with all numbers, but the words “seems or perhaps” affects the eight more than other numbers, and there are also many people with a predominance of eight, who become priests, missionaries, humanitarians and so on, but these sacrifice and love with all my heart.

Each number has its own special meaning according to different correspondence systems. For example, if we talk about the meaning of the number 8 in general, then this number symbolizes material success, financial well-being, and abundance. In addition, the number eight brings constancy and reliability. Everyone knows that the inverted number 8 is a sign of infinity, which means determination, enterprise and self-confidence.

The meaning of the number eight

First of all, the meaning of the number 8 refers us to success in various matters and the implementation of plans. Eight is a strong-willed number that reveals a strong character, the ability not to feel sorry for oneself and others, and the ability to move towards one’s goal. And the more difficulties there are along the way, the stronger the desire to overcome them. This is especially true in the business world.

The Eight is the patroness of large transactions and allows you to make a serious, informed decision. By the way, the Chinese character for the number 8 is translated as well-being and prosperity. And according to the Chinese calendar, from 2004 to 2024 is the era of eight, and starting everything new now is very favorable.

Number 8 in numerology

Every person who is even slightly interested in esotericism knows that the meaning of the number 8 in numerology is of great significance. Eight determines the entire human psychomatrix. It describes a sense of duty towards family, as well as tolerance and kindness, especially towards family and friends.

The number 8 has this meaning in numerology for a reason. If you write down a list of your immediate family, you will get a list something like this: mother, father, brother or sister, wife, daughter, son, wife's mother and wife's father. These are the 8 people towards whom you have a special duty. Of course, one can argue with this: some have no brothers and sisters, some have more than one, and large families do not fit this classification at all. And, nevertheless, there is an opinion that it is precisely because of this that the number eight has such a meaning in numerology.

Depending on how many eights are in your psychomatrix, you can judge your character and attitude towards loved ones. Let's look at different cases:

There are no eights at all

As a rule, such people are not at all familiar with the sense of duty, and at the same time they are very intolerant of loved ones and rarely show kindness.

In such a matrix, units play a huge role. Usually people who have 1-2 ones and 0 eights are selfish and at the same time weak-willed, irresponsible and defend their point of view with or without reason. Surprisingly, if there are more than 2 ones, each subsequent pair recreates an eight, and we see a gentle, tolerant and kind person.

If you see that your child does not have eights, teach him by example. From an early age, watching you take care of your elders, be tolerant and kind, your child will certainly learn this from you. But remember: books and moral teachings will not save you: only sincere personal example.

One eight in the psychomatrix

Such a person is given a sense of duty from birth, but it is very weak, and the person will not be kind and tolerant in any situation. In any situation, such a person will start primarily from his personal interests, and sacrifice them in the name of good. can not.

The rule described above applies here. If there are 3 or more units, then every two gives 1 eight, i.e. The matrix should be read not as 111 and 8, but as 1 and 88. Such people will be kind and tolerant, but at times they can flare up. If such a person is put under pressure, he can become a real despot, so it is best to resolve issues with him gently.

It is possible to cultivate gentleness and tolerance in a person only if he sees his parents as gentle and tolerant. If scandals reign at home, the child will grow up to be quite cruel.

Several eights in the psychomatrix

These people are very kind, they are truth-seekers, gentle and caring. However, if there are 3 eights, then this indicates the instability of such qualities.

The interpretation of numbers can have many interpretations, sometimes opposite ones. What does the number 8 mean in numerology by date of birth: for some it brings good luck, for others - loss, and for others it symbolizes infinity. It gives people a strong-willed character, energy, strength, and determination.

Eight can bring both good luck and loss

Characteristics of the number

  1. Lucky stone - black pearl, diamond.
  2. Lucky days are Monday, Saturday and Sunday.
  3. What numbers should you avoid: 1, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14, 19, 24.
  4. Color - black, khaki, purple, dark blue. It is worth abandoning light shades.
  5. Diseases - headaches, stomach problems.

Eight is the symbol of the planet Saturn. The number consists of two circles, which symbolize a split personality. This is the meaning of opposite. People with the number 8 are not understood by others, they find it difficult to find friends, they are unhappy and lonely.

Many eights are labeled and their reputation is spoiled. They don't deserve it. For these people, maintaining spiritual values ​​throughout their lives is important.

Among the characteristics of such people is maximalism. They are not afraid of work and are hardworking. When they do not achieve success, they are deeply worried. They cannot stand betrayal or injustice. Everything bad worsens their psychological state, which is why there are many cases of suicide among 8s. They can also punish others and subsequently become antisocial individuals.

Diamond - stone of eights

Positive traits

Destiny number 8 can use its talents in industry, trade, and organizational activities. Eights are good leaders. Work related to loans and real estate brings benefits. The number 8 is often found among politicians. The person is well oriented in different areas.

There are several positive qualities based on date of birth:

  • are fond of literature, read a lot, find themselves in journalism;
  • see both sides of any issue, do not panic in critical situations, but find a way out;
  • always strive for justice, it helps them gain influence and power;
  • constantly train the mind;
  • courageous, observant, able to control any situation;
  • speak beautifully, convincingly, sincerely, good speakers;
  • love music and paintings.

People with destiny number 8 need to work in the field of finance: they are honest and know how to properly distribute money.

Negative qualities

In the modern world with strict laws, it is difficult for people with the number 8. Talent and intelligence are perceived by others as some kind of oddity.

Sincerity leads to the gradual destruction of personality. Due to the fact that they are constant in love, a feeling of brokenness appears after betrayal. Other negative character traits include:

  • extremes - work furiously or are very lazy;
  • vengeful;
  • at first they enjoy life, then they are depressed, they become depressed;
  • lacks stability and balance;
  • At first they are kind and loving, after a while cruelty and hatred appear.

Number 8 for men and women

Eight men marry early, but quickly divorce. For them, the main thing is to achieve the goal, then love fades away. Numerology recommends not to rush into marriage.

The stronger sex is persistent people with ambitions who worry about financial stability in the family. In this case, the wife should not compete, otherwise the marriage will collapse.

Women with destiny number 8 by date of birth are reserved, cold personalities, but inside they are sensual, vulnerable, and need love. But Eights will give preference to a rich partner rather than someone they love.

Love relationship

A person with the number 8 has such a meaning - a strong character, capable of deep and emotional attachment. The partner does not understand such people and often betrays them. Subsequently, indifference sets in and the personality withdraws into itself.

Eights express their love not with words, but with actions that the environment does not perceive. They know how to sacrifice themselves, so the partner uses this for his own purposes. It all ends in misfortune - they give everything and receive nothing in return.

People born on the 8th are magnetic personalities; the opposite sex is attracted to them, but for them sexual relationships are not as important as spiritual intimacy. For a relationship to be harmonious, the partner must be as strong and faithful as the number eight and support her in everything.

A person with the number 8 must understand that life will be difficult for him. You should not rely on the support of others. In this case, you just need to hold on, don’t give in to emotions, don’t panic or get depressed.

How to alleviate the condition of eights:

  • calmly accept that everything comes and goes;
  • don’t waste energy fighting the whole world;
  • don’t be afraid to achieve your goal;
  • develop patience;
  • remain persistent, determined;
  • do not go to extremes;
  • find yourself in life using your intelligence, spirituality, artistry and emotionality.

Eight people must develop calm and patience

These people are excellent managers, self-sufficient, and demanding of their subordinates. But life is difficult for them, because they need to learn to adapt to society, but they refuse to do this. To avoid troubles, you should listen to numerology.