Treaty with the Greeks of Prince Igor. Political history of Kievan Rus Treaty 945

From the work of the historian B.A. Rybakov.

“In addition to the colorful and dramatic external history of the principalities and princes, this era is extremely interesting for us for those aggravated relations between the princes and the boyars, which were so clearly identified already in the time of Yaroslav Osmomysl. If we discard the element of personal gain and self-interest, ... then it should be recognized that their policy of concentrating land, weakening appanages and strengthening the central princely power was objectively progressive, since it coincided with the interests of the people. In pursuing this policy, the princes relied on the broad strata of the townspeople and on the reserves of petty feudal lords (youths, children, merciful ones), who were completely dependent on the prince, grown by them. It must be noted that the initial phase of this period (before the factor of conquest intervened in the normal development) is characterized not by the decline of culture, as might be expected, ... but, on the contrary, by the rapid growth of cities and the bright flowering of Russian culture during all its manifestations. It follows from this that the new political form obviously contributed (perhaps at first) to progressive development.

C1. Give the name of the historical period referred to in the passage. Using knowledge of the history course, name the largest political centers of this period. List at least three positions in total.

C2. Using the text of the document and drawing on knowledge of history, indicate at least three characteristic features this period.

C3. Attracting knowledge of history and using the text of the document, evaluate this period. Give at least two arguments to support your assessment.

10. Read a passage from a historical source and briefly answer questions C1-C3. The answers assume the use of information from the source, as well as the application of historical knowledge in the course of the history of the corresponding period.

From the Swedish saga "The Circle of the Earth" by Snorri Sturluson.

“From the letter of Ingigerda, the king's daughter, he learned that the ambassadors of King Yaritsleif arrived from the east from Holmgard to the king of the Swedes Olaf to woo the daughter of King Olaf of the Swedes for Yaritsleiva, and that Olaf the king accepted their matchmaking well ...
The next spring, ambassadors of King Yaritsleif from Holmgard arrived in Sweden to find out if Olaf was going to keep his promise made the previous summer and marry his daughter Ingigerda to King Yaritsleif. King Olaf told Ingigerd about this and said that he wanted her to marry King Yaritsleif. She replies: “If I marry King Yaritsleif, then I want to receive from him as a vein [bride price] all the possessions of Jarl [the ruler of the city] Aldeygyuborg and Aldeygyuborg himself [g. Ladoga]. The ambassadors from Gardariki agreed on behalf of their king...
That same summer they traveled east to Gardariki together. Ingigerda married King Yaritsleif. Their sons were Valdamar, Vissivald and Holti. Ingigerda, the king's wife, granted Jarl Aldeiguborg to Rögnvald, and he became the jarl of all that region.

C1. What events are mentioned in the document? What Russian prince are we talking about
C2. Which country is named Gardarika in the text? Using the text, determine which
Did the women of Gardariki have the right in the specified period?
C3. For what purpose did the Russian ambassadors come to King Olav? Using text
document, indicate the conditions that Ingigerda put forward in order to
agree with the demand of his father - King Olav.

11. Read a passage from a historical source and briefly answer questions C1-C3. The answers assume the use of information from the source, as well as the application of historical knowledge in the course of the history of the corresponding period.

From the treaty between Prince Igor and the Greeks in 945.

“In the year 6453, Roman, and Constantine, and Stefan sent ambassadors to Igor to restore the former world ... And they brought Russian ambassadors, and ordered them to speak and write down the speeches of both on the charter: If any of the Russians plans to destroy this friendship, then the baptized of them, may they accept revenge from God Almighty, and condemnation to eternal death, and the unbaptized may not accept help from God and Perun, may they not defend themselves with their shields and their other weapons, and may they be slaves forever in the future life. And let the Russian Grand Duke and his boyars send as many ships as they want to the Greek land to the great Greek kings, with ambassadors and merchants, as it is established for them ... If a slave runs away from Russia, then the slave should be caught, since Russia came to the country of our kingdom, if the slave fled from the holy Mama; if the fugitive is not found out, then let our Christians swear an oath to Russia according to their faith, and not Christians according to their own law, and then let Russia take the price of a slave on us (Greeks), as established before, 2 silk per slave ... "

C1. Name the chronological framework of the period of Igor's reign. What was the purpose of the treaty of 945? What was the nature of the terms of the treaty for Russia?

C2. What was the punishment for violating the terms of the document? Name at least two positions. Make a conclusion about the beliefs of the population of Russia in the middle of the X century.

C3. What conclusions can be drawn from the text of the treaty economic development Russia using knowledge of the course of national history? List at least two conclusions.

12. Read a passage from a historical source and briefly answer questions C1-C3. The answers assume the use of information from the source, as well as the application of historical knowledge in the course of the history of the corresponding period.

Political history of Kievan Rus (at the beginning XI in.)

The history of Kievan Rus has a relatively short chronological extent. If we count it from the reign of Oleg in Kyiv, and this is 882, then it turns out that Kievan Rus lasted only 250 years, because in 1132 the chronicler had already made a record of the collapse of the Russian Land.Remember what you know about Oleg's campaign and his seizure of power in Kyiv. Explain the reasons and goals for this approach.

But those were very busy years. The state developed. Kyiv princes collected lands, fought against nomads, made campaigns against Byzantium, improved the system of tribute collection. With the growth of the princely family, dramatic pages appeared associated with confusion in the order of succession to the throne, inter-princely strife began. The most far-sighted princes tried to get out of this situation, but their undertakings were far from always successful...

Boiled not only political life. Of no less interest are economic, social, spiritual processes. Cities grew and developed, social strata and groups formed. Religious reforms of permanent importance fell on this period.

It is natural that the interweaving of these processes gives rise to the most acute disputes, different points of view of historians both within the framework of the formational and civilizational perception of events.

It seems expedient to begin consideration of the situation with an understanding of the activities of the first Kyiv princes who created, figuratively speaking, the "body" Old Russian state. It was then, under the first Rurik dynasty, that the foundations of many subsequent events were laid, including the collapse of that early medieval state giant, which we call Kievan Rus.

We recall once again that many historians quite rightly focus on the role in the process of the emergence of the Old Russian state of two early centers of East Slavic statehood - the Middle Dnieper (Kuyab) and the Ilmen (Slavia), believing their unification as a result of Oleg's seizure of power in Kyiv (882) as the beginning of the emergence Kievan Rus.

In the Initial Kiev Code, which, according to researchers, was written earlier than the Tale of Bygone Years (at the end of the 11th century) and which has come down to us as part of the Novgorod chronicle, it is stated that Igor was initially established as a Grand Duke. And Oleg was only his governor.

“After two years, Sineus and his brother Truvor died, and taking power alone Rurik, power to both brothers, and beginning to rule alone. And give birth to a son, and name him Igor. And I will grow him, Igor, and be brave and wise. And he had a governor, named Oleg, a husband wise and brave. And often to fight, and the Dnieper river and Smolnesk city were built up. And from there, going down the Dnieper, and coming to the mountains of Kiev, and saw the city of Kiev, and tried who to reign in it; and deciding: "two brothers, Askold and Dir." Igor and Oleg, who are passing by, are hiding in the boats, and with a small retinue are climbing on the shore, pretending to be Podugorsk guests, and asking Askold and Dir. Slezshima same ima, jumping out of the other soldiers from the lodey, Igor, on the shore; and Igor said to Askold: “You are not a prince, nor a family of a prince, I am a prince, and I am worthy of a prince.” And killed Askold and Dir; and abie carried to the mountain, and buried Askold on the mountain, now Ugorskoe to call, where there is a court of Olmin; on that grave place Olma's church of St. Nicholas, and Direva's grave behind St. Irina. And gray-haired Igor, prince, in Kiev; and besha from him Varyazi men Slovene, and henceforth others were nicknamed Rus. So Igor began to set up castles, and set tribute to Sloven and Varyag to give, and to Krivich and Meryam to give tribute to Varyag, and from Novgorod 300 hryvnias for the summer of the world by dividing, not to give. And packs bring yourself a wife from Pleskov, named Olga, and be wise and sensible, from her the son Svyatoslav will be born.

(The Novgorod first chronicle of the senior and junior editions. M.; L., 1950. (The junior edition).

With the formation of Kievan Rus, the political institution of tribal princes gradually ceased to exist. Their place is occupied by representatives of the Rurik clan.

Let us recall the first princes of Kievan Rus and the dates of their reign according to the Tale of Bygone Years.(In textbooks, you may come across other dates. Try to explain their discrepancies with the Tale of Bygone Years).

Olga ruled due to the infancy of her son Svyatoslav, although even after his maturity she continued to exercise managerial functions in Kyiv due to the constant absence of Svyatoslav, who was on military campaigns, and the infancy of her grandchildren (Svyatoslav's sons). Olga died in 969.

Svyatoslav (964 - 972)

Yaropolk (973 - 980)

Vladimir (980 - 1015)

It is necessary not only to assimilate the chronology of the first Kyiv rulers. It is required to disclose the most characteristic events associated with their activities.

What Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes did Prince Oleg subordinate to Kyiv? Remember Oleg's campaign against Byzantium in 907 and the terms of the peace treaty concluded as a result (in 912). What did it mean for the development of Russia?

What do you know about Igor's campaigns against Byzantium? Why is the agreement with Byzantium of 945 considered less beneficial for Russia than Oleg's agreement?


(The Tale of Bygone Years / Prepared by the text, translated and commented by O.V. Tvorogova // Library of Literature ancient Russia. T.1.


“Such are the essence of the chapters of the treaty, to which we have committed ourselves in God’s faith and friendship: with the first words of our treaty, we will make peace with you, Greeks, and we will begin to love each other with all our hearts and with all our good will, and we will not let it happen, as far as it is in our power, no deceit or crime from our bright princes who are at hand. But we will try, as far as we can, to preserve with you, Greeks, in future years and forever an unalterable and unchanging friendship, by expression and tradition to a letter with confirmation, certified by an oath. Also, you Greeks, observe the same unshakable and unchanging friendship for our bright Russian princes and for everyone who is under the hand of our bright prince always and in all years.

And about the chapters concerning possible atrocities, we will agree as follows: those atrocities that will be clearly certified, let them be considered indisputably committed; and by whom they will not believe, let the side that strives not to believe this atrocity swear; and when that party swears, let there be such a punishment as the crime will be.

About this: if anyone kills - a Russian Christian, or a Russian Christian - let him die at the scene of the murder. If the murderer runs away, but turns out to be a property owner, then let the relative of the murdered person take that part of his property that is due by law, but let the murderer's wife keep what is due to her by law. But if the fugitive murderer turns out to be indigent, then let him remain on trial until he is found, and then let him die.

If someone strikes with a sword or beats with some other weapon, then for that blow or beating let him give 5 liters of silver according to Russian law; if a poor person commits this offense, then let him give as much as he can, so that he takes off the very clothes in which he walks, and on the remaining unpaid amount, let him swear by his faith that no one can help him, and let him not this balance is collected from him.

About this: if a Russian steals from a Christian, or vice versa, a Christian from a Russian, and the thief is caught by the victim at the time when he commits the theft, or if the thief prepares to steal and is killed, then his death will not be exacted either from Christians or from Russians; but let the afflicted take what is his that he has lost. But if the thief voluntarily surrenders himself, then let him be taken by the one from whom he stole, and let him be bound, and give back what he stole in threefold.

About this: if one of the Russians threatens a Christian or a Russian with beatings, and violence is obvious, or takes away something belonging to another, then let him return it in a triple amount.

If a boat is thrown out by a strong wind on a foreign land and one of us Russians is there and begins to help save the boat with its cargo and send it back to Christian land, then we should lead it through any dangerous place until it comes to the place is safe; if this boat is delayed by a storm or stranded and cannot return to its places, then we, Russians, will help the rowers of that boat, and see them off with their goods in good health. If such a misfortune happens with the Russian boat near the Greek land, then we will lead it to the Russian land and let them sell the goods of that boat, so that if it is possible to sell anything from that boat, then let us Russians take [to the Greek coast]. And when [we, Russians] come to the Greek land for trade or as an embassy to your king, then [we, Greeks] let the sold goods of their boat pass with honor. If it happens to any of those who arrived with the boat to be killed or beaten by us Russians, or if something is taken, then let the perpetrators be sentenced by those to the above punishment.

If a prisoner of one side or another is forcibly held by Russians or Greeks, being sold into their country, and if it really turns out to be Russian or Greek, then let them ransom and return the ransomed person to his country and take the price of his buyers, or let the price be offered for him, relying on the servant. Also, if he is taken by those Greeks in the war, let him return to his own country anyway, and his usual price will be given for him, as already mentioned above.

If, however, there is a recruitment into the army and when the need arises, and these [Russians] want to honor your Caesar, and no matter how many of them come at what time, and want to stay with your Caesar of their own free will, then so be it.

More about the Russians, about the prisoners. Those [captive Christians] who came from any country to Russia and are sold [by the Russians] back to Greece, or captive Christians brought to Russia from any country - all these must be sold for 20 spools and return to the Greek land.

About this: if a Russian servant is stolen, either he runs away, or he is forcibly sold and the Russians begin to complain, let them prove this about their servant and take him to Russia, but also the merchants, if they lose the servant and appeal, let them demand a court and, when they find , will take it. If someone does not allow an inquiry to be made, then he will not be recognized as right.

About the Russians serving in the Greek land with the Greek Tsar. If someone dies without disposing of his property, and he does not have his own [in Greece], then let his property be returned to Russia to the closest younger relatives. If he makes a will, then the one to whom he bequeathed in writing to inherit his property will take what was bequeathed to him, and let him inherit it.

About Russian traders.

About various people who go to the Greek land and remain in debt. If the villain does not return to Russia, then let the Russians complain to the Greek kingdom, and he will be captured and forcibly returned to Russia. Let the Russians do the same to the Greeks if the same happens.

As a sign of the strength and immutability that should be between you, Christians, and Russians, we created this peace treaty by Ivan's writing on two charters - your Caesar and with our own hand - we sealed it with an oath by the presenting honest cross and the holy consubstantial Trinity of your one true God and given to our ambassadors. We swore to your Caesar, appointed by God, as a divine creation, according to our law and custom, not to violate us and anyone from our country any of the established chapters of the peace treaty and friendship. And this writing was given to your kings for approval, so that this agreement would become the basis for establishing and certifying the peace that exists between us. September 2, indict 15, in the year from the creation of the world 6420.


“Let the Russian Grand Duke and his boyars send to the Greek land to the great Greek Caesars as many ships as they want with their ambassadors and merchants, as it is established for them. Formerly, ambassadors brought gold seals, while merchants brought silver seals. Now your prince began to send a letter to our kingdom; those ambassadors and guests who will be sent to them, let them bring a letter, writing in it that “I sent so many ships,” so that from these letters we learn that they came for peaceful purposes. If they come without a letter and end up in our hands, then we will keep them under supervision until we inform your prince. But if they do not yield to us and resist, then let us kill them, and let not their death be sought from your prince. If, having run away, they return to Russia, then we will write to your prince, and let them do what they want. If the Russians do not come for trade, then let them not take a month. Let the prince punish his ambassadors and the Russians who come here, so that they do not commit atrocities in the villages and in our country. And when they come, let them live at the church of St. Mammoth, and then we, the Caesars, will send to rewrite your names, and let them take a month - ambassadors of the ambassadorial, and merchants a month, first those who are from the city of Kyiv, then from Chernigov and from Pereyaslavl and from other cities. Yes, they enter the city through the gate alone, accompanied by the king's husband without weapons, about 50 people, and trade as much as they need, and go back; let our royal husband protect them, so that if any of the Russians or Greeks does wrong, then let him judge that matter. When the Russians enter the city, then let them not do harm and have no right to buy curtains more expensive than 50 spools; and if anyone buys those curtains, then let him show it to the king's husband, and he will seal it and give it to them. And those Russians who leave from here, let them take everything they need from us: food for the journey and what the boats need, as it was established earlier, and let them return safely to their country, and let them not have the right to spend the winter at the holy Mammoth.

If a servant runs away from the Russians, then let them come for him to the country of our kingdom, and if he turns up at the holy Mammoth, then let them take him; if not, then let our Russian Christians swear, and non-Christians according to their own law, and then let them take their price from us, as was established before, - 2 curtains per servant.

If one of the servants of our royal or our city, or other cities, runs away to you and takes something with him, then let them return him again; and if what he brought is all intact, then they will take from him two spools for the capture.

If someone among the Russians attempts to take something from our royal people, then the one who does this, let him be severely punished; if he already takes, let him pay twice; and if a Greek does the same to a Russian, he will receive the same punishment that he received.

If, however, it happens to steal something to a Russian from the Greeks or to a Greek from the Russians, then not only what was stolen should be returned, but also the price of what was stolen; if it turns out that the stolen has already been sold, let him return its price twice and be punished according to the Greek law, and according to the Greek statute, and according to the Russian law.

No matter how many captive Christians of our subjects the Russians bring, then for a young man or a good girl let ours give 10 gold coins and take them, but if they are of middle age, then let them give them 8 gold coins and take him; if there is an old man or a child, then let them give 5 pieces of gold for him.

If the Russians find themselves in slavery to the Greeks, then if they are captives, let the Russians redeem them by 10 spools; if it turns out that they were bought by a Greek, then he should swear on the cross and take his price - how much he gave for the captive.

And about the Korsun country. Yes, the Russian prince has no right to fight in those countries, in all the cities of that land, and let that country not submit to you, but when the Russian prince asks us for soldiers, we will give him as much as he needs, and let him fight.

And about this: if the Russians find a Greek ship, thrown somewhere on the shore, let them not cause damage to it. If someone takes something from him, or converts one of him into slavery or kills him, he will be subject to judgment according to Russian and Greek law.

If the Russians of Korsun are caught fishing at the mouth of the Dnieper, let them not do them any harm.

And let the Russians not have the right to spend the winter at the mouth of the Dnieper, in the Beloberezhye and at St. Elfery; but with the onset of autumn, let them go home to Russia.

And about these: if black Bulgarians come and start fighting in the Korsun country, then we order the Russian prince not to let them in, otherwise they will cause damage to his country.

If, however, a crime is committed by one of the Greeks - our royal subjects - yes, you have no right to punish them, but according to our royal command, let him receive punishment to the extent of his offense.

If our subject kills a Russian, then let the killer be detained by the relatives of the murdered, and let him be killed. If the murderer runs away and hides, and he has property, then let the relatives of the murdered person take this property; if the murderer turns out to be indigent and also hides, then let them look for him until he is found. And let him be killed.

If a Russian strikes a Greek or a Russian Greek with a sword or a spear, or any other weapon, then let the guilty person pay 5 liters of silver according to the Russian law for that lawlessness; but if he turns out to be indigent, then let them sell everything that is possible from him, so that even the clothes in which he walks, and let them be removed from him, and about what is missing, let him take an oath according to his faith that he has nothing, and only then let it be released.

If we, kings, wish you have soldiers against our enemies, let us write about it to your great prince, and he will send us as many of them as we wish; and from here they learn in other countries what kind of love Greeks and Russians have for each other.

We wrote this agreement on two charters, and one charter is kept by us, the Caesars, - on it there is a cross and our names are written, and on the other - the names of your ambassadors and merchants. And when our royal ambassadors leave, let them take them to the Grand Duke of Russia Igor and to his people; and those, having accepted the charter, will swear to truly observe what we have agreed and what we have written on this charter, on which our names are written.

What do you know about the death of Prince Igor? What changes in the tribute collection system were made by Princess Olga after his death?

Why is it argued in the literature that in the character and activities of Svyatoslav we observe the features of a wandering Viking to a greater extent than the ruler of the Russian land? Remember the conditions under which Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich died.

What events are most famous for the reign of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich?

If we sum up the general results of the activities of the first Kyiv princes (from Oleg to Vladimir Svyatoslavovich), then we can say that its main directions were:

- the unification of all East Slavic (and part of the Finno-Ugric) tribes under the rule of the Grand Duke of Kyiv;

- organization of the system of princely power, including the collection of tribute;

- the establishment of international relations (primarily with Byzantium), which were carried out in a variety of ways - from wars to peace treaties;

- the acquisition of overseas markets for Russian trade and the protection of trade routes that led to these markets;

- protection of territories from external threats, the fight against nomadic raids.

Another point that needs to be thought about is the system of inheritance of the grand duke's power that developed in the period under review. This moment will be of particular importance for understanding the situation in the final stages of the existence of Kievan Rus.

Until the death of Vladimir Svyatoslavich (1015), the inheritance took place seniority when power was transferred to a senior in the Rurik dynasty.

While the existing system of succession to the throne did not create any special problems, did not create due to the small number of the Rurik family itself and, accordingly, the heirs of power. "In seniority", in essence, meant here - "from father to eldest son." But the first signs of future serious complications were already becoming noticeable.

Relations between the father and sons were still quite definite. But after his death, complications began to arise between the brothers, the question arose about the real status of the younger in relation to the oldest, which developed into a struggle for power.

And the earliest manifestation was a clash between the sons of the famous conqueror prince Svyatoslav Igorevich. During the first inter-princely strife in the history of Kievan Rus, the eldest sons of Svyatoslav Oleg and Yaropolk died, and power was seized by the youngest - Vladimir.

Having analyzed the main political moments of the early history of Kievan Rus, one should turn to the consideration of those processes and trends that were observed in the development of ancient Russian society.

THE AGREEMENT OF PRINCE IGOR WITH THE GREEKS (945), the 1st indication of the agreement of Igor concerns the significance of the zemshchina in Russia. So, on the 1st page of the treaty (Laurus, p. 24) we meet a number of names of ambassadors sent to Greece to conclude this treaty. Here, in addition to ambassadors from Igor, from his son Svyatoslav, from Princess Olga, we meet the names of ambassadors from Sfandra, the wife of Ulebova, from a certain Slav Predslava, from famous warriors and from merchants. From this it can be seen that the whole society participated in the conclusion of the treaty, that in public affairs the significance of the prince was limited, and side by side with his power, the power of the zemstvo went hand in hand.

The 2nd instruction concerns the rights and position of the Russian woman. The agreement mentions ambassadors from women - from Sfandra, Ulebova's wife, and from Predslava. From this official instruction, we see that women in the then Russian society had not only family, but also purely civil, social significance. Society recognized them not only as members of this or that family, but also as members of the whole society, to some extent equal to men. This indication is the confirmation of Art. 3 of the Treaty of Oleg (see: Treaty of Prince Oleg with the Greeks), which states that a wife could have property separately from her husband's property. Igor's contract mentions that a wife can not only have separate property, but also dispose of it independently of her husband, because the ambassadors from Sfandra and Predslava could only be on business; thus, we find here evidence not only of property rights, but also of the personal rights of women in Russia. Roman and German women were under guardianship all their lives: an unmarried woman was under the guardianship of her parents, a married woman was under the guardianship of her husband, and widows were under the guardianship of their sons. Russian women, on the contrary, were under guardianship only until they got married, and when they got married, they were freed from any guardianship. That such an independent position was used not only by Varangian women, but also by Slavic ones, is evident from the fact that an ambassador from Predslava, of course a Slav woman, participated in the conclusion of the agreement, which can be concluded by her name. It seems that it can be said with certainty that Sfandra, mentioned in the treaty, is directly called the wife of Uleb. And the widow at that time completely occupied the place of her husband; her husband's house became her property and was named after her. She became the head of the family and, in this sense, recognized by society, enjoyed many rights as a direct, immediate member of the community. This social significance of the Russian woman, certified by the contract, is in full agreement with the view of the woman of all subsequent Russian legislation. So, according to Russkaya Pravda, a woman after the death of her husband became the head of the family, so that during her time neither a guardian nor a trustee was appointed to the family; after the death of her husband, the wife managed her and her husband's estate at her own discretion, and after the age of her children did not give any account of her management. And according to the legislation, the modern Sudebnik, the wife, upon the death of her husband, assumed the duties of her husband in relation to society, since they did not contradict her gender; so, the widow even carried out military service, of course not personally, but by sending a certain (on her estate) number of armed people on a campaign.

The 3rd indication concerns the significance of the boyars. Among the boyars of Igor's time there were such significant men that they sent special ambassadors from themselves along with the princes. So, the treaty mentions ambassadors: Uleb from Volodislav, Prasten from Turd, Libiar from Fast, etc. Among the boyars who sent ambassadors were also Slavs, for example, Volodislav. Of course, we cannot recognize these boyars as anything like feudal barons. Western Europe, because the above studies clearly prove that we did not have and could not have feudalism, nevertheless, it cannot be denied that the oldest of the boyars constituted a strong aristocracy that had its own significance regardless of the service to the prince, for if the significance of the boyars consisted in one service, then the boyar embassies would not have mattered with the princely embassy. In the next period, when the significance of the boyars was weakened by the influence of princely power, we no longer see special embassies from the boyars, as well as from other estates of the Zemstvo. So, in all the treaty letters of the princes of the 2nd period and the original lists of the embassies of the Moscow sovereigns, there is nowhere even a mention of special ambassadors from the boyars. Therefore, a simple comparison of the treaty letters of the 1st period with the letters of the 2nd period clearly shows a great difference in the social significance of the boyars in both periods. Of the three treaty letters of the 1st period, there is not one that would be written on behalf of one prince without the participation of the boyars; even in the shortest of them - the letter of Svyatoslav, the name of the senior combatant Sveneld is mentioned, while all the contractual letters of the 2nd period, with the exception of Novgorod, were written on behalf of one prince. It cannot be assumed that the mention of the boyars was included in the letters of the 1st period by the Greeks to better ensure contractual conditions, because, as we know, the Greeks did not have sufficient information about the significance of the boyars in Russia. The proof of this can be the so-called. "riter of the Greek court", compiled by imp. Constantine Porfirorodny. In this ritual book we read the following: “A letter is sent to the ruler of Russia for a gold seal in two solids with the following title: Letter of Constantine and Roman, Christ-loving Roman sovereigns, to the prince of Russia.” This was the usual form adopted by the Byzantine court in relations with the Russian princes, and in this form there is no mention of the Russian boyars, the message is titled only to the prince; it is clear that the Byzantines were not aware of the importance of the boyars in Russia. Consequently, the mention of the boyars in the treaties of the 1st period belongs not to the Byzantines, but to the Russians themselves.

The 4th indication concerns the importance of merchants (see: Merchants) in Russian society. It can be seen from the agreement that the merchants, as well as the boyars, participated together with the prince in agreements with the Greeks and sent ambassadors on their behalf. This evidence points to merchants not only as a special class, but also as people who at that time had great power in society. In the 2nd period, when their importance, like all other classes, decreased, they did not take any part in agreements with foreign sovereigns. So, the Smolensk letters, although they also had commercial purposes, were written on behalf of one prince without the participation of Smolensk merchants, while, according to everything, merchants should have been here, since the case of Ch. arr. concerned them and, according to the charter of 1229, even initially was carried out by merchants or merchants, as the charter directly says: “Good people worked all over this world: Rolfo from Kashen, God’s nobleman and Tumash Smolnyan, even if there was peace for a century.” This simple comparison of the treaty letters of the 1st and 2nd periods clearly shows that the merchants in the 1st period enjoyed a high importance in Russian society, which they subsequently no longer had.

The 5th indication (located in Article 1 and in the conclusion of Igor's treaty) testifies to the religious tolerance that characterized Russian society in Igor's time. In the treaty, the Russians are divided into baptized and unbaptized. In Art. 1 says: “And whoever thinks from the Russian country to destroy such love and if their baptism accepted the essence, let them take revenge from God Almighty ... and if they are not baptized, let them not have help from God, nor from Perun” (Lavr. sp. , p. 24). A similar indication is found in the conclusion of the treaty, which states that even among the Russian ambassadors there were Christians. So, affirming the agreement with an oath, the Russian ambassadors say: “We hedgehog, as we were baptized by Esma, we swear by the church of St. Elijah in the collections of the church and presenting an honest cross and haratya sow ... And not baptized Russia lay their shields and sword their legs, hoop yours and others weapons, let them swear about everything, even if the essence is written on this charter ”(Lavr. sp., p. 27). This article serves as proof that everyone was equal before the then Russian law, no matter what religion anyone belonged to. And this again serves as a strong confirmation of the fact that Russian society took shape and developed under the influence of communal principles. The community, accepting everyone as its members without distinction, without making out who belongs to which tribe, obviously did not pay attention to who professed what faith, for with a diversity of tribes, one-belief does not represent necessary condition to enter society. With the same tribe, and especially with the tribal structure of society, diversity of faith is absolutely impossible.

The 6th indication testifies to the existence in the 1st period of written documents issued by the government to private individuals. In Art. 2. The treaty speaks of travel letters issued by the prince to ambassadors and merchants who went to Greece. This article says: "Now the Russian prince decided to send letters, which would indicate how many ships to send, so that the Greeks would know by this whether the ships were coming in peace." Obviously, this was a complete innovation in the then Russian society, because under Igor, as the same article of the contract testifies, seals were used instead of letters: for ambassadors - gold, and for guests - silver. But whether this innovation was borrowed from the Greeks, we do not know, and the contract not only does not say that this was done at the insistence of the Greeks, but it even says the opposite, that is, that the Russian prince himself judged so. As for the use of seals, this seems to have been an ancient custom of the Slavs, for they were also used by the Danubian Slavs.

7th instruction, which is in Art. 5 of the contract, contains the criminal laws of Igor's time about robbers and thieves. The article says: “... If one of the Russians attempts to take something by force from our people and if he succeeds in this, he will be severely punished, and what he took, he will pay twice for it, and also the Greek will immediately accept the execution, if he will do with the Russian” (Lavr. sp., p. 25). This article corresponds to the Russian Pravda, which says: "... People do not pay for a robber, but they will put him and his wife and children into the stream and plunder." Although the words of the treaty “will be severely punished” do not determine what, in fact, the execution should consist of, the words of Russian Pravda “will give into the stream and plunder” are more definite, nevertheless, the meaning of both laws remains the same - strict pursuit of robbers. The very inaccuracy and uncertainty of the article on robbers in Igor's treaty occurred because the punishments determined for robbers according to the laws of Greece and Russia were not the same in particular. In Greece at that time, torture was in great use and respect, which we do not see in Russia until the 16th century. But in general terms, the laws on robbers in Greece and Russia were the same - both in Greece and in Russia, robbers were severely punished. Therefore, both contracting parties did not find it necessary to determine in detail what punishment the robbers should be subjected to, but agreed only on one thing, so that the robbers would be severely punished, as the laws of Greece and Russia generally required: “And that will be shown according to Greek law, according to charter and Russian law ”(Lavr. sp., p. 26), it is said in the contract. The same article of the treaty contains the law on thieves. Comparing the law on thieves under both treaties, we find that in Igor's time this law underwent a significant change. Instead of the Roman quadrupli, which is Oleg treaty, according to Igor's contract, the thief was obliged to pay only twice, i.e., to return the stolen thing with its price attached, or, if the thing itself could not be returned, to give its double price. To these instructions of Igor's treaty on the criminal laws of that time, one must add evidence from Nestor's chronicle that in Igor's time a special vira was assigned from robbers, which was determined for the weapons and horses of the prince.

No. 2. From the treaty of Prince Igor with the Greeks of 945 “In the year 6453 Roman, and Constantine, and Stefan sent ambassadors to Igor to restore the former peace ... And they brought the Russian ambassadors, and ordered them to speak and write down the speeches of both on the charter: Russians plan to destroy this friendship, then the baptized of them may accept revenge from God Almighty, and condemnation to eternal death, and the unbaptized may not accept help from God and Perun, may they not defend themselves with their shields and their other weapons, and yes they will be a slave forever in the Hereafter. And let the Russian Grand Duke and his boyars send as many ships as they want to the Greek land to the great Greek kings, with ambassadors and merchants, as it is established for them ... If a slave runs away from Russia, then the slave should be caught, since Russia came to the country of our kingdom, if the slave fled from the holy Mama; if the fugitive is not discovered, then let our Christians swear to Russia according to their faith, and not Christians according to their own law, and then let Russia take the price of a slave on us (Greeks), as established before, 2 silk per slave ... " C1. Name the chronological framework of the period of Igor's reign. What was the purpose of the treaty of 945? What was the nature of the terms of the treaty for Russia? C2. What was the punishment for violating the terms of the document? Name at least two positions. Make a conclusion about the beliefs of the population of Russia in the middle of the X century. SZ. What conclusions can be drawn from the text of the treaty on the economic development of Russia using knowledge of the course of national history? List at least two conclusions.

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History grade 10

summary other presentations

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"The first princes in Russia" - Strengthening the apparatus of the state. Bulgarians. A new step in the development of the state. Igor Stary. Oleg Veshy. Adoption of the title of Grand Duke. Campaigns to Byzantium. The feat of the Russian warrior. All-Russian princes. Olga. Peace treaty. South direction. Last year Svyatoslav. Askold and Dir. Svyatoslav the Warrior. Rurik. Quick transitions. The defeat of the Khazar Khaganate. Drevlyans. First legend. Foreign policy. Domestic policy.

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In 944, Igor, with the assistance of the Varangians and Pechenegs, resumed his attack on Greece, but the Greek ambassadors met him on this side of the Danube and offered him a ransom, as a result of which Igor returned to Kyiv.

The agreement of 944 was concluded after the unsuccessful campaign of Prince Igor's troops against Byzantium in 941 and the second campaign in 944. Confirming the norms of 911 in a slightly modified form, the agreement of 944 obliged Russian ambassadors and merchants to have princely letters in order to use the established benefits, introduced a number of restrictions for Russians merchants. Russia pledged not to claim the Crimean possessions of Byzantium, not to leave outposts at the mouth of the Dnieper, and to help each other with military forces.

In 945, Greek ambassadors arrived in Kyiv to confirm this peace; with them, Igor sent his own ambassadors to Constantinople, who concluded an agreement cited by the chronicler under 945. This agreement is not known to Byzantine historians, which served as one of the main grounds for Schlozer to doubt its authenticity, but later research eliminated these doubts. In this, the most extensive of the agreements between the Russians and the Greeks of the 10th century, there are a lot of provisions of private international law, in which ancient Russian folk customs were seen; on the basis of them, Evers painted a complete picture of our ancient legal life. These provisions were in force only on Greek territory and, moreover, in clashes between Greeks and Russians (and not Russians among themselves), proves that when drawing up this treaty, Russian customs were taken into account only insofar as they did not contradict the desire of the Greeks to impose a bridle on the primitive mores of Russia and in in particular, on the principle of arbitrariness that dominated in her. By this, the significance of the treaty, as a source of Russian law, is greatly diminished, but the other side of the treaties between the Russians and the Greeks is put forward, as the first monuments in which the influence of Byzantium on Russia was expressed.

Treaty of the Russians with the Greeks under Prince. Igor, 945

(according to the Lavrentiev list).

In the summer of 6453. Roman sent, and Kostyantin, and Stefan were heard to Igor, build the world first; Igor, on the other hand, spoke with them about the world. Igor sent his husband to Roman, while Roman summoned the boyars and dignitaries. Having brought Ruskiy with a word, and commanded to speak, psati of both speeches in harat: as well as another message, which was under Tsars Roman, and Kostyantin, and Stefan, Christ-loving lords.

1. We from the Russian family ate and guest, Ivor, Sol Igorev, the Grand Duke Ruskago, and obchie if: Vuefast Svyatoslavl, son of Igor; Iskusevi Princess Olga; Sludy Igorev, neti Igorev; Uleb Volodyslavl; Kanitsar Predslavin; Shikhbern, Sfandr wife Uleble; Prasten Turduvi; Libi Arfastov; Grim Sfirkov; Prasten Akun, neti Igorev; Kara Tudkov; Karshev Turdov; Egri Evliskov; Voikov; Istr Aminodov; Prasten Bernow; Yavtyag Gunarev; Hybrid Aldan; Kol Klekov; Steggy Etonov, Sfirka…; Alvad Gudov; Fudri Tuadov; Mutur Utin; Kunets Adun, Adulb, Yggivlad, Oleb, Frutan, Gomol, Kutsi, Emig, Turbid, Furusten, Bruny, Roald, Gunastr, Frasten, Igeld, Turbern, Mona, Ruald, Sven, Stir, Aldan, Tilen, Apubksar, Vuzlev, Sinko , Borich, messages from Igor the Grand Duke Ruskago, and from every prince, and from all the people of the Russian land. And from those it is commanded to renew the old world, to destroy the devil who hates the good and the enemy, from many years, and to establish love between the Greeks and Russia. And our great prince Igor, and his boyars, and the people of all Rustia are sent to Roman, and Kostyantin, and to Stefan, to the great king of Grech, to create love with the kings themselves, with all the nobles, and with all the people of Grech for the whole summer, until the sun is gone and the whole world is worth.
And even to think from the country of Ruskia to destroy such love, and how their baptism accepted the essence, but to receive revenge from God Almighty, condemnation to death for the whole age, in the future; and if they are not baptized, may they not have help from God or from Perun, may their shields not be protected, and may they be cut with their swords, from arrows and from their other weapons, and may they be slaves for the whole age, in the future.

2. And let the Grand Duke of Russia and his boyars send ships to the Greeks in the great king of Grech, if they want, from the word and with the guests, as if they were appointed to eat.
Noshahu if the seals are golden, and the guest is silver; now your prince has seen to send letters to our kingdom; even if they are sent from them, and a guest, and bring a letter, writing to the sitsa: as if the ship was sent by a village. And from those yes we are also, Ozhe come with peace. Is it possible to come without a letter, and they will be betrayed to us, but we keep and keep, until we inform your prince; if they do not give a hand and resist, let them be killed, so that their death will not be sought from your prince; if he fled to Russia, we will write to your prince, as they like, to do so. If Russia comes without a purchase, but do not charge a month.
Yes, forbid the prince to demolish his own and those who come to Russia from here, and not to create lawlessness in the villages, nor in our country. And to those who come to them, let them hover at the holy Mother; let our kingdom be sent, yes, write your name, then stir up your month, eat the weak, and the monthly guest, the first from the city of Kyiv, packs from Chernigov and Pereyaslavl. Yes, enter the city alone at the gates with the king's husband without weapons, husband 50, and let me buy as they need, let them go again; and the husband of our kingdom, let me keep it, and if anyone from Russia or from the Greeks creates crookedly, let him straighten it. But when Russia enters the city, they don’t have a volost to buy pavolok for more than 50 spools; and from those curtains, if anyone screams, let him show the king's husband, and that is, seal it and give it to them. And departing Russia from here to take from us, if necessary, brashno on the way, and if necessary, the boats, as if they were appointed to eat before, and let them return with salvation to their country, but not have the power to spend the winter with the holy Mother.

3. If the servants run away from Russia, but don’t come to the country of our kingdom, and from the holy Mother, if there will be, yes, they will get it; if it doesn’t turn out, let our Christians of Russia go to the company according to their faith, and not Christians according to their own law: then they will charge their price from us, as it was set before, 2 pavolotse for servants.

4. Is there anyone from the people of our kingdom, or from your city, or from another city, to run our servants to you, and bring something, and back again; and what he brought will be, everything is whole, and let him take two spools from him.

5. If anyone encroaches from Russia, take something from the people of our kingdom, to do something like that, it will be shown to greatness; if he took it, he would pay purely. And if you create Grchin Rusin, but receive the same execution, as if he accepted it.

6. Is it possible to steal Rusina from the Greeks, or Grchina from Russia, worthy of eating and returning not just one, but also its price; if what is stolen turns out to be sold, let it go away and its price is purely, and it will be shown according to the Greek law, according to the charter and according to the Russian law.

7. Eliko Khresteyan from our power is captivated to bring Russia, that if she will be taken away, or a good maiden, but give a goldsmith 10 and they will catch and; if there is a middle age, let the spool 8 go away, and catch and; if you are old, or if you are a child, let the goldsmith go away 5. If Russia turns into a worker for the Greeks, if they are captives, but redeem Russia for 10 gold coins; if Grchin bought it, worthy of it under the cross, and take his price, how much he gave it to him.

8. And about the Corsunian country: there are many cities in that part, but the princes of Rustia do not have a volost, but you fight in those countries, and that country will not be punished by you; then if the prince of Russia asks us to howl, let him fight, ladies to him, if he needs it.

9. And about that, if they find Rus Kubara Grechskaya cast down in any place, but do not offend her; if someone takes something from her, whether to enslave a person or kill him, let him be subject to the law of Ruska and Grechsk.

10. If Korsunians find fish in the mouth of the Dnieper Rus, they are catching fish, but do no harm to them. And let Russia not have the power to winter in the mouths of the Dnieper, Belberezh, or at the holy Elferya: but when autumn comes, let them go to their homes in Russia.

11. And about these, then the Black Bolgars will come, they are fighting in the countries of Korsunstva, and we command the prince of Russia, but do not let them in, mischief his country.

12. Is it possible that some leprosy comes from the Greeks, who are under the power of our kingdom, but do not have the power to execute me, but by the command of our kingdom, let them receive, as if they were done.

13. If you kill the Christian Rusin, or Rusin the Christian, let him keep the murderer from the neighbors of the slain, and kill him. Is it possible to run away the slaughter and run away, if it will be imovit, but disturb the property of his neighbor who was killed; if there is something immovable and run away, but look for him, until he turns, if he turns, he will turn and be killed.

14. Or else to hit with a sword, or a spear, or a katz or a weapon Rusin Grchin, or Grchin Rusin, and even dividing the sin to pay a silver liter 5, according to the Russian law; if there is anything, but how can it be, it will be sold as much, as if it were ports, to go to them, and even then take it off, and go to the company according to your faith, as if having nothing, you will be allowed to do so .

15. If you want to start our kingdom from you, howling to us, to write to your Grand Duke, and to us, if we want: and from then on take away other countries, how to have Gritsi with Russia.

16. We have written this message in two charatia, our kingdom has a charatia, on it there is a cross and our names are written, and on the other are your ambassadors and our guests. And departing as the ambassador of our kingdom, and accompanying to the Grand Duke of Russia Igorevi and to his people; and you, accepting the harat, go to the company to keep the truth, as if we wrote this harat with a candle, on it the essence of our name is written. But we, Eliko, we were baptized by Esma, swearing by the church of St. Elijah in the assembly of the church, and presenting an honest cross, and by this harath, keep everything that is written on it, do not transcend anything from him; and whoever transgresses this from our country, whether it is a prince, whether someone else, whether baptized or not baptized, may they not have help from God, and may he be a slave in the age to come, and may he be slain with his weapon. And unbaptized Russia put down its shields and its naked sword, its hoop and other weapons, but swear about everything, even the essence is written on this charter, keep it from Igor and from all the boyars and from all the people from the country of Ruskiy, in other years and the warrior. And if anyone from the prince or from the Russian people, whether Christians or not Christians, transgresses this, if it is written on this harat, he will be worthy to die with his weapon, and may he be cursed from God and from Perun, as if transgress your oath. Yes, if it be good, Igor the Grand Duke, yes, keep this right love, but it will not collapse, until the sun shines and the whole world is worth, in the present and in the future.