Fiscal service under Peter the Great. Fiscal service in Peter's Russia - test Fiscal what century

It says: "make fiscals in all sorts of cases, but how to be they will receive news". Three days later, on March 5, a new decree ordered the establishment of a position chief fiscal; he was to have a secret oversight of all affairs; he had to see to it that an unjust judgment was not committed anywhere, whether an unlawful "in the collection of the treasury and other things". "Who does wrong", the Chief Fiscal was supposed to report to the Senate, and if he really caught the culprit, then half of the fine went in favor of the treasury, and half in favor of the fiscal.

The Chief Fiscal was the highest official in secret supervision of affairs; in the provinces were provincial fiscals, one for each branch of management; they had "under them" "lower", urban. They were all said to be "have in everything the same strength and freedom as the chief fiscals".

A high position by no means guaranteed against secret supervision and summons to the Senate; all were subject to him "whatever high degree there is". High-ranking officials could only be attracted by the chief fiscal; this was the only difference in the degree of power of the chief fiscal and ordinary fiscals.

With the establishment of colleges appeared collegiate fiscals, one for each board.

In August, N. M. Zotov was appointed state fiscal, that is "overseer, so that no one is saved from the service and does not repair other bad things".

But there were a lot of abuses, and there was a lot of room for them. The provincial fiscals did not depend on the local authorities and were subordinate to their superiors, the chief fiscal. Obliged to inform, they were not persecuted for false denunciations; The decree explicitly states: “if you don’t convict (the guilty one, before the Senate), then the fiscal should not be blamed for being annoyed, under cruel punishment and the ruin of the entire estate”.

Stefan Yavorsky's trick against this institution is well known. On March 17, in a sermon, he made very clear allusions to it: “The law of the Lord is blameless, but the laws of men are flawed; and some law, for example, put an overseer over the courts and give him the will of whom he wants to convict, let him convict, whom he wants to dishonor, let him dishonor ... " etc. His words did not go unnoticed. On March 17, a new order was issued, in which the scope of the fiscals was defined much more precisely. They were supposed to expose all sorts of crimes of decrees, all sorts of bribes and theft of the treasury, and everything that could lead "to the detriment of the public interest", were supposed to initiate cases for which there are no petitioners. Fiscals are punished for interfering in court cases initiated by either side. They are also persecuted for denunciations made for selfish purposes; if the denunciation turns out to be unfair, the fiscal bears the punishment that the person stipulated by him would suffer if he were really guilty; the fiscal is also punished in those cases when he did not inform for his own selfish reasons.

The power of the provincial fiscals was difficult to control; obligated once a year to go around the cities in the province and subject the actions of the lower fiscals to verification, the provincial fiscals were vested with the power to depose them, subject them to penalties, etc., which again gave rise to abuses. In the city, their power was largely constrained by the establishment of prosecutorial positions in all provinces. Prosecutors - this already open supervision of the court - not only limited their control over court cases, but were also generally an intermediate authority between them and the chief fiscal.

The institute of fiscals, discredited by the actions of its officials, was especially undermined by the abuses of its highest officials, chief fiscals. The establishment under Catherine I of the post did not help the cause either. fiscal general. The Supreme Privy Council under Peter II was busy investigating not only the crimes of chief fiscals, but also the mercenary acts of fiscal generals.

Under Anna Ioannovna, fiscals were abolished (). An institution that had the goal of secret supervision of all residents and all institutions could not bring any special benefit; Fiscals were hated by everyone. The second chief fiscal, M. V. Zhelyabuzhsky, and his assistant A. Ya. Nesterov, soon after taking office, turned to the tsar with a complaint against the Senate, saying that they had a very bad time there: Senator G. A. Plemyannikov their otherwise "street judges" and did not name, but Prince Yakov Dolgoruky directly called antichrists and rogues.

But the fiscals undoubtedly brought a share of the benefits. The famous revelations of Nesterov (concerning Prince M. P. Gagarin, the same Dolgorukov, and others) shed light on such abuses and crimes that, without fiscal officials, would have completely eluded retribution. Nesterov also drew attention to the exploitation of small merchants by wealthy merchants; have been appointed merchant fiscals obligated to secretly supervise the affairs of this class. However, Nesterov, this most active and intelligent of the highest official fiscals, could not resist the temptation in the end and was convicted of bribery and concealment.

Fiscals (military)- Following the establishment of fiscals in the civilian department, they were introduced into the troops by decree of the city. According to the Military Regulations of 1716, fiscals were to be in regiments and fortresses, with divisions - chief fiscals with the rank of major, with the army - fiscal generals with the rank of lieutenant colonel. According to the definition of the Military Regulations, fiscal “There is a caretaker behind every rank, does he serve every position with truth and in other matters handed over to him, he does”. Fiscals were obliged to visit and report on crimes, to support the prosecution in court and to monitor compliance by the courts with the deadlines laid down in the law for considering cases; Fiscals had only to inform the commissariat about violations of the state interest. In cases where the accusation erected by the fiscals turned out to be unfounded, they could only be subject to light penalties for indiscretion. By decree of February 22, 1723, the general-fiscals and chief-fiscals were promoted in ranks due to the fact that at first the fiscals were chosen "from the lowest people without evidence" and some of the chief-fiscals were guilty “in great crimes and atrocities”: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

It says: "make fiscals in all sorts of cases, but how to be they will receive news". Three days later, on March 5, a new decree ordered the establishment of a position chief fiscal; he was to have a secret oversight of all affairs; he had to see to it that an unjust judgment was not committed anywhere, whether an unlawful "in the collection of the treasury and other things". "Who does wrong", the Chief Fiscal was supposed to report to the Senate, and if he really caught the culprit, then half of the fine went in favor of the treasury, and half in favor of the fiscal.

The Chief Fiscal was the highest official in secret supervision of affairs; in the provinces were provincial fiscals, one for each branch of management; they had "under them" "lower", urban. They were all said to be "have in everything the same strength and freedom as the chief fiscals".

A high position by no means guaranteed against secret supervision and summons to the Senate; all were subject to him "whatever high degree there is". High-ranking officials could only be attracted by the chief fiscal; this was the only difference in the degree of power of the chief fiscal and ordinary fiscals.

With the establishment of colleges appeared collegiate fiscals, one for each board.

In August, N. M. Zotov was appointed state fiscal, that is "overseer, so that no one is saved from the service and does not repair other bad things".

But there were a lot of abuses, and there was a lot of room for them. The provincial fiscals did not depend on the local authorities and were subordinate to their superiors, the chief fiscal. Obliged to inform, they were not persecuted for false denunciations; The decree explicitly states: “if you don’t convict (the guilty one, before the Senate), then the fiscal should not be blamed for being annoyed, under cruel punishment and the ruin of the entire estate”.

Stefan Yavorsky's trick against this institution is well known. On March 17, he made very clear allusions to it in a sermon: “The law of the Lord is blameless, but the laws of men are flawed; and some law, for example, put an overseer over the courts and give him the will of whom he wants to convict, let him convict, whom he wants to dishonor, let him dishonor ... " etc. His words did not go unnoticed. On March 17, a new order was issued, in which the scope of the fiscals was defined much more precisely. They were supposed to expose all sorts of crimes of decrees, all sorts of bribes and theft of the treasury, and everything that could lead "to the detriment of the public interest", were supposed to initiate cases for which there are no petitioners. Fiscals are punished for interfering in court cases initiated by either side. They are also persecuted for denunciations made for selfish purposes; if the denunciation turns out to be unfair, the fiscal bears the punishment that the person stipulated by him would suffer if he were really guilty; the fiscal is also punished in those cases when he did not inform for his own selfish reasons.

The power of the provincial fiscals was difficult to control; obligated once a year to go around the cities in the province and subject the actions of the lower fiscals to verification, the provincial fiscals were vested with the power to depose them, subject them to penalties, etc., which again gave rise to abuses. In the city, their power was largely constrained by the establishment of prosecutorial positions in all provinces. Prosecutors - this already open supervision of the court - not only limited their control over court cases, but were also generally an intermediate authority between them and the chief fiscal.

The institute of fiscals, discredited by the actions of its officials, was especially undermined by the abuses of its highest officials, chief fiscals. The establishment under Catherine I of the post did not help the cause either. fiscal general. The Supreme Secret Council under Peter II was busy investigating not only the crimes of the Chief Fiscals, but also the mercenary deeds of the General Fiscals.

Under Anna Ioannovna, fiscals were abolished (). An institution that had the goal of secret supervision of all residents and all institutions could not bring any special benefit; Fiscals were hated by everyone. The second chief fiscal, M. V. Zhelyabuzhsky, and his assistant A. Ya. otherwise "street judges" and did not name, but Prince Yakov Dolgoruky directly called antichrists and rogues.

But the fiscals undoubtedly brought a share of the benefits. The famous revelations of Nesterov (concerning Prince M. P. Gagarin, the same Dolgorukov, and others) shed light on such abuses and crimes that, without fiscal officials, would have completely eluded retribution. Nesterov also drew attention to the exploitation of small merchants by wealthy merchants; have been appointed merchant fiscals obligated to secretly supervise the affairs of this class. However, Nesterov, this most active and intelligent of the highest official fiscals, could not resist the temptation in the end and was convicted of bribery and concealment.

Fiscals (military)- Following the establishment of fiscals in the civilian department, they were introduced into the troops by decree of the city. According to the Military Regulations of 1716, fiscals were to be in regiments and fortresses, chief fiscals in the rank of major in divisions, and fiscal generals in the rank of lieutenant colonel in the army. According to the definition of the Military Regulations, fiscal “There is a caretaker behind every rank, does he serve every position with truth and in other matters handed over to him, he does”. Fiscals were obliged to visit and report on crimes, to support the prosecution in court and to monitor compliance by the courts with the deadlines laid down in the law for considering cases; Fiscals had only to inform the commissariat about violations of the state interest. In cases where the accusation erected by the fiscals turned out to be unfounded, they could only be subject to light penalties for indiscretion. By decree of February 22, 1723, the general-fiscals and chief-fiscals were promoted in ranks due to the fact that at first the fiscals were chosen "from the lowest people without evidence" and some of the chief-fiscals were guilty "in great crimes and atrocities". Regimental fiscals by state

V. Klyuchevsky

By a decree on March 5, 1711, the Senate was instructed to choose a chief fiscal, a smart and kind person, no matter what rank he may be, who should secretly supervise and check on all cases of an unjust trial, “also in collecting the treasury and other things.” The Chief Fiscal brought the accused, "whatever a high degree," to account before the Senate, and there he caught him. Having proved his accusation, the fiscal received half the fine from the convicted person; but even an unproven accusation was forbidden to blame the fiscal, even to be annoyed at him for this "under cruel punishment and the ruin of the whole estate." The Chief Fiscal acted through a network of subordinate fiscals spread over all regions and departments. Since, according to the decree, each city should be equipped with one or two fiscals, and the cities were then considered up to 340, then all such detectives, capital, provincial and city with departmental, could be at least 500 in a set. Subsequently, this network became even more complicated: in the fleet had its own chief fiscal with special subordinate fiscals. The irresponsibility of the fiscals beckoned to arbitrariness and abuse, which did not take long to show up. Ober-fiscal Nesterov himself, a zealous exposer of all kinds of lies, did not spare even his direct superiors, senators, supreme guardians of justice, not excluding Prince Ya.F. Dolgoruky, whose official correctness was part of the proverb, who brought the Siberian governor Prince Gagarin to the gallows with his denunciations - this same warrior of truth was caught in bribes, sentenced and sentenced to death by being broken on the wheel. Old Russian legal proceedings allowed slander as a private means of initiating a court case, but a double-edged tool: by bringing the person who was slandered under torture, the spy could himself be subjected to it. Now the denunciation has become a state institution, free from any risk. Setting up the post of fiscal introduced a morally poor quality motive into management and society. The Great Russian bishops, indifferent and incapable of the moral education of their flock, kept silent as usual; but Little Russian Metropolitan Stefan Yavorsky, guardian of the patriarchal throne, could not stand it, and in 1713 on Tsar’s Day, in the presence of senators, he directly called the decree on fiscals a vicious law in a sermon, adding to this transparent and reproachful allusions to the way of life of Peter himself. The senators forbade Stephen from preaching; but Peter did not touch his high-ranking accuser and, perhaps, even remembered his sermon in 1714, giving the fiscal department a more cautious and responsible setting in the new decree and, among other things, assigning to him the prosecutor's duty to look for "cases of the people, for which there is no petitioner ". However, later another Little Russian, Feofan Prokopovich, covered up the countryman’s liberal sin by inserting into his Spiritual Regulations a bashful injunction that customers or deans specially designated for this, “like spiritual fiscals”, inform the bishop about church unrest and superstitious customs. But soon the newly established Synod, leaving false modesty and referring to the same Spiritual Regulations, introduced into its department not “as if”, but real spiritual fiscals, following the model of secular ones, only gave them another, taken from Catholic terminology and more intelligible to spiritual hearing. the title of inquisitors, and ordered the recruitment of "honest" people for this position, of course from the monastic rank. Hieromonk Pafnutiy, the builder of the Moscow Danilov Monastery, was appointed proto-inquisitor. Without limiting the denunciation to the circle of official relations, Peter's legislation tried to bring it to a wider field of action. Fiscal was legally an auxiliary instrument of the Senate; but the senators treated the fiscals contemptuously and rudely, because they informed the tsar and the Senate; Prince Ya. Dolgoruky in the Senate called them antichrists and rogues. Recognizing the rank of fiscal as heavy and hated, and taking him under his special protection, Peter wanted to create support for him in public morals. A number of publicly announced decrees, taking up arms against robbery and any crafty encroachment on the state interest, called on every rank of people "from the first even to the farmers" without fear to come and report to the tsar himself about the robbers of the people and the perpetrators of state interests; the time for such reports is from October to March; a truthful informer "for such service" will receive movable and immovable, even the rank of a criminal. According to the letter of the law, the peasant of Prince Dolgoruky, who truthfully denounced him, received his estate and the rank of general-kriegsplenipotentiator; and who, the decree added, knowing the violators of the decrees, does not notify, he himself "will be executed or punished without mercy." The denunciation became not only for the fiscal, but also for the simple layman "service", a kind of natural duty; philistine consciences were taken to the treasury, like horses to the army. Encouraged by fines, investigation and denunciation turned into a craft, into earnings, and together with a fine threatened to become the most active protection of law and order, even decency.

in 1711-29 civil servant to supervise activities (mainly financial) public institutions and officials. Headed by Ober-F. (from 1723 General F.), subordinate to the Prosecutor General. (In a figurative sense - a snitch, an informer.)

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lat. fiscalis - related to the treasury, from fiscus - state. treasury) - state. official in Russia in the 18th century. in the system of bodies that carried out adm.-financial and court. supervision. The position of F. was established in 1711, which was associated with the formation of absolutism, the growth of bureaucracy, and the need to combat abuses. F.'s supervision extended to all civil, military. and church. institutions. At the head of F. was Ober-F. (since 1723 - General F.), appointed by the tsar and subordinate to him. With the establishment of the post of Prosecutor General, F. were subordinate to him. With the development of the prosecutor's office, F. were gradually eliminated in the department of the Synod (1727), in civil. institutions (1729) and in the army (early 30s of the 18th century). F. helped uncover a number of major thefts, although many of them were themselves involved in abuse. The word "F." became synonymous with the word "scammer". Lit .: PSZ, vol. 4, St. Petersburg, 1830, No. 2331; Barsov T., On secular fiscals and spiritual inquisitors, ZhMNP, 1878, February, p. 307-400; Steshenko L. A., Fiscals and prosecutors in the State system. organs of Russia perv. thurs. XVIII century, Vestn. MGU. Series XII. Law, 1966, No 2 (lit.).

It says: "make fiscals in all sorts of cases, but how to be they will receive news". Three days later, on March 5, a new decree ordered the establishment of a position chief fiscal; he was to have a secret oversight of all affairs; he had to see to it that an unjust judgment was not committed anywhere, whether an unlawful "in the collection of the treasury and other things". "Who does wrong", the Chief Fiscal was supposed to report to the Senate, and if he really caught the culprit, then half of the fine went in favor of the treasury, and half in favor of the fiscal.

The Chief Fiscal was the highest official in secret supervision of affairs; in the provinces were provincial fiscals, one for each branch of management; they had "under them" "lower", urban. They were all said to be "have in everything the same strength and freedom as the chief fiscals".

A high position by no means guaranteed against secret supervision and summons to the Senate; all were subject to him "whatever high degree there is". High-ranking officials could only be attracted by the chief fiscal; this was the only difference in the degree of power of the chief fiscal and ordinary fiscals.

The last time the fiscals attached to the troops are mentioned was in the city, when a special instruction was issued for them, obliging them to report the observed violations to the troop inspectors.

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  • Fiscals // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

An excerpt characterizing Fiscal

But for some reason no one was offended. Both of them, both the elder and his beautiful granddaughter, answered any questions with a friendly smile, and it seemed that for some reason our presence really gave them sincere pleasure ...
My name is Anna, honey. And “really, really” I was completely burned once ... But that was a very, very long time ago. Almost five hundred Earth years have already passed...
I looked in complete shock at this amazing girl, unable to take my eyes off her, and tried to imagine what a nightmare this amazingly beautiful and tender soul had to endure! ..
They were burned for their Gift!!! Just because they could see and do more than others! But how could people do this? And, although I had long understood that no animal was able to do what a person sometimes did, it was still so wild that for a moment I completely lost the desire to be called this same “man” .. ..
It was the first time in my life when I really heard about the real Veduns and Witches, in the existence of which I always believed ... And now, having finally seen the real Witch in reality, I, naturally, terribly wanted "immediately and that's it - everything” to ask her !!! My restless curiosity "fidgeted" inside, literally squealing with impatience and begged to ask now and be sure "about everything"!..
And then, apparently without noticing it myself, I plunged so deeply into the strange world that suddenly opened up to me that I did not have time to correctly react to the suddenly mentally opened picture ... and a fire flared up around my body, terribly real in its terrible sensations. !..
The roaring fire “licked” my defenseless flesh with burning tongues of flame, exploding inside, and almost depriving me of my mind ... Wild, unimaginably cruel pain swept over my head, penetrating into every cell! .. Rising “to the ceiling”, it fell on me like a flurry unfamiliar suffering, which could not be appeased or stopped by anything. Blinding, the fire twisted my essence, howling with inhuman horror, into a painful lump, not letting me breathe! .. I tried to scream, but my voice was not heard ... The world collapsed, breaking into sharp fragments and it seemed that it could not be put back together ... The body blazed like a terrible festive torch ... incinerating, burning with it, my wounded soul. Suddenly, screaming terribly ... I, to my greatest surprise, again found myself in my "earthly" room, still chattering my teeth from the unbearable pain that suddenly fell from somewhere. Still stunned, I stood looking around in confusion, unable to understand who and why could do something like this to me...
But, despite the wild fright, I gradually still managed to somehow pull myself together and calm down a little. After a little thought, I finally realized that this, most likely, was just a very real vision, which, with its sensations, completely repeated the nightmare that had once happened to the witch girl ...
Despite the fear and still too vivid sensations, I immediately tried to return to the fabulous "ice palace" to my abandoned, and probably already very nervous, girlfriend. But for some reason, nothing worked ... I was squeezed like a lemon, and I didn’t even have the strength to think, not to mention such a “journey”. Angry at myself for my "softness", I again tried to pull myself together, when suddenly someone else's strength literally pulled me into the already familiar "ice" hall, where my faithful friend Stella was rushing about, jumping excitedly.
– Nu, that same you?! I was so scared!.. What happened to you? It’s good that she helped, otherwise you would still be flying “somewhere” now! – panting from “righteous indignation”, the little girl immediately blurted out.
I myself didn’t really understand yet how this could happen to me, but then, to my great surprise, the voice of the unusual mistress of the ice palace sounded affectionately:
- My dear, you are a Darina! .. How did you end up here? And you're alive!!! Are you still in pain? I nodded in surprise. - Well, what are you, you can’t watch this! ..
The girl Anna affectionately took my head, still "boiling" from the sizzling pain, in her cool hands, and soon I felt how the terrible pain began to slowly recede, and after a minute it completely disappeared.
– What was it?.. – I asked dumbfounded.
“You just looked at what happened to me. But you still do not know how to defend yourself, so you felt everything. You are very curious, this is your strength, but your misfortune, dear ... What is your name?
“Svetlana…” I said hoarsely, slowly coming to my senses. And here she is, Stella. Why are you calling me Darin? This is the second time I've been called that, and I'd really like to know what it means. If possible, of course.
- Don't you know? the witch asked in surprise. I shook my head negatively. – Darinya is “giving light and protecting the world”. And at times, even saving him...
“Well, I would at least save myself for now!” I laughed sincerely. - And what can I give if I myself don’t know anything at all. And I still make only mistakes ... I still can’t do anything! .. - and, after thinking, added sadly. And no one teaches! Unless, sometimes, my grandmother, and also Stella ... And I would so like to study! ..
“The teacher comes when the student is READY to learn, dear,” the elder said quietly, smiling. “And you haven’t figured out even yourself yet.” Even in the fact that you have long been open.
In order not to show how much his words upset me, I tried to immediately change the subject and asked the witch girl, persistently spinning in my brain, a delicate question.
“Forgive me for my indiscretion, Anna, but how could you forget such a terrible pain? And is it possible to forget this at all? ..
“I didn’t forget, honey. I just understood and accepted it... Otherwise, it would be impossible to continue to exist - sadly shaking her head, the girl answered.
- How can you understand this? Yes, and what to understand in pain? .. - I did not give up. - Was it supposed to teach you something special? .. Excuse me, but I never believed in such a "teaching"! In my opinion, only helpless "teachers" can use pain in this way!
I was seething with indignation, unable to stop my running thoughts! .. And no matter how hard I tried, I could not calm down.
Sincerely sorry for the witch girl, at the same time, I wildly wanted to know everything about her, which meant asking her a lot of questions about what could hurt her. It was like a crocodile, which, devouring its unfortunate victim, poured burning tears over it ... But no matter how ashamed I was, I could not help myself ... It was the first time in my short life when I almost didn’t pay attention to the fact that I could hurt a person with my questions ... I was very ashamed of it, but I also understood that for some reason it was very important for me to talk to her about all this, and continued ask, “closing your eyes to everything” ... But, to my great happiness and surprise, the witch girl, not at all offended, continued to calmly answer my naive childish questions, without expressing the slightest displeasure.