Verbs with a prefix should be examples of Russian. Spelling of verbs. Verbs with prefix for

The verb is one of the most difficult parts of speech in the Russian language to learn and write. The most difficult spelling in this topic is the spelling of the endings of verbs in an unstressed position. Their correct spelling depends on such a thing as conjugation.

What is conjugation?

Conjugation is a linguistic term for changing the person and number of a verb. In other words, this is the set of personal endings that the word acquires when the person and number change. Fortunately for students, there are only two types of conjugation in Russian. Whatever verb out of several million existing ones is taken as an example, when changed, it will acquire inflections:

  • U/U, EAT, ET in the singular and EAT, ETE, UT/UT in the plural.
  • U / Yu, ISH, IT, in the singular and IM, ITE, AT / YAT in the plural.

Conjugate the verb sleep: I sleep, we sleep, you sleep, you sleep, he sleeps, they sleep. Its endings, when changed, show that it belongs to the second conjugation. Another word is live. I live, we live, you live, you live, he lives, they live. Therefore, it is a verb of the first conjugation.

Prefix you- and verb conjugation

Verbs with a prefix belong to the same conjugation as non-prefix verbs with the same root. This information is very important for words with the prefix you-, which has the property of "pulling" the stress on itself. For example, to determine the conjugation of the word fly out, you need to remove the prefix, and you get the verb flies with a stressed personal ending, which belongs to the second conjugation.

Thus, the endings of verbs in personal forms that are under stress indicate belonging to one or another conjugation. But what to do if the stress is not the ending, but the basis of the word? Indeed, in this case, the desired letter is not clearly heard, it is in a weak position, and you can make a mistake. The rule comes to the rescue.

How to determine the conjugation if the personal ending is unstressed?

To determine which of the two types of conjugation available in the Russian language the verb belongs to, if the stress falls not on the ending, but on the stem, you need to form the initial form of the word. This form is called the infinitive and you can ask questions to it. what to do?(perfect form) and what to do?(imperfect species). Next, you should look at what the resulting word ends with and apply the rule. In other words, unstressed verb endings can be written correctly only if their conjugation is determined.

The 2nd conjugation includes verbs that have unstressed personal endings, which in the infinitive form end in -it.

The 1st conjugation includes verbs with personal endings in an unstressed position, which in the infinitive end in any letter except -it. It could be combinations -et, -at, -ot, -t, -ch and many others.

For example, the word dreaming. The emphasis falls not on the ending, but on the basis of the word. To determine the conjugation, we put the verb in the infinitive form: what to do? - dream. Ends in - at. This means that this verb belongs to 1 conjugation, and, changing in persons and numbers, it will take the appropriate endings.

You saw. We form the initial form - to saw. At the end of a word it, therefore, it is a verb of the second conjugation, and a set of personal endings would be appropriate.

So, in order to correctly write vowels in the endings of verbs in an unstressed position, you need to put the word in the infinitive form and, depending on what it ends in, determine the conjugation. Everything seems to be simple. But if in Russian there were not a dozen exceptions for every rule, it would not be considered one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world to learn. And in simple rule there are also insidious exceptions about conjugation.

Exception verbs

Exceptions are those words that do not follow the general rule. There are 14 exception verbs in the conjugation rule that you need to remember in order to avoid spelling mistakes.

There are 7 words in -et, which, changing in persons and numbers, take the endings of verbs 2 conjugations: these are words offend, depend,endure, hate, watch,twirl,see. For example, the word tolerate accepts the following endings: I endure, we endure, you endure, you endure, he endures, they endure.

4 verbs in - at, which also conjugate not in accordance with the rule and have personal endings of 2 conjugations: drive, hear, hold, breathe. I hear, we hear, you hear, you hear, he hears, they hear.

And finally, 3 verbs in - it - lay,shave and be based- have personal endings of verbs of the 1st conjugation: I lay, we lay, you lay, you lay, he lays, they lay.

The endings of these 14 verbs must be known by heart, because they do not follow the general rule.

Opposite conjugated verbs

It is noteworthy that there are 2 interesting verbs in the Russian language, which are called heterogeneous, because, when the person and number change, they acquire the endings of the first conjugation in some forms, and the second in others, without obeying any rules. Fortunately, their personal endings are stressed, so there are no mistakes in their spelling. But still they need to be remembered. These are verbs to want and run away. When they are conjugated, the following picture is obtained.

Want: I WANT, we WANT, you WANT, you WANT, he WANTS, they WANT(in the singular, the verb changes according to type 1 conjugation, in the plural - according to the type of the second). Run: I run, we run, you run, you run, he runs, they run(in the form of the 3rd person plural, the verb has the ending of the 2nd conjugation, in all other forms - the endings characteristic of the 1st conjugation).

Verb Ending Selection Algorithm

So, the spelling of verb endings is subject to a fairly simple and logical rule, it is important to just understand it. To correctly write the endings of verbs, you must be able to determine their conjugation. For this, a clear algorithm should be used.

1. See where the stress falls: on the ending or on the basis of the word (do not forget about the insidious prefix you: if it is, it is necessary to determine the conjugation by a non-prefixed synonym).

2. If the stress falls on a personal ending, then the conjugation is determined from it, in accordance with the rule.

3. If the stem is stressed, then it is necessary to put the verb in the infinitive form. The last three letters of the formed form will be important.

  • The verb ends in -it (except for three exceptions), which means it is of the second conjugation. We also include 7 verbs ending in - et, and 4 verbs -at.
  • The verb in its initial form ends with any other letters (except for the 11 verbs listed above), which means that it is conjugated like the first conjugation. Let's add here 3 exception verbs in -it.

4. Verbs to want and run away- heterogeneous, they cannot be attributed to either the first conjugation or the second, and this feature just needs to be remembered.

Summing up

Spelling the endings of verbs requires knowledge of the rules and the use of a clear algorithm. The main thing is to correctly determine which of the two conjugations the word belongs to, and depending on this, write the desired letter in an unstressed personal ending. Verbs are insidious, among them there are many exceptions who do not want to obey general rules, but attention to the word and the application of a simple rule will help to avoid many mistakes!

1. Stressed personal endings are written in accordance with the pronunciation, for example: 1) you are taking, you are taking; sing, sing; saves; bake (I conjugation); 2) flies, fly; silent, silent (II conjugation).

The spelling of verbs with unstressed personal endings is determined by conjugation.

II conjugation includes:

a) verbs ending in the indefinite form in -it(build, build, wear, run) -,

b) 11 exception verbs: drive, hold, breathe, hear, twirl, see, depend, hate, offend, watch, endure, as well as derivatives from them (drive out, linger, see, etc.).

The remaining verbs with unstressed endings are I conjugations, for example: prick - prick, fight - fight, dig - dig, winnow - blow, etc.

Exceptions: Verbs shave and be based belong to I conjugation shave, shave; builds up, builds up.

Notes: 1. About how to write verb endings with a prefix you-, one must judge by a non-prefixed verb, for example: sleep - sleep, pour out - pour, etc.

2. Along with the shape lay(to spread, spread out, etc.) there is a colloquial form lay(lay, spread, etc.). Personal endings are used only from the form lay, i.e. from form I of the conjugation: lay (lay, spread, spread), spread (lay, spread, spread), lay (lay, spread, spread).

2. Letter b it is written:

a) in the indefinite form of the verb that answers the question what to do? or what to do?, for example: Comrade wants (what to do?) to study (compare: Comrade (what does he do?) studies at the institute). He needs (what to do?) to do mathematics (cf.: He (what will he do?) will do mathematics);

b) in the endings of the 2nd person singular, for example: you study, you study;

c) in the imperative mood after consonants, for example: throw, throw, throw, throw; cut off, cut off. (Imperative form of the verb lie down - lie down, lie down.)

3. It is necessary to distinguish between the forms of the 2nd person plural of verbs of the I conjugation of the indicative and imperative moods: in the indicative mood it is written -et, in imperative - -ite, for example: 1) When you go out on duty, check the attendance log (go out - indicative mood). - Go out tomorrow on duty (go out - imperative).

Note. In verbs of II conjugation in the 2nd person plural, it is written -ite both in the imperative and indicative mood, for example: Watch a new movie. - When will you see it?

4. In the stems of past tense verbs before the suffix -l write the same vowel as before -th in an indefinite form, for example: heard (hear), saw (see), glued (glued), sowed (sowed).

5. In the indefinite form and the past tense of the verb, the suffix is ​​\u200b\u200bwritten -ova- (eva) if the verb in the 1st person of the present tense ends in -th - -th eg: sermon ova t (I preach), conversations ova t (talking), night Eve t (night), mountains Eve th (mourn). If in the form of the 1st person singular the verb ends in -I'm - -I'm, then suffixes are written in the indefinite form and the past tense -yva- - -iva- eg: report ywa t (report), teaches ywa t (take into account), consider willow t (consider), nasta willow th (I insist).

Note. Verbs with suffixes -ova- - -eva-, -yva- - -iva- must be distinguished from verbs with a stressed suffix -va-, for example: zap Eve t, cash willow th, under Ava th. Before suffix -va- the vowel that is in the root of the verb is written (i.e., without the suffix -va-): sing, pour, serve. But: eclipse (although eclipse), get stuck (although get stuck), gape (although open).

279. Write off, forming from these verbs the forms of the 3rd person plural of the present or future simple tense. Put stress, indicate the form of the verb and conjugation, indicate personal endings.

Throw - throw [throw] (non-Sov. v., I ref.) - quit - throw [yat] (Sov. V., II ref.), offend, offend, console, console, depend, drive, drive, be heard, obey, breathe, meet, meet, bark, stick, sift, grind, spread, spread.

280. Write out the verbs with missing letters, explaining graphically the choice of ending.

Sample: build [yat] (II question).

I. 1) Blökn..t grass. Dreml..t huts. 2) Breathe fresh grass into my face.. 3) And in the rye the road is stel..tsya. 4) And, deep, bottomless, and lush .. t blue skies exposed above my head. 5) In vain, the grass is crumpled in the garden where the grapes are ripe. 6) With young accordionists, the nightingale plant ..t argue. 7) And the swallows flap their wings..t, and top ... someone's stove. 8) He stands and hears every bush ..t, every stone looks ..t ahead ... Don’t write anything special ..t, just write ..t: “Lyuba, wait.”

(M. Isakovsky)

II. 1) Night stele ..t shadow and wet shore stud ..t, night pulls ..t far away its golden seine - and soon the shine fades ..t and ubud ..t. 2) Clouds descend on the Alps at dusk.. 3) All day long print paths in the sun. 4) The wind in the distance draws me ..t, my song is loudly carried ..t. 5) Behind the neighbor's door there is a knocking ..t clock and dripping ..t ice from the windows. 6) The passage ..t clouds are higher and more tender, and the wind is dry ..t the garden and softly through the windows ve..t. 7) Soon the thunder will grow bolder ..t, the distance will light up with an eerie brilliance..

(I. Bunin)

281. Write off. Put the verbs in brackets into the imperative mood. Explain the use of the letter b.

1) The fog begins to swirl (?) over the river. (Paust.) 2) She even began to like the town (?) Xia. (Paust.) 3) Not old .. your beauty, unfolds (?) Only stronger. (Tvard.) 4) You are walking (?) on the young earth - green ..t the grass is behind you. (Tward.) 5) No! Where it comes to the people, there I am the first to be carried away (?) ready. (N.) 6) Pretty bar you amused, (to amuse) the peasants. (N.) 7) Keep quiet, (bow), but do not (contradict) the ailing, we will exalt you .. hail. (N.) 8) And I will say without concealment, come to me there and .. ti, I would like to knock (?) on the way to that hostess, ask for water to drink (?) ... (Tward.)

282. Replace descriptive turns of speech with synonymous verbs in the imperative mood (necessarily with b).

1) Make preparations for the production of experiments. - Get ready to the production of experiments. 2) Immediately inquire about the departure time of the train. 3) Determine the mass of this mineral. 4) In vain do not start disputes. 5) Take off your coat.

283. Make two sentences with each given verb: in the first it should be included in the compound verb predicate (in an indefinite form), in the second it should be used as a simple verb predicate (in the form of the 3rd person of the present or future simple tense). Write down suggestions. underline -tsya and - be.

Sample. You may find this book useful to be.- You will need this book tsya.

To see, to move, to go, to be afraid, to return, to take care of, to cope, to plunge, to collide, to turn on, to marvel, to meet, to return, to succeed.

284. Write off. Underline the verbs in the 3rd person and indefinite form.

1) Slightly dawns (?) Xia. Not a single leaf sways (?) Xia. 2) We must quickly gather (?) for fishing. 3) You need to be well prepared for the trip. It would be nice to take a raincoat with you: it may come in handy (?) On the way. A hatchet will also come in handy (?) in the forest. 4) You can get to the tourist base (?) by both train and boat. It’s better to send (?) Xia on a ship: before dinner, he will succeed (?) Xia still redeem (?) Xia. 5) We really like the area around, but how can it not like (?) Xia: a forest, a river, an abundance of mushrooms and berries. 6) Tourists who went on a hike promised to return (?) Xia in the evening, but they will delay (?) Xia, not return on time. 7) Feels(?)sya that a thunderstorm is approaching(?)sya. Will they be able (?) to return (?) to them before it rains?

285. Write it down by putting the verbs in the correct personal form of the present tense. Specify the conjugation of each verb.

I. 1) Spectators (watch) with interest a new film. 2) (Blow) furious winds, (drive) sailing boats. (Lighthouse.) 3) Heat (fire) and (puff). (Dal) 4) Slightly (to sway) the felt of the yurt. (Prishv.) 5) Wipers on the sidewalk (chop) ice. 6) Ozimi (to creep), exactly the Danube. (Dal)

II. 1) Oblique and annoying rain and (whip) in the face. (St.) 2) Clouds of smoke (spread) over the raid. (St.) 3) The sea (breathe) with invigorating freshness. (New-Pr.) 4) (Fight) stubborn sailors with waves and wind. 5) The morning is quiet and foggy. (Crawl), (move) white ghosts, (hide) in the sea. (New-Pr.) 6) My hands firmly (hold on) to the iron ladder of the cabin. Sea (to rumble). I'm wet to the last thread, but I don't want to go down. (New-Rev.) 7) Some steps (to be heard). (M.-S.) 8) Hard wood is bad (sawn). (TS) 9) Sun (cut) eyes. (Ch.) 10) (Wave) the wings of the windmill. (Ch.) 11) Anxious (splashing) and (shouting) geese and swans. (A. B.) 12) (Snooze) pine forest. (V. Br.) 13) With noise on white stones, black waves (to find). (V. Br.) 14) It is sweet (to melt) in the meadow spring snow. (V. Br.) 15) In the gathering twilight (fly) snowflakes (New-Pr.)

286. Read an excerpt from a poem by V. Soloukhin. What is the meaning of the 2nd person singular verb form in the text? Find expressive means of language. What is their role in the text?

      It happens like this: on a dim day mushroom
      You will go into the forest jungle inadvertently,
      And the forest will rise like a wall of needles,
      And block the way.

      I'm not used to sidestepping
      No proud steeps, no evil gully.
      Kohl began to live, so it is necessary to live directly,
      If you went into the forest, don't be afraid of the darkness.

      Everything is moss and swamp, wherever you turn;
      Where is the native home, as it should not know.
      And here you go, crossing the stumps
      Yes, the spruce forest is directly tearing with the chest.

      Then you part the branches, and in the face
      The sun will strike, warm, earthly.
      The glade smells of honey and pollen,
      The water in the pine stream smells like pine needles.

287. Write off, denoting graphically the choice of orthograms.

I. 1) You write .. those beautifully and competently. Write to me more often. 2) Remember .. those poem by A. S. Pushkin "Chadaev". When you remember .. those, then read. 3) Carried out .. those extra things from the room. When you took out .. those things, tell me about it. 4) As soon as you leave the forest, you see the field. Get out of the room for a few minutes: it needs to be ventilated. 5) Choose from these articles the material needed for the report. When you choose .. those, proceed to the design of the report.

II. 1) Knock on my window when you go fishing. When you knock .. those, I will immediately get ready. 2) Say .. everything that you think .. about this case. If you say everything .. those, then become .. those calmer. 3) Write out .. those from the text of the definition. After you write them out .. those, choose .. those of them the most striking epithets. 4) Jump .. those on skis from this springboard. When you jump, you will feel great pleasure. 5) If you are in Yalta, be sure to visit Chekhov's house.

288. Use these verbs in the past tense and then the present or future tense. Write off, emphasizing the verbal suffix in the indefinite form and in the past tense, and the personal endings in the present and future tenses. Orally make up sentences with each form of the verb.

I. See - saw - sees, offend - offend - offend; to hate, to sow, to winnow, to fly, to melt, to bark, to smell, to cherish, to repent, toil, to hope, to start, to hear.

II. numb - numb - numb; to stiffen, to stiffen, to freeze, to freeze.

289. Write off. Underline the past tense verbs with one line, the present with two.

1) Ice ta..t. The snow has melted..l. 2) In the sky, re..t an eagle. He is a far view ..t around. I saw a hare below and fell down like a stone. 3) Tikhon is completely dependent on his mother Kabanikh. Tikhon depended .. on his mother. 4) There is a loud la..t dog in the street. She, and fell silent. 5) A hare carefully makes his way, hears every rustle, from afar you feel danger. Heard ..l how a branch crunched, felt ..l unkind, hid.

290. Read. Define the style of the text. Find cases of using the forms of the present and future tenses to depict pictures of the past. Choose synonymous forms for these verbs. Compare their visual capabilities. What other expressive means of language are used in this text?

The aunt's garden was famous for its neglect, nightingales, doves and apples, and the house for its roof. He stood at the head of the yard, near the garden, - the branches of lindens hugged him, - he was small and squat, but it seemed that he would not live forever - he looked so thoroughly from under his unusually high and thick thatched roof, blackened and hardened with time. Its front façade always seemed to me alive: as if an old face was looking out from under a huge hat with hollow eyes, windows with mother-of-pearl glasses from rain and sun. And on the sides of these eyes there were porches - two old large porches with columns ... And the guest felt comfortable in this nest under the turquoise autumn sky!

You enter the house and first of all you hear the smell of apples, and then others: old furniture mahogany, dried lime blossom, which has been lying on the windows since June. It is cool and gloomy in all the rooms - in the valet's room, in the hall, in the drawing-room: this is because the house is surrounded by a garden, and the top panes of the windows are colored: blue and lilac. Everywhere is silence and cleanliness, although it seems that armchairs, inlaid tables and mirrors in narrow and twisted gold frames have never moved. And then a cough is heard: an aunt comes out. It is small, but also, like everything around, strong. She wears a large Persian shawl over her shoulders. It will come out important, but friendly, and now, under the endless talk about antiquity, about inheritances, treats begin to appear ... (I. A. Bunin)

291. Form imperfective verbs from these perfective verbs using suffixes -yva-, -iva-, -va- and, where necessary, alternating sounds at the root. Label the roots.

O late at - about pazd with zna tsya - with zna to be; grind, rip, look around, thaw, solder, ridicule, repent, warm up, drink, sing, pour out, overcome, dispel, develop, get, learn, publish, sell, rise up, ruin, unwind, tell, get tired.

292. From these verbs with the help of suffixes -iva-, -iva- form others. Emphasize root vowels about or a and set the emphasis. Make up phrases with verbs formed from the underlined words.

earn - earn, master, honor, learn, double, affect.

condition - condition, defame, summarize, focus, legitimize, authorize, strengthen.

293. Write off. Underline the root vowels in the verbs -iva-, -iva-.

1) The troops were concentrated at the crossing. 2) Further negotiations were authorized to lead the head of the delegation. 3) You can not put up with imperfections in housing construction and legitimize them. (Gas.) 4) New areas of our incredible Motherland were explored.. (Ushakov) 5) Forests determine the climate. (Ch.)

294. Write down, choosing synonyms for the underlined words.

Concentrate all forces on timely harvesting; restore ruined palace; cancel wrong decision; force course of events; motivate sudden departure; falsify facts; ironize over someone; endure fiasco.

295. Write down, choosing from the synonyms given in brackets, suitable in meaning (put the verbs in the past tense).

1) He was wide ... and bounced. (T.) Rifle battalion, preparing for the parade, ... on the square (march, walk). 2) Airplanes with light signals ... artillery firing. Signalers ... damage on the line (correct, correct). 3) The decor of the house is quite ... with its inhabitants. (TS) Previously received news ... reality (harmonize, correspond). 4) Famous singers are usually ... episodic roles. (L.N.) The squadron, approaching the island of Tsushima, is completely ... enemy. (New-Pr.) (ignore, neglect).

296. Analyze two poems by A. Fet and determine by what morphological means they achieve the impression of movement, continuous change in nature or the human condition. What mood verbs does the poet use in the last poem? Explain their spelling.

      The warm wind pulled
      Silent distant rumble...
      The dim field fell asleep,
      The driver fell asleep.

      Settled down in the fence
      And the oxen chew
      The pure stars lit up
      About the canopy of darkness.

      Only the choir bends around
      golden moon,
      Only the herd saves
      Guard dog.

      Yes, and he will doze off sensitively -
      I just can't sleep...
      The light flashed ... baby,
      That's right, waiting for me.

      If the winter sky lights up with stars
      And the moon shines dreamily
      Before me is your image, your wondrous glides,
      Before me, you are all created.

      And light and light, you rush there ...
      I look and pray at least traces,
      And light and light - but not a trace;
      Only the chest was filled with love.

      And I would fly, fly for your beauty,
      And let the stars burn in the sky
      And faster and brighter than a myriad of rays
      They look at the dust particles at night.

297. Read the text, title it, retell it. Make sentences with phraseological units, write them down. How phraseological units appeared stay with the nose, chop on the nose?

From the biography of words and phraseological units

It turns out that these phraseological units are not only of different origin, but also have nothing to do with the word nose as a part of the face.

By ancient custom the groom brought the bride's parents a nose, that is, an offering, a gift, a ransom. If the groom was refused, he remained with his nose. Later this word was associated with the word nose in the modern sense and expressions appeared show nose, lead by the nose(to mislead, to fool).

Phraseologism of a different origin Nick down(well remember). In the old days, a nose was called a commemorative plaque, a tag that they carried with them (here nose- from the verb wear) illiterate people, making various notches on it. (A. Arsyriy)

298. Read and indicate the meaning of phraseological units (if difficult, use dictionaries). Write down, make sentences with the highlighted phraseological units.

Make a difference, play a part, play the first violin, pass .. with a red thread, put it under the cloth, increase .. start with laurels, take stock .., make efforts, take first place, pred.. take steps, pre.. take action, leaves much to be desired, reveal the shortcomings, make an impression .. smoldering, vouch for your head.

299. Read. Indicate what mistakes were made when using verbs and using phraseological units. Correct the suggestions.

1) Russian troops made a victory. 2) Gogol reveals autocratic-feudal Russia. 3) Onegin rushes about in search of the use of his forces. 4) The landscape plays a big role in the novel. 5) Positive artistic images play a huge educational value.

300. Write off. Indicate the type of verbs in which letters are omitted, and indicate the roots. Emphasize alternating vowels.

1) A breath of living power to ... dreamed of the mother's heart, waking him up. 2) There is nothing that would not be worthy of honest people. 3) The words easily surfaced from the depths of her heart and were composed into a song. 4) Drawing images dear to her, she owned all the power, all the abundance of love in her words. 5) Yegor threw back his head, closed his eyes and deputy..r. 6) Everything strangely froze in gloomy immobility. 7) Nikolai finished talking, took off his glasses, wiped them, looked at the glasses into the light and began to wipe them again. 8) He lovingly lit the firewood..

(M. Gorky)

301. Write it down, replacing the underlined nouns with single-root verbs, putting the dependent words in the correct form. In case of difficulty, check spelling dictionary. Among the verbs you have formed, underline the intransitive ones.

Prop..because new perspectives, r..ferat articles, prop..ganda legal knowledge, st.bilization provisions, h..stvo satisfaction, report about the work of, h..stvovanie winners account..sti in the play.

63. At the end of the 2nd person singular verbs, we write -sh: teach sh , teach sh Xia.

64. Personal endings of verbs of I conjugation: -u(-th), -eat, -et, -eat, -et, -ut(-yut); II conjugations: -u(-u), -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at(-yat) .

When personal endings are under stress, then it becomes clear what to write: -eat or -ish , -ut or -at etc. In order not to make mistakes in the spelling of verbs with unstressed personal endings, you need to remember that among such verbs they have endings of II conjugation: 1) verbs ending in an indefinite form with -it ; 2) eleven of the following verbs: drive, hold, breathe, hear, twirl, see, depend, hate, offend, watch, endure, as well as their derivatives. The remaining verbs have the endings of I conjugation.

Exception. Verb shave- I conjugation, although it ends in -it: shave, shave.

Note 1. It is useful to remember: they gon I t, hold a t, breathe a t, listen a t, vert I t, view I t hovered I t, hate I t, resentment I t, look I t, terp I t.

Verb to want in the singular - I conjugation, and in the plural. h. - II conjugations: want, want, want, want, want, want.

Note 2. About how to write unstressed endings in a verb with a prefix you- , must be judged by the non-prefixed verb: vysp and shsha - sp and sh, bittern e sh - p yo sh.

Note 3. Along with the shape lay (spread, spread etc.) there is a colloquial form lay (to lay down, spread out etc.) Personal endings are used only from the form lay, i.e. I conjugations: you lay (lay down, spread out), spreads (bed, spread), ... lay (lay down, unfold).

65. In the personal endings of verbs of I conjugation, after sibilants under stress, instead of about spelled her): attraction yo t, LJ yo t.

66. Endings of the indefinite form of verbs: -t, -ch, -ty, -tsya, -chsya, -tys.

Distinguish indefinite endings - be from 3rd person endings -tsya questions help: an indefinite form answers the question what to do? (or do?), and the 3rd person - to the questions what does he do? (or will do? will do?) what is being done?

For example: Comrade wants(what to do?) to study. He thinks(what to do?) do math. He(What will he do?) will do mathematics.

67. In the imperative mood after the consonants is written b: sit down b , cut off b , eat b . Letter b remains in many hours: sit down b those, cut off b those, eat b those, and also before -sya: throw b throw b Xia, namazh b namazh b Xia.

Exception. from the verb lie down imperative mood l I G, l I where.

68. Indefinite and past tense suffixes -ova-, -eva- are written when in the 1st person the verb ends in -yu, -yu: conversations about talk (talk), mountains e wail (mourn), in e fight (fight); if the 1st person ends in -I am, -I am without emphasis on a, then in indefinite form and in the past tense it is written s, and: story s vayu - tell, consideration and vayu - to consider; when hitting a spelled -eve, -eve: overpowered e vat - lord e wow, over e wat - over e vayu etc.

In this article, we will look at the functions of prefixes in combination with verbs of motion. Verbs of motion are not an easy topic in themselves, but a large number of prefixes complicates it even more. But it is always worth remembering that the language is logical, and everything in it has its own meaning. If you have not yet learned all pairs of verbs of motion and have not practiced them to automatism, then it is better to analyze the topic "prefixes + verb of motion" on one or two verbs.

So, let's look at how prefixes change the meaning of verbs. In the description we use the word "object". It can be anything that somehow participates in our movement or is its witness: a house, a mountain, a bridge, and so on.

Console AT-, IN- means:
moving inside an object or moving up (with certain verbs).

The student entered the classroom(verb "to go")
Tractor drove up the hill(verb "to go")

Console VZ- (Sun-, VZO-) means moving up.

We must climb this mountain(verb "to go")

Console YOU- means:
movement from inside the object;
absence (provided that the subject will soon return back);
departure (provided we know the departure time).

The student left the class(verb "to go")
The man went out to smoke(verb "to go")
We're leaving in ten minutes(verb "to go")

Console AT means achieving a goal.

We came to the sea (the verb "to go")

Console PRO- means:
through traffic;
moving past something;
the quantitative result of the movement.

You have to walk two blocks to get to the market(verb "to go")
Don't pass by(verb "to go")
We walked over 20 miles in one day.(verb "to go")

Console PERE means moving from one place to another. As well as a perfect short action that describes movement.

He crossed the bridge(from one coast to another) (verb "to go")

Console ON- means the beginning of a movement or the intention to make a movement in the future.

I wake up in the morning and go to work(verb "to go")
In the summer we will go to the sea(verb "to go")
It's good to be outside before bed(verb "walk")

The prefix U- means removal for quite a long time, for a long time.
I'm tired of the party and I went home(verb "to go")

Console UNDER- (PDO-) means approaching (provided that a small distance has been covered)
The guy approached the girl and invited to dance(verb "to go")

Console FROM- (general relativity-) means removal (provided that a small distance has been covered).
When it started to rain, we went under a tree(verb "to go")

Console BEFORE- means movement to a specific place.
There was a strong thunderstorm, I somehow reached the house(verb "to go").

Console PER- means:
movement, due to which the subject is behind something (behind something);
stop motion;
moving to some place for a short time.

He went around the corner and realized that he was lost(verb "to go")
On the way home, I went to the store and bought some bread.(verb "to go")
Come visit us(verb "walk")

Console O- (ABOUT-, OBO-) means:
movement around;
motion coverage of the entire object;

He went around the house looking for keys.(verb "to go")
During the walk we went around the whole park(verb "to go")

Console FROM- (SO-) means:
downward movement. It is used in combination with the endings -СЯ, -СЬ;
complete movement back and forth.

In the evening we went down the hill(verb "to go")
I went to the milk shop(verb "walk")

Console ONCE- (RAS-, RAZO-) means movement in different directions. It is used in combination with the endings -СЯ, -СЬ.
It's getting late, it's time to go home(verb "walk").

In Russian, verbs are formed mainly in a prefixal way. In total, there are 26 verbal prefixes in Russian. The same prefix can appear in several phonetic variants. For example, the prefix o- (ob-, obo-): to color, bypass, bypass.

Each verb prefix has several meanings. For example, the prefix has 9 meanings. Here are some of them: 1) movement through an object (jump over a puddle); 2) repeated action (reread the book again); 3) division of the object into parts (cut the log in half); 4) excessive fullness of action (salt food); 5) spreading the action to all objects (reread all books); 6) mutual action (with the postfix sya-) (correspond with parents); 7) achieving victory, winning (outwitting everyone).

Some prefixes, joining the verb, do not add additional shades of the meaning of the word, but change the imperfect form of the verb to the perfect one: do - do, bake - bake, write - write.

Prefixed verbs are often used in figurative meaning: enter into a position, endure an illness, take a look, retire.

Verbs with the prefix v-/v-

Verbs with the prefix v- have the following meanings:

6. movement inside: enter, drive in, bring in, write in, paste in, break in, etc.

7. upward movement: climb (on a tree), drag (up a ladder);

8. deepening into action (verbs of perception): to listen, to ponder, to peer.

Verb matching:

Verb + v + vp.: enter the house, intervene in the conversation, bring furniture into the room, listen to the conversation, carefully peer into the photograph;

Verb + on + Vp.: climb a tree, drive up a mountain, carry a suitcase to the fifth floor.

Portable use:

Enter / enter history, tradition, habit, position, up to date

mislead / mislead

Contribute / Contribute

Invest / invest meaning, knowledge, strength


  1. Read. Determine the meaning of the prefix v- in verbs. Find cases of using verbs with the prefix в- in a figurative sense.

1) We have about was a tradition every 5 years e chat with one about classmates. 2) Difficult to drive in a nail d into a concrete wall. 3) The boys hardly rode up the mountain on bicycles. 4) M about the boss brought a good specialist up to date, and colleagues help about gali advice.5) The opera must be perceived by listening to every sound. 6) From about captivity was turned on in mid-October.

2. Read by inserting the correct verbs. Determine the meaning of the prefix in these verbs.

1) A young family .... in new apartment. 2) Children should not ... into adult conversations. 3) The girl took pity on the kitten and ... him in the house. 4) Grandmother ... framed a photograph of her granddaughter. 5) It is necessary ... TV: now they will broadcast the latest news. 6) The teacher ... in the position of a student and allowed him to take the exam ahead of schedule. 7) The name of Yuri Gagarin entered the history of astronautics.

For reference: enter / enter, enter / enter, intervene / interfere, insert / insert, let in / let in, turn on / turn on

3. Think of situations where you can use expressions to mislead, to contribute, to become a habit.

Verbs with the prefix you-

Basic values:

1. movement from the inside: take it out of the house, throw it away (garbage), let it out (the bird from the cage), pour it out (sugar from the bag);

2. exhaustion of action: cry out, listen, get enough sleep, speak out.


Verb + from + R.p.: leave the store, move out of the apartment;

Verb + in, on + Vp: run out into the street, leave Minsk for Moscow;

Verb + V.p. + from + R.p.: write out words from the text, pull your hands out of your pockets;

Verb + on + P.p., Verb + s + T.p.: to speak at a conference, at a meeting, to make a report, a speech, a proposal.

Portable use

Exit / go out of print (about the book), go out / go on screens (about the film)

Go out/fail (go bad, need repair)

Endure / endure heat, cold, difficulties, overload

Looking good, bad, sick, tired

Get out / get married

Get out / get out


1. Read. Determine the meaning of the prefix you- in verbs.

1) The Tretyakov Gallery exhibits works by famous artists. 2) Students dream of having a good night's sleep after the session. 3) During protection thesis students should give a short presentation about their research. 4) When leaving, turn off the light. 5) A textbook on word formation will be published soon. 6) After the summer holidays, everyone looked happy, tanned, rested. 7) Washing machine out of order - you need to call the master. 8) How much grief people endured during the war: hunger, cold, suffering and death of loved ones. 9) When you read a new text, write out unfamiliar words and check their meaning in a dictionary. 10) You look very bad - do not go out and call a doctor at home. 11) When talking, take your hands out of your pockets.

2. Read the phrases. Match them with opposites in meaning. Indicate prefixes in verbs. Determine the meaning of prefixes.

Sample: climb into the hatch - howl e zti from the hatch

Vv about bring currency into the country - ..., let spectators into the hall - ..., wb e press into the audience - ..., t a shield the suitcase in the compartment - ..., pour water into the kettle - ..., pour sugar into the sugar bowl - ..., turn on the vacuum cleaner - ..., drive into the garage - ..., vk a tit to about caress in the entrance of the house - ... .

Explain the spelling of the underlined letters.

3. Read by inserting appropriate prefixes.

1) You can’t drive this car: it ... was out of order. 2) This film ... went on the screens a year ago and ... immediately ... was among the most popular films. 3) You must first get an education, and then ... get married. 4) A sensitive person is one who ... walks into the position of other people, a resourceful person is one who knows how ... to get out of a difficult situation. 5) Every morning I ... go out of the house at eight o'clock, and at half past eight already ... I go to the university building. 6) We ... breathe oxygen, but ... breathe carbon dioxide. 7) When it rained, passers-by ... ran to shops, underground passages to hide from the rain, but still ... got wet to the skin.

Write out sentences in which verbs are used in a figurative sense.

Verbs with prefix vz-/sun-

Basic values:

1. rise up: fly up into the sky, fly up, float to the surface of the water;

2. violation of the state: explode, boil, dig up, beat.


Verb + on + C.p. : run up to the second floor, climb a mountain, fly up into the sky;

Verb + Vp: boil tea, loosen the ground, dig up a garden bed, beat the cream.

Portable use

Rise / ascend (about crops, about the sun). The rye has started to rise. The sun will rise soon.

Float/float. At the end of the meeting, another question suddenly surfaced.


1. Read. Insert the prefixes in-, you-, vz- / sun-.

1) In early spring, we ... dug beds, ... planted tulip bulbs in the ground. Very soon, our tulips .. went. They... fired green arrows. Then sharp red petals looked out of the buds. If you look carefully at these flowers, you will see how much fresh beauty they have.

2) ... the sun was going down. ... a bee flew for honey. Here comes the first butterfly. She ... fluttered over the flower and began to drink sweet juice. ..hard-working ants ran to work.

Explain the meaning of prefixes.

2. Complete the statements using the words in brackets.

1) The work of sappers is very dangerous, because ... (explode / explode).

2) Today we will bake a cake, help me ... .. (beat / beat).

3) The instructions say that before using this medicine ... (shake / shake) /

4) To make tea, you must first ... (boil).

Verbs with the prefix do-

Basic values:

  1. bringing the action to the end, to a certain border: drive (to the house), finish writing (letter);
  2. achieving a result, despite the difficulties: call, agree, wait, think;


Verb + do + R.p.: before live before old age, before swim before shores;

Verb + C.p. + to + R.p.: before listen to the song before middle, before read a book before end;

Verb + C.p.: before call for Xia children, before wake up Xia son (with difficulty);

Verb + D.p. (+ to + D.p.; + to + R.p.): before call Xia girlfriend to girlfriend before girlfriends;

Verb + c + Etc. (o + p.p.) before talk from girlfriend about meeting, before guess Xia o reason (why?)

Portable use

Reach / reach, bring / bring, convey / convey to the viewer, reader.

Bring / bring to the attention, to the end


  1. Read. Select the prefixes in the verbs, determine their meaning.

1) You will never guess who came to us! 2) The spacecraft flew to the moon. 3) The children are so carried away by the game that the mother does not get them to have lunch. 4) My hands do not reach to write you a letter. 5) The director managed to convey to the audience the idea of ​​the all-conquering power of love. 6) The young man helped the neighbor to bring a heavy bag to the apartment. 7) The children couldn't wait for the New Year. 8) It's amazing how birds manage to fly to the other side without rest. 9) We were in such a hurry that we didn’t even finish our tea.

2. Rebuild the statements using the verbs with the prefix do-, formed from the highlighted verbs.

1) My grandfather lived very long and died at the age of 96. 2) I told you the whole evening yesterday called but no one answered the phone. 3) To the university I food exactly 30 minutes. 4) Mother long woke up son, but he did not want to wake up. 5) You need more work over this abstract. 6) I can’t donate this book to the library yet, because I’m still continuing read her.

3. Make sentences using expressions: to finish, to reach with difficulty, to run to the finish line, to wait for a meeting.

Verbs with the prefix for-

Basic values:

  1. moving deeper or behind an object: go around the corner of the house, throw the ball into the net, put your hands in your pockets;
  2. incidental action: go to the store on the way, call for a friend;
  3. spreading the action over the entire surface: sew up a hole, splatter clothes with paint, plant the area with flowers;
  4. excessive action: stay up at a party, read until the morning;
  5. start of action: cry, scream, bloom
  6. taking an action in advance: purchase groceries, plan a trip;
  7. bringing the action to the end: write down the phone, fry the meat;


Verb + for + Vp: throw over the fence, go behind the tree;

Verb + C.p. + Etc.: cover the ground with snow, populate the house with tenants

Portable use:

Start / start a watch, a car, a motor, a dog, a fish

to enter / to enter (of the sun)

Abandon/abandon studies, classes, sports, work


  1. Read. Determine the meaning of prefixes in verbs with prefixes.

1) First artificial satellite land was launched in 1957 in the Soviet Union. 2) The writer decided to write a historical novel about the war of 1812. 3) Come to me at least for a while to arrange a trip. 4) I like to watch the sun rise and set. 5) If you have a dog, it becomes a member of your family. 6) He successfully finished his studies until the third year, but then he suddenly abandoned classes. 9) During the night, snow covered the ground and roofs of houses. 10) Figure skating captured the children so much that they themselves filled the rink in the yard. When the water froze over, they started skating. 11) Hearing the steps of the owner, the dog jumped and barked joyfully.

2. Read, inserting appropriate prefixes.

1) All guests ... see about rubbed at the beautiful bride, ... admired her white wedding dress. 2) From fear to about calf ... climbed onto the roof and could not follow h get off her. 3) Travelers decided ... n about Chevat in l e su. 4) Thrifty squirrels ... prepared dry mushrooms, berries, nuts for the winter.

4) Spring p e ka spilled and about drank coastal meadows. 5) On the way to the university, I ... followed a friend and we went together. 6) The volleyball player threw the ball into the net. 7) The sun ... ch I zero through the window, on the floor ... sunbeams jumped. 8) We ... led the cat, but we want to ... lead the fish. 9) When ... color e the lilac is melting, its sweetness is spreading throughout the city d cue flavor. 10) Everything is expensive and ki and paths ... mela m e Tel.

Explain the spelling of the underlined letters.