Yellowstone vanga volcano. The earth will be split in the western part of America. Changing values ​​in society will help to cope with disasters

The world is getting more and more anxious. Whoever listens to the news is already used to some incredible disasters that now and then flash in the information space. Only the most important things seem to be hidden from us. And if you read the predictions of the Kazakh Vanga about the volcano in the United States, then the events will acquire logic, become understandable. Are you still unfamiliar with her visions? Let's take them apart and analyze them together.

The essence of the crisis

It should be noted right away that the predictions of the Kazakh Vanga about a volcano in the United States are slightly confused. She herself explains some inaccuracies in the dates. The fact is that the inhabitants of the earth, if Yellowstone explodes, cannot be saved. There are many calculations of what should happen to us in this case. But they are not all accurate. And serious seismologists say frankly that they cannot calculate the consequences. However, one can expect the following with some degree of probability.

Nuclear winter is coming. Terms indicate different from one to ten years. Imagine that the sun will not be in the sky for at least 365 days. This will lead to the extinction of all plants! People will have nothing to eat, they will not be able to keep warm. But that's not all. How about breathing? Who will produce oxygen on the planet? And if the winter lasts ten years?

Yellowstone activity will set off a chain reaction in other seismically active zones. This is also the forecast of experts. But there is a supervolcano in Europe. There is no point in continuing further. If so, then there will soon be no one to read. Everyone will die in the first few days. The explosion will tear apart North America and give birth to huge waves. They will sweep across the planet, sweeping and grinding everything in their path. Maybe the Himalayas and other mountains will survive. But this is not a fact either. However, Vera Lyon says that not everything is so bad. By the way, her forecasts for 2019 are very positive, given that it is during this period that a catastrophe will occur.

Predictions of Kazakh Vanga about a volcano in the USA

The seer has been talking about the fact that a catastrophe will definitely happen for a long time. Back in 2014, she posted an emotional post describing a vision. A terrible beast resembling a monkey breaks out of the land of America. Its size and appearance are terrifying! This creature tears the earth, destroys houses and other structures. The date was not yet clear at the time.

Next came a prediction about the fate of the United States. In the visions of Vera Lyon, this country is symbolized by the moon. At first she saw that the night luminary was covered with terrible clouds. After a while, another description appeared. The moon feeds into a seething fiery cauldron. That is, the seer concludes, the United States will cease to exist.

In early 2015, Vera gave more specific data about the volcano. The catastrophe will stretch in time, and there are reasons for that. The explosion is divided into three parts. First (May 7 and November 7, 2015) two vents will be opened. It has already happened. The data is in the reports of the US seismological service. But the lava output was small, training. And the worst is planned for May 7 this year! There will be a real explosion with all the ensuing consequences.

However, it is too early to prepare for death. According to Vera, the time of the eruption can be slightly pushed back. And they are actively doing it. On the one hand, the clairvoyant herself works on the lava and the crust of the earth. On the other hand, aliens (green men) are doing this. It has already been stopped once. After all, according to the Kazakh Vanga, Armageddon was supposed to cover the world last year. Whether it will be possible to prevent terrible events that year, we will soon see.

Consequences of the eruption

Here begins the most amazing. Kazakh Vanga's predictions about a volcano in the United States do not end with the very fact of the catastrophe. The clairvoyant describes in detail what will happen to the planet next. America will disappear, this cannot be undone. The continent will be torn in two. Lots of people will die. The wave born of the explosion will touch the UK and Europe. Faith considers this to be God's punishment. Japan will also be hit hard. Only one or two tiny islands will remain from this country.

There will also be a nuclear winter, but not as long as scientists claim. What the surviving people will breathe if the plants die, the seer does not specify. However, she sees that a huge number of refugees from the affected lands will be drawn to Russia. This territory will be preserved by the Higher Forces. Vera Lyon's website contains many warnings. She asks people (Sakhalin, Far East) to keep their documents nearby at all times. They will have to evacuate. Other territories will not be affected.

Will there be an explosion: the last

Forecasts are a thankless thing. The disclosure of the plans of the Higher Forces reduces the likelihood of their plan being realized. People interfere. Modern Vanga is sure that the American government is taking measures to eliminate the emergency. The clairvoyant blog contains a special section that regularly covers events in the caldera. Lyon herself posts video commentary:

Whether to believe these apocalyptic predictions, decide for yourself. Whether they affect you personally, find out here. Especially since May is coming soon. And the seer insists that it is on the 7th that it will explode completely. Share this information with your friends. Who is warned is armed! And if everything goes like this, then people will suffer not only from waves and earthquakes, but also from panic. It is desirable to prevent this.

Video with Vera Lyon's prediction about a supervolcano in the USA:

The most pessimistic scenario for the awakening of a supervolcano is as follows: it will be an explosion comparable to the explosion of 1000 atomic bombs. The ground part of the supervolcano will collapse into a funnel with a diameter of fifty kilometers. will happen on earth ecological catastrophy. For the US, the eruption of Yellowstone will mean the end of existence.

The saddest thing is that not only alarmists, but also experts are talking about such consequences. Yakov Levenshtern from the Yellowstone Volcanic Observatory (USA) said that more than 1 thousand km³ of magma fell out into all previous supervolcano eruptions (there were three of them). This is enough to cover most of North America with a layer of ash up to 30 cm (at the epicenter of the disaster). Loewenstern also noted that the air temperature throughout the world will drop by 21 degrees, visibility will become no more than half a meter for several years. An era similar to nuclear winter will come.

Hurricane Katrina showed that the US civil defense system is not ready for such large-scale cataclysms - and the civil defense of no country will be able to prepare for them.

Domestic scientists do not get tired of predicting the eruption of a supervolcano. The head of the Department of Dynamic Geology of the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University, Nikolai Koronovsky, in an interview with Vesti, told what would happen after the eruption:

“The winds are predominantly westerly, so everything will go to the east of the USA. Will cover them. Solar radiation will decrease, which means that the temperature will have to fall. The well-known eruption of the Krakatau volcano in the Sunda Strait in 1873 lowered the temperature by about 2 degrees in the equatorial part for a year and a half, until the ash dissipated.

In this film "When will Yellowstone wake up? (dated 06/01/2016)" the analysis of cataclysms on Earth in the winter-spring of 2016 is considered. Much attention is paid to the study of the activity of the Yellowstone caldera in 2016 - the most dangerous point on the planet. Materials are presented in the style of programs typical for the REN-TV channel. But even if you are skeptical about all sorts of predictions and prophecies, we still recommend watching this video, because it contains a number of interesting scientific facts, excerpts from interviews with scientists, and also at the end it talks about the only way to solve the problems associated with the upcoming global cataclysms - a change in the perception of life by each person - from a destructive consumer to creative.

What else is worth paying attention to is that this spring - in March-April 2016, the probability of an eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano was even higher than in 2014. That is, humanity was on the verge of a global catastrophe ... If we compare this information with the report of the community ALLATRA SCIENCE for 2014, we can conclude that it is thanks to this group scientists world once again stood on the brink of a global climate catastrophe. After all, it is their scientific developments that are significantly ahead of the achievements of official science. Read more in the report "PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS". But how many more times will this happen and maybe it's time for people to take action on their own? First of all, of course, we are talking about uniting the entire world community on the basis of universal human values ​​that are understandable to every inhabitant of the planet. We quote the report:

... Starting in 2002, scientists began to observe the following phenomena in Yellowstone National Park: the formation of new geysers, deformation of the earth's surface, an increase in soil temperature to the boiling point, the appearance of new cracks and crevices through which volcanic gases contained in magma are released, and many others dangerous signs of the awakening of a supervolcano. It is alarming that these figures are several times higher than those of previous years. All this indicates that the magma of the Yellowstone supervolcano begins to approach the surface with a speed increased by several times. In April 2014, the scientific group of ALLATRA International Public Movement recorded a sharp jump-like increase not only in the neutrino emission in the area, but also an increase in the septon field strength. Judging by the graphs of the behavior of neutrinos and the increase in the septon field strength in April 2014, the Yellowstone supervolcano was on the verge of an eruption. But even more alarming is the fact that after a relative stabilization, the activity rate indicators begin to grow again, that is, volcanic processes are currently intensively gaining strength ...

With the most modest forecasts of many scientists, the super-eruption of the Yellowstone caldera globally can lead to a sharp change in climate throughout the planet. But the worst thing is that he is able to instantly destroy life on almost the entire continent. Scientists modeled this situation and came to the conclusion that in the first minutes after the eruption, all life within a radius of 1200 km will be destroyed, since the zone adjacent to the volcano will suffer from pyroclastic flows consisting of hot gas and ash. They will spread at a speed close to the speed of sound, destroying everything in their path. The second zone, which covers the entire territory of the United States and part of Canada, will be covered with ash, which will lead to the death of people who are at that time in this zone, from suffocation and the collapse of buildings. And this is not all the deadly and devastating consequences ...

Taking into account the impending global cataclysms, it is necessary for people themselves to begin to change their attitude towards themselves and towards society here and now. After all, it is not known who you will be tomorrow - a refugee or a host country, and what your chances of survival will be in this or that situation. In the modern world of global climate change, one cannot vouch for a single inch of land in view of the manifestation of new extreme anomalies of nature, which pose a danger even to relatively stable areas of residence. In other words, no one is immune from all kinds of growing risks, and each of us can become a climate refugee tomorrow. In this regard, it is extremely important to globally and quickly change the values ​​of society from a consumer format to a spiritual and moral, creative format, where goodness, humanity, conscience, mutual assistance, friendship, the dominance of spiritual and moral foundations would come first in the relationship between people, regardless of their nationality, religion, social status and other conditional, artificial divisions of world society. When all people strive to create a life that is convenient for everyone around them, then in this life they will preserve themselves and their future ...

Yellowstone Volcano 2019 - the first major magma ejection that occurred a few days ago, indicates that the eruption is beginning.The latest news for today and the opinions of NOD experts eloquently indicate that over 70% of cities on the US map can be destroyed.

In this article:

  • Scale of the catastrophe
  • Latest news 2019
  • Chronicle of events and signs of the eruption
  • When will the eruption begin (forecasts and predictions)
  • What will the collapse of the USA and Canada from the volcano mean for Russia?

Yellowstone National Park. Beautiful canyons, waterfalls, geysers. Virgin, but sometimes dead forest.

When you walk along the stage to the water-filled caldera, from time to time the earth emits a rumble, tremors occur. The wooden flooring cracks, a shiver runs through the body.

Like a giant rectum struck by polyps, a volcanic nozzle filled with green water goes deep into it. From time to time, smoky hydrogen sulfide bubbles burst out of the water with a terrible sob.

There, at the bottom of the caldera, under a thin partition of rocks - DEATH. And few imagine HOW DANGEROUS IS THIS for the whole earth.

Scale of the catastrophe

The eruption power of the Yellowstone volcano is about 1,375,000 megatons of TNT, or about 23,000 copies of the famous nuclear "Tsar bomb".

The amount of ash that will rise into the air will be about 300 billion cubic meters. The area of ​​scattering of large fragments will be about 3000 kilometers. Scientists predict a shift of the lithospheric plate by 12 kilometers to the west, a total flood due to a short heating of the ocean and the melting of glaciers.

Light fractions will settle in the air, which will lead to a volcanic winter for 10-12 years.

The temperature on Earth in the first days will increase by 10-15 degrees, and then fall by 20-30 degrees. Northern part Pacific Ocean during the first three years will be bound by ice. The Bering Strait will freeze completely.

As a result of the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano, 200 million people will die immediately, another 4 billion (!) Will die within 5 years as a result of floods, famine and food wars.

In 10-12 years after the eruption of Yellowstone, the population of the Earth will return to the level of the 18th century, most of the countries will disappear from the map of the earth. Mexico, USA and Canada will become completely dead regions. America can go under water for 1-2 years.

Latest news 2019

1st of May. Paths in Yellowstone Park reached record temperatures. A group of tourists from Taiwan melted their flip-flops

20 April. New thermal zone discovered near Lake West Turn. It is formed due to the approach of the magmatic layer to the surface of the earth. Near the thermal zone, the forest began to die.

2 April. The Pentagon is buying gas masks in bulk.The amount is shocking - almost $ 250 million, but in fact this is very small, and not enough for the entire population of the United States. Gas and volcanic dust protection kits will only be available to 2.5 million people.

March 16th. American Mormons fleeing the Yellowstone volcano were detained in the Kuban. They are deported back.

28th of February. Experts from the US Geological Survey USGS noted high volcanic activity in neighboring California. According to their data, the probability of an eruption of the Long Valley supervolcano, Shasta volcano and Lassen volcano is 16%. In turn, activity can provoke the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano, which is located in the zone of influence of the North American lithospheric plate.

February, 15. Desman corpses began to be found in the Yellowstone River. Biologists believe that this is a consequence of an increase in the sulfur content of the water and its temperature due to volcanic activity.

February 4th. Scientists have recorded a partial release of magma from the bottom of the volcano. The rise of the soil and the increase in the temperature of the magma chamber also worries experts.

Jan. 7. INNASA acknowledged powerlessness in preventing the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano. The project to drill wells to pump water and redirect magma has been declared useless. Scientists are frantically looking for new solutions.

December 24th. Yellowstone geyser "Steamboat" broke the record of 1964. Not so long ago, a dormant geyser in 2018 became more active and erupted several times more than 54 years ago. This is the most powerful geyser in the park, it ejects boiling water to a height of more than 120 meters.

Chronicle of events and signs of the eruption

A number of signs indicate that the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano begins, its activity is increasing, so a global catastrophe is just around the corner. 2019 could be last year prosperous existence of mankind.

Chronicle of Yellowstone Caldera activity:


Fragments of magma from the Sheridan fumarole were found in the Wapiti River. Death of small animals. The Pentagon is buying gas masks. A new thermal zone has been found on Lake West Tern.

The increase in the activity of geysers, "Steamboat" breaks a record in 1964. The concentration of sulfur in the atmosphere for the first time exceeded the norm. For the first time, a powerful earthquake with a magnitude exceeding calculations - 7.8 points, stronger than in 1959, was recorded.

New cracks were found on dead trees near the thermal springs - a consequence of the increased temperature. The area of ​​the endangered forest has increased by 34 hectares. In March, the grand geyser "Old Servant" threw out a sheaf of sparks with pieces of magma instead of boiling water.

Landslides on the Signal and Gorbataya mountains, the death of two men in a tent. Increasing the concentration of hydrogen sulfide close to normal. The intensity of soil uplift reached 10 cm per year.

Mass migration of small animals from the vicinity of the volcano. American lake rats, desmans and muskrats began to leave the places inhabited for centuries. In January, recorded the strongest gas release on the northern shore of the lake.

Soil growth of 5-6 cm per year has been observed. mass death bison from the release of gas. The complete extinction of the lynx, the reduction in the number of foxes and coyotes. The geyser "Steamboat" woke up, almost 200 new thermal springs were discovered in a year. The beginning of the growth of panic about the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano.

The increase in seismic activity forced the authorities to build a volcanic observatory. NASA is tasked with creating a project to neutralize the volcano.

The beginning of the decline in the number of animals. The US authorities have begun measures to artificially maintain the fauna, in nat. wolves, grizzly bears and other species were launched in Yellowstone Park.

A catastrophic fire due to a sudden release of magma from the mountain sphincter. Kennedy. Almost 4000 km2 of forest burned out, the city of Dildostown was destroyed.

More than 3000 earthquakes per year. The lowering of the caldera was recorded, which may indicate a reduction in the thickness of the protective layer of hard rocks between the magma and the atmosphere.

The volcano began to wake up. A 7.4 magnitude earthquake breaks a dam on Lake Hebgen. Faults and cracks formed in the ground, 30 people died. A new lake appeared - Quake.

It is the growth of seismic activity dynamics, the increase in gas emissions and the emergence of new geysers that causes the greatest concern. Such signs always precede awakening volcanoes.

For the United States and Canada, the eruption threatens to completely disappear.

When will the eruption begin (forecasts and predictions)

Predictions about the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano were made not only by famous astrologers and prophets, physicists like Newton and Jose Ramon Espinoza laid out the prerequisites for this in their calculations.

Nostradamus prophesied about the signs of the end of the world in the form of earthquakes, a flood and a great famine, which fully fits into the concept of the Yellowstone supervolcano. Vanga talked a lot about the fact that "America will freeze" and will be "bound by a cloud" for many years.

From the point of view of probability theory, it was calculated that the Yellowstone catastrophe could be 0.00014% per year. The last eruption was 640 thousand years ago.

That is, as of today in 2019, the probability is… 89,6% !

The exact date of the eruption is probably already known to NASA specialists, who have covered Wyoming National Park with sensors since the early 2000s and monitor the situation around the clock. However, they are naturally silent about this, since the resulting panic can cause much more damage to humanity, provoke wars and a migration collapse on the eve of the eruption. More detailed scientific rationale.

The world government will suffer in this case, the world will plunge into complete chaos and anarchy. The scenarios of the post-apocalysis realized in the films will become a reality. It is important to preserve at least the basic laws formed in the UN, international conventions and so on.

In the next two years, humanity is simply obliged to find a way out, otherwise it is threatened with extinction.

What will the collapse of the USA and Canada from the volcano mean for Russia?

Russia from the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano will not directly suffer. Cold snap and floods will not bypass it, there will be a severe food crisis, but V.V. Putin and D.A. Medvedev overcame even more difficult times, and now Russia has almost no state debt, there are rich gold reserves and a strong ruble. There will be enough oil and electricity to run autonomous greenhouses for growing food. For the first two years, the strategic food reserves of the Ministry of Defense will suffice, then, through surplus appropriation and austerity policies, food will be fairly distributed through a special commission from the United Russia party.

The biggest problem is the flow of refugees from Canada, the US and Mexico. Given the freezing of the Pacific Ocean, they will massively run across the ice to Russia. And no machine guns can stop them, all hope is for the Iskanders, which will make giant polynyas in the ice.

The defecting Americans will bring many troubles to Russia. They will drag their national debt, juvenile justice and gay rights. In overcrowded Khrushchevs, scandals will begin because of tolerance. But in the end, Putin will give them the right to reside in exchange for the recognition of Crimea.

The Internet will die out due to the death of Microsoft, Intel, Android and the largest American servers. People will exchange information in queues for palm oil and feed grain, which will be issued to them on cards.

Of course, in view of the acute crisis, it will be necessary to slightly increase the retirement age and gasoline prices, but Russia will lose its major enemy - America, which was still threatened with slow extinction due to obesity and the collapse of the dollar.

The Yellowstone volcano in 2019 should serve as a motivator to harvest food, build shelters, buy watercraft, warm clothes and respirators, a smart person can save his family if he starts preparing for an eruption right now.