Why dream of pancakes eating them. Bake pancakes interpretation of the dream book. Pancakes - Slavic dream book

Not a single dream book has an unambiguous explanation of what pancakes dream of. The value can be either positive or negative. To find out the exact interpretation, you need to remember everything that happened in a dream: what the pancakes were like, what you had to do with them. Only after reproducing the entire scenario in memory should analysis be started.

Not a single dream book has an unambiguous explanation of what pancakes dream of

A dream in which pancakes are present may have different meanings.

Depending on all the details of what you see, the interpretation may be as follows:

  • bake them - you will have to show frugality in household chores;
  • a whole hill - receiving news from afar;
  • failed to turn over in a pan - trouble is coming;
  • cut with a knife - one of the close people will begin to live independently;
  • yes - all plans will soon come true, and hopes will come true;
  • with sour cream - they will return the old debt, which has long been forgotten;
  • with cottage cheese - deception;
  • with meat - serious problems will arise in the labor sphere, even dismissal is not excluded;
  • with caviar - there will be health problems;
  • lubricate with oil - an ambulance, it is better to go to it with a reliable companion;
  • lubricate with jam - you will have to pay a fine for a recent violation;
  • kneading the dough - the absence of bright moments in life;
  • sell at the fair - you will be able to show hidden talents, you will be lucky to find a new job;
  • buy at the fair - new friends will appear;
  • accept a treat - receiving good news;
  • treat - commemoration;
  • drop - there will be unforeseen expenses;
  • choke - the dreamer's actions harmed another person.

Pancakes in a dream book (video)

Fry pancakes in a pan or bake them: is there a difference

A dream in which you have to bake pancakes indicates that in real life you will have to show your housekeeping in everyday life. Not the easiest times will come, but it will still be possible to cope with all the hardships. In addition, this dream can promise a serious illness and even a commemoration. There are also a number of other values:

  • burned out - new beginnings will be unsuccessful, severe disappointment;
  • a woman dreams - a quarrel with neighbors is possible;
  • to a young girl - someone spreads gossip about her personal life.

The dream in which you have to bake pancakes indicates that in real life you will have to show your housekeeping in everyday life.

Dreams in which pancakes are fried in a pan have a slightly different meaning. Most often, they portend problems, and considerable efforts will need to be made to solve them. It is possible that one of the relatives will become seriously ill. Weakly fried pancakes indicate that in real life the dreamer rarely brings what he started to the very end. If smoke is seen during frying, then close relatives will soon have trouble.

Eat pancakes in a dream

When interpreting dreams in which you had a chance to eat pancakes, you should also take into account many details:

  • alone - many problems will arise, which will be quite difficult to cope with;
  • in a company - a person who pretends to be a friend will turn out to be the worst enemy;
  • away - family troubles;
  • unexpectedly ended - in all endeavors the dreamer will be lucky;
  • to enjoy food - significant cash receipts, financial well-being;
  • the girl dreamed - she would have a solid admirer, but those around her would begin to spread gossip because of envy;
  • honey - a joyful meeting with loved ones, a serious hobby will appear;
  • With strawberry jam- loneliness does not threaten the dreamer, even if he strives for it;
  • with maple syrup - true friends will appear, they can be completely trusted;
  • with condensed milk - well-being will come in the family.

When interpreting dreams in which you had a chance to eat pancakes, many details should be taken into account.

Pancakes in Miller's dream book

Dreaming pancakes in Miller's dream book do not have an unambiguous meaning. One of the most popular sources says that there are pancakes with honey for those who in real life succeed in business, but this will have to work hard. If the filling in them turned out to be meat, then soon a difficult period is coming in life, it is possible that you will have to endure a serious illness and even experience a bereavement.

If, in night dreams, you had a chance to prepare a delicacy for your life partner, then financial problems will soon arise. The dreamer will be forced to deny himself almost everything and count every penny in order to somehow cope with the current situation. In the same case, if you had a chance to cook pancakes yourself, then sleep is considered a harbinger of illness. Perhaps the sleeper will be invited to the wake.

Dreaming pancakes in Miller's dream book do not have an unambiguous meaning

Watching in a dream how the newlyweds eat pancakes is a good sign, the children of the sleeping person will live happily and enjoy every day. Wealth and prosperity promises a dream in which it is possible to serve a full plate of pancakes, greased with butter.

Why do pancakes dream of a girl

If the owner of the dream in which pancakes were dreaming was a girl, then its meaning will be somewhat different. Those who will soon expect a very pleasant acquaintance will be lucky to buy or eat them. It is possible that soon she will meet friends of her childhood with whom she is connected. Nice memories.

Big troubles and strong resentment are promised by a dream in which pancakes are seen in large numbers, which are everywhere

Big troubles and strong resentment are promised by a dream in which pancakes are seen in large numbers, which are everywhere. Intrigue and gossip portends a dream in which a girl is trying to hide pancakes from guests. She should be more attentive to others and not devote them to her plans and personal life.

Seeing pancakes with cottage cheese in a dream

Night visions are considered an alarming sign, in which they see not ordinary pancakes, but stuffed with cottage cheese. Those who happen to eat this delicacy need to be as careful as possible. In the near future there is a risk of becoming a victim of scammers. It is also possible that you will have to become a guest at the wake of someone close to you.

Seeing such pancakes, but not doing anything with them in a dream, is for people who expect unforeseen expenses, disappointments and senseless chores in the very near future. Also, a dream promises difficult and meaningless work, in which pancakes have to be stuffed with cottage cheese.

A dream is considered a harbinger of trouble, in which other people had to be treated to cottage cheese pancakes. An unpleasant acquaintance can be expected in the event that the pancakes turned out to be moldy or too dry, absolutely tasteless.

Lush, overly fatty spring rolls have a favorable meaning. Soon the dreamer will be invited to the wedding of rich people. Expect deception, conflict in the labor sphere should be those who in a dream had a chance to buy such pancakes.

Pancakes in Miller's dream book (video)

It is quite difficult to interpret night dreams in which pancakes are seen. The meaning can change dramatically depending on the minor details of what you see. A dream can promise both favorable changes in life, and portend many problems, illnesses and even the death of loved ones. That is why the analysis must be taken very seriously. If you respond in a timely manner, take action, then many problems can be avoided.

Attention, only TODAY!

It’s good to fry pancakes in a dream yourself. This is a sign of prudent conduct of household and work affairs, stability and moderate prosperity. But if you happen to see a whole stack of pancakes, then you are equally likely to attend a wake or get good news. Why else dream of the aforementioned plot, the dream book will tell you.

Miller's Confidence

Had a dream about how pancakes were baked? Mr. Miller and his dream book are sure that you are a thrifty and economical person. Eating oil products at night means that now in any business you will be accompanied by unprecedented luck.

Take action!

Why dream if it happened to fry pancakes for some holiday? How well you plan a certain enterprise depends on its future success.

Had a dream that you were baking pancakes for sale? Dream Interpretation believes that there will be a chance to realize their hidden talents.

But if you had to see that other people cook pancakes in a dream, especially in a cafe, then you dream of opening your own business, but you are not completely sure of yourself.


Why dream if you are lucky to personally fry pancakes in a pan? This plot predicts luck, profit and pleasure.

But if the products literally hissed in a pan in oil, then you will be deceived or slandered. Had a dream that you can't turn the cake over in a pan? The dream interpretation promises a period of trouble.

If in a dream you managed to drop a pancake, trying to turn it over, then be prepared to part with a large sum due to unforeseen difficulties.

Deciphering the features

What is the plot in question usually dreaming of? To get an extremely clear interpretation of sleep, follow the recommendations of the dream book and remember how the finished cakes turned out.

Had a dream about how you managed to fry ruddy and beautiful pancakes? A very pleasant acquaintance is coming. Seeing burnt and crooked products is worse. This is a sign of family squabbles and partings.

If the pancakes turned out to be underdone and raw in a dream, then you have to make a lot of efforts to successfully get out of an unhealthy situation. Unlucky to find that the pancake batter is sour? This means that you will be spoiled for a great mood.

What did they eat with?

According to the dream book, it is very important to note which pancakes you had to fry and eat in a dream.

  • Empty - making friends.
  • With jam - a good friend will stab him in the back, but you will forgive him, albeit with difficulty.
  • With butter, sour cream - flattery, deceit, loss.
  • With cottage cheese - a disease of a loved one.
  • With meat - serious complications at work, up to its loss.
  • With caviar - well-being, luxury, or, on the contrary, the loss of everything.

Pancakes in most cases are a good sign. To see them in a dream - to well-being and prosperity. Also, such a dream may mean that a person needs to make his relationship with his beloved more diverse. If you dreamed of eating pancakes, then you should pay attention to the dish itself. If they were without filling, this is a good sign promising good luck or unexpected news. Pancakes with cottage cheese or butter - to trouble.

According to Freud

Freud's dream book interprets a dream in which a person saw himself eating such a delicacy as a desire to diversify his personal life. Perhaps the sleeper does not have enough vivid sensations. The solution to the problem can be a romantic date or just an evening spent with your loved one. For single people, this is a signal that you need to think about a serious relationship.

According to Miller

If a person wants to know why he dreams of eating pancakes, then you can turn to Miller's dream book for clarification. In his interpretation, it is a symbol of success and prosperity. If the sleeper ate them, then changes will soon take place in his life, promising good profits and significant achievements in business. When a person himself bakes a delicacy, then in reality he will have a period in which he will have to be thrifty and economical. However, if the sleeper tastes them, the situation will soon change for the better.

By Juno

Juno's dream interpretation interprets a dream in which there are pancakes happened to a person in love or in a relationship. This image means a quick wedding. It is also a sign that a loved one will give joy or do something pleasant. In addition, such a dream portends a fun or feast, where you can find many new friends or strengthen old acquaintances.

In the event that it is not the sleeping person who eats the pancakes, but someone else, in real life for the person who has a dream, a bright streak will come. He will be lucky in almost all endeavors.

The dream book also testifies that there are pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese or just with butter - to chagrin and trouble or betrayal. If the treat was cooked on buckwheat flour, it is worth waiting for an official trial.

According to Tsvetkov

Turning to Tsvetkov's dream book, you can also find out the interpretation of this dream. In this case, the dream will mean that in the near future the sleeper will receive a letter or simply unexpected news that will surprise him. Perhaps acquaintances or relatives whom he has not seen for a long time will make themselves felt.

Tell your friends about your dream
save not to lose

A dream about pancakes is a rather multifaceted dream that can carry in real life the dreamer, both prosperity and success, as well as losses or gossip, can invite guests to your house, or can talk about your loneliness. To understand which interpretation of the “Pancakes” dream is right for you, you need to remember the details of the dream that you paid attention to when you saw pancakes in your dream. What were the pancakes: ruddy or faded, fried or raw, oily or dry, did you eat with pleasure or did they get up in your throat. In addition, you could bake pancakes yourself in a dream or watch how others bake, treat guests or treat yourself, and also buy or trade pancakes on the street. Below are collected all the famous dream books that decipher the dream "Pancakes" and give answers to questions that may arise after seeing pancakes in a dream.

  • Why dream of beautiful appetizing ruddy pancakes? Dream Interpretation: beautiful pancakes in a dream are a good sign - they prophesy a pleasant promising acquaintance and a successful course of the work begun, and you will also receive a letter soon.
  • Why dream of burnt pancakes? Dream Interpretation: burnt pancakes in a dream - a bad sign - promises conflicts and quarrels. They can be avoided if you behave with people close to you more tolerantly and delicately. Try to see the good in people.
  • Why dream of tasteless pancakes? Dream Interpretation: tasteless pancakes in a dream predict disappointment, failed deeds and displeasure to the dreamer. We want to reassure you: all these troubles will be temporary.
  • Why dream of a stack of pancakes on the table appetizing? Dream Interpretation: a stack of pancakes was lying on the table in a dream - it means that in reality you will receive news, a letter. The larger the stack of pancakes was in a dream, the more important it is to receive a letter or news.
  • Why dream of pancakes made from buckwheat flour? Dream Interpretation: buckwheat flour pancakes portends an occupation that is unusual for you, but you will achieve success and recognition in it.
  • Why dream of pancake dough standing on the table, but no one baked pancakes? Dream Interpretation: pancake dough in a dream prophesies an uninteresting boring life in reality.
  • Why dream of kneading dough for pancakes? Dream Interpretation: kneading the dough for pancakes in a dream means that in reality there will be nice pleasant gatherings.

I dreamed of baking pancakes

  • Why dream of "baking pancakes"? Dream Interpretation: baking pancakes in a dream means that in reality you will save and spend money very wisely, otherwise you will “fly a pretty penny”. If you properly manage your budget, stability and peace will reign in the house.
  • Why does a girl dream of “baking pancakes”? Dream Interpretation: baking pancakes in a dream for a young person means that in reality you will have to be a thrifty and reasonable housewife in your future family life.
  • Why dream of “baking pancakes, and they burn and stick to the pan”? Dream Interpretation: pancakes burn and stick to the pan in a dream - it means that in reality you cannot save and properly manage money, all this can lead to need and even poverty. We advise you to plan your expenses and strictly adhere to the plan.
  • Why dream of frying pancakes high in a frying pan? Dream Interpretation: frying pancakes in a dream by tossing them in a pan is a good sign - success in the working field, profit and recognition of colleagues.
  • Why dream of baking pancakes for guests? Dream Interpretation: I bake pancakes in a dream for guests - it means that in reality there will be prosperity and order in the house.

Actions performed with pancakes

Dreamed of pancakes with filling

Folklore dream book

The first pancake is lumpy - a failure, a bad undertaking.

Autumn dream book

Dream "bake pancakes" what does it mean? It means that there will be many guests.

Summer dream book

She dreams of "just seeing a lot of pancakes on the table, a whole mountain on a plate" for the wake.

Women's dream book

The dream of “eating pancakes with jam” is a dream for serious success in entrepreneurial affairs.
Why dream of baking pancakes in a dream - be more frugal and economical when managing your household and budget.

Small Velesov dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: why pancakes dream - a positive interpretation: to a letter, news, fun and success in business.
  • Why dream of “seeing pancakes in a dream” - a negative interpretation: to gossip, losses, they will hit you or you.
  • Why dream of "eating pancakes in a dream" - a positive interpretation: good news, good.
  • Why dream of “eating pancakes in a dream” - a negative meaning: it will be bitter, to trouble, annoyance, loss and illness.
  • Why dream of “baking pancakes in a dream” - a positive interpretation: to receive a letter or write it yourself, for good luck and good.
  • Why dream of “baking pancakes in a dream” - a negative meaning: to shame, illness.
  • Why dream of selling pancakes at a fair - to the trouble that you cause to another.
  • Why dream of buying pancakes - to new friends. (cm. )

Russian folk dream book

I dreamed of pancakes - go to your mother-in-law.

Aesop's dream book

Seeing pancakes in a dream is a primordially Russian dish that Russians have been preparing since time immemorial. There is even a Maslenitsa holiday, where everyone bakes pancakes and treats each other to them. And this is a well-known expression: “For pancakes to the mother-in-law”, how much kindness, warmth and hospitality in this phrase. Pancakes are a symbol of the sun, the beginning of spring and the end of winter. However, pancakes are not always good. For example, they say to an unsuccessful undertaking: “The first pancake is lumpy”, but about caution and suspicion: “They will give pies and pancakes, and then sit and look.”

Dream interpretation of the esoteric Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov: pancakes in a dream mean a letter.

Ukrainian dream book

  • To see pancakes in a dream - either you or you will be hit on the cheek.
  • I dreamed of baking pancakes - to illness.
  • I dreamed of eating pancakes - to illness.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

I dreamed of pancakes made from buckwheat flour - there will be a government affair, official.

Combined dream book

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

  • What does “pancakes” mean in a dream - in reality you will receive or write a letter.
  • Why dream of frying pancakes - you are economical and frugal, this is of course good if it does not cross reasonable boundaries.
  • Dream Interpretation: a stove, firewood is burning, eating pancakes in a dream - in reality a great success in business.

Spring dream book

  • In a dream, she ate pancakes for what - for illness.
  • Sleep "cook pancakes" - to sadness.
  • The dream of “treating pancakes” is a wake.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation: to see pancakes in a dream - in reality a letter or an oversight.

Big dream book

If you dream of seeing pancakes on a plate, you will receive a letter in reality.
If you dream of eating pancakes - in reality there will be trouble.

Explanatory dream book

Why do pancakes dream in a dream - to the news, a letter.
Why dream of eating pancakes in a dream - to trouble.

Miller's dream book

I dreamed of pancakes - Miller's dream book says that in reality you will be successful in all matters.
Why dream of cooking pancakes? Dream Interpretation: cook pancakes for savings and frugality that you will have to keep in the house.

Culinary dream book

Why dream of frying pancakes in a dream - to sensual pleasure.
Why dream of eating pancakes in a dream - make new friends.

Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of "pancakes" comes down to writing.

Jewish dream book of Azar

I had a dream "pancakes" - for the commemoration.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Longo

  • Dream Interpretation: making pancakes for a holiday in a dream - in reality you are preparing for some kind of holiday. After all, it depends on you how it will pass. Don't worry, everything will go "on top".
  • Dream Interpretation: there are delicious pancakes that were treated in a dream - in reality you have a person you trust. Soon a situation will arise when you have to check your relationship. Try to show your best side.
  • Why do you dream of a lot of pancakes at Maslenitsa in the village - if you are a city dweller and have never been to the village, then very soon you will find yourself in an unusual situation for you. Call on all your wit and humor to help and try to get out of it with dignity. This moment in life will give you a good lesson and experience for the future.
  • To see how pancakes are baked in a street cafe in a dream - in reality you are going to open your own business, but you don’t know where to start. Seek advice from a specialist and then your business will be successful. (cm. )

Esoteric dream book

Why dream of cooking pancakes - for guests.
Dream Interpretation: eating pancakes in a dream - to a pleasant meeting.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

Why do pancakes dream in a dream - for writing and fun.

Lunar dream book

What does “there are pancakes” mean in a dream - losses, troubles, gossip.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen


In conclusion, I would like to say once again that pancakes are Russian the National dish representing the sun and the coming of spring. Therefore, pancakes in a dream bring joy, guests, success and happiness to real life. Of course, as with any rule, there are exceptions. For example, some interpreters of dreams claim that pancakes dream of a wake. But let's be optimistic and believe that dynas dream only for good. Have a nice sleep.

If a person saw that he was baking pancakes in a dream, he would certainly want to know the interpretation. You need to remember the dream to the smallest detail, as this gives a clue.

What does it mean to see pancakes in a dream

Combined dream book

Baking pancakes in a dream in a pan is a good omen (unexpected luck, entertainment, money). If in a dream you ate pancakes with cottage cheese, be prepared for loss and deceit.

Aesop's dream book

An invitation to pancakes means that your family life will be happy, prosperity, prosperity and harmony will reign in it. If the pancakes were burnt - a bad sign that speaks of upcoming family quarrels, troubles, or even separation. If a woman ate pancakes in a dream with filling, she needs to be on the alert. Detractors and evil people are preparing a trick or an unpleasant surprise for her.

A dream in which you are pancakes, but could not swallow them, indicates your sins. It means that you brought pain to someone, caused a spiritual wound, or acted ugly. You need to make amends for your guilt. If in a dream pancakes fell to the floor, you will face unexpected large material costs. If you kneaded the dough and baked pancakes in a dream in order to invite guests, be prepared that for a long time your life will be boring and uninteresting.

Slavic dream book

If in a dream you bought pancakes, be prepared that you will meet new people. Eating pancakes is a loss.


If a girl or a young man in love ate pancakes in a dream, they can prepare for marriage. Such a dream promises happiness, the fulfillment of hopes, an upcoming solemn event. Lovers can be sure that their soulmate is a worthy, loving and hardworking person. A dream in which a woman baked pancakes, but could not turn them over, means that troubles and failures await her in the near future. You need to be prepared for their sudden appearance and successfully overcome them.

Dream Interpretation Longo

If you baked pancakes in a dream, preparing for the holiday, success will accompany your business, as you put a lot of effort and diligence into this.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

If you only saw pancakes in a dream, be prepared for a letter, notice, or an unpleasant event. If you have eaten cooked pancakes, rejoice: good luck awaits you. If you've made pancakes, look at yourself. Perhaps you are frugal to the point of being stingy and need to become more generous.

Esoteric dream book

If it seems to you that such a dream will bring you joy, find confirmation of this by opening an esoteric dream book. Pancakes in it are a good sign. If you were preparing them in a dream, wait for the guests. If you ate them, a pleasant meeting or holiday awaits you.