A sample technological map for technology. Technological map by technology

"Textbook on technology" - The use of three-dimensional geometric shapes in the manufacture of products. Scenery. Division into equal parts. The product and its volumetric design. Harmonization of forms and designs. Northern lights. Flowers. Use of funds artistic expressiveness. Technical drawing. Mental transformation of objects.

"Technology program" - Cutting. Guidelines for a chef's hat design teacher. Software and methodological support of lessons in groups of joint education of boys and girls. Learning to compose compositions using ICT. Bottom preparation. The regional component of the program is Folk crafts of the Moscow region.

"Methodological developments" - Service work. Methodological developments(Grade 7 - 2nd option). Methodical developments (5-7 class "Knitting"). Technology program. Methodological developments (grade 6 - option 2). Methodological support of the modern lesson. Methodological support for students in grades 5-7 (new items - 2008-2009).

"Knowledge test" - *Advertising fabric from chemical fibers. *Crazy hands. "Seamstress". For each correct answer, the team will receive two points. Lesson goals. "H o z i yu sh k a". Joke competition. Contests. "House of Models". Command presentation. Draw with closed eyes scissors and a nightgown. The answering student puts 2 points in her card.

"Technology Tests" - Test (Cookery). Engineering. Tests and cognitive tasks on technology. Mark with a "+" sign the element necessary for the growth of bones and teeth. Product processing technology. Mechanical engineering and machine seams. Career guidance. Modeling. Materials Science. A high-calorie drink obtained from the seeds of a tropical tree.

"Types of technology lessons" - Contribute to the development of the sensory sphere. Introduction to new material. Objects of labor. Theoretical lessons. technical models. Wisdom lesson. Classification of teaching methods according to didactic tasks. Contribute to the formation of the idea. Lesson consultation. Vocabulary work. Educational and technical documentation.

Communicates new knowledge;

-The history of ribbon decoration starts from ancient times. Initially, of course, there were no ribbons, so they used a rope made from plant fibers. (What plant fibers do we know?

What fiber origin do you know yet?)

And this rope gradually turned first into a braid, and over time into a ribbon.

Women ancient rome And Ancient Greece they decorated their hair with strips of cloth and ribbons embroidered with gold and precious stones. Women also trimmed clothes with colored ribbons. And by certain materials and the color of the ribbons it was possible to determine .... WHAT?

The wide application silk ribbons started in the 14th century. In the French city of Lyon, the production of silk fabrics and threads began to develop quite quickly.

In 1446, by order of the future king Louis XI, machines for silk dressing and ribbon making were brought in. A little later, camisoles and cloaks were in fashion, which were trimmed with brocade and gold ribbons. The demand for such a product began to grow. The city of Lyon eventually became the largest textile center

Ludwig XIV urged all his courtiers to dress beautifully and with fiction. At his court, all toilet items (from pantaloons to shoes) began to be decorated with ribbons embroidered with pearls and precious stones.

The next French monarch, Louis XV, he loved to embroider with ribbons and gave his products to the courtiers.

In the 19th century, ribbon embroidery became popular among almost all segments of the population.

For example, there was a tax on fibers and threads from Japan, but there was no tax on ribbons.

In our country, ribbons for decoration have been used since ancient times. In times immemorial, the bride, who was betrothed, put on her head a wreath with ribbons, which was called beauty. The bottom of festive shirts was decorated with two stripes of red silk ribbons. Other shirts were sheathed with colorful ribbons. A vertical strip of cotton and silk ribbons was sewn in the center of the sundress. Often embroidered ribbons were used instead of belts in festive attire. Even shoes were decorated with ribbons.

Gradually, under the influence of the Rococo and Baroque styles, embroidery with silk ribbons of various floral patterns becomes popular in Russia. Ribbons decorated clothes by pulling the sleeves and forming bouquets of flowers.

In the 1870s, silk ribbon embroidery became most widespread. Skirts, sleeves, bodices, collars, cuffs of dresses, gloves, shawls, muffs were decorated with ribbons. In addition, quilted blankets, lampshades, umbrellas and various household items were decorated with volumetric embroidery. And also various overhead decorations made of jewelry became fashionable: silk ribbons, curly sequins, volumetric applications of tinted gauze with chenille. Different types of embroidery could be combined, for example, an appliqué made of silk ribbons was combined with colored satin stitch.
In the 20th century, interest in this type of needlework declined in the same way as in other types of needlework. At the end of the last century, silk ribbon decoration began to reappear, recalling the history of ribbon embroidery, which is currently

time is experiencing a rebirth.

One of the main occupations of women Ancient Rus' was needlework. And sewing and embroidery were the most important of these activities. Each girl had a chest or box filled with all sorts of little things for sewing.

Look, I have a basket in my hands. What is missing here?

Today in the lesson we will make flowers with you.

See what types of tapes there are.

The video shows technological map of the lesson according to GEF, sample which has the form of an Excel table, describes the stages of the lesson, for each the corresponding activities of the teacher and students are indicated.

Video: graphic lesson project - Excel spreadsheet

On the screen you see a lesson project for the second grade of elementary school, the subject is Russian. The document was compiled using the Excel spreadsheet program, includes all the main columns established by the standard: the topic of the lesson, tasks (educational, educational, developmental), planned results (personal, subject, meta-subject). In the column "metasubject connection" the subject "Reading" is indicated. The table also contains all the main sections:

  • forms of activity, training;
  • resources used: basic, additional;
  • lesson type.

Video instruction: creating technological maps of school lessons according to the Federal State Educational Standard with the Master of TK. Word and Excel samples

Download "TK Master", then follow step by step all the steps suggested by the author of the video. quite simple: on the screen you see 4 tabs, how each one is filled, the author of the video tells.

  1. "General Information" - enter in the appropriate fields the name of the teacher, class, subject, the name of the author of the teaching materials, the topic of the lesson.
  2. "Tasks and planned results" - fill in the fields for each type of tasks, including corrective ones that appeared after the service was updated.

    Attention! To automate the process of filling in the fields, click the tab next to the task type, then select the most appropriate value from the proposed options, click the arrow icon.

  3. Forms, connections, technologies, resources. Fill in each field in the same way, using the tab next to the field name, as well as the arrow button.
  4. "Types and purpose of the lesson." Choose an option for the type of lesson, enter the goal. Proceed to the selection of stages:
    • initial - "organizational";
    • the final one is "reflection".

Fill in all the fields offered by the program: the activities of the teacher, students, results.
You can be sure that by filling in the details for each stage and then moving on to the next one, your previous stage will be saved.

For your information. If any field is left blank, the document will be generated without it.

After filling in the fields, you can check how the project will look. To do this, click the "Preview TCU" button. To get a finished document and then print it, the Master TK service offers two options:

By clicking the corresponding button at the bottom of the window, you will see the lesson project of the corresponding format. The generated document is available for editing.