Countries in which there is a war. Where are the wars going on in the world now? Overview of the hottest spots. What is worth believing: how to recognize the truth

Until April 2014, Ukrainians rarely paid attention to armed conflicts in other states. Everyone knew that in some countries of Africa and the Middle East it was restless, but this topic was never the central one. As a result, the war came to us by itself. The antiterrorist operation in the east lasts less than three months. In other "hot spots" conflicts have not subsided for decades. "Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine" found out where it is now worse than in the Donbass.


The conflict has been going on for 26 years, with government troops and radical Islamists fighting.

The homeland of pirates of the 21st century was recognized seven times in a row as the most disadvantaged country in the world by experts in the so-called "fragility" rating of states (it is compiled by the American Peace Foundation and the influential Foreign Policy magazine). This year, Somalia somewhat improved its position, losing the championship to South Sudan, but it did not get any better from this. In the African country, a war has been going on for many years between government forces and radical Islamists, in particular, with the Al-Shabaab movement. This group is considered one of the most violent radical groups in all of Africa and is associated with international terrorists from al-Qaeda. The last time the militants "distinguished themselves" at the end of June attacked a hotel in the town of Bulobard.


The conflict lasts 1 year, the fighting is carried out by Christian and Muslim armed groups.

Over the past year, several thousand people have died from inter-religious strife. About a million became refugees. According to the International Federation for Human Rights, about 800,000 Muslims lived in the CAR before the conflict, but now there are only 20,000.


The conflict has been going on for 3 years, the fighting is being carried out by government troops and the People's Movement group.

The bloodshed in Sudan began after the 2011 party " National Congress"won the elections in the state of South Kordofan. This caused dissatisfaction with the People's Movement group, which unleashed an armed struggle against the central authorities. Later, the conflict unfolded in the Blue Nile state. One of the major battles took place just a few days ago. During the attack on positions of the rebels, the fighters of the Sudanese army destroyed fifty rebels.


The conflict has been going on for 13 years, with government troops and the Islamist Taliban fighting.

The wars in Afghanistan have not subsided since 1979. The last one, unleashed in 2001, will not end, apparently, soon. Totally agree last week Afghan forces killed 44 Taliban fighters and detained 15 more during a series of "cleansing operations" in Kandahar province. In this way, they managed to prevent several attacks that were being prepared.


The conflict has been going on for 3 years, the fighting is being carried out by government troops, the Al-Houthi armed group, the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization and representatives of local tribes.

After a peaceful change of power in 2011, the situation in the Middle East Yemen is unstable. In the south of the country, terrorist attacks by al-Qaeda militants do not stop. And part of the territory in the north is controlled by the al-Houthi armed group, which the Yemeni authorities are unsuccessfully trying to involve in a national dialogue. In addition, there are clashes between representatives of different tribes caused by land disputes. On Wednesday night, in one of these brawls, 17 people were killed and 40 were injured.


The conflict lasts 1 month, government troops against the Taliban.

Clashes in Pakistan began in early June after the Taliban attacked the airport in Karachi. More than 30 people died in the attack. In response, the country's authorities launched a military operation in North Waziristan, where the Taliban and radical Islamists are hiding. About 30,000 soldiers are participating in the special operation. It is worth noting that, according to the UN, since mid-June, 400,000 refugees have left the troubled region. Every third is a child.


The conflict has been going on for 11 years, fighting government troops, UN forces and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

June has been the bloodiest month in Iraqi history since 2007. Islamic militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group have killed about two thousand people during this time, most of them civilians. Having changed its name to the Islamic State on June 29, ISIS announced the creation of its own state and called on all extremists to swear allegiance to it. The goal of the terrorists is to control the oil-rich northern and western regions. For a month, militants captured several cities and territories on the border with Syria and Jordan.


The conflict has been going on for 3 years, the fighting is being carried out by government troops, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the Jabhat al-Nusra group and the rebels.

The same group is terrorizing Syria. It is not very successfully resisted by competitors from Jabhat al-Nusra, from whom ISIS recaptured two cities on Thursday. There is a grudge against ISIS and the Syrian rebels who oppose the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. However, on July 2, they announced that they would lay down their arms if they did not receive military assistance from the Syrian opposition.


The conflict lasts 2 months, the national liberation army against extremist groups.

Despite the election of a new government, which has already begun work, the situation in Libya remains tense. It escalated after rebel general Khalifa Haftar declared war on radical extremists in the city of Benghazi in mid-May. More than 25 people died in the clashes, 70 were injured.


The conflict lasts 26 years, the Israel Defense Forces and the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas.

The West Bank of the Jordan River has been a stumbling block in the confrontation between the two sides for half a century now. According to the UN plan, the disputed territory was supposed to go to the Palestinians, but was subsequently occupied by Israel. Recently, the conflict has escalated - rocket attacks on Israeli territory have become more frequent, in response to which the Jewish state began bombing enemy positions.


By some miracle, South Sudan, the leader of the aforementioned "fragility" rating, did not make it to the list of countries in which hostilities are taking place. The history of the youngest state in the world is less than three years old, and the country has already experienced a bloody conflict. It unfolded a year ago, when, as a result of a political crisis, all power was in the hands of one ethnic group, which naturally caused discontent among other tribal unions. fighting stopped only in May 2014 due to the threat of starvation. However, the armed struggle can start again at any moment.


It is noteworthy that there are states in the world that have never waged hostilities. For example, in 48 years of independence, the citizens of Singapore have never taken up arms. There are pacifist countries in Europe as well. Contrary to popular belief, the most peaceful country in the Old World is not Switzerland at all. The birthplace of cheese, watches and chocolate waged wars in the Middle Ages and began to adhere to a position of neutrality only at the beginning of the 16th century. And never in history has the island of Iceland been at war. The country never even had an army.

Whether it is necessary to prepare for the worst and expect problems next year is a question that interests many. After all already. In addition, it was mentioned more than once that a full-scale military operation is expected, which threatens to develop into a full-fledged third military campaign that will affect the whole world. And quite a few experts and visionaries today are trying to make a prediction: will there be a third World War in 2016.

What experts say about this situation

Today, the likelihood of the development of hostilities is quite high. Moreover, it is quite possible that the conflict may begin in both the Middle East and the European part. Today, there are at least two problem areas on the world map - Syria and Ukraine. There can be active talk about alleged truces here. But in fact, bombings and attacks continue there everywhere.

Russia, of course, does not want to participate in the third world war in 2016. But there is a good chance that it will. Today, many Western leaders are making all sorts of efforts to draw Russia into hostilities. In the course for this are:

  • provocations;
  • unfounded accusations;
  • sanctions and much more.

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Such a list can easily become the reason that a country that is trying in every possible way to evade all kinds of accusations of aggression against itself decides to respond. And only one thing keeps enemies from putting more active pressure on the leadership of Russia - the presence of nuclear weapons in the Russian Federation.

Economics experts believe that Russia will be able to evade the various military campaigns that it is carefully nudged into. At the same time, the country's economy is already seriously suffering and may suffer even more in the future. After all, the country's defense capability must be maintained at the proper level, so you will have to invest.

What are the predictions of psychics on this topic

Psychics and other seers, of course, also could not ignore this topic. Moreover, the combination "2016 - war - World War III" has long been haunting the minds of people who communicate with otherworldly forces.

The seers who lived 500 years ago (Nostradamus) or Vanga, at one time predicted the development of a global military conflict that would lead to a massive crisis.

Vanga spoke about the third world war in 2016 like this. The problems will begin in Syria. The blind seer claimed back in 1978 that Syria had not yet fallen. Then no one paid any special attention to her words. And not everyone would be able to correctly interpret them. And only today, when a real military conflict has arisen in Syria, which has practically turned into full-scale military operations, the real meaning of her words becomes clear.

After Syria falls, the world will have a new direction. At the same time, it is expected that all religions will disappear, and then there will be the arrival of a new teaching, thanks to which the remaining humanity can be saved.

Scientists who interpret the predictions of various seers have come to the conclusion that the third world should begin in response to disputes and complex relationships between Muslims of the East and Christians of the West. In principle, the confrontation and rampant crime in the East today can be observed in full - one ISIS is worth something.

As for the predictions of the no less popular seer, Michel Nostradamus, he also assured that serious military operations were expected. Moreover, the war will be destructive and will last about 27 years.

And again, the East is called the most painful point. It is from there, according to the seer, that trouble will come. And the war will be extremely terrible. The soothsayer saw many bodies, blood, and even reddened water. An additional test for mankind will be the parallel development of various cataclysms from nature. Floods, fires, drought and tornadoes - all this will lead to a significant decrease in the number of people on earth. It will also cause a number of fairly large European states to simply disappear.

What did the elders and other ancient sources say about the likelihood of war

Surprisingly, if you turn to even deeper antiquity, you can see that the military problem that is now hanging over the world was described in the Old Testament. And as you know, there is practically nothing older than this book. And again, long-suffering Syria appeared in the descriptions.

The prediction of the elders about the third world war in 2016 is quite unambiguous - it indicates that Syria and Damascus will no longer exist - they will turn into ruins. Naturally, such a state of affairs will drag with it flashes throughout the East.

This will only exacerbate and worsen the situation, because. in the East, and so not all is calm. After all, the Americans have already touched upon Iraq in their peacekeeping efforts. Then they spread to Libya, which today is immersed in civil wars and various internecine conflicts. And then their goal was Syria, long predicted by seers.

So far, the conflict has been slightly extinguished, but there, as in a very hot spot and situation - you just need one awkward movement, word or deed for everything to flare up with tripled force.

Biblical sayings are quite popular today in various media, especially American ones. They are often remembered today because of the emerging situation in the East.

What is worth believing: how to recognize the truth

The third world war in 2016 may well begin, analysts say. After all, it is not for nothing that many experts and predictors literally merged in a single impulse. Today the whole world is on a really thin line. And it's easy enough to cross. Therefore, everyone should try very hard to prevent a paramilitary development of the situation.

Many experts recommend that the leaders of many states get together and develop a common strategy in order to prevent a global bacchanalia. After all, many visionaries promise that such a military campaign can become extremely scary due to the fact that they will use prohibited methods, for example, the use of chemical weapons.

On May 13, 2014, near the Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk, the militiamen of Novorossiya fought a real battle with a unit of the 95th Airmobile Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Losses of the military - 7 people. The number of killed and wounded among the rebels was not reported. This turned out to be the bloodiest episode of hostilities in the ongoing neighboring country civil war.

In this regard, "Free Press" decided to talk about modern domestic military conflicts, as well as the reasons why they began.

Power struggle. Nothing personal

The civil conflict in the African country of Côte d'Ivoire, sometimes called the Republic of the Ivory Coast, began the same way as in Ukraine - with a coup. On December 24, 1999, in the country's largest city, Abidjan, it was announced on radio and TV that that the legitimately elected president, Henri Conan Bedier, was overthrown by former military man Robert Gay.

However, on October 22, 2000, the rebel and his team lost the early presidential elections, which they themselves appointed. Despite the obvious facts, Robert Gay is still declaring himself the winner. However, the people of Abidjan did not recognize these "results" and with a fight expelled the usurper from the presidential palace. Later, the self-proclaimed president and his wife were brutally murdered.

Laurent Gbagbo, the leader of the opposition, came to power, supported by a foreign military contingent. After that, civil strife began between the Muslim North and the Christian South, which was called the 1st Ivorian War. The conflict lasted until the spring of 2007 and divided the country into two territories. One was controlled by the militias and the other by supporters of Laurent Gbagbo. French troops actively participated in the conflict, protecting the interests of the largest French corporations - Total, Electricite de France, Michelin, Credit Lyonne and Societe Generale. The number of victims was several thousand people.

In 2010, a new armed conflict arose in Côte d'Ivoire between the soldiers of Laurent Gbagbo and supporters of his new opponent Alassane Ouattara. Each insisted on their results following the results of the next presidential election. Political showdowns ended in great bloodshed. International observers recorded more than three thousand dead and 60,000 crimes against human rights, 480,000 more people became refugees.

Shiites are not Sunnis

In Iraq, the pro-American Shiite government is actively fighting Sunni militias. For example, in April last year, as a result of the dispersal of the demonstrators' camp in Al-Khuweij (north of Baghdad) by troops controlled by Prime Minister Nuri al-Malik, 130 Iraqis were killed in just two days.

However, the Iraqi authorities called this confrontation local. However, at the end of 2013, they are forced to admit that a real Sunni uprising broke out in Anbar province. As a result, only in January 2014, according to official figures, 795 civilians, 122 military and 96 policemen were killed. The reason was the frankly Shiite position of the country's leadership on squeezing Sunnis out of government. In particular, Sunni Iraqi Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi was forced to leave the country due to persecution.

However, in last years huge casualties have become the norm for Iraq. For information: in 2013, according to official figures, 9,000 citizens died in this country. Many are at the hands of the military. At the same time, there is an exodus from Iraq of the Christian population, which, since 2000, has decreased from 1.8 million people to 500 thousand people.

At the same time, people who are dissatisfied with the nationalist policy of the authorities are labeled al-Qaeda militants. Meanwhile, such a position of the authorities actually pushes the Sunnis into contact with Muslim radicals, who, in turn, are generously financed by the countries of the Persian Gulf, which, oddly enough, are official allies of the United States.

Central African father Makhno

In the Central African Republic, militants of the Muslim Séléka (Sango means "unification") on March 24, 2013 captured the palace of President Bozize, who fled first to Democratic Republic Congo and then to Cameroon. The dashing Séléka commander Michel Djotodia appointed himself the new head of state. First of all, he declared his rebels to be state security forces. And actually gave them the city to plunder. Mass rape and looting marked the establishment of a "new democracy".

Following this, the Djotodia regime began to brutally suppress dissent. First of all, for religious reasons. So, on April 14, 2013, 270 houses were burned in six villages and all residents who did not have time to escape were shot. On June 28 of the same year, in the vicinity of the capital Bangui, military formations opened fire on a crowd of Christians. On August 20, 2013, the Séléka militants launched an operation to disarm and restore "law and order and the constitution" in the town of Boy Rab. Which also led to mass casualties.

According to observers from the FIDH organization, at least 400 civilians were killed by militants in the summer of 2013, and another 200 people died at the hands of radicals by the spring of 2014. But these are only those figures that are confirmed by criminal cases. In reality, human rights organizations put the death toll at the hands of "soldiers and security forces" at 5,000. About 33,000 more CAR citizens applied to embassies different countries asking for asylum. In total, 60,000 people want to leave this country immediately.

Despite the fact that self-proclaimed CAR President Michel Djotodia stepped down in January 2014, the chaos he has sown is still accompanied by widespread violence. Currently, 159,000 CAR citizens have been forced to leave their homes.

Maidan in Egyptian

Cairo has its own "Independence Square". It is called Tahrir Square, which means "Liberation". It was there that in January 2011 public protests began in Cairo, which were later called the “Arab Spring”. Already on February 11, 2011, the fourth President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, resigned and transferred full power to the Supreme Council armed forces. This decision was welcomed by the West, which was looking forward to new presidential elections.

These elections took place in June 2012. Mohammed Morsi, the nominee of the Muslim Brotherhood, won. However, already on July 3, 2013, as a result of a coup d'etat, he was overthrown. The military came to power under the leadership of the chairman Supreme Council armed forces of Al-Sisi. Meanwhile, the deposed president was supported by 51.5% of voters. Moreover, they are mostly radical Islamists. Including supporters of the Salafists. Europe and America reacted with understanding to this decision of the generals of Egypt.

Immediately, a bloody confrontation broke out between the military and the "Muslim brothers", which led to numerous casualties. The Al Jazeera TV channel, citing Morsi representatives, reported 2,000 dead as a result of the riots in Cairo.

Repression soon followed. On April 28, 2014, the BBC reported that an Egyptian court had sentenced 683 members of the Muslim Brotherhood to death. Another 492 received life sentences. Minor supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi were also punished. Approximately 20 girls under the age of 18 were sentenced to 11 years in prison each. Al-Sisi did not hear harsh words from the West

Photo ITAR-TASS / Valery Matytsin.

Already ceases to be a myth and turns into a fairly real prospect. Indeed, today there are too many hot spots on the map that literally explode and require close attention of the world community. Naturally, not only political scientists and economists, but also psychics make their predictions on whether the third world war is expected in 2016. And they begin to listen. After all, when official predictors are powerless, people begin to turn to those who see the invisible.

Vanga spoke quite unambiguously about the third world war for 2016. The old woman made the most accurate predictions - experts say that about 80% of the statements she made came true. And all this, even though the clairvoyant has long been dead.

According to the provided foresights of the Bulgarian clairvoyant, it can be judged that the world is on the verge of the strongest armed conflict. Staritsa argued that the European part would suffer very seriously - it was on her that the armed conflict would fall in the first place. He will sweep away the European part of the map almost completely from the face of the earth.

The war will be unleashed by an Arab country. If we apply the predictions of the blind Bulgarian seer to reality, then it is quite possible to find similarities with the real state of affairs. Indeed, today almost the entire Middle East is engulfed in the fire of hostilities. Moreover, in some zones there are full-scale military conflicts, and in some local local problems(however, it is worthwhile to understand that they are no less bloody). One of the most problematic points is Syria.

By the way, one incident is connected with Syria. Vanga made a statement about Syria back in the 20th century, which few believed. After all, at that moment everything was calm there. And today very serious problems have arisen in this region.

In principle, one can also explain the fact that Vanga claimed the destruction of Europe. Today, America and Europe, which agrees with it throughout, are considered the birthplace of military strife. Therefore, the Third World War in Europe can be fully explained by today's US assistance in the destruction of the population of Arab countries.

In addition, the clairvoyant claimed that the war would be quite serious and cruel. After all, they will begin to use chemical weapons, which will destroy a lot of civilians. The soothsayer claimed that people would die slowly, painfully, suffocating and suffering from wounds on the body.

Nostradamus's opinion about the third world war

If you study what the seers say on such topics, it becomes easy to understand that Russia will come out of this situation with dignity. Of course, it will be affected by the conflict, but not as seriously and strongly as all other European states.

At the same time, Nostradamus said that it was Russia that was destined to become a stronghold of peace on earth. It is here that a new society will begin to develop, because. all survivors of the military conflict will rush here - to recover and start living anew.

China will become Russia's main ally. Therefore, the beginning of the rapprochement of these two countries lays the foundation for a new civilization. The experts themselves (of course, we are talking about the present) argue that everyone needs to think very hard and, in conditions of very serious tension, try to prevent a difficult situation so that the world remains intact and within its borders.

Wars have never stopped and are unlikely to stop in the near future. There is always an armed conflict somewhere in the world, and today is no exception. At the moment, there are about 40 points in the world where wars of varying degrees of intensity are now going on. For what and where exactly is humanity fighting?

Armed conflict in eastern Ukraine

The closest point to Russia where hostilities are taking place is Ukraine. Despite the ceasefire, the war continues even today, however, its intensity has significantly decreased compared to 2014-2015. Ukrainian regular troops and militia are taking part in the conflict. Since the beginning of the conflict and to this day, 10,000 people have died.

The war began in the spring of 2014, when activists dissatisfied with the new Kyiv government proclaimed the creation of new people's republics. Attempts by the Ukrainian side to suppress resistance by force led to a war that has dragged on to this day.

The armed conflict in the east of Ukraine is on the agenda, and many countries, including Russia, France, Germany, Belarus (negotiations between the parties are taking place on its territory), are taking measures to resolve it. And although Kyiv accuses Russia of providing assistance to Donetsk and Luhansk, Moscow denies all accusations.

Now the stage of the conflict is close to a state of low intensity, but there are still shellings on the line of contact, people are dying on both sides.


The next place where the war is now going on is in Armenia. The war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which began in 1990, led to the creation of an unrecognized today. Of course, large-scale hostilities in this region ceased long ago, but in April 2016 there was a surge in military activity, as a result of which 33 people died. However, local skirmishes between Armenians and Azerbaijanis continue to this day.

And although Russia is trying to reconcile both sides, the situation in this region remains difficult. In Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia, anti-terrorist operations are often carried out, and special services are constantly liquidating terrorist cells.

War in Syria

Perhaps this is one of the largest wars of the XXI century, which began in 2011 and continues to this day. The outbreak of the so-called "Arab Spring" has shocked many regions, and now in Syria, Libya, Yemen, Egypt, Iraq and even Turkey there are

In Syria, from March 2011 to this day, according to various sources, 330-500 thousand people have died. There are currently three belligerents active here:

  1. Syrian army of the official government.
  2. The so-called armed opposition, which opposes the current government of Bashar al-Assad.
  3. Terrorist formations.

If everything is more or less clear with the state army and terrorists, then with the opposition people are confused. It is believed that the camp of the Syrian opposition includes a coalition of different countries (England, USA, Canada, France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc.). Most of the countries that represent the coalition enter it only on paper and do not take any military or humanitarian actions to provide assistance to either the military or the victims of the conflict.

Also, the Kurds are taking part in the war in Syria, intending to create their own state on Syrian soil - Kurdistan. Not so long ago, Turkey also crossed the Syrian border, allegedly to fight terrorists, although many experts argue that the main task of the Turkish military forces is to prevent the creation of Kurdistan.

With all this, there is a second alliance that is fighting terrorist groups and trying to maintain the current power of the official government: Syria, Russia, Iraq, Lebanon.

The terrorists themselves call their formations "Islamic State", "Front an-Nusra" and so on. Many of the terrorist groups are trying to write themselves into the opposition, so not every expert will be able to figure out all this "anthill", not to mention the ordinary person who is far from these events.


Since the beginning of 2003, the ongoing war in Iraq has claimed about one million lives. After the US invasion of the country, a civil war broke out in the region and a revolt against the new government (after the death of Saddam Hussein). Now there is a war going on in Iraq against the same group that operates in Syria. The United States, the Kurds, as well as local tribes are fighting against it.


The war in Yemen has been going on since the beginning of 2011 to this day. About 10,000 people are believed to have died. It all started with the fact that after the election of President Abd Rabbo Mansour, an uprising began against him, which led to a civil war between the government and the rebels. Saudi Arabia, the UAE are considered involved in this war and support the official president, helping with ground military operations and air strikes.

The UN announced in the country as the city reigns in the region, diseases develop and hostilities do not stop.

Other hotspots

Perhaps these are the hottest points where wars are now going on. But there are others:

  1. Southeast Turkey. There, the military is fighting with the official government for the creation of autonomy within Turkey.
  2. Israel. In the west of the country, the state army is trying to prevent the formation of Palestine.
  3. Lebanon. Here, the conflict between Sunni and Shiite formations is at a low degree of intensity, but from time to time terrorist attacks occur in the country.

There are still points in the world where wars are now going on, but their scale is small. The article named the hottest and most intense theaters of hostilities.