Tarot hermit reversed in love relationships. Hermit reversed tarot meaning. ✚ For the future

Hermit, wise and patient, feeling the path with a staff, symbolizes the inner light that does not let you go astray, no matter how dark it is around. He forges the sword of victory in solitude...

Inner mood: I have acquired knowledge and wisdom.

Hermit- a wise and knowledgeable old man who left civilization to live like a monk, in solitude and away from active life. Raising the lantern, he illuminates the path for everyone who follows the path of spiritual enlightenment. The very image of an old man symbolizes wisdom, maturity and the search for clarity. Yet, despite his remote habitat, people seek his wise advice and guidance. The lantern he holds indicates the search for truth and meaning, or it is a beacon that indicates to others the place of refuge. Hermit - the search for self-knowledge, the impact of spiritual forces, the discovery of the meaning of life.

Hermit found his way and can help everyone to go their own way. His gray beard and cloak symbolize the fusion of male and female principles. It should not be confused with, which is an ordinary and orthodox teacher. The Hermit is an iconoclastic guru who represents the spiritual quest through personal experience rather than through religious dogma. The staff he leans on is a phallic symbol representing the subconscious. This card can mean a deviation from worldly concerns or a comfortable stay in solitude. Sometimes each of us needs to be alone with ourselves and engage in self-knowledge. The hermit reached the top of the mountain, i.e. reached its goal.

Hermit upright:
Search for answers. Loneliness. Wisdom gained through experience. The ability to do things right. Looking for a teacher or mentor. Meditation classes. Gaining new experience at work. Newly built relationships with others. Getting advice from a trusted or authoritative person. Setting new goals. Spiritual development. Search for spiritual values. Deepening into your inner world, caution. Internal collection. Tolerance. Project Completion, Travel and Travel Planning. Meeting with an elderly person, an old man ...

Reversed Hermit:
Lack of wisdom and insight. Selfishness and intolerance. Suspicion. Unproductive lifestyle. Rejection of help that would pull you out of a difficult situation. Critical view and superficial judgments. Limited thinking and views. Complexes in sex. Inability to understand... Lack of desire for spiritual growth and development. Fear and guilt. Lack of growth, development. Failure. Material and physical needs come first.

The hermit devoted his whole life to the search for truth. He longed for solitude, silence and freedom. Those who are lucky enough to earn his approval will be able to receive his wise advice. For the young, this card can mean a period of seclusion from the hustle and bustle, the transition to duty. A new start will require work and the overcoming of obstacles that abound at every step. You need to be able to rise above the daily bustle, to renounce pettiness, nit-picking and discontent.

The person personified by this card is not bored alone, he is looking for peace and quiet. He has a patron who will not help financially, but will help with good advice, inspire in difficult times.

The Hermit's teaching should teach us that difficult periods should not negatively affect us: this time gives us a chance to delve into ourselves, reconsider our lives, feelings and emotions. Everything great is born in the darkness of emotions...

Instructive card advice:
Meditate or think deeply about what is happening. Ask yourself: What goals should I strive for now? Develop spiritual potential, strive for high goals.

Do not isolate yourself from the world! Don't self-deceive!


Saturn in Aquarius as a desire for wisdom and independence.

Direct position:

The HERMIT symbolizes the prudence that controls the will, the prudence of the leader of actions; development in depth, alienation, loneliness, bitterness, search for spiritual values. The card advises to be prudent and internally collected. Everything in the world is interconnected, and a small push can lead to a big collapse.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: it means independent achievement of a goal and an emotional connection with a wise and inspired person - the Teacher. At a low level, it can mean stubbornness, suspicion, unjustified caution.

9. Hermit. (Direct position)

General meaning:

A person who suffers from his loneliness, but does not allow others to approach him due to pride (pride).

This assumption is motivated by the root "went", which is derived from the English "shell" - shell, shell.

Separation from the world. Secret intentions. The person you will never see again.


1. Purpose (a person in his place). It does not promise money in excess of the minimum required. Sustainable small business. Rarely - underground business.

An unfavorable card for partnership and negotiations: everyone has their own opinion.

2. Iron rod inside. Mode. Maintaining physical condition with exercise. Often means an elderly person.

3. Unfavorable position. Not willing to compromise.

4. Smart, knowledgeable, good at what he does. Carefully hiding his shortcomings and vices. With difficulty goes to rapprochement (does not mean an unsociable person, but not letting into the soul). Failures in love and friendship. Often arrange checks on the truth of feelings and complain.

5. Hide your thoughts. Look for your purpose, your "shell". Keep your status and do not look back at other people's advice and opinions. Sometimes a card of the manifestation of God's will (don't even ask what it is). A person will have to show his "I".

6. To the point of the question: "no" - marriage, close relationships, money (maybe a little bit). Health - up to the state of working capacity. "Yes" - purpose, solitude, knowledge.

9. Hermit. (Reversed position)

General meaning:

A situation where a person is forced to communicate, to do business.


1. Expansion of business, connections (out of necessity, not at will). Forced negotiations. Work not out of interest, not out of vocation. Job search.

2. Bad. The person is not healthy. Problems in the urogenital area, drip infections, diseases of the spine (reflection of the moon).

3. They don’t want to, but are forced to contact (applies not only to spouses, but also to other relatives and just people)

5. Make contact, even if it causes negative emotions, get out of the shell. Try to go where you will be appreciated.

6. The answer is in meaning: the meeting is “yes”; get a job - "yes, but"; will they reconcile - "a bad world"; health will not improve; will not receive housing.

General meaning:

The Hermit is a card of detachment from the world, a path to yourself. This is the period of introversion, when we "close" ourselves from external influences, in order to find peace and, most importantly, find ourselves far away from the hustle and bustle of people. Thus, the Hermit symbolizes important events showing us who we are, what we strive for and how to achieve it. It combines two poles: the deepest experiences and the highest knowledge. Many are afraid of this card, but in vain. Only where these qualities of the Hermit are misunderstood does the fear of loneliness and abandonment arise. However, one who is ready to follow the call of the Hermit does not lose himself, but finds himself, gaining clarity, strength and the ability to get along with himself.


Thinking time, when we must finally figure out what we want in terms of work. These reflections can lead to a revision of all previous ideas about success, recognition, prestige, relevance, money and the sphere of interest. And in any case, they lead us to a better understanding of our true needs and our true calling. Having understood this, we are not only strengthened in spirit, but also acquire a deep inner confidence, thanks to which we can now slowly but surely approach the realization of our new goal. It happens that the Hermit personifies the work itself, then he reminds us that seriousness, calmness, balance of actions and self-reliance within limited finances give more satisfaction than participation in group activities of the notorious consumer society.


This card shows that we renounce the world in order to free ourselves from other people's opinions and return to our original "I" again. Therefore, the Hermit often means a certain period, from a few days to a whole vacation, when we run away from others in order to focus on some problem, work productively, or just give ourselves a break and think so that understanding will come by itself. Often during such periods of rest, it is recommended to fast, abstain from everything, observe a vow of silence, engage in meditation or other spiritual practices. As a result of such work, a person becomes wiser, he gains strength, courage and determination.

Personal relationships:

Here the card has a double meaning, as it can indicate loneliness, including "loneliness together." However, its main meaning here also lies in a deep awareness, understanding of our true needs and our true calling in partnerships. Often it marks a transition to more mature forms of love, to the voluntary rejection of certain purely selfish demands for the sake of preserving and strengthening pairing, union, marriage. Or - the understanding that the ability to do without each other is one of the most important conditions for the strength and durability of the union.

In love relationships

The stage of alienation, in which there is a chill and lack of understanding between the spouses, and the Hermit may well symbolize such a stage of relations in which enough problems and mutual claims have accumulated that make mutual rapprochement extremely difficult.

A hermit in a relationship will symbolize a big difference in age, tolerance, maturity, rich experience and the presence of a life philosophy that may diverge from traditional views and worldviews. In negative scenarios, it can symbolize the absence of feelings, the cooling of relationships, the rejection of affection and simply leaving, and leaving can well mean both leaving the family and leaving for any occupation, hobbies and work. Going into work and academic activities, which leave very little space and energy for personal and love relationships, is likely to be indicated by the neighboring Magician, Temperance and Star. If the Hermit fell out with the Jester or the Devil, then he may well fit the saying: gray hair in a beard - demon in a rib. In general, this card is not very rosy in terms of relationships, as they can inspire boredom and mutual alienation. In good layouts, the card can symbolize a pronounced need for solitude, which can be useful in those relationships when partners are busy with their own affairs most of the time and do not require entertainment and excessive care from each other. Of course, in the center of the Gebo alignment, the Hermit will indicate a lack of feelings and warmth, and each of the partners may be interested in a relationship in order to avoid any problem. For example, loneliness. However, the neighboring Death will also indicate that the relationship has irrevocably outlived itself. It is possible that this figure, when it appears in the layout, will symbolize some boring elderly relative from the side of the second half, however, if there is a Wheel of Fortune, Judgment and Peace nearby, it may suggest receiving an inheritance in the future.

IX. The Hermit combined with other Tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - lose yourself.

With the "Mage" card - find a hidden talent.

With the card "High Priestess" - comprehension of oneself, self-deepening; dedicate yourself to the study of secret knowledge.

With the card "Empress" - a fruitful search.

With the "Emperor" card - gaining power over oneself.

With the card "Hierophant" - find a spiritual teacher.

With the card "Lovers" - the emergence of connections and relationships.

With the card "Chariot" - broken loneliness.

With the card "Strength" - observance of fasting or vow.

With the "Wheel of Fortune" card - the end of imprisonment.

With the card "Justice" - find justice; take on the role of arbiter.

With the Hanged Man card - forced loneliness or imprisonment.

With the card "Death" - a state of mourning.

With the card "Moderation" - wound healing after loss.

With the card "Devil" - pray to the wrong god; obsession.

With the Tower card - enlightenment.

With the Star card - the hope of shedding light on your destiny.

With the card "Moon" - a hidden disease; self-test.

With the "Sun" card - find what you have been looking for for so long.

With the card "Court" - a spiritual experience.

With the card "World" - the integration of personality; idea and its implementation.


With the card "Ace of Wands" - find the light in yourself.

With the card "Two of Wands" - indecision.

With the Three of Wands card - find something valuable in yourself.

With the card "Four of Wands" - find shelter.

With the Five of Wands card - conflicting feelings.

With the Six of Wands card, take responsibility.

With the card "Seven of Wands" - "to collect stones."

With the card "Eight of Wands" - inner insight.

With the card "Nine of Wands" - learn a lesson.

With the Ten of Wands card, carry your cross.

With the Page of Wands card - look younger.

With the card "Knight of Wands" - let off steam.

With the card "Queen of Wands" - thaw, bloom; get out of your shell.

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The Hermit
der Eremit

My star is always with me
My star is burning inside
And tells me: "Wait,
Stay a little longer,
We have a long way to go"
My star sounds in the night
Her fire burns in me
But the trace does not illuminate her
The rays of the star do not warm me
She leads me to the far north
She doesn't warm anyone.
She doesn't shine on anyone
She leads everyone to the cherished goal.

Vyacheslav Butusov

On the map we see a wise old man who stands on the top of a mountain, there are mountains around him, he leans on a staff (the support of prudence and knowledge is the surest support for a person) and illuminating his path with a lantern in which a star is lit (the light of reason that illuminates depths of our inner world). He left the hustle and bustle. Divine power cannot reach you while you are distracted by the worries of everyday life. It is time to retire, think about the soul and understand yourself. The whole map is more than ascetic. The Hermit has only what he carries and a sackcloth or a monastic cassock in which he is dressed, he does not have any luggage and belongings from a past life. Neither honors nor wealth attract him. He knows that he can rely only on himself, and no longer depends on the support and approval of other people. All he needs is to finish his search, he explores the world in search of truth. Struggles with illusions and sees the world as it is, relying only on his mind. The more the Hermit learns about the real world, the deeper he understands himself, his loneliness is not isolation from the world and seclusion. And the state of a strong resurgent soul. This is the state of a person who, step by step, advances along the path of knowledge in reflection and search. Receiving peace and inner harmony as a reward. A deep study of oneself inevitably leads to the understanding that we are all alone in this world. Understanding this helps to calmly relate to the inevitability of death. The hermit's lasso can also indicate a number of inevitable circumstances that are beyond our control, and which only time can change. The qualities of humility and patience will help you survive this period without loss. The ability to adapt to the realities of life through gaining an understanding of the futility of fighting what we cannot change gives humility and a calm acceptance of life. These are very important qualities. Which helps to soften the blows of fate and puts up with its unexpected turns. Arcana the Hermit teaches us to believe that time will put everything in its place. Not everything can be interacted with by force, sometimes you need to silently listen to observe.

The state of the Arcana Hermit usually begins with a doubt in everything that surrounds, you can get rid of this doubt and instill peace and confidence in your soul only by embarking on research and discovering the essence and interconnections of things anew. Spiritual perfection allows you to see both the depth and wisdom of the structure of the external world. The hermit symbolizes the victory over his own desires, instincts and passions, this helps him to understand the nature of the events.

Unlike the Magician, who forges the world, uses external attributes. The hermit seeks truth in the real world, tries to separate illusion from objectivity. The hermit is the epitome of how to handle time. The magician is a card of extraversion - the expansion of the outside world, the Hermit is a card of introversion, a path into the depths of oneself. He teaches the main lesson of patience - time passes - but he is in no hurry. He spends time on learning the essence of things, with the understanding that time does not pass in vain, even if it is active on the internal level, with visible external passivity and inactivity. This is the Yin principle of being, in this it is similar to the High Priestess. His motto is: "Let things go their way." The hermit helps a person answer the main questions of life: who we really are, what we want, what we strive for and how we can achieve this. Saturn cuts off everything superfluous, leaving only what is really important. Thus, the energy of the card helps to get rid of unnecessary projections, and to see both one's own strengths and weaknesses. The hermit combines 2 poles: deep knowledge and deep experiences. You should not be afraid of this Arcana, only if its energy is perceived incorrectly, feelings of abandonment and loneliness appear. The one who is ready, after the rainbow life-affirming carnivorous card, to enter the cold and ascetic space of the Hermit, will gain clarity of mind, spiritual strength and peace.

In the old days, the hermit card was called the old man, in his hand he held not a consecrated staff, but an oven clock and symbolized the fear and inevitability of death. The card could even portend an imminent demise.

A rational mind that is absorbed in everyday trifles and worries can never look deeper than surface ripples and debris in the water column. And even if the road seems too dark and lonely for you, trust your inner guide, he will lead you to the right path. Give advice and protect.

Direct meaning:

The time has come for a reassessment of values, perhaps this is due to that. That you entered a new stage of life, a stage of growing up - went to work after a stormy student life or became a parent.

The hermit speaks of such positive qualities as prudence, the ability to pull himself together, to look at the situation with an open mind. The ability to manage your emotions helps not only not to lose your head in crisis situations, but also to actively influence your future and the people around you.

Deepening into the inner world, the search for spiritual knowledge.

Retirement. Long journey, especially in combination with chariot cards, 6 swords.

For people who are religious or addicted to esotericism, the Hermit can mean that. That he went far from his relatives and friends, loneliness is caused by the fact that friends and relatives no longer understand him. He can communicate on an equal footing with the same hermits as himself, but they are rarely nearby. Of course, you can stumble and go back, but on this the spiritual path will be legal. The lasso the Hermit says that you need to move on. By conquering the next peaks, it will be possible to find new comrades in spirit. An inverted Hermit can talk about that. That the path was wrong, you will have to go back and reconsider your aspirations.

Reversed and negative meaning

Since the deep value of the card is not used for everyday layouts. Often the symbolism of the Hermit comes down only to its negative meaning, even in the upright position, not to mention the inverted one. So the time of forced loneliness and seclusion, which can be used for personal growth, self-study, relaxation, reading books, is mostly spent on a frantic search for a partner, pulling yourself out into people, communication at any cost and of any quality - only out of fear of staying alone with yourself, which in itself can give negative emotions - neuroses, depression, gloomy thoughts about the crown of celibacy, etc. All this only aggravates the situation and the abyss of loneliness is felt even sharper than if a person had given this time to himself. After all, temporary loneliness can eventually give the best result if you spend this period on the accumulation of strength and knowledge. And even if this path is long, it will bring many discoveries and new experiences. Rethinking past situations, events from the past will help to better understand the meaning of the past, and perhaps understand your view and attitude towards people. This will help you choose the way forward, because. understanding of how the past determines our present will come. The book of the future is being written right here and now, which is why you should be prudent and wise in your actions. Even if loneliness is a negative experience for you, it is necessary for the development of internal resources.

At the highest level, the card indicates you as a mentor to whom people come for advice and help. An inner voice that can also be a wise adviser. It can also talk about the need to maintain secrecy and a vow of silence.

In the most negative position, the inverted Hermit speaks of renunciation of life, negativism, unnecessary stubbornness, refusal of help and destructive intentions. A person is so closed in his inner world that it is already impossible to get through to him. Especially when surrounded by the Minor unfavorable Arcana: 8.9 and 10 of swords - in this case, the desire to isolate is pathological. A person needs competent help and support. Under the guise of alienation, he tries to hide his spiritual wounds. The card speaks of a painful separation, most likely the experiences have been lasting for a very long time. Have abandoned you or you have abandoned another, turned away from family and friends.

The card also points to a false teacher, you trusted a charlatan. who deceived you. Or you yourself claim knowledge that you actually do not possess. This can only be judged from the position of the alignment and the essence of the question asked.

The person you trusted betrayed you or left you in trouble.

A person is too immersed in the study of trifles and subtle plans, but refuses to see what is under his nose. Caution turned into paranoia, perfectionism into paralysis and fear of acting because of the possibility of making a mistake, and prudence into hypocrisy and grumbling. A person does not listen to anyone's advice, or he himself gives dangerous advice. A person lives in the past, falls into nostalgia for the past good times, intolerant of youth and young people, this intolerance often hides only regrets about their unfulfilled dreams and missed opportunities. Or, as a compensation, a person himself falls into infantilism, irresponsibility, commits extravagant acts, trying to make up for lost time. An eccentric, capricious person, with an inflated conceit, with whom it is very difficult to communicate. Due to his arrogance and unwillingness to listen to other people, he was left alone. Indeed, sometimes people are known as loners only because they do not know how to establish and maintain relationships with other people. This cutting off of a significant part of life leads to sadness and even greater alienation from the outside world and even greater limitation of opportunities.


Old man. The oldest member of the family. Teacher. It characterizes a person who loves silence and solitude, he values ​​​​his time, is prone to reflection and is immersed in himself. At first glance, he is modest and tries to keep a low profile, but foresight may be hidden behind this. He is also characterized by asceticism, perhaps even to the point of greed, he knows how to keep secrets and is always true to his convictions, you can go along with him at will. And he will not lead, let alone follow someone. Of the negative features, grumbling, grumbling, isolation, gloom, shyness, lack of communication, lack of friends and interest in life, excessive perfectionism and conservatism, rigidity, stinginess or even poverty can be noted.


Research scientist. Monk. Doctor. Working with the elderly.


A bad card on financial matters indicates that hard times are coming, you will have to tighten your belt and lead an ascetic lifestyle, giving up all the frills and carnal joys. Caution with money, which turns into avarice. IN the best option does not promise money more than the required living wage.


1 Map Names:

Inner light, Bequeathed lamp, Prophet of Eternity, Seeker.

2 Keywords:

Peace. Silence. Caution. Search for yourself. Prudence. Wisdom. Introspection. Growing up. Control over emotions. Change of world view. Abstinence. Striving for independence. Chastity. Lack of sexual interest. Diet. Disease. prudence. Forced isolation. Disease. political intrigues. Loneliness. Depression. Yearning. Widowhood. Deception. Silly caution. Cowardice. Middle age crisis. Fear of death, old age, decrepitude. Misanthropy. Re-evaluation of your life, meaning and purpose. Exploring the well of your soul. Pony that the word is silver, but silence is golden.

3 Archetype:

Senex. Wise old man.

4 Start:

5 Element:

6 Letters:

7 Numerology:

8 Kabbalah:

Connects the sephirah Chesed with the sephirah Tipheret.

9 Astrology:

Mercury or Saturn in Virgo.

10 Color:

11 Metal:

12 Stones:

Smoky quartz. Dark Goethite. Rhinestone. Titanite. Tourmaline.

13 Item:

Flashlight. Lampada.

14 Animal:

15 Music:


16 Books:

Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning. Spiritual Literature. Death of Ivan Ilyich. Strider.

17 Bodies:

18 Diseases:

A prolonged illness that has confined a person to bed or to the hospital. depression. Phobias - a person can isolate himself from the world due to nervous disorders. Like an anxiety disorder, for example, and fear causes him to limit his world more and more until it shrinks to a point. Eating Disorders. Exhaustion. Problems with body weight. Joint diseases. Arthritis, especially the knees. Insomnia.

19 Treatment:

Diseases according to the Hermit must be treated with the help of doctors. But combinations with psychotherapy or conversations with a spiritual mentor.

20 Meditation:

For concentration, increase mental abilities and improve memory.

21 Locations:

Wasteland. Quiet deserted parks.

Map of the day:

A good time to take stock of yourself. It is best to devote this day to calm walks.

Do not rush things before judging others, get to know yourself well. Answer the question: What exactly do you want? Maybe now is the best time for that. To temporarily move away from the hustle and bustle and manifestations of external activity and focus on the inner side of things. It would be nice to keep a diary to keep track of all the changes.

The spirit has brought you into the desert, and the spirit will bring you out of it.”

This card is often taken as a sign of loneliness that does not bring anything good. The Major Arcana tarot card The Hermit actually has a deeper meaning. Its essence is to always remain honest and true to yourself. In this article, we will look at the description and meaning in the relationship of a direct and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The hermit is an image of the seeker of inner wisdom and the need for light to achieve the goal.

Map Description

On the map, as a rule, we can see an old man leaning on a staff and dressed in a cloak with a hood. The old man has a lantern in his hand, partially hidden behind the sleeve of his cloak. It is a symbol of light occult sciences, which always remains partially hidden. In a symbolic and esoteric sense, the Hermit protects ancient wisdom from the uninitiated. The staff in his hand is a symbol of knowledge, which serves as a support for a person as opposed to ignorance and ignorance.

The hermit is ready to stay in the desert, because the Creator speaks to him there. He is ready to be silent just to hear His voice.

He does not strive to follow logic, concepts and generally accepted traditions, even his own strength or weakness may not be taken into account. Only following the light of a lantern, through thorns to the stars. The path is narrow, whether it is paved with precious stones or plain stonework. The symbolism of the staff lies in the fact that this is the only support of the Hermit on this difficult path.

The general meaning of the Hermit card

The hermit reminds us of an important part of our soul, which is able to look at the world clearly and simply, without getting involved in emotional intrigues and remembering that we are only guests here.

If for the Jester all life is a game where he is the first actor, then for the Hermit it is like a stage of a performance where he can be a spectator and can remain himself.

This card means our authenticity and sincere living nature, reminds us of who we really are, of living ourselves totally and completely. He says that we can be ourselves, we can feel and be honest. The hermit points to the need to be true to oneself and to live, from one's very essence, when each act is done not out of necessity and coercion, but because it cannot but be done.

The Hermit Tarot card is often associated with the desire to separate and isolate oneself from the world, to return to oneself in order to find one's inner world in all its true beauty and follow one's own path. She says it's time to slow down and rethink your path, stop and ask yourself important questions that can only be answered in the silence of loneliness.

All people need a rest in the company of themselves from time to time, but this is not just a rest, where thoughts wander aimlessly, not stopping at anything important, these are high vibrations of the Spirit, calling to return to their center and find their own light in the dark alleys of artificial life. .

The main meaning inherent in the Hermit is the rejection of everything superficial and false in order to please anyone. It is a symbol of maturity of spirit and great courage to be whole in your choice of path, even if it is far from the traditional and socially approved.

According to the Hermit, a person is seriously busy defining his position and his boundaries. At the same time, outwardly, there can be neither hearing nor spirit from him - no calls, no letters, no offers, no refusals. He decides what all this means to him, why he needs it and how far he is ready to go in all this, be it love or business. This is perhaps the most important.

The Hermit, like the Priestess, declares the existence of a hidden truth and the need to seek it, emphasizing the difference between "truth and truth." They fight for the truth, but share the truth like bread.

In some interpretations of the Hermit Tarot, the meaning of the card is the beginning of a spiritual search and as a person's willingness to find a Teacher and mentor on the spiritual path. Moreover, often the person himself becomes this conductor, if he has enough awareness and understanding. In addition, the appearance of the Hermit can also be seen as a literal journey and journey for the truth, for example, pilgrimage to holy places, meetings with holy people.

This is a card of wisdom in non-action, when a person retires and contemplates, rethinks his actions and tries to look at his life and life events through the prism of a story about a man of genius, for whom the Creator has special plans. Therefore, one should not perceive external inactivity as laziness and strive to be busy all the time.

The personality of the Hermit seeks to preserve the inner world from encroachment, just as the Emperor makes sure that no one violates the outer borders of his state. Often this card in the layout speaks of the unwillingness of the questioner to reveal any secret.

Description of personality

A hermit is a mature and accomplished person who knows how to act independently and be responsible for these actions. Usually this is an image of a person in thought, engaged in some important business for him, for which he needs to be alone. This person is more focused on the inner world than on the outside, and his goals and aspirations are often associated precisely with the achievements of the spirit, and not of matter.

Spiritual independence, knowing your values ​​and following them, your own path, where there is no place for ordinary fellow travelers. The hermit wants to isolate himself from life, to turn into his inner world, but there is no restriction and fear in this, but only a thirst for knowledge and self-disclosure. This loneliness is positive and productive, this separation of oneself, albeit temporary, from the worldly bustle and everyday worries.

Interestingly, this state is available to the Hermit, whatever he does - go to work, take care of loved ones, engage in creativity, etc. The greatest mastery is to remain in your own center, being included in what is happening in the material world. He seems to be born with the knowledge of the existential truth that we are all alone, birth, death, pain, revelation - it all leaves to itself. At the same time, loneliness awakens his thought, brings depth and peace, and is one of the most inspiring states.

Positive features

Qualities inherent in the personality of the Hermit: prudence, common sense, wisdom, possession of emotions and calm insight of a wanderer, looking at worldly fuss from the side.

He feels safe in the world, but does not seek to take an active part in social events. He is strict and serious, self-sufficient and secretive. He does not seek to draw attention to himself, although he is often endowed with an outstanding appearance. The hermit worries little about the impression he makes, he does not care about the attitude of society towards him and everything connected with him.

He works with his soul and this is his main task, the best pastime for him is solitude in order to think and reflect, he is inclined to engage in meditation and spiritual practices, being content with his originality, i.e. a full-fledged being with himself.

The hermit personifies a dedicated person who has successfully learned the lessons of life wisdom. It happens that this is a person who literally “dropped out” of society for a long time due to illness or life away from civilization. The greatest value for him is following his inner truth and nothing else. He really follows the path of spiritual achievements, which often plans for several lives ahead.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Negative Traits

Sometimes a person is so immersed in his own world that it becomes overgrown with a dense cocoon and it becomes difficult to interact with it. Due to his independence and weak connection with the outside world, he evaluates certain events by his own yardstick, regardless of the opinions of others.

The Negative Hermit is an image of a self-satisfied pseudo-sage, isolated from the outside world, staying in bitterness, gloomy and depressive states. He is characterized by a lack of joy and tranquility, excessive haste.

Such a person will be aloof, a clear introvert, reserved and withdrawn. The hermit is always an old man, regardless of age. This is manifested in rigidity, uncompromisingness and rejection of the modern world. He has a mid-life crisis begins immediately after the onset of adulthood.

The Hermit Tarot card, the meaning in the layout can be - a person who refused to participate in anything, “pedals back” and defends himself from any outside influences. It takes time to figure everything out for yourself, to establish yourself in your decision. Hurrying him, pushing him is empty. He will do everything anyway and then, as he sees fit and right. If Justice is also nearby, then he will not be mistaken what is good and what is bad.

Paphos of the Hermit - knowledge of oneself and upholding oneself, immunity to outside influences, be it beautiful words, threats, persuasion, manipulation. If they do not correspond to his understanding of things, then the reaction will be, as they say, "like a crocodile to a swede." It is pointless to spur events, to make efforts, to put pressure, it will not work.

On a deeper level

The hermit is destined to first sanctify his soul and let spiritual beauty in, and then become a source of spiritual light and a guide for others. Therefore, it is so important for him to be in solitude, where he can heat up and concentrate the potential of those energies from which another existence will be built in the future. This Arcana symbolizes the synthesis of possibilities, "the mystery of a real but hidden birth, in which only spirit and soul participate."

All the energies accumulated in solitude and practice are released at a certain time. At this moment, the Hermit is experiencing a dark time, “dies” in order to return to the light already different, who have gone through the transformation, who bring light. It happens that this light then serves as a guiding star for many generations of people.

The secret of this Arcana is the search for truth, existential reflections, the acquisition of inner treasures, the search for and finding knowledge and wisdom in one's inner world, self-initiation. Contemplation and the greatest comprehension of the essence of things under the wise guidance of the inner mentor.

In all religions, we find stories about the wanderings of the Spirit, about prophets and teachers who could go around the whole world or went to the desert for solitude and truth, comprehended wisdom and age-old knowledge in order to give people as a guide and hint on the way.

The Hermit's card tells us about the connection between the unmanifested and the manifested worlds, reminds us of the duality of the world as such, when, comprehending something in the material, we have a chance to realize this knowledge on our spiritual path, but more often the other way around. Since the subtle governs the dense, all our acquisitions of the spirit and spiritual feats and austerities make life easier for us in the material, make it more fulfilling and happy.

The meaning of the Hermit in various layouts

For career and work

He evenly treats laurels and honors, he knows the goal and goes to it, without being distracted by external influences. The Hermit's profession can be all sorts of freelancing, when a person is not subordinate to any team and can work all alone

The hermit personifies the professions of all who are engaged in searches and research, from scientists or archivists to investigators, teachers, consultants. He contributes to the writing of scientific papers, memoirs or blogging, after all.

He is characterized by consistency, the ability to bring matters to an end, however, if the Hermit does not see the meaning of the activity for himself, he will not work.

The hermit patronizes students, since his lantern symbolizes the light of knowledge, as well as those who, by the nature of their activities, spend a lot of time on the road. It contributes to the improvement of professional skills, independently or under the guidance of a mentor. This is the card of wise leaders.

For a businessman, the appearance of the Hermit is considered an unfavorable sign. It can indicate the senselessness of the business that he is currently busy with, so it can be taken as advice to finish the current business and realize what is fully consistent with the person’s inner values.

In addition, the Hermit can appear to a person who is wondering about the meaning of his own activity, and this card also marks the end of professional activity, the transfer of his experience to others, and retirement.

For finance and property

The hermit lives in an ascetic world, where the value is not money, but the treasures of the Spirit, so his appearance in the alignment does not favor the appearance of finances, and can also serve as a sign that your financial situation will soon become noticeably more modest.

This is a card about being content with little, and she advises you to just forget about financial problems for a while and look at them from a different angle, because everything has a plan, it remains to comprehend it.

For love and relationships

Obviously, the Hermit is not inclined to build a love union with anyone. It is traditionally an unfavorable card for already existing relationships, and for a lonely person, it simply means that he is more focused on himself and his own development.

The hermit describes seclusion, withdrawal from the world, a closed solitary life, incomprehensible to others.

Relationships are always built on compromise and adaptation to each other. The hermit is physically unable to step over his principles and adapt. He follows his own path and belongs entirely to it. Accordingly, the Tarot Hermit, meaning in a relationship, speaks of a possible separation, a break in relationships, a search for independence from a partner. This can go as far as breaking off engagements, canceling weddings, and so on. When the time comes to make a decision, the Hermit is unable to give up himself and his principles, so a refusal occurs.

Be that as it may, the Hermit is serious in his perception of himself, his partner and relationships in general, he will not put up with something and rely on the fact that "it will somehow resolve itself." Therefore, his decisions can be trusted and not considered as manipulation and deceit. However, it is unlikely that he will begin to solve problems and overcome difficulties together, most likely, he will step aside and go his own way, from where he most likely will not return.

If, in interaction with you, the Hermit finds a meaning for himself that is important for his path, it will be difficult to find a better partner, but if the meaning is lost or loses its relevance over time, it will dissolve into oblivion. The hermit is a difficult partner, it is very difficult to understand the needs of such a person, not everyone can think in terms of meanings, after all.

However, if the key to the meanings of the Hermit is found, he will agree to almost any external conditions of partnership - being constantly in existential categories, he has adapted to live through various everyday inconveniences and difficulties.

The hermit is characterized by silence and modesty in expressing feelings. He takes any relationship - read, attacks on his life - very seriously, he comes in for a long time, assessing all the risks, carefully weighing all the pros and cons.

It often happens that a lonely person does not hurry home, where no one is waiting for him, but if we are talking about the Hermit, he greatly values ​​\u200b\u200bsuch a state and enters his lonely lair with a sigh of relief, becoming himself. The crazy thought of marrying someone causes more fear in the Hermit than enthusiasm.

Loneliness for him is not an event. Simply being. This lasso is about conscious loneliness because of its comfort. It is very important for a hermit to reach agreement with himself and be as honest with himself as possible. Until these needs of his are realized, it is pointless to put pressure on him, since you can just as well put pressure on a stone.

If something does not correspond to the nature and uniqueness of the Hermit, sooner or later he will destroy it and throw it away altogether, not seeing that it was dear to someone.

If this card falls to a lover, it can be taken as an advice to stop and think about whether to bind yourself in a relationship, take your time and listen carefully to yourself. The hermit always remains in his own center and is careful in choosing a partner, if at all, he is faced with this choice. He will definitely wait for clarity before he understands whether he needs to be in a relationship, he will not rush into the pool with his head.

The hermit does not show much interest in sexual life, however, this is not always the case. As with everything else, he can be content with his own company. “Love solo” can be mastered by him to a greater or lesser extent, be primitive or refined, in general, organically inscribed in the holistic meaning of this card.

As for sexual relations in a couple, the Hermit does not show much activity, he is a partner restrained in emotional manifestations. He is not inclined to take the initiative, which is only good for a partner.

The Hermit Tarot inverted indicates coldness, the ability to do without sex, the absence of an intimate life. In a positive aspect, a directly dropped card can speak of an emotional (but hardly sexual) connection with a spiritual and very wise person. This is a union at a deep level.

For the state of health

This is not the best card for health. The body of the Hermit is weak, there is a reduced tone, lack of appetite and sufficient physical activity.

In the traditional sense, the energy of the Hermit corresponds to the processes of aging, the extinction of vital functions. But it can also symbolize exhaustion after overload and lack of rest.

Depression. Insomnia. Hormonal insufficiency. Menopause. Rheumatism. All chronic health problems typical of old age. Digestive problems.

Combination with other cards

How the Hermit Tarot is interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With the Priestess - another woman and betrayal, a secret associated with her;
  • With the Sun - the disclosure of treason, the exposure of secrets;
  • With the Empress - do not rush things, even if something does not suit you, everything will go on as usual;
  • With Lovers - they weaken the action of the Hermit, talk about sexuality, the emergence of relationships, sometimes against the will of a person. Also - deep inner concentration before stepping into the new. We need a lot of inner composure, reliance on our personal concepts.
  • With the Devil - a struggle of motives, the temptation to act contrary to oneself, to do something contrary to one's nature;
  • The Hermit and the Court - the wrong court (from an old interpreter). Receiving important news. A big event, the beginning of a new period of life.
  • Peace - weakens the meaning of isolation, which carries the Hermit, involves him in the flow of events;
  • With the Four of Swords - enhanced inertia and contemplation inherent in the Hermit;
  • With the Seven of Swords - increased loneliness and solitude;
  • With the Two of Cups - weakens the action of the Hermit, involves him in social ties;
  • With the Eight of Cups - increased self-deepening, the search for the deep meaning of events
  • With Nine of Cups - selfish pleasures;
  • With the Ten of Cups reversed, there is a lot of trouble.

The interpretation of the tarot card is the hermit in the upright position

Wisdom, caution, calmness. The card describes a "time out" - a conscious exit from the situation, reflection and analysis of one's situation. Searching of decisions. Act prudently and tactfully, then the card predicts the successful resolution of all issues.

  • inner spiritual guidance, spiritual success, knowledge through experience, self-knowledge, introspection, quest
  • solitude, moderation, wisdom, silence, hidden truth
  • prudence, prudence, caution, prudence, detachment

The Hermit Tarot card means that the Client needs to turn away from some situation and even physically retire in order to assess the situation. It also indicates the need for quiet reflection for some time, in order to determine true needs and goals away from the daily bustle. Thus, plunging into himself, the Client will find solutions to long-term and urgent problems.

The Hermit Tarot card symbolizes the search for spiritual values ​​and deepening into one's inner world, as well as balance, caution and prudence. Sometimes indicates caution and isolation from life. But circumstances may also develop in such a way that temporary loneliness can lead to a better life. The Tarot Hermit is a symbol of wisdom, calmness, the ability to solve any issues. Also, the card may indicate the need for self-improvement, spiritual growth, the search for new ways of personal development.

The interpretation of the tarot card is the hermit in an inverted position

Error, lies, secrecy, anxiety, alienation, distrust, lack of logic, wrong choice of path. Stubborn unwillingness to change the situation. You need to take off your mask and stop hiding.

  • disregard for the voice of wisdom, distrust, fear, excessive precaution, unreasonable precaution
  • unreasonable actions, isolation, stubbornness, false ideals
  • deceit, lies, misinformation, corruption, concealment, secrecy, fraud

A Hermit tarot card with the correct orientation says that self-confidence is a positive quality, an inverted hermit tarot card emphasizes its negative influence. It indicates that the person has rejected help or advice (especially from family or friends) and is now having a hard time. The result is a feeling of loneliness and isolation, as well as a stubborn resistance to the need for change.

Reversed Hermit Tarot signifies refusal of help, stubbornness, suspicion, continuation of an unproductive lifestyle, as well as unnecessary mystery, over-caution and fear. He talks about the danger of thoughtless behavior, neglect of advice, symbolizes ill-considered actions.

Map Description

An old man, usually bearded, dressed in a hoodie. The attire is very simple, without decorations, although it can give a hint of the religious orientation of the deck: Egyptian or Old Testament clothes, medieval monastic cassock, rags. The mantle is often hooded and girded with a rope.

The Hermit Tarot is always standing or (in many decks) walking. The background is a desert or other open space, although mountains in the distance are possible. In his hand he carries a lantern to light the way; in some decks, he may also lean on a staff.

This is an image of the search and the need for light (the lantern symbolizes understanding and knowledge) in order to achieve the goal. The Hermit Tarot has nothing but what he carries with him; he is not attracted by honors or wealth. He only needs to finish his search, this means for him the achievement of the goal.

inner meaning. Given to understand the direct position of the map

If the Justice Tarot symbolizes Justice in its purest form, then the Hermit Tarot shows the search for truth in its purest form, uncorrupted by ideology, preferences or needs. This is the time to re-evaluate your life, connections, and goals. Possible changes that will occur in life will be prompted by other cards in the layout.

Almost all religions contain legends about the journey of the spirit, about great teachers or prophets who went around the world in search of truth or God.

The Tarot Hermit teaches that the moment of your spiritual perfection is coming, when you must renounce the temptations and needs of civilization, "go into the wilderness" in search of your own soul and the meaning of existence, find your God. Divine power will not be able to openly speak to you while you are distracted by the worries of everyday life. The search for truth must begin alone.

In many ways, this is a search for yourself, not only a search for God, but the image suggests that you will receive divine inspiration in your searches, if they are honest.

The lantern symbolizes your own knowledge, which must be used to illuminate the path of quest. The staff can symbolize God, support in your quest and protection against enemies that you may meet on the way.

Inaccessible to the temptations of civilization and seeking only the truth, the Tarot Hermit is an allegory for the experience of self-initiation.