Everything you need to know about Bangladesh for a person who doesn’t give a damn about this Bangladesh ... (38 photos). Brothel in Bangladesh (20 photos)

Bangladesh is a state in South Asia, surrounded by India along the entire perimeter, with the exception of small areas.

“Bangladeshis just don't care. Their number is equal to the population of Russia, and now open the map and look at the area of ​​Bangladesh. How they all fit in there I have no idea. To relocate part of the population of Bangladesh, for example, to Yakutia, did not find understanding among the locals, because they do not know what Yakutia is. This saved them."

The book of registration of foreigners at the airport for February 8 indicated the arrival of only 34 people. Therefore, Bangladeshis, when a foreigner appears, can create a crowd in 10 seconds. I spotted. We are amazing here. You just have to stop in the middle of the street.

Bangladesh is feminine. And he doesn't bend. Therefore, after 8 pm, there are only men on the street. For haram, Islam, Sharia, all things.

FROM foreign languages it doesn't matter here. Therefore, having saddled a rickshaw, the first thing he will do is reach a person who knows English, who will understand the right direction and explain to him. The crowd, as you remember, will gather around this action in 10 seconds. Here everyone is wondering where did you go, what is your name, where are you from and why did you suddenly find yourself in Bangladesh?

For those wishing to visit Bangladesh, I advise you to get a T-shirt with the main answers to the search for aborigines. You have to write on it "I'm from Russia"(that's how they pronounce it, by the way) "My name is...", "I'm Fine", "My job is..." It is in this order that every (!) Bangladeshi will ask you questions. And they, as you remember, to hell. After the fourth question, their vocabulary ends. Only their smiles and awkward silence remain.

Road traffic is worse than Indian at times. Well, because they don't care, and everyone decided to go somewhere. They travel continuously, at any time of the day. Therefore, there is no clean air. They are constantly honking their horns, pushing, colliding with each other so that one day, unable to stay in the cart, I flew out of it forward. The Bangladeshis smiled sympathetically and asked "Wea you from?" Damn, ai'm from the rickshaw!

Bangladesh is very cheap. And everything is in Bengali. Everything. There are a lot of mosquitoes and a beautiful security girl at the Dhaka airport. I would make eyes for her, but you never know what is there: haram, sharia, hijab, nikah ... Therefore, we just looked at each other carefully until people from prepaid taxi came with the news that the trip to the city center would cost 17 dollars . Somewhere the same amount can be spent for the remaining 4 days of stay in the country.

A double room at the Al-Razbak International Hotel costs $8 without bargaining. Well, I just can't afford to haggle for $8. The motto of the hotel is "Cleanliness is part of our faith!". After looking at the number, I came to the conclusion that the guys are not very religious. The man at the reception, distracted from praying and watching cricket at the same time, took a picture of us with Nikita on a soap dish to register the guests. And I decided not to spend on each frame, but photographed together. More than anything, I now dream of seeing this photo.

A certain Joel in a loincloth is running after me along the entire coast of the Burhi Ganga, shouting “Mr. Pitar! Mr Pitar! Mr. Petar doesn't care anymore: he has dug into the most beautiful painted rickshaw carts, heaps of garbage and mountains of tangerines ... “Mr. Petar! I'll show you South Dhaka! I’m like a guide!” - and we sailed on a boat to the other side.

You go ashore and you are blown away by a crowd of children. There are so many of them that Joel can barely contain their pressure.

This photo shows a Bangladeshi child taking off my ring. Joel leads us through his fiefdom. His friend, the owner of a construction shop, after "Vea yu from?" suddenly, for no reason at all, he issued: “Is it true that you have adopted a law according to which Muslims do not have to be circumcised?” and began to show this news in the fresh press, while poking for some reason at the photos of the war in Syria: here, they say, how the Muslims of Russia reacted to this!

Joel showed everything: the ships standing at the shipyard, made me climb to the very top of one of them, then go down from there with a sin in half, again took me to school, where I took one boy with me under my armpit, so that later I could sell in North Dhaka.

Joel sailed back with us, asking for 250 rubles and a bottle of Coca-Cola for his services. His annual budget was made in a few hours, while I was lying in the “two-bed room” of the Al-Razbak hotel, exhausted. Everyone was happy.

On the embankment of North Dhaka pandemonium. Still: apples are sold at retail! From the auction! The truck merchant picks one up and the crowd yells out their price. As if some kind of rejuvenating apples, and now hundreds of Bangladeshis are already pulling their banknotes to the seller. By the way, their money is very funny: compact, colored candy wrappers. It seems that the Central Bank of Bangladesh stole the Monopoly game yesterday.

In the morning we moved to the north of the country - to the city of Rajshahi. Bangladesh, to be honest, is deprived of sights, and where exactly to go from Dhaka does not really matter. Before the bus station, the rickshaw showed 40 on his fingers, and at the destination he began to ask for 400. English refused to understand. His salvation lay in the fact that the passengers were locked with a latch, and a grate separated him from them. I vomited and threw, I walked like an angry lion in this cage, and from the outside it probably looked like the hut of Baba Yaga swaying and shaking, when someone desperately beats Baba Yaga in it. It must be admitted that he endured my anger stoically, only occasionally jerking his head back when I struck the bars. When they agreed on half the price, I still really wanted to parting with his jalopy on its side.

Hell, it's not about the money! Basically, they are trying to scam you. By the way, his English eventually erupted. With the words "for andred, three andred" he operated quite confidently.

Ah, the Bangladeshi province! Where the natives run around without a bra, and past your window on the bus, someone's legs suddenly start to lower from its roof. Where the old buffalo driver whispers to them like in "Mowgli" that, they say, "you and I are of the same blood ...", and a privileged hotel for Bangladeshi businessmen costs something like 10 dollars per room. Where on the remains of an ancient temple you can buy stickers of the Pakistan cricket team and calendars with Osama bin Laden, and rice fields divide the surface of the earth so that the fabulous Bangladeshi giants can play sea battles on them ...

German photographer Sandra Heun is a freelance photojournalist and often works with NGOs and charities. The object of her attention is social problems and issues of humanitarian law. In 2016, Sandra was a finalist for the LensCulture Portrait Awards with the photo project The Desires of Others.

Bangladesh is one of the few Muslim countries where prostitution is legal. The Kandapara brothel in Tangail is the oldest and second largest sex-for-money establishment in Bangladesh. It has been in existence for 200 years. It was demolished in 2014, but then rebuilt with funds from local non-profit organizations.

For the restoration of the brothel were not at all adherents of paid love. Many of the women who worked in Kandapar were born and raised there, and after the brothel was demolished, they had absolutely nowhere to go. Moreover, most locals believe that working in the sex industry is just as acceptable as other service jobs. In 2014, even the National Association of Women Lawyers advocated for the restoration of the brothel. Members of the association convinced the Supreme Court that the demolition of the building and the eviction of sex workers was illegal.

Today, the area around the brothel is surrounded by a two-meter wall. There are food stalls and tea houses on site. They have their own laws and a completely different hierarchy.

Kajol, 17 years old.
In a brothel, a woman is weak, but at the same time she is stronger than the "free" women of Bangladesh. The most difficult time is considered when the worker just gets into the brothel. Such girls are called "enslaved", all of them are no more than 14 years old. They come from poor families or are sold to a brothel by slave traders. "Bondage girls" have no rights, obey the local "madam" and are doomed to work for free for the next 5 years, paying off debts. After the girl deals with her debts, she is free to refuse clients or leave the brothel altogether. However, units are leaving. Society is reluctant to accept girls with such “work experience” into its ranks, therefore, most often, once in a brothel, a girl stays there for life.

Many women admit that working in a brothel gives them much more rights and freedom than staying at home. They run here from cruel husbands and poverty. Officially, only girls who have reached the age of 18 can work in the field of corrupt love, but this rule does not always work.
Their clients are police officers, politicians, farmers, ordinary workers and even teenagers. Some are only looking for sex, others come to a brothel in need of love and female attention. Many really just drink tea or strong drinks with women.

Kajol with a client. She thinks she is 17, but does not know the exact age. She was married for 9 years, and then her own aunt sold her to a brothel. Six months ago, Kajol gave birth to a son - then she had to return to work two weeks after giving birth.

The client attempts to kiss 19-year-old Priya on the cheek. Priya has been working at Kandapar since the age of 17.

Asma is 14 years old and was born in a brothel. She started working as a prostitute only this year, before that the girl just danced for clients.

This woman lost her parents when she was still a child. The girl got married. Together with her husband, they got hooked on heroin and later went to jail for it. The woman said that the prison - the best place, which she visited in her entire life, because no one beat her there. After the conclusion, one of the inmates took her to Kandapara.

These twins are only five days old and have not yet been named. Their mother, 20-year-old Zhinik, also works at Kandapar.

15 year old Paki with a client. She has been living in a brothel since the age of 14. At 12, the girl got married, but soon ran away from her cruel husband. Then a man picked her up on the street and sold her to Kandapara.

Deepa is 26 years old. The woman is crying in the photo. She is now in her second month of pregnancy. The child's father is one of Deepa's clients.

19-year-old Mim takes a shower.

Megle, 23, is pictured with a client. At the age of 12, she began working in a garment factory. There she met a man who promised her Good work with a high salary. It was he who later sold Megla to a brothel.

historical region Bengal is located in the northeastern part of South Asia.Mainly populated Bengalis whose native language is Bengali.Since 1947 Bengal on religious grounds, divided into two parts: part Bengal, where Muslims predominated, went to East Pakistan, (see also: The most beautiful Pakistanis), part - to India. Currently Bengal divided between India ( West Bengal- a state in eastern India) and the state of Bangladesh ( East Bengal).

It should be noted that Bengalis one of the most numerous nations in the world.Their number is more than 250 million people. Also Bengalis live in Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Myanmar, Singapore, UK, USA and other countries.
Known all over the world for their beauty bay of bengal, a rare breed bengal cat as well as holiday sparklers, without which the New Year's feast is not complete. Bengali literature and theaters also occupy a special place in world significance. Among the Indian and Bangladeshi actresses and models, winners of beauty contests, there are a lot of people from Bengal. Bengals slender, big-eyed, famous for their sunny tint of swarthy skin and beautiful smiles.
AT Top 21 Most Beautiful Bengals included famous actresses, models, winners of beauty contests, a singer from India, Bangladesh, the USA and Great Britain,having bengali roots.

Most Beautiful South Indian Actresses

Voting is taking place on the site, where you can choose the best Indian actress

21. Paromita Mitra / Paromita Mitra(b. August 2, 1991 Bangladesh) - Bangladeshi-American actress, model and beauty pageant winner, was born in a family of Bangladeshi immigrants. Won the contest Miss Mississippi USA -2012, becoming first Bangladeshi woman to win this title. She represented Mississippi in the Miss USA pageant. In 2009, the girl already won the teenage beauty contest "Miss Mississippi Teen USA"

20. Shreya Ghoshal / Shreya Ghoshal(born March 12, 1984, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India) is an Indian voice-over singer who sings in films in Hindi and Bengali, as well as in other Indian languages. Has received numerous awards and nominations, including four National Film Awards, three State Film Awards and seven Filmfare Awards South. One of the leading singers of contemporary Indian films.

19. Tanushree Dutta / Tanushree Dutta(b. March 19, 1984 Jamshedpur, Bihar, India) - Indian model, actress, born in a conservative Bengali family. In 2004 she won the competition "Miss India", then "Miss India Universe", where she got the opportunity to represent her country at the international contest "Miss Universe", hitting Top 10 finalists.

17. Konnie Huq / Kanak "Konnie" Huq(b. July 17, 1975 London, England) - English journalist, TV presenter, actress and writer. Born to a Bangladeshi Sunni Muslim family who emigrated to England in the 1960s.

16. Rani Mukerji(born March 21, 1978, Calcutta) - Indian actress. Comes from a large Bengali family associated with the film industry. In 2012 on Filmfare Awards Rani got a statuette "Black Lady" as Best Supporting Actor (female) and became the first actress in the history of the Filmfare Awards, who has 7 statuettes in her piggy bank. Her films: "The Heart Says:" Forward "," God Created This Couple "," Never Say Goodbye "," Vir and Zara ", etc.

15.Bidya Sinha Saha Mim is a Bangladeshi model and actress. Competition winner Lux Channel I Superstar 2007.

14. Nusrat Faria Mazhar / Nusraat Faria Mazhar(b. September 8, 1993 Chittagong, Bangladesh) - Bangladeshi model

13. Afshan Azad(born February 12, 1988 Manchester, England) is a British film actress of Bengali origin. Known for her role as Padma Patil in the Harry Potter films. Ashfan Azad, who is a Muslim, was the victim of attacks from her family because of her relationship with a young man who professes Hinduism.

12. Nandana Sen / Nandana Sen(born August 19, 1967 in Calcutta, West Bengal) - international actress, writer, producer. She was born into a Bengali Hindu family. Films with her participation: "The Prince", "The Perfect Couple", "Marigold: Journey to India", "Tango Charlie", etc.

11. Mehzabin Chowdhury(b. April 19, 1991 Chittagong, Bangladesh) is a Bangladeshi model and actress. Bangladeshi beauty pageant winner Lux Channel i Superstar 2009.

9. Subhashree Ganguly / Subhashree Ganguly(b. November 3, 1990, Bardhaman, India)) is an Indian actress who starred in Bengali and Tollywood films.

8.Nipun / Nipun is a Bangladeshi actress.

7.Tanjin Tisha / Tanjin Tisha- Bangladeshi model.

6. Riya Sen(born January 24, 1981 in Calcutta, India) - Bollywood actress, model, tries herself in South Indian cinema. Riya Sen's mother is a famous Bengali actress - Moon Moon Sen and grandmother - Suchitra Sen, hit films: "Favorite melody", "Return to life", "Our dream is money?"

5. Bipasha Basu / Bipasha Basu(born January 7, 1979 in Delhi, India) is an Indian actress and model. Films: "Insidious Stranger", "A Dangerous Game", "Mystery", "The Dark Side of Desire", "At Risk to Life", "Omkara", "Bikers-2".

4. Koel Mallick / Koel Mallick(b. April 28, 1982, Murshidabad, East Bengal) is an Indian actress who starred in Bengali films.

3. Lisa Ray / Lisa Ray(born April 4, 1972) is a Canadian film and television actress of Polish-Bengali origin, best known for her roles in films by Indian directors.

2. Sayantani Ghosh / Sayantani Ghosh(born September 6, 1985 in Calcutta, West Bengal) is an Indian television actress, model and dancer. Known for the television series "Naaginn", "Adaalat" and "Mahabharat".

1. Sushmita Sen(November 19, 1975 in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh) - Indian model and Bollywood actress, winner of the contest Miss Universe in 1994- is the first winner of this competition in the history of India. Sushmita's mother tongue is Bengali. In 2010, Sushmita Sen's company and production center "Tantra int" received the unique rights to hold a beauty contest "Miss Universe India 2010". Films: "Wife No. 1", "Only You", "I Can't Forget You", "A Dangerous Game", "How I Loved", "Life in the Rhythm of Rock", etc.

(Total 19 photos)

The country of Bangladesh is amazing. It is one of the ten most densely populated, it has complex socio-political relations, but at the same time a very rapidly growing economy. And most importantly - just amazing people.

1. Almost the entire territory of the country is located below sea level and it is threatened with flooding when the level of the World Ocean rises by only 1 meter. In addition, the country of Bangladesh is in the zone of regular tropical cyclones, tornadoes, floods. Residents constantly have to fight in them and learn to survive in such conditions.

2. As a result of flooding and salting, farmers have reoriented rice fields to growing shrimp and crabs.

3. Due to climate change, the amount of precipitation is increasing, and floods are also growing. The farmer has to urgently harvest the unripe crop.

4. Factory workers also need to protect their buildings from flooding.

5. During the monsoon season, farmers move to the nearest cities, in particular to Dhaka. To the south of it, rice plantations are falling into disrepair due to flooding and salting.

6. Dhaka is one of the largest and most densely populated cities in the world. The main traffic goes along the Burigang River. By the way, there are a lot of rivers in the country, but still there are problems with neighboring India regarding the use of water resources.

7. Dhaka is rapidly developing and populating. But even such an intensive population growth does not make it possible to actively improve the infrastructure. Or, at least, to force the authorities to pay attention to what is happening on the ground.
And to all this, regular floods are added. Including floods and slums.

8. Dhaka belongs to the group of rapidly developing cities. In addition to the permanent population, migrants flock here from rural areas, which are especially affected by floods. And despite the rapid pace of development of the city, most of the population is far below the poverty line.

9. People living on the islands on the Jamuna River have perfectly adapted to instantaneous changes. The islands themselves are alluvial and constantly change their shape and position, in addition, there is almost always a threat of flooding.

10. Even children at the reflex level have learned the rules of behavior during floods - in this case, they must run to the high bamboo stairs fortified in the center of the courtyard, climb up and hold on tight until the threat has passed.

11. Families often have to move their homes to escape flooding. They live almost constantly on damp soil, and often knee-deep in water.

12. They carry not only at home - first of all, a mosque moves to a dry place. Moreover, this process has already been worked out so well that there is enough time for the transfer between morning and evening prayers.

13. The mosque is transferred by volunteers, who immediately prepare it for services.

14. Medicine also adapts to local conditions - a charity-supported mobile hospital floats between the islands

15. The main problem for the country is high infant mortality and a very high birth rate. New specialists are working to reduce both of these indicators.

16. The school is also floating, solar powered and serves children in flood-prone areas.

17. The main achievement of such education is, in addition to increasing the overall level of literacy, and reducing the birth rate among those who have received an education.

18. The country of Bangladesh is actively using the experience of other territories with similar climatic and geographical features. In particular, Holland transfers technologies for the creation of artificial islands and the use of these territories.

19. And even in this village completely destroyed by the cyclone, there is hope, there are children playing. Life goes on!