The interior door closed, how to open it. Open the slammed door to the apartment? Don't panic! The key was left on the back of the door

A draft, excessive effort if you just need to close the door, the pranks of a pet - all this leads to it slamming; Anyone can face similar situations. The problem is that sometimes the canvas is fixed, but it is not possible to open it in the usual way (by pressing the handle or turning the handle). What to do to quickly resolve the problem? Knowing how to open an interior door without a key, you won’t have to knock it down, cut off the lock tongue, or call the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The choice of method depends on several factors:

  • type of locking device;
  • the reason for fixing the canvas. Problems arise if the door slams shut, but it cannot be opened due to a broken handle (push-button mechanism), a sunken tongue, a burst spring, and so on. There are situations when the baby locks himself from the inside (accidentally or intentionally), but cannot open the locking device on his own;
  • where the person is at the moment the door slams shut. His ability to solve the problem and choose an acceptable technique depends on this;
  • time limit. In the event of an emergency, no one will think about the technologies for opening the lock and decide on the means to achieve the goal. Here the solution is clear - knock out the sash. But if you still have time, then you can think about how to open a slammed door quickly and with minimal damage.

Possible methods

Latch offset

One of the effective methods of opening the door to a room. Basically, models installed in openings inside the home have a push or turn handle.

  • Without a lock. The most convenient locks to open. It is enough to press the tongue and the door will open. When installing the block, there is always a small gap between the canvas and the box. All you need to do is press the sash a little, insert a flat, hard object into the slot and try to move the latch. As a rule, it gives in easily, and if you pull the door towards you, it will open. What can I use? A nail file, a kitchen knife, a screwdriver with a thin blade, or something similar. For lack of anything better, a bank (plastic) card will also come in handy.

If the child has locked the latch from the inside (for example, the door to the bathroom), but for some reason cannot move it on his own (or simply fell asleep), then this method is also suitable for such a situation. By “playing” with the door a little, you will be able to dislodge the lock and enter the room.

  • With a lock. These models, if they were not installed independently, with a security key, can be opened easily. The mechanism is turned by any flat and narrow object - the same thin screwdriver, wire loop, paper clip, hair clip. It is enough to insert the “tool” into the well, and after two or three attempts the valve will open.

Some interior door locks have a button-shaped plug. It is necessary to grab its “head” with pliers and turn it in the desired direction. The latch will definitely move.

Opening the lock

Some owners equip interior doors with lever and cylinder locking mechanisms. How to open such a lock without a key? It's not a fact that it will work, but it's worth a try.

If the interior door slams, then first you should pull it a little. The bolts in the simplest models of locks, as a rule, bounce off and the sash is unlocked.

  • Try to open the lock with a key of a similar configuration. If the mechanism is very worn, then most likely it will work.
  • Knock out or drill out the cylinder.
  • Disassemble the handle and move the valve bar from the inside.

When choosing a technique, you need to focus on the design features of the lock. But at least one of them will definitely help if there is no simpler option.


If you cannot open the interior door lock without a key, you will have to choose this method. The nuance is that it is not always possible to implement it. Canopies differ in design and installation specifics, and if they are hidden, then this is not an option.

Basically, to fasten the doors of interior models, card-type hinges in various designs are used (hinged, “butterfly” and a number of others). What they have in common is that they are fixed to the frame and jamb using self-tapping screws. It is enough to unscrew the fasteners on one side of each hinge, move the door slightly (so that the latch tongue comes out of the bar), and the door will easily be removed from the opening.

Another way is to partially disassemble the canopy. The design of some samples allows this to be done. And if you have time and have preserved the product passport, which contains the necessary information, then the task is significantly simplified.

The dismantling technique allows you to unlock the opening without damaging the sash, frame and locking mechanism.

How to open the interior door will have to be decided on the spot. The only recommendation is to start preferably with “gentle” methods, gradually moving on to more complex ones. This ensures that defects on the block, if they appear, will be minimal.

Opening an interior door lock without using a key is not difficult. Firstly, for internal doors to a room, the simplest models of locking mechanisms are usually used; they are also the cheapest and, as a result, fragile.

Therefore, you can open them in a variety of different, sometimes very non-trivial ways.

Tools and available items used to open an interior door

First of all, we should name the simplest and most effective tools:

  • These include regular pliers;
  • A flat screwdriver (preferably thin) will be convenient to use.

You can also use unusual objects (which are nevertheless known as master keys, thanks to Hollywood films):

  • A small folding knife or nail file;
  • A large sheet of paper, for example a sheet of newspaper, can help;
  • You can use a knitting needle;
  • You can open the door like in the movie - using a business card or credit card.

Another fairly effective method is simply removing the door from its hinges. To avoid damage to hinges or other fittings, you can simply disconnect them from the door leaf (provided that the hinges are accessible when the door is closed).

In no case should you break a door off its hinges; there are simpler, more effective, and most importantly, cheaper ways (if you knock a door off its hinges, this will damage the door leaf and you will need to replace it, which will cost much more than buying fittings, or especially the castle).

Therefore, it is worth considering options in which we simply break the lock using improvised objects. To choose the right tool, you need to carefully study the lock - depending on its model, choose an object and a hacking method that will allow you to open the door.

The easiest way to open a slammed door

Often a problem with an interior door occurs when the internal mechanism randomly trips and the door becomes locked. In this case, the best solution would be to use a thin knife or a business card (a credit card will do) with which you can pry the lock tongue, thereby unlocking it.

Any object that is rigid enough, but thin enough to fit into the gap between the door leaf and the frame, and long enough so that it can reach the lock tongue itself, will do.

Often another situation may arise - the user left the key in the keyhole on the inside of the door, and the door also slammed. Then we lay a newspaper or a sheet of paper on the floor and stretch it inside the room (behind the closed door). The newspaper must be kept strictly under lock and key. Next, we squeeze out the key remaining on the inside with any thin and long object with the outside - for example, a screwdriver. Next, the key falls on the newspaper, and the user pulls the newspaper out from under the door towards himself, thereby receiving the desired key.

Such an operation should be done carefully and slowly, without sudden movements - a strong jerk will cause the key to fly further than the place where the newspaper is located and it will be difficult to get it out.

If you are unable to push the key out, you can use a knitting needle or a nail file. Since the key is in the keyhole, the lock can be easily unlocked, you just need to turn it - we use a knitting needle or a file for this, thereby once blocking the door.

Although, in order not to have to repeat such actions again, it is worth taking care of purchasing an additional key, which, accordingly, should not be stored in a potentially closed room.

More complex options and methods for opening without a key

If the lock is equipped with a latch, opening it is also not difficult - you just need a little patience and time. To do this, you need to unscrew and remove the outer cover. Next, the user will see the lock mechanism and a small bump on it. You just need to press on it and the lock will be unlocked (in parallel with pressing the tubercle, you should turn the handle). Or you can remove the lock completely.

If none of the proposed options and methods gives the desired result, you will have to completely dismantle the lock (remove it).

It is worth considering that not every one can be removed - then you will have to simply break it out.

In this case, two outcomes are possible:

  • the dismantled lock can be put back in place after unlocking if the dismantling did not cause damage to the mechanism;
  • install a new lock - if the damage cannot be eliminated.

In any case, only purchasing a lock complete with two or more keys, one of which will be stored in an accessible (but only known to the apartment owners) place, will ensure easy unlocking of the lock and will eliminate the need to dismantle the locked lock, or directly break it or remove it doors with hinges.

Also, when choosing a lock, you should take into account its reliability, safety and the possibility of hacking - after all, not only the owner himself, who simply does not have the key (lost) or the door has slammed, can try to break into the lock, but also a person whose access through the door is not desirable.

You can open an interior door without a key if you correctly determine the cause of the current situation. This will determine how quickly and accurately the procedure is completed.

How to open an interior door handle without a key with a master key

To open the lock of a door that accidentally slammed, you should not rush to knock it down. Often a key can be replaced by a master key or other device. Apartment owners equip most of their interiors with cheap Chinese locks that do not offer sophisticated burglary protection. To open the door without using brute force, you can try the following options:

  • When closed, a door with a cheap lock rarely fits tightly to the frame. You can try to open the door by frequently tugging on the handle. Loosening the door sometimes helps move the lock bolt.

    Advice! When loosening the door, it is important to feel strength in your hands. If you overdo it, the lock can be broken along with part of the sash.

  • Identical locks are opened with similar keys. They have the same shape of recesses, only the arrangement of the teeth is different. If there is another key going inside the cylinder, insert it all the way and try to turn it. While turning, the key is gradually moved towards itself and back forward. You'll be lucky when the teeth hit the spring-loaded pins and press them to the required depth.
  • Cheap Chinese locks are often opened with a nail file, a thin knitting needle, or a paper clip. The device is inserted inside the larva, they try to turn it by pressing the pins one by one.
  • When you can’t open an interior door without your original key, they resort to a radical but harmless method. Cheap locks usually have mounting screws visible on the top of the decorative plates and handles. They must be unscrewed and removed to gain access to the mechanism. Next, they act according to circumstances. If the mechanism cannot be moved, drill out the cylinder. Then it is replaced with a new element. Spare cylinders with keys are sold in stores. You just need to choose the right size.

Instead of a lock, the interior door is often equipped with one latch. The locking element is a tongue pressed by a spring. Its operation is controlled by handles. When the spring breaks, the tongue remains in the "closed" position. Turning the handles does not give a positive result. Thin metal objects will help move the tongue. A manicure file, knife, or metal ruler will do. If the gap is large, a straight-bladed screwdriver can fit in.

A tool of suitable thickness is placed in the gap between the canvas and the frame. If a person stands on the side of the interior door where there is a bevel of the tongue, then it is more convenient to press on it from the side. When you are unlucky and the bevel remains on the back side of the canvas, it is more convenient to install the tool vertically in order to press the top of the tongue. They are trying to push the locking element back inside the latch body. During the procedure, the door handle is turned.

The key lock of the interior door has a lock. It works after pressing the button. However, a strong clap of the sash due to a draft sometimes leads to the mechanism operating independently. An unusual key in the form of an awl or a thin metal knitting needle will help you open the lock. High-quality key-type locking devices have a safety hole. It is located at the bottom of the outer part of the handle. An awl is inserted into the hole, lightly pressed, and the mechanism opens.

There are locks whose handles have locks that prevent the door from opening from the outside. They are usually placed on bathroom doors. If such a lock closes spontaneously, sharply turning the handle in different directions sometimes helps to open it.

How to open a slammed interior door without a key using force

Radical methods often end in expensive repairs. If it is not possible to open the door without a key in a gentle way, use brute force:

  • Of all the radical methods, the most gentle option is to remove the sash from its hinges. However, the process will succeed if the person is inside the room. Access to the fittings is open here. The second condition is the presence of a wide gap between the canvas and the frame. The third condition is that the interior door has regular card hinges. The fittings usually have decorative caps. After removing them, knock out the hinge pins. The door can be easily removed from the frame.
  • If the hinges are not removable, but they protrude beyond the interior door block, then they are carefully cut off with a grinder. The fittings will have to be replaced.
  • Hidden hinges cannot be disassembled or cut down. To open an interior door without a key, you will have to deal with the lock. If there is a visible latch in the gap, cut it off with a grinder. The shutter and door frame are protected from sparks.

    Advice! When cutting out a latch with a grinder, it is advisable to maximize the gap between the sash and the frame. This can be done by wedging with wooden or plastic wedges.

  • You can press the door away from the jamb using a pry bar. As the gap increases, the latch tongue will pop out of the strike plate socket. However, great efforts will lead to deformation of the frame and partial damage to the canvas.
  • To prevent damage to the interior door, it is easier to try to drill out the lock. First of all, they drill out the larva and try to get to the mechanism. It may be necessary to drill out accessible fasteners so that the lock will fall out when pressure is applied to the door.
  • The last radical method is resorted to when all efforts have failed. The interior door is simply knocked out of the frame. However, the process will bring many problems if the sash is made of solid wood. Wooden canvas, especially oak, is difficult to knock out.

Attention! After opening, a radical method will have to restore the interior door block. The cost of repairs will depend on the damage caused.

A large percentage of success depends on the correctly identified reason for fixing the canvas. The most common problem is:

  • slamming a door with a broken handle;
  • displacement or jamming of the lever;
  • failure of the spring pressing the latch tongue;
  • it is impossible to open the lock due to the key remaining in the cylinder on the back side of the slammed door;
  • a part of the broken key remained inside the lock cylinder;
  • The lock mechanism has failed.

The choice of the appropriate method depends on which side of the slammed door the person was left on. Depending on the situation, they look to see if there is access to fittings and tools. If the situation is hopeless, then the only solution is to knock out the sash.

An important factor is the time limit. When there is nowhere to rush, you can look for gentle options to get out of the current situation. In the event of an emergency, they act only to quickly achieve results.

The video shows several ways to open a door without a key:


You can open an interior door without a key with minimal damage if you choose the right method. To avoid getting into unpleasant situations less often, you need to buy high-quality accessories and always have duplicate keys on hand.

Carefully opening a lock without a key without damaging either the door or the lock itself is an art that people have been learning for years and never stop doing, just as, in general, manufacturers never cease to improve locks, protecting them from unauthorized opening . It is for this reason that the question of how to open doors without a key, or rather, solving it with your own hands, can be called a dubious undertaking - without skills and experience in this matter, you can only make things worse, especially when it comes to opening entrance doors. Be that as it may, in this article, together with the website, we will look at this issue in as much detail as possible - we will study some methods that will allow you to open a door lock without a key.

How to open a door without a key photo

How to open a door without a key: opening the lock of interior doors

Interior doors, or rather their locks and latches, can be said to be the simplest in terms of opening without a key - locks for internal interior doors are usually not made complicated, and opening them even for an inexperienced security guard will not be difficult. The main thing is to know how to do it and which “levers” to press.

Naturally, all these manipulations must be performed carefully so as not to damage either the door frame or the leaf - if you squeeze something out with a crowbar, then you need to put something under it. In most cases, interior doors and their lining are not particularly durable and they are easily damaged by metal objects, which, as a rule, are used to solve the question of how to open an interior lock without a key? Naturally, all these methods are by no means suitable for opening a lock without a key - this is a completely separate topic, and you can watch about it in this video.

How to open a door lock without a key: entrance doors

If a broken lock on interior doors is, as they say, not so bad, then a front door that won’t open is a real disaster! Each person tries to solve this problem on their own, and the first thing that comes to mind is to enter the apartment through the window. It’s good when it’s a private house or the first floor of an apartment building - but what if you live on the second floor or higher? “Mountaineering” without preparation and skills is a very risky undertaking. First you need to make sure that there are no other options. Or have you simply tried the entire arsenal of methods, and nothing helps solve the problem of how to open an iron door without a key?

  1. The simplest situation is when the key breaks in the keyhole. Under no circumstances do we rush or try to pull out the fragment with our hands. The most important thing is not to push it deep. Instead, we knock on a neighbor’s door (one, then another, and, if necessary, a third) and ask to rent pliers, wire cutters, and an old-style jigsaw file. In general, with all this, we first try to grab the broken edge of the key and carefully pull it out, and if that doesn’t help, then we try to carefully pick up the fragment with a jigsaw and pull it out a little from the keyhole. In general, we direct all our efforts to remove the fragment - this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the secretion.

    How to open a lock without a key using a paper clip photo

  2. The question of how to open the door of a house without a key is much more difficult to solve, and to a large extent it all depends on the type of lock - if the locking mechanism is of high quality and has a lot of degrees of protection, then you don’t even have to think about opening the lock yourself. There is only one outcome - without special skills, you will not only not be able to open the lock, but you will probably ruin it. In general, in such a situation it is better to turn to professionals. If we talk about simpler, as they say, down-to-earth lock designs, then among the 100% methods we can distinguish two options. Firstly, this is drilling out the secret, after which it can be opened with any flat object. And, secondly, elementary knocking out the lock - we just take it and hit the cylinder with force with a hammer. We hit it so that the internal rotary cracker breaks - in most locks you don’t even have to put much effort into this. The cracker breaks along with the screw holding the lock cylinder - after that all you have to do is remove the cylinder and open the lock with a knitting needle or strong wire bent into the letter “L”. In general, you won’t be able to restore the castle, but you will get into an apartment or house, and that’s good.
  3. How to open a lock without a key using a paper clip or a hairpin. By and large, the operation is dubious, especially if we talk about a person who has never been involved in opening locks before - you can spend an eternity on this matter and still achieve nothing for one simple reason. It is generally impossible to open a lock of your type in this way - not every locking mechanism can be opened with a paper clip or hair clip. And in general, skills are needed here.
  4. Alternatively, you can get a universal master key, but even in this case, in order to solve the problem of how to open a mortise lock without a key, you will need a certain amount of skill. In general, this is a delicate matter and has a lot of nuances - you can’t do it without special training, knowledge of how locks are constructed and other so-called “little things”.

    How to open an iron door without a key photo

In general, you need to look at the place - the circumstances themselves will tell you what to do and what to do. For example, in some cases, when the lock is closed one turn, you can try to disengage it from the door frame using a crowbar or crowbar. You can also try to disassemble the lock - first remove it, thereby gaining access to the core. Doors can also be opened by cutting off the hinges - this option is possible if the hinges are not hidden and the doors do not have burglar-proof pins. Among other things, you can resort to extreme measures - simply put, apply physical force to the doors and knock them out. This trick works great with doors, but not with doors, and even more so - it’s definitely not possible to break them down without a press.

In conclusion to the topic of how to open a door without a key, let me remind you once again that it is better not to do such things on your own. There are organizations that provide professional assistance in this matter - you just need to call and wait for the arrival of a person who will do everything quickly, and most importantly carefully, causing minimal damage to your doors.

There are many necessary master keys for locks, with which you can open doors without damage Quite often, parents install slamming locks to prevent a child from entering a certain room, but the opposite effect cannot be ruled out. In other words, the security features work quite well, but they can close at the moment when the child is in the room to which access is limited and the door should be opened as quickly as possible. How to break open an interior door yourself and not turn to specialists for such activities? To do this, you should pay attention to the recommendations below.

Did the door to the room slam shut or the owner lost the keys? Was the child able to slam the door and remain in the bathroom or toilet and cannot get out? What to do, and how exactly to get the baby out of the room quickly and without harm to the keyhole? It is worth using the most traditional method - a master key, which is suitable for mortise locks. You can open a room keyhole with master keys, but where can you get it?

Depending on the lock mechanism, master keys also have their own specifications

They are sold in stores, but to speed up the process, you can make it yourself at home:

  1. You need to take 2 paper clips.
  2. The long end bends in one paper clip.
  3. In the second paperclip, the long tip must be bent at an angle of 90ᵒ. This will be a homemade tensioner, through which the lock will turn.

The tensioner is inserted into the keyhole cylinder, pressed or, in other words, tension is created, pressure is recorded and rotation is carried out. Using another paperclip, feel for the pin. As a rule, there are 5 of them in the castle. If the paper clip is positioned correctly, they can be opened.

The pressure on the pins must be applied from the farthest, and as soon as the paper clip puts it in the desired position, there will be a click.

After 5 clicks are heard, the tensioner turns and the lock opens. This way you can break open doors in the toilet and other rooms, but this method is not universal.

Instructions: how to open a lever lock

Opening an English lever door lock is not easy, but it is possible. It consists of many grooves and recesses. To lock or lock a door with this type of lock, you will need a butterfly key. It got its name precisely because of its original appearance, but if it is missing and you need to unlock a door that is closed from the outside, you will have to try a lot.

If you open it yourself, there is a possibility of damage to the internal or external parts of the mechanism. Therefore, if you do not have sufficient skills in this matter, then use the services of professional people

A lock with a high burglary resistance class is installed mainly on expensive metal doors.

As a rule, the degree of protection with which the lock is equipped depends on how many plates are installed in it. In addition to standard protection, they have additional protection, and this can be a magnetic element in the form of a flap. It is not recommended for a non-professional to open such a door, since the lever is a particularly complex mechanism. It is permissible to use a special roll.

For this:

  • The tip of a thin screwdriver is bent, which will become a kind of roll;
  • The knitting needle at the tip is bent into the shape of a hook, which will become a master key;
  • The roll is inserted parallel to the master key into the keyhole cylinder.

The roll must be pushed all the way, turned and secured. Next, the hook is gradually moved and each plate is shifted, which requires gradual rotation of the roll. If the latch was able to be opened, then the plates gave in, but this may also indicate that the lock was not of good quality, and the opening can be carried out not only by the owner of the house in an emergency, but also by any intruder.

Let's learn how to open a door lock without a key

Have you ever seen a door slam shut in front of you? There are a huge number of reasons why this can happen. Whether it was a draft, a child, an animal, or simply the door springing back from the wall when it was opened strongly. If we are talking about a child, then it is categorically not advisable to leave him in the room alone, this can lead to even more serious consequences.

Some locks seem reliable in appearance, but in fact they can be opened in a few minutes using improvised means.

In order to open a Chinese or any other door if the lock core is jammed, you will need:

  • Keyhole inspection;
  • Selection of the necessary equipment;
  • Careful opening so as not to damage the integrity of the keyhole.

If the keyhole is round, then it is opened using a knitting needle, a large straightened paper clip, an awl or a toothpick. You need to insert a thin device into the opening, press and turn, and not a tool, but a handle. The door will become unlocked in just a couple of movements, and subsequently it can be closed again, since the lock will remain intact.

If the keyhole is flat, you will need to use scissors, a knife with a narrow blade, a nail file, a pen, and a teaspoon. The principle of operation is the same.

Determining how to open a door with a cylinder lock

A cylinder lock is installed mainly on a gate or entrance door, and that is why it must be as strong as possible, anti-burglary and not amenable to any improvised means of opening.

A lock with a cylinder secret differs from all other locking devices in that its crossbars are controlled by a small cylinder, in the center of which there is a keyhole

Cylinder lock open:

  • Difficult;
  • It is almost impossible for a non-specialist;
  • It will not work with a knife, with a pen, with a hairpin or using a wooden stick.

To purposefully break into such a tool, you will need a set of special tools, a specific screwdriver, as well as careful execution of each unlocking stage. It requires intelligent opening of such locks, or, to be more precise, high-quality manipulation of several objects at once. Using a specially made pin, the secretion is closed and rotated to the correct position.

Doors may slam shut due to a broken handle. How to open the room in this case? You will have to completely disassemble the handle, and a screwdriver, pen or nail file will do for this. You can use a knife. The screws are unscrewed, the mechanism is felt and turned. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the cause of this situation is the door hitting the wall, which automatically breaks the handle and blocks the lock.

Sometimes you need to know how to break down a door

Broken rack lock? It can be noted that you are simply incredibly lucky. Such locks are unique in that they are anti-vandal, since they are not afraid of rough influence, but if you use intelligent manipulations, you can open the door in a minimum amount of time. First you need to prepare the door opening mechanism without a key by lubricating the well with oil.

If your upstairs neighbors are flooding you, a fire has started in your apartment, or you urgently need to help an immobile patient, to do this you need to know how to pick locks

  1. A wedge key can be used.
  2. You can open the lock by pressing the door.

How to find a wedge key? It’s enough just to choose a real wooden peg, just the right size for the keyhole opening. It is best to choose soft wood. The peg is literally driven into the lock and pulled out.

There will be notches on the peg, like a real key, which means the wedge can be used like a regular standard unlocking key.

The rack-type lock is installed in such a way that the door can be opened by pressing hard. A crowbar should be inserted between the jambs and the door and at this moment a push-up is performed.

How to open an interior door without a key

It is unlikely that you can become a professional door burglar using improvised means, however, if you explore various options for opening keyholes in advance, you can significantly simplify your life if the door slams and you have to open it without a key and in emergency mode.

There are several simple ways to open an interior door without resorting to complete dismantling


  1. Interior doors without a key can be opened using a long ruler or a knife. To do this, take the selected object, push it into the slot above the place where the crossbar is located and move from side to side. The method is fast and hassle-free.
  2. Few people can believe it, but it is a plastic credit card that can become the very assistant in opening the door. The method is not very effective and may even be extreme, but it has a lot of positive reviews. To hack, you should swipe the card along the keyhole, but only if the tongue has a simple design. In complex keyholes, this option will not be appropriate.
  3. There are door locks that are installed in the handle and have a special button. It can be blocked by a strong jerk of the door, again, from hitting the wall when opening, or simply due to a malfunction of the mechanism. In order to open the lock, you will need to use a nail, knitting needle or hairpin. They are inserted into the hole in the keyhole, due to which the key is pushed out and the door is opened.

If all the methods described above are ineffective or not suitable, then there is another radical option. It consists of using a chisel, which is driven into the opening between the door and the door frame. It is driven in as deep as possible with a hammer and a number of attempts are made to press the lock tongue. In this case, you can damage the door, but you will be able to open the lock, but it will also have to be repaired later.

How to open a lock without a key (video)

Such knowledge can be especially useful for those who have small children at home, since there are no locking mechanisms that can be used for a long time, and in order to quickly open them, you sometimes need to resort to simple methods using improvised means.