R. Stevenson's ballad "Heather honey": history, heroes and analysis of the work. Foreign literature abbreviated. All works of the school curriculum in a summary Heather honey stevenson read the summary

Stevenson R., poem "Heath Honey"

Genre: ballad

Main characterspoems"Heather honey" and their characteristics

  1. Scottish king. Cruel, ruthless, arrogant, stupid.
  2. Old pict. Smart, cunning, fearless, persistent, courageous.
  3. Young Pict. Young, weak.
Retelling planpoems"Heath honey"
  1. heather drink
  2. Scottish king
  3. Destruction of the Picts
  4. No one to prepare a drink
  5. two picts
  6. King's Threats
  7. Elder's proposals
  8. Death of a young man
  9. Laughter of an old man
Shortest contentpoems"Heath honey" for a reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Little Picts knew how to make a wonderful drink from heather.
  2. But the Scottish king killed all the Picts.
  3. There was no one to prepare a wonderful drink and the king was sad
  4. Two Picts, an old man and a young man, were brought to him.
  5. The elder asked to kill the young man so that he would not be ashamed to reveal the secret.
  6. When the young man was killed, the elder said that he would never reveal the secret that the young man could.
the main ideapoems"Heath honey"
For the sake of your Motherland, do not regret anything.

What does it teachpoem"Heath honey"
The ballad teaches to love the Motherland, to be a patriot, to protect the secrets and secrets of one's Motherland. Teaches you to hate the enemy and always be ready to sacrifice your life.

Feedback onpoem"Heath honey"
I liked the ballad, but I didn't like the old Pict's act. What kind of drink is this, for which you can sacrifice your son? Pict did not want to give out an already unnecessary secret to anyone, and for this he killed his son. It might be great, but it's stupid.

Proverbs topoem"Heath honey"
Give life, but do not give out secrets.
There is no land more beautiful than our country.
In the battle for the Motherland, even death is red.
Be the son not only of your father, but also of your people.
Shame before the Motherland is worse than death.

Read summary, summarypoems"Heath honey"
Long forgotten is the heather drink, sweeter than honey. It was brewed by the little Picts, but the Scottish king came with fire and sword and took over the lands of the Picts. He ruthlessly killed the Picts, and now the heather blossomed again, but there was no one to prepare a magic drink.
The king was very worried that there was no one to prepare a wonderful drink. And his vassals found two surviving Picts, a hunched old man and a fifteen-year-old youth. They were brought to the king, and he began to threaten the Picts with terrible torture if they did not give out the secret of making heather honey.
The Picts were silent for a long time, but suddenly the old man said that he wanted to buy his life at the price of treason. But he asked the king to kill his son. After all, he is young and he is not afraid of death, and the old man was ashamed to betray a secret in his presence.
And the Scottish warrior did as the Pict said. He tied the young man and threw him off the cliff into the water. And then the old man laughed and said that he did not believe in the stamina of the young, who did not yet wear a beard. But death is really not terrible for him, and he will easily climb the fire. That is why they can torture him as much as they like, he still will not reveal the secret of preparing heather honey, he will not betray the sacred secret of his people.




(Russian translation - Vereskovy trunk1)

From heather honey

Pikti2 was cooked a long time ago

Drink, honey is sweeter,

Stronger than wine.

1 Heather - an evergreen low bush with very small and numerous leaves and lilac-pink flowers; drink - here: drink.

2 Picti are the oldest known peoples who inhabited Scotland (the first mention of them dates back to 297 AD).

Cooked and drank

That magical drink

And in the dark dungeons

The fates rejoiced.

And here is the owner of the Scottish -

His enemies were afraid! -

Went to the Pictiv Arms,

To destroy them to their feet.

He drove them like deer,

Over the heather hills

Rushed over the bodies from above,

He sowed both death and terror.

And summer has come again

Heather blushed again

And brew a honey drink

Nobody else could.

In the graves, like children's,

On every red mountain

lay under the red

Sleep forever brovari1.

rode the king of scots

By heather land;

Jinchali stubbornly bees,

Cranes chirped.

And the official was gloomy,

He thought to himself:

"Lord of the heather land -

Why don't I drink from heather? »

Suddenly vasal2 royal

Stumbled upon a strange storage:

1 Brovar is a beer maker.

2 Vassal - in medieval Europe, a feudal lord who received land plots and patronage from a powerful feudal lord, for which he performed a number of duties for him.

In a crevice between stones

I found two brovars.

They pulled out the poor picts

Instantly into the white world -

Old father and son

Boy of adolescence.

The king looked at the prisoners,

sitting in the saddle;

Silently looked at him

Those brewers are small.

The king ordered them to be put

On the cliff and said; -

Old, you honor your son and yourself,

Only reveal the secret of the drink.

Looked up and down

Old father and son:

Around - red heather,

The Scottish king heard:

Only two words, lord,

Let me tell you:

Old age appreciates life.

To live I will do anything

And I will reveal the secret of the drink, -

So he told the king.

Like a sparrow chirping

It was a call:

I would reveal a secret to you

I'm only afraid of my son.

Death doesn't scare him.

He does not value life.

I dare not sell the honor,

How the son looks into the eyes.

Tie him copper, I'm in control,

And throw into seething nurti1,

And I will reveal the secret

That he swore to protect the age.

And the guy was twisted tightly,

And a strong warrior shook

Small, like a child's body,

And sent to Buruni2.

The poor man's last cry

Swallowed by the evil waves.

And the father stood on the cliff -

The last pict on earth.

Vladar, I spoke the truth:

I expected trouble from my son,

I did not believe in the courage of the guy,

Who didn't have a beard yet.

Torture doesn't scare me.

Death doesn't scare me

And heather drink

Mystery dies with me!

Translation Yes. Krizhevich

A comment

Robert Louis Stevenson was always worried about the fate of his homeland - little Scotland, whose people composed numerous songs and legends about their heroic past. One of these ancient legends became the basis of the ballad "Heather Honey", which tells about the legendary people - Pictiv.

The Picts bravely fought against the invaders, sometimes they won, sometimes they lost great battles, they lost vast territories, but again and again they defended their native land. In the ninth century The Picts were finally conquered by the Scots (Scots), they mixed with representatives of other nationalities, lost their own language and ceased to exist as a separate people.

1 The team is the same as a whirlpool.

2 Breakers - bulk foamy waves.

Chronicles and legends portray the Picts as extremely brave and courageous warriors. The conquerors, amazed by their courage, never unraveled the mystery of why people of short stature have such a sense of disobedience and courage.

Stevenson used the legendary notion of pictiv and built the plot of his ballad around another secret of the pictiv - a method known only to them for making heather honey. This technique is very typical for folklore works, when the hero must reveal the secret and release the magical power. In Stevenson's ballad, the character traits of courageous picts, glorified by the poet, act as such magical power.

Ukrainian translation of the ballad, which was made by the poet Yes. Krizhevich, is somewhat different from the original. It is not called Heather Honey, but Heather Drink. The word "drink", used by the translator to designate a magical drink, has a common root with another word - "poison". Such a phrase in the title should lead the reader to the idea that the secret of making the drink "poisoned" the victory of the Scottish king, brought it to naught, because the moral victory was on the side of the last Pict.

The ballad describes the manifestation of heroism, honor and love for the fatherland by ordinary people who did not betray the secret of national skill to the hated invaders.

In a land where heather flourished and an excellent drink was brewed from it, and few knew the secret of its preparation, royal invaders came and killed almost all the inhabitants. Only an elderly father and son survived, who knew the secret of heather drink. The king expressed a desire to try this famous drink, but the father and son refused to disclose the recipe for its preparation. They chose death so as not to reveal secrets. The secret was not very important, but it was more important to take revenge on the enemies who plundered their native lands and killed their relatives. The father, for the sake of confidence that the secret will remain with him, sacrifices his own son. And then he takes the secret with him, without betraying it to his enemies.

The ballad, courageous, full of simple human dignity, glorifies the manifestation of love for the motherland, fortitude and readiness for self-sacrifice for the sake of love for the motherland.

Essay on literature on the topic: Summary Heather honey Stevenson

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Summary of Heather Honey Stevenson

heather honey

Heather drink
Forgotten long ago
And he was sweeter than honey
Drunker than wine

It was boiled in cauldrons
And the whole family drank
Little meads
In caves underground.

The king of scots has come
Ruthless towards enemies.
He drove the poor Picts
To the rocky shores.

On the heather field
On the battlefield
Lying alive on the dead
And dead on the living.

Summer has come in the country
Heather blooms again
But no one to cook
Heather honey.

In their cramped graves
In the mountains of my native land
Little meads
They found shelter.

The king rides down the slope
Over the sea on horseback
And the seagulls fly by
Equal to the road.

The king looks sullen
And thinks: "All around
Honey heather blooms
We don't drink honey."

But here are his vassals
Noticed two -
The last honey cooks

They came out from under the stone
Squinting at the white light, -
Old hunchbacked dwarf
And a boy of fifteen.

To the steep sea

They were brought in for interrogation.
But none of the prisoners
Didn't say a word.

Sat the king of scots
Not moving in the saddle
And the little people
They stood on the ground.

Angrily, the king said:
- The whip is waiting for both,
If you don't tell me, damn it
How do you prepare honey!

The son and father were silent,
Standing at the edge of a cliff.
The heather rustled above them,
Waves rolled into the sea.

Old age is afraid of death,
I'll buy life with change
I'll give you a secret,
The dwarf told the king.

The boy does not care about life
Death is nothing to him.
I sell my conscience
It will be conscientious with him.

Let him be bound tightly
And thrown into the abyss of water
And I will teach the Scots
Prepare old honey.

Strong Scottish Warrior
Boy tightly tied
And threw it into the open sea
From coastal cliffs.

The waves crashed over him
The last scream died.
And echoed him back
From the cliff, the old father:

I told the truth, Scots,
I expected trouble from my son,
I did not believe in the resilience of the young,
Not shaving beards.

And I'm not afraid of a fire,
Let me die with me
My holy secret
My heather honey.

Answer from Liudmila Sharukhia[guru]
The ballad tells of the extermination by the king of the "little people" (dwarfish folk), who previously inhabited these lands - Stevenson also calls them "Picts". The last two representatives of this people, father and son, were taken to the king to discover the secret of making a sweet intoxicating drink from, and they are threatened with torture and death at the stake. The old father agrees to give the secret. However, he is ashamed to do this in front of his son. Therefore, he asks first to drown the young man in the sea. When the king agrees and the young man is thrown into the waves, the old man says that he is not afraid of the fire, but he doubted his son’s stamina, but he still won’t give out secrets, and she will die with him.

Answer from Yotepan Solovyova[newbie]
Yeah I agree

Answer from Katya Smirnova[active]

Answer from Albina Zay[newbie]
The bottom line is that the father and son prepared this honey, but no one else knew the recipe. When they came to them, led to a cliff and began to demand that they reveal their secret, the father said, they say, if you throw off my son, then I will reveal the secret to you. The son was thrown off, after which the father said that he simply did not believe in the resilience of youth, and now the secret would die with him.

Answer from Anya Lapshina[newbie]
Lord, there is nothing to read there

Answer from Galina Soldatova[newbie]

Answer from Ўlenka[active]
The ballad tells of the extermination by the king of Scotland of the "little people" (English dwarfish folk), who previously inhabited these lands - Stevenson also calls them "Picts". The last two representatives of this people, father and son, were brought to the king to discover the secret of making a sweet intoxicating drink from heather, and they are threatened with torture and death at the stake. The old father agrees to give the secret. However, he is ashamed to do this in front of his son. Therefore, he asks first to drown the young man in the sea. When the king agrees and the young man is thrown into the waves, the old man says that he is not afraid of the fire, but he doubted his son’s stamina, but he still won’t give out secrets, and she will die with him.