Barbecue of small sizes in brick gazebos. A gazebo with a stove, barbecue or barbecue: how to choose the right project, examples in photos and videos. Barbecue prices

Pavilions with a brick barbecue are widely used in cooking on fire and coals in summer cottages and household plots.

Now there is a huge variety of options how to make a brick brazier in a gazebo, their designs range from simple rectangular braziers to graceful and unique design work.

Advantages and disadvantages

What are the advantages of building a brazier in a brick gazebo with your own hands? The main advantage of this building is cooking in any weather- protection from the sun, rain, snow and wind, as well as comfort - it is comfortably located in it dining area with lighting.

Installed mosquito nets will serve as additional protection against insects. Of the shortcomings, only increased requirements to fire safety and the impossibility of changing the location, so the choice of a place for construction must be taken seriously.

Choosing a gazebo project with barbecue

When the place for the barbecue is determined, we proceed to the foundation. A concrete slab on a sand cushion is required only at the location of the furnace, under its entire area. It is advisable to install the gazebo itself on aligned logs. Next, you need to decide on the project of the furnace, it is desirable to execute its drawing.

In the gazebo, has only base, plinth and brazier, here, if desired, you can make ledges for the barbecue grill. More complex options are stoves with decorative arches, concrete slabs for the work surface, as well as sink And niches for storing firewood.

The advantage of making a niche for firewood in the brazier is that it warms up, as a result of which the firewood completely gets rid of moisture, it is easy to melt them.

Material selection

After selecting a project, we determine the type of material. Brick should be used fireclay(furnace), as it is resistant to high temperatures. Clay with sand is well suited as a coupling material for masonry. Required tool.

Before you start building a brazier in a brick gazebo, we make a list of the necessary tools with our own hands, it is important that it is next to you throughout the entire construction process.

  • Shovel useful for digging a place for the foundation, as well as backfilling a sand cushion.
  • Master OK will serve to apply and level the mortar during masonry.
  • Roulette will not let you make a mistake in size.
  • Bubble level and plumb line will help to make the oven perfectly level.
  • Wood paneling will make masonry seams of the same shape.
  • Buckets. A tool for delivering mortar to the construction site.
  • Trough perfect for mixing mortar. It's a budget alternative. concrete mixer.

Foundation preparation, wall and roof construction

The foundation for the furnace is made as follows: a hole of the appropriate size is dug, crushed stone is poured onto its bottom. Next, prepare the mixture in proportion 1:3 from cement and sand.

This mixture is poured into the pit in layers, between each layer is placed reinforcing mesh preventing destruction of the foundation. It is important to ensure that the first row of the grid does not lie at the bottom of the pit, but right into the solution.

When the pit is completely filled, put ruberoid. For complete drying of the foundation, it is necessary 2 weeks. If the weather is hot, it is sprinkled with water.

Proceed to bricklaying only after the foundation completely dry. The preparation of a clay mortar for masonry occurs by soaking the clay for a week.

It is periodically stirred and water is added if necessary. The last step in the preparation of the solution is the addition of sand.

Sand add in small portions to a thick consistency. The density level is checked by placing a wooden stick in it. The solution should cover the stick with a thin layer and drain evenly. Upon receipt of such a density, the solution is considered ready.

The foundation for the gazebo itself is done as follows: 4 holes, poured with concrete to one level, after the bases dry out, from above roofing material is laid and logs are installed. The area inside the log is laid out with stones or paving stones according to the level.

Under the selected material is desirable put a film, this will prevent the grass from sprouting in the joints. Supports are made as follows: pits are dug, racks are placed, poured with mortar. Next, the upper logs are laid, rafters are installed on them, all this is fastened together anchor bolts.

Between the rafters crate is laid on which the roofing material is laid. The walls are being made optional, there are variants in which they are absent. But if it is decided to build, then boards are nailed vertically, horizontally or diagonally to the racks.

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How to make a brick barbecue in the gazebo

Later two weeks after pouring the foundation, we proceed to laying bricks.

Attention! Place the brick in water for a few minutes the day before construction starts. This trick promotes better traction and also prevents the clay from dehydrating.

Before starting work on the foundation draw the contours the location of the furnace - this will serve as a cheat sheet. Construction starts from the basement. The first row is laid from the corners to the center along pre-drawn lines. Subsequent rows are placed with a shift of half a brick first in one direction and then in the other direction.

Reinforcing mesh is placed every 3 rows to prevent decay and cracking. When laying the mesh, the product is checked using level and plumb to prevent distortion of the structure. After the construction of the basement is completed, the laying of the firebox begins. The brazier is made of both brick and in advance cast concrete base.

Depending on the selected firebox, the following actions are performed: in the arched version, a circle is used. A gap is left between the bricks with the help of chips 1 centimeter wide. Next, the empty space is filled with mortar, and the whole structure dries up. 2 days.

CAREFULLY take the circle. A reinforced concrete beam or a reinforced corner is located on top of the firebox. It should also 1 brick row.

Small gaps left during masonry contribute to better combustion due to the penetration of more oxygen. If it is decided to make a place for a barbecue, then for the lattice are made ledges, and reinforcement is inserted into the layers.

It is desirable to do at different levels for more convenient use. The final stage is the chimney and wind walls. If desired, a pipe can be inserted into the chimney. To prevent the ingress of precipitation on the top of the chimney is installed metal visor.

How to arrange a brick barbecue in the gazebo

The position of the barbecue in the gazebo depends on its design. With the pipe version, there are two options for the location of the furnace: in the middle of the gazebo or from one of the edges. When the brazier is located in the middle of the gazebo, it is positive access to barbecue from either side. It becomes possible to install a bench on the back of the barbecue, on which it will be comfortable to be due to the heating of the wall.

The side mounting situation is more common. Thanks to this scheme, more free space, which is used at will. When choosing designs with a work area, smokehouse, oven and stove, the central location option will not work. For a stove without a chimney, the central location option is also not suitable due to the fact that smoke will pass through the entire building, and the risk of fire also increases.

The ideal option for the location of the barbecue in the center of the gazebo is a small, with chimney and double-sided firebox. In this version, it is possible to approach the brazier from both sides, which makes it more convenient and comfortable. Another advantage of such an oven is that it is completely protected from rain, snow and also requires less financial and labor costs.

The correct location of the gazebo on the site

Choosing a place for a gazebo. The ideal location is walking distance accessibility to the house and bath. First visually estimate the location. Being in the place where it was decided to place the building, it is advisable to examine the surrounding view, since the gazebo is not only a place for cooking, but also relaxation and a place for spending evenings.

Also the place must be level if there is no such place on the site, then we level the site. We lay out the path to this place from decorative stones or paving stones, and install decorative lanterns along the path.

Fire safety measures during operation

However, the issue of location should be carefully considered not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for the sake of fire safety.

Such gazebos are categorically it is forbidden to place near trees and wooden structures. The place of contact of the pipe with the roof of the roof must be fenced off asbestos sheet or thread, and cover all wooden elements with protective heat-resistant impregnation.

The floor is not allowed to be made of wood. It may get sparks. The ideal option would be a stone floor throughout the area.

It is advisable to make sure that a serviceable fire extinguisher is present, and there is a tap with water nearby.

The construction of turnkey gazebos is a multi-stage process that requires experience, skill and relevant skills. Delisa's team of experienced specialists has everything necessary to implement almost any design project of our customer, making his dreams come true.

Construction begins with the development of an individual project, which includes the development of drawings with sections for the gazebo (foundation, walls, truss structure), 3D visualization in color.

Being engaged in the design and construction of arbors for more than 10 years, our specialists during this time were able to gain experience, as well as decide on the most practical, functional projects of arbors.

Types of gazebos
Our portfolio of projects is diverse:
* Winter closed gazebos.
* Open summer barbecue pavilions
* A compromise solution between these two types is the option with frameless glazing. Thanks to the glass parking mechanism, the gazebo can be open or closed at your discretion.



With frameless glazing

Turnkey cost.
The final cost is formed from several factors:
* The size of the gazebo;
* List of materials used in the construction: wood, brick, metal;
* Type of materials used in decoration.

Furnace elements for the complex in the gazebo
* Brazier with barbecue;
* Oven for a cauldron;
* Russian stove;
* Fireplace;
* Smokehouse;
* Tandoor;
* Countertop with sink.

Materials and accessories
Another important stage in the implementation of the project is the selection of materials and accessories from which the gazebo will be made. The practicality of the finished object, as well as its interior and exterior, depend on them. Brick, wood, metal, natural or artificial stone can be used as the main material.

Terms of construction of arbors
The timing of the design task depends on the area of ​​the project, as well as the complexity of the architectural elements used in the work. Usually this period is from 10 working days.
The construction period of the project also depends on the size and features of its design, in practice from 30 days.

After the construction of the house, it is necessary to equip the surrounding area. It should match in style and attract with open arms for relaxation. For this to be true, additional buildings will be required that will allow the whole family to have a good time in any weather. One of these buildings is the gazebo. For its construction, there is a wide selection of all kinds of materials, but the article will offer brick projects that have a barbecue. Why brick? This is definitely worth knowing!

The advantage of a gazebo made of bricks

It is important to say that using wood for a pergola is a common option that requires less effort in construction. But a brick gazebo has its undeniable advantages, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • high strength;
  • long service life;
  • solid appearance;
  • the possibility of additional lining;
  • wide choice of roofing material;
  • resistance to fire;
  • chemical neutrality;
  • biological stability;
  • possibility of use at any time of the year.

A brick gazebo is much stronger than a similar one made of wood. The brick structure has great stability during strong winds. Such a canopy made of brick will last several times longer than a wooden one. Facing brick always looks beautiful and is easy to combine with various building materials. If desired, the walls can be fragmentarily trimmed with natural stone or some kind of tile. Not every roofing material is in harmony with wooden gazebos. If we talk about bricks, then things are a little different here. You can choose any roofing material. This list also includes ceramic tiles, which have a significant weight.

If you have a barbecue in a brick gazebo, you don’t have to worry about the fact that some of its parts will ignite. Brick is a non-combustible material, so an open fire may also be present in the gazebo. Masonry perfectly tolerates moisture and does not require periodic updating of the paintwork. In addition, the blocks are resistant to chemicals and various kinds of bacteria. If you provide for the possibility of removable or opening glazing in the gazebo, then you can use it in any weather and at any time of the year.

There are some disadvantages, which are not so many:

  • high price;
  • the need for a good foundation;
  • more time and effort to build.

But if the goal is set, then such disadvantages will not become special obstacles for the implementation of the project.

Finished projects

In the photo above you can see one of the completed brick gazebo projects. A feature of this variant of a brick canopy is the octagonal shape. In such a brick gazebo it will be convenient to place a table and it will be easy to maintain eye contact with each of those sitting at it. Benches can be made stationary or removable, it all depends on the preference of the user. As a roofing for a canopy made of bricks, a metal tile was chosen, which perfectly copes with the functions assigned to it. You can see that the barbecue is placed on the site next to the gazebo. This was done to reduce the size of the building itself.

In the photo there is another gazebo made of octagonal bricks. It can be seen that the wooden pillars on which the roofing system rests are lined with bricks. This approach is quite common. The brick canopy has large dimensions, so several families can easily fit under it. As you can see, the barbecue area is under the roof. This approach is very convenient, because when cooking, you do not have to get wet in the rain. Another feature is the use of a soft roof, which perfectly completes the entire brick structure. The process of building this brick structure is shown in the video below.

The next project is a brick gazebo, a full-fledged recreation area. To build such a gazebo is somewhat easier in terms of shape, but it will require more building material. It is noteworthy that next to the barbecue there is a full-fledged kitchen worktop, on which you can cook and serve a variety of dishes. An extractor hood leaves it, which draws out all the smoke. Next to the sofa is a fireplace, which will come in handy on a cool evening.

In the photo above, a brick project that stands out for its minimalism. This gazebo is designed for a small family. To build it is quite simple with your own hands. In the center is a bar counter, behind which hides a barbecue. Separately, there is a fireplace that will warm you in cold weather. In case of hot weather, a fan-air conditioner is provided. The floor is a pre-mounted slab. The whole structure rests on posts that are recessed into the ground and trimmed with stone.

Here is an example of a closed gazebo. As you can see, the passages are equipped with double-glazed doors. They provide sufficient thermal insulation to make it comfortable to be there. If you build an additional fireplace inside, then it can quickly heat up a brick room. The roof has a dormer window, which increases the degree of natural light, and also contributes to ease of ventilation.

Preparing your own project

Having become acquainted with the ready-made projects of brick awnings, you can develop your own, which will take into account all the nuances. You should start with a simple drawing with the designation of the main parameters.

Location selection

There are no strict restrictions on the choice of a place for a brick gazebo. It is important to remove it from all outbuildings and street toilets, if any. They will spoil the sensations when eating and communicating. If possible, it is better to place the building in such a way that it offers a view of the reservoir or valley. So eating will be combined with pleasant visual sensations.


Due to the large weight of the brick construction of the gazebo, you will have to take care of a high-quality foundation. For such a gazebo, it can be slab or tape. It is better to use the second option, because the first one will require more material for construction. In addition, if it is subjected to uneven pressure from the gazebo, then it may simply burst. The area is marked at the selected location. During the first pass, you can roughly mark the boundaries. After that, the turf layer is removed.

When the area under the gazebo has acquired a more specific shape, you can move on to precise markings. To do this, a wooden peg is hammered into each corner. A rope is pulled between them and the diagonals are checked to make sure each angle is accurate. If an octagonal gazebo is chosen, then the markup will be somewhat more complicated. The first step is to draw a circle. Its diameter will be equal to the width of the gazebo. The circle can be drawn using two pieces of reinforcement, between which the rope will be stretched freely. After that, inside the circle, it is necessary to place two ropes perpendicular to each other. From the formed points, it is necessary to set aside additional ones at the same distance to make an octagon.

Next, a trench is dug 50 cm deep. Its width should be 15 more than the wall of the future structure, if it is present. The walls of the trench under the gazebo are leveled, and sand is added to the bottom. It is well rammed and leveled. After that, the formwork for the foundation for the gazebo is installed. The foundation should rise slightly above ground level. A metal crate is laid inside the formwork and a concrete solution is poured. It is well rammed with a vibrator or a piece of reinforcement. The base will gain strength over several weeks.

General design

The general design of the gazebo can be represented by several columns or walls with window openings, as shown in the photographs above. If these are brick columns, then you need to make a base for them. In its role can be a metal pipe with a diameter of 2 inches. It is necessary to determine in advance where the posts will be located and brick the metal pipes into the foundation, which will provide the gazebo construction with additional strength and stability. Subsequently, the metal columns of the gazebo are lined with bricks. If you plan to have small walls in the gazebo, then it will be mandatory to lay a metal grate in the seams to increase strength.

After the wall and columns are ready, you can proceed to the manufacture of the barbecue. This must be done before the roof is installed. This approach is connected with the fact that in such a sequence it will be easier to bring the chimney through the roof. The design of the barbecue for the gazebo is selected according to individual preferences.


It was said above that absolutely anyone can choose the roofing material for a gazebo with a brick barbecue. Each solution will require its own crate. For example, for soft tiles, it should be solid. The first step is to install the top harness. If the gazebo is square or rectangular, then standard triangular trusses are assembled. When it comes to an octagonal brick gazebo, then you need to correctly calculate everything before installing the rafter legs. Each of them should be based on a separate column. In this case, the ends should be cut at such an angle that they all converge in the middle.

Advice! The roof of a brick gazebo can be made in the Chinese style, which will make it look great.


A brick gazebo with a barbecue can be built with your own hands. For this, it is not necessary to have unique abilities. It is important to know how to use the measuring tool correctly. Some difficulties may arise when installing the roof, so it is better to first consult with an experienced craftsman who has already installed the roof on gazebos of this type.

The owner of the land, together with the construction of the house, will definitely plan a recreation area. A wood-fired sauna, a gazebo and a barbecue area - everything should be there. For a comfortable stay, you can combine some objects. How to build all these building objects on your land in this article.

You can combine not only objects according to their purpose, but also according to materials and types of construction. Projects of gazebos can be developed independently or found on the Internet. You will also need diagrams that indicate the correct order.

  1. A gazebo canopy is the easiest option. It can be done without a special foundation, just on the ground. Brick or wooden poles, polycarbonate roof. It will perfectly cover from rain or hot sun.
  2. Brick will be the best option. This capital structure, with a light foundation, will serve for a long time. The option with closed windows will allow you to enjoy grilled meat all year round.
  3. Brick barbecues can be arranged in an elegant gazebo with wrought iron elements, but on a brick base. Forged openwork is also used to create a kitchen and recreation area.
  4. A gazebo made of wood is a real teremok on the site. To combine with the barbecue, it will require additional refractory treatment.
  5. A brick brazier in the gazebo is additionally equipped with a smokehouse, a cauldron oven, a skewer and a hob. The result is a fully equipped kitchen in nature.

Everything must be applied to the drawing and follow all the diagrams.

After we have decided on the project, we choose a place on the site. It shouldn't be far from home.

From the open gazebo there should be a pleasant view. If you can arrange a pond and a garden nearby, this will be the best option. A playground should also be nearby - the baby will constantly run to the gazebo, you always want to eat in the fresh air.

Location of the kitchen and dining area

Alternatively, these two objects can be placed in different gazebos. But cooking on an open fire is in itself a pleasant sight and it is very interesting to see what happens on the grill. And the one who cooks, often the participant of the event must be with the company.

A large barbecue area can be separated from the dining table by a kitchen island or a bar counter. The gazebo should be large, at least 20 m².

For small gazebos, it is not necessary to separate the brick barbecue, the table is nearby. Or a small area with a brick barbecue with sofas for relaxing.

We start construction

According to the project, there should be a calculation of all materials. For the entire construction, additional tools will be required, perhaps most of them are already there, and building materials will have to be purchased only for barbecues and grills.

  • Brick will need 2 types: standard red and fireclay (refractory) for the furnace.
  • Clay, sand, building mixes. For laying the fireplace itself, special refractory mixtures will be required. Concrete for laying the foundation.
  • Grids, doors for firebox and ashpit
  • Corners, steel sheet, fittings
  • Cooking stove, metal rods for the smokehouse, hooks.
  • Metal and reinforcing meshes.

We fill the foundation

Pavilions with barbecue made of bricks are two different construction projects. Each has its own foundation and walls. It is not recommended to combine the back wall of the fireplace and the wall of the gazebo. A strong and stable foundation will allow you to build a brazier for centuries. The greater the number of rows, the more solid the foundation should be. Each row of bricks must withstand a concrete screed of at least 15 cm.

The pit breaks out. Its volume should exceed the base of the brazier by 90-100 mm in width.
Formwork can be made from any auxiliary material - boards, thick cardboard. Crushed stone, fittings are laid inside.

A gazebo in the country is not just a bench for eating barbecue. This is a perfect place for a cozy pastime.

Everything is poured with concrete mixture and left to solidify. For waterproofing, roofing material or special mixtures are used.

Mortars for masonry

Standard solution for building a brazier 1: 3 clay / sand. The consistency of the solution itself resembles thick sour cream. To work with refractory bricks, fireclay is added instead of ordinary clay.

For the gazebo, a solution on cement is suitable, in the same ratio. But clay has been replaced by cement.
The mortar must be used quickly, otherwise the water will be firmly bonded to the cement and the adhesion to the brick will not be strong.

Brick brazier

The order is carefully studied. It is impossible to break the scheme, this will lead to irreversible consequences. Starting from the first row of masonry, we must use plumb lines or levels. Any violation of horizontality will lead to a violation and the fireplace will smoke or not flare up at all.

Every 2 rows a reinforced mesh is laid. Exactly according to the scheme, the overlap is done. Ordering takes into account all these points, the main thing is not to miss the change of rows.

In the construction of the barbecue, two types of bricks are used.

  • External masonry is made of hollow or red brick - where there is no strong heat
  • Internal from chamotte.

All parts that come into contact with fire must be made of refractory materials. Such a brick expands more when heated. This must be taken into account when laying - the width of the seams should be larger.

For a capital furnace, laying out a pipe from. You can buy ready-made metal. Or as an option - overlay a metal or asbestos pipe with a brick.

If the pipe is not provided, then it is necessary to make a hood. No one wants to be in the gazebo, which is full of burning and smoke. A brick barbecue for an arbor is necessarily supplied with an exhaust probe, with good traction.

Construction of a gazebo

After the foundation for the barbecue is built, the foundation is poured under the gazebo. You can choose any foundation: tape, pile or combined version.

It is impossible to combine the foundation for the gazebo and the barbecue. For stoves, it is always separate, a gazebo or house can warp over time, and a separate barbecue with a small foundation will remain unchanged.

Walls are laid out, places for windows and doors are taken into account, if provided for by the scheme. Be sure to use the level. A deviation of 0.5 mm is allowed no more.
The final stage of construction will be the construction of the roof. From a profiled sheet or metal tiles, any option will be successful. It is necessary to provide a place for the pipe and bring it above the roof.

Resting place decoration

Often the brazier is immediately covered with bricks. To do this, you need to cut the bricks and lay them beautifully. You can use facing bricks, both for the barbecue, and completely for the gazebo.

  • Neat birch logs look beautiful in the grill. To do this, when developing a scheme, this must be taken into account. Did not work out? Order a wrought iron woodpile separately.
  • You can also order a beautiful barbecue grill and barbecue service devices.
  • Decorate all surfaces with tiles, including the table of the dining area
  • Benches made of solid wood "antique"

There are many options for decorating a gazebo made of bricks with a barbecue. Most importantly, it must fulfill its functions:

  1. Feed tasty guests
  2. Create a pleasant relaxing atmosphere
  3. Be a safe place.

The brazier in a brick gazebo will become the pride of the owner, and the one made will give a lot of impressions from the construction of this object on your own site.

Having conceived the construction of such a structure, you should immediately take care of the plan, which must be drawn up in full accordance with the size of the future structure and its geometry. This will help you accurately budget for all the necessary materials.

As an example, we offer step-by-step instructions for building a gazebo with a barbecue in various ways. This will help in organizing your own construction and set the right direction for the entire event.

DIY wooden gazebo with barbecue

And first we will consider an example when the gazebo is made of lumber, and the brazier is made of bricks. Immediately important advice: look for a 6-meter beam and a board. This way there will be much less waste.

The first point of building a gazebo made of wood with a barbecue with your own hands is the choice of a building site and its configuration. We take into account several important points:

  • Entrance to the house and the entrance to the gazebo should look at each other (it’s more convenient to set the table).
  • We reckon with the rules fire safety. There will be a brazier with an open fire in the gazebo, you should not build it very close to the house.

Having decided on the place, with the help of building sand we outline circuit foundations of the building. Our drawings of a gazebo with barbecue suggest that the gazebo will be octagonal, and the base under it will be in the shape of a circle. You can “draw” a circle using a pipe fixed in the ground and a rope tied to it.

In our case, the fertile soil layer was only about 20 cm thick. It was followed by excellent clay soil. The building is relatively small, so concrete columns were chosen as the base. It is better to choose the land under them and replace it with a sand and gravel mixture. This way you can adjust the height.

material for bottom strapping serves as a bar with a section of 100x100 mm. In order not to make a mistake with the cutting angles, use a cardboard template. For the device of transverse beams, it is better to use a board 50x100. To give the strapping reliability, it can be fastened with metal corners inside and out. Galvanized 105x105x90x2 mm at 135 and 90 degrees are perfect. Do not forget about the waterproofing layer of roofing material between the base posts and the strapping.

Do-it-yourself gazebos with barbecue step by step photos

Floor in the gazebo is made of edged boards 50x100. We immediately cut the right amount of material to size. On the front side, it is better to plan the board with a planer, and from the inside - treat it with an antiseptic (preferably in several layers). We fix the floor with a screw and be sure to check the bottom trim again with a level.

Top harness it is more convenient to build below. So it will be more convenient to adjust the locks and the lengths of the rafters. We use the same edged board 50x100 as the material for the rafters and the upper strapping.

In our case, a do-it-yourself wooden gazebo with barbecue has octagonal roof. Therefore, the lock of the rafters will also be octagonal. We carry it out from a bar 100x100. Pay attention to the placement of supports under the timber. To install them, the octahedron had to be enlarged with boards 1.5 cm thick.

Arbors with barbecue with their own hands. Photo

Let's move on to production rafters. We carry out a triangular cut at the lower attachment point. We will use it as the bottom lock.

Like the upper bundle, we also assemble the truss structure at the bottom. It will be easier to correct minor flaws.

Our drawings of a gazebo with a barbecue provide for the installation of ten support pillars. We make them from a bar 100x100. To make it more convenient to carry out their installation, we saw off the ends exactly at an angle of 90 degrees. We fasten the posts to the base of the gazebo with the help of corners 105x105x90x2 mm made of galvanized steel. Checking the design with a level. In our case, the installation of slopes was not needed.

A gazebo with a barbecue with your own hands. Photo instruction

Now we are installing the truss system and the upper harness. For fastening we need:

Roof made of an inch board with a width of 100 and 150 mm. We lay it close; start from the bottom and go in a circle to the top point of the structure. For ease of marking, we use a cardboard template. It makes it easier to mark the cut line. We fasten each board with two self-tapping screws on each side. So the roof does not deform over time.

Let's not forget about brick brazier with their own hands, which will be in the gazebo. We dig a hole under the foundation of the barbecue with a depth of 40 cm.

formwork can be made from boards from transport pallets.

We cover the formwork ruberoid. The most convenient way to do this is with a construction stapler.

We put reinforcement (rods 10 mm class A3) and reinforcing mesh (d = 4, 100x100 mm) into the pit under the foundation. We fill the foundation with a mixture of cement and building sand in a ratio of 1 to 3. Cement grade M 250 is ideal. In our case, it took 5 bags.

After that, you can sew up the gazebo around the perimeter log simulator 45x146 mm. This will not only make the building more attractive, but also add rigidity to the frame.

window sills We carry out from the board 50x100 mm. To fix them, we use corners 50x50x40x2 mm. This part of the design is optional, but it will make the gazebo more comfortable for guests.

Foundations benches we make from a bar 50x50. We fasten them at an angle to the walls using corners 50x50x40x2 mm. This is the most durable and ergonomic design option.

The material for the manufacture of the upper part of the benches is a grooved board 28x121 mm. To increase strength, all benches are connected from the ends with plates 80x40x2 mm.

To visually divide the gazebo into two functional zones, we decorate the barbecue side wooden lattice. A beam of 15x20 mm is well suited for its manufacture.

Wooden gazebo with a barbecue with their own hands. Photo

On this work on the gazebo comes to an end and you can proceed to the construction barbecue made of bricks with your own hands.

The simpler the design, the easier it is to install it without errors. Therefore, it is better to use simple brick barbecue drawings without frills. For the construction you will need:

For proper and accurate masonry, a number of conditions must be met. First, the solution should not be too thick. After installation, the brick should be easily adjusted by hand. Secondly, the ideal seam is 3 mm thick. This must be achieved in order for the structure to be as strong as possible. Be sure to observe the same thickness of the seam throughout the structure. Third, don't rush. Laying is carried out strictly according to the level. On this, the step-by-step instructions for building a barbecue grill made of bricks in a wooden gazebo can be completed. The whole sequence of masonry can be clearly seen in the photographs.

Brazier made of bricks in the gazebo. Photo

It remains only to cover the roof shingles(in the example, Shinglas red tiles were used) with the help of nails and a construction stapler, and treat the gazebo with an antiseptic and varnish. We apply antiseptic in two layers. A glossy yacht varnish is well suited as a varnish.

Brick gazebo with barbecue and barbecue

For those who are more of a bricklayer than a carpenter at heart, we offer step-by-step instructions for building a gazebo with a brick barbecue. Let's skip the stages of finding a place and marking for a structure. All this has been described above. Let's get straight to the point.

Construction of a brick gazebo with barbecue. Step by step instructions

The brick structure will weigh quite a lot, so this time foundation must be made solid and reinforced. After it is ready, we carry out the laying of the walls.

The rafter system can be made in the same way as for a wooden gazebo.

The first row is better to lay out on a dry one.

We are building firewood. It will also be the basis for the barbecue and smokehouse.

We continue to lay out a brick barbecue with our own hands. Next in line is the firebox and countertop. Optionally, you can arrange a niche for dishes.

A gazebo with a barbecue with your own hands. Step by step photos

For the cauldron, we need to install stove. The version with removable rings is shown below.

The base of the barbecue is ready. It's time to lay out the countertop fireclay bricks.

In masonry, we must use refractory mixture.

The next stage in the construction of a gazebo with a brick barbecue with your own hands is the organization chimney and forming a channel for the smokehouse.

In our gazebo there will be Russian oven. We form for her under.

Each row must be reinforced wire.

We lay the walls at the same time. We check the accuracy of the work with the help of a level.

Finishing the stove vault.

In our case, the rear wall of the oven had to be pulled out.

The work will take quite a lot of time, but progress will warm the soul.

We continue to build a brick barbecue with our own hands. We install the doors smokehouses. We finish the arches above the barbecue, hob and stove.

The stitching can always be entrusted to an assistant.

Above the stove can be installed stainless steel mesh. In the future, it will be good to dry berries and mushrooms or dishes on it.

How to sew up the roof, we have already told above.

Gazebo with barbecue and barbecue with their own hands. Photo

This concludes the step-by-step instructions for building a brick barbecue. The pavilion-barbecue complex is ready for delivery.

We bring water to the sink at the back of the gazebo. It can be closed for the winter.

pipe make it three-channel. So the traction will be more stable.

Do not forget to cover the entire masonry with a special impregnation with water-repellent effect.

It will take about a week to dry the structure. On this, the construction of a gazebo with a barbecue made of bricks with their own hands is completed.

Homemade brick brazier. Step by step instructions

Mangal with his own hands. Blueprints

We begin the construction of a brick structure with a strong device foundation. We select the size in accordance with the size of the future barbecue.

We dig a pit at the chosen place. We arrange formwork along its edges (it can be made, for example, from boards from pallets). We pour concrete and reinforce the base. It will take 1-2 weeks for complete curing.

Base ready and you can start building the barbecue.

Drawing up drawings and plans is a useful thing. They will help you make an accurate estimate. Here is a sample list of required materials:

  • Refractory brick;
  • Wire for masonry reinforcement;
  • Sand and cement;
  • Corners made of galvanized metal;
  • Mesh or reinforcing bars;
  • Lime.

Do-it-yourself brick brazier. Photo

For preliminary calculations, lay out the bricks as they should lie in the structure. Now it is clear where the masonry seams will be and how many halves and quarters of the brick will be needed.

The material absorbs moisture very well. Therefore, it is better to put under a brick waterproofing material. A couple of layers of roofing material is fine.

It's time to start building the brazier.

Cooking solution. To do this, mix cement, sand and slaked lime in a ratio of 1: 3: 0.25. We will lay out the prepared brick ahead of time on the resulting mixture.

Laying will require accuracy, attention and patience. We follow the seams, we level the bricks according to the level.

The technology of work requires laying rows in checkerboard pattern. We focus on the first row, start laying from the corner, gradually filling the side space.

The brazier will be exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, it is better to lay the second row with the help of a clay-chamotte mixture.

To make the base for the brazier, you need to install the rods fittings between opposite walls. The base of the firebox is installed on them. For example, it can be a metal pallet.

The combustion process requires a constant supply of oxygen. To do this, it is necessary to leave several gaps without mortar in the laying of the firebox.

It remains to install the grate on the rods or ledges (depending on the masonry of the brazier) and select the countertop.

Brick barbecue in the country

Brick barbecue - ideal for a summer cottage. This is a simple, comfortable and reliable design that looks quite presentable.

We offer a detailed guide that will help even a person inexperienced in construction to build such a building as soon as possible.

The first stage of work is the preparation detailed plan. We will give only an approximate scheme of the structure. You must take into account the features of your own stove, its appearance, decor elements, and so on.

Ordering a brazier made of bricks. Photo

Do not forget about the niche for firewood and coal. We calculate a place for the grill at a height of 65-70 cm from the ground. The stove should be placed 10 cm lower.

Bricklaying for barbecue. Photo

After working with a pencil and a ruler, you can proceed to the practical part. As in the previous instructions, we start with foundation.

Under the barbecue, the same foundation is suitable as under the barbecue. This is a monolithic reinforced base. We dig a pit for him about half a meter deep. We cover the bottom with a layer of a mixture of gravel and crushed stone, water and ram.

We carry out the installation of reinforcement, form the frame. All that's left to do is formwork. Now you can move on to pouring the base with concrete.

The foundation will take up to two weeks to dry completely. A little patience and you can move on to building a brick barbecue.

Chamotte brick - ideal for masonry ovens. It won't hit your pocket too hard, but it's strong enough and can withstand high temperatures. We prepare cement, building sand, and red clay in advance. They are necessary to create a solution. Fill the clay with water ahead of time and hold it for several days.

Having prepared the solution, you can proceed to the masonry. We work slowly, according to the plan, lay out row after row. We constantly control the masonry with the help of a level.

Lay out first pedestal barbecue ovens. It should not be too high (up to 70 cm).

Lay out the second row, shifting the beginning of the tier by half a brick.

Having reached the furnace, keep in mind that its depth must be at least three bricks, and its length must be at least six. We use fireclay bricks. We install reinforcement bars on the ceilings.

The next step is building chimney. If the scheme is drawn up correctly, then there will be no problems. When laying the rows, do not forget to make a "chimney tooth" on the back wall of the stove. It will significantly improve the draft in the pipe.

It remains only to add decorative elements and clean the masonry from mortar splashes and other construction debris. You can decorate a barbecue with paint applied to a brick. This will visually highlight the seams of the structure. In general, the design has already been completed and can be used for its intended purpose.

Do-it-yourself barbecue from a barrel

If there is not much space on the site to arrange a gazebo with a barbecue, you can always make a barbecue from a barrel with your own hands. For this we need:

  • Metal barrel (preferably food);
  • Paintwork materials (primer, paint);
  • Brackets and loops for fastenings;
  • Chimney pipe.

We will install the barbecue on a special structure. To make it, we need pipes of small diameter (up to 50 mm) and boards. In the process, you will need the following tools:

  • Drill with a set of drills;
  • Angle grinder;
  • Measuring tape measure;
  • Set of wrenches;
  • Fastening elements (clamps, bolts).

The preparation process is completed and you can start production. We cut in the side of our barrels rectangular hole, as shown in the photo.

Now we need 6 pipes small diameter. If they are concreted, then cut with a grinder. From 4 pipes we will make the legs of the structure on which the arbecue will stand.

Barbecue from a barrel. Photo

The remaining two pipes are used to connect each pair of legs. To fix the structure, we use bolts.

They will fix the position of our barrel. The length of the pipes is adjustable depending on the size of the barrel. The result should be a two-piece structure, each of which will consist of a pair of legs and a connecting pipe.

To connect the two parts, you need to take 5 boards 150-200 mm wide. We use four of them to fix the legs (two boards on each side). We fix one board at a height of 5-10 cm from the ground. The second should be slightly above the middle of the legs.

Using a drill, we drill holes in the boards with a diameter equal to the diameter of the leg pipes. We install the structure upside down and install the boards on the legs. In our case, bolt clamps were used to fix the boards at the desired level. We turn the structure over and the boards fall into place, preventing the legs of the structure from moving apart.

We use the last board to connect the upper tier of boards. This is the final touch in the creation grounds for barbecue. Now a barbecue from a barrel with your own hands can be installed in its place.

The next stage of work is the arrangement of the barrel. For cooking we need lattice. To fix it inside the structure, we install a pair of brackets on each side with bolts.

We recall that piece of the barrel that we cut out at the very beginning. We will make a barbecue cover from it. We install the hinges and fasten it back to the barrel. The grille brackets will prevent the lid from falling in when closed.

Anything can be used as a handle for the lid of the structure, for example, a shovel handle.

After installing the lid, thoroughly wash the barrel.

At the end of the barrel we drill holes for ventilation and make a shutter for them.

After that you can fix chimney and paint the barbecue.

This concludes the step-by-step instructions for building a metal barbecue.

Projects of gazebos with barbecue

There can be many variations of wooden gazebos with barbecue facilities. This variant has an octagonal base and open walls on one side. There is enough light in the gazebo, and benches and a table can be installed as needed.

It is not at all necessary to make the entire gazebo completely out of brick. A feature of this gazebo are forged elements from which the walls are made. The design looks light and is naturally lit from all sides.

Even if there is not much space on the site, you can always build a canopy and decorate the walls with ordinary boards. This version of the gazebo with a brick barbecue will fit in a very small area.

If time and resources allow, then on your site you can build a real work of building art. A wooden gazebo with a brick barbecue, stove and countertop, decorated with tiles, looks rich. Although its device will require not so much time.

A large family needs a lot of space. It is better to do without the construction of bulky walls, and build a canopy and a brick brazier with a countertop under it on a reinforced durable foundation.

The project of a gazebo with barbecue. Photo