Read the work of the younger brother summary. About everything. Fragment from the fairy tale that struck me the most

A literary work plays a huge role in the life of every person. Interesting and instructive books as a source of life from which readers of all ages draw knowledge. And in most cases, this is a "lifesaver" in various life situations.

Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz

Born in 1986 on the twenty-first of October. His father, Lev Borisovich Schwartz, was a baptized Jew, received a medical education, and later became a zemstvo doctor. Mother Maria Fedorovna Shelkova graduated from medical and obstetric courses. The writer's childhood passed in constant moving because of his father's service. At the age of eight, he moved with his family to Maykop, where he spent most of his life.

In Moscow in 1914, he entered the university as a lawyer, but two years later he realized that this was not his vocation, and devoted himself entirely to literary writing and theater. Since 1917, he began to play in studio theaters, critics promised him an excellent acting future, but already in the 20s he left the stage. Until 1924, he worked as a secretary in the literary affairs of K. I. Chukovsky, then he took up journalistic activities.

Creativity of the writer

The works of the great playwright, prose writer, screenwriter of the Soviet era Yevgeny Lvovich Schwartz are filled with true life situations, which, of course, made them think, taught a huge number of people to do the right thing.

The play "Underwood", written in 1929, became the starting work for the release of all subsequent plays by the outstanding screenwriter. Famous fairy tales on which more than one generation grew up, for example, Schwartz's fairy tale "Two Brothers" (year of writing 1998), "The Snow Queen" (year of writing 1938), "Little Red Riding Hood" (year of writing 1936), "Cinderella" (year of writing 1946).

Films were made according to the script of the writer: "Don Quixote", "First Grader". Famous, talented actors F. Ranevskaya, E. Garin, and others played in them. Only after Stalin's death at the congress of writers, having evaluated the works of Schwartz and calling his talent eccentric and merciful, did she give free access to the writer's collection of plays.

The years of the Great Patriotic War and the heavy blockade of Leningrad, participation in the Ice Campaign negatively affected the health of the playwright. On January 15, 1958, Yevgeny Schwartz died.

"Two Brothers": a summary

A forester lived on a large area of ​​forest land, guarding and preserving the trees. He cheerfully walked through the forest, talked to every bush, tree, knew each by name. However, he did not want to return home because of the quarrel of his sons. They were called Senior and Junior. The two brothers treated each other like strangers and constantly quarreled. Schwartz makes them the main characters of his fairy tale.

And on the eve of the New Year, the father called his sons and told them that he would not be able to arrange a Christmas tree for them this year, because they had to go to the city for decorations, but there was no way to leave one - there was no trust in the father. But the eldest son promised that everything would be all right, and they would not let their father down. The parents believed their son and left, promising to return at eight in the evening on the thirty-first of December.

The first two days everything was calm and friendly with the brothers. On the third day, the Elder went about his business: he really wanted to read, it was his passion, he especially liked the book The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor. And the younger boy was very bored alone, so he began to ask his brother to play with him. But the Elder just reached the most interesting moment, he wanted to know how it would all end. He began to drive his brother away from him, asking him to leave him alone. However, the boy did not let up, and then the Elder drove the baby out of the house into the cold and locked the door. He, of course, was going to launch his brother back as soon as he finished reading, but he completely forgot about the time.

Coming to his senses, he ran as fast as he could into the street, but his younger brother was nowhere to be found, he seemed to have disappeared. Here come the parents. Having learned the truth, the father sent his son in search of his brother, saying not to return without the Younger.

Soon the Elder found himself in the forest, where he met the old man Great-Grandfather Frost. He said that the boy was with him, and now, in order to return his brother, our hero must work for the old man: turn birds, small forest animals in front of the ice stove so that they become icy and transparent.

A few weeks later, the boy realized that Frost was not going to let him and his brother go, and began to think about how to get out. He began to burn a fire, in which he began to melt the frozen forest animals.

happy return

The rescued animals decided to help the boy and stole the keys from the sleeping old man. The elder opened the door, behind which he found a frozen brother with tears in his eyes. Grabbing it, he rushed out of the woods. But Great-Grandfather Frost chased after them, and the boy began to feel cold for the first time, but continued to run. In a coniferous forest, he slipped, dropped his brother, and he broke into small pieces. The elder cried, and then, exhausted, fell asleep.

Grateful forest dwellers came to the aid of the boy. All night long they collected and folded the pieces and warmed the little brother with their warmth until the morning. Waking up with the first rays of the sun, the Elder saw the blinking eyes of his brother. His joy and happiness knew no end. Jumping up, the boys ran to their parents' house. Since then, the guys lived together and did not quarrel. Only occasionally did the elder brother ask not to interfere with him, but he immediately added that it was not for long. This is how Yevgeny Schwartz ends his fairy tale.

"Two Brothers": analysis of the work

The world of fairy tales by E. L. Schwartz is special, many-sided. He composed not just something new in the plot, but revealed what is necessary for the reader at a given moment in time, what can make his life brighter.

About this and the work "Two Brothers". Schwartz reveals the relationship of relatives in the family, which, of course, is a huge problem for humanity. Currently, many devote a huge amount of time to their personal space, not paying attention to loved ones. Resentment, quarrels alienate relatives from each other, making them strangers. Using the example of the work “Two Brothers”, Schwartz urges to love, appreciate close people, cherish the time spent with them and try to be with them as much as possible, because you never know when you will lose them.

"In one huge forest there lived a forester named Blackbeard." He had two sons, the Elder, twelve years old, and the Younger, nine years old. The brothers often quarreled, "like strangers," so the forester was cheerful only in the forest. One day, on December 28, Blackbeard told his sons that they would not have a New Year tree this year. Christmas decorations must be bought in a distant city. He won’t send his mother alone through the forest, the forester himself “doesn’t know how to go shopping,” and you can’t leave the brothers alone - “the elder brother will completely destroy the younger.” And then the Elder swore that he would not offend the Younger for three days - until his parents returned.

Mom cooked dinners, and father brought firewood and gave Senior a box of matches. And then the parents left. “The first day went well. The second one is even better." The trouble happened on the evening of December 31st. The older one was reading an interesting book, while the younger one was bored and molested his brother. Then the Elder grabbed the little brother and shouted “Leave me alone!” threw it out the door. For a moment, he felt sorry for the Younger, because it was cold outside, and the baby was without warm clothes. Then the boy decided that nothing would happen to his brother in a few minutes. He wanted to read a few lines, but he read too much and remembered Junior when it was already dark outside. Senior ran out into the yard, but Junior was nowhere to be found.

At that moment, the parents returned. The black-beard found out what had happened, and his beard turned gray with grief. He sent the Elder to search for his brother, and ordered not to return without the Younger.

The boy went to the mountains. It was seven weeks of fast driving before them, and Senior got there overnight - because of grief, he did not notice the passing time. Suddenly he heard a distant light ringing, and went to him. A few hours later, Senior found himself in a forest of transparent ice trees with transparent ice ground. The wind swayed the icy pines, and they chimed subtly. This forest was the home of Great Grandfather Frost. Grandfather Frost was his son, and the old man cursed him for his good nature. The main thing for Great-Grandfather Frost was peace, so he decided to take the Elder as a student. Frost ordered that the cold did not touch the boy for the time being and brought him to his ice house of 49 rooms. On the way, the old man said that Junior was locked in the very last room. All this Frost spoke in an impassive voice, as if he were reading a book.

The old man instructed the Elder to "calm down" the forest birds and small animals. The frost brought them half-frozen out of the forest, and the boy had to twirl them over the black ice flame until they became transparent. Room 49 Senior found immediately, but the door of the room was made of ice oak, so hard that even an ax would not take it.

For many days, the Elder thought about how to save his brother, and Great-Grandfather Frost praised him for his calmness. Finally the boy remembered that he had a box of matches left in his pocket. One afternoon, when the old man left for a new batch of animals, Senior ran to the living forest for firewood and lit a fire at the doors of the 49th hall. By evening, the door had melted a little, and the next day the Elder tried to hold the half-frozen bird over the warm flame. The bird is alive. Since then, the Elder every day revived forest birds and animals and built snow houses for them in the corners of the hall. Behind this, Great-Grandfather Frost found him. He breathed on the flame, and it turned black, and the door froze again.

The elder cried all day, and at night his forest friends woke him up. They took out the keys from Great Grandfather Frost's snow coat, and the boy was able to open the 49th door. The younger "was all transparent" icy, and a tear froze on his cheek. The elder grabbed his brother and ran. He managed to get out of the ice house and had almost reached the living forest when Great-Grandfather Frost gave chase. Forest friends rushed at the old man's feet, and he fell. They did this over and over until the boy reached the living forest.

The older one ran, carrying the younger one carefully so as not to break him. He hoped that his father would cure his brother. For joy, the boy did not notice how he got to familiar places. It was already spring here, only in some places the remains of snow lay. On such a snowy “cake”, the Elder slipped, while hearing the malevolent voice of Great-Grandfather Frost. The younger one hit a root and crashed.

The elder cried until he fell asleep. In the meantime, the squirrels gathered the little one piece by piece, glued it together with birch glue and put it in the sun. When the Elder woke up, the Younger had already come to life and even the tear on his cheek had melted. Together, the brothers returned to their parents. Blackbeard's beard turned black again with joy. Since then, the brothers have not quarreled. Sometimes the Elder asked his brother to leave him alone, but not for long, and the Younger always obeyed him.

Tales of the Brothers Grimm

Fairy tale "Two brothers" - a story about a smart and stupid brother. The smart brother was always cunning and made it so that his stupid brother had to do the work for two. When he got tired of it, he wanted to divide the property and live separately. When dividing the herd of cows, the smart brother got almost the whole herd, except for the sick bull, which was the inheritance of the stupid brother. Then he decided to sell it, but mistook the echo for a conversation with him and sold the bull to the ruins. At night, the wolves tore the bull to pieces, the stupid brother came for the money, but did not get his. Then he took a stick and began to beat on the rocks. Found a treasure trove of gold coins. I took one - that was the price for a bull. But the older brother found out about the treasure and got it in full, promising the fool to buy clothes. But he never fulfilled his promise. The stupid brother went to the judge to restore justice, but he, when he heard that the fool had sold the bull to the ruins, sent him out. Since then, the stupid brother has been wandering around the world with nothing.



Fairy tale "Two brothers":

Well, there were two brothers. One was smart and the other was stupid. The smart one did business in such a way that the fool had to work not only for himself, but also for his brother.

Exhausted completely, the fool in despair said:

I don't want to stay with you anymore. Give me my share of the property, I'll live on my own.

Well, - said the smart brother, - today you will drive a herd of cows to a watering place, and I will feed them when you drive the herd back. Then the part of the herd that enters the pen will be my share, and the part of the herd that remains outside will be yours.

At that time it was winter.

The fool agreed and drove the herd to a watering place. When he came back, it became quite cold, the cows, feeling the proximity of warmth and the smell of food, quickly went to the corral. Only one sick bull-calf, barely dragging its feet, stomped outside, scratching itself lazily. He then made up the fool's share.

The next morning, having tied a rope around the neck of his bull, the fool led him to sell it to the market. On the way, he now and then had to drive the lazy bull:

Hey, come on, bull, move your legs, hey!

And their path ran along the old ruins. The walls of the ruins echoed the fool's word:


The fool thought the ruins were saying "Hey" to him. He called out:

Are you talking to me, right?

The ruins echoed:


Perhaps you want to buy a bull from me?


How much money will you give? Can you give me ten roubles?

Ten rubles-she-she.

Will you pay now or tomorrow?


Fine. I will come tomorrow. I hope that the money will be ready.

Will be ready.

The fool, deciding that the deed was done, tied the steer by the ruins and returned home, whistling joyfully.

The next day, waking up early, he went to collect the money. And last night it so happened that the wolves tore the bull to pieces. When the fool came to the place where he tied him, there were only gnawed bones. Fool said:

So you slaughtered the bull and ate it, right?


Was it tasty or not?


This, of course, does not concern me, but you bought a bull from me, so pay money. And until you pay me off, I won't even think about leaving here!


When the fool heard this, he got angry in earnest: he grabbed a thick stick and began to beat on the dilapidated wall. Several stones fell to the ground. It so happened that someone had hidden a treasure in this wall for a long time. Here, when the stones fell out, the gold coins fell in a heap at the fool's feet.

Excellent, - the fool exclaimed, but what should I do with this? You only owe me ten roubles, and that's only one gold piece. It means this: I will take only my money, and keep yours.

He took one gold coin and returned home.

Well, did you sell the bull? - the smart brother asked with a smile.


To whom?


And what did they pay you?

Well, of course! They tried, it was, not to pay at first, but I beat them with my stick, and they showed me all their wealth. I took only one coin, in payment of the debt, and left everything else where it lay.

Having said this, the fool took out a gold coin from his pocket and showed it to his brother.

Where is that place? asked the smart brother.

His eyes widened in surprise.

Well, I do not. I won't tell you where it is. You are greedy. If I show you this place, you will take everything for yourself, and you will make me carry it on my back home.

The smart brother swore that he would bring the treasure himself if the fool showed where it was.

Give me your gold coin and lead me to the ruins. I'll buy you some new clothes.

As soon as the fool heard about the new clothes, he immediately gave his gold coin to his brother and led him to the ruins. The smart brother brought all the gold home and soon became rich, but he never bought clothes for his brother.

The fool reminded his brother of his promise more than once or twice, but all in vain. Then he decided to complain about him to the judge.

Oh judge, he said, first I had a steer, then I sold the steer to the ruins...

Enough, enough, - the judge interrupted him, - Where did this fool come from?

"I sold the bull to the ruins," the judge mimicked the fool and kicked him out of court.

The fool began to complain to others, but everyone laughed at him.

They say that this fool still wanders the world in rags, complaining to everyone and everyone he meets, but no one believes him, but only laugh after him. A smart brother laughs along with everyone.

Schwartz E., fairy tale "Two brothers"

Genre: literary fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Two brothers" and their characteristics

  1. The eldest boy is 12 years old. Smart, well-read, brave, kind, but often forgot about his brother
  2. The youngest boy is 7 years old. Very young, he loved to play.
  3. Black-bearded. Forester, father of boys. Strict, fair.
  4. Mother of boys, kind, loving.
  5. Grandfather Frost. Indifferent, heartless, impassive.
Plan for retelling the tale "Two brothers"
  1. Forester and his sons
  2. Alone at home
  3. Exposed out the door
  4. Junior Disappearance
  5. Father chases son away
  6. ice forest
  7. Great Grandfather Frost
  8. ice birds
  9. forty-ninth room
  10. warm birds
  11. Room keys
  12. The escape
  13. bird shield
  14. snow pit
  15. glued brother
  16. Together again.
The shortest content of the tale "Two brothers" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The elder did not like it when the younger interfered with him, and once he put his brother out in the cold.
  2. The younger one disappeared, and the father told the elder not to return home without his brother.
  3. The elder got into the palace of Great Grandfather Frost and was forced to freeze the birds
  4. He began to unfreeze birds and animals, and they helped him find Junior.
  5. The elder carried the younger away from Great-Grandfather Frost, but the brother fell and crashed.
  6. The birds glued the Younger together and revived him, and the brothers returned to their parents.
The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tale "Two brothers"
Never forget those who love you and who need your support and protection.

What does the tale "Two brothers" teach
The fairy tale teaches not to be selfish and not to think only about yourself. Teaches not to be indifferent, teaches to help others. Teaches love and kindness, simple human warmth. It teaches you to be responsible for your actions and correct mistakes. Teaches that the family for each person is his home and the people who love him

Review of the fairy tale "Two brothers"
This is a very strange story with strange characters. But despite this, I liked it, because there is good in it and there is evil, which is defeated. The frost in this tale is human indifference, and only love can melt it. The elder acted badly, but he atoned for his guilt with long suffering and good deeds. So I'm glad everything ended well.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Two brothers"
Anger is a bad adviser.
Be angry, don't be offended.
Friend is known in trouble.
Joy makes you young, but sorrow makes you old.
Close together, but boring apart.

Read the summary, a brief retelling of the tale "Two Brothers"
In one forest lived a forester named Blackbeard. He loved his forest and was happy in it. But at home he often frowned. After all, he had two sons, the Elder and the Younger, who often quarreled.
One day, on December 28, the forester told his sons that they would not have a Christmas tree. Because for toys and gifts you have to go to the city, and if he and his mother leave, then the Elder will completely destroy the Younger.
But the smart Senior immediately gave his word of honor that he would take care of the Junior. And Blackbeard and his mother left for three days.
The first day went well, the second even better. But on December 31, the Elder sat down to read an interesting book about Sinbad, and the Younger began to ask him to play with him. The elder endured for a long time, and then could not stand it, grabbed the Younger and put him out the door, into the cold.
Junior knocked on the door and urged his brother to come to his senses, and Senior decided that he would read five lines and let Junior in.
But taking the book, the Elder began to read and remembered his brother only two hours later. He ran out into the yard in horror, but Junior was nowhere to be found. Bells rang in the distance - it was the parents returning. They arrived joyful, because they did not yet know what had happened.
And the Elder told everything and saw how his father's beard turned gray before his eyes.
The father pointed out to the Elder at the door and told him to go look for his brother, and not to return home without him.
The mother timidly tried to object, but the father was implacable.
The elder dressed and went into the forest. He walked and remembered the Younger. The elder did not notice the path and soon passed all the sites of familiar and unfamiliar foresters, and found himself near mountains overgrown with forests. He knew that the mountains were several weeks away, but he managed to cover this distance in one night.
Suddenly Senior heard a strange ringing. He went further and saw an icy forest that grew on the icy ground. It was the branches of the ice trees that chimed in the wind.
And then the Elder saw an old man in boots made of snow, who said that it was he who ordered that the frost should not touch the Elder for the time being. The elder decided that this was Santa Claus, but the old man said that Santa Claus was his son, whom he cursed. And he is Grandfather Frost.
Great-grandfather Frost brought the Elder to his castle, to the twenty-fifth hall and put him near the ice fire - to freeze. Great-grandfather Frost told the Elder that he should forever remain in his castle for having kicked out the Younger brother. And he forced the Elder to turn the corpses of birds in front of the ice flame so that they completely freeze and turn into ice. And the Elder twirled the unfortunate birds and animals until they turned into ice.
In the morning, Great-Grandfather Frost fed the Elder with an ice-cold breakfast and went fishing. The elder went around the castle to look for the Younger, and realized that he was hidden behind the door number 49. But the icy door did not open, no matter how much he knocked on it.
Then Grandfather Frost returned and everything happened again. The elder turned the carcasses of birds and animals, Great-Grandfather Frost recalled the distant past.
But suddenly the Elder remembered the matches that his father had given him and was delighted. The next day, he brought firewood from the real forest and lit a fire in front of door 49. It thawed slightly, but did not open. But the Elder was delighted, because the matter had moved.
In the evening he hid a titmouse in his sleeve and warmed it by the fire the next day. Titmouse opened her eyes and the boy cried with joy. Now, day after day, he warmed the birds and animals, and hid them in snow houses, which he arranged in the dark corners of the palace.
Once, when the Elder kindled a fire, none of his animals left the houses. But Grandfather Frost crept up behind and froze the flame. He warned that the same would happen to Elder if he was caught again.
But at night his friends came to the Elder - birds and animals. They stole a bunch of ice keys from Great Grandfather Frost and Elder rushed to door 49.
He found the key, but did not see the keyhole. And then a nuthatch jumped on the door, he searched the door and showed the woodpeckers where to knock. Woodpeckers instantly hollowed out an ice plate, behind which a keyhole was hidden.
The older one opened the door and saw the younger one. His brother stood completely icy and motionless.

But the Elder grabbed his brother in an armful and rushed away from the castle. He was running through the icy forest when the sun rose and Great-Grandfather Frost woke up. He yelled at Senior to stop and freeze him.
But the birds sat on the Elder and sheltered him from the frost. He thawed and ran on. Meanwhile, the bunnies bravely rushed under the feet of Great-Grandfather Frost and knocked him down. The bunnies were very scared, but they had to save their best friend.
And Senior managed to run out of the icy forest. And Great-Grandfather Frost cried out of anger. And immediately it became warm, streams ran, snowdrops bloomed. Only Junior was still icy.
But the Elder dragged him home, believing that his father could revive him. He ran faster and soon went to the sites of familiar foresters. The closer Senior got closer to home, the warmer it got.
But suddenly the Elder stumbled and fell into a hole filled with snow. The younger fell out of his hands and crashed. And in the distance, the malicious laughter of Great-Grandfather Frost was heard.
The elder cried for a long time and fell asleep from fatigue.
And while he was sleeping, a lot of birds flew in and gathered the Younger piece by piece, glued them together with birch glue and warmed them with their bodies. And so the Younger again turned into an ordinary sleeping boy.
And when the Elder woke up, he saw the living Younger. Both brothers rushed home.
At this time, sad father and mother were sitting at home. mother said that today the birds are crying loudly and the squirrels are jumping merrily. Father replied that everyone rejoices in spring.
Suddenly, the mother heard that someone was running, she ran out into the yard and shouted: “Children!
Her father jumped out after her and Senior and Junior ran out to the house. And my father's gray beard suddenly turned dark before his eyes.
Since then, they lived happily and amicably. And if the Elder asked the Younger to leave him alone, then only for ten minutes and always added the word "Please."

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Two brothers"

"In one huge forest there lived a forester named Blackbeard." He had two sons, the Elder, twelve years old, and the Younger, nine years old. The brothers often quarreled, "like strangers," so the forester was cheerful only in the forest. One day, on December 28, Blackbeard told his sons that they would not have a New Year tree this year. Christmas decorations must be bought in a distant city. He won’t send his mother alone through the forest, the forester himself “doesn’t know how to go shopping,” and you can’t leave the brothers alone - “the elder brother will completely destroy the younger.” And then the Elder swore that he would not offend the Younger for three days - until his parents returned.

Mom cooked dinners, and father brought firewood and gave Senior a box of matches. And then the parents left. “The first day went well. The second one is even better." The trouble happened on the evening of December 31st. The older one was reading an interesting book, while the younger one was bored and molested his brother. Then the Elder grabbed the little brother and shouted “Leave me alone!” threw it out the door. For a moment, he felt sorry for the Younger, because it was cold outside, and the baby was without warm clothes. Then the boy decided that nothing would happen to his brother in a few minutes. He wanted to read a few lines, but he read too much and remembered Junior when it was already dark outside. Senior ran out into the yard, but Junior was nowhere to be found.
At that moment, the parents returned. The black-beard found out what had happened, and his beard turned gray with grief. He sent the Elder to search for his brother, and ordered not to return without the Younger.

The boy went to the mountains. It was seven weeks of fast driving before them, and Senior got there overnight - because of grief, he did not notice the passing time. Suddenly he heard a distant light ringing, and went to him. A few hours later, Senior found himself in a forest of transparent ice trees with transparent ice ground. The wind swayed the icy pines, and they chimed subtly. This forest was the home of Great Grandfather Frost. Grandfather Frost was his son, and the old man cursed him for his good nature. The main thing for Great-Grandfather Frost was peace, so he decided to take the Elder as a student. Frost ordered that the cold did not touch the boy for the time being and brought him to his ice house of 49 rooms. On the way, the old man said that Junior was locked in the very last room. All this Frost spoke in an impassive voice, as if he were reading a book.

The old man instructed the Elder to "calm down" the forest birds and small animals. The frost brought them half-frozen out of the forest, and the boy had to twirl them over the black ice flame until they became transparent. Room 49 Senior found immediately, but the door of the room was made of ice oak, so hard that even an ax would not take it.

For many days, the Elder thought about how to save his brother, and Great-Grandfather Frost praised him for his calmness. Finally the boy remembered that he had a box of matches left in his pocket. One afternoon, when the old man left for a new batch of animals, Senior ran to the living forest for firewood and lit a fire at the doors of the 49th hall. By evening, the door had melted a little, and the next day the Elder tried to hold the half-frozen bird over the warm flame. The bird is alive. Since then, the Elder every day revived forest birds and animals and built snow houses for them in the corners of the hall. Behind this, Great-Grandfather Frost found him. He breathed on the flame, and it turned black, and the door froze again.

The elder cried all day, and at night his forest friends woke him up. They took out the keys from Great Grandfather Frost's snow coat, and the boy was able to open the 49th door. The younger "was all transparent" icy, and a tear froze on his cheek. The elder grabbed his brother and ran. He managed to get out of the ice house and had almost reached the living forest when Great-Grandfather Frost gave chase. Forest friends rushed at the old man's feet, and he fell. They did this over and over until the boy reached the living forest.

The older one ran, carrying the younger one carefully so as not to break him. He hoped that his father would cure his brother. For joy, the boy did not notice how he got to familiar places. It was already spring here, only in some places the remains of snow lay. On such a snowy “cake”, the Elder slipped, while hearing the malevolent voice of Great-Grandfather Frost. The younger one hit a root and crashed.

The elder cried until he fell asleep. In the meantime, the squirrels gathered the little one piece by piece, glued it together with birch glue and put it in the sun. When the Elder woke up, the Younger had already come to life and even the tear on his cheek had melted. Together, the brothers returned to their parents. Blackbeard's beard turned black again with joy. Since then, the brothers have not quarreled. Sometimes the Elder asked his brother to leave him alone, but not for long, and the Younger always obeyed him.