What does phraseologism mean by sticking out the tongue. Sticking out (sticking out) tongue. Latin - the language of images and goals

Running tongue out

adj., number of synonyms: 3

Fled (131)

headlong run (3)

Carried (38)

  • - The language from which, in the situation of the post-Creole continuum, this Creole language originated. Usually it is the language of the former colonial power...
  • - Language processed in accordance with linguistic norms Codified forms of language: 1) literary language; 2) terminology. Non-codified forms of language existence: 1) dialects; 2) vernacular; 3) jargon...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - The language used in religious communication...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - TOUCH, -her, -eat; nesov., in what. To stay, to be in severe, precarious condition. K. in ignorance. K. in vices. K. in debauchery...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - run "...

    Russian orthographic dictionary

  • - Razg. Express. Walk fast, run. You will catch up with him, no matter how. He, I saw, sticking out his tongue, fled. He runs... with his tongue out, panting...

    Phrasebook Russian literary language

  • - 1. In a hurry, very quickly. 2. With signs of fatigue. 3. With diligence. BMS 1998, 648; SHZF 2001, 52; FM 2002, 641; BMS 1998, 539...

    Big Dictionary Russian sayings

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 131 running, sticking out his tongue, running away, beating, beating with a fountain, rushing to his heels, vandal, chewing, gasping, chasing ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 galloping ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 2 cowardly cowardly ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 ran away ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 13 who fled, who ran away, who gave a tear, who gave a drala, who gave a drapaka, who gave a scoundrel, who gave an arrow, who made his legs, shedding, sparkling ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 trotting ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 3 fled, sticking out his tongue, breaking rushing ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 avoided ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 scattered ...

    Synonym dictionary

"running tongue out" in books


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Latin - the language of images and goals


Latin - the language of images and goals I argue that in the Middle Ages, when the acting mind increasingly began to isolate itself from reason and gain strength, the Russians or the descendants of Russians in Europe created a language that fully met the needs of the new time. This

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1. Immediate language of transcendence (first language)

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1. The immediate language of transcendence (the first language) - We have to learn about being in the ciphers of existence. Only reality reveals transcendence to us. We cannot know about her. general view; we can only hear it historically in reality. Experience is

2. Language that universalizes in the message (second language)

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2. Language universalizing in communication (second language) - In the echo of the language of transcendence, which can be heard only in the immediacy of instant presence, languages ​​are created as images and thoughts intended to communicate what we have heard. Next to tongue

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2.4. Mikhail Andreevich Tulov (1814–1882). Mediation of thought by language and influence logical thinking to the tongue. Language is an organ of human mental development The contribution of M. A. Tulov to linguistics is determined fragmentarily, with just a few strokes in connection with the problem

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Human language plays a major role in the formation of speech. And it is quite natural that a large collection of phraseological units using the word "language" has gathered in the Russian language. What kind of characteristics people do not give the language. It turns out that it is sharp, and lively, and long, and it can also be broken or swallowed. How fragile he is!

Keep your mouth shut
Sometimes it doesn't hurt to keep your mouth shut. What does this phraseology mean? It means to be silent or to be careful in utterances.

Long tongue
It turns out that languages ​​are short and long. Who is more fortunate - the owner of a short or long tongue? But let's not be foolish. “He has a long tongue” - this is what they say about a person who likes to talk a lot and blurt out other people's secrets.

Glib on the tongue
About a man who has an answer ready for everything, who will not go into his pocket for a word.

Sharp tongue
Do not expect cute verbal sayings from a person with a sharp tongue. It's not his hobby! What individual is said to have a sharp tongue? This is how they characterize a person who is caustic, sarcastic, who knows how to use speech as a weapon. His phrases inflict the same damage on opponents as a sharp blade does. That's why his tongue is sharp and not blunt.

Spinning on the tongue
So they say that you know well, but at the moment you can’t remember.

What is the name of this hotel? Spinning on the tongue, but I can not remember.

Pip on your tongue
An angry wish to a person who has said something unpleasant or undesirable. A pip is called inflammation on the tip of the tongue, causing discomfort to a person. In the old days it was believed that a pip appears in deceitful people.

untie tongue
Talk to someone. Others do not fall for verbal tricks. You won't get a word out of him. And sometimes you need to talk to someone.

Aesopian language
The language of parables, when the main meaning is masked with the help of allegories. The ancient fabulist Aesop was a slave and did not have the opportunity to openly and directly ridicule the masters in his fables. He represented them in the form of various animals. The language of parables eventually became known as the Aesopian language.

Hold your tongue, hold your tongue
Do not say anything superfluous, watch what you say.

- Hold your tongue. You've gone so far!

Jump off the tongue
So they say about words that are uttered by the speaker involuntarily or accidentally.

- Sorry, I didn’t mean to say that, it jumped off my tongue.
- And you watch your language, extra chatter will not lead to anything good.

wag your tongue, talk your tongue
A disapproving review of someone who talks a lot in vain.

Vasily is rattling his tongue a lot, moreover, too much.

Get on the tongue
Be the subject of discussion.

pull tongue
You can pull rubber, a cat by the tail, it turns out, you can also pull the tongue. In what cases is this expression applicable? Applied to a person who said something superfluous or inappropriate.

“No one pulled you by the tongue,” Varvara Pavlovna said to her neighbor.

Tongue without bones
And it pleases! Boneless tongue is about a person who likes to talk a lot, often without thinking about the consequences of what was said.

Dislocate your tongue
About hard-to-pronounce words.

Language will bring to Kyiv
It is interesting to know what other cities in the world can language bring? A wish for a traveler or a person looking for a certain place to ask the right way more often.

- Don't worry, you won't get lost! Language will bring to Kyiv.

Tongue is braided
So they say about the inability to speak clearly and coherently. The origin of the phraseologism is associated with the "tongue" of the bell, which is set in motion by ropes. The ropes are sometimes braided, and the bell ringing loses its rhythm and melody.

You can break your tongue
Used for hard-to-pronounce words.

tongue like a pomelo
About a person saying the verbal "garbage".

Tongue on shoulder
When a person is very tired, they say that he hung his tongue on his shoulder.

He came tired, neither to sing nor draw, tongue on his shoulder.

Tongue does not turn
It is used in cases where a person does not dare to provide any information.

My tongue doesn't turn around to tell my parents about the deuce in algebra.

tongue withered
A rude wish for someone to lose the power of speech.

You swallow your tongue
So they say when they want to praise a very tasty food.

- Delicious, swallow your tongue! How did you manage to cook such a wonderful dish!

Dissolve language
Talk too much, do not control the content of your speech.

The tongue is well suspended
So they say about a person who is fluent in speech, who has the makings of a speaker.

- I'm not worried about him! His tongue is well suspended, he will not be embarrassed.

Speak different languages
It is used in cases where people do not understand each other.

Until recently, everything was fine! But here again we speak different languages.

speak the language
Good command of spoken language, both in native and foreign languages.

Run with your tongue out
Run very fast, swiftly, without looking back.

Speak Russian
To express, according to the speaker, clearly and intelligibly.

I told you in Russian that the pasta is in the cupboard, and the juice is in the refrigerator.

Find a common language
About reaching mutual understanding between people.

The children quickly found a common language.

Tongue swallow
It is used in a situation where words are expected from a person, but he is silent.

- Have you swallowed your tongue?

bite your tongue
Shut up sharply, refraining from continuing the phrase.

Matrena bit her tongue, realizing that she had blurted out too much.

Tongue stuck to throat
Suddenly stop talking.

The devil pulled the tongue
So they say when you accidentally say something that was undesirable to say.

“The devil pulled my tongue. And if he had kept silent - and everything would have ended well!

shorten tongue
To pull a person who says something inappropriate or superfluous, to silence someone.

Angry on the tongue
The tongue can be good and evil. Who do they say "angry on the tongue"? About a person who likes to speak negatively about other people.

Whip your tongue, scratch your tongue
Engage in idle chatter, gossip.

So they say about people spreading negative, impartial information about a person ( "Evil tongues informed ...")

How a cow licked her tongue
So the noble animal cow lit up in the world of phraseological units. In what case do they say "How the cow licked her tongue"? So they say about something that quickly and without a trace disappeared, evaporated.

Broken tongue
Used for poor knowledge foreign language when a person builds phrases in this language grammatically incorrectly and primitively (" I do not understand you»).

step on the tongue
This expression is used when someone has been silenced.

Tongue out
So they say when the ability to speak is lost for a while due to some circumstances.

- Have you lost your tongue?
No, I prefer to remain silent.

Sticking out (sticking out) tongue Colloquial. Express. Quickly (or exhausted from fatigue, tension) go, run. [ Vanya:] You will catch up with him, no matter how. He, I saw, sticking out his tongue, flies away(Pisemsky. Hypochondriac). He runs... with his tongue out, out of breath(B. Gorbatov. My generation). Katerina Ivanovna herself ordered the purchases with the help of one tenant ... who ran all yesterday and all this morning headlong and sticking out his tongue(Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Hanging out (sticking out) the tongue" in other dictionaries:

    sticking out your tongue- headlong, sticking out his tongue, in all shoulder blades, not feeling his legs, not feeling his legs, at full speed, not hearing his legs, briskly, like a fire, like a mad cat, without memory, running, head over heels, headlong, quickly, like mad , in full sail, as if on fire, like ... ... Synonym dictionary

    stick out your tongue run- like dogs running with tongue out Cf. For three days the police rushed about like crazy, sticking out their tongue (looking for the scoundrel author of the pamphlet). Grigorovich. Two generals. 13. Wed. So chase her along the high roads, sticking out your tongue, no light, no dawn. ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Sticking out (sticking out, sticking out) tongue- 1. In a hurry, very quickly. 2. With signs of fatigue. 3. With diligence. BMS 1998, 648; SHZF 2001, 52; FM 2002, 641; BMS 1998, 539 ...

    sticking out your tongue- adverb, number of synonyms: 43 running (68) without looking back (59) without memory (62) ... Synonym dictionary

    LANGUAGE- Babi language. Arch. Aloe plant. AOS 1, 78. Baik language. Jarg. corner. Thieves jargon. SRVS 1, 31, 203. Who has a balanced tongue. Komi. About a talkative person. Kobeleva, 83. Basque on the tongue. Yaroslavl A lively, unrestrained person. YOS 1, 40. Beat ... ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    fast Lively, briskly, fluently, nimbly, hastily, hastily, soon, swiftly, hastily, greyhound, briskly, lively, dashingly, quickly, instantly, recklessly, jump, trot. Rushing on all sails. Run with all your might, with all your might, with all your might, with all your might, with all your might... Synonym dictionary

    language- a, m. 1. An organ in the oral cavity in the form of a muscular outgrowth in vertebrates and humans, which contributes to chewing and swallowing food, which determines its taste properties. Hard labor life! he grumbled, rolling crumbs of black bread with his tongue in his mouth. ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

    stick out- well, eat; owl., transl. (unsov. to stick out). Expose, push out. They both put their heads out of the window and look away at the gate. Chekhov, The Commoners. A large, gentle dog lay with its pink tongue out. Gorbatov, My generation. ◊ sticking out (sticking out) ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

    PUSH OUT- PUSH OUT, well, nesh; downy; Sovereign, that. Expose, push out. B. head out the window. Sticking out (sticking out) the tongue to run (trans.: very quickly, barely taking a breath; colloquial). Nose in. no one dares (trans.: behaves quietly; colloquial). | inaccurate… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    running- swiftly, with an arrow, at full speed, at full speed, with all his might, with all his might, briskly, with all his strength, with all his might, headlong, as if on fire, without feeling his legs, without feeling his legs, headlong, as if mad , from all legs, without looking back, not hearing under you ... ... Synonym dictionary

Language is another word often found in phraseological units, since language is extremely important for a person, it is with him that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ability to speak and communicate is associated. The idea of ​​speaking (or, conversely, silence) can be traced in one way or another in many phraseological units with the word language.

Run with your tongue out- very fast.
Keep your mouth shut- be silent, do not say too much; be careful in your statements.
Long tongue- they say, if a person is a talker and likes to tell other people's secrets.
How a cow licked her tongue- about something that quickly and without a trace disappeared.
Find a common language- reach mutual understanding.
step on the tongue- make them fall silent.
Hang your tongue on your shoulder- very tired.
Get on the tongue- to become the subject of gossip.
bite your tongue- shut up, refrain from speaking.
untie tongue- encourage someone to talk; give someone the opportunity to speak.
Dissolve language- without restraining oneself, losing control over oneself, blurting out, saying too much.
Pip on your tongue- an angry wish to an evil talker.
pull tongue- to say something not entirely appropriate to the situation.
shorten tongue- to make someone shut up, not to let them speak insolence, superfluous.
Scratch your tongue (scratch your tongue)- talk in vain, engage in chatter, idle talk.
scratch tongues- to gossip, to slander.
The devil pulled the tongue- an unnecessary word breaks off the tongue.
Tongue without bones- they say if a person is talkative.
Tongue is braided- you can't say anything clearly.
Tongue stuck to throat- suddenly shut up, stop talking.
Tongue swallow- shut up, stop talking (about the unwillingness of someone to speak).
The tongue is well suspended- they say about a person who speaks freely, fluently.

Phraseologisms with the word "LITTLE"

Almost- about, almost
Small spool but precious- value is not determined by size
Small small less- one is smaller than the other (about children)
Small bird, but the nail is sharp- insignificant in position, but inspires fear or admiration for his qualities
small dog to old age puppy- a person of small stature always seems younger than his years, does not make a solid impression
You never know what– 1. anything, anything 2. not essential, not important 3. excitement, what if…
little by little- slowly, little by little
low speed- slowly
From small to large– all ages
Little by little (drink)- a little, a small portion
play little by little- make a small bet (in games)
From an early age- since childhood
The smallest- a small part of something.

The correct and appropriate use of phraseological units gives speech a special expressiveness, accuracy and imagery.