We make traps for fish with our own hands. Homemade simple tops and nets for catching fish when surviving in an extreme situation, making tops and nets How to make a fishing vent

Versha is a strainer-type fishing gear installed at the bottom of a reservoir. In the practice of fishing, there are several types and methods of fishing with tops:

  • with and without bait;
  • summer and spring during spawning.

The first way is very simple: the top is set on the bottom between stones or in dense algae. You can put bait inside the top. The fish follows the smell of the bait and enters the opening of the chamber. The inlet is made at a special angle, so the probability of going back is very small.

The second is based on the fact that many fish need additional accumulation during spawning and are looking for solid objects to rub against them, squeezing out eggs and milk.

To achieve a good result, it is necessary to know the reservoir chosen for fishing, the behavior and habits of the objects of fishing. For example, fish such as pike, crucian carp, bream spawn in shallow water and give themselves away with noisy splashes. Finding a spawning ground for tench, lamprey and perch is much more difficult.

The classic of fishing Leonid Sabaneev advised in such cases to create artificial spawning grounds from a pile of stones or branches and only after that to install a top in it.

Many supporters of sport fishing have an opinion that fishing during spawning with net tools is detrimental to the reproduction of fish. On this issue, we can cite an excerpt from the book by L.P. Sabaneev “Fish of Russia. Life and fishing of our freshwater fish”: “... Catching during spawning is usually considered harmful to reproduction, but this opinion in fact - in practice - is far from always true, and I think that there are no full grounds to unconditionally prohibit fishing during spawning. Harmful always - in spring and winter - only destructive methods of fishing, when the fish is caught completely - adult, along with a trifle, and in cases where a significant part of the fish dies simply in vain. Fish do not incubate children, do not feed them, the number of eggs in it is considered to be in the thousands and tens of thousands, and therefore the protection of fish in the spring cannot have the same meaning as the protection of four-legged and feathered game. The whole point is that some part of the caviar is safely swept out, and therefore fishing before spawning is more harmful than after. Some fishing methods even positively contribute to an increase in the number of fish. So, for example, fishing with various top-shaped gear. Wooden tops are even in themselves a bait for fish and create an artificial spawning ground, and a mass of juveniles hatch from the caviar that has stuck to the walls of the top.

What else can be added here? This is a completely exhaustive and reasoned opinion. However, back to fishing with tops.

Fishing with tops on small rivers and streams has its own characteristics. The flood on them is very stormy, but the water subsides quickly, and it is very difficult for fish to find shores that are convenient for spawning, covered with vegetation and flooded with water. Very often, spawning of roach and pike takes place near washed-out steep banks, on the roots of trees and bushes hanging into the water. Such places are very convenient for setting up the top - the tackle is not close to the shore, but actually under it, and it is almost impossible to detect it by chance.

Another way of fishing in the spring is that the top does not lure the fish as a convenient object for squeezing out eggs and milk, but stands open on the turbidity of fish migration.

The tops are very successfully caught where the river or stream narrows sharply. It is necessary to ensure that the top is not carried away by the current; for this, the top is tied to a tree or to a stake hammered into the bottom.

Two-way tops are especially successfully caught. They can be oriented to both rising and downstream fish.

Fishing with tops in the summer is usually carried out using a variety of bait.

If you choose the top with the minimum mesh of the netting, then the small fish that got inside serves as bait for such predators as burbot, perch and pike. If you catch in a fast current, the bread bait is ineffective, because it is quickly washed out with water. With stagnant water and a small current, if the top is checked less than once every two days, the bread turns sour and, on the contrary, scares away the fish. The most traditional and popular is the use of cake, in its absence - pieces of foam rubber soaked in oil.

In open and clean places, putting out tops, even with bait, is not effective. The best places are dense water thickets, washed-out banks, bottlenecks in rivers and streams, and passages between boulders. All types of tops and tassels can be bought in our

Top fishing

Versha (merega, diver) is a fishing trap tool, very reminiscent of a merezha. The main difference: a second entrance (throat) is possible on the other side of the tackle, there are no wings, and the frame does not consist of separate hoops, but of rigidly fastened longitudinal ribs. Thus, the tackle does not need to be stretched in the water on stakes driven into the bottom, but can be cast directly from the shore, which, of course, increases the convenience of fishing.

The second advantage is that the depth at the selected location does not play a significant role, while the fencing and vents are applicable only at limited depths.


There are many designs of tops - on a round, triangular, or rectangular frame; cylindrical and conical; with one or two entrances; collapsible and non-collapsible…

All this abundance and diversity is described in detail in my books Lifts, Traps, Casting Nets and Carp. All methods of fishing”, and I address the reader who wants to make a catchy top with his own hands.

Here we will consider one top, the most convenient for transportation (Fig. 51), fishing with it does not fundamentally differ from fishing with tops of other designs.

There are no transverse ribs in it, the whole frame consists of several turns of a huge spring, which tends to straighten even more, but is held by a stretched mesh. The tackle is brought from the transport position to the working position almost instantly: it is enough to remove the latch hooks, and the top itself is extended to its full length.

Fishing tackle stores now sell spring tops in all sizes (often sold under the trade name "trap net"). Often, these tackles for sale are equipped with additional improvements: for example, a zipper on the side, which allows you to quickly pour the catch out, or a sewn-in net bag for bait, also fastened with a zipper.

Rice. 51. Two-neck top with a spring frame

Technique and tactics of fishing

There are two main types of fishing with tops: with bait and without it.

The first method is summer, and the second (without bait) is used in the spring, from the very disintegration of the ice. It is based on the fact that many fish need hard objects during spawning to rub against them, squeezing out eggs and milk. Naturally, for a good catch, you need to know the reservoir chosen for fishing: where and when its underwater inhabitants spawn. However, such fish as pike, crucian carp, carp spawn in the shallows and give out the spawning place with noisy splashes, signaling: the top set here will not remain without a catch.

Finding a spawning ground, for example, perch is much more difficult. L.P. Sabaneev advised in such cases to create artificial spawning grounds, lowering piles of stones, heaps of brushwood and cut down young trees with a tied load to the bottom, and then, with the start of spawning, wrap around this artificial spawning ground with nets and expose the tops directly between the flooded trees.

Many supporters of fishing exclusively with bait and spinning have an opinion that fishing during spawning with net tools is detrimental to fish stock and can very quickly turn any body of water into a fishless desert. But, since we have repeatedly recalled Sabaneev, it is not superfluous to quote the opinion of the classic on this matter (he cannot be attributed to the apologists of predatory fishing). So, the word to L.P. Sabaneev:

“... Catching during spawning is usually considered harmful to reproduction and unprofitable for proper fisheries, but this opinion in fact - in practice - is far from always true, and it seems to me that there is no reason to unconditionally prohibit fishing during spawning. Harmful always - in spring and winter - only destructive methods of catching, when the fish is caught completely - adult, along with a trifle, when a more or less significant part of the fish dies in vain, for example, when "crimping" or catching with a samoder on bare hooks, during a spear fight, when Finally, the fish going to the spawning place is blocked by braids-yaz and it is caught entirely. Fish do not incubate children, do not feed them, but the number of eggs in it is considered to be thousands and tens of thousands, and therefore the protection of fish in the spring cannot have the same meaning as the protection of four-legged and feathered game. The whole point is that some part of the caviar is safely swept out, and therefore fishing before spawning is more harmful than during spawning. Some fishing methods even positively contribute to the increase in the number of fish; such, for example, is catching both with various top-shaped shells and with nets near rubbing fish arranged for bait and more successful catching of artificial spawning grounds, rowing, etc., in the form of piled brushwood, spruce branches (spruce forest), piles of stones. Wooden top-shaped gear even in themselves is a bait for fish, an artificial spawning ground, and under the condition of a more or less long stay under water, a mass of juveniles hatch from eggs stuck to the walls of the top. For the same reason, fishing with cats also cannot be called destructive if such shells do not block the mouths of rivers and the beginning of lake sources, but are arranged near the coast.

The validity of this view of the insignificance of the harm of spring fishing and the irrationality of its unconditional prohibition can be proved by the fact that the main fishing of some fish is carried out precisely during spawning; in some places it is possible only during this period. Pike, for example, are mainly caught in the spring, when they spawn, and shortly thereafter.”

L. P. Sabaneev, “Fish of Russia. Life and fishing of our freshwater fish.

Well, what is there to add? In my opinion, it is quite exhaustive and reasoned opinion. However, back to fishing with tops.

Fishing with tops on small forest streams and streams (especially those flowing into reservoirs rich in fish) has its own characteristics. The high water on such rivers is very violent, but the water subsides quickly, and the fish cannot find banks covered with vegetation and flooded with water for spawning. Very often, spawning of roach and pike occurs near washed-out steep banks, on the roots of coastal bushes and trees hanging into the water. Such gullies, small underwater caves, are very convenient for setting the top - tackle is not only close to the shore, but actually under him, and it is impossible to detect it by chance, for example, by hooking a fishing rod with a hook.

The second method of spring fishing is that the top does not lure the fish as a convenient object for liberation from caviar and milk, but stands with its open throat in the way of a fish hurrying to a spawning place, or spawning and returning to its usual habitat.

Since the top does not have wings that concentrate the fish opposite the mouth of the trap, you have to choose places where the fish naturally concentrate.

For example, they are very successful in fishing with tops where a stream or a small river narrows sharply and speeds up, bending around some natural or artificial obstacle: a large boulder, a blockage of trees that have fallen into the water with all sorts of garbage nailed to them, etc. carried away by the current, the front hoop of the top is tied in two places to a stake driven into the bottom.

Old, long-destroyed hydraulic structures - dams and locks on small rivers are also very promising for fishing: gaps in them and old spillways, through which water barely oozes in summer, during spring floods they give out jets that can clog, squeeze fish into the throat of gear. It is much easier, of course, not to wait for favors from nature and with your own hands to build an obstacle along the course of the fish: the so-called stabbing (aka zaezdok, zayazok, etc.), most often representing a kind of wattle fence on stakes driven into the bottom, with small gaps for tops and similar gear. But the fishing rules of almost all subjects of the Russian Federation prohibit the installation permanent obstacles preventing fish from reaching the spawning grounds. Therefore, fishermen who do not want to come into conflict with the law have to find places convenient for fishing that have arisen without their participation.

It is very successful to catch tops in small streams that flow into a river or lake. Looking at a thin stream of water in the summer, it is hard to imagine that in the spring you can catch a meter-long pike here - however, the top, exposed to the stream swollen from the spring flood, will never be left without a catch. The ideal place for its installation is large-diameter drainage pipes at the intersections of streams with road embankments. By clearing the pipe of debris in advance and measuring its diameter, having specially made the top in accordance with it, it is possible to achieve very large catches of roach and pike. You can also choose among the purchased gear suitable in size, and if the diameter of the pipe is slightly larger than the diameter of the top, then the gaps should be filled with spruce branches, bunches of cut reeds or other improvised material.

In addition, the top hidden in the pipe is reliably hidden from the eyes of those who like to profit from someone else's catch. Especially successful in such places is catching fish in two-entry tops, oriented to both rising and downstream fish. If two, three or more pipes pass under the embankment, then several single-entry vertices can be used, orienting some of them with the flow, others against it.

Summer fishing with tops, as already mentioned, is mostly carried out using a variety of lures.

For river fishing, the tops are chosen with the smallest possible mesh (such that even the top could not slip through), and a so-called “valve” is placed on the inlet throat. The fact is that pike and other predatory river fish (burbot, perch, etc.) are not interested in vegetable bait, but go inside the tackle, attracted by the small carp fish floating in the top: roach, tops, minnows.

If fishing is carried out on the current, then the bread bait is of little use, since it is quickly washed out of the gear. If they are not caught in the current, but the angler does not have the opportunity to frequently inspect the gear (at least once every two days), then it is also not recommended to use bread for bait - it turns sour and scares the fish away. In both cases, cakes are used for bait, in their absence - pieces of sponge or foam rubber soaked in oil. Many anglers believe predators are attracted to aluminum foil rolled up into fist-sized balls and placed in the top. This opinion has not been confirmed by anything and no one, but it has not been refuted either. In any case, there will be no harm from the foil placed in the top.

In fact, the question of what exactly attracts fish to the top during summer river fishing requires additional research: sometimes good catches happen without any bait at all. I believe that the tackle itself, even without any bait, lures peaceful fish seeking refuge from predators. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain how tiny perches, which are not interested in plant baits and are unable, due to their smallness, to hunt for other fish, as well as ruffs, get into the tops. Pikes, in turn, try to get to their victims who have taken refuge in the top, and also find themselves in a trap.

It makes no sense to put up tops on clean, open places of rivers and lakes, even with bait. The best places for fishing are dense thickets of aquatic vegetation, washed-out banks with roots hanging into the water, willow bushes growing directly from the water, etc. In general, the top should lie in wait for its prey in those shelters where daytime fish go to spend the night, and night - for the day, where they hide from predators and bad weather.

Fish that love space and fast currents (asp, salmon, etc.) are extremely rare in the tops. Tench, roach, perch, pike, burbot, silver bream, bream, in some places ide and rudd (in some places these last two fish for some reason do not go to the top at all) usually predominate in catches during river fishing.

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Fishing with tops Versha (merega, dive) is a fishing trap tool, very reminiscent of a merezha. The main difference: a second entrance (throat) is possible on the other side of the tackle, there are no wings, and the frame does not consist of separate hoops, but of rigidly fastened longitudinal

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From straight branches of bushes and plants growing near a reservoir, you can make the simplest home-made tops. Initially, the frame of the top is assembled from the harvested branches, consisting of 5 - 10 circles and 3 - 4 longitudinal poles. Circles are tied to the poles with the help of wire, fishing line, strips of fabric, bast.

The resulting frame of the top is intertwined with thinner branches so that the distance between them, depending on the size of the fish, does not exceed 1-3 cm. The entrance to the top is in the form of a funnel with a narrow opening-neck. It turns out a kind of trap that repeats the shape of an inkwell-non-spill. Inside the top is suspended on small leashes. Several times a day, the top is checked, the caught fish is pulled out through the untied blind end (Fig. 1).

There are several ways to make a funnel entrance to the top. Flexible branches of the longitudinal braid can be bent inward (Fig. 2), heated over the fire and tied to the entrance ring. Fragile branches that cannot be bent can be broken, but in such a way that they stay at least on the bark, bent and again tied to the ring that forms the entrance of the top (Fig. 3). Finally, you can use thin poles with lateral branches equally cut off in the butt part, which, converging in the center, form a funnel (Fig. 4).

Making the top of a triangular or oval shape.

In the case when, during the construction of the top, it is not possible to connect the rings that form its frame, a simplified version of the top of an unconventional triangular or oval shape can be made. To do this, you need to find and cut off several poles (slingshots) bifurcated at the end that are identical in thickness and appearance. Then connect the divergent ends of the “slingshots” and tie longitudinal poles to the obtained elements of the transverse frame, which are then intertwined with thin branches (Fig. 5).

Homemade tops from the trunk of a hollow tree.

There is another design of the top, made from the trunk of a hollow tree. Having found a similar hollow trunk, it is necessary to saw off a 1-2-meter block of wood from it. You will get a hollow cylinder. One side of it must be braided with branches or covered with a piece of polyethylene, fabric. On the other hand, at an angle of 30 - 60 degrees, drill or burn through holes, into which strong branches are driven until the required funnel size is formed (Fig. 6).

Homemade tops from cans.

From a 2-3 liter glass jar, you can make a kind of top-funnel. To do this, you need to roll up a bag from a piece of leather, dense polyethylene, birch bark, leaving a small hole in its lower part, insert it into the neck of the jar and fix it. The jar with the bait placed inside is laid on the bottom of the river upside down and tied to a peg driven into the ground. The fish, which has noticed the bait, swims inside and finds itself in a trap (Fig. 7). When catching small fish, you can do without a funnel by pulling polyethylene or a piece of leather with a small hole in the middle over the neck of the can and securing it from the edges with an elastic band or rope. It is even more convenient to put a capron lid on the jar and cut a hole in it. Such a flat "funnel" is also able to keep the fish that got inside.

Homemade top from a plastic bottle.

By the same principle, tops are made from. To do this, her neck is cut off, which, in an inverted form, is tightly stuck into the remaining "glass" and fixed with a wire, thread or thickly smeared resin (Fig. 8).

Catching minnows with bowls or jars.

Minnows can be caught using bowls or flat, 3-7 cm high, cans from salted herring. The top of the bowl is covered with a cloth, in which a hole the size of a walnut is cut. In this case, the hole should be located in the middle of the bowl. The ends of the fabric are fixed on the edge of the bowl. A piece of bread or another is thrown inside. The tackle is taken out to the river bank and buried in the ground so that its top is at the bottom level. After half an hour, up to two dozen minnows can be packed into a bowl. Approximately the same way you can catch minnows with a bucket (Fig. 9). It is possible to catch fry with improvised nets made from pieces of clothing, pieces of fabric.

Homemade fishing nets for survival in extreme conditions.

In addition to the described tops and, ancient fishermen successfully used primitive gill nets woven from thin strips of bast taken from tree trunks. Gills - because the fish, getting into the net, became entangled in them with gills. Clay balls or stones tied to the bottom of the net were used as weights. The net was installed across the current or along aquatic vegetation in places where fish accumulated. I'm not sure that modern "Robinsons" are able to weave a network of bast, but from more modern materials - why not?

You just need to have plenty of rope and patience. The required amount of rope can be obtained by unraveling a nylon rope, a towing line into separate threads, or, using the terminology of climbers, the main rope. Thick nylon ropes are almost always woven from many individual strands, quite suitable for weaving nets. Ways of weaving networks are shown in fig. 10, 11. The size of the mesh for the nets is usually chosen depending on what kind of fish the fisherman intends to catch. Most often it does not exceed 2-5 cm.

Fishing with nets has its own characteristics, which are better to know in advance, and preferably not theoretically. On large bodies of water, the net is easiest to use as a bullshit. To do this, it is necessary, going deeper into the water and stretching the net, to move along the coast, gradually approaching it and turning the ends of the tackle forward. At the same time, the higher the speed of the fishermen at the last stage of fishing - pulling the net ashore - and the more they make noise, driving the fish trying to escape back into the trap, the greater the catch promises to be.

Tackle for passive fishing - fishing top - with your own hands can be made from any suitable material. You can quickly make it, having a ready-made container for the case. When surviving in extreme conditions, it makes sense to spend a little time and make a trap using traditional technology.

The muzzle, venter, or top is a trap with a funnel-shaped entrance. The fish, interested in the bait, swims through a gradually narrowing tunnel and gets inside the body, where the bait lies. When trying to get out of the tank, the fish is no longer able to find the hole through which it got inside.

Taking the tackle out of the water, the fisherman can get the catch through another hole, which remains closed during the operation of the tackle. If a home-made top is made from a ready-made container (can, plastic bottle), then it is advisable to provide for mounting the funnel, which will make it easy to remove it when the catch is taken out.

How to do it yourself?

Traditionally, wicker or other thin and flexible branches were used to make the top. For weaving a funnel, a ring with a diameter of 5–7 cm was made, on which a vine for the base was fixed. The base was braided with thinner vines, while it was given the shape of a funnel, expanding from the ringlet. Having made an entrance about 20–25 cm long, they began to weave the expanded upper part of the muzzle, spreading the warp rods to the sides and gradually bending them down.

In this case, the entrance funnel turns out to be inside a wicker vessel, which again begins to narrow towards the top. With a simple method, the ends of unbraided rods can be tied with a ribbon of strong bark or rope, closing the hole. In a more complex version, a ring of a larger diameter was placed on this hole, and a cover made of a circle of thick bark or woven from a vine was attached to it. Similar structures are still woven in the villages, using wire for this.

From a plastic bottle

At a picnic by the pond, the muzzle is easy to make from improvised material, using a container of water or beer for this. The amount of fish that can be caught in 1 cast and the size of crucians depend on its volume.

At the bottle, cut off the neck and part of the body by about 1/3 of its height. If necessary, you can also remove the screw part under the cover to enlarge the hole a little. In 5-liter cylinders, this can no longer be done.

Turn the cut-off part of the cylinder over and place the neck inside the container. Connect the edges of the parts with wire. The mount must be detachable so that the neck can be removed and the fish can be taken out of the trap.

From the air filter

You will need a large filter from a truck (most often they take an air filter from KAMAZ). Remove all filling from the mesh body. A cylindrical metal grate is well suited for quick do-it-yourself top making:

  • cut and fasten at one end a tight blind cover made of tin or plastic, plywood, etc .;
  • make a funnel to enter the trap from flexible sheet material;
  • strengthen the funnel with a narrow end inside the mesh body;
  • tie a rope.

With metal frame

Frame products will require the use of thick steel wire and material for wrapping the frame. Most often, a nylon or plastic mesh with a fine mesh is used as a tight fit. You can make a top on the frame with 1 or 2 funnel-shaped entrances:

  1. Roll up several rings of the same size from steel wire. Their diameter is chosen arbitrarily, but to catch large fish it is better to make a muzzle at least 30 cm wide. The length of the product depends on the number of rings; 3-5 frame rings can be made.
  2. From the same wire, make 1-2 small rings for the entrances. Their diameter can vary between 5-10 cm, depending on the size of the desired prey.
  3. Wrap the net around the large ring, leaving a free edge about 20 cm long. Tie the net to the ring with a slight overlap at the junction of the side edges. After 20-30 cm, also tie another 1-3 rings, and strengthen the last one at a distance of 20 cm from the edge of the grid. You should get a soft cylinder with a loose mesh on the end sides.
  4. Form the edges of the network in the form of a cone, laying several folds, attach small rings on the edges.
  5. Bend the conical ends into the body. To prevent the fish from swimming through the trap in a straight line, the entrances are shifted to opposite sides of the vent, securing them with wire or fishing line leashes.

If you make a top with 1 entrance, then the other end can be tied tightly so that the fish does not leave through it. Crayfish are assembled according to the same principle, but one side is made flat so that it lies better on the ground. The frame wire can be replaced with a plastic tube rolled into circles of the desired diameter.

Made of metal mesh

Another way to make a fishing top is to use a rigid galvanized mesh. From it you need to cut a rectangle, the width of which will be equal to the length of the future product. The length of the workpiece is selected so that a cylinder with a diameter of about 30 cm can be rolled out of it.

Roll up the body of the top and connect the side seam with a wire. Cut out a reamer of the funnel from the same mesh, roll it up and fasten it to the end of the mesh cylinder. Equip the other end of the body with a lid that can be opened to retrieve the catch. Attach the rope.

Top fishing methods

Fishing for tops is done with and without bait. The smell of food or the structure itself (during the spawning period) can attract fish. But for successful fishing, you need to know how and when it is better to catch crayfish or crucians.

With bait

The food instinct makes the fish crawl into the most inconvenient places if it expects to get to the food. Baits that many breeds consider attractive are placed in the muzzle: bread or dough flavored with vegetable oil, and sometimes odorous substances (anise drops, perfume, valerian tincture, etc.). Suitable for potato husks, egg shells, dough. In addition to crucian carp, minnows and minnows go to such bait.

They are caught with bait in the summer, casting their snouts into the shady corners of the reservoir. It is advisable to drown the top where the strip of coastal underwater vegetation begins. If it is possible to observe the reservoir during the morning and evening feeding of fish, then the fisherman will be able to determine a more accurate place to cast the tackle: the top is placed where the fish played.

You need to check the tackle several times a day, taking out the caught prey from it.

Without the use of bait

Sometimes catching tops is possible even without the use of bait. The method without bait is used in the spring, when the fish are spawning and may think that such a convenient place is suitable for spawning. Different breeds of fish that prefer to spawn in thickets of plants can get into the muzzle at this time. The trap is placed where an accumulation of crucian carp, bream, ide is found. The spawning place is easy to determine by splashes of water.

On the rapids, in small streams, the vents are placed in a narrowing channel. Passing along the river, the fish is forced to get inside and cannot get out of the trap. With a little practice, you can determine the best way to put the top on the river: in the current or closer to the spawning grounds.

Top Disadvantages

Homemade fish traps (tops) are rather bulky structures. The folding version can only be made from wire rings or spirals covered with a mesh, but other methods lack this property.

The disadvantages include the difficulty of catching large fish.

DIY homemade fish traps in childhood, everyone who had a river or lake nearby did it. Because this invention appeared before the fishing rod. Man made primitive tops of twigs in the Stone Age, as archaeologists assure.

All devices for catching fish have one principle: it swam - and cannot find a way back. The calculation for her poor eyesight is 100% justified. Finding no way out, the fish may panic, knock on the walls or fall into a “hibernation”, freeze.

From a plastic bottle

Take any bulky water bottle, beer or lemonade. Wash thoroughly so that there is no smell. All bottles or even "bottles" (i.e. large containers) have a neck that needs to be cut off at a distance of one third of the length of the bottle. Get a fairly large funnel.

In a vessel with a volume of more than 5 liters, the plastic is quite thick, the neck is more than 2 cm wide. If you take seriously the manufacture of such a trap, you will need a fishing line and an awl. With an awl, pierce holes along the edge of the funnel and vessel and sew the funnel upside down with a large part. You will get an entrance that will lead the victim inside.

It's harder to find inside. And if he makes a "tunnel" of thin plastic, not reaching the bottom by 8-10 cm (insert the rolled-up plastic tube into the neck and secure with a couple of stitches of fishing line), the fish will never find a way out.

You need to make several holes in the body for a free flow of water and thread a nylon cord, for which you can get the trap out of the water. Inside you can pour pebbles - weights and bait.

The larger the trap, the more prey will fall. Nimble minnows, roaches and perches are especially willing to fall into such traps.

Delicious porridge will be the first to lure, and perches will rush inside for bloodworms, finely chopped worms or meat. And a trifle can be used as a "bait" - live bait.


Larger traps for catching fish require certain equipment. A very promising development is a mesh box. To build such a voluminous structure, you will need a frame made of wooden or plastic slats. You can take two children's plastic hoops and make a round "box" based on them.

Straight water pipes made of metal-plastic or PVC will hold the walls (or the frame of the entire box). It is necessary to think over the fastenings so that the box can be disassembled. For the walls you need a fine plastic mesh. Green PVC garden nets with a 1 cm mesh or cheap fine mesh Chinese nylon nets will do.

Hardest to make entrances in the form of a funnel and attach to the opposite walls of the box, but for this you can use a strong plastic mesh that holds its shape well. The design will take up little space during transportation, and at the bottom it will lure not the smallest fish.

The "aquarium" inside will especially attract her.- a jar of fry, which will attract all the perches from the area with a knock. These boxes are excellent winter traps for fish.

Unusual traps

If you decide to catch a few small fish in your ear on a hike, but there were no suitable bottles, but there is a saucepan and gauze (or thin cloth) - do not despair. It will only take courage to enter the water with a new trap. Pull gauze over the pan and secure it so that it does not come off with water.

Make a hole in the center with a diameter of 4-5cm(cut with a knife crosswise) and put bread and small grasshoppers inside. Go to a shallow rift and carefully bury the "structure" to the very top. In half an hour, a crowd of minnows will fuss in the pan.

In the same way, small fish (necessary for baiting a large predator - pike or lenok) will be attracted by an ordinary glass jar with a window cut into the polyethylene lid.

Throw in a handful of bread crumbs., put it in warm shallow water - and watch how curious and always hungry fish swim into the "trap" one after another.

You can also make a trap for catching fish directly on the pond from wood sticks. See this video for more details.

Flat traps - screens

More than once I saw these strange structures made of thick wire (reinforcement) and nets. Two rebars hold the net in the form of a wall. At two corners, a thick fishing line is tied with a bridle, capable of withstanding several kilograms.

Feeder tied in the center- a box, through the small holes of which complementary foods are slowly washed out. This structure descends to a depth of one to two meters. Network cells can be of any size.

There are even screens in several walls. The outer wall lets the fish in, and the small "gill" network delays the movement, it tries to turn around and gets entangled in large cells.

It is impossible to call this projectile catchy, but it will provide fish in the ear.


On sale you can find all the described devices for catching fish, except for a plastic bottle. Tops, boxes and muzzles are sold in specialized fishing tackle stores for quite reasonable prices.

Made from stainless steel wire and a strong nylon net, traps can provide fish and crayfish, which also “come in and don’t come out” even on days that are not the best for fishing.