Money transfers - golden crown - online transfers. What money transfer systems exist in Russia Money transfer systems

There are many different reasons for sending money to loved ones. Most often, such economic parcels are made by parents to their student children or children who have got on their feet financially support their parents. Most often, such regular shipments are made within the borders of our country. Therefore, the issue of cost is very relevant, because money transfers across Russia can be done in different ways, and in each case there are advantages and disadvantages of the options.

Sending money by mail

The most common branch network in the country is the Russian Post. In all, even the most distant corners, there is at least one small working branch. One of the oldest enterprises provides various types of services, including sending money.

It is worth noting that this method is one of the most expensive and long.

But in some areas it is practically indispensable. After all, not everywhere there are alternative services that want to work sometimes even at a loss.

Tariffs for sending money by Russian Post

The post office offers the CyberMoney service. Tariffs for small money transfers start from 40 rubles + 5% up to a thousand, up to 250 rubles + 1.5% up to half a million.

This means that for sending 1 thousand rubles, you have to pay 90 rubles (9%) of the commission. And for the amount of 500 thousand, the payment will be 7,750 rubles (1.55%).

But you need to know that sending amounts up to 100 thousand takes 3 working days, and more than this amount, according to the regulations, can be issued after a maximum of 8 working days.

Pros: huge coverage of the country, you get cash right away, you can send large amounts.

Cons: high commission for small amounts, very low speed.

Translations of specialized systems

There are special companies for making transfers, such as Western Union, Unistream, Anelink or others. Some of them are almost two hundred years old. Western Union, for example, has branches all over the world. They also strive to speed up the process of sending and receiving within each country as much as possible and regularly reduce shipping rates.

Now, for an operation up to 10 thousand rubles, you need to pay only 100 rubles of a fixed commission, and up to 100 thousand - 1% of the amount. When it is necessary to transfer more than 100 thousand rubles, the client will pay a fixed commission of 1000 rubles.

System tariffs

You can pick up money in a couple of hours after sending. You just need to know the transfer code and have a passport. Some systems allow you to receive a transfer a few minutes after sending, for example, Golden Crown.

Pros: high speed of money transfer, no need to have bank accounts.

Cons: fewer branches than the post office, you can get only at specialized points.

Transfers between bank cards

A more profitable transfer is between cards of the same bank. Thus, you can even transfer money across Russia without a commission, and Sberbank can do this if the sender and recipient's accounts are opened in the same city. Some banks, such as Tinkoff, do not charge fees for transfers between any customer debit cards.

The maximum commission can rarely reach 2-3% of the amount. But there are limits on the volume of transfers. At different banks, they can be on average from 15 to 75 thousand per day. Large limits exist for transfers within the bank, and not between cards of different financial institutions.

Pros: high speed, average commission.

Cons: you need to have a bank card, you can get cash only at an ATM.

Sending via virtual payment systems

Younger users use Qiwi, WebMoney or Yandex.Money systems for transfers. But cashing out through these services takes some time and is not free.

On average, the user must pay up to 3-4% of the amount to receive banknotes.

But the translation itself comes instantly. Although there are also limits on maximum transfers. For unauthorized users, it will be a problem to receive more than 15 thousand rubles.

Pros: 24/7 transfers, low commission for sending.

Cons: problem with cashing out, limited low amounts to send, you need to be registered in the service, the commission for receiving is above average.

Bank transfer

You can go the traditional way and make a bank transfer to your account. In this case, the commission will be from 1 to 5% in different banks. The average value will be 1.5-2%.

But at the same time, the recipient must have a bank account and send full details to the one who wants to transfer money. Also, you can withdraw the amount really only through a bank branch during business hours. Which imposes its inconvenience to receive. The transfer takes one business day maximum.

Pros: average transfer speed, average commission, cash withdrawal.

Cons: you need to have an account, you can get it only on working days, you can pick it up only at one specific bank branch.

Every day, thousands of people are faced with a situation where they urgently need money, but there is no way to get a loan. So they call their relatives or friends asking for a loan. But if a person is abroad or in another city, he needs to use such a financial instrument as a quick money transfer.

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For a quick transfer of funds to a person who lives in another region or country, it is more convenient to use the offers of credit organizations.

Money transfer is a universal system, which is a remote transfer of funds to a client's bank account or in the name of an individual in case of refusal to open an account with a credit institution.

Translation can be carried out in various ways:

  1. through a bank account, if both parties have it;
  2. without opening an account;
  3. type "mixed", when one of the recipients has an account, and the second does not.

In Russia, the view without opening an account is more popular, since this requires the execution of various documents and a waste of time. There are such offers in the financial institution Sberbank. Many transfers can be obtained from the Euroset. However, such transfers are not available when transferring funds abroad.

Without opening an account - a system that allows you to transfer funds quickly and often online without leaving your home. Due to the popularity of the speed of sending and receiving. To receive it, you need to provide only a passport. Also, the advantage is a wide choice of institutions where you can receive the money sent.

As a rule, such transfers are carried out by specialized or authorized companies, while they exist only for servicing individuals without opening accounts.

Such companies have a certain internal policy, which describes their own rules for receiving and transferring money. Moreover, such organizations must have the appropriate accreditation and license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The work of such organizations is that the client transfers money through their portal or office. Then, the region to which the payment was sent accepts the funds and, after presenting the passport, they are issued to the recipient.

Some institutions allow in this way to pay off loans and transfer funds in favor of legal entities to pay for services or goods. The system allows to carry out transfers both addressed and non-addressed.

The latter allow you to receive money in any institution, regardless of the region. With the address system, everything is simpler - the sender fills out the document himself and indicates the delivery address.


At the moment, there are several varieties in the money transfer system:

  1. banking allows you to make a payment through a credit institution;
  2. postal, which is carried out in Russian post offices;
  3. Internet money that allows you to pay for goods or transfer funds to an individual in electronic currency.

Video: How to translate for free

Popular fast money transfers

Fast money transfers can be obtained from various accredited institutions. So where can I get money transfer? All people choose the type of money transfers based on the internal and individual characteristics of the financial instrument.

The most popular are:

  1. The Golden Crown allows you to make transfers within the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. Such financial instruments can be used to repay loans and replenish deposits. At the same time, a special card is issued that allows access to the transfer information. This reduces the time for sending and receiving. Such transfers are made by Uralsib and SMP Bank;
  2. Contact allows you to make a money transfer to an individual, pay credit obligations by transferring funds to the account of a financial institution, as well as pay for goods and services of a legal entity. They have more than 40 thousand service points. Among credit institutions, transfers are made by Express Credit, VPB, Eurokommerz;
  3. The leader allows you to make various transfers between individuals. In some cases, funds are transferred in favor of legal entities as payment to providers. The partners of such a system are Gazprombank, VPB and Investbank.
  4. Western Union is one of the most popular types of money transfers due to its distribution in all regions of the country and abroad. In this connection, Western transfers are carried out both to the Crimea and from Ukraine to Russia. It has representative offices in more than 150 countries of the world. Produced only between individuals. Many credit institutions work with such a system, including Gazprombank and the Bank of Moscow.
  5. Unistream allows you to make a payment in favor of an individual, as well as in favor of legal entities to pay for the service. Transfers are made to 100 countries of the world. Bank GOROD, Evrokommerz, VPB cooperate with such a system.
  6. Hummingbird allows you to make payments for an individual. It is also allowed to pay for goods of legal entities by transferring funds through a specific system. Many credit institutions cooperate with this type, including the Military Industrial Bank, Eurocommerce.

How the express system works

Fast transfers are the best program for those who want to receive money in a short time and without opening a current account. The transaction takes place only with an identity document.

The recipient must also present a passport and name the secret code that the sender reports when sending. Funds are transferred within an hour. Companies making such payments have a wide network of representative offices throughout Russia and other countries.

Where to go

Fast transfers are carried out not only through the Russian Post. Now the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has accredited many financial companies, thereby allowing them to carry out such activities.

A few minutes after the transfer, the funds are credited to the account of the financial institution. The cost of such a service is on average 1-6% of the transfer amount.

Before sending such a payment, the sender is obliged to familiarize himself with the current tariffs.

The most optimal systems for fast money transfers are:

The maximum amount when sending becomes 5,000 dollars, while the minimum amount of commission is 1% of the transfer in the territory of the Russian Federation and 2% when sending in the territory of the CIS.

Also, some banks, including Sberbank, offer Hummingbird urgent transfers for transferring cash in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Transfers are made in national currency, dollars and euros.

The maximum transfer amount in Russia is 500 thousand rubles, beyond the limit - 5,000 dollars for residents and 10 thousand dollars for non-residents. The commission for such an action is 1.5%.

Western systems

Specialized systems of Western partners make it possible to carry out transfers abroad on the territory of the Russian Federation. Moneygram is only being introduced into the financial instruments of Russia, therefore it does not have sufficient popularity among individuals.

Instant transfers have become an integral part of our financial life. We send money to friends and relatives who live in other Russian regions, near and far abroad countries. Instant money transfers do not require you to perform complex banking operations; to transfer funds, you do not need to open a special account and spend money on its maintenance.

Instant money transfer systems

The following money transfer systems have become popular in our country:
Western Union;
Post office.

Translations will allow you to:

  • send money to anywhere in the world;
  • spend no more than 15 minutes on money transfer;
  • save on transfer fees;
  • be confident in the reliability and safety of the translation;
  • use the simplest possible procedure for processing the operation.

How to send a money transfer?

If you want to send an instant transfer, you need to come to the service point. It can be the Russian Post, or any bank, Zolotaya Korona service points, Contact.
For example, you want to send a transfer to Ukraine for your relatives. You will need a passport or other document that identifies you. In addition, you will need to provide the details of the recipient of the funds and announce the amount of the transfer.
Next, you deposit the amount of the transfer, taking into account the commission fee to the system, to the cashier. And that's it. Money arrives to the recipient within a few minutes.
To receive funds, a relative must contact the nearest point of issue. The recipient needs to take a passport. Withdrawing money takes a few minutes. Some systems require the recipient to pronounce a code word or transfer number. If this is a prerequisite for the transfer, do not forget to inform the recipient about it.
Instant transfers are a fairly convenient tool for transferring money within the country and to neighboring countries. You have probably heard that the flow of money transfers to Armenia, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan is increasing every year. What do you think it is connected with? Yes, yes, you guessed it with the development of instant transfer technologies by foreign workers. They were the first to appreciate the convenience of this method of moving money.

How much do instant money transfers cost?

You will have to pay a commission for transferring money, its size varies greatly - from 0.4 percent of the transfer amount to 6 percent. The amount of the fee depends on the direction of the transfer and its amount.
And now let's talk a little about the largest instant transfer systems.

Western Union

Western Union instant money transfer can be carried out both in favor of legal entities and individuals in all countries of the world. The convenience of the system lies in the wide geography of transfers.

You can transfer money from a bank card, deposit in cash, or use the Internet banking service. The commission for the transfer is kept from 0.5% to 2% of the transfer amount, from 100 to 5000 rubles of the transfer amount, the commission will be only 100 rubles. The developed infrastructure of service points makes the system quite popular in Russian regions and CIS countries.

To transfer, it is enough to present any document proving your identity, indicate the full name of the recipient, the country of destination and the city to which the transfer will be sent, it is also possible to specify a security question with an answer to it, for greater security of the transfer. It is also possible to provide the translation with a text message, and there is a service of telephoning the recipient about the transfer or home delivery of the receipt. The recipient of the transfer to receive cash must contact any Western Union service point and have an identity document, indicate the full name of the sender, the country of origin of the transfer and, if a security question is indicated, the correct answer to it, as well as the transfer code. After that, they will give you cash. The disadvantage of Western Union is a rather high fee for the company's services, all transfers are made in dollars.

gold Crown

You will definitely like Golden Crown transfers if you plan to transfer money to an individual without specifying a specific address. For the transfer, you need to present a document proving your identity, indicate the full name of the recipient, the country and city of residence of the recipient of the transfer. At the same time, the recipient can, at his own request, choose the nearest point of issue of money servicing Zolotaya Korona transfers. The control code is sent to the recipient in the form of a message on the mobile phone specified by you. For free sms informing, you must specify the recipient's phone number. This is quite convenient, because. does not require additional effort on your part.

40 thousand service points located in the following countries: Abkhazia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Moldova, Uzbekistan Tajikistan and Ukraine. Restrictions on transfer amounts in the rules of the Golden Crown service depend on the legislation of the recipient's country. Transfers are made in any currency, the exchange takes place at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia at the time of transfer. The transfer period is 60 days. If the transfer was not requested, after this period the sender should contact the place where the transfer was sent.

The disadvantage of the Golden Crown is the lack of a unified pricing policy. Each of the agents sets the amount of the commission independently. At one point, you can send a transfer with a commission of 0.5 percent of the amount, and at another, pay 1.5 percent.


Unistream is a money transfer system. Allowing you to send money to foreign countries and make transfers within Russia. Unistrim has more than 100 thousand service points in 90 countries of the world. At the same time, the system does not provide for restrictions on the amount of transfer. To transfer, you will need to present a document proving your identity (for transfers up to 15,000 rubles or the equivalent in foreign currency, identification is not required). Indicate the country and city of the recipient, as well as his full name, from the bank employee to receive a copy of the "Application for transfer without opening an account" with the specified transfer control code. Tell the recipient the transfer control code and your full name. However, if you are a non-resident and want to transfer money in the amount of more than 75 thousand rubles, you will be required to have a migration card. The currency for transfers within Russia is rubles, abroad you can use dollars and euros. Currency exchange takes place at the established rate of the service.

Money can be transferred to a specific postal address or to the addressee's name. Your funds will reach the recipient in a quarter of an hour after sending. The commission for the transfer will depend on the amount and direction of the transfer, the commission for transfers to the CIS countries is only 1% of the amount, there is no minimum.


You will only like MoneyGram if you plan to transfer money in US dollars. Over 327,000 branches in 198 countries. For transfers to the CIS countries, the commission is only 1% of the transfer amount. In general, commissions charged for transfers range from 1% to 12%, depending on the direction and amount of the transfer. In principle, you can come to the reception point with Russian rubles, they will be exchanged for foreign currency at the rate set by the service. But in this case, you risk exchanging money at an unfavorable rate.

The sender must present an identity document, fill out a simple money transfer form, the form that will be given to you at the transfer point, after receiving a receipt and transfer control number, inform the recipient of this transfer number.

The recipient needs to contact the MoneyGram service point, name the transfer number and present their ID, after which they will give you cash.

Prohibitions and restrictions when making transfers

When moving money through the instant money transfer service, do not forget about the current prohibitions in this area:

  1. It is impossible to simultaneously transfer money amounts over $5,000 to foreign countries;
  2. You cannot use money transfer systems as a means of payment for business and other activities related to making a profit.

A special category of money transfers are transfers made through instant payment terminals, such a service is provided, for example, by the Zolotaya Korona system. Such a transfer is anonymous and does not require you to present a passport. However, legislators plan to limit the amount of transfers through such devices to three thousand rubles.

What are the criteria for choosing an instant transfer system?

When choosing a money transfer system, follow these simple but effective rules:

  1. The method of sending money should be convenient for you. Love cash - choose the Golden Crown, be friends with Internet banking, prefer Western Union;
  2. The location of the nearest point of issue in relation to the recipient of funds. If the point of issuing money for Unistream transfers is located only in the nearest city, it is hardly worth giving preference to this system;
  3. Translation time. The maximum transfer times are typical for the Russian Post, all other monetary systems implement the service within a few minutes;
  4. The commission for the transfer should be low, otherwise you risk incurring additional costs;
  5. The less restrictions in the system, the better. Otherwise, you run the risk of encountering unforeseen problems and losing precious time;
  6. Choose a system that has been on the market for many years.

Instant money transfers today are a very convenient, and most importantly, reliable way to move your funds over distances. Efficiency and inexpensive cost, makes this service available to every resident of Russia. How to choose a money transfer system, the services of which agents you used, we propose to discuss on the pages of our blog.

Very often in conversations the expression is used: “Money transfer systems such and such” or “Money transfer systems such and such”. What are money transfer systems, and what is it in general?

money transfer system, is an organizational structure that has developed rules for receiving and transferring funds between individuals, backing these rules with software and ensuring the transfer of information using electronic communications. Each money transfer system has its own clearing center, program support service and support for partners working with clients. Each money transfer system operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, as a rule, has its own corporate logo, and must have a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to make money transfers.

Money transfer systems are divided into:

  1. banking;
  2. not banking
  3. mixed - banking and non-banking
And the systems differ in terms of non-cash payments by individuals:
  1. Implementation of non-cash payments by individuals on a current account.
  2. Carrying out money transfer operations on behalf of individuals without opening a bank account.
  3. Mixed settlements - in which, on the one hand, the withdrawal / crediting of the account, and on the other hand, the issuance / sending without opening an account
The most popular and widespread among the population today are systems of money transfers of individuals, which are carried out without opening a bank account. Each system develops its own rules for receiving and issuing transfers, its own tariffs and restrictions.

The implementation of non-cash payments by individuals in the currency of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation on bank accounts opened on the basis of a bank account agreement or without opening a bank account is regulated by the Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of April 1, 2003 N 222-P “On the procedure for making non-cash payments by individuals persons in the Russian Federation”, which was developed in accordance with part two of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” and other regulatory acts.

Russia is a large country, there are a lot of banks in it, therefore there are a lot of money transfer systems offered by banks to the population. The most popular among the population are banking systems of money transfers (without opening an account), postal orders of the Russian Post and non-banking systems that cooperate with Banks and Russian Post.

Only at the beginning of 2012, more than 30 different Russian and foreign money transfer systems operate in the territory of the Russian Federation. Therefore, before each client who needs to transfer funds, the question arises which of the money transfer systems to choose. When choosing a money transfer system, each client seeks to combine such different requirements as:

  1. The price and quality of the service provided;
  2. Speed ​​and geography of service provision;
  3. Transfer currencies.

Now I will bring to your attention a brief description of the most common and popular money transfer systems in Russia:

International money transfer system Western Union

The international non-bank money transfer system Western Union is one of the largest and most widespread international money transfer systems in the world. The system has been operating in the money transfer market since 1851, that is, more than 160 years. The organizer of the money transfer system is the American Company WesternUnion (NYSE: WU). Western Union's global network includes more than 410,000 customer service points in more than 200 countries and territories around the world.

This money transfer system has been operating in Russia since 1991, having opened a subsidiary LLC Non-Banking Credit Organization Western Union DP Vostok (license of the Bank of Russia No. 2726-C). The head office of the subsidiary Western Union DP Vostok is located in Moscow. As of the end of 2009, the total number of Western Union customer service points in Russia is over 14,000 and continues to grow.The Western Union system applies a flexible tariff policy.

On the territory of Russia, transfers are made without opening a bank account and without crediting to an account, from account to account via the Internet. Money transfers are paid only in cash:

  • For transfers within Russia - Russian rubles.
  • For transfers to / from countries of near and far abroad - in US dollars or Russian rubles (with conversion into the currency of the country of receipt of the transfer).
  • For transfers from non-CIS countries, through the Russian Post - only in Russian rubles.

The commission fee is deducted only from the sender of funds, and its amount depends on the transfer amount and currency. Tariffs also differ depending on the direction of the transfer. Thus, tariffs for translation and related services are divided into three types:

  • across Russia;
  • In the near abroad;
  • To far abroad.

Since July 2008, the Western Union Transfer System has launched the Western Union Gold Card loyalty program in Russia for customers who repeatedly make money transfers. Such a loyalty system is already operating in 65 countries of the world and is based on the introduction of special cards - Western Union Cards (Western Union Gold Cards). This allows you to reduce the processing time of the transfer and the identification of regular customers in the database. Loyalty program - Western Union® Gold Card, is aimed at encouraging regular customers of the system by accruing bonuses.

The "Western Union" system works with such Banks of Russia as: Gazprombank, VTB 24, Bank of Moscow, Alfa-Bank, MDM-Bank,, Baltiysky Bank, JSC CB "Vostochny Express", etc.

International money transfer system MoneyGram

This international money transfer system is organized by the American company MoneyGram International Limited, the headquarters of the company is located in Minneapolis (USA). The first transfer was sent in 1940 in Minneapolis (USA). The system network connects 244,000 points and local agents in 192 countries and regions of the world. In the CIS countries, the MoneyGram network has over 26,000 service points.

MoneyGram partners in Europe are such financial institutions as the Royal Mail of Great Britain and Norway, the Italian Post, Bank of Ireland, Banco Popular Espanol, Kocbank, Finansbank and many others.

The system has been operating on the territory of the Russian Federation since 1996 and cooperates with such banks as: Sberbank of Russia, Rosbank, Raiffeisen Bank, Vostochny Express Bank, URALSIB Bank, Svyaz Bank, Rus Bank, etc.

Transfers are made without opening a bank account (in US dollars, Euro or local currency). The commission for the transfer is from 1%, depending on the amount and country of transfer. The MoneyGram system has the following limits on transferred amounts:

  • Up to 5,000 US dollars per day when transferring abroad (for residents of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation).
  • For non-residents, the company has set a limit of $10,000 per day.

BLIC money transfer system

This is the largest and most widespread Russian money transfer system. The system was founded by Sberbank of Russia using modern banking technologies and high-speed communication channels. The Blitz money transfer system is divided into two types:
  • Transfers within Russia - have been operating since February 1, 2006 and work only within the structures of Sberbank of Russia;
  • Transfers to Kazakhstan, Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus (between branches of Sberbank in Russia and branches of subsidiary banks in Kazakhstan (SB JSC "Sberbank"), in Ukraine (JSC "Sberbank of Russia" and in the Republic of Belarus (JSC "BPS-Sberbank") - are functioning since October 1, 2007.

Sberbank of Russia has an extensive branch network and more than 10,000 branches accept and issue Blitz transfers throughout Russia. And more than 300 points in Kazakhstan, Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus. The disadvantage of the "Blitz" system of transfers is that transfers are made only within Sberbank and their subsidiaries.

The cost of a transfer within Russia is 1.75% of the transfer amount (not less than 150 rubles and not more than 3,000 rubles), which is charged only from the sender. The cost of sending a transfer abroad is 1% of the amount (not less than 150 rubles / 5 US dollars, or 5 euros, depending on the transfer currency). The cost of paying out a transfer abroad is 1% of the amount. A very reliable system, processing transfers only with a passport or identity card.

Transfers are made without opening a bank account. The maximum amount of money transfer within Russia is 500,000 rubles. Outside Russia - the total amount of funds received within one day from one individual resident - no more than the equivalent of 5,000 US dollars, for non-residents 10,000 US dollars.

Money transfers "CyberMoney"

This is a money transfer system of the Russian Post. A network of post offices throughout the country - more than 40,000 points. Postal orders are divided into two types:

  • Money transfers "CyberMoney" (in Russia);
  • Money transfers "CyberMoney" (to the CIS countries, the Baltic States and the countries of the far abroad).

This is a modern system of electronic money transfers of the Russian Post, which covers the entire territory of the Russian Federation and is intensively moving to the near and far abroad through the postal services of these countries. Transfers abroad are carried out by electronic exchange of transfers with foreign partners in the following countries: Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Estonia, China and France.

Only the money transfer system "CyberMoney" of the Russian Post guarantees the delivery of transfers to anywhere in the country. To deliver transfers to hard-to-reach areas of the country, the system uses hybrid technologies (a combination of electronic and traditional means of delivery).

Payment of the transfer, taking into account the provision of remote places with the necessary funds, is carried out within 72 hours. The maximum transfer amount in Russia is limited to 500,000 rubles, and abroad - 100,000 rubles. The cost of the service is withheld from the sender of funds, and its amount depends on the amount of the transfer. In addition, the cost of the service also depends on the region of departure. Individual regions have individual rates. The disadvantage of the system is the rather high price of the service.

The money transfer system of the Russian Post has an advantage - the ability to transfer funds between legal entities and individuals. Within the framework of this system, the “tariff-free postal transfer” project for individuals making postal transfers to legal entities (corporate clients) has also been implemented. The cost of postal services for the implementation of such transfers is paid by the legal entities themselves, who have entered into an appropriate agreement with the Russian Post.

Money transfers "Forsage"

This is the second and more modern money transfer system of the Russian Post, which began operating in June 2010, and covers only the territory of Russia. Postal transfer "Forsage" can be issued in 12,000 branches, the number of branches accepting this type of transfer will gradually increase to 42,000.

The maximum transfer amount is 500,000 rubles, the cost depends on the amount sent, but not more than 2,000 rubles. Transfers are made only in rubles.
The term for making transfers declared by the Russian Post is a few minutes, the deadline is no more than 1 hour.

You can find out about the presence of an incoming postal order only by visiting the post office, while the postal notification can be delivered much later.

Unistream international money transfer system

This is an international system of urgent money transfers in Russia, operating worldwide under the UNIStream brand. The operator of the international money transfer system Unistream is OJSC CB UNISTREAM, which in 2001 began functioning as a department of Uniastrum Bank, and in 2006 was transformed into an independent bank.

The coverage of the money transfer system is more than 250,000 service points in 100 countries of the world. This money transfer system controls over 30% of the CIS market and has an extensive network of points in Russia and Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Moldova, as well as its own service networks in Cyprus and the UK. Using the UNISTREAM system, you can make targeted and non-addressed money transfers

The cost of Unistream transfer in Russia is from 1% to 1.5%. Interest on transfers to foreign countries generally starts from 1%. Thus, the cost of transfers at 0.35% is carried out to Armenia, at 0.5% - to Moldova.

On the territory of Russia, transfers using the UNISTREAM system can be made: from a mobile phone account, through UNISTREAM self-service terminals, through the purchase of UNISTREAM MONEY in the Svyaznoy chain of stores.

International money transfer system CONTACT

This is the Russian international system of money transfers between individuals without opening an account around the world. The organizer and clearing center of the system is JSCB RUSSLAVBANK (CJSC), which was registered in 1990 (General License of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 1073). The system of money transfers and payments CONTACT (Contact) in Russia started working in 2000, and from January 27, 2005, this system began to make transfers to the CIS countries.

Money transfer system "Contact" has more than 40,000 points in 90 countries, more than 3,500 customer service points - in Russia. Transfers are made in Russian rubles, US dollars and euros. On the territory of Russia, the maximum amount of money transfer is 500,000 rubles, to neighboring countries - 350,000 rubles, 10,000 US dollars / Euros, and far abroad citizens of Russia can transfer foreign currency and Russian rubles in the equivalent of no more than 5,000 US dollars in one day, For foreign citizens, this restriction does not apply.

The system allows you to:

  • Sending transfers - in cash, from a bank account, from a card account.
  • Receipt of transfers - in cash, by crediting to a bank account, crediting to a card account, or payment by check (USA).

The transfer fee varies from 0.7 to 5% depending on the amount, currency and country of transfer. Thus, the commission for transfers within Russia is 1.5% of the amount, to neighboring countries - 2%, and for senders of large transfer amounts - less than 1%.

Since December 2009, the CONTACT system has introduced SMS-informing customers around the world. Banks such as GLOBEXBANK, Omsk-Bank, Vozrozhdeniye Bank, Tver City Bank, etc. work with the Contact money transfer system in Russia.

Russian money transfer system "Zolotaya Korona - Money transfers"

This is a modern and unique Russian money transfer system for individuals. It was developed by the Center for Financial Technologies (CFT) and started functioning in 2003. And in 2007, the system introduced into commercial operation a new technology for processing transfers sent through cash registers. The system has introduced a Money Transfer Card, which is issued once and stores information about the owner, as the sender of the transfer and the recipients of the transfers.

The network of points of the system covers 11 republics of the former union. The "Zolotaya Korona - Money Transfers" system unites 180 banks, and the total number of points exceeds 15,000 and continues to grow. The system cooperates with such banks as: OJSC "Uralsib", LLC "Moscow Regional Bank", OJSC AKB "Perminvestbank", "CHELYABINVESTBANK", OJSC CB "Vostochny" and others.

The cost of a transfer within Russia is 1.5% of the transfer amount, to the CIS countries - from 1.5% to 3% of the transfer amount and country, to China - 25 US dollars, regardless of the transferred amount. The maximum transfer amount within Russia is 500,000 rubles, abroad for residents of the Russian Federation - up to 5,000 US dollars, abroad for non-residents of the Russian Federation - up to 20,000 US dollars.
CFT is actively implementing integration projects with other money transfer systems. For example, integration projects with MoneyGram (USA), Anelik (Russia), PrivatMoney (Ukraine-Russia), Caspian Money Transfer (Azerbaijan) and AVERS (Ukraine) systems have been implemented.

ALLURE money transfer system

This money transfer system was originally oriented to the domestic Russian market, and then began to move to the CIS countries. The Organizer and Processing Center of the system of money transfers of individuals without opening bank accounts is United Credit Card Company CJSC (KOCC), better known in the Russian market under the UCS (United Card Service) brand. The Authorized Settlement Center of the System is NBCO "United Settlement System" (License of the Bank of Russia No. 3342-K dated September 23, 1999). The basis of the system is the offices of JSCB ROSBANK.

The total available network of the ALLURE system is more than 5,500 offices, including more than 650 partner credit institutions located in more than 300 settlements in Russia. An affiliate program with the PrivatMoney money transfer system has been signed and is working. All this makes money transfers available in Israel, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Belarus and Latvia.
The amount of a money transfer in Russian rubles is limited to 600,000-00 rubles, in foreign currency - 15,000-00 US dollars and 15,000 EURO (subject to restrictions in accordance with the current currency legislation for residents of the Russian Federation - no more than an amount equivalent to 5,000-00 US dollars one business day). The ALLURE Money Transfer System has unified fixed tariffs only for sending a transfer, and its amount depends on the transfer amount and currency.

International money transfer system LEADER

The Russian system of international money transfers, which is serviced by NBCO CJSC "LEADER". The settlement center and the founder of the NCO CJSC "LEADER" is LLC CB "INKREDBANK", with a 100% stake. The LEADER system has been operating since 2003 and already covers 25 countries of the world (that's more than 7,000 points of receiving / sending money).
Tariffs for LEADER money transfers vary from 1.2% to 4% of the amount, depending on the country, sending or receiving and transfer currency. In some countries, several Tariff plans operate simultaneously, so the choice of a bank for transfer should be clarified on the system website.

Clients of the LEADER system can also take advantage of the possibility of crediting money to the bank account of the recipient of the transfer, for which the sender needs to clarify with the operator the possibility of this operation in accordance with the legislation of the recipient's country.

The service for transferring funds through the LEADER system is offered by the following banks: Industrial Credit Bank, Agroprombank CJSC, CB Transportny, JSCB Investbank JSC, JSCB Gazprombank CJSC, Credit-Dnepr Bank (Ukraine), Finance and Credit Bank (Ukraine) , OJSC VIP-Bank, CJSC CB Miraf-Bank, Asia UniversamBank (Kyrgyz Republic), etc.

International money transfer system MIGOM (MIGOM)®

MIGOM (MIGOM)® - International money transfer system in Russia, created in the "European Trust Bank". The Migom system operates in 20 countries, and the number of MIGOM transfer points has reached 30,000. The system has a registered trademark.

The system is used by such Russian banks as:, Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, ROSGOSSTRAKH BANK, OJSC "GUTA-BANK", SMP Bank and others. Such banks of the CIS countries as Agroprombank (Pridnestrovie), Belagroprombank (Belarus), Ipak Yuli Bank (Uzbekistan), Savings Bank (Ukraine), PrivatBank (Ukraine), Belpromstroybank (Belarus), Savings Bank (Pridnestrovie), Tajik Orienbank, etc.

Tariffs for transfers of the MIGOM system (MIGOM) start from 2%;
One of the advantages of the MIGOM money transfer system is that when sending a transfer, you can get a printout of the list of addresses of MIGOM points in the receiving city from the operator serving you. And yet, the transfer to the Recipient will be issued only in the currency in which it was sent by the Sender.

Fast money transfer in Russia. How to do it? The question is very relevant for the Russians. Indeed, today there are many ways to transfer your funds, but not everyone understands which is the fastest and most comfortable.

Consider in the article the most popular methods and highlight among them the most profitable in terms of spending.

If we systematize all methods of transferring funds in the Russian Federation, several classes can be distinguished.

Postal transfers

The most unhurried way, but because of the same - one of the most inexpensive. As a rule, it involves visiting the office, but there is an exception - a system of cyber-money transfers within the postal service.


This includes Western Union, MoneyGram, UNIStream and other similar systems. A common plus is efficiency, but a common minus is rather expensive tariffs. Also, sometimes there is a question of restrictions on the geography of transfers, but it is most often solved by cooperation with banking organizations.

Internet transfers

Favorable cheap money transfers via the Internet are associated with express systems already mentioned above. Money is debited from the sender's account, and the cost is regulated by the service rates.

However, another way is also possible: electronic wallets like and . The operation is performed instantly, but a tangible commission is charged (both for the transfer itself and for cashing out).

Bank operations

There is two alternatives– transfers between cards and from account to account.

The first one is marked by the fact that it has several convenient ways of implementation: an ATM, a self-service terminal and online banking. It is most suitable if the recipient's and sender's cards belong to the same bank: then there will be no commission.

The second one shows itself best when transferring money through the web version of the bank. Plus - the possibility of remote implementation of all actions. Cons: does not apply to cheap options, and funds can go up to a day or even longer.

Now let's take a closer look at how it is cheaper to transfer or send your funds by mail and in other ways.

In the case of the Russian Post, there are two options - transfer in cash and through the CyberMoney system.


A visit to the post office involves lengthy money transfer activities. You will need a document proving your identity (passport).

The method is focused on transfers within the country. But you can also send money to:

  • Azerbaijan;
  • Armenia;
  • Belarus;
  • Georgia;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • Latvia;
  • Lithuania;
  • Moldova;
  • Tajikistan;
  • Turkmenistan;
  • Uzbekistan;
  • Ukraine;
  • France;
  • South Ossetia;
  • Serbia
  • China.

Note 1. The period during which the money goes to the recipient for international transfer, - two days.

If the money is transferred to another state, the conditions are different in each case. More detailed information about this and about postal money orders in general can be obtained.

Important! Postal transfer is always addressed. The shipment is intended for a specific post office or pickup point.

About transfer amounts. The maximum for an operation in the country is 500,000 rubles. 250,000 - for a non-cash transaction. 120,000 - for the delivery service of the item home to the addressee.

About the timing. In Russia, money goes from seven to eight days.

The commission ranges from 1.5% to 5% (for both international and domestic transfers).

Banking payment systems

Separately, we can single out express transfer systems that operate with the support of specific banks. Next, we will give an example of two such services - Blizko and Hummingbird.


This instant transfer service is the property of Svyaz Bank. With its help, transfers to different countries are carried out within a few minutes.

  • commission fee - up to 1.5%;
  • option to send a message to the recipient;
  • the presence of a foreign currency account;
  • transfer limit - 500,000 rubles (or equivalent in foreign currency).

Transfers within Blizko can be made at Svyaz Bank branches.

This system is one of the youngest. It belongs to Sberbank.

Hummingbird system on the Sberbank website

Within the framework, you can transfer-get no more than 500,000 rubles per day.

The commission fee depends on the amount and the region (from 1.5%), but cannot be less than 150 rubles. The recipient receives money within an hour.

To send money, need to:

  • come to the Sberbank office, where the transfer service through Hummingbird is provided;
  • provide a passport and full name of the recipient;
  • specify a security question (optional) - the recipient will have to answer it;
  • inform the recipient control number, which is assigned to the translation during the checkout process.

To get a transfer, you just need to visit a branch of Sberbank with a passport. Prior to this, ask the sender for the transaction control number so that you can call him at the office to receive the sent funds. Take the money.

Convenient ways for labor migrants

Labor migrants are also not deprived of attention and have the opportunity to make money transfers, subject to a number of conditions. Let's take a closer look at the moment below.

Electronic payment systems

Foreign workers have access to a fairly convenient money transfer system provided by major express services.

For example, the Golden Crown can be used to send money to a Russian destination. Western Union or Contact - for transfers abroad.

There are no special schemes here. The rules for using the systems are general. The main thing is to know where and from where the service allows you to send money and at what rates.


A labor migrant in Russia does not face difficulties in transferring money if he has a work visa and is ready to provide a passport and temporary registration. However, a number of nuances of interaction with payment systems should be noted:

  • not all service providers work with transfers from legal entities;
  • the commission fee can vary greatly depending on the amount of money and the country of destination;
  • there is a need to clarify the specific receiving address (office) and information from the passport before applying for a transfer.

Note 4. You can receive money through any system without a commission fee - if you have a passport and a recipient code.

As you can see, if you prudently take care of the availability of all documents and know the nuances of departure, there should be no difficulties. Any labor migrant can receive and send funds without any problems.


As you can see, there are enough ways to make a quick money transfer across Russia. The main thing is to delve into the conditions and decide on the optimal solution. In order for the transfer to happen without problems, you need to pay attention to issues of commissions, terms, etc. If there is the slightest misunderstanding, there is always the opportunity to contact the service hotline.

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