Interior design of a kitchen in the country: ideas and tips. How to equip a kitchen in the country: photo ideas with a description, important points Build a kitchen in the country

Although in the country we, for the most part, rest only in the summer, no one wants to give up the usual benefits of civilization. But if for a city apartment we are ready to spend a substantial amount on the purchase of furniture, then garden or kitchen furniture for summer cottages with our own tailor-made ones attracts us more.

And the point here is not even that it’s a pity for money. In the city, buying and delivering any furniture will not be difficult. often located at a decent distance from shopping centers, and delivery can cost more than the product itself.

Add to this the fact that not every site is guarded, hence the likelihood of theft is high. And finally, making country furniture with your own hands can be a wonderful and very useful hobby.

Material selection

Almost everyone can make furniture for the garden and dacha with their own hands, because after building and finishing a house, as a rule, a lot of different materials remain. Even country houses made from block containers or frame structures, which are installed ready-made, require additional devices during installation.

Natural wood is deservedly considered the leader in this area. After all, its processing is simple and accessible. It does not require in-depth professional training or specialized expensive tools.

In the most economical option, you will need a hacksaw, drill, hammer and screwdriver or screwdriver. It’s even better if you have a gasoline or electric saw.

Any items of this type can be made either in a stationary version or collapsible. For example, in a garden or barbecue area, stationary tables and benches on a metal frame or rough log structures stylized in a rustic theme are more often installed.

As for the interior decoration of the house or portable, dismountable structures, here, in addition to wood and metal, plywood, chipboard and fiberboard can also be used.

Important: despite the fact that most country furniture is assembled with your own hands from scrap materials, the quality of these materials must be high. No matter how you treat an old board, log or chipboard, they will not last long.

Home interior decoration

In the house, the most difficult area from an installation point of view is the kitchen area. If you do not touch the table and benches, then most of the other items are built-in. Thus, significant savings in material on the rear walls are achieved, plus fastening to solid walls, floors and ceilings provides additional stability to the structures.

Advice: according to many experienced owners, if the house is new and you plan to decorate it with lining, then first it is better to install built-in cabinets, cabinets and other fixtures. And only after that, cover the remaining space.

Let's talk about the kitchen

  • A sink and a work table, with a pedestal under it, can be done in two different versions. The easiest way out is to take laminated chipboard and order cutting to your size from a company. Slots will also be made there for hidden furniture hinges and support mounts for shelves. After that, all the parts in disassembled form are delivered and assembled.
  • But, based on our own experience, we can say that chipboard, even laminated, will look decent for a maximum of 3 years. Further, in places where moisture gets in, the slab will begin to swell and peel off. In a periodically heated room, this process is inevitable.

Advice: do-it-yourself drawings of country furniture; in the case of built-in structures, it is better to do it in as much detail as possible. Indicating all attachment points and dimensions of parts.

  • A built-in set assembled on a wooden frame will be much more practical and durable. The entire supporting skeleton of the structure is assembled from square timber with a rib thickness of 40 - 60 mm. It is better to immediately buy a new tabletop, in size depending on the parameters of your designs. The comfortable height of a table with a sink is around 750 mm.
  • The side walls are sheathed with eurolining, which is easily attached using clamps; the front side with this installation is solid, not disfigured by the heads of nails or self-tapping screws. Plus, when further covering the room with clapboard, a level built-in table or cabinet will look like it’s molded in.
  • You can make doors from clapboard, but they will turn out too heavy and massive. Therefore, we recommend using moisture-resistant plywood. To increase the aesthetic appeal, plywood can be covered with bamboo strips, which are sold in abundance in any construction supermarket.

  • If possible, it is better to lay out the apron with tiles; if this is difficult for you, then you can sew up this area with plastic and coat the joints with silicone.
  • As for the wall cabinets above the sink, it is convenient to assemble the walls and shelves from two boards 150 mm wide and 20–30 mm thick, tightly joined end-to-end. On the inside they can be fastened with 30x40 mm transverse strips.
  • These same planks are the support for the shelves. The result is a wall cabinet with a width of 300 mm, which is quite enough to store cereals in a place inaccessible to mice.
  • A corner built-in wardrobe is made according to the same principle, only load-bearing wooden beams are mounted to the entire height of the cabinet, with fixation not only to the wall, but also to the floor and ceiling. The stationary wall is covered with clapboard, the doors are made of waterproof plywood and covered with bamboo.

Advice: upholstered furniture at the dacha is rarely made with your own hands. More precisely, it’s easy to make a wooden frame; it’s more difficult to sew high-quality soft pillows, so we recommend buying them separately.

Wardrobe for the attic

On the second floor in the attic there is always an uncomfortable space, which, thanks to the broken ceiling, can be advantageously used for a built-in wardrobe. The instructions here are slightly different. Since we already have a back and one side wall, all that remains is to make one side false wall and sliding doors.

For doors, we recommend purchasing pine furniture sheet, 18 mm thick, although in this case, laminated chipboard is also suitable - its price will be much lower. In a store that sells furniture fittings, you will need to buy a set of guides and rollers for sliding doors. If chipboard is used, then care should be taken to decorate the ends.

After installing the frame for the side false wall, you need to secure the upper and lower guides and then adjust the size of the doors in height. The guides themselves are decorated depending on the general style of the attic, but usually with clapboard. Handles on the door, as well as various hangers, shelves and crossbars inside the cabinet, are installed individually, at your discretion.

Important: if you make your own dacha furniture from pine furniture board and varnish it, then it should be coated evenly on both sides, otherwise the sheet may bend.

Table and benches

As mentioned earlier, a comfortable table height is considered to be 750 mm, and the height of the legs will be calculated from here.

We settled on the simplest manufacturing option, which does not require complex calculations or special skills.

  • In order to find out the height of the legs, you need to subtract the thickness of the tabletop from 750 mm. For a table it can be made of any size, but for a standard room and a family of 3 to 4 people, 820x1020 mm is enough.
  • The entire board should be smoothly planed, sanded and chamfered from the corners, so as not to drive in a splinter later. For the legs, a square beam with a cross-section of at least 50 mm is used. For the tabletop and frame, take a board 100–150 mm wide and 20–30 mm thick. The planks of the top plate are fastened with two transverse strips 30x40 mm.
  • The frame is made of planks 100 - 150 mm wide and joined end-to-end. The top plate is made larger than the dimensions of the frame by 100 - 150 mm and is rigidly attached to it. For a non-separable model, the legs are screwed to the frame, from the inside at the corners, with self-tapping screws.

  • If you plan to disassemble the table, then 2 threaded anchor bolts are screwed into each leg vertically. Appropriate holes for bolts are made in the frame. As a result, the legs can be unscrewed and the table will fold.
  • can be assembled according to the same pattern or use a crossed version of the legs. Crossing slats for legs are convenient to use if you are making a bench or a bench with a back.
  • The angle of inclination of the backrest will be about 120º relative to the plane of the seat. Plus, both supporting structures, in addition to the seat, should be connected to each other by a transverse beam to increase stability.

Important: before making country furniture from wood with your own hands, all wood must be treated with an antiseptic. As an economical option, you can use drying oil or used machine oil. As for varnish, it is advisable to cover the products with it at least twice.

A few words about garden furniture

For stationary garden options, drawings of do-it-yourself summer cottage furniture, as a rule, are not made. This is due to the fact that mostly coarse, heavy materials are used for these purposes. Special precision during installation is not required here, so a simple sketch is enough.

Metal products are rarely used, with the exception of a concrete table in a barbecue area or gazebo. As a rule, it is made on one support pipe; a support frame from an angle or a metal sheet with a thickness of 5 mm is welded horizontally to it on top.

The top plate is most often assembled from wooden planks and rigidly fixed to the support frame. A wooden tabletop is beautiful, but in this case it is impractical. Outside, it will need to be cleaned and re-varnished every year. From experience, we can recommend using an asbestos-cement slab for the countertop; it is less attractive, but will last for more than 20–30 years.

Logs are often used to assemble stationary benches and tables. They are cleared of bark, sanded and varnished. The installation technique is quite simple, the difficulty lies in the volume. It is difficult to process and collect thick logs alone.

Advice: in country dacha communities, especially recently created ones, electricity is not always available. Building a house or assembling furniture without electricity now is, to put it mildly, difficult. Renting a diesel generator for your dacha can help out.

The video in this article shows several assembly options.


As you can see, it’s not difficult to make basic furniture for the garden and dacha with your own hands. The main thing is to have a great desire, material, tools and turn on creative thought. The rest of the articles on our site will help you.

In the fresh air, not only is your appetite stronger, but food is also digested much better. In warm weather, you don't really want to sit indoors. Preserving for the winter is also easier to do outside. In the article we will tell you how to build a summer kitchen in your country house with your own hands, we will demonstrate diagrams, drawings, photos and video instructions.

Choosing a type

All types of summer kitchens can be classified into two categories:

  • open;
  • closed.

Enclosed kitchens resemble a small structure, similar to a house, which often does not have much insulation. The advantage of this solution will be protection from insects, better protection from bad weather, as well as from wind. An open kitchen option on one or more sides can be protected with a fabric, wooden or other wall. The advantage of such a solution will be greater unity with nature. Among the open types of buildings there are options:

  • With barbecue. In this case, you have the advantage of cooking your favorite dish over an open fire. Barbecue will be available in any weather. If you additionally install an oven, then you can please your friends with pizza.
  • With a gazebo or pergola. It's nice to sit among the greenery. This is exactly the solution in which the entire structure will eventually be shrouded in grapes, ivy or other climbing plants.
  • Shed adjacent to the house. The easiest way to build. Requires the least investment. But there is a negative point. When cooking, all the steam and smoke will go towards the house. This can lead to damage to walls or other finishing materials.

Preparation stages

Once you've chosen one of the possible options, it's time to create a small project.

  • We choose a location. It’s good when it is possible to place the kitchen in a cozy garden, where a pleasant atmosphere of tranquility reigns. At this stage, it is necessary to take into account the proximity of various communications. They will definitely be needed. Electrical appliances will require wiring. When preparing food, you cannot do without water and you need to put it somewhere afterwards. Do not place the structure close to driveways and roads. Then your meal will not be spoiled by unpleasant odors. If there is a toilet outside, it is better to leave it as far away as possible.
  • We dwell on the material for construction. If you are planning an enclosed kitchen, then you can approach it as a frame building, in which case you will need wood. A good option would be a structure made of foam blocks or brick. The open one will most likely be made of wood, or one or two of its walls will be made of the material that was listed earlier.
  • We decide on the roof. Soft tiles will look great on an open building, but this is a rather expensive solution, although it cannot be ruled out, because the roof area will be small. A good option would be metal tiles or corrugated sheets. Perhaps, while waiting your turn, you have sheets of slate or ondulin - they will also do.
  • The project should also take into account what equipment you plan to purchase for the summer kitchen.


A summer kitchen is usually designed as a lightweight structure. This means that the foundation can immediately act as a floor, and perhaps no pouring will be required at all.

  • First you need to clear the selected area of ​​all debris and vegetation.
  • A small layer of top soil is removed.
  • One of the corners of the future building is marked with a wooden peg or metal rod. Next, three more elements are installed. To position them correctly, it is necessary to measure the diagonals for identity. A fishing line or strong twine is stretched between them, which will serve as a guide.

If the building consists of a canopy, then after these steps you can proceed as follows:

  • The entire perimeter of the marked area is excavated to a depth of 30 cm.
  • The bottom is leveled and compacted.
  • Sand is poured inside in a layer of 10–15 cm. It is also leveled and compacted well.
  • The remaining space is filled with screenings and final leveling is performed.
  • Next, paving or other tiles intended for the street are laid on our “pie”, which has been prepared. This can be done using dry cement mortar, which, after pouring with water, will fix the entire base well.
  • Holes are dug at four corners; their depth should be at least 50 cm. Formwork is installed inside. The sheathing is made from reinforcement, which will be the basis of the reinforced concrete structure. It is placed inside and filled with solution. Using a vibrator, the entire mixture is compacted. While the concrete has not yet hardened, two metal plates are inserted into the middle, to which we can attach wooden posts that will support the walls and roof.

This base option will be relevant when the soil is quite dense. In cases where groundwater can come very close to the surface or displacements of the upper layer are noticed, it is necessary to provide a more solid foundation. Also, if you plan to add a stove or barbecue to such a foundation, then you will need to lay separate concrete supports for them.

In order to make a foundation slab, we will need to take the first three steps from the previous instructions. Next we proceed to the following:

  • We are preparing 8 pieces of reinforcing bars. Four of them should be 10 cm shorter than one of the sides of the future structure, 4 others should be 10 cm shorter than the other. If the building is square, then they will all be the same size.
  • We lay four of them in the shape of our future structure and secure them together. Then we tie longitudinal and transverse jumpers every 40 cm. In the same way we prepare the second grid. We connect the two gratings with jumpers to such a height that the future slab rises above the surface by at least 5 cm.
  • We lower the entire structure into the middle of the dug hole, install the formwork and fill it with concrete. We ram with a vibrator. We level with slats and let it stand for several weeks.
  • Metal plates can be placed in fresh concrete along the perimeter in meter increments the width of the future timber for the walls. Or it can be done only in the corners.

It is very important that the floor is above the ground. This will prevent rainwater from seeping in. It is also good to make a slight slope of the floor so that precipitation that is blown by the wind can flow freely into the drainage or simply through the door.

In cases where you plan to build an enclosed kitchen made of brick or foam block, this foundation option may be sufficient. Also for these needs, you can build a shallow strip or columnar foundation. In this case, such large-scale excavation is not carried out.

  • A trench is dug to a depth of 50 cm along the entire perimeter of the future kitchen. The width will depend on the thickness of the walls. In any case, the foundation should be 10–15 cm wider.
  • A layer of sand is poured onto the bottom, which is leveled and spilled with water.
  • A metal lattice base is made according to the principle as in the previous instructions. She fits into the trench.
  • The formwork is installed so that the future foundation rises 20–30 cm above the ground surface.
  • Pour in cement mortar, tamp and level it. Let it sit for 2-3 weeks.

The supply of all communications must be done in parallel with laying the foundation, so that later you do not have to drill holes in it or dig under it. To prevent the pipes from becoming clogged with solution, they must be closed in advance using fabric and plastic oilcloth.

Open kitchen

This option can be erected most quickly. We have already laid the foundation and support for the supports. If you plan to have the kitchen closed on one or both sides by walls made of brick or other material, then the first thing you need to do is start building these partitions.

  • At the corners of the future walls, we dig a metal square pipe or profile measuring 50x50 mm into the ground. We set it according to level. We do this so that the planks are close to the masonry. They will serve as our guide.
  • We stretch the fishing line between them. We raise it to the height of the first row of bricks that will be laid. We set it according to level.
  • Prepare a cement-sand mortar in a ratio of 1:3. This will be quite sufficient for our purposes.
  • We carry out the laying, focusing on the stretched fishing line, and also periodically double-check ourselves with the level.
  • As soon as the first row is completed, we raise the line for the next one and so on until the very end.
  • To make the structure more stable, reinforcing mesh can be placed in the seams.

If you are not planning on having walls of this nature, then the process will be much easier.

  • We screw a beam that will serve as a support to the metal plates that we laid during the manufacture of the foundation. When the entire structure is of great length, then it is necessary to foresee in advance the need to install 3-4 pillars on one side. Their length should be equal to the height of our building, and the dimensions of the sides should be 15x15 cm or 15x10 cm.
  • We level them so that they are strictly vertical. The beams of one wall must be longer so that we can organize the roof slope.
  • We immediately strengthen our posts using the top strapping. It can be made from the same logs. We fix it using metal corners.
  • To give greater stability to the entire structure, you can install two jibs near each post. They can be secured to the support using self-tapping screws, and to the base with an anchor bolt.
  • We mount beams for our future roof. In order for them to hold better in the places where they adjoin the harness, it is better to make cuts. We fix with metal corners.
  • We make a crate for flooring, as recommended by the manufacturer. We lay roofing material.
  • To create more comfort, one side (or more) can be sewn up using wooden lining or a house block. On the other - to make a wooden lattice. You can equip supports for climbing green plants.

If you plan to build a pergola, after laying the ceiling beams, nothing else needs to be done. They can be covered with stain or varnish. Then the plants will do their job themselves, creating shade when they are fully grown.

Closed kitchen

At the design stage, it may have been decided to build walls from foam blocks or bricks, then this can be done according to the principle of installing vertical landmarks, which was discussed above. The thickness of the walls may not be too large. In some cases, laying in half a brick is allowed. But always consider the weight of the future roof. In the future, the outside of the building can be covered with siding or a block house. For interior decoration, a house block, lining or other material that will be resistant to frost is also suitable, because it is unlikely that anyone will deliberately constantly heat the room in winter.

A beam is laid on the walls, which will act as a mauerlat. Its size can be 10x15 cm. It is secured using anchor bolts or studs, which must be walled up during the construction of the walls. It is necessary to lay waterproofing under it in the form of roofing material or bikrost. A rafter system is installed on the logs. It can be for both a gable and a single-pitch roof (for this option it will be enough to make one wall higher than the other, then simply install beams between them). The sheathing is mounted on the beams and the roofing is laid. The ceiling is hemmed from the inside.

You can go simpler and stick with the frame version. For it we will need beams of the same size as for the vertical posts from the instructions for an open kitchen. From these we make the foundation. We lay them along the perimeter of our foundation on two layers of roofing material or bikrost, which will serve as waterproofing. We make a dressing between them. To do this, at the edge of each log there is a recess half the depth and a width equal to the width of the log. Checking the diagonals. We fix them together using self-tapping screws and internal metal corners. Next, we fix it to pre-prepared plates or anchors to the foundation.

We install corner support posts from the same timber. In increments of 60 cm, we install additional vertical supports from boards measuring 10x5 cm. For greater rigidity, we screw the jibs for each main support. We carry out the top trim and install the rafter system for the future roof. We do this by analogy with the open kitchen option.

Finish line

Even if our kitchen is planned to have a barbecue or stove, this does not exclude the presence of a gas or electric stove, which are much more convenient to use. It is necessary to take care of the installation of the sink, mixer, as well as a stand for dishes on which they will dry. It would be good if there was a cabinet in which you could hide cutlery and pots. You need to take care of the dining table, as well as comfortable furniture on which you can relax. For greater comfort, it is better to carry out the main and decorative lighting.

For an open kitchen project, it is best to ensure that all lighting fixtures are preferably IP68 rated. In this case, you won’t have to worry about any elements being damaged by rainwater.

Don't approach your outdoor kitchen project in a casual way. Let it, in some sense, be a design decision. After all, it will serve not only as a place to eat, but also as a recreation area with family and friends.

Cooking in a small kitchen is not a pleasant task. Hot air, cramped spaces, and constant lack of free space make the cooking process difficult and sometimes unbearable. There is only one way out - to build a separate spacious summer kitchen at the dacha, with enough space not only to accommodate a working area, but also a dining area, with a large and comfortable dining table. Read on in our article to find out which summer kitchen is most in demand today, and whether it is possible to build it yourself using standard designs and a regular photo.

What is a summer kitchen?

A summer kitchen in a country house is a structure attached to the house or a separate structure designed for cooking and relaxing. Depending on the choice of materials and method of insulation, it can be used both during the warm season and constantly.

The type of summer kitchen design can be open or closed. In the first case, the walls of the building are missing completely or partially. They can be replaced by light curtains or. The closed type has solid walls and windows that reliably shelter the kitchen from rain and wind.

For an experienced carpenter, it will not be difficult to build a rain shelter over the summer kitchen yourself.

A summer kitchen with a simple design can be easily erected in just one summer. This will require basic construction skills, the necessary material and tools. Well, to be on the safe side, it is advisable to have one or two assistants, since some types of work will be performed at height.

Important! Before starting construction of a facility, you should select a suitable location for it. Not only the aesthetic, but also the practical side of the issue will depend on how correctly this is done.

We select a place for construction

When choosing a suitable place, first of all you need to take into account that the kitchen should not be too far away from the house. And the point is not even that it will be easier and cheaper to connect communications, but that it should be within walking distance from the main building. After all, you must admit that going to the opposite side of the site every day to prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner is not very convenient.

In addition, there should be no sources with an unpleasant odor near the summer kitchen. These include sheds and cages with animals, pits with fertilizers, compost heaps, sewer wells, septic tanks, etc.

Having your own kitchen in the fresh air is the dream of every housewife.

If there is a tree on the site, it is advisable to plan a summer kitchen in close proximity to it. On hot days, you can place a table and chairs under its thick crown. It’s no secret that having breakfast in the fresh air is doubly pleasant.

However, when you are carried away by planning the future structure, you should not forget about fire safety rules, neglect of which can lead to not the best consequences.

The presence of an open flame in a summer kitchen is allowed if it is at least 8-10 meters away from flammable buildings.

Deciding on a kitchen project (photo)

In order for the cooking extension to be practical, functional and convenient, as well as have an attractive appearance, it is important to choose the right project for it, in which all the nuances and design features will be described down to the smallest detail.

In addition, it is important that the kitchen fits organically into the overall development and does not disturb the surrounding landscape, so it is advisable to choose the same materials for its construction as for the house itself. This way you will achieve perfect harmony between the two buildings.

As you may have already noticed, many summer kitchen projects, photos of which are posted in the article, have an original and non-standard design. This suggests that today the aesthetic component is no less important than the functional one.

Constructing a building on your own

When the location and design for the summer kitchen have been chosen, you can safely begin its construction. Like any building, the construction of a summer kitchen is carried out in four stages:

  1. Marking the site and pouring the foundation.
  2. Construction of walls (if provided for by the project) or support pillars.
  3. Roof construction.
  4. Interior and exterior finishing.


Since this structure is relatively light, there is no need to pour a capital foundation. It is quite possible to do without it or, the main thing is that it is carried out in compliance with technology.

Important! For those who subsequently do not want to bother with the installation of the floor, it is perfect, the upper base of which will be the floor.

To build a summer kitchen made of glass, a foundation may not be required at all

  • Strip foundation. First, a marking is made on the site, which is marked on the plane with fixed pegs with a rope stretched between them. Next, a pit is dug (depth 40-60 cm), along the perimeter of which formwork made of boards or moisture-resistant plywood is installed on both sides. Then, to avoid heaving of the soil, a backfill is made of compacted seeded sand and crushed stone. Before pouring concrete, reinforcement is lowered into the trench and tied with wire using a special hook. The foundation must stand for at least 30 days. If you are lucky with the weather, you can start construction in 2 weeks.
  • Monolithic foundation. Having previously marked the site, a pit is dug to a depth of 15-20 cm. To strengthen the soil and protect the slab from groundwater, geotextiles are placed at the bottom of the pit, on top of which a sand cushion is made. Next, the sand is well leveled and compacted tightly with a tamping machine. All that remains is to install the formwork, tie the reinforcement cage, and pour the concrete solution. After complete drying, a reliable and high-quality base for a summer kitchen is ready.

Important! If you plan to use an open type of summer kitchen, it is recommended to make a slab from a monolithic foundation with a slight slope of 1.5º-2º so that rainwater can flow down on its own.

Walls and roof

If the walls of the summer kitchen are wooden, their construction begins with the construction of a frame, which is made of metal or wooden blocks.

  1. Large (support) posts are installed in the corners - measuring 200x200 mm, and between them additional ones - measuring 150x150 mm.
  2. The upper strapping beams are placed on the support bars, which will also serve as the basis for installing the rafters.
  3. After the rafters are installed, from bars measuring 50x50 mm. lathing and counter-lattice are made.
  4. Next, the entire structure is treated with a special compound against fungus and mold, after which installation is carried out.

Often, rounded logs, bricks or stones are used as wall materials, which are ideal for this type of construction. With such walls, the building can be used all year round, the main thing is to make them of high quality.

An undeniable advantage is that summer kitchen facade made of logs, facing bricks or decorative stones does not require additional finishing. The extra costs come down only to the fact that wood is needed, and stone and brick are needed.

Deciding on the façade design

When choosing a summer kitchen project from photos that you like, you need to pay attention not only to its shape, size, and functional component, but also to the design of the structure. For a dacha, it is very important that the style of the extensions matches the overall layout of the entire site as a whole.

This does not mean at all that the building should be a kind of clone of the main structure. Quite the contrary, they should not replace, but complement each other, creating common stylistic touches.

In the summer kitchen, special attention should also be paid to the working and dining areas, where everything should be as rational and convenient as possible. The following will help you organize your space wisely: photos of summer kitchens, where it is clearly demonstrated how to beautifully and correctly design various zones.

The work area is an important element in the interior. Try to make it comfortable and practical

  • Furniture. Using upholstered furniture in an open summer kitchen is not a good idea. In most cases, it is made of foam rubber, which absorbs moisture well. Therefore, it is better to use wooden or plastic benches and chairs with removable cushions. Also, various types of wicker furniture will fit well into the interior, which goes well with any finishing materials. For example, a rattan chair or a wicker chair will look very beautiful. If a closed type of kitchen is used, then the flight of fancy should not be limited by anything. In this case, you can use any furniture, including upholstered furniture.
  • Lighting. Proper lighting of a summer kitchen in a country house, regardless of its size, is an important stage of renovation work. A chandelier or a single lamp suspended in the center cannot always cope with the task assigned to it. To illuminate all areas, it is advisable to use more than one type of lighting. It is appropriate to place spotlights in tandem above the work area, and hang a large chandelier above the table.

We hope that this article will help you intelligently approach the issue of choosing a suitable project for your summer kitchen. As you can see, there are plenty of sources for inspiration and fresh ideas for implementing your plans. Good luck with your construction.

Whatever you do at the dacha - garden, vegetable garden, or just take a break from the bustle of the city - you cannot do without normal food for a long time. Need a kitchen. It is absolutely not necessary to allocate a lot of money and a large area for its arrangement. It is enough to create minimal comfortable conditions, filling the room with the most necessary things. Assess your needs, capabilities, and then feel free to start implementing the “do-it-yourself kitchen in the country” project

With a little creativity, even the smallest but tastefully decorated kitchen will provide you with inspiration and plenty of delicious dishes.

How to make a kitchen

The most compact solution to the problem is the location of the kitchen in the house. But if it is possible to allocate some free space on a summer cottage, the owners prefer to build a separate structure - a summer kitchen. Moreover, it can be either a small light building or an open canopy structure consisting of two or three walls with a roof.

Open summer kitchens allow you to cook and eat food in a comfortable environment, while remaining in close proximity to nature. Often such structures have a barbecue, and the eating area is located in a gazebo or under a canopy.

To build a summer kitchen, choose a cozy place, one of the main wishes for which is the presence or possibility of supplying communications. They create a construction project taking into account the necessary equipment. To build a durable structure, the foundation must be properly prepared. If the soil on the site is quite dense, there is no groundwater nearby, and there is no provision for the construction of an oven or barbecue in the kitchen, a lightweight type of foundation without concrete supports will suit you . Follow the steps in the following sequence:

  • Clear the area of ​​vegetation and debris.
  • Remove the top layer of soil.
  • Mark the contours of the future structure on the selected site. Drive wooden pegs or metal rods into the ground along the contours. Stretch string or fishing line over them.
  • Deepen the entire area by approximately 30-40 cm.
  • Compact and level the bottom.
  • Pour a layer of sand 10-15 cm thick. Level and compact the surface. To do this efficiently, water the area little by little.
  • Next, in a similar way, cover the prepared site alternately with layers of crushed stone, the second sand layer, with a dry mixture.
  • Perform the final leveling (use a level to check the quality of the surface).
  • Lay paving slabs or other finishing material intended for the street on dry cement mortar.
  • At the corners of the site, dig holes about 50 cm deep each. Install the formwork.
  • Next, make a lathing from the reinforcement. Fill it with solution. Compact the mixture.
  • Insert 2 metal plates into the concrete that has not yet hardened. We will attach wooden poles to them - supports for the walls and roof of the summer kitchen.

The walls of the summer kitchen can be made of stone, brick, foam blocks or wood. The roof is equipped with soft tiles, metal tiles, corrugated board, slate or ondulin.

Kitchen equipment for a summer residence

There is no need to equip the kitchen in the country with the latest technology, but creating comfortable conditions is quite acceptable. Kitchen equipment should at a minimum include:

  • Gas or electric stove.
  • Sink.
  • Small refrigerator.
  • Lighting device.
  • A dining group consisting of a table and chairs. Moreover, one table can be used both for its intended purpose and as a work surface.
  • The kitchen, organized directly in the house, is complemented by shelves, simple cabinets for storing dishes and bulk products.

Kitchen bedside table

It’s easy to assemble a kitchen cabinet with your own hands. It is important to decide on the design you need and the material available. Then the product will be useful and practically free. For country furniture, you can take old chipboard, boards, or disassemble several wooden pallets. Our bedside table will have a main compartment, for example for dishes, and a drawer for cutlery. In principle, each owner will decide for himself what to fill his furniture with.

Materials and tools

To make such a bedside table, you will need 915x1220 mm chipboard (half sheet) 16 mm thick. Therefore, if you are going to purchase new material, look for a company. In addition, you need to prepare:

  • Table top 525x400 mm, thickness 28 mm.
  • Plywood for the bottom of the box and the back wall of the product.
  • Roulette.
  • Pencil.
  • Square.
  • Screws 50x70 mm.
  • Circular saw.
  • Wood glue.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Drill with a set of drill bits for wood.
  • A cutter for hinges with a diameter of 35 mm.
  • Iron.
  • Melamine edge strip 0.5 mm thick. Choose a material for the ends that matches the color of the chipboard.
  • Furniture legs.
  • Set of drawer guides.
  • Two handles.
  • 2 hinges per door.

If you do not have experience cutting chipboard sheets, contact a specialist. They will prepare the details based on the measurements provided.

  • 2 pieces of 7.72x50 cm each for the sides of the cabinet.
  • 2 pieces of 3.68x50 cm each for the bottom and shelf.
  • 3 blanks of 3.68x10 cm each for the base and two upper strips.
  • 2 side walls of a box 4.8x11 cm.
  • 2 blanks 33.4x11 cm for the front and back walls of the drawer.
  • For drawer front 15x39.5 cm.
  • The door of the bedside table is 51.5x39.5 cm.
  • The back wall measures 67x39.5 cm.
  • 1 blank 47.5x36.5 cm for the bottom of the box.

Assembling a kitchen cabinet

  1. Assemble the body of the nightstand. On the inside of the sides, use a tape measure to measure the places for installing the lower and middle shelves. To prevent the chipboard from splitting, drill holes in the designated places, apply glue to the side ends of the shelves, and connect the parts using confirmatories. Then check that the shelves are installed correctly. The angle between the shelves and the sides should be 90 degrees.
  2. Attach the tabletop strips, the length and width of which are 3.68 x 10 cm, to the upper edge of the sides in a similar way (using screws and glue).
  3. The third plank, 3.68x10 cm, is the base of the bedside table. Install it at the bottom of the product facade. Use glue and screws. Check with a square that the installation work is correct. Check the resulting design with the image below.
  4. Proceed to assemble the drawer. Assemble the side walls of the element using screws and glue. Check the angles between adjacent parts. Attach the bottom of the box.
  5. Mark the guides on the drawer and cavity. Install the slats.
  6. Mark places for hinges on one side and door. Use a router bit to make the indentations.
  7. Drill holes for handles on the door and drawer front.
  8. Attach edging tape to the ends of the nightstand. One side of it is covered with glue. Apply the tape to the end and run a heated iron over the top. Press the tape tightly with a dry rag. Use a utility knife to cut off the excess.
  9. Screw the handles into place.
  10. Install the doors and drawer.
  11. Attach the tabletop with screws and glue at the top of the piece.

Table for the garden

For a summer house, it is best to choose a folding table or a medium-sized model with a rectangular tabletop. It can be placed compactly against the wall, and when guests arrive, it can be installed in the middle of the room. Despite its presentable appearance, the product is easy to make with your own hands.

Preparing for work

Materials for the country table you will need:

  • 4 finished wooden legs, approximately 73 cm high.
  • Thick plywood, chipboard or boards for the tabletop, the finished dimensions of which are 60x120 cm.
  • For the underframe parts there are 2 planks 1 m long and 2 40 cm long.
  • Screws 3-4 cm long.
  • Wood glue.
  • Wood putty.
  • Emery cloth.
  • Stain.

Prepare the following tools: tape measure, pencil, jigsaw, drill with a set of screws, grinder, brush. Before starting assembly, sand the parts with emery cloth. Align the edges so that the elements fit snugly together when joining.

Assembly instructions

  1. If you have prepared boards to make the tabletop, assemble them into a single piece. Use glue and screws.
  2. Using short boards for the base under the table top, assemble the legs in pairs. Prepare the holes. Apply glue. Tighten the blanks with screws. The top edges of the boards and legs should form one line.

If glue appears at the joints, it should be wiped off immediately with a damp sponge or rag. Thanks to this, the paint or varnish of the topcoat will lie in an even layer.

  1. Combine both blanks with legs into one structure, installing long 1 m long parts of the base between them. Use glue and screws.
  2. The last step in assembling the table is to attach the tabletop to the base. To do this, turn the tabletop right side down and place it on a clean, flat surface. Then install the assembled base on it. Level the position of the base, take control measurements on all sides. Apply glue to the top of the base. Fasten the table parts with screws.

Start finishing the country table.

  1. Fill holes in the wood, gaps between parts, and uneven areas with putty.
  2. After the putty has dried, level the surface with a grinder. Remove dust from the table surface.
  3. Cover the table with several coats of stain. Each subsequent layer will darken the color of the wood.
  4. Apply 1-2 layers of varnish alternately to the dry surface of the product.

In the same way, you can make 4 stools that look like a table. Together they will make a beautiful and practical dining set for the garden.

Cooking in the heat, and even in a cramped room, is not a pleasant experience. Especially if you have to do this quite often. Do-it-yourself summer kitchen in the country house in this case is just the perfect way out. Let us describe in detail the types of such buildings, their design features and construction methods.


In order for the erected building to fully meet the requirements of comfort and safety, the summer kitchen project should be thought out to the smallest detail. The use of non-standard solutions is permissible only if you already have serious experience in construction.

In order for the building to fit harmoniously into the surrounding landscape, it is better to use the same materials for its construction as for the construction of the house itself.

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A room intended for cooking in a summer cottage can take the form of an extension to the house or be constructed as a full-fledged separate building.

By type of design, all summer kitchens can be divided into:

  • open: the simplest option is a canopy for protection from precipitation, attached to supports (pillars)
  • half open with 2-3 walls
  • closed in the form of a full-fledged building with 4 main walls, a door, windows and a roof
  • combined open-closed, when some of the rooms are completely closed by walls, and one or two remain half-open or completely open

Choosing a location

Let's start with the fact that such a structure should not be located too far from the house. Firstly, with a strong distance, laying communications can turn into a serious problem.

Plus, if the kitchen is not equipped with a dining area, the housewife will have to carry breakfast, lunch and dinner into the house across the entire site every day.

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The ideal option is a place in the shade away from the road. It is good if the building is built on a slight elevation to ensure drainage of sewage and melt water. You should not locate the building next to a toilet, septic tank, compost pit, barn where animals are kept, an enclosure or other places that emit unpleasant odors.

If you do not want to periodically "enjoy" exhaust gases, you should not build it near the garage either.

The summer kitchen in the country house can be adjacent to the house (for example, located on the site of the veranda) or built separately. It is better to attach the kitchen to the house from the north side. The walls of the main building in this case will become a reliable natural protection from sunlight.

The construction of a summer kitchen with a barbecue, that is, a brazier with an open flame, is allowed only at a distance from any buildings - you should retreat from them 5-7 m.

Foundation types

An expensive strip base will be needed only when building a full-fledged building made of stone or brick.

For light open or semi-open structures made of wood or foam concrete, a solid foundation is not required - it is enough to install the building on a columnar or pile-screw foundation. This kind of summer kitchen is easy and cheap to make with your own hands.

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You can also use a concrete slab as a foundation, which will simultaneously serve as the floor of the summer kitchen. If desired, in the future it can be finished with non-slippery paving slabs. Do not forget to make a slope for such a site for rainwater drainage of 1.5-2 degrees.

To build a closed structure made of timber or foam blocks, you can use a pile, slab or strip foundation. For a brick building, the foundation must be more solid, therefore, during its construction, a deeply buried strip foundation is most often used.

Water pipes. Drain system

When drawing up a summer kitchen project, think separately about the communications lines. After all, most of them are laid at the excavation stage.

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Full plumbing in a summer kitchen will not be cheap. For its installation and thermal insulation (and in cold climates this will have to be done, otherwise the pipes will simply freeze in winter) you will need about $300-500.

It is much easier to equip an electric pump to drain water for the winter or make a water supply system at an angle - then to drain it, it will be enough to open the valve. You can do it even easier by connecting a regular garden hose to the sink in the summer.

You will also need to think about the drainage system. Pipes for these purposes are laid at the stage of foundation construction. To prevent fluid stagnation, they are installed at a slight slope.

Open summer kitchen

Even if you have no experience, installing a summer kitchen in the form of a canopy will not be difficult. Its construction is in many ways similar to the construction of a gazebo. The simplest structure will be a timber structure installed on a columnar foundation.

The covering can be anything - from lining, OSB boards to plaster or siding.

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A very convenient structure is one that has two solid walls along which the stove, tables and shelves will be placed. The rest of the space remains open.

To protect from the sun, it can be decorated with trellises, next to which climbing plants are planted. You can separate the dining and work areas on such a site using curtains or light partitions.

Foundation for a light building

Even light open or semi-open areas should not be left unsupported. After all, loose soil will compact over time, and the building will warp.

Plus, due to uneven soil moisture during the process of swelling during freezing, the pressure on the site will be uneven, resulting in deformation of the load-bearing structures and the appearance of cracks in them.

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So, let's describe how to make supports for a summer kitchen.

Even for the lightest building it is necessary to provide the simplest brick or concrete racks:

1 The first stage is clearing the area and marking the site using pegs and twine.

2 To lay the supports, pits with a depth of 50-60 cm are prepared. Their number depends on the size of the structure - the supports are placed at a distance of no more than a meter from each other.

3 At the bottom of the pits, a layer of sand is poured alternately, and then crushed stone, 15-20 cm each. It is better to additionally pour crushed stone with cement mortar.

4 After the concrete has dried, a few days later the construction of columnar supports begins. You can use ready-made concrete blocks. When pouring them yourself, the formwork is first prepared, where the reinforcement is laid.

5 Supports can also be made from bricks fastened together with cement mortar. They are laid in 5-6 rows. The last one should be above the ground.

Construction of walls and roof

When preparing the base for a summer kitchen-gazebo, thick-walled timber 100x100 mm is used. To do this, 4 interconnected bars are “placed” on metal pins, pre-filled in concrete. Columnar supports are also installed on the same pins.

To strengthen the structure, a timber frame is prepared on all its sides, which serves as the railing of the building. For flooring, ordinary floorboards or paving slabs are used.

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The roof for a summer kitchen is made in the form of a frame made of timber (rafter system), sheathed with roofing material. The simplest roof is a pitched roof with a slope from the entrance to the building. In its gable version, inclined or hanging rafters are used.

The installation of open fires (barbecues and barbecues) in buildings with polycarbonate roofs is strictly prohibited. In this case, roofing tiles or corrugated sheets must be used as roofing material.

Open area with tiled base

A platform made of concrete or brick is a fairly expensive structure. To save money, you can simply lay it out using non-slip paving slabs.

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The principle of constructing such a building is similar to the previous one. The only difference is in the preparation of the base. At its location, the soil is leveled, onto which layers of sand and gravel are alternately poured. Next, the tiles are laid using dry or wet methods.

In the first case, a mixture of sand and cement is used. After laying and leveling using a building level, all seams are carefully sprinkled with sand.

The second (wet) installation method is to use cement mortar, which is poured 2 cm thick. There is no need to lay too large a surface at once - the work is done in stages over an area of ​​0.5 square meters. m.

When installing a barbecue, a small platform lined with refractory bricks is prepared separately. All subsequent work is carried out after the solution has dried for a couple of days.

Setting up a stationary barbecue or oven

Since the grill is a device for frying over an open fire, it can only be installed under an open or semi-open canopy. Such a building will require the removal of a chimney, so its design must be thought out in advance.

Types of foundation

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Remember the main rule - brick grills, barbecues or Russian ovens require the construction of a separate foundation that has no points of contact with the main foundation of the building.

After all, even when building a small fireplace, you will need at least 800 bricks, the total weight of which will be almost 3 tons.

Without a strong foundation, there is simply no point in installing a brick fireplace - over time it will quickly sag and become covered with cracks. Such a base is made in the form of a monolithic reinforced slab.

Laying the foundation

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Let us describe the main stages of pouring the base for a barbecue or stove:

1 The size of the pit is always made 10-20 cm larger than the structure itself.

2 The height of the foundation is no more than 30 cm. However, when preparing a hole for it, it is necessary to take into account the depth of the crushed stone cushion - it should be equal to 15 cm.

3 After installing the waterproofing layer, prepare the formwork so that it rises 10 cm above the ground level.

4 A 12-14 mm rod is used as reinforcement, from which cells measuring 150x150 mm are knitted.

5 When liquid leaks from the solution into the ground, its quality may deteriorate, so it is better to lay a layer of plastic film into the formwork before pouring.

6 The proportions of the solution are selected depending on the brand of cement. For example, when using M200 cement, the proportions will be 1:2:4 (cement, sand, crushed stone). Less durable concrete will be obtained by mixing them 1:3:5. When using tables of solution proportions, do not get confused in the notation. After all, there is a brand (class) of ready-made hardened concrete, indicating its compressive strength.

7 After pouring, poke the mortar with a shovel to remove any voids that may have formed. To make it dry more evenly, cover it with film. In hot weather, it is better to periodically water the surface.

The concrete foundation must be well strengthened, and this will take at least a month. Therefore, all further work begins only after the end of this period.

Construction of a stove or barbecue

To build a barbecue or stove you will need solid red and fireclay bricks. The walls are made of red brick, and fire-resistant fireclay is needed for the construction of the fireplace.

Since cement can crack under the influence of high temperatures, it is necessary to mix a sand-clay solution for masonry.

For the hearth it is better to use special dry mixtures made from fireclay clay. Any hardware store provides a large assortment of them.

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Building a stove or barbecue without any experience can lead to disastrous results. After all, this process is not as simple as it seems.

There are enough masonry schemes on the Internet (they are called ordering), but even if you decide to do it yourself, be sure to invite a specialist who can help you with advice.

After all, the slightest mistake is enough, and the stove will begin to smoke mercilessly or will not light up at all. Even when constructing the simplest structure, you use only standard procedures - any innovations with a complete lack of experience can end in failure.

Metal chimney