Death of Arkady Gaidar. On the life and work of Gaidar. Literary and educational material about the life and work of A.P. Gaidar

The well-known author of "Chuk and Gek" and other interesting works Arkady Gaidar (Golikov) was born on January 9 (22), 1904 in the small village of Lgov near Kursk. His father taught a lot, and his mother often helped him in the classroom. In the evenings, Papa Arkady often stood at the workbench, recalling his father's craft. In 1908, the family moved to Varikha, a small settlement at an oil refinery, and in 1912, Arkasha and his parents settled in Arzamas, where his mother was just offered a position as a paramedic in one of the city's hospitals.

After 2 years, the boy enters the Arzamas real school. It was at this time, when his father left to fight, that Arkasha became responsible for the life in the house and the care of his younger sisters. The boy was well-read beyond his years. His favorite writers were Gogol, Pushkin, Tolstoy. Among his peers, he also enjoyed prestige. When the civil war began, Arkady, concealing his age, leaves to fight against the Whites. By the age of 17, he already had 2 shell shocks, fought on three fronts. After studying at the Higher Shooting School "Shot", the young man receives a new prescription. And 1921 becomes a turning point for him, since M.N. Tukhachevsky appoints Arkady Stepanovich as regiment commander. At that time he was seventeen years and five months old. But the disease that arose after the concussion began to worry Golikov more and more.

And in 1923 he had to be demobilized from the troops. On the advice of Frunze, who discovered talent in the future writer, Golikov began his literary career. His first work "In the days of defeats and victories" readers saw in 1925 in one of the Leningrad almanacs. Then the writer leaves for Perm, where he continues to create, but only under the pseudonym Gaidar. Soon such books as "The Fourth Dugout", "School" appeared.

In 1932, Gaidar began to work as a correspondent, but did not stop publishing his work for children. This is how "Far Countries", "Military Secret", "The Fate of a Drummer" appeared. With his books, the writer helped the younger generation grow up brave and hardworking. Yes, he himself was just as brave, brave and honest.

In the early days of the 1941 war, Gaidar went to the front and worked there as a journalist from the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. In addition, he was a machine gunner in a partisan detachment. However, the brave and courageous Gaidar was killed in one of the battles in October 1941. For his feat, Arkady Petrovich was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class, in 1965. His works are still read by both children and adults, some of them are even studied in the school curriculum.


In the town of Lgov on January 9, 1904, the famous writer of short stories and novels for children, Gaidar Arkady Petrovich, was born. His parents were participants in revolutionary actions against local authorities.

The family of the future writer moved to Arzamas in 1912. In 1914, his father was taken to the front, the young man also wanted to run away to his father, but they saw him and brought him back to his mother.

In 1918, Gaidar was enrolled in the revolutionary party, and after a while in the ranks of the Red Army. After 6 months, Arkady goes to the commander's training courses, which took place in Moscow. After the preparatory courses, he was appointed assistant to the chief platoon commander. Then Arkady Petrovich was transferred to the commander-in-chief of the regiment, later the commander of the battalion. Gaidar was present at the battles and won numerous victories. In one of the battles he was very seriously wounded, he received a shell shock.

While undergoing long-term treatment in the hospital, Arkady meets Maria Plaksina, after a while the couple gets married, later they had a son, a few years later the child dies, their marriage breaks up.

The second wife of Gaidar is the journalist Leah Solomyanskaya, in this union a son, Timur, is born. And this marriage of Gaidar breaks up, the young wife leaves him for another man.

The third wife of the writer was Dora Chernysheva, the marriage was happy. Dora had a daughter from a previous marriage, whom he adopted and loved like his own.

Since 1922, Arkady Petrovich began to engage in writing. He wrote his novels and stories on trips, always on the go. Initially, Gaidar's works were published in the newspapers Kovsh and Zvezda.

In 1927, Arkady worked for the newspaper "Ural Worker" in the city of Sverdlovsk.

In 1932, the writer got a job as a traveling correspondent for the Pacific Star newspaper. In his articles, he covered topics related to animal husbandry and horticulture.

During the war years, he worked as a war correspondent for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. Later he served in a partisan detachment as a machine gunner. In 1941 he was killed during the battle.

Arkady Petrovich is considered a classic of literature for children; all his works raise themes of friendship and devotion.

Timur Gaidar, whose biography and life are inextricably linked with the name of his famous father Arkady Gaidar, managed to prove that the children of famous parents can independently achieve great success in life and take place in their profession.

Childhood and youth

Born 1926 in Arkhangelsk. His mother, Liya Lazarevna Solomyanskaya, was the first wife of the writer Arkady Gaidar. In his famous story "Timur and his team", the writer creates prototypes of teenagers of that time. So the son's name became associated with one of his best works.

Arkady Gaidar, by occupation, often went on very long and distant business trips. His departures became the reason that the writer saw his son for the first time, returning to Arkhangelsk, when Timur was already two years old.

Timur Gaidar: biography, mother's nationality

The documents of the famous writer included the double surname Golikov-Gaidar. At the same time, he used the second part as a literary pseudonym. His son Timur in childhood bore his mother's surname and was Solomyansky. Upon receiving a passport, he took the sonorous pseudonym of his father "Gaidar". It is this surname that all subsequent generations of their family still bear.

However, recently there have been many rumors that his mother, Liya Lazarevna Solomyanskaya, who was actually called Rachel, not only deceived in this. It was rumored that her son Timur was not at all the son of a famous writer. Allegedly, while living in Perm with her family, father and mother, who were Jews by nationality, she met Arkady Gaidar when she already had a three-year-old son, Timur. But, as they say they were only rumors. It’s just that Timur Gaidar, a biography whose nationality is certainly connected with the Jewish origin of his mother, was born when Arkady Gaidar was on a long business trip, from which he returned only two years after the birth of his son.

Professional activity

When Timur was 14 years old, his father died. The boy began working at a military factory, but dreamed of fighting the Nazis at the front. But this dream was not destined to come true.

Timur Arkadievich studied at the Leningrad Higher Naval School, graduating in 1948. And 6 years later (in 1954) he became a certified journalist, having studied at the Lenin Military-Political Academy.

For a long time he combined his activities in the military field with journalistic and literary work. Timur Gaidar, whose biography proves that he was a comprehensively developed person, served on a submarine in the Pacific and Baltic fleets. After that, he fully focused on working in the military press, leaving the army. At first, he worked in the "Soviet Fleet" and "Red Star". Since 1957, he worked in the most popular publication at that time, the Pravda newspaper. There he proved himself both as an editor of the military department, and as his own correspondent in Cuba, Yugoslavia, and Afghanistan. Also, his publications appeared in the newspapers Moskovskiye Novosti, Izvestiya, for some time he was one of the members of the editorial board of Pioneer magazine.

The vicissitudes of fate: meeting Bazhov's daughter

His wife was the daughter of the famous writer - storyteller Pavel Bazhov. They met on vacation in Gagra when Timur Arkadyevich was 26 years old. Ariadna Pavlovna worked at the Ural University as a teacher of history. She has already been married and divorced so far. She had a son, Nikita, who at the time of her acquaintance with Timur Arkadyevich was 6 years old. This could not frighten Gaidar, who truly fell in love with Ariadna Pavlovna. A year before they met, Ariadne's father, Pavel Bazhov, passed away. She missed him very much. Longing for his father, like an unhealed wound, always tormented Timur. Arkady Gaidar left the family when his son was very young, and after the divorce, he rarely spoke with Timur. And when his father died, fourteen-year-old Timur suffered greatly that he did not have time to tell his beloved dad how much he loved and waited for him. Perhaps it was these facts from life that brought Timur and Ariadne so close. He proposed to her three weeks after they met. She agreed, but for some time the bride and groom lived in different cities: she - in Yekaterinburg, he - in Moscow. But nevertheless they got married, and after 4 years, on March 19, 1956, their son Yegor was born, who later became a famous politician.

Timur Gaidar, a biography whose personal life proves his self-sufficiency, despite the drama in his relationship with his father, has always been proud of whose son he is. He himself was a very caring dad, despite being very busy, he devoted a lot of time to his son.

famous wife family

Ariadna Pavlovna herself was one of the three surviving daughters of the writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov and his wife Valentina. Her famous father, despite the gloomy atmosphere and the almost complete absence of mutual love in his works, was loved by his wife in life and called his wife his soul mate, destined for him in heaven. Their love was tested enough. He is a teacher, she is a student. They were discussed, whispered behind their backs. Later, Ariadna Pavlovna admitted that the love of their parents was an example for her. They could not live without each other, just as Ariadne herself and her husband Timur Gaidar could not live without each other. The biography of this family proves that you can be completely different in character, but at the same time live happily with each other all your life: in love, in harmony, in tenderness.

Ariadna Pavlovna was the youngest child in the family. She had many brothers and sisters, but three brothers and one sister died for different reasons and in different years. The other two surviving sisters, along with Ariadne, always supported and pitied their parents, knowing how much grief they had to endure.

Son - Yegor Gaidar

When Timur Arkadyevich Gaidar, whose biography connects the history of two famous families, was a war correspondent in other countries, his wife and son always traveled with him. As his son Yegor recalled, life in Cuba was especially memorable and vivid. The father, according to him, knew Ernesto Che Guevara quite well, and communicated with them "on a short footing." Several times, little Yegor was with his father in military units and garrisons, where he was allowed to climb tanks and armored personnel carriers.

Brothers Nikita and Yegor have always been very friendly, despite the fact that the age difference was quite large - 10 years. Egor, having lived abroad for a significant part of his childhood, read a lot. Books were available to him that were not available in the Soviet Union. Studied well. Only, as his mother admitted, from childhood he had very poor handwriting. It is not surprising, because for all representatives of the Gaidar family he was terribly sloppy and illegible. Yegor learned several foreign languages ​​during his school years. Despite the fact that Yegor's grandfather was the famous writer Arkady Gaidar, and his father was the famous military journalist Timur Gaidar, his biography (see family photo below) is not related to literature. He entered politics. His mother was ambivalent about his desire to build a political career. In an interview, she expressed the opinion that it was politics that caused his early death. The ambiguity of the state system of the 90s, which was the peak of Yegor Gaidar's activity, caused many contradictions, which affected not only his professional life, but also his state of health.

He was first married to a childhood friend, Irina Mishina, and entered into a second marriage with the daughter of the famous science fiction writer Arkady Strugatsky, Maria.

last years of life

Timur Gaidar, whose biography entered the history of journalism, as he became the first representative of the profession to receive a rank higher than a colonel, resigned, already being a rear admiral. And I must say that not all of his colleagues were happy when he received this title. In those difficult times, Timur Arkadyevich had many envious people who believed that his successes and merits were undeserved and were mainly due to his famous surname.

In the last years of his life, Timur Gaidar, whose biography is full of dangerous events related to the professional activities of a military journalist, was an Honored Guest and actively helped the Moscow Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren. A. P. Gaidar, which is located in the Moscow district Tekstilshchiki. At this time, he and his wife lived in the writer's village of Krasnovidovo, over which, after his death, his ashes were scattered.

"Three Gaidars"

In his book Crown Princes as Squires. Notes of a speechwriter ”V. A. Alexandrov devotes one of the chapters to the Gaidar family. Arkady Gaidar, Timur Gaidar: biography, family, professional activities of representatives of three generations of this family. This is what the author talks about in his book.

Gaidar, Arkady Petrovich(1904-1941), real name Golikov, Russian Soviet writer. Born on January 9 (22), 1904 in Lgov, Kursk province. The son of a teacher from peasants and a noblewoman mother, who participated in the revolutionary events of 1905. Fearing arrest, in 1909 the Golikovs left Lgov, from 1912 they lived in Arzamas. He worked in the local newspaper "Hammer", where he first published his poems, joined the RCP (b).
From 1918 - in the Red Army (as a volunteer, hiding his age), in 1919 he studied at command courses in Moscow and Kyiv, then at the Moscow Higher Rifle School. In 1921 - commander of the Nizhny Novgorod regiment. He fought on the Caucasian front, on the Don, near Sochi, participated in the suppression of the Antonov rebellion, in Khakassia - against the "emperor of the taiga" I.N. The naive-romantic, recklessly joyful perception of the revolution in anticipation of the coming "bright kingdom of socialism", reflected in many of Gaidar's autobiographical works, addressed mainly to youth (RVS stories, 1925, Seryozhka Chubatov, Levka Demchenko, The End of Levka Demchenko, Gangster's Nest, all 1926-1927, Smoke in the Forest, 19 35; novel School, originally titled Ordinary biography, 1930, Distant countries, 1932, Military secret, 1935, including the Tale of the Military secret, about Malchish-Kibalchish and his firm word, 1935, Bumbarash, unfinished, 1937, which was a textbook in Soviet times, is replaced by serious ones in adulthood doubts in the diary entries ("I dreamed of people who were killed in childhood").
With a pseudonym (the Turkic word is "a horseman galloping in front") he first signed the short story Corner House, created in 1925 in Perm, where he settled in the same year and where, according to archival materials, he began work on a story about the struggle of local workers against the autocracy - Life for Nothing (another name is Lbovshchina, 1926). In the Perm newspaper "Zvezda" and other publications, he publishes feuilletons, poems, notes about a trip to Central Asia, a fantastic story The Secret of the Mountain, an excerpt from the story Knights of the Unapproachable Mountains (other names. Horsemen of the Unapproachable Mountains, 1927), the poem Machine Gun Snowstorm. From 1927 he lived in Sverdlovsk, where in the newspaper "Ural worker" he published the story Forest Brothers (other names. Davydovshchina - a continuation of the story Life for Nothing).
In the summer of 1927, already a fairly well-known writer, he moved to Moscow, where, among many journalistic works and poems, he published the detective-adventure story On the Count's Ruins (1928, filmed in 1958, directed by V.N. 20th century (including the stories The Blue Cup, 1936, Chuk and Gek, the story The Fate of the Drummer, both 1938, the story for the radio The Fourth Dugout; the second, unfinished part of the story School, both 1930).
The fascination of the plot, the rapid lightness of the narration, the transparent clarity of the language while fearlessly introducing significant, and sometimes tragic events into the "children's" life (The fate of the drummer, which tells about spy mania and repressions of the 1930s, etc.), poetic "aura", trust and seriousness of tone, the indisputability of the code of "knightly" honor of camaraderie and mutual assistance - all this ensured a sincere and long-term young readers' love for Gaidar, the official classic of children's literature. The peak of the writer's lifetime popularity came in 1940 - the time of the creation of the story and the screenplay of the same name (film directed by A.E. Razumny) Timur and his team, telling about a brave and sympathetic pioneer boy (bearing the name of Gaidar's son), who, together with his friends, surrounded the families of front-line soldiers with secret care. The noble initiative of the hero Gaidar served as an incentive for the creation of a broad "Timurov" movement throughout the country, especially relevant in the 1940s and 1950s. In 1940, Gaidar wrote a sequel to Timur - Commandant of the Snow Fortress, in early 1941 - a screenplay for the sequel and the screenplay for the film Timur's Oath (staged in 1942, directed by L.V. Kuleshov).
In July 1941, the writer went to the front as a correspondent for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, where he published essays on the Bridge, At the Crossing, and others. In August-September 1941, Gaidar's philosophical tale for children, Hot Stone, was published in the Murzilka magazine - about uniqueness, inevitable difficulties and mistakes on the way to comprehending the truth.
The spectrum of Gaidar's "children's" heroes, diverse in age, character and type (among which there are many "negative" persons: Malchish-Plokhish, Mishka Kvakin from Timur, etc.) is supplemented by characters in miniature stories for preschoolers (Vasily Kryukov, Pokhod, Marusya, Conscience, 1939-1940). Author of the screenplay Passer-by (1939), dedicated to the Civil War. Many of Gaidar's works were staged and screened (films Chuk and Gek, 1953, directed by I.V. Lukinsky; School of Courage, 1954, directed by V.P. Basov and M.V. Korchagin; The Fate of a Drummer, 1956, directed by V.V. Eisymont, etc.).
Gaidar died in battle near vil. Leplyava, Kanevsky district, Cherkasy region, October 26, 1941.

The biography of Arkady Gaidar is filled with heroic deeds and achievements in the literary field - from the age of fourteen he fought on the fronts of the civil war, and then became a writer, whose works were read by more than one generation of schoolchildren and adults. The personal life of Arkady Petrovich was also filled with events that made it bright and unforgettable.

The first wife of Arkady Gaidar

Gaidar early plunged not only into military life, but also into family life. For the first time, the future writer married in 1921, when he was only seventeen years old, to Maria Nikolaevna Plaksina, a sixteen-year-old nurse who bore him a son, Eugene. Unfortunately, the first experience of family life was not very successful for Gaidar - his son died before he was two years old, and due to the fact that Arkady Petrovich had to be constantly absent from home on military service, his first family broke up. But, apparently, he felt a truly warm tender feeling for his Marusa, because it was not for nothing that in the works that the writer Arkady Gaidar would later write, there were more than once characters with that name.

Gaidar's personal life - second marriage, the birth of a son

In 1919, Arkady Petrovich was seriously wounded, and the result of this injury was damage to the spinal cord and brain. He was demobilized from the army, and he took up writing, which required a lot of research work. Collecting materials for the next work, Gaidar arrived in Perm, where he met a Komsomol member, the organizer of the first printed pioneer newspaper in Perm, Rakhil Solomyanskaya.

In the photo - Leah Solomyanskaya

Arkady Petrovich got a job in the local newspaper Zvezda and in the eyes of Rachel, whom everyone called simply Leah, seemed like a real hero, because he had a civil war, injuries, command of a regiment behind him, and, of course, she could not help but fall in love with such a hero. Solomyanskaya, then eighteen years old, became the second wife of Arkady Gaidar, and at the end of 1926 he again became a father.

The son was born in Arkhangelsk, where Leah went for some time to her mother. At the request of her husband, she named the child Timur. Arkady Petrovich at that time traveled around Central Asia, visited Tashkent, Kara-Kum, apparently, that's why he wanted to name his son such an unusual male name for Russia. Returning to Perm, the writer did not stay there for a long time - after the publication of another feuilleton in the Zvezda newspaper, in which he continued to work, he was accused of slander and insulting a person, so after a while he had to leave there, and Gaidar decided to settle in Moscow.

In the photo - the writer with his wife and son

With the second wife, family life also did not work out. Five years after Solomyanskaya became Gaidar's wife, she left him for another, taking her son with her. Arkady Petrovich was not ready for this, he was very homesick, and in order to change something in his personal life, he went away from the capital - to Khabarovsk and became a correspondent for the Pacific Star newspaper.

New page of Arkady Gaidar's biography

The divorce from his wife had a bad effect on the psyche of the writer, moreover, the consequences of the injury made themselves felt. Gaidar ended up in a Khabarovsk psychiatric hospital, and this was far from the first hospital in which the writer found himself. He spent almost a year in the hospital, and, having been discharged, he returned to Moscow, where he even had nowhere to stay. Only after some time, his affairs began to improve, his wonderful works saw the light - the autobiographical story "School", the stories "Far Countries", "Military Secret", the story "Blue Cup". The writer began to receive decent fees, gained fame and success.

In the photo - the writer with his son Timur

In 1938, Arkady Petrovich, for unknown reasons, decided to leave the capital and settle in Klin. There he rented a room and found a new love. The third wife of Arkady Gaidar was the daughter of the owner, from whom he rented a room, Dora Matveevna. Her daughter Zhenya was growing up, whom Gaidar immediately adopted. The fact that at that time his personal life improved can be judged by the number of works created in Klin. In those years, Arkady Gaidar wrote a number of works that have become favorites for several generations - "The Fate of the Drummer", "Chuk and Gek", "Smoke in the Forest", "Commandant of the Snow Fortress", "In the Winter of 1941" and "Timur's Oath".

When the Great Patriotic War began, Arkady Gaidar was going to the front, but with his severe concussion, it was not so easy to get there. But he succeeded, and Gaidar went to the front as a war correspondent. In September 1941, together with units of the Southwestern Front, he was surrounded, then ended up in a partisan detachment, was a machine gunner there, and on October 26, 1941 he died near the village of Leplyaevo, Kanevsky district.

The wife of Arkady Gaidar was very upset by the death of her husband, whom she loved very much. His adopted daughter Evgenia, who bore the name of the writer, later graduated from the institute, got married, but remained as before Golikova-Gaidar.

In memory of Arkady Gaidar, who has always been her real father, Evgenia published a children's book called "Dad Goes to War for the Soviet Country" - these lines were invented by Gaidar himself and entered them into a book of fairy tales, which he presented to Zhenya before leaving for the front.

One of the founders of Soviet children's literature was Arkady Gaidar, whose biography covers a difficult time for our country. This, most likely, determined the main focus of his works - in most of them the reader hears the echoes of the war.

Childhood and adolescence

The future writer was born into the family of the grandson of a serf and noblewoman of an humble family. Isidorovich Golikov, worked as a teacher and paid much attention to self-education. Natalya Arkadyevna also devoted her life to educating the people, who left her parents' house early for this. A brief biography of Arkady Gaidar for children is very interesting. The boy began to compose early. According to the memoirs, his first poem appeared when he still could not write. The origins of such talent are seen in the fact that parents spent a lot of time studying with their son and three younger daughters. And in communication with each other, they often read poetry, sang folk songs.

Moral education of the son

The writer's characters perform heroic deeds; in their features one can even discern the qualities of medieval knights. The biography of Arkady Gaidar also provides an explanation for this. For grade 4, for example, it is recommended to use the story "Timur and his team", which tells how teenagers with high moral principles selflessly help people. So, in childhood, Arkasha broke the glass and, as usually happens in such cases, got scared and ran away. And then there was a conversation with his mother, who patiently explained to her son that even an honest man will always find the strength to confess his deeds, under any circumstances he will be honest and sincere. Since then, there has not been a case that the boy tried to hide his misdeed from others.

And also Arkady Gaidar, whose biography is replete with facts of overcoming life's adversities, felt responsible for his younger sisters and therefore never was capricious and did not complain.

In terrible years

When the First World War began, Arkady was ten years old. His father went to the front, and the boy decided to follow him. They caught up with him not far from Arzamas, his native city, and brought him back. But the teenager's craving for exploits did not disappear on this. With Arkady Gaidar (a biography for children includes only brief information about this period of the writer's life), he completely sided with them. At first, he carried out small assignments and guarded the city at night. But he was increasingly drawn to serious action. In the autumn of 1918, the teenager, having added two more years to his fourteen years (fortunately, he was tall and physically strong), finally achieved enrollment in the Red Army. Adjutant, commander of a detachment, and then of a regiment - Arkady Gaidar went through such a military path in 6 years. His biography includes such glorious episodes as the defeat of the Bityug gang and the experienced ataman Solovyov. At the same time, he simultaneously received two military educations and therefore believed that his future would forever be connected with the army.

The beginning of literary activity

However, fate decreed in its own way: in 1924, Arkady Petrovich was forced to leave the service for health reasons. The wounds received in battles, and concussion, and to some extent nervous exhaustion also affected - he entered this road as a very young boy. "Write" - this is how Arkady Gaidar answered himself to the question of what to do next. A brief biography during the second half of the 1920s demonstrates the formation of Golikov as a writer. At first he wrote for adults. In 1925, the first work appeared, but it did not please the author, however, like the next few stories and novels. And only "R.V.S" (1926) the writer called truly serious and mature.


The real name of the writer is Golikov, but the first works were already signed with the name Arkady Gaidar. A short biography of the writer contains several interpretations of the pseudonym. His school friend, for example, believed that such a surname was the result of Arkady Petrovich's great imagination. It was formed as follows: G(olikov) A(rkadi) J D(from French - "from") AR(zamas). Another option: "D" among the letters of the surname, name, name of the city appeared like D "Artagnan. Supporters of another explanation attribute the pseudonym Gaidar to the Turkic language, from which it is translated as "a rider galloping in front" - this was Golikov's life. These are the most common versions of the appearance of the pseudonym, although other interpretations can be found in the literature about the writer's work.

Artwork for children

Somehow Arkady Gaidar (the biography presented here is also based on the personal memories of the writer himself) noted that the war had become so firmly established in his childhood that he decided to tell the younger generation about it and about real heroes. This is how stories and novels for children appeared: "R.V.S." about teenagers who witnessed the confrontation between the "reds" and "whites", the autobiographical "School", "Hot Stone", the hero of which is an old man who survived the revolution and the civil war, and others. The masterpieces of children's literature are called "The Blue Cup", "Chuk and Gek", "The Fate of the Drummer". Very often, the basis of their plot was the events that filled the biography of Arkady Gaidar.

For grade 4, the writer's works are interesting in that their heroes are girls and boys of the same age who find themselves in difficult situations. Thanks to their qualities: kindness, the ability to sympathize and compassion, perseverance, selflessness, readiness to always help, courage - they become winners and are a role model.

At the origins of the Timurov movement

In 1940, perhaps the most famous work appeared, the author of which was Arkady Gaidar. A biography for children necessarily includes the story of the creation of the story "Timur and his team", the main character of which is named after the writer's son. The incredible popularity of a literary work is evidenced by the fact that groups of schoolchildren immediately began to appear throughout the country, taking patronage over those who needed their help. For several decades it became an integral part of the life of Soviet teenagers. And now sometimes you can hear a familiar word when it comes to good deeds.

heroic death

After the outbreak of the Patriotic War, Gaidar again went to the front, now in the capacity of where he wrote several essays on the defensive operations of the Southwestern Front. However, this time his battle path was not long. In October 1941, he came to the partisans when the detachment was trying to get out of the encirclement. Presumably, Arkady Petrovich, as part of the group, went for food, and when he noticed the Germans, he gave a signal to his four comrades, and they managed to escape. A well-known writer, a tireless man, a warrior at heart, was struck down by a machine-gun burst at the age of thirty-seven.

This is a brief biography of Arkady Gaidar. For grade 4, acquaintance with his works today can become a real lesson in kindness, friendship, love for one's native country.