How to choose led lamps for home. How to choose LED lamp for manicure? Replaceable LED lamps for manicure: reviews. DIY LED lamp for manicure

  • How to choose LED lamps: the nuances
  • Additional points
  • Characterizing factors

An LED nail lamp is a tool that a modern woman simply cannot do without. The girl's hands are her pride, this is the first thing that catches the eye of any man. To maintain the beauty of the hands, you need to take care of them, so you can not do without an excellent manicure.

The simplest type of manicure is gel, it gives the nails an aesthetic appearance, allows you to hide irregularities and increase the strength of the plate. And the only problem that a girl who wants to have such a manicure may face is the lack of an LED nail lamp. It is with her help that you can do it. Lamps are different, have their pros and cons. Therefore, the question may arise how to choose an LED device.

LED lamps are an indispensable device for drying various nail coatings. LED nail lamps got their name due to the LEDs used as a light source when voltage is applied. The drying process takes place under the influence of ultraviolet light.

This type of lamp is durable, the period of continuous operation is 5 years, or 50,000 hours. The LED lamp is economical, energy consumption is less than when using a fluorescent lamp. The working area heats up minimally.

The size of the lamp and its weight are quite small due to the characteristics of the LEDs themselves and the electronics. Light weight and size are convenient for masters performing manicure on an on-site basis. These lamps are shock-resistant, the LED is very difficult to break. The annual exposure to radiation is equal to a 10-minute walk in the fresh air.

The use of LED lamps has been quite common since the 60s, but this is a novelty in the nail service. Some manufacturers have replaced conventional fluorescent lamps LED.

Advantages and disadvantages of LED lamps

  1. Durability and economy up to 50,000 working hours when choosing the best model. An ordinary lamp will last no more than 3,000 hours, manufacturers recommend replacing lamps at least 2 times a month.
  2. LED lamps are absolutely harmless. They do not contain heavy metals and do not require specialized disposal.

These are the key points that speak in favor of purchasing LED lamps, but there is another side that is also worth knowing:

  1. Gel polishes designed for curing in LED lamps dry faster than classic ones. The wavelength of ultraviolet radiation is significantly different from those emitted by ordinary lamps, and classic varnishes cannot recognize them, unlike shellac.
  2. An LED lamp costs more than a fluorescent lamp, about $ 400, so it will pay off much longer than a classic one. This type of lamp does not polymerize solid gels; cold cathode lamps must be used to dry them.

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How to choose LED lamps: the nuances

Lamps, like other items for manicure, are professional and amateur, purchased for personal purposes. This is expressed not only in the pricing policy, but also in the drying rate of the polymer.

The unique SIMEI Hybrid lamp combines two technologies, LED and UV, the former being able to be used without being connected to a power source. But this model is new, so it is very difficult to purchase it, although you can order it in the online store.

This lamp is capable of drying all known types of gels and varnishes, while the drying speed is increased by 4 times. The working time is about 80,000 hours. It is worth saying that this is the most expensive type of lamp for drying nails and at the same time the most durable.

The last category of lamps is professional. The devices include a huge number of functions, having high power, contribute to quick customer service. The power of such lamps is from 9 to 18 watts. It is better to buy such lamps in a specialized store.

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Additional points

One of the important issues when working with LED lamps is the curing time of the gel in them. There are a number of gels that dry literally in seconds, and some dry for a long time, the transparent classic gel does not dry. This is caused by the wavelengths that correspond to a particular color. Each color needs a specific wavelength.

But this does not apply to a product specially designed for LED lamp applications. Shellac dries quickly, does not fold when dried, allows you to wear a beautiful manicure for a long time. The gel dries from 10 to 30 seconds, you can completely treat your fingers with shellac within 20 minutes. This figure is maintained even if too thick a layer of gel is applied.

Shellac is a hybrid development that combines the best properties of gel and varnish. At the same time, application and removal is very simple and does not require special skills, unlike simple gels. This gel polish does not damage the structure of the nail plate and does not require interruptions during application.

If the LEDs burn out, this does not mean that an immediate replacement is required, the lamp will function well. Over time, it will also dry the gel just as well.

Materials, means and tools for nail extension and design

LED lamps for nails

The advantages of using LED nail lamps are obvious: they are durable, they are small in size and weight, they do not heat up the working area and, most importantly, the nail extension material in them hardens very quickly. There are only two drawbacks to the LED lamp - high cost and selectivity in terms of materials: not all gels for nail extension harden quickly in them, and some do not harden at all. So, in order.

What is an LED lamp?

LED-lamps got their name due to light-emitting diodes, which are used as light sources - semiconductor devices that, when voltage is applied to them, emit light. In this case, it is ultraviolet. LED lamps are really durable: the best specimens have a “lifetime” of 50,000 hours or more - this is about 5 years of continuous burning! They consume energy several times less than traditional fluorescent lamps. For this reason, heating working area minimal.

Due to the small size and weight of the LEDs themselves and the electronics that power them, the size and weight of the LED lamp can also be quite small. This is very convenient when the master has to constantly carry the lamp with him. In addition, the LEDs of the LED lamps are not afraid of shock, in any case, in ordinary life, you need to try very hard to break the LED. In the case of trusted manufacturers, the radiation that your hand is exposed to during all procedures in a year corresponds to the amount of radiation that you will be exposed to for a ten-minute walk in the fresh air in good weather.

Curing time of the gel in the LED lamp

The most important issue in working with LED lamps is the curing time of the gel in them. Why do some gels set in this light in a matter of seconds, and some do not set at all? The nail gel polymer reacts to a certain wavelength and will only harden when it waits for “its own” light. Traditional nail extension gels various manufacturers, and different purposes (basic, design, top gels) need different “waves” of ultraviolet.

The fact is that fluorescent bulbs in UV lamps emit intense light in a fairly wide range. And no matter what wave the material for nail extension reacts to, it still freezes. The LED in the LED lamp emits intense light in a very narrow wavelength range and those materials that do not fall into it simply do not freeze. You can, of course, use several LEDs with different spectra in lamps, and in such a device all gels will “work”. But then we will get a very expensive lamp, we will inevitably lose power (after all, the volume of the lamp is limited) and lose the main advantage of LED lamps - the speed of gel solidification.

LED lamp power

The more light, the faster the gel polymerization process will take place. In addition, during the process, ultraviolet is actively absorbed by the gel and much less light reaches its lower layer than the upper ones. And if we take into account the fact that after polymerization, the artificial nail becomes opaque to ultraviolet radiation, it becomes clear why sometimes the client’s nails “fall off” - the gel simply did not have time to completely harden. So don't skimp on power.

Let's talk a little about light sources. There are two types of LEDs used in UV lamps: regular light output (Fig. 4) and ultra-bright (Fig. 5). In the first case, the lamp is relatively inexpensive, but the maximum power of the device is limited to 12 watts. In the second case, the cost of the lamp is higher and it can have a power of 9.18 and 45 watts. These are the magnitudes. This is explained not by the number of LEDs, as in the first version (there are only 9 of them), but by the power of each LED: 1, 2 or 5 watts, respectively. Externally, the emitters are the same. So when buying, pay attention to the power supply of the device included in the kit. Each of them should have something like this inscription: “output-12V” and current: for a power of 45 watts - “output - 5A”, for 18 watts - “output - 2A” (or ZA), for 9 watts - “output - 1A" (or 2A). Very rarely, power is also written on power supplies.

In the most simple and low-power LED lamps, the LEDs are located on the top and direct light hits the nail only from above. There is much less light on the sides. Therefore, the quality of reflectors plays an important role here.

Auto-on is a useful feature of the LED lamp, which speeds up the work of the wizard. The removable bottom extends the functionality of the LED lamp and makes it possible to install special staples in podology for the treatment of toenails. When buying, pay attention to the presence of a timer. And don't be surprised at the possible shutter speed of just 5 seconds. Yes, yes, it is during this time that the base gel and the top transparent coating harden in a powerful LED lamp! Unbelievable, but true. This is possible because all the radiation power is concentrated in a narrow range and is not wasted, as in traditional lamps.

You should not ignore the new UV-lamps with bulbs with the so-called "cold cathode" (Fig. 6). They are similar to ordinary ones, only thinner, or made in the form of spirals. Their radiation power and range are the same as in traditional ones, only they do not have burnt internal spirals-electrodes, almost do not heat up and last several times longer than usual ones. It is impossible to get a noticeable acceleration of hardening in them, but they work with all gels, the temperature of the working area is comfortable for the client and the master does not have to think about replacing light bulbs for the entire life of the device.

And the last. Despite the fact that LED lamps are reliable and durable, they must be handled with care, as with any equipment. Here, as in traditional lamps, it will not be possible to replace a dirty light bulb with a new one - there is simply nothing. And if the electronics fail during a fall, then the cost of its repair will be comparable to the purchase of a new lamp. Look for the “LED” mark on the jars of gel and increase the speed of your work, and hence the flow of customers.

Under the LED-lamps for manicure understand portable units for the polymerization of nail gel or gel polish. They are equipped with LED bulbs emitting ultraviolet light.

The main advantages of such lamps:

  • gel hardening time - it is really less than when drying with conventional lamps (up to 90 seconds). This is the main and significant advantage of LED lamp devices.
  • durability - led light bulbs very long service life, up to 50,000 hours (4-5 years).
  • low energy consumption - such lamps consume several times less electricity compared to traditional ones.

  • do not heat up during operation.
  • radiation is safe for the skin of the hands.
  • compactness, small size and weight of the installation.

What disadvantages do they have?

LED installations have their drawbacks:

  1. Price. These lamps are quite expensive due to the use of LEDs.
  2. Selectivity for materials. They are not able to polymerize not all shellacs or gel polishes for nails.

How does nail drying work?

Why do LED lamps have such specific features? The point is that, in contrast to conventional models, which emit light in a wide range, they have a fairly narrow range of radiation.

And, if in standard installations any coating finds its “own” wave, then in installations with LEDs, not all coatings freeze. But, thanks to a small wavelength range, the lamps have such power and speed of drying the varnish.

What characteristics are most important?

Choosing lamps for gel polymerization, pay attention to the main parameters:

  • power
  • the presence of auto-off.
  • having a timer.
  • reflector quality.

The main thing to decide before buying is the power of the lamp for drying nails. The more powerful the LED lamp, the faster the gel polish will dry.

LEDs in installations are ordinary and super-bright. Therefore, the power in the first case will be up to 12 watts, and in the second - 9, 18 and 45 watts.

If you want to purchase a device for domestic use, a manicure lamp with low power is suitable for you.

If you work in the salon, it is better to purchase a more powerful lamp. It reduces drying time, which means it saves you time and money.

  • Auto-off in a manicure lamp is a convenient option, needed for salon use.
  • At home is not necessary.
  • The timer is also an optional but nice addition to the device.
  • Reflectors help distribute light more efficiently on the side surfaces. Their quality affects the hardening time of the coating. In a commercial environment, it is better to give preference to good specular reflectors.

A brief overview of the most popular models

Summarizing, we can say that for use at home or among friends, an Led lamp worth up to 4,000 rubles is quite suitable.

And for use in the cabin, it is better to buy a more powerful and reliable lamp worth at least 10-12 thousand rubles. Its price will quickly pay off.

Various manufacturers. Devices of this type are suitable for painting, as well as nail extensions. The models differ from each other in luminous flux, turn-on time, and color reproduction.

Models are produced, as a rule, in a plastic case. Many devices have light bulbs of a replaceable type. Regulators are used touch or push-button type. The sensitivity indicator for LED-type lamps is at around 30 mV. You can buy a high-quality model in a specialized store at a price of 15 thousand rubles.

homemade model

Do-it-yourself LED lamp for manicure is made quite simply. First of all, it is important to choose a good regulator. Lamps are better to use low power. It is important to pay special attention to the adapter. The network cable is usually connected through a rectifier. Triggers are used to increase the limiting conductivity. They are produced operational or switched type. In order to fix the rectifier, it is used. In some cases, on homemade lamps modulators are installed. These elements are connected to the regulators.

How to choose a device in the store?

The stores offer a variety of LED lamps for manicure. How to choose a quality model? First of all, it is important to determine the power of the device. The indicated indicator, as a rule, does not exceed 30 V. The conductivity of LED-type lamps is at the level of 33 microns.

It is also important to note that when choosing a lamp, you should pay attention to the luminous efficiency indicator. Basically, it lies within 80%. The ripple factor depends on the power of the installed lamp. The limiting operating frequency of the devices is about 20 Hz. A high-quality model with costs around 16 thousand rubles.

Lamps of the Glamor 5 W series

These LED lamps for manicure are very popular in various beauty salons. First of all, it is important to note that the model is great for nail extensions. If desired, the lamps can be easily changed. In this case, the transceiver is used with a regulator. Impulse interference from the network of the specified model is not terrible. Turn-on time averages 2.1 seconds.

The sensitivity of the device is not very high. The indicator of electricity consumption is at the level of 200 watts. There is no heat loss protection system in this case. The angle of dispersion of the lamp is a maximum of 80 degrees. The presented lamp can serve no more than three years. You can buy it in a specialized store at a price of 14 thousand rubles.

Features of Glamor 10 W models

These LED lamps for manicure have a lot of advantages. First of all, it is important to note the high ripple parameter. The lamp converter is used with a filter. If desired, the power of the model is allowed to choose. The lamp has no amplifier. The current consumption indicator is exactly 3 A. The turn-on time is no more than 3.3 seconds. With color reproduction in the device, everything is fine. The angle of dispersion of the lamp is low. You can buy a model of the presented series at a price of 20 thousand rubles.

Glamor 15 W replacement lamp reviews

These replacement LED lamps for manicure are in great demand. For the purpose of nail extension, the device fits perfectly. The lamp of this series has an overvoltage protection system. The maximum current consumption indicator is 3 A.

Turn-on time led lamp is about 3.2 seconds. Impulse interference from the network of the specified model is not terrible. Luminous efficiency at 30 V is about 70%. in the device is not very high. It is also important to note that the lamp of this series has problems with the transceiver. You can buy this model on the market at a price of 17 thousand rubles.

Gel FX 480 series lamps

These LED lamps for manicure allow you to quickly dry the varnish. It is also important to note that the model has a different trigger applied. The heat loss protection system in the device is of the third class. If you believe the customer reviews, then the model is great for building nails.

If we talk about indicators, it is important to note that the color rendition is located at around 70%. The current consumption parameter in the device is low. The model deserves special attention interesting design. Turn-on problems are very rare. The maximum luminous efficiency is 60%. This LED lamp does not have a filter.

The regulator is provided by the manufacturer with a sensor type. Voltage dips are observed only at maximum power. The amplifier in the device uses a phase type. This model is capable of serving for about five years. If necessary, the lamps can be changed without problems. You can buy this model in our time at a price of 17 thousand rubles.

Features of the Gel FX 430 models

The specified very quickly cope with the drying of the varnish. In this case, the rated power of the device is 30 watts. According to customer reviews, the light works well on the skin. The model is able to withstand large loads from the network. The thermal noise protection system is applied to the third class. The luminous flux of the modification is maximum 38 lm.

There is no protection system against increased pulsation in this case. The maximum current consumption indicator is 4 A. The trigger in the device is of the wave type. Problems with high sensitivity of this lamp are not terrible. The maximum ripple coefficient is 60%. This manicure set with LED lamp costs around 14 thousand rubles.

Gel FX 450 lamp reviews

These lamps are very popular in beauty salons. Regulators are used with capacitors. The luminous efficiency of such models is very high. The limiting ripple coefficient of the lamp is no more than 78%. The trigger in the specified device is of the optical type. According to customer reviews, the lamp of this series turns on very quickly. This model does not have a converter. The service life of the LED lamp does not exceed five years.

The quality of the switch deserves special attention in the device. In this case, it is used as a touch type. The device does a great job of drying nail gel. Luminous efficiency at 20 V is no more than 79%. You can buy the presented LED and LED CCFL lamps for manicure at a price of 18 thousand rubles.

Lamps of the Mixed Lamp 30G series

In beauty salons, these 9W LED lamps for manicure are in great demand. The converter in this case is used pulse type. The maximum current consumption indicator is 3 A. According to customer reviews, the amplifier burns out infrequently. With vegetable-based oil, the model copes remarkably. The maximum ripple factor is 74%.

Luminous efficiency at 20V does not exceed 70%. The thermal load protection system is applied to the second class. The regulator is used with a switch. The dispersion angle of the model is only 70 degrees. You can buy lamps of this series at a price of 18 thousand rubles.

Features of Mixed Lamp 40G models

This lamp is very gentle on the skin of the hands. In total, the device has six replaceable light bulbs. The amplifier is used with a push-button regulator. If necessary, the power of the device can be changed. The transceiver in this lamp is used with two diodes. Its conductivity parameter is not very high. It is also important to note that the device is very popular due to its compact size. The lamp converter is used with a zener diode.

Problems with overheating of the regulator to the specified lamp are not terrible. The heat loss protection system is used in the third degree. The current consumption indicator does not exceed 7 A. The luminous flux in the device is at the level of 75 lm. This model turns on very quickly. The maximum scattering angle is 30 degrees. With color reproduction in the device, everything is fine. You can buy this lamp at a price of 15 thousand rubles.