Installation of wall-mounted daylight fluorescent lamps; photo. Repair and main malfunctions of fluorescent lamps.

Fluorescent lamps are used to illuminate both industrial and residential premises. They have their own advantages and, accordingly, disadvantages. Most often they are used for street and industrial lighting, but their popularity is growing every day, so many people install such lamps in their home or apartment.

Fluorescent lamps

Not all luminescent elements can rightly be called daylight devices. There are reasons for this. Fluorescent lamps, in particular ceiling lamps, do not have a spiral, the color temperature in them must reach 4200 K and above. The main difference between such lamps and gas-discharge lamps is in the formation of a light source. The phosphor creates secondary radiation, in its absence this lamp will not give visible light and can be used simply for heating with ultraviolet radiation in medical or cosmetic purposes. It is the amount of phosphor that affects the quality of illumination of objects.

A few decades ago, such lamps did not have designer look, they looked just like long tubes and were most often used to illuminate exclusively industrial premises.

Modern elements of daylight

Long gone are the days when daylight parts were produced in the form of tubes. Now they can be called a design invention without exaggeration. In our time, daylight ceiling lamps are successfully installed both in industrial premises and shops, as well as in residential ones.

In living rooms, fluorescent lamps, especially ceiling lamps, can be mounted in any room without exception. They provide bright and high-quality light. Such lamps have different purposes and dimensions.


It is worth noting that fluorescent lamps have much more advantages than disadvantages. Daylight ceiling lamps significantly reduce energy consumption costs, that is, by purchasing them, you automatically start saving your financial resources.

Depending on the place of installation of such lamps and subject to their correct operation they can last quite a long time. In addition, fluorescent lamps (ceiling) heat up to only 60 degrees Celsius, which completely eliminates the possibility of a fire. Thus, fluorescent lamps can be safely installed in suspended ceilings.

Luminaires with fluorescent lamps can be quite compact in size, so they are used in different cases and situations.


Like any device or technique, fluorescent lamps (ceiling) have their drawbacks, which, however, are easily offset by the advantages listed above.

Nevertheless, it is worth noting that such lamps can significantly reduce their service life if constant voltage drops are observed. In addition, such light harms the sensitive retina of the human eye, so these lamps must be protected with a ceiling.

Devices daylight cannot light up instantly, after turning on the lamp should work for a while and dial required power. Also, they cannot work fully at low temperatures. The minimum air temperature is +5, otherwise they will burn dimly.

Daylight lamps in the office

Fluorescent lamps (ceiling lamps) have gained immense popularity in the office. The fact is that very often in such rooms, for one reason or another, the blinds are closed, the light does not penetrate through them well, and fluorescent lamps successfully solve this problem.

Moreover, many institutions always put financial issues in the forefront, so savings here play by no means the last role. Ceiling daylight fixtures for the office are just the perfect option, because for all their advantages, they also provide uniform light, which is convenient to work at any time of the day.

in industry

Due to their many advantages, daylight lighting elements are widely used for installation in industrial premises. For example, in warehouses, shops and shopping malls.

Such lamps can be safely installed even in a room with a high fire hazard. Thanks to larger surface the lamp itself distributes light more evenly and softly, which is another factor for using these devices in such rooms. Also, daylight ceiling lamps (industrial) have a sufficiently high power in order to provide excellent and uniform lighting around the entire perimeter of the room.

Selection rules

Before you buy a fluorescent lamp, you need to decide on its size. It will depend on what and for what room you need it. Remember that most often the daily ones are slightly larger than the usual ones.

There are several forms of them, but whatever it is, it will not affect the power and principle of operation. But it is worth noting that elements in the form of a spiral are always more expensive. This is due to the complex production technology, and not to the functional features of such parts. The light output of daylight is several times greater. Therefore, if you previously used a 100 W part, then purchase an energy-saving one no more than 20 W.

The main feature of such elements is their color temperature. The higher it is, the closer the light will be to blue, the lower it will be to red. This must also be taken into account when choosing and buying a lamp.

Conditions for correct use

Remember that the period of their use depends on the conditions for the correct operation of lighting elements. If you follow all the precautions, then such lamps can serve their owner for at least three years, and sometimes 5-7. If you are experiencing constant power outages, then be aware that your lamp may not last long.

Never use such lamps in fixtures in which the cartridge is faulty. If the lamp is intended for street lighting, then make sure that during operation it will be reliably protected from precipitation. You also need to screw the lamp in correctly - holding it by the plastic case.

Like any lamp, fluorescent can break or fail. If it crashed, then it is necessary to take basic precautions - carefully remove the fragments and be sure to ventilate the room. The fact is that in the production of such lamps liquid mercury can be used, the vapors of which are very dangerous to health. If the lamp is made in Europe, then you should not be afraid of this, since it contains a small amount of amalgam and is quite safe for health. When buying, do not forget to pay attention to the packaging and labeling of the lamp, since due to the increased popularity of such devices are in demand, respectively, the number of fakes has increased significantly.

For a long time, almost all over the world have abandoned the use of conventional incandescent lamps. Fluorescent lamps, including ceiling lamps, save energy and save our environment in proper condition.


What is the price for ceiling fluorescent lamps? You can buy these lighting elements for 1-2 thousand rubles.

Fluorescent lamps are popular because of their economy and performance. Therefore, it is important for the owner of the house to know the characteristics of these devices, temperature, light, connection features. Knowing the size and rules for replacing a broken light bulb will help you in interior design.

Ceiling fluorescent daylight lamps

Lamp characteristics: power, dimensions, temperature and fluorescent light

Ceiling fluorescent fluorescent lamps differ in size from wall-mounted counterparts. They also cover a large area of ​​illumination, so they are well suited for large rooms. Often they can be seen in offices and shops. If your homestead is spacious, you can equip it with ceiling fluorescent lamps.

The device of ceiling luminescent lamps of a daylight; photo

Ceiling fluorescent daylight lamps consist of:

  1. Glass tubes of different diameters and lengths, as well as shapes. On her inner surface there is a thin layer of phosphorus - it transforms ultraviolet light.
  2. Electrical components: a cathode device (current will flow through its wires), having two wires and pins, threads inserted into the support.
  3. A cap that fits over the end of a tube. It is firmly fixed and sealed to prevent gas leakage.
  4. Ballast resistor. This is a transformer whose task is to increase the voltage at the time the lamp starts from 120 to 300 volts. Then the voltage value is set to the desired value thanks to the ballast resistor.

The interior of a fluorescent lamp tube consists of:

  1. A layer of phosphor, an inorganic substance.
  2. Inner space filled with mercury vapor.
  3. Two tungsten cathodes.

The ultraviolet radiation of mercury vapor arises from the glow of the phosphor layer deposited on the tube from the inside.

The principle of operation of a ceiling fluorescent lamp consists of two stages: start-up and direct operation. To power the lamp, the following devices are required:

  1. Starter.
  2. Throttle.
  3. Coil of inductance.
  4. Capacitor designed to increase the cone phi (f). The switching circuit is a reactive load. The voltage is spent on the magnetization of the inductor, so a capacitor is included in the circuit. Energy is exchanged between the inductor and the capacitor, which increases the cone phi.

Lamp start mechanism

After the switch is turned on, the current flows through the circuit: “choke” - “lamp electrode” - “starter”. A glow discharge occurs between the starter electrodes. The current goes to the other electrode and back into the power circuit. When a voltage of 220 W enters the lamp electrodes. In the starter, under the action of a glow discharge, the bimetallic electrode begins to heat up - it closes with a fixed electrode. Since there is no glow discharge, the current in the lamp circuit increases and intensely heats up the lamp electrodes.

Then the bimetallic electrode in the starter cools down, since the glow discharge has disappeared. Due to cooling, the electrode returns to the opposite position. Thus, there is an opening of two electrodes in the starter. The circuit is disconnected - due to induction, a voltage surge occurs on the throttle, which is necessary to start the arc. A high-voltage pulse appears between the two electrodes of the lamp. A glow discharge occurs in the lamp.

An important element for turning on a fluorescent lamp is a capacitor located in the starter. It increases the duration of the pulse to light the lamp. Otherwise, the pulse would be too short and the amplitude too large. The energy accumulated in the inductor during the opening of the two electrodes would be spent on a discharge in the starter. Thus, the lamp could not be ignited.

At a time when the mercury inside the lamp has not completely evaporated, the glow is provided by argon gas. When mercury is fully utilized, the fluorescent lamp goes into operation. The voltage of the lamp becomes lower than the mains due to its drop on the throttle. The starter does not restart. It can start several times during the turn-on process if the electrodes in the lamp are not warm enough.

Connecting round and long lds on pins without a starter

Fluorescent lamps can run without a starter if they are burned out, for example, and you want to give them a second life. In this case, the lamps will last longer, but not forever. When the starter is removed from the circuit, the so-called "cold start" of the lamp will be performed. This means that it is ignited by increased voltage, and the electrodes are not pre-ignited.

The disadvantage of the lamp without a starter will be that over time, the phenomenon of electrophoresis will occur - the glow will shift to one end, because without a starter, the lamp is powered by a rectified current. To avoid electrophoresis, reverse the polarity of the lamp connection twice or once a month. To do this, turn it over or install a switch.

Ignition of a lamp without a starter can be done when it is not possible to quickly replace an outdated starter with a new one or with an electronic ballast. In the non-starter version of the connection, the filaments serve as electrodes - voltage is applied to them, from which the gas in the fluorescent lamp is ignited. Starterless connection allows the use of fluorescent lamps in which the filament has burned out.

You should take 4 capacitors, two of which should be made of paper and have a voltage one and a half times greater than in the network. The other two capacitors can be mica. The wire resistor must necessarily correspond to the power of the fluorescent lamp. These values ​​can be found in the table.

Capacitors 1 and 4, diodes 2 and 3 make up a two half-cycle rectifier that doubles the voltage. The larger the value of capacitors 1 and 4, the greater will be the voltage at the lamp electrodes. When it turns on, the voltage rises to 600 V, and at the moment of ignition, the lamp works normally, since the voltage decreases and reaches normal 220 V. Diodes 1 and 4 and capacitors 2 and 3 serve to reliably ignite the lamp - they increase the voltage to 900 V. The capacitors ensure reliable ignition when the lamp is turned on and suppress radio interference.

Connection with electronic ballast

Instead of an electromagnetic ballast, which is otherwise called a “choke”, an electronic ballast can be used. The main advantage of this device is the absence of a starter, which is unreliable.

In this example, the device has 4 contacts, each pair on the filament, the letter indicates the phase, which means zero. The device has one common wire and two separate ones.

Therefore, in order to replace the starter with an electronic ballast, you should:

Rules for removing and replacing a non-working light bulb

Unlike the familiar incandescent light bulb, you need to prepare to remove the fluorescent lamp, especially if it is linear and mounted on the ceiling. Height and length are difficult.

Rules for removing a fluorescent fluorescent lamp:

  1. Unplug the lamp. Do not just press the switch, but turn off the room where it is located from the mains on the electrical panel. Use a tester to check if there is voltage.
  2. Place the bench above the lamp if the lamp is on the ceiling, and fix it securely under the lamp.
  3. Gently grasp both ends of the lamp with your hands. Rotate the tube 90 degrees until it stops. The clips will release the lamp, after which you can carefully lower it and put it in a safe place where it will not be broken.

The rules for replacing a fluorescent fluorescent ceiling lamp are as follows:

  1. Make sure that the forks of the lamp you are going to install are placed perpendicular to the cartridges. To insert, rotate the bulb 90 degrees until it clicks. Pull the tube slightly towards you - so make sure that it is fastened correctly.
  2. Turn on the light at the electrical panel. Normally operating lamps are fully lit approximately one minute after the power is applied.

If the lamp is in the lamp (which happens most often), the rules for removing and replacing are the same. The only advice is to hold the diffuser and unscrew it from the mount; then insert into place, screwing securely.

Fluorescent lamps are a good alternative to daylight. Therefore, such lamps are in demand in everyday life. These lamps are filled with gas, the pressure inside them is low, they have a glow discharge, which creates ultraviolet radiation that our eyes cannot see. Phosphor coating provides us with such an opportunity.

Read also

Ceiling fluorescent lamps are characterized by the following parameters:

  • Power, W);
  • Light output (lm/W), luminous flux (lm);
  • Color rendering index (Ra and CRI), color temperature (K);
  • Dimensions.

Pros and cons of this kind of lamps

Modern daylight fixtures make the shades more contrasting, improving our perception. Light output directly depends on the phosphor coating.

Therefore, do not confuse these lamps with cold lamps. white color, white or warm white.

For such lamps, it is necessary to have an electronic ballast (ballast), which limits the supply electric current and guarantees correct ignition. Electronic ballasts are much better than electromagnetic devices. They allow you to remove flicker, increase lighting and lamp life. The more powerful the device, the better the light output. It can reach 90lm/W. This is 5 times the light output of an incandescent lamp.


The positive aspects of such lamps include:

  • Economical consumption of electrical energy (costs are reduced by 80%);
  • Long service life (about 20,000 hours, which is equal to 10 years or even more);
  • Stable intense flux and high light output;
  • Low heating temperature (60 degrees), which will never lead to a fire;
  • Variety of colors: day, warm, natural;
  • Easy to install, no need to call a specialist, you can do everything yourself.

Advice! Long lamps have more power and light output. Therefore, if you want to light up a room, it is better to install 2 lamps of 36 W than 4 of 18 W.


  • Lamps of this type have a bad effect on changes in the mains voltage, as well as turning them on and off;
  • It is obligatory to install a plafond that will protect the eyes.
  • You can use such lamps provided that the temperature is above +5 degrees. If the temperature is lower, the discharge becomes bad and the lamp burns dimly.
  • The lamp does not turn on immediately, it takes a couple of minutes to flare up at full power.

Forms of lamps for fixtures

The shape of the lamp is divided into the following categories:

  • Tubular linear, straight;
  • Figured, having the shape of a ring, "U" - figurative;
  • Fluorescent, which have a compact appearance and replace incandescent lamps.

The diameter of the tubes can be from 16 to 60 mm, it has nothing to do with the power rating, which can reach 200 watts.

Linear lamps are provided with G-13 two-pin sockets, where the distance between the pins is 13 mm in the case when the tube has a diameter of 26-40 mm and G-5 for 16 mm.

Advice! If the lamp is blinding, it is necessary to install a frosted cover that will allow the eyes to feel comfortable.

Compact fluorescent lamps have a specific shape of discharge tube. It allows you to reduce the overall length and save power (up to 20 watts).

Such lamps allow you to replace an incandescent lamp. It is enough to screw them into the cartridge or install an adapter. Plinths have 2 or 4 pins or are threaded. A two-pin lamp has a starter, a four-pin lamp operates from a ballast.

Fluorescent lamps are used in the following cases:

  • Replace incandescent lamps;
  • Allow to save electrical energy;
  • Installed in compact luminaires;
  • They have small dimensions, due to which they replace linear lamps.

Note to the buyer

Ballasts, the basis of which is a choke, are cheaper than electronic relatives. Most often, the ceiling lamp is paired with a starter installed in the base. Some factories do not complete the lamps with starters. If you are going to buy a foreign lamp, check if it works with a ballast or a choke.

If the cost of the inductor is low, there may be a slight noise during operation of the lamp, flickering of the light. This will increase the weight of the product and the cost of electricity. Losses can be on the order of 30%. Tubular lamps are preferably installed in a strictly horizontal position.

Note! Without loss of power, incandescent lamps of 25-100 W can be replaced with compact fluorescent lamps with a power of 5-20 W. At the same time, the service life will increase by 12 times, electricity costs will decrease by 80%.

Lamps in the design of the room

A chandelier with fluorescent lamps installed in it allows you to create rich lighting, thanks to which all those present are psychologically united. In the dining room and living room, it is better to install lamps that create a combined light: direct one stream down, the other up.

In the bedroom, install a chandelier that gently diffuses light throughout the room.

Create bright lighting in the nursery. Do not forget that the ceiling must be installed.

You can install a fluorescent lamp in the corridor, and you can illuminate the mirror by installing an additional lamp. For the kitchen, this option is also suitable. We recommend highlighting the workspace with a beam of light.

The bathroom looks gorgeous with a chandelier mounted on a chain. Instead of a chain, a metal bar can be used. Chandelier - a ceiling lamp installed on the ceiling will visually expand the space. When installing lamps - spotlights in suspended ceiling, the interior will be embellished, they can also focus on a separate section of the room.

Typically, a daylight ceiling lamp is used in rooms with a low ceiling due to scattered radiation.

On sale there are lamps in which a powerful internal reflector is built. It allows you to focus the beam of light in the lamp.

The design project involves both local and general lighting, thanks to which the interior has clear boundaries. At will, the light can be made combined, diffused or reflected.

Diffused light can be obtained by installing lamps with a lampshade: their lighting is ideal for relaxation and rest.

The most comfortable is the reflected light: it allows you to give the space lightness, ease due to the fact that the light is reflected from the ceiling.

Fluorescent lights are slowly replacing incandescent bulbs. They can be found in offices, workshops and apartments.

They allow you to create bright, stable and uniform lighting in almost any space, while harmonizing with the overall interior of the room.

Daylight fixtures are most often installed on the ceiling. Modern designers use them to create unique lighting masterpieces. The most popular are daylight pendant lights that are built into or simply hang down from concrete floor. IN hanging lamps You can adjust the height of the suspension, which allows you to control the level of light depending on the height of the ceiling. They create a directional light beam, so they can be placed above the dining table.

Daylight wall lights are mostly a decorative element, and their lighting capacity is usually in second place. This light is appropriate if you watch TV before bed. The light from the wall lamps in such a situation is enough not to strain your eyesight once again. However, products help to combine business with pleasure - they provide a decorative effect and high-quality lighting. Designers use wall lamps for decorative finishes bookshelves, walls, .

Daylight floor lamps can create unusual effects. They are characterized by a variety of shapes and styles. Some models are able to locally emphasize the dignity of the interior, while others emit several types of rays from different focuses.

Daylight table lamps are good because they can be moved from place to place. At one point in time they will be useful on the dressing table, and the next - on dining table or cabinet. Some models of this type have a light adjustment function, which expands their functionality.

Trends often require the use of light in a room of different colors. For these purposes, you can also use daylight fixtures. Psychologically cold shades tire a person, and yellow tones are not appropriate in all rooms.

Incandescent lamps are considered optimal for the human eye - a good old attribute of any apartment. In the infrared region, they create an optimal spectrum, but are not economical. In fact, incandescent lamps heat much more than they shine. Of the energy used, only 5% is spent on lighting, and the rest on heating. As a result, some states have banned enterprises from producing incandescent lamps with a power higher than 75 watts.

Halogen lamps form a "cold light". Modern offices are "spoiled" by them. A significant advantage of these products is cost-effectiveness. They consume little electrical energy, but create a powerful light beam. However, it is not for nothing that these lamps lose their relevance - they are sensitive to. With unstable voltage, they begin to "blink", which causes dizziness and exacerbation of parkinsonism attacks. Products seriously tire the eyes with prolonged use. If you stay in the zone of action of the luminescent for several hours, midges may appear before your eyes. Due to the directional light, it is better to place the products above the workplace, kitchen set, desk, sink, seating table.

Tip 1. Replace incandescent bulbs with daylight counterparts. These models have the best performance in terms of electrical energy consumption and light output.

In many forms modern fixtures fluorescent lamps are used. To ensure that your home is provided with comfortable lighting at night, consider the most popular options for lamps.

Probably the most stylish can be called spherical lamps. They are usually located under the ceiling and create a directional light. The reflection of the rays from the glossy ceiling creates an attractive decorative effect and a sufficient level of illumination of the room. However, when staying in a room for a long time, reflected light is not enough, so additional daylight can be used.

They are actively used in interiors. classical style. Their central placement is not at all necessary, since in modern design more preference is given to several lamps in the room. They are harmoniously combined with each other and create additional comfort. Directional beams can only be used to illuminate the desired area (desk, kitchen set). In any case, a modern room requires a combination of conventional and decorative lighting. And practically for all rooms.

Sconces, table lamps and ceiling lights are able to highlight the desired object in the surrounding twilight. It is rational to use such compositions in the bedroom.

Among floor lamps, you should choose only those models that have a built-in swivel regulator. They are practical and allow you to direct the beam of light in the right direction.

  • Classification of daylight lamps: daylight lamps can be classified into domestic and industrial. Household models are much cheaper, but their design is simpler. Industrial counterparts are usually large and powerful lamps. They are used in plants and factories.
  • Decorative lamps are designed to complement the interior with attractive color schemes. Functional models serve directly for lighting.
  • Classification of fixtures by type of lighting: local and general lighting. The first category includes table lamps, sconces, floor lamps, the second - chandeliers, ceiling lights and shades.

The design of daylight luminaires must be sufficiently strong and safe. They are made of metal, crystal, heat-resistant plastic and porcelain. Used affects not only the quality, but also the cost of the product. A professional designer is able to make a lamp out of wood, paper and fabric. These items, of course, look pretty stylish, but have a limited margin of safety. When installed in an apartment, they should be kept away from open flames.

The most practical are lamps made of plastic or plastic. They last a long time, are safe and do not require special care.

The most popular daylight fixtures are made of crystal. They are practical, fireproof, aesthetic.

According to the size on the market, you can choose lamps of various dimensions.

Tip 2. Remember that large fixtures are suitable for spacious rooms, while small ones are installed in low-ceilinged rooms.

When deciding how many fixtures to install, you should rely on the opinion of designers. If one product is planned indoors, it should stand out among other attributes of the interior. For these purposes, a large or medium lamp with a bright lampshade is more suitable.

When choosing several devices, it is necessary to ensure their combination with each other. In such a situation, you should not give preference to large products. On the contrary, choose several small lamps of the same color scheme.

Before buying a product, you should determine its exact location in the room. In a specialized store, you will see many models that will differ both in purpose and in shape. Each room requires its own models of lamps. For example, a sconce located above the bed looks attractive in the bedroom. If there is a mirror in the room, it must be lit with a pair. And, of course, the chandelier should be organically combined with the overall design of the room.

In the kitchen, it is better to have several daylight devices at the same time. Each of them should favorably illuminate its own zone. It is also convenient to place a lampshade or chandelier over separate work areas.

The place of innovative ideas can be called the living room. It should be cozy, bright and comfortable at the same time. In this room you receive guests, so create decorative lighting in it. A large chandelier with halogen bulbs is perfect for this purpose.

If the living room needs to be divided into several zones, spotlights will look attractive in it. Near the coffee table, a floor lamp is a necessary attribute.

If the overall style of the room is high-tech, it requires strict compliance with lighting solutions. The color of the lampshade and the lamp body must be done in one color scheme. The style of a room or apartment, made in the genre of classicism, requires the correct geometric shapes. For these purposes, it is better to purchase fluorescent lamps in black and white and silver tones.

Tip 3. Do not rush to buy fluorescent lights. First, carefully analyze the features of the room, the goals and objectives of its lighting. Consult with experts. Only after that you can buy lamps for your stylish interior.

Cost of daylight fixtures

Classic budget daylight fixtures with fluorescent lamps can be purchased for 1200-3000 Russian rubles. Point models will cost 500-1000 rubles. There are also more expensive branded products that will cost the buyer 30,000 - 50,000 rubles.

LED lights very energy efficient. They are durable, provide comfortable daylight to the eye, and also allow you to create a play of light in the apartment, emphasizing the most significant elements of the interior. How to create a cozy atmosphere at home with the help of LED lamps?

Spot LED lighting

Spotlights, which are called spots, look most advantageous against the background of ordinary lamps. Traditionally spotlights are halogen, but there are also fluorescent or LED. They can be built into both ceilings and walls. Diode lamps of the spot type create a directional beam of light. Therefore, to illuminate one room, several ceiling spots will be required around the entire perimeter of the room.

Thanks to spotlights you can not only illuminate the apartment, but also create accents in interior design. For example, you can arrange a backlight for a picture. The traditional shape of the spots is round, but you can make your interior extraordinary by purchasing a square-shaped ceiling spot.

Additional features

Bright daylight is not always relevant. Sometimes you need an intimate setting with subdued lighting. You can create such an atmosphere thanks to built-in LED lamps with a rheostat. With it, it is easy to adjust the brightness of the radiation.

Swivel spots are new. They differ from ordinary ones in that it is possible to adjust the direction luminous flux. In this case, LED lamps can act as additional or as main lighting.

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