Artistic originality of Bunin's poetry. Motifs of early landscape lyrics by I.A. Bunin Thematic facets of poems

Abstract on the topic: "The lyrics of I. A. Bunin."

slide 2 . Goals and objectives: to introduce students to the poetic world of I. A. Bunin, to identify the main themes of his poetry, the features of the poetics of poems, to improve the skills of analyzing a lyrical text.

Slides 3,4,5 Video lecture Bibigon - lesson by I. Bunin (from the first minute to 11.49) accompanied by a presentation.

Slide 6.7. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is an outstanding Russian writer who became famous as a prose writer. But Ivan Alekseevich began his literary life with poetry and entered the beautiful galaxy of poets of the Silver Age.

“After all, I am ... first of all a poet. A poet! And then only a prose writer,” said I. A. Bunin.

I.A. Bunin did not join any of the literary movements. In the poetry of the Silver Age, his name stands apart. In general, he was very skeptical of literary delights and innovations, believing that the formalist sophistication of the Symbolists, Acmeists and Futurists had little to do with poetry.

“Against the background of Russian modernism, Bunin’s poetry stands out as good old,” wroteJ.Aikhenwald . Bunin's poetry clearly traces the traditions of Russian poets, his predecessors, primarily Pushkin, Tyutchev and Fet.

Bunin is a faithful keeper of the Pushkin tradition. For him, Pushkin's thoughts are related that true poetry is in simplicity, naturalness of real feelings, phenomena, moods. Both poets reflect in their poems the existing harmony between man and nature.

Slides 8.9 . The story of video lecturers about the family, the Bunin family

slide 10 . Bunin's first poem was published when he was only seventeen, four years later the first collection of poems was published, but fame came to him only ten years later, after the publication of the collection Falling Leaves in 1901, awarded the Pushkin Prize of the Academy of Sciences.

Slide 11. Reading an excerpt from the poem "Falling Leaves".

Forest, like a painted tower,

Purple, gold, crimson,

Cheerful, colorful wall

It stands over a bright meadow.

Birches with yellow carving

Shine in blue azure,

Like towers, Christmas trees darken,

And between the maples they turn blue

Here and there in the foliage through

Clearances in the sky, that windows.

The forest smells of oak and pine,

During the summer it dried up from the sun,

And Autumn is a quiet widow

Enters his motley tower

Today in an empty meadow

In the middle of a wide courtyard

Air web fabric

Shine like a net of silver.

Playing all day today

The last moth in the yard

And like a white petal

Freezes on the web

warmed by the warmth of the sun;

Today it's so bright all around

Such dead silence

In the forest and in the blue sky

What is possible in this silence

Hear the rustle of a leaf.


Find paths that help the poet create a color effect (color painting).

Find an olfactory image. (The forest smells of oak and pine).

Hear ... rustling).

slide 12. Artistic features of Bunin's lyrics

Teacher's word. True to the traditions of the realistic landscape of the 19th century, I. Bunin at the same time emphasizes the self-sufficiency and independence of nature from man. The poet experiences the loneliness of man among nature and the loneliness of nature without man, the “blissful melancholy” of the wilderness.


Landscape poetry.

Student's message. Landscape lyrics are typical for the poetry of I. Bunin at the turn of the century and are predominant in all his work.

The poems of I. A. Bunin are original. It is rather rhyming, organized prose rather than poetry in its classical form. But it is precisely with their novelty and freshness that they attract readers.

I.Z.: Presentation of the poem “Asters are showering in the gardens”.

In the landscape lyrics, Bunin's difference from the poetry of the Symbolists is most noticeable.

Where the symbolist saw in nature "signs" of a different, higher reality, Bunin sought to objectively reproduce the reality he idolized. Hence the picturesque accuracy and sophistication of Bunin's sketches. It is I. Bunin's landscape lyrics that are mostly characterized by an abundance of color effects, as well as a stunning fullness of sound effects.

Bunin's poems are lyrical and contemplative pictures of nature, created by means of fine details, light colors, halftones. Their main intonation is sadness, sadness, but this sadness is “bright”, cleansing.

Slide 14 .The poem "Evening" is written in the genre of a classic sonnet. Shakespeare and Pushkin wrote sonnets about love, philosophical sonnets. In Bunin's sonnet, the world of man and the world of nature are sung.

We always remember happiness.
And happiness is everywhere. Maybe it
This autumn garden behind the barn
And clean air pouring through the window.

In the bottomless sky with a light, clean cut
It rises, the cloud shines. For a long time
I follow him ... We see little, we know.
And happiness is given only to those who know.

The window is open. She squeaked and sat down
A bird on the windowsill. And from books
I look away tired for a moment.

The day is getting dark, the sky is empty,
The hum of the threshing machine is heard on the threshing floor.
I see, I hear, I am happy. Everything is in me.

How do you understand the last phrase - “Everything is in me”?

(Everything in a person: kindness and malice, love and discoveries, heaven and hell. “Everything in me” truly speaks for itself. What an abyss of wisdom lies in this phrase! The volume and depth of meaning makes it related to biblical wisdom: “The kingdom of God is within you").

Let's think about the questions:

1. Determine the theme of the poem.

2. What images of the poem surprised you and why?

3. How is the sense of time and space conveyed in the poem?

4. Name emotionally colored epithets.

5. Explain the meaning of the line: “I see, I hear, I am happy ...”

Teacher's word. Bunin's landscape is truthful, subtle and beautiful, as no symbolist ever dreamed of. In the poems of Ivan Alekseevich, we do not see the personality of the author. From his poetry, he excludes the main component of lyricism - "I".

slide 15 . Russia theme.

The theme of Russia is clearly expressed throughout the entire work of the poet. It reflected Bunin's nostalgia and philosophy. He sought to read and unravel the hidden laws of the nation, which, in his opinion, are eternal. Legends, traditions, parables (folk wisdom) become poetry. Like many other themes in the lyrics, the theme of the Motherland is revealed using elements of the landscape. The poet linked together the image of nature and homeland. For him, the nature of Russia is the steppes of the Oryol region, where the writer was born and raised...

"Motherland" is a poem representing one of the leading themes in Bunin's poetry - the theme of Russia.

They mock you
They, oh motherland, reproach
You with your simplicity
The miserable kind of black huts ...

So son, calm and impudent,
Ashamed of his mother -
Tired, timid and sad
Among his urban friends,

Looks with a smile of compassion
On the one who wandered hundreds of miles
And for him, by the day of goodbye,
Saved the last penny.


What epithets characterize Bunin's Motherland? ("tired, timid and sad").

What is the attitude of the poet to the motherland? (The poet does not idealize the image of the Motherland, on the contrary, he clearly sees all its problems. The motherland is poor, hungry, but beloved.)

Find a metaphor, define its role. (The metaphor "Motherland" - an old woman wandering along a dusty road, a mother going to her mentally ill child - is one of the most poignant and poignant images.)

slide 16. Determine the theme, motive and idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe poem "The bird has a nest."

The bird has a nest, the beast has a hole.

How bitter was the young heart,

When I left my father's yard,

Say sorry to your home!

The beast has a hole, the bird has a nest.

How the heart beats, sadly and loudly,

When I enter, being baptized, into a strange, hired house

With his old knapsack!

(The motif of homelessness, foreign land and homesickness. The theme of the homeland. There is no peace in a foreign land.

The idea - isolation from the homeland makes a person suffer, fills his soul with bitterness, pain, loneliness.)

Philosophical lyrics

An appeal to philosophical lyrics occurs after the first Russian revolution (1906-1911). The most important motive of the poet's lyrics is the superiority of natural being over social life. Bunin is a great lover of life. Love for him is a sacred feeling, a state of his soul. Life for Bunin is a journey of memories. The special atmosphere of Bunin's philosophical poems is the atmosphere of silence. Noise, fuss distract from the main thing - from the spiritual life. Bunin's lyrical hero is having a hard time with his loneliness; in poems, the lyrical hero tries to comprehend the transience of human life and time.

slide 17.

The day will come - I will disappear,

And this room is empty

Everything will be the same: table, bench

Yes, an image, ancient and simple.

And it will also fly

Colorful butterfly in silk,

Flutter, rustle and flutter

On the blue ceiling

And so will the bottom of the sky

Look out the open window

And the sea is even blue

Beckon into your desert space.

What is the theme and idea of ​​the poem?

(Theme: a poem about the inevitability of death. Idea:death is not the end at all, not a catastrophe: even if a person disappears, the whole World will exist, just as eternal and beautiful.

What emotions does it evoke? (Emotions: sadness and hope.)

Determine the role of the butterfly image. (The role of the image of a butterfly: the image of a butterfly represents an endless series of life cycles, the birth of new people who will live and work after (the cycle of life and death (Buddhist motif).

The theme of the poet and poetry.

Teacher's word. Like any poet, I. Bunin tried to comprehend his mission, the role of the creator, the essence of poetry. The program poem for him on this topic is the lyrical work "To the Poet" - the code of his poetic honor. Bunin's muse is nature, therefore he writes more about it, and the theme of the poet and poetry is not widely embodied in Bunin's lyrical works.

Slide 18. "To the poet"

In deep wells the water is cold
And the colder it is, the cleaner it is.
The careless shepherd gets drunk from a puddle
And in a puddle he will water his flock,
But the good one will lower the tub into the well,
The rope to the rope will be tied tighter.

A priceless diamond dropped in the night
A slave seeks by the light of a penny candle,
But he looks vigilantly along the dusty roads,
He holds a dry palm with a ladle,
Protecting fire from wind and darkness -
And know: he will return to the halls with a diamond.

What calls the poet Bunin?

. Love lyrics.

Teacher's word. The theme of love in the lyrics is less noticeable. In it, the author avoids deliberately beautiful phrases.

I went to her at midnight.
She was sleeping, the moon was shining
In her window - and blankets
The deflated satin shone.
She lay on her back
Naked bifurcated breasts -
And quietly, like water in a vessel,
Her life was in a dream.

Slide 19

2. Aikhenvald Yu. I. "Ivan Bunin"

3. A. T. Tvardovsky "About Bunin"

We are known not only as a prose writer, but also as a poet, with beautiful and memorable poems. Bunin begins his literary work by writing poems, presenting readers with a personality with a special view of the world. Bunin's poetic activity developed under the influence of Nikitin and Koltsov, who sang of the peasantry and Russian nature. All these topics were close to Bunin.

Themes and motifs of Bunin's lyrics

In general, the poet's lyrical world was not rich in a variety of topics. Basically, the writer writes about his native nature, where he draws its beauty, and also reminds us that nature and man are inseparable. In the work of Bunin, as a poet, among the motives and images of his lyrics, the theme of childhood is visible. The author writes about the beginning of life, about children, about the discovery of the world. Often revealing the theme of childhood, Bunin depicts pictures of the evening period, when children are preparing to go to bed. Maybe that's why many of his works are somewhat similar to lullabies.

Through the lines of his poems, through the main motifs of his lyrics, Bunin reveals to the reader the theme of the present and the past, philosophically reflecting on the brevity of human existence. Bunin's poetry is a special, harmonious world. As Gorky said, if Bunin and his poetry are thrown out of literature, then it will immediately fade, losing its iridescent brilliance.

In general, the theme of the Motherland has always remained the main theme and motives of Bunin's lyrics, but the writer also touched on other topics, although they are not so diverse.

Bunin's love lyrics

A person who writes about the beauty of nature and man cannot pass by the theme of love, so Bunin is also concerned about the mystery of this feeling. Love lyrics were not the main ones in his work and poetry, therefore Bunin has few poems on the love theme. If we get acquainted with the love lyrics in Bunin's work, then we will understand that, although they are saturated with a thirst for love, they are always filled with tragedy, unfulfilled hopes, and memories.

Eternal and transient in Bunin's lyrics

Bunin's lyrics, peculiar and unique in their artistic style, with their themes and motifs, are multifaceted and rich. It is filled with philosophical questions about the meaning of life, about the eternal and the transient. In the lines of Bunin's poems one can read confusion, disappointment, but at the same time one feels faith in life. And the poet's lyrics are filled with light and majesty. In his poems, the poet reflects the theme of memory, touches on the past, reflects on the relationship between nature and man, raises the theme of death and life. Bunin does not believe that he will ever pass away, because he felt the eternity of matter and believed in the continuity of being.

Loneliness and nature in Bunin's lyrics

As we have already said, Bunin wrote very often about nature. But, as the poet wrote, it was not the landscape that attracted him and he did not seek to notice the colors, but the fact that love and the joy of being shine in these colors. Describing nature, the poet made it possible to understand the state of mind of the lyrical hero and his experiences. Meanwhile, the hero of Bunin's works is constantly sad about his youth and experienced moments. He tries to look into the future and accept the past.
Speaking about the state of the heroes of Bunin's poems, this is eternal loneliness, and the theme of loneliness is played up by the writer in different ways. So we can see that loneliness is like grace for the soul, and it can also turn out to be a dark prison, imprisonment for the soul.

As a result, we can say for sure: Bunin's lyrics are concise, refined and philosophical.

The Nobel Prize winner Bunin began his career as a poet. He was greatly influenced by such poets as Nikitin, Koltsov, and partly Nekrasov. They sang of Russian nature, the countryside, poetized the peasantry, and in this they were close to Bunin. Bunin was not attracted by experiments, the search for a new technique of versification.

The themes of Bunin's poetry are not very diverse. Basically, these are poems about nature. Poems on a peasant theme are almost absent, except for "The Village Beggar", in the center of which is the image of a homeless old man, tortured by poverty. Civil motifs are also rare ("Giordano Bruno", "The Poet", "Over the Grave of S. Ya. Nadson").

The leading place in Bunin's poetry is occupied by landscape lyrics. In it, he reflected the signs of nature in the Oryol region, which the poet passionately loved. Poems about nature are written in gentle, soft colors and resemble the picturesque landscapes of Levitan. A vivid example of a verbal landscape is the poem "Russian Spring". Observation, fidelity in the transmission of light, smell, color, the poem "A full month stands high ..." is noteworthy. Bunin's landscape lyrics are sustained in the traditions of Russian classics ("Autumn", "Autumn Landscape", "In the Steppe").

Bunin's early poems are full of a sense of the joy of being, their unity, fusion with nature. In the poem "Thaw" the harmony of the poet and the world is conveyed:

And, reveling in beauty, Only in it, breathing more fully and wider, I know that all life in the world Lives in the same love with me.

Bunin's external description does not differ in bright colors, but is saturated with internal content. Man is not an observer, a contemplator of nature, but, in the words of Tyutchev, a "thinking reed", a part of nature:

No, it's not the landscape that attracts me, It's not the colors that the greedy eye notices, But what shines in these colors: Love and the joy of being.

Bunin is attracted not by the static, the stillness of the landscape, but by the eternal change of state. He knows how to capture the beauty of a single moment, the very state of transition. Moreover, in this single moment, the poet sees the eternity and indestructibility of nature ("Lightning lightning face, like a dream ...", the poem "Falling Leaves"),

Love for nature is inseparably linked with love for the motherland. This is not an open, declarative patriotism, but a lyrically colored feeling, poured into the descriptions of paintings of native nature ("Motherland", "Motherland", "In the Steppe", the cycle "Rus").

In later verses, a feature characteristic of Bunin's poetry clearly emerges:

... in my joy there is always longing, in longing there is always a mysterious sweetness.

This longing for beauty, harmony, which is less and less in the surrounding life. The images of night twilight, the melancholy of autumn slush, the sadness of abandoned cemeteries are constant in the poems, the theme of which is the ruin of noble nests, the death of manor estates (“And I dreamed ...”, “The world was empty ... The earth has cooled ...”).

Not only nature, but also ancient legends, myths, religious traditions nourish Bunin's poetry. In them, Bunin sees the wisdom of the ages, finds the fundamental principles of the entire spiritual life of mankind ("Temple of the Sun", "Saturn"),

Bunin's poetry has strong philosophical motives. Any picture - everyday, natural, psychological - is always included in the universal, in the universe. The poems are permeated with a sense of surprise before the eternal world and an understanding of the inevitability of one's own death ("Loneliness", "Rhythm").

Bunin's poems are short, concise, they are lyrical miniatures. His poetry is restrained, as if "cold", but this is a deceptive "coldness". Rather, it is the absence of pathos, poses that outwardly express the "pathos of the soul."

The future Nobel Prize winner Ivan Alekseevich Bunin began his career in early childhood. When the young man was barely 17 years old, the Rodina magazine, well-known at that time, published the poem of the young poet - “The Village Beggar”. In this creation, the poet described the life of ordinary Russian villages, whose inhabitants often suffered from want and poverty.

Ivan Alekseevich spent a lot of time reading the literature of foreign and domestic writers, whose work inspired the young poet, who was looking for his own style in this craft. He was madly in love with the poetic works of Nekrasov, Koltsov and Nikitin. In the work of these authors, the peasantry was openly poeticized, which was very close in spirit to Bunin.

Already in the first creative works of the great writer and poet, an original manner, a unique style of writing and intriguing topics that attract the reader were visible. His lyrics were smart and calm, comparable to the sincere conversation of loved ones. The poems of Ivan Alekseevich reflected the rich and subtle inner world of the young writer.

Critics admired the artistry and high technique seen in Bunin's lyrical works. The poet felt every word and beautifully conveyed his thought, masterfully honing every fragment of a poetic work.

The main lyrical motives of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

The poetry of Ivan Alekseevich cannot boast of a special variety. But the poet did not need this. Most of his poems have themes related to nature. Some creations are dedicated to peasant life and civic motives. A large place was given to the theme of love and relationships.

The leading place is clearly visible landscape lyrics, written in soft and gentle colors. The poet was very fond of the Oryol Territory, he was delighted with the picturesque views of natural nature, therefore, in many of Bunin's poems there is a flattering description of these wonderful places.

Bunin clearly observed the tradition of Russian classics, which can be seen in the bright and rich poem "Autumn Landscape":

Autumn has come again
And only I will listen to her
Leaves fall silently
Stroking the damp earth.

Autumn has come again
Pale sunsets gray
A blue flower
The sun is asking for a mean ...

Wind with a dull flute
In the branches it sounds dull,
The rain is hiding somewhere
Hiding like a sieve blew.

People are burning fires
Leaves, raking in heaps,
And the wind is picking up
Thick clouds in the sky...

The sun broke through for a moment
Warming my soul again
As if forever goodbye -
It's sad to listen to nature ...

And in the poem “A full moon stands high”, the poet harmoniously conveyed observation and fidelity to his favorite topic:

In the skies above the misty land,
The pale light of the meadow silvers,
Filled with white mist.

In the white haze, in the wide meadows,
On deserted river banks
Only black dried reeds
Yes, you can distinguish the tops of the willows.
And the river in the banks is barely visible ...
Somewhere a mill hums deafly...
The village sleeps... The night is quiet and pale,

When reading this magnificent poem, a special motive is heard, and the work itself sounds like a calm and pleasant melody. Such masterpieces seem to merge the reader's consciousness with real nature, and one feels a noble reunion and insane joy of being...

In the poem "The Thaw" there is a special saturation of the inner content, conveying the unshakable harmony of the great poet with the beautiful nature of the surrounding world.

Ivan Alekseevich was always attracted by landscape stiffness and the state of transition from one static state to another. He was able to capture individual moments of these changes and clearly conveyed what he saw in his lyrical poetry.

Love for nature was closely intertwined with a tender feeling and deep respect for their homeland. Bunin wrote several poems on patriotic themes, colored with lyrical glorification of Russian nature.

The last years of his life, the great Russian writer and poet Ivan Alekseevich Bunin spent in France. Longing for his native land was clearly visible in his poems, written far from his homeland.

The poet also wrote on other topics, however, there are few such works, but they also attract the reader with their unusual storyline. Poetry based on religious traditions, myths and ancient legends is very interesting.

Six golden marble columns,
Boundless green valley
Lebanon in snow and sky blue slope.

I saw the Nile and the giant Sphinx,
I saw the pyramids: you are stronger
More beautiful, antediluvian ruin!

There are blocks of yellow-ash stones,
Forgotten graves in the ocean
Naked sands. Here is the joy of youth.

Patriarchal-royal fabrics -
Snow and rocks longitudinal rows -
They lie like a motley tales in Lebanon.

Beneath it are meadows, green gardens
And sweet as a mountain coolness,
The noise of fast malachite water.

Under it is the parking lot of the first nomad.
And let it be forgotten and empty:
The colonnade shines like an immortal sun.
Its gates lead to the blissful world.

Philosophical lyrics of the great Russian poet

The main creative feature of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is versatility, because he showed himself perfectly not only as a talented poet and writer. He was a skilled prose writer and an excellent translator. His works are brilliant and grandiose, which is why the famous realist gained massive popularity all over the world!

How could a Russian writer master the form of classical verse so maneuverably? Many experts believe that these achievements were acquired thanks to the professionalism of the translator. The exceptional skill of the great writer is based on an amazing search for the only possible word that forms a classic rhyme with deep meaning. His poems flow like a beautiful song filled with life and honest emotions.

The pessimistic tradition is clearly heard in his prose works. Bunin was greatly fascinated by the philosophical work of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, based on the eternal source of beauty and harmony. This inspiration was also reflected in the lyrical work of Ivan Alekseevich, which is distinguished by the utmost accuracy of words and sharp prosaic details.

Bunin's philosophical lyrics are based on Russian nature, on the theme of love, intertwined in a unique contrast. Later, the poet often traveled in his memoirs, and these thoughts inspired him to create new creations related to mythology.

These works convey a sincere recognition of earthly existence, as part of eternal history. The writer boldly exacerbated the fatal outcome of human life, the feeling of loneliness and doom. Some poetic works of Ivan Alekseevich make you think about what was always there, but was not noticed.

The remarkable author has always stood out for his individuality, unique philosophical view of everyday phenomena, sincerity and honest recognition of his own ideas and thoughts, expressed in such a beautiful and sounding form.

Dream dream. Everything is narrower and dim
You look with golden eyes
To the blizzard yard, to the snow stuck to the frame,
On brooms of echoing, smoky poplars.
Sighing, you curled up warmer
At my feet - and you think ... We ourselves
We torment ourselves - with the longing of other fields,
Other deserts ... beyond the Permian mountains.
You remember what is alien to me:
Gray sky, tundra, ice and plagues
In your cold wild side
But I always share my thoughts with you:
I am a man: like a god, I am doomed
To know the longing of all countries and all times.

Artistic originality of Bunin's lyrics

A distinctive feature of Bunin's lyrical poetry was artistic originality, skillful perception of the surrounding nature, man and the whole world. He skillfully honed the landscape, miraculously transferred it to his lyrical works.

The creative activity of Ivan Alekseevich fell on the era of modernism. Most of the authors of the XIX-XX centuries tried to express their thoughts and feelings in unusual forms, indulging in fashionable word creation. Bunin did not strive for this direction, he was always devoted to the Russian classics, and recreated his poetry in the most traditional forms, similar to the lyrical works of previous poets such as Tyutchev, Polonsky, Pushkin, Fet.

Ivan Bunin gradually transformed landscape lyrics into philosophy, and the main idea is always present in his poems. In the poetry of the great poet, special attention is often paid to the most important theme - life and death.

The philosophical direction and artistic originality were not overshadowed by the revolutionary processes taking place in the country. The poet continued his work in the chosen direction, and boldly attributed all the problems of mankind to the eternal subtleties, among good, evil, birth and death ...

Bunin always wanted to find the truth, he often turned to the world history of different generations. The poet recognized life on Earth as something temporary, a transitional period between eternal existence in the Universe. He always wanted to look beyond reality, to find the solution to human life and the doom of death at the end of the road. In many of his poems, gloominess, pitiful breathing, fear of loneliness and unshakable fear of a tragic outcome are especially felt, which cannot be avoided by anyone living on this Earth ...

Bunin's lyrics are many-sided and impeccable. His poetry inspires and delights, directs the reader's thoughts into the unconscious, but quite real and interesting. If you study the works of the great Russian writer and poet with care, you can discover for your perception a very important truth that you did not want to notice yesterday.

All the children of our country get acquainted with the work of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, as it is included in the compulsory study program in the literature lesson. It is not possible to perceive his subtle thoughts and feelings immediately, only an in-depth awareness of each word will allow you to understand and reveal the main meaning of the lyrical work. That is why, in addition to the mandatory stories, the teacher is allowed to choose several works at his discretion.

Bunin is a magnificent writer and poet of the 19th-20th centuries, who left a memorable mark on the future generation, captured in amazingly beautiful lyrics ...

A. Blok about Bunin: “few people know how to know and love nature like that ...”
"Bunin claims one of the main places in Russian literature..."

Foggy crescent, obscure twilight,
The dull, leaden sheen of the iron roof,
The noise of the mill, the distant barking of dogs,
Mysterious bat zigzag.

And it's dark in the old front garden,
Juniper smells fresh and sweet,
And sleepily, sleepily glows through the spruce forest
Sickle greenish spot.

On the far pass, on the edge
Empty skies, there is a white birch:
Trunk twisted by storms and flat
Scattered boughs. I am standing,
Admiring her, in a yellow bare field.
It is dead. Where is the shadow, layers of salt
Frost is falling. The sun's low light
Doesn't warm them up. There is no leaf
On these boughs brown reddish,
The trunk is sharply white in the green void ...

But autumn is peace. World in sadness and dream
The world is in thoughts about the past, about losses.
On the far pass, on the line
Empty fields, lonely birch.
But she's easy. Her spring is far away.

All that keeps traces of the long-forgotten,
Long dead - will live for centuries.
In the grave treasures, buried by the ancients,
Midnight longing sings.

Steppe stars remember how they shone
The fact that now they lie in the damp earth ...
Not Death is terrible, but what is on the grave
Death guards the melodious treasure.

“I am looking for in this world sachetanya

Beautiful and eternal. away

I see the night: sands in silence

And starlight above the dusk of the earth.”

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is an outstanding Russian writer who became famous as a prose writer. But Ivan Alekseevich began his literary life with poetry and entered the beautiful galaxy of poets of the “Silver Age”.

Birds are not visible. Dutifully languishes

The forest, deserted and sick.

Mushrooms are gone, but smells strong

In the ravines with mushroom dampness ...

And, lulled by the step of a horse, -

With joyful sadness I will listen,

Like the wind with a monophonic ringing

Buzzing-singing into the barrels of a gun.

Bunin's first poem was published when he was only seventeen, four years later the first collection of poems was published, but fame came to him only ten years later, after the publication of the collection Falling Leaves in 1901, awarded the Pushkin Prize of the Academy of Sciences.

That star that swung in dark water

Under a crooked willow in a decayed garden, -

The light that flickered in the pond until dawn,

Now I will never find in heaven.

In the village where the young years went,

To the old house where I composed my first songs.

Where I waited for happiness and joy in my youth,

I will never go back now, never.

Bunin's poetry is very original, stylistically restrained, chased, harmonious. The poet is alien to the search for the new. His poetry is traditional, he is a follower of Russian classics. Bunin is a subtle lyricist, an excellent connoisseur of the Russian language. His poetry is unique. It is rather rhymed prose organized in a certain way than poetry in its classical form. But it is precisely with their novelty and freshness that they attract readers.

And flowers, and bumblebees, and herbs, and ears of corn,

And azure, and midday heat ...

The time will come - the Lord of the prodigal son will ask:

“Were you happy in your earthly life?”

And I will forget everything - I will remember only these

Field paths between ears and grasses -

And from sweet tears I will not have time to answer,

Falling on merciful knees.

Bunin reacted sharply negatively to symbolism, all his poetics, in essence, was a stubborn struggle with symbolism. Moreover, the poet was not embarrassed that he was alone in this struggle. He sought to wrest from his work everything that could be in common with this trend in art. Bunin especially rejected the "untruth" of symbolism. For the symbolists, reality was a veil, a mask hiding a different, more genuine reality, the exposure of which is accomplished by transforming reality in a creative act. The landscape is a touchstone in the depiction of reality. It is here that Bunin is especially stubborn against the Symbolists. For them, nature is raw material that they recycle. Bunin wants to be a contemplator of the perfect creation.

The night has turned pale and the moon is setting

Over the river with a red sickle.

Sleepy fog in the meadows is silvering,

The black reed is damp and smoking,

The wind rustles like reeds.

Quiet in the village. Lamp in the chapel

Fading, tired grief.

In the quivering dusk of a chilled garden

Coolness pours from the steppe in waves -

Dawn breaks slowly.

Bunin's landscape is truthful, subtle and beautiful, as no symbolist ever dreamed of. In the poems of Ivan Alekseevich, we do not see the personality of the author. From his poetry, he excludes the main component of lyricism - "I". This is the main reason that Bunin was reproached for being cold. But this is not coldness, but rather chastity.

Before sunset ran

A cloud over the forest - and suddenly

A rainbow fell on the hill

And sparkled all around.

Glass, rare and vigorous,

Hurrying with a cheerful rustle,

The rain has come and the forest is green

Quiet, breathing cool.

Bunin remained true to his anti-symbolism, he could not believe that the form is capable of serving not only as a receptacle for thought, but also to express thought itself.

The form of Bunin's poetry is, of course, impeccable, but it should be noted that the poet deliberately deprived it of many essential possibilities. By binding his form, he partially bound himself.

Crimson Sad Moon

Hanging in the distance, but the steppe is still dark,

The moon sows its warm reflection into the darkness,

And over the swamp a red dusk flies.

It's late - and what silence!

I think the moon will go numb

She seems to have grown from the bottom

And blushes like an antediluvian rose.