Individual styles of pedagogical activity, their characteristics. Style of pedagogical activity. Abstract Features of the formation of an individually personal style of the teacher's activity

Today, in the conditions of socio-economic and spiritual transformations in the life of our society, attention is increasingly paid to the development of a person's individuality, his originality and uniqueness. An active, creative personality, capable of making competent decisions and implementing them in their activities, is becoming more in demand. Such a person can only be brought up by a professional teacher who is competitive, able to work creatively, possessing the skills of planning and forecasting pedagogical activity and self-improvement in it.

In this regard, the questions of the formation of the most optimal and effective methods and techniques for the implementation of pedagogical activity by the teacher, ensuring its high effectiveness, which implies the formation of his individual style, become relevant. A correctly found style, which determines the severity of the individuality of the teacher, contributes to democracy, the effectiveness of pedagogical influence on students, productive communication of the participants in this process, and the maximum disclosure of the individual potential of each student.

The purpose of this work is a brief description of the main styles of pedagogical activity based on the analysis of educational and scientific literature on psychology and pedagogy in higher education. We will pay special attention to such aspects of the style of pedagogical activity as the style of communication and attitudes of the teacher.

Style of pedagogical activity. The concept of the style of pedagogical activity

Pedagogical activity, like any other, is characterized by a certain style. The style of activity is a stable system of methods and techniques that manifests itself in different conditions of its existence. It is determined by the specifics of the activity itself, the individual psychological characteristics of its subjects.

Style of pedagogical activity, reflecting its specificity, includes the style of management, and the style of self-regulation, and the style of communication, and the cognitive style of its subject - the teacher.

The style of pedagogical activity reveals the impact of at least three factors:

  1. individual psychological characteristics of the subject of this activity - the teacher, including individual typological, personal, behavioral characteristics;
  2. features of the activity itself;
  3. characteristics of students (age, gender, status, level of knowledge).

In pedagogical activity, characterized by the fact that it is carried out in subjective-subjective interaction in specific educational situations of organization and management of the student's educational activities, these features also correlate:

  1. with the nature of the interaction;
  2. with the nature of the organization of activities;
  3. subject-professional competence of the teacher;
  4. the nature of communication.

According to V.A. Kai-Kaliku, the style of communication is understood as individual typological features of the socio-psychological interaction between the teacher and students.

The individual style of pedagogical activity is manifested:

  1. in temperament (time and speed of reaction, individual pace of work, emotional responsiveness);
  2. the nature of reactions to certain pedagogical situations;
  3. choice of teaching methods;
  4. choosing the means of education,
  5. style of pedagogical communication;
  6. response to actions, to the actions of students;
  7. manner of behavior;
  8. preference for certain types of rewards and punishments;
  9. the use of means of psychological and pedagogical influence on students.

S.I. Arkhangelsky considers three groups of characteristics of the individual style of pedagogical activity:

  1. informative,
  2. dynamic

Among the most important content characteristics, scientists indicate such as:

  1. predominant orientation of the teacher: on the learning process, the process and learning outcomes, only on learning outcomes;
  2. adequacy - inadequacy of planning the educational process;
  3. efficiency - conservatism in the use of means and methods of pedagogical activity;
  4. reflexivity - intuition.

Dynamic characteristics are distinguished similarly.

Speaking about the individual style of pedagogical activity, they usually mean that, choosing certain means of pedagogical influence and forms of behavior, the teacher takes into account his individual inclinations. Teachers with different personalities can choose the same tasks from a variety of educational and educational tasks, but they implement them in different ways.

Style of pedagogical activity. Types of styles of pedagogical activity

A.K. Markov and L.M. Mitin. They argue that the following grounds underlie the distinction of style in the teacher's work:

  1. content characteristics of style (teacher's orientation to the process or result of his work, assessment of the stages of his work);
  2. dynamic characteristics of the style (flexibility, stability, switchability, etc.);
  3. performance (level of knowledge, skills, interest in learning among schoolchildren).

Based on this, individual styles were identified.

For example, emotional improvisational style

Teachers of this style are distinguished by a predominant focus on the learning process. The material presented in the lessons is logical, interesting, however, in the process of explaining, teachers with an emotional-improvisational style of teaching often lack feedback from students. The survey covers mainly strong students. Seminars run at a fast pace. Teachers with an emotional-improvisational teaching style do not allow students to formulate an answer on their own. They (teachers) are characterized by insufficiently adequate planning of the educational process: as a rule, the most interesting educational material is worked out at their seminars, and less interesting is given at home. Control over the activities of students by such teachers is insufficient. Teachers with an emotional-improvisational style of teaching use a large arsenal of various teaching methods. They often practices collective discussions, stimulates spontaneous statements of students. Teachers with an emotional-improvisational style of teaching are characterized by intuitiveness, which is expressed in the frequent inability to analyze the features and effectiveness of their activities in the lesson.

Another teaching style is emotionally methodical

Teachers with an emotionally methodical teaching style are guided by the process and learning outcomes. They are characterized by adequate planning of the educational process, high efficiency, and a certain predominance of intuitiveness over reflexivity. Such teachers gradually work out all the educational material, monitor the level of knowledge of students, use the consolidation and repetition of educational material, and control students' knowledge. Teachers with an emotional-methodical style of teaching are distinguished by high efficiency, the use of various types of work in the classroom, and group discussions. Using the same rich arsenal of methodological techniques in working out educational material as teachers with an emotional-improvisational style, teachers with an emotional-methodical style seek, first of all, to interest students in the subject itself.

next style - reasoning - improvisational

Teachers with a reasoning-improvisational style of teaching are characterized by an orientation towards the process and learning outcomes, adequate planning of the educational process. Such teachers show less ingenuity in the selection and variation of teaching methods, they are not always able to provide a high pace of work, and rarely practice collective discussions. Teachers with a reasoning-improvisational style (especially during a survey) prefer to influence students indirectly (through hints, clarifications, etc.), giving the respondents the opportunity to formulate a detailed answer.

And finally reasoning-methodical style

Teachers with a reasoning-methodical style of teaching are mainly guided by the results of learning and adequate planning of the educational process, they are conservative in the use of means and methods of pedagogical activity. High methodicalness (systematic consolidation, repetition of educational material, control of students' knowledge) is combined with a standard set of teaching methods used, a preference for the reproductive activity of students, and rare group discussions. During the survey, such teachers address a small number of students, giving everyone enough time to respond, they pay special attention to "weak" students. For teachers with a reasoning-methodical style of teaching, reflexivity is generally characteristic.

Style of pedagogical activity. Communication style of teachers

Each person communicates by means and methods typical for him. The set of relatively stable and characteristic for a given personality techniques and methods of organizing communication is called an individual style of communication, which, in turn, is determined by personality and character traits. The style of pedagogical communication embodies the social and ethical attitudes of society and the university teacher as his representative in a specific pedagogical activity. The style of communication is closely related to the style of activity. It reflects the level of pedagogical orientation of the teacher's personality, his attitude towards pedagogical (and not just scientific) activity, and, finally, individual-typical characteristics.

It should be noted that various studies on the problems of pedagogy of higher education convince that a young person, having entered a university, does not immediately become a student in terms of his psychological characteristics: there are diverse adaptation processes implemented through socio-psychological mechanisms. It is here that it is extremely important to begin to form the correct system of relations between first-year students and the teaching staff.

Traditionally, there are three main styles of pedagogical communication; authoritarian, free-liberal and democratic.

For authoritarian style is characterized by a functional-business approach to the student, when the teacher proceeds from an average idea of ​​the student and abstract requirements for him. In his assessments, he is stereotypical and subjective. Often underestimates the positive value of such qualities as independence, initiative, prefers to characterize his students as undisciplined, lazy, irresponsible. Although in general this style of pedagogical communication deserves a negative assessment, some tasks (especially at the initial stages of the formation of a student group) can be solved with the help of an authoritarian style.

Free-liberal style communication is characterized by connivance, familiarity and anarchy. Special studies and pedagogical practice convincingly show that this is the most “harmful” and destructive style for the cause. It gives rise to the uncertainty of students' expectations, causes tension and anxiety in them.

The most effective way to solve pedagogical problems allows democratic style in which the teacher takes into account the individual characteristics of students, their personal experience, the specifics of their needs and capabilities. A teacher who owns this style consciously sets tasks for students, does not show negative attitudes, is objective in assessments, versatile and proactive in contacts. In fact, this style of communication can be described as personal. It can only be developed by a person who has a high level of professional self-awareness, capable of constant analysis of his behavior and adequate self-esteem.

A particular teacher can hardly be unambiguously assigned to any one of the listed types. Even if there is a clear dominance of one of the styles, the same teacher in different pedagogical situations, in relation to different students or when interacting with other teachers, can demonstrate elements of different styles. And this fact is the key to great opportunities to work on your style, especially when it comes to a young teacher.

But even if we take the main line of the teacher's behavior in communicating with students, i.e., his main and stable style, then he necessarily has a pronounced individual character, not completely coinciding with any of those described above. The task of developing one's own individual style, not only in pedagogical communication, but also in all other types of pedagogical activity, is one of the most important for any professional teacher. The optimal individual style is a style that allows you to make the most of the strengths of the teacher and, if possible, compensate for the weaknesses of his temperament, character, abilities and personality as a whole.

Style of pedagogical activity. Conclusion

The style of activity is an interconnected set of individual characteristics, methods and nature of the implementation of certain activities, as a rule, involving interaction with people and acting as a dynamic stereotype.

A.K. Markova notes four most characteristic styles of teacher activity:

  1. emotional and improvisational;
  2. emotional-methodical;
  3. reasoning-improvisational;
  4. reasoning-methodical.

A.K. Markov and A.Ya. Nikonov distinguishes three groups of characteristics of the individual style of pedagogical activity:

  1. informative,
  2. dynamic
  3. performance characteristics.

The success of developing an individual style largely determines the success of the professional development of a teacher, his job satisfaction, the growth of his skills, and the objective effectiveness of his activities.

The style of pedagogical activity is closely related to the style of communication. Communication style is a set of relatively stable and characteristic for a given individual techniques and methods of organizing communication.

The most important factor determining the effectiveness of pedagogical communication is the type of teacher's attitude.

Style of pedagogical activity. References

  1. Alexandrov G.I. Development of a system for improving the pedagogical skills of a university teacher. - M., 1977.
  2. Arkhangelsky S.I. The educational process in higher education, its natural foundations and methods. - M., 1980.
  3. Benediktov B.A. Psychology of training and education in higher education. – Minsk, 1986.
  4. Grigoryan L.A., Martsikovskaya T.D. Pedagogy and psychology: Proc. allowance. – M.: Gardariki, 2004.
  5. Kan-Kalik V.A. Teacher about pedagogical communication. M., 1987.
  6. Markova A.K. Psychology of teacher's work. M., 1993; Mitina L.M. The teacher as a person and professional. M., 1994.
  7. Petrovsky A.V. Fundamentals of pedagogy and psychology of higher education: Proc. allowance for students of courses and faculties for advanced training of university teachers. - M.: Publishing house of Moscow State University, 1986.
  8. Smirnov S.D. Pedagogy and psychology of higher education: from activity to personality: Proc. allowance for students of facts in-t advanced training of university teachers and graduate students. – M.: Aspect press, 1995.

Take the quiz to test your knowledge:

1. How many factors in the style of pedagogical activity:

a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 6

2. S.I. Arkhangelsky considers three groups of characteristics of the individual style of pedagogical activity. Choose three correct answers:
a) performance characteristics

b) preferential
c) dynamic
d) meaningful

3. The most complete actual activity idea of ​​the styles of pedagogical activity is given by:

a) Ernst Kapp and Janusz Korczak
b) A.K. Markov and L.M. Mitin
c) Itelson Lev Borisovich

4. Dynamic characteristics of style. Choose three correct answers:

a) flexibility
b) sustainability
c) interest
d) switchability

5. What style is characterized by a functional-business approach to a student, when the teacher proceeds from an average idea of ​​the student and abstract requirements for him:

6. Teachers with an emotional-improvisational style of teaching are characterized by:

a) concentration
b) emotionality
c) intuitive

7. Teachers with a reasoning-methodical style of teaching are characterized by:

a) independence
b) training
c) reflexivity

8. Traditionally, how many main styles are distinguished in pedagogical communication:

a) 2
b) 5
c) 4
d) 3

9. A teacher who knows which style consciously sets tasks for students, does not show negative attitudes, is objective in assessments, versatile and proactive in contacts:

a) democratic
b) free-liberal
c) authoritarian

10. This is a stable system of methods, techniques, manifested in different conditions of its existence:

a) communication style
b) activity style
c) individual style

In the studies of B.M. Teplova, V.S. Merlina, N.S. Leites, E.A. Klimov, the psychological foundations of the approach to the problem of individual style of activity (ISD) were laid. Traditionally, ISD in domestic psychology is understood as a more or less stable system of methods and psychological means, determined by the typological features of the nervous system, to which a person consciously or spontaneously resorts in order to best balance his individuality with the objective external conditions of activity (E.A. Klimov). At the same time, the facts show that the individual style of activity inherent in a person is far from always the optimal means of “balancing”.

T.V. Maksimova (2001) proceeds from the idea that there are two approaches to the study of an individual style of activity: a traditional one, in which ISD is understood mainly as an optimal style, and a broader approach, which is based on the thesis that an individual style is always developed , under all conditions, in many cases, regardless of the conscious intentions of a person. A broader approach proceeds from the fact that the formation of the ISD is due not only to the typological features of the nervous system, but also to the personal qualities of a person, his abilities, skills, habits (V. E. Chudnovsky, 1986, 1997).

The concept of an individual style of pedagogical activity (ISPD) is represented by many psychological studies (F.N. Gonobolin, 1965, I.A. Zimnyaya, 1997, V.A. Kan-Kalik and N.D. Nikandrov, 1990, N.V. Kuzmina 1967, 1985, A. K. Markova, 1987, 1993, L. M. Mitina, 1998).

I. A. Zimnyaya, considering the concept of the style of pedagogical activity, identifies three factors influencing its formation: a) the individual psychological characteristics of the teacher, including individual typological, personal, behavioral characteristics; b) features of the activity itself; c) characteristics of students (I.A. Zimnyaya, 1997). A. K. Markova and A. Ya. Nikonova, based on the content, dynamic and productive characteristics, identified and described four varieties of pedagogical style: emotional-improvisational, emotional-methodical, reasoning-improvisational and reasoning-methodical (A.K. Markova ,1993).

In this regard, the described by L.M. Mitina the main "models of teacher's work". The first of them is characterized by the establishment of relations only to individual fragments of professional activity, but not to activity as a whole. The second model is characterized by the teacher's ability to go beyond the continuous flow of everyday teaching practice and see their professional work as a whole (L.M. Mitina, 1998). In fact, these are styles of pedagogical activity, which are essentially determined by the peculiarities of the teacher's personality and the originality of his personality.

Thus, there is a whole range of data indicating that pedagogical styles are significantly mediated by the characteristics of the teacher's personality. T.V. Maksimova (2001) proceeds from the understanding of ISPD as a system of methods, techniques and forms of a teacher's professional work, reflecting the originality of his individuality. ISPD is developed not only consciously, but also spontaneously. It combines techniques and methods formed both as a result of the conscious efforts of the teacher to improve their professional activities, and developed on an intuitive or unconscious level. An individual style of teaching can be mostly positive or mostly negative.

ISPD indicators:

  • authoritarian or democratic communication with students; predominant orientation on the result or process of labor;
  • type of work planning (long-term, short-term
  • orientation, a tendency to impromptu); the presence of elements of creativity in the work of the teacher; emotionality, impressionability, the degree of "emotional burnout";
  • level of stress resistance;
  • psychodynamic features: impulsiveness, balance, vigor, assertiveness, speed of activity.

T.V. Maksimova singled out three types (levels) of the meaning of life, characteristic of teachers: “situational”, which actually comes down to planning life for the next period and does not affect the main personal attitudes, aspirations of a person; the “mundane” meaning of life, expressed in an orientation towards increasing material security, family well-being, self-affirmation in the production team; the "sublime" meaning of life, the components of which are maximum creative self-realization, the desire to devote one's life to one's favorite business, to help one's pupils find the one and only life meaning for everyone. Most of the surveyed teachers are characterized by either a “mundane” or “situational” meaning of life. The nature of meaningful life orientations significantly determines the characteristics of the individual style of pedagogical activity and its effectiveness.

The professional activity of a teacher can take a different place in the structure of life-meaning orientations: the teaching profession can be the main meaning of a teacher's life, be the leading component of the structural hierarchy of the meaning of life; the pedagogical profession, not being the main meaning of life, at the same time, can be quite a "weighty" component of its structural hierarchy, in some cases the significance of the teaching profession is a peripheral component of the structural hierarchy of the meaning of life.

The author highlights two main types of individual style of pedagogical activity according to the nature of the correlation of meaningful life orientations and manifestations of individuality:
1. Individual style of pedagogical activity, in which meaningful life orientations and manifestations of individuality are in a harmonious relationship. Within this type, the following varieties of ISPD have been identified and characterized:

  • the leading factor of ISPD are life orientations;
  • the leading factor of ISPD is the individual characteristics of the teacher.

2. Individual style of pedagogical activity, in which meaningful life orientations and manifestations of individuality are in dissonant relationships X. Within this type of ISPD, the following varieties are characterized:

  • ISPD, in which the dissonant influence of individual characteristics predominates;
  • ISPD, in which the dissonant influence of meaningful life orientations prevails.

So, the individual style of pedagogical activity, which is a system of methods, techniques and forms of professional work specific to a given teacher, is a kind of “alloy” of meaningful life orientations and features of his individuality. The effectiveness of the individual style of pedagogical activity essentially depends on the specifics of the ratio of meaningful life orientations and manifestations of the teacher's individuality. This ratio can be harmonious or dissonant. At the same time, the leading factor of ISPD can be both life-oriented orientations and the individuality of the teacher (ISPD, as it were, “grows” out of individuality).

In cases where the teaching profession is the leading component of the structural hierarchy of the meaning of life, favorable conditions are created for revealing the individuality of a professional teacher. Under conditions of low significance of professional meaning, it is difficult to neutralize the shortcomings associated with the psychodynamic characteristics of the teacher's personality, which leads to a one-sided manifestation of his individuality in professional activities.

15. Pedagogical activity: psychological features,

structure, motives

Activity- this is a form of a person's active relationship to reality, in which a person establishes a connection with the world, transforms reality and satisfies his needs.

Pedagogical activity has the same characteristics as any other kind of human activity.

This is, first of all, motive, goal, conditions, result, control. A specific characteristic of pedagogical activity, according to N.V. Kuzmina, is her productivity.

There are five levels of productivity of pedagogical activity:

I - minimal - the teacher is able to tell others what he knows himself;

II - low - the teacher is able to adapt his message to the characteristics of the audience

III- medium - the teacher owns teaching strategies, knowledge, skills, abilities of this subject .

IV - high - the teacher owns strategies for the formation of the desired system of knowledge, skills, and abilities of students in the subject as a whole.

V - the highest - the teacher has strategies for turning his subject into a means of forming the personality of the student.

The structure of pedagogical activity(L.M. Mitina).

1. Pedagogical goals and objectives.

At each moment of pedagogical activity, the teacher deals with a hierarchy of goals and objectives, the range of which covers both general goals (goals of the school, public education system, society) and operational tasks.

2. Pedagogical means and methods for solving the tasks.

When choosing the means and methods of pedagogical influences, the teacher should be primarily focused on:

a) on the student as the central figure of the pedagogical process.

b) the choice of techniques and methods of self-realization, self-actualization, manifestation of the personal capabilities of the teacher in working with children.

d) the choice and application of methods, organizational forms of interaction with students and students with each other.

3. Analysis and evaluation of teacher's pedagogical actions(comparative analysis of the planned and implemented in the activities of the teacher).

This component of the structure of the teacher's activity is aimed at the teacher's awareness and correction of his work.

Motives of activity:


Internal (positive and negative)

Activity style- a stable system of methods, techniques, manifested in different conditions of its existence.

Individual style of pedagogical activity- this is a stable system of methods and methods of pedagogical activity, due to persistent personal qualities, to which the teacher consciously or spontaneously resorts in order to balance his individuality with the conditions of activity.

The most generally accepted formal features of an individual style of activity are the following:

a) a stable system of methods and methods of activity;

b) this system is conditioned by certain personal qualities;

c) this system is a means of effective adaptation to objective requirements.

The style of pedagogical activity, reflecting its specificity, includes both the style of management, and the style of self-regulation and the style of communication.

It shows up:

In temperament;

    in the nature of the reaction to certain pedagogical situations;

    in the choice of teaching methods;

    in the selection of means of education;

    in the style of pedagogical communication;

    in response to the actions and deeds of children;

    in demeanor;

    preference for certain types of rewards and punishments;

An important condition for the formation of an individual style of pedagogical activity is the desire for self-knowledge and knowledge of one's temperament, character and other personality characteristics.

Ignorance of one's own typological features can lead to the formation of a pseudo-style, which manifests itself in the development of erroneous, false individual methods and methods of work that do not provide high results in activity.

Thus, the individual style of pedagogical activity is manifested quite clearly in the main forms and methods of work. It is determined by natural features, the formation of an individual style of pedagogical activity is possible only on the basis of certain knowledge, skills and abilities and with an active positive attitude to work.

Pedagogical abilities

L.M. Mitina defines pedagogical abilities as a special combination of professionally significant personal properties and qualities that determine the specific activity of a teacher aimed at the development, upbringing and education of a child. She distinguishes two classes of pedagogical abilities: design-gnostic and reflective-perceptual.

Design-gnostic abilities determine the possibility and necessity of predicting the individual development of each student on the basis of comprehensive knowledge about him, as well as controlling the behavior and consciousness of the child. Moreover, speaking of forecasting, we have in mind not only the short-term prospect of the student's development, but also the distant future - the future affairs of those whom the teacher teaches and educates.

Reflective-perceptual abilities include the ability to analyze, evaluate, understand oneself, regulate one's own behavior and activities; the ability to stand in the position of the student and from his point of view to see, understand and evaluate himself. This group of abilities is the leading one, it is directly related to the self-awareness of the teacher.

The personality of the teacher represents the synthesis of social qualities into a unique structure, which is determined and changed as a result of adaptation and a constantly changing professional environment.

The structure of pedagogical activity , including five groups of professional skills:

Gnostic (creative mastery of teaching methods)

Design (prediction of the final result of training),

Constructive (creating a creative atmosphere, cooperation),

Organizational (selectivity to the ways of organizing the learning process),

Communication (contact with children).

The main and constant requirement for a teacher is love for children, pedagogical activity, the availability of special knowledge in this area, which he teaches children, broad erudition, pedagogical intuition, highly developed intellect, a high level of general culture of morality, professional knowledge of various methods of teaching and raising children.

Stages of professional development of a teacher's personality

In the process of professional development of the individual, the following are distinguished: stages:

    The stage of formation of professional intentions, choice of profession,

    Stage of professional training;

    Stage of professional adaptation;

    Stage of professionalization;

    mastery stage.

Each of the stages has specific tasks and content. The professional development of a teacher's personality can be either complete (harmonious), when all of the above stages are realized, or limited, when the teacher goes through only some of them.

A.A. Kalyuzhny - teacher's image- an emotionally colored stereotype of perception of the teacher's image in the minds of pupils, colleagues, social environment, in the mass consciousness. When forming the teacher's image, real qualities are closely intertwined with those attributed to him by others.

The main components of the image: appearance; use of verbal and non-verbal means of communication; internal correspondence of the image of the profession - the inner "I".

1.2 The individual style of the teacher

Modern scientists, characterizing the main problems of mankind, put the problem of man himself first in their series. Analyzing the historical paths and patterns of human development, B. G. Ananiev wrote: “In the system of certain connections, a person is studied by science either as a product of biological evolution, or as a subject and object of the historical process.” He considered human development as a single process determined by the historical conditions of social life. “Human development is conditioned by the interaction of many factors: heredity, environment (social, biogenic, abiogenic), upbringing (or rather, many types of directed influence of society on the formation of personality), and a person’s own practical activity. These factors act not separately, but together on the complex structure of development.

Man is a historical being who is directed to the future and makes a choice among the available alternatives. In order not to lose this most important characteristic of a person (the ability to choose), conditions for its development must be created in the process of activity. This is the spiritual creative work of man and the materialized results of his creative activity, which determine the entire spiritual image of mankind. Man is a product of nature, society and humanity and is included in these systems.

Anthropocentricity, as the main principle of the directed impact of society on the complex structure of the development of a person's personality, allows, by creating certain conditions for the educational environment, to form those professional qualities that make him successful in his own practical activities.

This fully applies to the teacher and the implementation of his pedagogical activities. Moreover, pedagogical activity is carried out only in specific temporary conditions. The teacher becomes the bearer of such a new quality as the unity of the manifestation of natural, social and historical properties. This is manifested through the individual style of pedagogical activity, which is determined, first of all, by “an individual-peculiar form of psychological means that a person consciously or spontaneously resorts to in order to best balance his (typologically determined) individuality with the objective external conditions of activity.” .

It is based on psychophysiological indicators that affect the nature of the teacher's subjective activity, namely: sensitivity, reactivity, activity, the ratio of reactivity and activity, reaction rate, plasticity or rigidity, emotional excitability, extraversion, or introversion, emotional stability, analytical or synthetic type of perception defining cognitive style.

Pedagogical activity makes special demands on neurodynamics and, above all, on the strength of the nervous system and the balance of nervous processes. High requirements for the strength of the nervous system are due to the fact that the teacher needs: to have a high capacity for work; withstand the actions of strong stimuli and be able to concentrate their attention; always be active, cheerful, maintain a high general and emotional tone throughout the working time; be able to recover quickly.

High demands on the balance of nervous processes are also caused by the fact that the teacher must: be restrained in situations that stimulate intense excitement; show patience, composure; to be self-possessed and calm in the changing conditions of activity; be distinguished by clarity of diction, expressiveness of the presentation of thoughts, evenness in the dynamics of feelings, etc.

High requirements for the mobility of nervous processes are also associated with the fact that the teacher should have a high rate of work; quickly switch from one type of activity to another, be able to impromptu and conduct classes without prior preparation, quickly get used to a new environment, establish contacts, feel at ease in a circle of unfamiliar and unfamiliar people. This explains the widespread opinion that success in pedagogical work is primarily achieved by people with a strong, balanced and mobile type of nervous system.

N.V. Kuzmina, on the basis of her psychological research, concluded that the effectiveness of the teacher's activity and his comfortable state of health as her subject, other things being equal positive influences, provide:

Optimal level of intellectual development;

Synthetic, holistic, cognitive style with a high rate of differentiation;

Flexibility and convergence of thinking;

Activity, high reaction rate, lability;

Emotional stability, high level of self-regulation. .

The teacher's personality is represented by five main potentials: cognitive, i.e. the volume and quality of information that a person has, moral and moral, due to the moral and aesthetic norms acquired by the person in the process of socialization, life goals, beliefs, aspirations, creative, determined by the presence of skills and abilities, abilities to act, and the measure of their implementation in a certain area activities and communication, communicative, which is assessed by the degree of sociability, the nature and strength of contacts established by the individual with other people and the aesthetic, conditioned by the level and intensity of the artistic needs of the individual, as well as how she satisfies them.

Pedagogical activity, being social in nature, depends on the abilities of the individual, on the extent to which development and compensation of professionally important properties are possible. According to B.M. Teplov: “Abilities are defined by individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another. Abilities are not called any individual characteristics in general, but only those that are related to the success of an activity or many activities. Ability is not limited to the knowledge that a given person has already developed.

The formation of professionalism occurs on the basis of the following components of the formation of an individual style of pedagogical activity:

Gnostic: the teacher's study of the object of his activity (the content, means, forms and methods by which this activity is carried out, the advantages and disadvantages of his personality and activity in order to consciously improve it);

Design: distant, promising goals of training and education, as well as strategies and ways to achieve them;

Constructive: features of the design of the teacher's own activities and the activities of students, taking into account the immediate goals of training and education;

Communicative: the specifics of the interaction of the teacher with students, while the emphasis is on the connection of communication with the effectiveness of pedagogical activity, i.e. with the achievement of didactic goals;

Reflective: the ability of a teacher to organize both the activities of students and their own. .

Moreover, it is advisable to combine the design and constructive components into an activity one. All components in this system can be described through the totality of the corresponding skills of the teacher.

The formation of the basic mechanisms of self-development of teachers, such as pedagogical knowledge, communication, adaptation, activity, relaxation, reflection is impossible without the development of basic pedagogical abilities. Namely:

The ability to pedagogical knowledge through the teacher's understanding of the student, interest in children, creativity in work, observation in relation to them;

The ability to organize pedagogical communication through pedagogical exactingness, pedagogical tact and the ability to create a children's team;

Ability to adapt to new, rapidly changing conditions;

Abilities that characterize the teacher's activity through content, brightness, imagery and persuasiveness;

Creativity, manifested through creativity, pedagogical improvisation, finding an unexpected pedagogical solution and its implementation;

Relaxation and reflection of one's abilities, self-awareness in pedagogical activity and evaluation of its effectiveness. .

The activity of the teacher is implemented in constant relationship with the teaching staff, which has a significant impact on its nature, corrects and, ultimately, largely determines the result of the work of the teacher. Only in the presence of reflective spaces in which the teacher feels his importance, can speak openly about his achievements and problems, does he become a professional.

Regarding pedagogical activity, one should speak about pedagogical professionalism as a degree of mastering the general and pedagogical culture. "Professionalism of activity is a qualitative characteristic of the subject of activity, which is determined by the measure of his possession of modern content and modern means of solving professional problems." At the same time, the teacher acts as the bearer of cultural values, the main of which is the area of ​​knowledge taught, in addition, he is also the bearer of culture in the field of his profession. And the presence of a professional and pedagogical culture makes it possible to solve pedagogical problems more productively.

Competence is a person's knowledge and experience in any area, i.e. this is a general evaluative term denoting the ability to act "with knowledge of the matter." Usually it is applied to persons of a certain socio-professional status, characterizing the degree of correspondence of their understanding, knowledge and skills to the real level of complexity of the tasks they perform and the problems they solve.

The allocation of key competencies is due to a number of reasons:

First, they combine the intellectual and skill components of education;

Secondly, the concept of “key competencies” contains the idea of ​​interpreting the content of education, which is formed on the basis of the result;

Thirdly, key competence has an integrative nature, as it incorporates a number of skills and knowledge related to broad areas of culture and activity (information, legal, etc.). .

Competence, in this case, we define as the general ability of a specialist to mobilize his knowledge, skills, as well as generalized ways of performing actions in professional activities. For the formation of an individual style of pedagogical activity, the following competencies of a teacher are important:

Value-semantic orientation of the personality:

Awareness of one's role and purpose;

The need and ability of self-realization;

Enthusiastic construction of life and professional activity;

Communicative competence:

Possession of technologies of oral and written communication in different languages, including computer programming, including communication via the Internet.

Information competence:

Ability to independently search, analyze and select the necessary information;

Regulatory support of pedagogical activity;

Proficiency in information technology.

General cultural competence:

Knowledge in the field of national, universal culture;

Ability to reflect personal axiological system;

Tolerance towards different ethnic cultures.

Competence of personal self-improvement:

The need for actualization and realization of one's personal potential;

Ability for self-development;

Cognitive and creative competence:

Skills of goal-setting, planning, reflection of educational and cognitive activity;

Development of creative abilities;

Ability to independently acquire new knowledge;

Social and labor competence:

The ability to take responsibility;

Manifestation of conjugation of personal interests with the needs of society;

Preparedness for independent performance of professional activities;

Professional competence of the teacher:

Active life position;

Professional knowledge and skills;

Professional personal qualities;

Creative skills. .

At the same time, general cultural competence is the most fundamental.

On the basis of universal values, the teacher builds a system of relations with students, recognizing them, manifests and realizes himself as a creative person, directs pedagogical activity towards the development of the unique essence of each student and develops himself as a person and as a professional.

However, such a process is possible only when the teacher uses reflection.

It follows from the above definitions that reflection is not just knowledge or understanding by the subject of himself, but also finding out how others know and understand the “reflective”, his personal characteristics, emotional reactions and cognitive representations. At the same time, the installation (readiness, attitude) of the teacher for constant “feedback”, for the ability to interpret the information received from the position of the student, to evaluate the effectiveness and expediency of his pedagogical decisions, educational tasks and socio-psychological situations is the most important condition for the development of his professionalism. .

Reflection is the ability to focus on oneself and master oneself as an object that has its own specific meaning - the ability to know oneself. Consequently, the reflection of pedagogical activity should be considered as a quality inherent in all those engaged in pedagogical activity. .

The higher the level of reflective skills, the higher the general level of culture of professional pedagogical activity. The highest one is characterized by a critical and adequate assessment of the diverse aspects of one's own personality and activity, a clear understanding of the reasons for one's creative successes and failures, and the foresight of the development of new qualities in oneself.

The level of a teacher's reflective self-regulation corresponds to his professional skills and serves as the psychological basis of his pedagogical creativity.

There are the following levels of pedagogical reflection:

Reproductive - the teacher can state, present the sequence of his pedagogical actions in a natural, everyday language. At the same time, the teacher does not know how to assess the relevance and complexity of pedagogical problems; considers any pedagogical problem easily solvable; evaluates the behavior and intellectual level of students subjectively (like - dislike);

Analytical - the teacher is able to analyze his pedagogical activity in accordance with the algorithm that he has mastered at the moment. At the same time, he correctly uses the most well-known categories of psychological and pedagogical sciences, carries out purposeful pedagogical observation, and organizes experimental work; is able to develop (design) and correct educational and program documentation; evaluates the activities of students according to its results;

Prognostic - the teacher is able to independently isolate and formulate a pedagogical problem, adequately assess its relevance and complexity; knows how to choose a methodology for analyzing the pedagogical process from several known to him; uses general scientific methods for the analysis of pedagogical and educational activities, for example, a systematic approach. Based on the analysis, he outlines the ways, methods and means of pedagogical influences. And the use of general scientific methods makes it possible to predict the results of these influences with greater or lesser accuracy;

Philosophical and constructive - the teacher determines the social, universal meanings of his activity. .

To characterize the technological component of the culture of pedagogical activity, let us turn to the definition of "pedagogical technology". These concepts are understood as a complex process of organizing pedagogical activity, carried out by the most effective means and methods of interaction that ensure the process of solving problems at all stages of pedagogical activity (i.e. at the stage of analysis, planning, organization, evaluation and control).

The technological component of the culture of pedagogical activity can be represented by four increasing levels:

1. The reproductive level is characterized by the fact that the teacher can only communicate knowledge, i.e. tell what he knows. This level is characteristic of people who know their own well, but do not have pedagogical qualifications.

2. The conceptual level is characterized by the fact that the teacher, in addition to “his” subject, has a broad conceptual background in the form of knowledge of at least the concepts of related and psychological and pedagogical blocks, allowing the knowledge system to be professionally designed.

3. The productive level is characterized by the fact that the teacher, in addition to previous knowledge, has the most adequate set of professional, communicative, personal properties, which allows achieving high-quality results in the process of training and education.

4. The integrative level is characterized by the fact that a teacher who possesses the highest degree of a productive level, possessing the technique of pedagogical communication and the corresponding personality traits, is professionally competent to participate in the collective process of educating the conceptual and social types of intelligence (integrative style of thinking and moral convictions) of students. .

Consequently, the technological component of culture is an integral personal education that reveals the individual concept of the meaning of professional pedagogical activity and its creative implementation.

Levels of formation of an individual style of pedagogical activity:

As M. M. Potashnik rightly notes, pedagogical activity, being a fusion of science and art, always involves creativity, which is practically embodied in a non-standard approach to solving problems; development of new methods, forms of techniques and means and their original combinations; effective application of existing experience; improving the rationalization of the modernization of the known in accordance with new tasks; successful improaization based on both accurate knowledge and competent calculation, and highly developed intuition; the ability to see a “fan of options” for solving the same problem; the ability to transform methodological recommendations, theoretical overlays into specific pedagogical actions, etc. Therefore, the main indicator of the level of formation of an individual style of pedagogical activity is an indicator of creativity, focus on active creative and transformative activity, and technological readiness.

The individual style of pedagogical activity has several levels of formation:

The adaptive level is characterized by an unstable attitude of the teacher to the pedagogical reality, when the goals and objectives of his own pedagogical activity are defined by him in a general way and are not a guideline and criterion of activity. The attitude to psychological and pedagogical knowledge is indifferent, there is no system of knowledge and readiness to use it in necessary pedagogical situations. Technological and pedagogical readiness is determined mainly by the relatively successful solution of organizational and activity tasks of a practical orientation, as a rule, reproducing one's own previous experience and the experience of colleagues. The teacher builds professional and pedagogical activity according to a previously worked out scheme, which has become an algorithm, creativity is almost alien to him.

A teacher with a reproductive level is inclined to a stable value attitude towards pedagogical reality: he appreciates the role of psychological and pedagogical knowledge more highly, shows a desire to establish subject-subject relations between participants in the pedagogical process, he has a higher index of satisfaction with pedagogical activity. In contrast to the adaptive level, in this case, not only organizational and activity, but also constructive and prognostic tasks are successfully solved, involving goal-setting and planning of professional actions, forecasting their consequences. Creative activity is still limited by the scope of productive activity, but there are elements of the search for new solutions in standard pedagogical situations. The pedagogical orientation of needs, interests, inclinations is formed; in thinking, a transition is planned from reproductive forms to search ones.

The creative level is characterized by greater purposefulness, stability of the ways and means of professional activity. Noticeable changes that testify to the formation of the teacher's personality as a subject of his own professional activity occur in the structure of the technological component; the ability to solve evaluative-informational and correctional-regulating tasks is at a high level of formation. The interaction of the teacher with students, students, colleagues, people around is distinguished by a pronounced humanistic orientation. In the structure of pedagogical thinking, an important place is occupied by pedagogical reflection, empathy, which provides a deep understanding of the personality of the pupil, his actions and deeds.

The creative level is distinguished by a high degree of effectiveness of pedagogical activity, the mobility of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, the establishment of relations of cooperation and co-creation with students and colleagues. The positive-emotional orientation of the teacher's activity stimulates the steadily transforming, actively creative and self-creative activity of the individual. The technological readiness of such teachers is at a high level, analytical and reflexive skills are of particular importance; all components of technological readiness are closely correlated with each other, revealing a large number of connections and forming an integral structure of activity. In the activities of teachers, an important place is occupied by such manifestations of creative activity as pedagogical improvisation, pedagogical intuition, and imagination, which contribute to the original productive solution of pedagogical problems. The personality structure harmoniously combines scientific and pedagogical interests and needs; developed pedagogical reflection and creative independence create conditions for effective self-realization of individual psychological and intellectual abilities of a person.

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Topic 6.1 The individual style of the teacher's activity

1. Activities. Essence and structure of pedagogical activity.

2. The structure of the teacher's activity.

3. Individual style of the teacher's activity.

4. Communication style.

5. Levels of teacher performance.

6. Centering of the teacher.

Activity- this is a way of existence and development of society and man, a comprehensive process of transforming the surrounding nature and social reality (including himself) in accordance with his needs, goals and objectives. In addition, activity is both the highest form of personality activity, based on consciousness, and the most important form of manifestation of a person's life, his active attitude to the surrounding reality. The basis for structuring the process of activity can be based on the functions of direct control of specific processes of human activity. Human activity is a process, therefore, several procedural stages can be distinguished in it: setting the goal of activity, its motivation; planning the activities of participants in the labor process; performance of specific activities; verification of performance results, correction of detected errors; comparison of the obtained results with the purpose of activity, evaluation of their results.

For determining essence and structure of pedagogical activity apply, already known from previous lectures, - a systematic approach. Let me remind you that a system is a set of many interrelated elements that are interconnected.

The pedagogical system (according to N.V. Kuzmina) has five such elements:

1. The subject of pedagogical interaction;

2. The object of pedagogical interaction;

3. The subject of their joint activities;

4. Learning objectives;

5. Means of pedagogical communication.

All elements of this system are both in direct and inverse relationship.

The structure of the teacher's activity includes (in accordance with this system) the following components:

1. Gnostic component (gnosis from Greek - knowledge), refers to the area of ​​knowledge of the teacher;

2. The design component includes ideas about the promising tasks of training and education, about strategies and ways to achieve them;

3. The constructive component, the features of the design of the teacher's own activity and the activity of students, taking into account the immediate goals of training and education (in the classroom, extracurricular activities);

4. The communicative component, the features of the teacher's communicative activity, the specifics of his interaction with students (how effective this activity is). This component distinguishes "pedagogical communication" - professional communication between a teacher and students, aimed at creating the best conditions for the development of students' motivation and the creative nature of educational activities; to create a favorable emotional climate in the team; to ensure the effective management of socio-psychological processes and the maximum use of personal characteristics in training;

5. The organizational component is the ability to organize activities (own and students).

Other researchers add as necessary: ​​corrective and diagnostic (provides feedback).

Those elements that are included in the system of the teacher's activity, as a rule, are included in the teacher's professiogram. The professiogram of a teacher is a qualification characteristic, a description of the profession of a teacher from the standpoint of the requirements for his knowledge, skills and abilities; to his personality, abilities, psycho-physiological capabilities and level of training. This concept is closely related to the qualitative characteristic of the subject of activity - "professionalism of activity" (we rely on the developments of A.K. Markova). Stages of acquiring professionalism: self-determination, preparation, readiness for pedagogical activity, development of professional activity, competence, mastery. In the structure of the professionalism of activity, the following components are singled out: professional pedagogical and psychological knowledge; professional pedagogical skills; professional psychological positions and attitudes of the teacher; personal characteristics that ensure the mastery of professional knowledge and skills.

The individual style of the teacher's activity- this is a set of relatively stable and characteristic for a given individual techniques and methods of organizing activities in the professional field.

Individual style of activity (A.K. Markova, A.Ya. Nikonova) subdivided:

1. Emotionally improvisational. Focusing mainly on the learning process, the teacher does not adequately plan his work in relation to the final results; for the lesson, he collects the most interesting material, less interesting (but important), often leaves for independent work of students. Focuses mainly on strong students. His activity is highly efficient: he often changes the types of work during the lesson, practices group discussions. In relation to students - intuitive, sensitive and insightful. Weaknesses include the insufficiency of the functions of consolidation, repetition, control of the past. His behavior is characterized by increased sensitivity depending on the situation in the lesson, personal anxiety.

2. Emotionally-methodical. Focusing on both the result and the learning process, the teacher adequately plans the educational process, not missing the consolidation of students' knowledge. The activity of the teacher is highly efficient. The activation of students' activities is not related to external entertainment, but is caused by the characteristics of the subject. The teacher is sensitive and perceptive towards students. But at the same time, he is sensitive to changes in the situation in the lesson, personally anxious, intuitiveness dominates reflexivity.

3. Reasoning-improvisational. The teacher is characterized by an orientation towards the process and learning outcomes, adequate planning, efficiency, and a combination of intuitiveness and reflexivity. The teacher gives the student the opportunity to speak, to complete the answer, he says little himself. Less sensitive to changes in the situation in the classroom, he lacks a demonstration of narcissism, caution is characteristic. But in the classroom, he is not very resourceful in applying and mastering teaching methods and technologies, the pace of the lesson is not always high, and he has difficulty with collective discussion.

4. Reasoning-methodical. Focuses primarily on learning outcomes. Highly methodical, increased reflexivity, little sensitive to changes in the situation in the lesson, cautious in actions. Shows conservatism in the use of means and methods of pedagogical activity, owns a standard set of methodological techniques, prefers the reproductive activity of students, rare collective discussions.

Pedagogical activity is characterized by a certain style, including, among other things, communication style: 1) authoritarian: the student is considered as an object of pedagogical influence, and not an equal partner. The teacher alone decides, makes decisions, establishes strict control over the fulfillment of the requirements presented to them, uses his rights without taking into account the situation and the opinions of students, does not justify his actions to students. As a result, students lose activity or carry it out only with the leading role of the teacher, they show low self-esteem, aggressiveness. The main methods of influence of such a teacher are orders, teaching. The teacher is characterized by low satisfaction with the profession and professional instability. Teachers with this leadership style pay the main attention to the methodological culture, they often lead in the teaching staff; 2) democratic: u The student is regarded as an equal partner in communication, a colleague in the joint search for knowledge. The teacher involves students in decision-making, takes into account their opinions, encourages independence of judgment, takes into account not only academic performance, but also the personal qualities of students. Methods of influence are motivation for action, advice, request. In teachers with a democratic leadership style, students are more likely to have high self-esteem. Such teachers are characterized by great professional stability, satisfaction with their profession; 3) liberal: the teacher moves away from decision-making, transferring the initiative to students, colleagues. The organization and control of the activities of students is carried out without a system, shows indecision, hesitation. In the team - an unstable microclimate, hidden conflicts.

In terms of performance, each teacher can be assigned to one of the following levels, Moreover, each subsequent level includes all the previous ones:

1. reproductive level: the teacher can and knows how to tell others what he knows himself;

2. adaptive level: the teacher is able to adapt his message to the characteristics of the audience;

3. local modeling level: the teacher owns strategies for teaching knowledge, skills and abilities in certain sections of the course, is able to formulate a pedagogical goal, anticipate the desired result and create a system and sequence for including students in educational and cognitive activities;

4. system-modeling level: the teacher has strategies for the formation of the necessary system of knowledge, skills and abilities of students in their subject as a whole;

5. system-modeling activity and behavior level: the teacher has strategies for turning his subject into a means of shaping the personality of students, their needs for self-education, self-education and self-development.

The semantic hierarchy of interests of the participants in the pedagogical system, which regulates the actions and deeds of the teacher, is called his personal centering in the pedagogical system. Teacher centering- this is not just its focus, but also interest, concern for the interests of the participants in the pedagogical system. The main types of teacher's centering are: centering on one's own interests; in the interests of the administration; in the interests of parents; in the interests of colleagues; in the interests of the subject; for the benefit of the students.

It seems necessary to decentralize educators from all interests that do not coincide with the interests of children. The main way of such decentration is for the teacher to gradually master the value and technological aspects of the principles of humanization of pedagogical interaction.

In addition to the characteristics of the personality of the teacher, the individual style of activity is influenced by the following factors: gender, age, place of work, education (pedagogical training), awareness, satisfaction with the profession, development of the region, place of work, type of educational institution and its equipment, style of communication and activity in this educational institution.

Control questions