Instructions for adjusting plastic windows. What is window adjustment? Vertical regulation of fittings

Fittings for plastic windows allow you to adjust their tight closing and, if necessary, adjust them depending on the season. However, sometimes even high-quality expensive fittings require repair. In this article we will tell you how plastic windows are adjusted and how you can fix minor breakdowns of mechanisms yourself. To do this, it is enough to know the position and action of the main tuning nodes and have the necessary tools.

Depending on the current problem and the hardware manufacturer, you will need to repair:

  • 4 mm hexagon (almost every cyclist has a set);
  • a screwdriver with nozzles marked T, TX (in the form of a star), as well as an ordinary Phillips No. 3-4;
  • pliers;
  • spray WD-40.

Adjustment points

Consider popular situations when PVC windows and fittings need to be adjusted for winter and summer, and we will also tell you how to fix minor malfunctions. Only the general technology will be described, some nuances may vary depending on the manufacturer. In any case, this can be found in the instructions.

Repair of window and balcony handles

Loose door handle

To fix a dangling door handle, you need to tighten its mount. This is the simplest adjustment of a plastic window; an overlay is provided on the bottom for access to the adjustment mechanism on each handle. It is pulled towards itself and the entire element is rotated perpendicularly. So you can see two bolts that are tightened with a regular Phillips screwdriver. If you cannot remove the decorative nozzle with your hands, be careful: it is made of soft plastic, it is easy to damage it with a sharp object.

Installing or replacing a handle with a lock

If you have children, it is important to protect them from the danger of falling out the window. It is for this that special handles with a lock were invented, which will not allow the child to open the window on their own.

To remove the old handle, first remove the decorative nozzle, as in the previous version. Unscrew the two bolts and pull out the handle with light wiggles. Then insert a new one in the same position and fix it on the bolts. Replacing the window handle will take literally one minute, the process is shown in the video.

The handle sticks or does not reach the desired position

This problem occurs for various reasons. Perhaps cleaning and lubricating all fittings and handles is useful here. If the handle closes with great effort, most likely, adjusting the pressure of the plastic window sash will help.

To lubricate the mechanism, the handle is pulled out, cleaned and vacuumed it and the mounting hole. Then it remains to lubricate the moving parts with a liquid consistency lubricant, for example, sewing machine oil. In the presence of corrosion, the surfaces are treated with a WD 40 spray.

Information on how plastic window fittings are adjusted to reduce sash pressure is presented in a separate section below.

If the handle is stuck

If it so happens that the handle is jammed, you cannot forcibly close it, breaking it out with giblets. Most likely, the blocking mechanism did not work correctly, which does not allow changing the position of the window during the open state. To solve this problem, manually remove the lock lever located on the end of the sash next to the handle. The blocker can have two designs:

  1. a plate, in the form of a tongue, fixed to the end, which, when the window is opened, changes its position and becomes at an angle relative to the seal;
  2. a clip that, when opened, goes onto the seal.

Window sash adjustment in winter and summer

Checking the frame pressure is very simple: we take a sheet of paper and press it with a sash. If the sheet is easy to pull out, then the clamp is bad, a mandatory adjustment is required. If the sheet is pulled out with difficulty, or even breaks, then the setting is correct.

Over time, the sealing gum becomes no longer as voluminous as before, and a gap may form in the window. However, more often this gap appears during seasonal fluctuations, with sudden changes in temperature. To correct this problem, it is often not necessary to change the seal. The sashes of plastic windows are adjusted by twisting specially provided mechanisms.

Setting up plastic windows for winter and summer is especially important if there are large temperature fluctuations in your area. This reduces the internal stress of the structure and fittings and increases the service life of the rubber seal.

    • At the end of the sash, in the slots of the metal plugs, there are oval cylinders called the trunnion (eccentric). There are grooves on the frame, into which the hooks enter when the handle is turned, in order to firmly press the sash. Their adjustment can be done by changing the position of the eccentrics or hooks.

    • The photo shows an example of adjusting plastic windows, which are easy to do on your own without calling a wizard. As you can see, to increase the pressure, you need to rotate the pin by 90 °. Depending on the hardware manufacturer, it can be turned either manually or with a screwdriver/pliers. Please note that the trunnions (which are located in the photo on the right) do not rotate around their axis, but along a small radius.
    • If it is not possible to adjust the eccentrics, tighten the reciprocal hooks on the frame, usually this will require a hex wrench. You can also put a plate under the "answer" if the trunnions do not reach it.
    • When the frame pressure at the handle weakens or increases, you can proceed to setting the pressure from the side of the canopies. To do this, remove the plastic plug from the bottom canopy.
    • Inside you can find two hexagon bolts and one hidden, with which you can adjust the position of the frame flaps. The clamping force is regulated by a bolt, which is located perpendicular to the window. Adjustment is best done with the window closed. Turning it clockwise will increase the pressure on the sash, and counterclockwise will weaken it.
    • The upper part of the sash is attached differently, to a special mechanism called "scissors". To gain access to the upper part, the window is opened and the lock mechanism is pressed at the end of the sash (it is fixed at an angle to the rubber gasket and springs).
    • When the blocker is pressed, the handle is turned to the ventilation mode. The sash will be removed from the upper hinge and will hang only on the "scissors" on top and on the lower canopy. This gives access to the head, the adjustment of which will change the frame pressure.

If the edge of the sash touches the frame

When the window has been open for a long time or it has been opened/closed abruptly, the retaining mechanisms may become loose or deformed. If there are no serious defects, then tightening the loops should help.

    • To change the position of the sash with a hexagon, tighten the bolts on the lower canopy and on the “scissors” system from above. Remove the protective plastic cap from the bottom hinge, and in its upper part you can find a hex bolt. To lower the sash, it is twisted counterclockwise, and to raise it, it is twisted clockwise.
    • On massive metal-plastic windows and doors, there are sometimes additional closers that slightly raise the sash before closing. If there is such a mechanism, then it will need to be slightly adjusted.
    • If the sash touches the frame not from above or below, but from the sides, another mechanism is adjusted for this. At the bottom of the canopy, a bolt is found parallel to the window. For convenient access to it, there are two exits with key heads (from the side of the slope and the sash).

  • If the slope is too close and does not allow access to the bolt, the sash is opened and the second method is resorted to. If you twist it clockwise, the sash will move to the right, and counterclockwise - to the left.
  • The top setting is a little different. To do this, the sash is fully opened, a slightly recessed head of the adjusting bolt is found on the side of the mechanism. By changing its position, you can adjust the position of the flaps left and right in the upper part.

If the plastic windows are broken, the repair is quite easy to do on your own without calling the master. The main problems with the position and clamping of the valves, loosening of the mechanisms are solved in just a minute with the help of a simple adjustment of the fittings.

Adjusting plastic windows is a procedure that any window may require. Knowing how to do it yourself is a useful skill that can save you money. The sash may stop functioning correctly, let air through as a result of prolonged use. The setting will help to avoid large-scale repairs, return functionality to the window.

How to adjust the window yourself?

Adjustment of window fittings on plastic windows may be required if a low-quality installation was carried out: the craftsmen were in a hurry, did not set the sash correctly, did not align the structure in two directions - vertical and horizontal. The natural wear of the structure can make itself felt. The window begins to cling to the fittings when opening. The sash does not always close tightly, because of this, gusts of wind penetrate the room, it blows from the window.

, every owner should know. This is a simple procedure that is easy to learn. You do not need to hire a specialist or purchase special tools for adjustment. Acting carefully, you will extend the life of the window for many seasons.

Instructions for adjusting PVC windows

You can get started by preparing the following tools in advance. You will need a #4 hex wrench to adjust plastic windows, a screwdriver. Pay attention to what fittings you have installed: most often you can find Rehau windows. This profile is very popular and is installed in every third house.

Accessories may differ in quality, type; you can often find sets of Siegenia Aubi, Winkhaus, MAKO. may differ slightly depending on the type of fittings installed. The difference will be whether you need to remove the sash or not. Most often it is enough to tighten the fixing screws.

  1. Horizontal setting

If the frame is beveled, you will need to adjust the sash horizontally. This problem may appear due to the shrinkage of the building, the relaxation of the hardware fasteners, and improper opening of the window. To carry out the operation, you will need to find an adjustment window on the window hinge. The hole is designed for a hexagon, insert it there.

It is necessary to carry out the adjustment with the window sash open.

When turning the tool clockwise, the sash will gradually move away from the hinge. The lower part of the product, which is opposite, will fall.

How to adjust plastic windows yourself from the outside? If adjustment of the lower part of the window is required, and you have the opportunity to approach it from the street, the window can not be opened. For adjustment in this case, it can only move 2 mm.

  1. Vertical axis adjustment

The procedure is carried out using a hinged loop located on the underside of the entire window. The hinge cap is removed, after which the tuning mechanism rotates. When moving the tool in a clockwise direction, the sash can be raised higher. By moving the key in the opposite direction, the element can be lowered. The error in this procedure is no more than 2 mm. If the window sash has a length exceeding 1 meter, you will have to prepare for the fact that it will need frequent adjustment. Sagging in this case occurs due to the mass of the structure. The more often you open the window, the faster it will sag.

Adjusting the plastic window vertically

Adjustment of PVC windows may be required if the window does not close properly. You can find out this way: close the window and place a lit candle at the junction of the sash and frame. If the fire sways, then air comes out of the crack.

If you have Roto fittings installed, you can adjust the design using eccentrics: you can find them around the entire perimeter of the window. They work as follows: you turn the handle, the eccentric hides behind the pressure pad. If the closure is not tight, the eccentric must be moved clockwise, which will force the sash to press closer to the frame. Turning counterclockwise will push the sash back.

Adjustment of the plastic window should be smooth. Move the mechanism no more than 2 mm at a time. Watch the position of the eccentrics: it should be the same everywhere. There are special risks to determine the pressure density of the sash. They should look at the seal. If the risk points in the opposite direction, the sash should be tightened.

Other profile models require a wrench or pliers to turn the eccentrics. Some types of fittings are regulated using plates. Inspect the hinge mechanism: there should be a clamping device with a tongue. If the tongue is not extended, the sash is not pressed well.

Window adjustment with hinges on the left side. Here the system is somewhat different: the key must be moved counterclockwise so that the sash is pressed. If the hinges are right-handed, move the key in the opposite direction.

Self-adjustment of plastic windows and doors should be carried out at the beginning of each season. For example, in winter it makes sense to press the sashes against the frame, and in summer, on the contrary, loosen them. Since in the heat the material of the window expands. This will help prolong the life of the seals. Adjustment up to 0.8 mm is allowed. If this does not help, it will no longer be possible to do without the help of a master.

PVC window pressure adjustment

Handle malfunctions

Notice how the pen works. It should spin without effort. If you need to apply force, you need to lubricate all elements of the rotary mechanism. You can do this with ordinary machine oil, you will need to apply it with a cotton swab or oiler. You can use silicone grease or WD 40 spray, spray it in the right places.

Blocking in the "closed" mode

Seal replacement

This procedure is required if the window is blowing. Everything is done simply: an unusable seal is pulled out of the grooves, a new one is inserted in its place. You don't need to stretch it. If a squeak is heard, use silicone grease. Frequent replacement of this element is not required: it is usually needed no more than once every ten years.

With the right approach, adjusting metal-plastic windows will not cause any difficulties, even if there is no experience in such matters.

How to tighten plastic windows so as not to blow from the sash? This question interests every owner of an opening double-glazed window. Indeed, in the cold season, even a small gap between the double-glazed window and the frame leads to a loss in the comfort level of living in the house.

How the double-glazed window sash mechanism works

A plastic window consists of a polymer frame (sometimes with a sash), a multilayer package assembled from 2-3 glasses separated by a void (air is the best heat insulator) and a mechanism for opening and closing the window.

The mechanics of the sash allows you to open it by turning it on hinges, or fold it back, opening it to a clearly defined angle. To ensure these actions, the following units are included in the double-glazed window mechanism:

  • The upper loop is a complex element that provides both rotation and reclining.
  • The bottom loop is a simple element that provides only a turn.
  • Constipation is a complex assembly that locks the sash and adjusts the functionality of the upper hinge.

How the window will work - recline or open - it is constipation that “decides”. When its handle (lever) is shifted down, parallel to the side of the frame, the window closes tightly. Turning the lever 90 degrees unlocks the opening function - the window can be opened by pulling the handle towards you. Turning the lever 180 degrees unlocks the tilt mechanism - the window will open slightly under its own weight or due to muscular effort.

When is window sash adjustment needed?

Firstly, adjustment is needed in case of errors during window installation. Insufficiently qualified craftsmen may make a mistake when checking the horizontal or vertical of a double-glazed window, after which the sash will begin to scratch the frame. In this case, you will need a 2-3 mm adjustable gap in height and width.

Secondly, adjustment will come in handy after several years of window operation, when the seals lose their elasticity or simply wear out. The sash will be pressed against the frame, but the worn seal will no longer seal the joint. Then you will need a millimeter adjustable clamping gap.

Thirdly, manual clearance adjustment will be needed when the seasons change. In winter, everyone wants perfect tightness of the joints (so as not to blow), and in summer no one refuses a slight draft.

Moreover, even in winter, before tightening the plastic windows, it is necessary to provide for the existence of a ventilation gap that ensures the flow of fresh air into the insulated room. Therefore, further in the text we will consider adjusting windows that blow either too much or too little.

Preparing a window for winter: how to adjust a plastic window so as not to blow

If the sash scratches the frame, then in winter it blows from the window due to the skew of the structure. To eliminate this shortcoming, you will have to do the following: slam the window and lock it with a handle. After that, grab the edge of the sash with both hands and pull it towards you, without offering much effort. If it has moved from its place below, then you have a loosened bottom loop. If at the top, you have problems with the top loop.

After localizing the place of displacement, you need to deal with the elimination of skew. The loop at the bottom is adjustable both vertically and horizontally. The upper mechanism can be adjusted in the same way. A 4 hex key is usually used as a tool. Sometimes a cross-head screwdriver or a special asterisk key included in the window delivery kit comes into play.

To adjust horizontally, the sash is opened and the key is inserted into the groove located at the bottom of the hinge. Turning clockwise brings the double-glazed window closer to the hinge, turning it in the opposite direction moves it away.

The vertical adjustment of the lower hinge is performed differently: the window is slightly opened, tilting into the room, the key is inserted into the groove located in the end part of the curtain. Turning clockwise raises the sash, turning it in the opposite direction lowers it. At the end of the adjustment, you can close the window and check whether the sash moves away from the frame or not.

The hinge at the top of the window adjusts slightly differently. To do this, you need to open the window 180 degrees and get to the adjusting screw located on the side of the side edge of the sash, in the area of ​​​​the upper hinge. Next, insert the key into the screw head and turn it a quarter of a turn. After that, the window is closed and the degree of pressing the sash is checked again. If necessary, the operation is repeated.

If the screw at the top hinge did not help, then it is necessary to adjust another node, which is located in the area of ​​​​the plate of the folding mechanism that holds the window in an inclined position. To do this, the sash is opened and, holding the blocker, is folded back, gaining access to the plate at the top of the window. Next, a key is inserted into the screw head and rotated a quarter turn clockwise or in the opposite direction.

To get to the swing mechanism plate, you must do the following: turn the handle 90 degrees, open the window, press the lock with your finger and turn the handle up 180 °. After that, the open sash will tilt towards the room, exposing the plate with the adjusting screw.

If the sash closes easily and without squeaks and does not move when closed, and there is still a draft from the windows, we tighten the glass unit clamp to the frame. To do this, do the following:

  • Open the frame and turn the handle of the lock down. In this case, part of the metal pins protruding from the sash is displaced. These details must be marked with a felt-tip pen.
  • Next, you need to take pliers (for smooth surfaces) or a flat screwdriver (for a slot) or a hex key (for an internal recess) and sequentially turn the pins so that most of them move towards the seal.

Usually, to create additional clamping force, the pins are turned clockwise by half a turn. Moreover, until the completion of manipulations with all the pins that move when the handle is closed, the sash should be kept open. You will be able to evaluate the results of your efforts only after the completion of this work. Otherwise, the window will warp on the locking elements.

Adjustment does not help - change seals

In particularly difficult cases, in order to eliminate unwanted draft, in addition to adjusting the sash mechanism, it is necessary to resort to replacing seals. To do this, you need to open the window and fix the sash. Next, we take the seal and pull it towards us. With enough effort, it will come out of the groove very easily.

The next step is the installation of a new seal. It starts with cutting to size. Moreover, the old seal acts as a template, so it cannot be stretched during dismantling. After trimming, the new material is pressed into the groove and checked for creases and other defects.

According to the recommendations of the manufacturers, such a replacement should be done no more than once every 10 years, however, the seal could be installed unevenly or damaged during operation. Usually the main cause of damage to the seal is the abuse of the sash pressure setting. Therefore, sometimes it is changed before the end of the 10-year period.

If the seal creaks, then instead of replacing it, you should try silicone grease - it will remove unpleasant noise. Machine oil in this case is strongly not recommended.

Preparing a window for the summer: how to make a light draft

Before that, we figured out how to tighten the hinges on plastic windows so that cold air does not blow from the sash. Now we have to solve another problem - to create a light draft that blows through a stuffy room. To do this, do the following:

Firstly, find on the side surface of the sash trunnion - the moving parts of the clamping mechanism. Their details protrude above the surface more than other elements.

Secondly, inspect the trunnions and find eccentrics - special screws screwed into the trunnions with an offset center. They will give themselves away not only by a slightly uneven location, but also by the presence of a mark (risks) on the screw head.

Third, turn the offset screw in the desired direction. The standard position of the eccentric is exactly in the center of the trunnion, which gives a clamp of medium strength. However, in summer we need the weakest clamp so that fresh air enters the apartment. Therefore, we turn the eccentric in such a way that its smaller side looks towards the rubber band (seal). Usually, this screw is turned counterclockwise by half or a quarter of a turn.

The described operation will have to be done with all the trunnions, setting the risks of the eccentrics in one direction, otherwise the sash will start to mow when it is locked, and its mechanism will wear out ahead of time.

When it blows from the window, it does not close well or the sashes stick, you start to think that plastic windows need to be adjusted. And we independently come up with something to enclose, seal, press more tightly, and then we turn to specialists. The cost of this service is in the range of 500-700 rubles, and sometimes you have to wait for the promised one for a week. Therefore, it is possible even to eliminate the loose fit of the sash or touching the frame with your own hands, the main thing is to read a little about it.

For PVC windows and doors (balcony) the regulation mechanism is very similar. Therefore, all the knowledge below can be used for both doors and windows.
Any design has three external adjusting screws (on the side and top of the window): adjusting the sash to the right - to the left, top - bottom, the level of pressing the sash to the frame.

To understand what to do with them, we will consider frequently occurring situations.

We will immediately deal with the problem: In the ventilation mode, the sash touches the fittings on the frame or it blows strongly from the top of the window. And in order to eliminate this complexity, you need to adjust the upper hinge, it is responsible for the ventilation mode and the pressure density of the sash itself.

To adjust the upper hinge of the plastic window, it must be opened approximately 90 degrees.

Most often we work with a hexagon number 4. We find the screw hole, turn it clockwise.

With different window fittings, there may be a screw in different places, as in the photo.

And the glass starts to move left and right (in the ventilation mode).

The picture clearly shows where you can find the screw on all hinges.

Adjustment of lifting, pressing and shifting of the sash of a pvc plastic window or door

The sash can be raised or lowered, moved to the side and pulled closer to the profile.

Let's consider the situation that one sash sank down, as in the photo, and as a result, its upper part forms a gap with the frame, where the wind blows and the cold wind goes.

You may need a screwdriver, an asterisk instead of a hex.

To correct this situation, we find a side adjuster. Positions right-left and top-bottom. To raise the edge of the window, we begin to turn the screw.

The photo shows that the sash has risen and is now almost at the same level.

Now, we will press the sash to the frame and stop blowing, we need an upper adjuster.

It is also twisted with a hexagon.

To lift the sash up, rotate the hexagon in the direction of the clockwise direction.

This is done when the lower part of the sash touches the frame from below.

Switching to winter-summer mode

Factory windows come to us set to neutral. If you need to switch to winter, you need to make a minute adjustment of the sash and press it tighter to the rubber.

We proceed to the process of adjusting the sash mode.

To test the tightness of the fit, you need to take a bill. When we close the sash, the bill should be firmly pressed. If the banknote moves freely, then the frame needs to be adjusted.

You need to check at the bottom of the window, in the middle and on top.

For work on adjusting the mode, we need an open-end wrench or pliers.

We open a window or door to see from the inside round, and sometimes oval fixtures in three parts of the sash - these are eccentrics or trunnions.

We will adjust the mode by turning the pin from the central part to the right clockwise or to the left - counterclockwise. The eccentric moves closer to the frame elastic or moves away from it. By making this distance, the sash is pressed more tightly.

And now we turn the trunnion with a hexagon. It has a dot or notch that shows what mode the door is currently in.

Summer mode, when the eccentric moves towards the street, and looks towards the apartment in the winter mode, it turns out that it is pressed more tightly against the frame elastic.

When you turn the handle, you will feel that you need to apply additional force, which means that the rubber is firmly pressed against the sash and the winter mode is set.

Types of fittings

To avoid misunderstanding, it should be understood that there are many types of fittings, so some adjustment points are sometimes moved. In some cases, a hexagon will come in handy, and for some, pliers or a screwdriver.
Almost all brands of mechanisms have a different look, but they have the same principle.

In the photo you can see some variations of window fittings.

Another type of hardware.

I gave several options, this, of course, is not all. Sometimes even pins may not be on the sash itself, but on the profile. But, having understood the meaning, you can already figure it out on the spot.

I think that any man is able to lift or press the PVC window sash more tightly according to these instructions, and wait for the window master for a week because of ten minutes of adjustment.
Do you agree with me?

A plastic window, even when professionally installed, requires maintenance from time to time. The window is able to serve you for a couple of three years without any complaints, but over time, friction may occur at the moments of opening. Problem number 2 - prying from the sealing gum, and the third - the handle turns with serious effort.

All of the above breakdowns are not complex and are eliminated quite simply without the need to call the master: adjusting plastic windows on your own is not a difficult task and is not time-consuming. You only need to tighten or, on the contrary, loosen a couple of screw connections. The main thing is to know how this operation is done correctly. Actually, we'll talk about this later.

The most demanded operation is the cleaning of sealing rubber bands, lubrication and seasonal adjustment of plastic windows: in winter, complete tightness is needed, in turn, in summer you want a greater influx of fresh air mass. This can be achieved by adjusting the fittings of the pressure plane of the plastic window sash.

This operation is quite simple. When you study, be surprised in reality that everything is elementary ...

Adjustment of fittings of plastic windows

The window sash of the frame is pressed with trunnions. These are a kind of metal protrusions on the welding surface from the side. At the moment of cranking the handle, they pass over the reciprocal metal plates mounted on the frame. To be able to tightly adjust the fit of the frame and sash, they have an eccentric - either they themselves are made in the form of an oval, or there is an offset adjustment in the center of the protrusion. By changing the location of the pins, you can change the clamping force, in other words, eliminate the draft from the sash.

Adjustment of casement clamps in plastic windows

From practice, we can conclude that the shape of the protrusions of the locking purpose can vary significantly. For the planned adjustment of plastic windows, various kinds of tools are used. If you have oval-shaped windows, their position is changed with the help of pliers: they should be clamped and turned to the side.

If the projection of the locking device is round, as shown in the left image, it is quite possible to make a slot for the hex in it. After making a detailed inspection of them, you can understand what tools you need: a standard screwdriver or a hexagon 4.

Adjusting plastic windows yourself

The eccentric is rotated with pliers or a hexagon

When systematically adjusting the window fittings, do not forget that a weak clamping mechanism corresponds to the warm season, a standard or reinforced one corresponds to the winter one. If preventive work is carried out in the winter season, first you need to transfer the window structure to the standard position and check whether there is a blowdown. At the same time, analyze the condition of the rubber bands on the PVC windows. In winter, the rubber seal mounted around the perimeter is pressed and, moreover, strongly. Over time, due to tension, elasticity may deteriorate. The factory warranty for the standard type of seal is 15 years. But, despite this, if you set the clamp to the maximum, the rubber will wear out much faster. Conclusion from the above information: the position of PVC windows for the winter-summer periods is set by adjusting the position of the locking pins.

We adjust the plastic window from blowing

It happens that PVC windows, after moving the trunnions to the stage of powerful clamping, become not airtight - it starts to blow out of the sashes and it is absolutely useless to change the rubber band. This can happen during the shrinkage of households. In this case, the usual subsidence is observed. At that moment, there is a loss of contact between the locking tabs and the plate. When the window opening handle is turned, the protrusion-trunnion goes behind the plate, thereby pressing the entire sash. If all this does not happen and drafts are observed, the heat is gradually blown out of the room.

PVC window adjustment

When PVC windows sag, the adjustment is slightly different: first we move the sash in one groan so that the protrusions that do not reach the plates eventually catch on them.

To begin with, decide which pins do not reach the locking plates. This is done mechanically. First, we recommend that you inspect the sash, clearly remember where the protrusions are present. The window should be closed. Grasp the base of the sash frame at the place where the pins are mounted and pull it towards you.

If contact is present, the frame will be stationary, if this does not happen, everything should be moved. So it is gradually checked in which place there is no contact and plan in which direction the sash should be moved. This is done by adjusting the lower and upper loops.

Adjustment of plastic windows: adjustment of the lower hinges

If the PVC window is difficult to close in the lower area, move the sash using the hinge located at the bottom. There are two adjustments here: one is carried out along the so-called horizon - it moves closer to the hinges or at a distance from it, and the second, respectively - in the vertical one - lowers or raises the sash by a few millimeters.

To move the lower sash compartment closer or further to the hinge itself, it is slightly opened. At the bottom of the loop there is a hole for a hexagon (less often - for an "asterisk").

Adjustment of plastic windows

Adjustment of the bottom hinge in a PVC window or door

A hexagon is installed in the window, after which, by turning clockwise, the lower corner approaches the loop, against it it moves away. Having moved the sash, you need to try to close / open it. Immediately after achieving the desired result, you should stop. If the resource is twisted to the stop, and there is no result at all, return everything to the standard position: this adjustment is not correct.

With this screw, you can slightly correct the current state of affairs, if the frame at the bottom touches when the window sashes overlap. Slightly bringing it closer to the loop, you completely eliminate this malfunction.

On the hinge located at the bottom there is a second screw necessary for adjustment. To get to it it was easier, you should set the sash in the ventilation position, and then dismantle the lining. It is removed by simple actions, you need to pull the edge in your direction by about 1-2 mm and pull it up. After removing the cap, you can see the recess at the top. 4 mm is installed in it. Hexagon. By turning clockwise, the sash goes up, against - it lowers.

Top Hinge Adjustment

If you cannot cover the upper corner on plastic windows, you should move it a little. To do this, open the window at least 90 degrees. Of course, less is possible, but it will all be very inconvenient to function. There is a loop on the top sash. Purely structurally, it differs located at the bottom, it also has an adjustment for a hexagon.

Plastic window adjustment - upper hinge

Adjusting the top hinge of the PVC window

The adjusting screw is located on the side of the structure. Making a rotational movement, we move the sash away from the hinge (if the far pins from the location do not close) or are located closer to the hinges. One aspect - there should be a gap of a couple of millimeters between the hinge and the sash: it is needed so that the tilt-and-turn mechanism can enter there. Based on this, turning the key by 0.5 amplitude, check how the window functions.