How to remove a ring from your finger. How to remove a wedding ring from a swollen finger, detailed instructions The ring cannot be removed from the finger, how to remove it

A wedding ring is a piece of jewelry that is rarely removed and is worn throughout one’s life. Even those who don't like rings wear it. At the same time, our fingers tend to change their volume not only over time, but even during the day. Therefore, many people do not have time to notice such changes, and get to the point where the wedding ring is very difficult to remove due to severe swelling of the finger. Don't panic, there are many ways to remove a ring from a swollen finger.

Is it possible to remove a ring from a swollen finger at home?

Before resorting to any method, you need to determine the cause of the swollen finger. This may be due to:

Also pay attention to the general condition of the skin and its current condition. If it is damaged or very delicate due to its characteristics, it is better not to resort to traditional methods, but to seek professional help.

Important! The main thing is not to panic, but to calm down in order to make the right decision.

4 proven ways to remove a ring from a swollen finger

First, let's introduce the most popular methods that you can use at home.

Important! Avoid sudden movements and remove the ring slowly.

When outside intervention is necessary

There are cases when independent intervention is contraindicated. These include:

In such cases, it is necessary to seek professional help. It can be provided by:

  • emergency;
  • Emergency;
  • jeweler.

When going to an ambulance, an anti-inflammatory injection is injected into the finger, the arm is tightened with a tourniquet and excess fluid is removed. Then remove the ring. Rescue workers and the jeweler will carefully cut the ring without injuring your finger.

Important! Do not try to saw a ring at home.

A ring or ring sometimes begins to squeeze the finger, causing a state of discomfort. Attempts to remove jewelry in the usual way are futile and only aggravate the pain and swelling. Let's try to figure out how you can remove a ring from a swollen finger without injuring it.

How to remove a ring if your finger is very swollen?

The problem of how to remove a wedding ring or other jewelry from a swollen finger was familiar to our ancestors. Thanks to this, many methods have been accumulated that allow you to remove jewelry at home without complex devices. Let's highlight the most popular of them:

  1. You should not try to tear off a ring that has become tight, but rather slowly and carefully twist the jewelry, gradually moving it up your finger. If the advancement process is difficult, it is recommended to wet your hand and soap your finger. In this case, the metal product will slide off more easily.
  2. Try using a lubricant to create a slippery surface. This can be any fat-containing substance (vegetable or animal oil, petroleum jelly, etc.) To prevent the fingers of the hand with which the ring is being removed from slipping from the generously lubricated metal, it is suggested to additionally use a piece of soft cloth.
  3. If there is no swelling, you can hold your hand in hot water. It is well known that metals expand much more when exposed to heat than other materials, so the ring should come off without much difficulty.
  4. Table salt can reduce swelling. To do this, place your finger in a saline solution at room temperature for 5 minutes, and then attempt to remove the ring.
  5. Often the cause of difficulty in removing jewelry is hot weather. Heat causes blood to rush to the skin, causing the tissue to swell. In this case, you should raise your hands above the heart line for a few minutes. The flow of blood will eliminate the swelling, and the ring can most likely be removed.
  6. In a healthy person, they most often occur due to the abuse of salty foods. The main way to behave in this situation is to postpone the attempt to remove the jewelry for a while, and not drink liquid for several hours. As a result, the swelling of the soft tissues disappears, and you can part with the ring without strain or pain.
  7. In case of severe inflammation of the tissues of the finger, it is worth making a compress with Procaine. Thanks to the anesthetic, the pain syndrome will be eliminated, and the decrease in the sensitivity of skin receptors will simplify the process of removing the jewelry.

How to remove a ring from a swollen finger with a thread?

When worn for a long time, the metal product literally grows into the skin, so jewelry should be removed from the fingers from time to time. If you ignore this advice, then the ring cut into the soft tissue causes real suffering, even numbness of the finger. In a difficult situation, you should try to remove the ring from a swollen finger using a thread:

Where can you remove a ring from a swollen finger?

If traditional methods do not help, and the finger becomes bluish, we advise you to go to the emergency room, surgical department, or seek help from the rescue service. Experts know well how to remove a small ring from a swollen finger. The professional algorithm of action is as follows:

  1. An anti-inflammatory injection is given.
  2. A tourniquet is applied to the arm.
  3. If possible, a piece of foil is placed between the skin and the ring to prevent injury to the epidermis.
  4. The ring is sawed.

If the jewelry is made of a particularly strong metal - tungsten, then it is impossible to cut it. In this case, the ring with the finger is fixed in a vice, and compression is carried out until the metal cracks.

For a long time, the ring has gained a leading position among jewelry. In addition, this is the most famous symbol of love and fidelity, and therefore newlyweds exchange wedding rings. Sometimes, when worn for a long time, due to temperature changes, swelling, and hormonal changes, your hands become swollen. There are many effective ways to remove a ring without injuring your limbs or deforming the product itself.

A fairly popular method is to lubricate the finger with substances so that the ring “slips out”. First, try gently rolling the product and applying one of the following products to your finger:
  • liquid soap;
  • petrolatum;
  • lotion or ointment.
Sometimes it pays to wait a little to free yourself from the ring. In the evening, your hands swell, but by morning the swelling subsides and the jewelry can be easily removed. If the swelling does not go away, try using water to solve the problem:
  • Pour cold water into a small bowl and place your hand in it for 5 minutes. Then raise your hands for a couple of minutes. For greater effect, apply a few pieces of ice to the skin of your finger.
  • Prepare a saline solution. Use sea salt rather than table salt. Take a wide bowl. Pour 400 ml of cold water into it and dissolve 2 tbsp. salt. Place your hands in the bowl for 5-10 minutes.
To remove a ring from a swollen finger, use the wrapping method:
  1. Thread a silk thread about 1 m long into the eye of a thin needle. Carefully pass the needle under the ring with the eye up, i.e. towards the nail plate. Wrap the thread tightly around the entire surface of your finger. Now unwind the ball from the base of your finger, the ring will rise up and can be removed without any problems.
  2. Take some tape and wrap it around your finger. Make sure the tape goes under the ring. Then lather your finger and remove the ring with twisting movements.
Apply a procaine compress to the swollen finger. To do this, dissolve 1-2 g of powder in 50 ml of water. Soak several layers of bandage in the solution and wrap your finger. Compresses with aloe juice and oak bark are also applied to the sore spot. For this, a decoction is prepared. To 100 ml of boiled water add 2 tbsp. l. oak bark. Leave for an hour in a warm place. Add 3-4 drops of aloe juice to the prepared solution. The most radical ways to remove a ring: sawing the product and going to the emergency room. It is dangerous to saw a ring on your own, because... there is a possibility of limb injury. If you are unable to remove jewelry from a swollen finger at home, seek qualified help to avoid complications.

Be sure to focus on the sensations when removing the ring. Stop if the process causes pain. If after removing the ring the swelling of the finger does not subside, this is an alarming signal. It is possible that suppuration has begun.

A ring as a keepsake, a ring... You decided to take it off, but it grew firmly in place? If soap doesn't help, try rope, or rather thread. I'm not kidding!
An ordinary thread will always help you remove a ring from a stubborn finger. You'll be surprised how easy it is to do. See for yourself how to remove a ring from a swollen finger

When do fingers swell?
A ring is one of the most common pieces of jewelry. It is worn on the finger as a decoration or as a symbol (in particular, a symbol of marriage). People who wear rings often experience unpleasant situations. It often happens, especially in the summer season, that the fingers increase in volume. This leads to the fact that the ring begins to squeeze the finger, turning into a noticeable source of discomfort. Attempts to remove the ring in the usual way may not be successful. Moreover, persistent attempts to remove the ring by force lead to trauma to the skin, causing the finger to swell even more.

When the finger swells, the ring begins to dig into the skin, which can cause inflammation. This vicious circle can lead to significant pain.

Finding that you can't remove the ring can make you feel scared and even panicked. Calm down. If you were unable to remove the ring within a minute, it is better to stop - because... further attempts may injure the skin, which will worsen the swelling.

Important! Fingers often swell in pregnant women. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is better to completely refuse to wear a ring, or replace it with a wider one.

Over their long history, people have accumulated many simple and accessible methods that allow them to easily remove a ring without damaging the skin. Below are the most popular methods for removing a ring from a swollen or swollen finger. The most common situations leading to finger swelling are also described.

10 ways

1. Never try to remove the ring with sudden jerks. This will lead to injury to the skin, and the finger will swell even more. Instead of this twist the ring slowly and carefully, gradually moving it in the desired direction.
To do this, place your index finger on the ring and your thumb under the ring. Start rolling the ring around your finger, slowly moving it towards the tip of your finger.

2. It often happens that wearing a ring does not cause discomfort for years, but one morning you find that it is impossible to remove it. In this case, the fingers look slightly swollen. Usually, this is due to excessive consumption of salty foods.
In this situation, you should not attempt to immediately remove the ring - better wait a few hours. Drink more water to remove excess salt from the body - by about mid-day, the swelling of your fingers will subside and the ring can be easily removed.

3. If your fingers are swollen Due to hot weather, position your arms so that your hands rise above the heart line. If you spend some time in this position, the blood flow to your arm will decrease. This will help eliminate swelling and help remove the ring.

4. Popular folk method - hold your finger in cold water, then raise your hand up and hold it in this position for 5-10 minutes. Cold water and blood flow from the hand will relieve the swelling, after which the ring can be easily removed.
Place your palm in cold, but not ice-cold, water for a few minutes. The water should not be so cold that you feel uncomfortable holding your hand in it.

However, this method has a downside - the metal tends to shrink when the temperature drops. Thus, cooling may only make the problem worse.
To prevent the ring from expanding, you can apply ice to your finger, avoiding its contact with the ring.

5. In some cases, remove the ring skin folds on the finger joint interfere. Typically, rings get stuck because the skin between the ring and the knuckle gets bunched up, so if you can straighten out those folds, you should be able to remove the ring easily.

To do this, hold the ring with your middle and thumb, and stretch the skin with your index finger to straighten the folds.
If the ring is not too stuck, you can remove it with the help of a second person. Just have someone pull the skin under the ring towards your hand while you remove the ring from your finger (which, by the way, can be lubricated with something for greater convenience) .

6. In any home there are substances that can be used as a lubricant to remove the ring without damaging the skin.
If the skin on your finger is damaged in any way, be extra careful when choosing which lubricant you use.

If there is no damage to the skin, feel free to use any of the following products, applying a large amount to the finger with the stuck ring, at least up to the first knuckle of the finger.

  • hand cream It is best to use hand cream;
  • oil - if possible (cooking spray, soft butter or any vegetable oil);
  • Vaseline or lotion;
  • hair conditioner or shampoo;
  • liquid soap;
  • antibacterial ointment;
  • vegetable oil-based spray;
  • just soap suds;
  • Windex or any other window cleaner
    (professional jewelers often use window cleaners in their work, but before using any cleaner, make sure it is safe for your hands)
  • special tool for removing stuck rings

Lubricate your finger generously around and under the ring (to do this, roll it around your finger). Take a piece of soft fabric and try to remove the ring by turning it around its axis.
The cloth is necessary because fingers tend to slip off the metal.

7. Sometimes wedding rings are literally grow into the skin, resulting in swelling and pain. It is better not to lead to such situations, and remove the rings before cleaning or washing dishes.

In such cases, you can use the universal method of removing the ring.
Thread a silk thread (you can take dental floss) about 1 meter long into the eye of a thin needle. Carefully insert the needle under the ring from the side of the nail, and pull it out on the other side.
Along with the needle, the thread will stretch under the ring.

Now wrap the remaining part of the thread around your finger up to the first joint so that the turns fit snugly together without leaving any gaps. The finger should be wrapped to the very tip.

Wrap tightly, but not too tightly so that it hurts and turns your finger blue. Unwind the thread if you have wrapped your finger too tightly.

Here are a few more videos on the topic. Actually, there is nothing new, but you never know what nuance still exists :o)

8. Regular salt helps relieve swelling of the finger.. Pour water (10-15 degrees) into the container, then add table salt to it and dip your finger in the water for five minutes.
The saline solution will reduce the swelling and you can try to remove the ring.

9. It is possible to use medications. Apply a compress with procaine to the swollen finger. The anesthetic will reduce pain, and swelling will subside due to decreased sensitivity.
You can also take an oral anti-inflammatory drug, but the effect will take longer and will be weaker compared to the effect of topical medications.

10. If you hurt your finger while trying to remove the ring, the wound should be treated with astringent antibacterial substances: ethanol, aloe juice, oak bark decoction. The swelling should subside within 1-6 hours.
In this case, the finger may feel numb. If the next day your finger is swollen again and cannot bend easily, go to the doctor immediately. Due to the tumor, toxins may have accumulated in the finger, which usually leads to an abscess.

After removal, clean your finger and take care of any possible damage to the skin. Do not put the ring back on until you resize it or until the swelling in your finger subsides.


  • Be patient. Don't panic if you can't remove the ring right away. If it's really stuck, you'll need a little time and maybe a few different methods.
  • If you've tried everything and the ring still won't come off, take a file and start filing down the ring on one side. It may take a while, but by the time you've sawed through the ring, you'll be able to straighten it out and remove it from your finger.

When should you seek help?
If your finger has acquired a bluish tint, it is better to immediately call an ambulance, rescue service, or go to the emergency room, as there is a danger of losing your finger.

You can also ask a jeweler for help. Cutting a ring is much easier than you might imagine, and worrying about it in such a situation is not only stupid, but also dangerous - the ring can be easily repaired, but saving a finger is not always possible.

If you still want to keep the ring, contact a jeweler. Before cutting the ring, a sheet of foil is placed between the finger and the ring to protect the skin from injury.
If your finger is very swollen and it is impossible to thread the foil through, you should consult a doctor. In such cases, contact the surgical or trauma department.

If you want to cut the ring yourself, that's also very easy. To start, try placing a toothpick or popsicle stick between your finger and the ring to protect your finger from possible cuts. Slowly and carefully cut through the ring using a small file. You can buy a file at any hardware store.

The doctor may use one of the following methods:

  • the doctor gives an anti-inflammatory injection;
  • a tourniquet is applied to the hand, and excess fluid is removed from the hand;
  • the ring is cut or sawn, but after this it most likely will not be repairable, but injury to the finger is completely excluded.

Today they are gaining popularity tungsten rings. They have a special property - they are almost impossible to cut. If you have just such a ring, there is only one way out - you need to fix the ring together with your finger in a vice and squeeze them until it cracks.
You don't risk your finger in this case - a tungsten ring is almost impossible to bend.

If you have had to cut your ring off, any jeweler worth his salt will tell you to wait at least two weeks before re-measuring your finger to give the finger time to heal.

To avoid problems, find out your ring size. Don't forget that size can change as you gain or lose weight, or simply as you age. Any jewelry store can measure your fingers.
Based on materials from,

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Not only women, but also many men love to wear jewelry on their hands. Rare people manage to wear one ring throughout their life. Fingers get fat or thin along with the whole body, their diameter changes depending on a number of external conditions. from a swollen finger if it suddenly becomes small?

How to wear rings correctly?

Preference should be given to products made from But even they should not be worn constantly. It is recommended to remove all jewelry from your hands while doing dirty work, prolonged contact with water, and before going to bed. Remember that rings get dirty too. Wash them regularly in soapy water and use special solutions to remove plaque. If you notice that the ring is becoming too small for you, it's time to replace it with another one. Also, many jewelry shops offer resizing services. When purchasing new jewelry, choose ones that fit snugly enough without being too tight. In this case, you don't have to think about how to remove the ring from your finger. In hot weather, at elevated body temperatures, and during pregnancy, women are advised not to wear this type of jewelry or choose ones that are too large.

The main thing is to relieve swelling

Before you think about how to remove a ring from a swollen finger, try to understand why you fell into this trap? If the jewelry is the right size and there were no problems with it before, we are dealing with banal swelling from an excess of fluid in the tissues of the body. Focus on your condition. If the skin is of normal color and there is no pain, then you can wait a few hours until the swelling subsides on its own. To enhance the effect, take a diuretic or eat a product that speeds up the removal of fluid from the body. You can significantly speed up the process. To do this, place in a cool solution of table salt. Keep your hand in this bath for about ten minutes. Once the swelling subsides, try removing the ring.

Determining the appropriate temperature regime

In hot weather, your hands swell more. It is useless to try to remove a ring from a swollen finger when the air temperature is very high. But if you have nowhere to hide in the cool, try using ice. Metals expand in the cold, so only the skin above the ring needs to be cooled. Try not to touch the ice cube to the jewelry. You can place your finger under cold water. But this method will not help with severe swelling, as the ring will increase in size. If your finger is not swollen too much and the temperature conditions are normal, try lubricating the jewelry. Vaseline, oil and other compositions with a similar texture are suitable. The ring needs to be moved smoothly; it is better to spin it several times rather than try to jerk it off.

Most popular method

Today even in school they teach how to remove a ring from a swollen finger using a thread. You will need a thin needle and silk thread. Pass the thread under the ring towards the tip of your finger. Next, wrap your finger tightly around the ring. Using a thread, you should swaddle it, while reducing the diameter. Try removing the ring by sliding it across the bandage. You can wind the thread, leaving its initial end free below the decoration. Next, you just need to pull it, and the ring will begin to move. If you can’t pick up a piece of jewelry with a needle, try using medications. The most affordable option for homemade products is a napkin soaked in procaine. external use. After a compress with this drug, the swelling will subside a little, and you can try to remove the ring from the swollen finger yourself.

What to do if nothing works out?

Have you tried several methods, but the jewelry still sits firmly on your hand? Just don't panic. You can contact a specialized workshop. There the ring will be removed and sawed or cut with wire cutters. It is not recommended to perform such manipulations at home; you may damage your hand. There is no need to worry about the fate of the jewelry; cut rings can almost always be restored. If you managed to free your finger, but there were some wounds, try to rationally assess your condition. Normally, swelling should completely disappear after 5-6 hours. If it persists the next day, you should immediately go to the hospital even if there are no external injuries. If there are open wounds, they are all treated with a suitable antiseptic solution. Remember, doctors will always answer the question of how to remove a ring from a swollen finger. In a medical facility, you can get rid of jewelry without even damaging it. Perhaps a local injection with a drug that relieves swelling will be enough, or if, after trying to get rid of the ring on your own, the finger changes color, loses sensitivity, or, conversely, begins to hurt badly, you need to call an ambulance. If you continue treatment at home, it won’t take long to lead to amputation. This is the case when you cannot refuse to go to the hospital.