How to enlarge a girl's breasts at home. Tutorial, video, folk methods, diet, drugs. Seven easy ways to increase breasts in a week

Methods of surgical access for breast augmentation:

  • Axillary method (axillary) allows you to maintain the integrity of the mammary gland, as well as the sensitivity of the breast. The postoperative scar is located in an inconspicuous area. The disadvantage of this method is that a highly professional surgeon and good endoscopic equipment are required for successful breast augmentation. When using the axillary method, it is extremely difficult to position the implant correctly.
  • Periareolar method involves an incision along the lower border of the areola of the nipple, just between the pigmented and uncolored skin. Breast augmentation by this method is suitable for women who already have children, as there is a risk of violation of the milk ducts. The periareolar method is suitable for the installation of small implants. The advantage is that the surgeon can perform a nipple repair at the same time, without additional incisions.
  • Submammary method one of the safest methods for breast augmentation. The surgeon makes an incision in the woman's inframammary fold to place the implant. Thus, the surgeon is given convenient access to the formation of the implant bed. That is why he has it in the most optimal way. The scar after breast augmentation is invisible, as it is hidden by the natural fold of the breast. This method of breast augmentation is best suited for women with a pronounced inframammary fold.
  • Umbilical access not popular, tk. allows you to install implants filled only with saline, which has already lost its relevance. The essence of this method lies in the fact that the implants are installed through an incision above the navel. The surgeon creates special endoscopic tunnels for endoprostheses under the skin from the navel to the chest. The implants are delivered through them to the pocket of the mammary gland and only after that they are filled with saline. The advantage of this method is the complete absence of scars and scars in the chest area.
  • Transabdominal access used in combination with tummy tuck, so as not to make additional incisions on the patient's body. To do this, the surgeon places the implant through an incision in the anterior abdominal wall. The advantage of this method is the absence of any scars on the chest.

lactation after breast augmentation

During a breast augmentation operation using the axillary or submammary method, the milk ducts of the breast are not violated, so if a woman is genetically predisposed to breastfeeding, she may not be afraid for her future children. The only limitation is that pregnancy planning after breast augmentation should be started no earlier than 1-2 years after breast augmentation with implants.

Indications for breast augmentation

  • Ptosis of the mammary glands after breastfeeding;
  • Ptosis of the breast as a result of a sharp decrease in weight;
  • Underdeveloped mammary glands (breast hypoplasia);
  • Loss of mammary glands due to oncology;
  • The desire of the patient to have a larger breast.

Types of implants for breast augmentation

It is customary to distinguish two types of implants: anatomical and round. All of them have a rough or smooth shell. Which type to use is always discussed with the surgeon. The size of the implants experts divide by volume, which is measured in milliliters. Implants are selected strictly individually for each patient, observing her physiological characteristics.

Preparing for Breast Augmentation

In order for a woman to be able to prepare for augmentation mammoplasty, a face-to-face consultation with a specialist is necessary, who will tell about the features and subtleties of the surgical intervention, as well as the result that is planned to be achieved. After that, the patient is sent for a series of tests: a general blood and urine test, blood for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, a biochemical blood test, and studies: ECG, fluorography, consultation with a mammologist, gynecologist and anesthetist. The results of the tests make it possible to detect the presence of contraindications for breast augmentation in a woman. The specialist additionally reports that as a preparation for augmentation mammoplasty, it is worth giving up bad habits in two weeks: alcohol and cigarettes. One day before plastic surgery, you can not eat or drink.

How is breast augmentation surgery performed?

On the day on which the breast augmentation surgery was scheduled, the patient must come to the clinic, preferably in advance in order to have time to prepare for the operation. Immediately before breast augmentation, the surgeon makes markings on the woman's body in accordance with the previously chosen method of performing the operation. These can be dotted lines on the lower border of the areola of the nipple, lines in the inframammary fold, etc. When all preparatory measures are completed, the patient is given general anesthesia. Then the breast area is treated with a disinfectant solution and augmentation mammoplasty begins. To do this, the surgeon makes incisions with a scalpel according to the marking, installs pre-prepared implants in an optimal way in order to achieve the best appearance of the breast. At the end of augmentation mammoplasty, sutures and a bandage are applied to the incisions, then a compression garment is necessarily put on the woman. The total time of the operation will not exceed two hours, it is individual.

How should you behave after breast augmentation?

Immediately after plastic breast augmentation, the patient remains in the hospital, because. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Then the woman will need to come every other day for dressings until the stitches are removed, approximately 1-1.5 weeks. During the first week, the patient may feel heaviness in the chest and pain, but this is completely normal, because. during this period, swelling of the mammary glands persists. To make the woman feel better, the surgeon prescribes painkillers. Do not forget that it is necessary to wear compression underwear, it will prevent swelling, keep the implants in place and make life easier during the rehabilitation period, which will last about a month and a half. Over time, the swelling will subside and then it will be possible to evaluate the real results of breast augmentation. It is worth stopping wearing a compression bra only after the permission of the surgeon, then an easy and quick recovery after the operation will not take long.

Why do I need compression underwear after augmentation mammoplasty?

Compression underwear is a special bra made of elastic fibers with a fixing band on top. After augmentation mammoplasty, it is worn so that a natural capsule for implants forms in the woman's breast. Thanks to this underwear, breast implants are fixed in the correct position and do not move. Swelling after surgery cannot develop because the bra presses the pectoralis major muscle. It is not possible for all women to replace compression underwear with a regular sports top; before that, you should first consult with your surgeon.

What should be avoided immediately after breast augmentation surgery?

  • Physical activity of a severe nature;
  • Lifting heavy objects;
  • Sports activities;
  • SPA procedures, bath, sauna;
  • Sunbathing, swimming in open water;
  • Sleeping on your side, turning on your side.

Possible complications after breast augmentation

  • Seromas, hematomas;
  • Displacement of the implant, its pronounced contour;
  • capsular contracture;
  • Keloid scars;
  • Loss of sensation in the nipples and breasts.

How to smear the stitches after the operation?

For successful healing of sutures after breast augmentation, careful care of them is sufficient, and it is not necessary to use specialized products and ointments.

Contraindications for breast augmentation surgery:

  • Diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis;
  • Oncology;
  • The presence of chronic and infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Predisposition to scarring;
  • Varicose veins;
  • lactation period;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Menstruation;
  • HIV, hepatitis, syphilis;
  • Age less than 18 years.

Not every woman can boast of a magnificent bust. Knowing how to quickly increase breasts without resorting to the services of surgeons, you can solve this problem. Of no small importance are ideas about the physiology and causes of aging of the woman's breasts.

The main causes of loss of shape of the pectoral muscles

Over the years, the mammary glands can lose not only volume, but also shape.

This can happen due to the following factors:

  • early muscle aging process;
  • sagging muscles;
  • the result of breastfeeding a child;
  • unsuccessful heredity;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • individual feature of the structure of the female body.

With such cosmetic problems, breast augmentation is often performed surgically.

Although a woman gets a quick and quite effective result, any operation is still a risk, and if it is possible to do without it, it is worth a try.

Possibility to delay the operation

There are several ways to grow breasts without hurting the body with a scalpel. The choice of method for its increase depends on the condition of the breast, as well as on the physiological characteristics of the body.

It is possible to enlarge the chest at home if you use the following manipulations:

  1. A contrast shower makes the muscles work, strengthening them and making the tissues more elastic.
  2. Breasts contain adipose tissue, and diets that limit this product can lead to sagging. Especially low-fat diets are dangerous at the age when the girl's body is being formed.
  3. Enough sex. Sexual life has a general beneficial effect on the female body, including maintaining breast tone.
  4. The use of herbal compresses, as well as essential oils for applying to the bust.
  5. A woman's chest muscles can be lifted using an iodine mesh. This contributes to a rush of blood, and as a result, a tightening of the breast tissues.
  6. It is possible to increase the size of a withered bust with the help of copper massage in the sauna.
  7. Estrogen is responsible for breast enlargement. This hormone also affects keeping it in good shape. When hormonal failure, as a rule, there is a disorder of the body. At the same time, doctors prescribe a complex of hormonal treatment for women.
  8. You can improve blood circulation in the muscles of a woman's chest with massage movements. Especially if you use vitamin creams with the addition of female hormones to them.
  9. In women during pregnancy, the breasts increase, but after the lactation period, the mammary glands lose their shape and elasticity.
  10. The surest way to strengthen and increase the muscles of the chest with the help of special physical exercises. This is not a quick process, but it is the most reliable and efficient.

Rules of classical massage

It is possible to increase the size of a woman's breasts using massage techniques.

It should consist of the following:

  1. Stroking with the palm of the hand along the muscles of the bust in the direction from the nipple to the base of the mammary gland.
  2. Light rubbing using essential oils from the nipple to the armpits and abdomen.
  3. Acceleration of blood circulation with light tapping with fingertips.

In this case, the outflow of lymphatic fluid occurs, and circulation in the blood vessels and tissues improves. In addition, it is an excellent prevention against the formation of tumors.

Diet for the splendor of the bust

Expectant mothers note that during pregnancy their bust grows by about 2 sizes. Some retain this value even after the lactation period. This breast enlargement is due to an increase in the formation of the hormone estrogen. It is known that some foods increase its amount in the body:

  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat;
  • cabbage (it has long been recommended for inclusion in the diet of teenage girls, because it contains many vitamins);
  • nut mass with lemon and natural bee honey;
  • positively affects blood circulation and maintains muscle tone licorice root;
  • seafood and fish dishes from the northern seas;
  • green apples;
  • chicken's meat;
  • products with the addition of soy (it contains isoflavone, which directly affects muscle growth).

If a woman regularly includes dishes with these products in the menu, which affect the formation of adipose tissue, breast enlargement can be done at home.

Mesh of iodine

A widely known and used by women way to make a large mammary gland is the application of iodine in the form of a grid. It will increase if once a day, with a cotton swab dipped in this liquid, apply stripes in the horizontal and vertical direction. Each subsequent time is applied on the chest next to the strips that were applied by the previous lubrication.

Some women who have used this method claim that they succeeded in almost a size in a month.

But many women question this method. Firstly, it is quite harmful for women who have hyperthyroidism (thyroid disease) and a large amount of iodine is harmful. Secondly, there is a possibility of chemical burns. In addition, this method of increasing the bust for women is contraindicated in lactation and the presence of tumors. Also, in some, after such manipulation, the temperature rises, which is a signal to stop the procedures.

Folk ways

Since breast enlargement is possible without surgery, you can use folk remedies for this. For this, women have long used infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Nettle tincture with wormwood and linden blossom

Take 1 teaspoon of each herb (dried and ground), and fall asleep in 750 g of boiling water. Let the water boil again and boil for two minutes. After that, put in a warm place, letting it brew throughout the day. This infusion is drunk for 4 weeks, 1 glass in the morning before meals.

Infusion of oregano

This herb has its own phytoestrogens, similar to the female hormone. Means with oregano are prescribed for women with a problem of hormonal imbalance. Its positive effect is also noticed if you want to grow the muscles of a woman's bust.

For preparation, 60 g of dried herb is placed in boiling water (250 ml) and infused for 50 minutes. Then the composition is filtered and drunk 1/2 cup 3 times a day shortly before meals.

Flaxseed and hop cone tincture

Flaxseed is known as a remedy for the prevention of menopausal problems, as well as for maintaining the female reproductive system. With regular use of the remedy from infused seeds, it will help to increase the breasts of a woman.

For infusion, 1 tbsp is enough. l. pour seeds into a fermented milk product (kefir, yogurt or yogurt). It is necessary to drink this remedy in a day. Already after two months of use, the results of a woman's breast augmentation will be noticeable.

A large percentage of phytoestrogen in hops (in its cones). The use of this infusion affects the hormonal background and promotes breast growth. To do this, take 20 grams of dry cones, pour 200 ml of boiling water over them, and set aside for 2 hours to infuse. After that, the infusion is filtered and drunk 1/2 cup every day.

Other Breast Enlargement Products

You can increase the breasts with the help of masks from crushed apples and cabbage with the addition of honey. The mixture is applied to the chest and left for 30 minutes, covered with polyethylene.

The second vegetable remedy is mashed potatoes. The boiled vegetable is kneaded with a fork with the addition of 2 tbsp. l. cream, vegetable oil and honey. The mask is thoroughly mixed and applied to the chest.

Enlarges the breast drink from milk with tincture of strawberry leaves. Regular tea with the addition of milk also has a good effect.

How to enlarge the mammary glands in a week at home

Physical activity on the chest muscles is the fastest and most effective way to increase it. There is no need to waste your time on a trip to the sports complex. You can do exercises at home.

The main condition for physical exercise is regular exercise. The first results of the increase will be noticeable after a week of such training. And after 2-3 months, you can safely wear a dress with a neckline. The result will exceed expectations.


This breast enlargement exercise does not require special equipment. As a weight for the muscles, you can take half-liter plastic bottles filled with water. You need to lie on the mat face up and raise your hands. Slowly spread them and lower them to the sides along the line of the shoulders. Then again raise your hands above your chest, and crossing them, lower them behind your head. Do 15 movements three times a day.

push the wall

Lean against the wall with your hands at bust level. Bending your arms at the elbow joint, tighten your chest muscles. Stay in this position for 5 minutes.

Lotus position

Such an effective exercise will help to enlarge the breasts in one week: you need to sit on the floor in the lotus position and, bending your arms at the elbows, join your palms, and then alternately tighten the chest muscles and relax them. This exercise should be done at least 20 times daily for at least 7 days.

push up

In a lying position, with your back up, place your hands on the floor at shoulder level. Try to lower your torso as low as possible without touching the floor, using your muscles. Repeat push-ups 10 times. If the physical condition of the muscles does not allow doing push-ups in such an amplitude, then you can lean your knees on the floor.

Hand movement

Stand straight and bring your feet together. Raise one hand up and bring it behind the head as far as possible to feel the tension and increase in the muscles of the chest. Then do this exercise with the other hand. Do them 5 times with each hand.


Rest the abdomen on a small stool. Rest your toes on the floor. Arch your back and stretch your arms forward. At the same time, feel that the spine is stretched. This exercise has a good effect not only on the chest muscles, but also strengthens the spinal muscles. In addition, it will provide an impeccable posture.

Many women want to have a beautiful and lush bust. Someone has it by nature, but most daily dream of increasing or correcting the shape.

Breast enlargement at home is possible! The main thing in this matter is proper nutrition and a certain set of exercises.

You can rely on the instructional video offered to us below, or start simple: proper nutrition and healthy sleep. Of course, this will not make your figure perfect, and your chest will not increase on its own, but you will have strength, the right weight and health for further transformation.

Ways to help increase breasts at home quickly and without surgery

If you are not satisfied with the size of the breast, you will need to be patient to correct it. Indeed, to fulfill this dream, you will need more than one month - there is a large number of trainings ahead that will help you achieve your goal.

Exercises to make your breasts bigger

A natural way to increase the mammary glands at home is to pump up muscles. The chest muscle, like the rest of the human muscles, will easily become elastic after the systematic performance of certain exercises.

EasyCurves chest trainer - will help you pump up your chest

To make your breasts bigger, you need to exercise with the EasyCurves simulator daily. The principle of the exercise is as follows: the handles must be pulled to the sides and returned to their original position.

Push-ups and palm squeezes are another way to enlarge your breasts at home. Girls should do push-ups up to 15 - 20 times with a flat back on their toes. Squeeze your palms in front of you, as if praying with maximum strength. Hold this position for at least 20 seconds. Repetitions - 5 - 7 times.

You can also perform special sets of exercises developed by professionals. Watch video tutorials:

You can increase your breasts at home by a size without plastics and creams of dubious origin using a set of special exercises. This, by the way, will not only allow you to acquire the desired volume, but also generally improve your physical condition.

Such exercises are especially useful after childbirth, when it is necessary to bring the body into shape.

How to increase breasts with folk remedies

So, girls who want to enlarge their breasts should pay attention not only to a set of exercises that help to “pump” the pectoral muscles, but also to their own nutrition.

There are several products that should be consumed if you want to increase your breasts on your own and not spend money on operations:

  • More protein! Chicken meat, fish, seafood, milk, linden tea are excellent helpers in this matter.
  • Where without cabbage? Everyone knows - if you eat cabbage - it will cleanse the body of toxins and contribute to the beauty of the skin.
  • Eat a teaspoon of turmeric drinking it down milk every time before meals.
  • A hormone such as estrogen is very important for breast enlargement. It is contained in walnuts And honey. Pour the peeled nuts with honey and leave in a cool place for a week. There are two to three spoons every day!
  • Infusion - drunken. To prepare it, take a tablespoon of hops and one glass of water. Boil this mixture for about 20 minutes. Drink three tbsp. before every meal.
  • Grain cocktail: corn, millet, oats, barley. All ingredients take 1 tbsp. and pour 500 ml of water. Cook until cereals soften. Strain before use! Take as in the recipe above!
  • Strawberry leaf tea very useful not only for breasts, but also for improving health. They can be brewed like regular tea, left for a while and drunk whenever you want!

Important! Do not use iodine for breast augmentation at home as this is all a myth. Only burns on the skin will remain.

How to visually enlarge the chest?

So, if breast augmentation is required urgently and there is no time for exercise, diet, and, moreover, no operation, do not despair. Choosing a dress with a deep neckline, it is quite possible to impress everyone. To do this, use the right bra.

Another option is the invisible BreStick bra.

It perfectly maintains the shape, creating the effect of a visual increase in the bust. also it is a useful bra for those recovering from nursing.

Additional tips for visual breast augmentation without surgery:

  • you can use a regular push-up bra;
  • wear T-shirts with a V-neck or chest pockets more often;
  • high-waisted dresses and pastel-colored sweaters will also visually add volume to the chest.

In addition to such techniques, the chest can be visually enlarged. with the help of cosmetics. To do this, apply highlighter to certain areas. Watch the video tutorial.

How to quickly enlarge breasts?

It is believed that compresses made from natural blue clay or essential oils are good at helping to enlarge breasts at home.

  1. Recipe One: Mashed Blue Clay put on the chest at night. Wash off in the morning with warm water and moisturize the treated area with cream.
  2. Recipe two: ylang oil - ylang, almond And geraniums mix 1 tbsp. Apply to fabric and leave overnight. Remove the rest of the compress with a cotton pad in the morning.

How to enlarge breasts with massage

At home, you can not only do sports exercises that help increase breasts, but also massage. Do a daily massage in the shower in circular motions, or from the nipple to the shoulders and armpits, applying a rich cream. Do not apply too much pressure to avoid damaging the delicate skin.

How to keep beautiful breasts after childbirth?

In order for your breasts not to sag during lactation and after the birth of your baby, you need to properly feed your baby. This is best done lying on your side with a pillow under your elbow. Thus, it does not hang down and does not stretch. Of course, you need to change your underwear every day (we are talking about a bra), monitor hygiene, take vitamins, eat right and sleep well.

How much does breast augmentation cost?

If you are still wondering: "How to increase the size of the chest?", But at the same time do not want to spend a lot of effort to achieve the goal, there is a great way - a plastic surgeon will easily and quickly make it a size or two larger. But this is a very expensive path, before which you need to find out whether the operation is suitable for you personally, whether you will tolerate it well, and many other nuances. Naturally, we are against surgery. But this fact does not stop women from taking such serious measures. For example, such celebrities. How Glucose, Anna Khilkevich, Victoria Beckham and many others went through this.

Surgical augmentation is a major step that requires much money for the operation to be successful. This procedure is worth from 250000 rubles .

Often, women are complex because of the small size of their bust, but they do not have the courage to decide on an operation. After all, surgery can harm the health of a woman. A significant disadvantage of breast augmentation with surgery is the high cost and the possibility of side effects. In this case, non-surgical methods will help. It is about how to increase breasts without visiting a surgeon, will be discussed in the article.

It has been scientifically proven that certain foods can increase the size of a woman's breasts. What should be added to your diet? Scientists have found that the female hormone estrogen is needed to increase the bust. Therefore, it is recommended to consume foods with a high content of it. These are barley, brown rice, peas, beans, lentils, soybeans, a decoction of hop cones, natural live beer, avocados, nuts, fatty sea fish, especially red, sesame, vegetable oil, milk, bananas, fruits and vegetables. But, if you do not want to gain excess weight, carefully eat fatty foods. After all, with excessive consumption of fat, not only the chest will increase, but also the hips with the waist. An interesting fact is that cabbage does not affect the size of the bust. However, it is very beneficial for the human body.

This method is considered the most effective and visually noticeable.

How to enlarge breasts with exercise

An effective method for breast augmentation is to perform. Before performing the techniques, it is imperative to do a warm-up, stretching, so as not to get injured.

  • The first exercise, you need to sit in the lotus position, put your hands in front of you. For 10-15 seconds, you need to squeeze your palms. Thus, the pectoral muscles will tighten.
  • To increase the bust, you must definitely do push-ups. Push-ups can be done from the floor or from an elevation (bench, chair). An exercise with dumbbells will be effective: the arms are lowered, the body is tilted forward, it is necessary to spread the arms to the sides and back.
  • Useful for the pectoral muscles reverse push-ups (from a chair, bench). For example, you need to pick up dumbbells, lie on your back, perform movements to the side, up.
  • The starting position is the main stance, in the hands of a dumbbell. Spread your arms to the sides, hold for 20-30 seconds for 3-4 sets. The load is gradually increased.

Exercises must be performed regularly, 3-4 times a week.

How to increase breast size with massage

Now gaining popularity. Judging by the reviews of women, this is an effective way to increase the breast, its tightening. Massage increases blood circulation in the chest area, stimulates its growth.

For massage you will need a special cream or cosmetic oil. Movements should be smooth and light. Nipples do not need to be touched.

In circular motions, it is necessary to massage from the outside to the inside. The duration of the massage lasts about 15 minutes. This is a good option for increasing breast volume at home. It is recommended to perform these massage movements every day in the morning.

Massaging stimulates the development of breast tissue. The results will be visible after 1-2 months of regular (!) massage.

Folk remedies for breast growth

Among folk remedies there are a lot of effective recipes.

  • For example, a compress made of blue clay or rice. Such compresses will help increase the bust, make the skin more elastic.
  • To grow breasts, traditional medicine advises taking a tincture of hops. Pour boiling water over 1 tablespoon, let it brew. Take 4 times a day before meals. A decoction of oregano will be useful. It will take 5 tablespoons of oregano and 500 ml of water. It takes 30 minutes for the decoction to infuse, then you can take it.
  • Also, it is recommended to brew linden. She needs to brew for at least 6-7 hours, so it is more convenient to brew it overnight. Drink preferably in the morning for 4 weeks.
  • A lot of positive feedback on the use of iodine for the mammary glands. For this method, you will need a cotton swab and a vial of iodine. Apply iodine with a mesh.
  • Bust mask: apple + honey + butter. The apple must be finely rubbed until porridge. And mix with honey and melted butter. It is recommended to keep this composition for 15-20 minutes.
  • It is useful to lubricate the mammary glands before going to bed, rubbing olive, coconut, almond or any other vegetable oil with massage movements.

How to grow breasts with hormones

This method to increase the bust is not safe for health. Therefore, before using it, think carefully about the possible consequences, side effects.

Many women claim that while using contraceptives, their breasts increase by 1-2 sizes. However, the disadvantage of this method is that when the drug ends, the size of the bust decreases again. Also, contraceptive medications are not indicated for use by all women; they can be used only after consulting a doctor. Contraceptive drugs do not have the function of growing breast mammary glands, this process is a side effect. Therefore, it is not recommended to take these medicines unless directed by a doctor. Because there is a big risk to harm your health. An important point is that contraceptives increase the risk of cysts and various neoplasms.

Much safer for the body biologically active supplements on a natural basis. In their composition, they contain extracts of hop cones, soy, barley and other useful substances.

How to visually enlarge the chest

Significantly increase allows clothing and accessories.

  • The most effective technique is a push-up bra, which significantly increases the bust. You also need to tighten the harnesses of your underwear to lift the mammary glands. It is not recommended to wear lace underwear without pits, because it does not emphasize the bust.
  • When it comes to choosing a swimsuit, you need to pay attention to a bright or light top and a dark bottom. A swimsuit bra should be underwire or push-up.
  • To emphasize the chest, you need to wear a top with a three-dimensional pattern, horizontal lines. The silhouette and style should also draw attention to the bust area.
  • An interesting life hack is to use a scarf, or a pendant with stones, or a necklace and then the eye will be riveted to the chest. This brochure will help.

Dresses are best worn with a belt, so it will emphasize the waist and highlight the hips and chest.


You can definitely enlarge your breasts a little at home and without surgery. However, do not expect an increase of 2-3 sizes.

Folk methods will help tighten the bust, stimulate its growth, tighten the skin, rejuvenate it and contribute to its increase by 1-1.5 sizes. The most effective remedy for breast enlargement at home is a diet with excess fat. However, this is fraught with excess weight, an unexpressed waist and large hips.

The bad fact is that the first fat deposits leave the chest area, and when gaining mass, fat is deposited last in the bust area.

In order for the result to be obvious, it is necessary to follow the listed recommendations every day regularly.

Proper balanced nutrition, performance, accents in clothes, accessories around the neck, dietary supplements, decoctions and infusions - all this helps to bring the bust into a well-groomed, beautiful appearance and increase it by 1 - 1.5 sizes. Thanks to all these recommendations, you won’t have to voluntarily go under the doctor’s knife and risk your health.

(4 ratings, average: 3,75 out of 5)

Beautiful tightened breasts are the dream of any girl, but not everyone is lucky enough to have curvaceous forms by nature. To fix this, it is not necessary to resort to surgical intervention to increase the size of the mammary glands, to insert silicone implants. Today, there are several effective methods on how to increase breasts at home.

Scientists identify several factors that can affect breast size in women:

  • Individual characteristics and physique. As a rule, the body structure is divided into 2 types: ectomorphic and endomorphic. The first includes people who have a thin figure, narrow shoulders, as well as a fast metabolism and, as a result, problems with weight gain. Endomorph people are their complete opposite, i.e. they tend to gain excess fat mass, have a large figure. These characteristics are given to a person from birth and it is almost impossible to change them (only by constant and hard training). Depending on this complexion, the size of the breast also depends: for thin girls, the chest is small, for full girls, on the contrary.
  • Diet. The growth of the mammary glands partly depends on the presence of sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals in the body. Therefore, it is very important to eat regularly and properly, especially during puberty.
  • Weight, its change. As in the case of the first point, weight plays a big role in breast size. With a sharp weight loss, the chest also begins to decrease, and vice versa. This happens due to the fact that most of the breast consists of fatty layers.
  • Physical activity, including workouts aimed at developing the mammary glands. The structure of the chest also includes the presence of muscle mass, due to which the right exercises can enlarge the chest (but for the most part only visually) and make it more elastic.
  • Hormonal background. For a female body prone to various updates (pregnancy, menopause, etc.), it is normal to periodically change the hormonal background. An increase in the female hormone in the body, for example, when using hormonal drugs, the mammary glands also begin to grow. However, as a rule, this effect is temporary and disappears when the hormonal background normalizes.
  • Heredity. Everything is simple here: the shape and size of the breasts are transmitted at the genetic level, such as eye color or height.

Ways to increase the breast up to 1 size

Enlarging breasts up to 1 size does not require too much effort, this can mainly be achieved with the help of imaging.


  • The easiest way to enlarge your breasts at home is with the help of well-chosen clothes and underwear. These include push-up bras, V-necks, blouses, and shirts with ruffles or other voluminous embellishments around the bust.
  • Special exercises. Of course, they will not be able to fill the chest in the literal sense, their action is slightly different. By strengthening the pectoral muscles, the bust will rise, become more elastic. This will make the chest look bigger: in general, the method is similar to the work of a push-up bra, only the effect will hold regardless of the underwear.
  • Make-up in the neckline. With the help of properly superimposed light and shadow with special cosmetics, you can make the chest visually fuller.

Up to 2 sizes

In this case, more serious measures are required, which will be felt physically:

  • vitamin complexes;
  • physical exercise;

  • cosmetics for breast augmentation;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • regular sexual contact.

Up to 3 sizes

Here the most drastic measures will be required:

  • breast massage;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • special diet.

Also, pregnancy can be added to this list: it is no secret that while carrying a fetus, women gain weight, which leads to an increase in the bust. However, not everyone knows that part of the gained breast weight will not go away with the rest of the excess body weight. But it is worth noting that this method is only suitable for women who plan to have a baby in the near future.

What foods promote breast enlargement

There are two answers to the question of how to increase breasts at home: firstly, by increasing the total body weight; secondly, due to products that have a high content of the hormone that promotes breast growth (estrogen).

Among the last group, the following foods can be distinguished:

  • protein products: poultry meat (especially chicken and turkey), cottage cheese, milk, sour cream;
  • White cabbage;
  • licorice, or rather its root;
  • seafood and fish;
How to enlarge breasts? One way is proper nutrition.
  • sour apples;
  • turmeric;
  • a mixture of honey, walnut and lemon.

Vitamins that promote the growth of the mammary glands

  • Vitamin E The most significant vitamin in a woman's body, affecting both breast growth and the condition of the body as a whole. This element has a powerful antioxidant property, neutralizing the effects of destructive processes such as rapid skin aging, oxidation and cell regeneration. Also, the vitamin normalizes the hormonal background, which is directly related to the growth of the mammary glands. And the very appearance of the skin depends largely on the presence or absence of this vitamin in the body. The highest content of the element is found in healthy fats: fish oil, vegetable oils, nuts.
  • Vitamin A. It does not have a direct effect on the size of the breast, but its appearance depends on it. Over time, the epidermis, undergoing various processes, becomes flabby, loses its elasticity and shape. In this regard, the tissue of the skin begins to sag under the weight of the mammary glands, making the bust stretched and ugly. Vitamin A helps to neutralize this process, helping to preserve the original properties of the skin and keep the breast in the required shape. This vitamin contains a large amount of vegetables, berries and fruits with orange and yellow pigment.
  • Vitamin C The key to breast growth is good blood circulation and getting all the necessary nutrients and minerals through it. Vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizing blood circulation and ensuring unimpeded blood flow to all corners of the body. You can get this vitamin from any citrus fruits, sour berries, sauerkraut and onions.
  • B group vitamins. They are responsible for all metabolic processes taking place in the body, which is directly related to the growth of the bust. The highest concentration of this vitamin is found in vegetables with a green pigment, legumes and greens.

You can get all of the above vitamins not only directly from the products, but also by taking various vitamin complexes. In some ways, pharmacological preparations are even better, since the vitamins in them are combined in such a way that the body absorbs them faster and in larger quantities.

It is worth noting that today there are special complexes that are aimed specifically at breast growth.

Classic breast massage for breast enlargement

An excellent tool for breast enlargement can be a procedure such as massage, which can be done independently at home. It works as follows: pressure on the chest contributes to the flow of blood to it, and at the same time the necessary vitamins and oxygen, which starts the growth processes in the mammary glands. Massage also strengthens the muscles of the chest, giving them relief.

The procedure itself is performed as follows:

  1. Apply a moisturizing cream or cosmetic oil to the entire surface of the breast.
  2. With 3 fingers, grasp the area near the nipples (it is not recommended to touch the nipples themselves), and in a circular motion, slightly pressing, move to the wide part of the mammary glands. It is necessary to do this operation no more than 3 minutes.
  3. Then you need to perform rubbing: put your palm down with your fingers so that the longest of them barely touches the nipple and, with slight pressure, pull it up. The same movements must be done with the rest of the chest area. In general, this part of the procedure should not take more than 2 minutes.
  4. Lightly tap with your fingertips over the entire chest area for about a minute.
  5. Taking the chest in both hands, it is necessary to shake it slightly, thereby creating vibration.
  6. With soft, gentle movements, stroke the chest.
  7. Do steps 1-5 with the second breast.

Water massage for breast enlargement

Massage principle:

To enhance the effect, you can apply a contrast shower, but you need to do it correctly: the temperature should not change too abruptly, otherwise unpleasant consequences may appear.

Corrective massage

This massage is best used immediately after a hot shower, when the blood is warm and circulates well in the vessels.

It is done like this:

  1. At the same time, place the palms on both breasts so that the center of the palm coincides with the halos.
  2. Slightly pressing the chest, start circular movements with the palms towards the center of the body, towards each other. The movement must be repeated 9 times.
  3. Taking a deep breath, as you exhale, press on the chest, pressing them closer to the body. Repeat 9 times.
  4. Alternately do points 1 and 3 for 5 minutes.

vacuum massage

This massage is performed using a special vacuum apparatus. For its correct use, experts recommend contacting a specialist for the first time so as not to get hematomas or stretch marks.

In general, the principle of such a massage is quite simple:

  1. Spread the chest with cosmetic oil.
  2. Attach vacuum nozzles tightly to the mammary glands and fix.
  3. Connect the nozzles to the device and turn it on.

For the first 3 times, the exposure time of the device should not exceed 5 minutes. The maximum time for other procedures is 15 minutes.

Japanese massage

This massage is acupressure, that is, the procedure takes place by means of pressure on various points (each of them has its own symmetrical "sister").

Location of points for massage:

  • Point Lu 1 located immediately below each of the collarbones, at a distance of about 5 cm from the edge of the shoulder.
  • Point St 15. To find it, you need to draw an imaginary straight line from the nipple to the collarbone. At this interval, find the place where the 2nd edge passes - here is the required point.
  • Point St 16 located in the same place as the previous one, but slightly lower (between the 3rd and 4th ribs).
  • Point Zhb 22. It is located on the side of the body, once under the descent of the arm at the armpit.
  • Point Zhb 23 located on the side of the body where the chest passes into the arm.
  • Point Sp 18 located to the right of the nipple at a distance of about 1 cm.
  • Point Sp 17, lies in the same place as the previous one, but half a centimeter lower.
  • Point St 18 is in line with the nipple (vertically), one rib below.
  • Ki point 23. It is located in the extreme lower parts of the chest on the inside.
  • Point Sv 17 is on a horizontal line with the nipples between the breasts. This is the only point that does not have a point symmetrical to it.

How to increase breasts at home with this massage can be seen in step-by-step instructions:

  1. Warm up your hands by vigorously rubbing them together.
  2. Fold your hands in the form of a "bird". Fold them alternately in the upper, lower and closer to the center of the chest and rub in a circular motion;
  3. Counting to 5, press on a certain point, and then squeeze it with force. Then, counting from 5 to 1, slowly release the pressure. After 3 sec. repeat the procedure and so on for up to 5 minutes.
  4. Repeat 3 points for each point. Points on the same plane must be massaged simultaneously.

Breast Enlargement Exercises

The first step is to stretch the muscles in order to warm them up and not damage them during training:

  1. Bridge in reverse. For its implementation it is necessary:
  • lie face down on the floor;
  • bend your knees and grab your calves with your hands;
  • arch your back as much as possible;
  • slowly sway back and forth (without sudden movements);
  • perform 60 sec.
  1. "Hand Pull":
  • roll over onto your back;
  • raise your arms up perpendicular to the floor and slightly bend at the elbows (they should “look” outward;
  • slowly, but with effort, pull your arms down and to the side so that the emphasis is on your elbows (as if stretching an elastic band);
  • repeat 10 times.

Then you need to start the main workout:

  1. Push ups:
  • lie down in the bar (an elongated body resting on the toes and palms, if push-ups are hard to support, you can make your knees);
  • slowly bend and unbend your arms at the elbows, while the back should remain flat (not a wheel);
  • repeat 10 times.
  1. Chair push-ups:
  • stand with your back to a chair;
  • lean on it with your palms, bending your legs at 30 degrees;
  • slowly bend your arms, while lowering your buttocks as close to the floor as possible;
  • repeat 10 times.

  1. Circular movements of the hands on the floor:
  • lie on the floor face up;
  • hold dumbbells in your hands and stretch them along the body with your palm up;
  • slowly move your hands along the floor to the head (the upper part of the hand should be pressed to the ear);
  • return the hands to their original position in the same way;
  • repeat 10 times.
  1. Divorce of hands lying on the floor:
  • lie face down on the floor;
  • put arms with dumbbells perpendicular to the body so that they create a single line with the shoulder;
  • slowly raise them on straight arms above the face;
  • return the hands to their original position;
  • repeat 10 times.
  1. Divorce of hands:
  • standing on the floor, slightly bend your knees;
  • bend the torso parallel to the floor;
  • lower your arms straight down;
  • slowly raise your arms so that they become perpendicular to the body, and arms with shoulders create a single line;

  • repeat 10 times.

Over time, when the muscles of the arms and chest get stronger, each of the exercises will need to be repeated first in 2 sets, then in Z.

Iodine for bust enlargement

Breast augmentation with iodine is the simplest and fastest of all procedures. To perform it, it is necessary to apply the drug with a cotton swab on a clean chest (preferably before going to bed, so that the iodine has time to be absorbed).

  • Moisten the stick in a solution of iodine (not very abundant).
  • On the chest, without affecting the halos, draw oblique parallel lines over the entire area.
  • With the second layer, also apply parallel oblique lines, but in such a way that, together with the first, they create a lattice.
  • Wait until the iodine is absorbed and get dressed.
  • Apply no more than 1 time per month.

This method is not unambiguous: some of the girls say that iodine helped them after the first month, some - after a few months, and some - that this is a completely fruitless exercise.

In any case, when talking about how to enlarge breasts at home with iodine, the main thing to remember is that this method has contraindications.

They are the following:

  • the presence of allergic reactions;
  • excessively dry or sensitive skin;
  • fever (initially or as a reaction to iodine);
  • postpartum period;
  • predisposition to malignant tumors.

Compresses based on herbs and essential oils

There are a lot of recipes for making compresses for breast enlargement from herbs and essential oils at home, but the principle of preparation and methods of use are quite similar.


  • place 15 g of dry grass in boiling water, cover and leave for up to 30 minutes;
  • add 3-4 drops of essential oil, mix.
  • moisten the bandage abundantly in the resulting mixture and wrap it around the chest in several layers (about 3x).
  • cover the bandage with something warm: a scarf, towel, etc.
  • leave for a few hours. You can carry out the procedure at night.
  • wash off with warm water.

The following herbs are suitable for this manipulation:

  • fennel;
  • thistle;
  • hop;
  • licorice;
  • garlic;
  • Linden;
  • clover.

Essential oils that can be used to enlarge breasts at home include:

  • linen;
  • castor;
  • burdock;
  • almond;
  • pink.

Any of the above means can be combined with each other without fear of consequences.

Breast Enlargement Masks

The following masks will help to enlarge the chest:

The use of tinctures based on medicinal herbs

  1. Pour a tablespoon of nettle, linden and dried strawberries into boiling water. Insist for 30 minutes, strain. Take on an empty stomach no more than 1 time per day, 0.3 ml.
  2. 0.5 l. boil milk in a cup, pour 1 tbsp. chopped mallow root. Boil for another 13 minutes, then cool and get rid of the pulp. Take orally 3 times a day for 0.2 liters for about a month.
  3. 1 tsp Steam dry wormwood in boiling water for 30 minutes. Get rid of the pulp, add 3 tbsp. honey. Drink 1 time per day on an empty stomach, 0.3 l.

Preparations for breast enlargement at home

The most popular creams and ointments on the cosmetics market are:

  • Body Performance Toning Bust;
  • Pupa;
  • Phytobust;
  • breast firming;
  • Guam;
  • Evinal;
  • Burenka.

Among the tablets are particularly distinguished:

  • BreastFast;
  • Regulon;
  • Janine.

Side effects from hormonal drugs

The most common side effects are:

  • insomnia;
  • decrease in sexual desire;
  • pressure drops;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • limb swelling.

Breast augmentation at home can be done in a number of ways. Effective are both external and internal effects on the mammary glands. However, do not forget that no matter how much you want to quickly increase the bust, you need to act with caution. Otherwise, you can lead your body to unpleasant consequences.

Breast Augmentation Video

Doctors advice for breast augmentation:

Breast augmentation methods at home: