Which floor in houses is the best? Which floor is better to choose for health in a new home? Scientists' opinion about the pros and cons of living on the upper floors in a new building

The list of all the pros and cons that a person calculates when choosing housing is impressive. In addition to such characteristics as the number of rooms, the layout of the apartment, distance from the place of work, a recreational park, the price of the apartment, the height of the apartment is an important component.

An ordinary person is interested in choosing a floor from a purely economic point of view, wasting time and effort on going up or down. The question that comes first is not always: is it harmful to live on high floors?

In addition to the individual disadvantages of living on a high floor, people try to find the advantages. The number of those who think that living at heights is more dangerous from different perspectives is constantly increasing.

Living constantly at altitude is harmful to the general condition of the human body. A dull, sluggish state appears in the body, apathy, frequent headaches, decreased immunity and much more. The causes of all these illnesses are a complex of different reasons, not just one or two. In some cases, you need to choose the “golden mean”. If you have specific diseases, the lower floors or semi-basements are unacceptable for living.

Why is it worse to live at altitude?

Which floors are considered high and why is it worse to live on them? Construction companies selling completed housing above the 7th floor reduce the price of apartments by 10-15%. To answer the question as to why they do this, one should delve into the construction technology in more detail. Research has shown that the main factors affecting life at altitude are:

  1. The electromagnetic field plays an important role for the human body, since metabolism depends on it. Electromagnetic charge weakens with altitude, which is why drowsiness and headaches often occur in people who constantly live at altitude.
  2. Radio waves are strongest at altitude. Between floors 9-16 they are especially strong. Radio waves negatively affect the human body in every possible way if the house is made of a material that does not prevent their penetration. Therefore, life on the 12th floor is dangerous due to the effects of radio waves.
  3. Height itself is a factor of discomfort. Constantly looking down from above is definitely not comfortable or natural for a person. If we remember the frequent problems with elevators and the frequent lack of water, then there is really little comfort in this.

High floors in houses not only have a negative impact on the human body during the period of its residence. They also have advantages.

Advantages of living on high floors:

  1. The air purity at altitude in the city is much higher than at the bottom. All the dust from traffic settles below. This is only partly true, since above 30 meters the concentration of emissions from industrial facilities increases sharply.
  2. Relative silence is an advantage of low platforms. Noise is not the last indicator taken into account when choosing housing in the city.
  3. No moisture constantly rising from the basement of the house up to the 2nd floor. There are constant fungi and mold in the apartment, and hence diseases such as bronchitis, allergies, pneumonia and others become constant in the house.

Life at altitude has its pros and cons. There are many more disadvantages and dangers of living at altitude.

Does living at altitude affect people's health?

If a person has chronic diseases that are completely incurable, it is very important to choose the right altitude for living.

People with different types of lung disease are recommended to stay above the 1st or 2nd floor.

Air circulation and dryness are higher here. There are fewer spores of various fungi and humidity that can complicate health. Allergic diseases that have not occurred before often appear here. Asthmatics will practically not be able to live normally in these rooms.

For a group of people with cardiovascular disease, both the lowest and highest floors are contraindicated. At altitude, the complications of diseases will be more intense due to the weak electromagnetic field. At altitude there is also a lower level of oxygen. In this case, the higher, the more harmful. A tall house is definitely not suitable for people with hypertension.

Constant shortness of breath when walking up stairs is guaranteed for them. It is important for people with this common group of diseases to have access to real life, which is practically absent at altitude.

It will be difficult for people with this group of diseases associated with the endocrine glands to live at altitude, since metabolic processes are far from normal.

Precautions to take when living on different floors

If the apartment is located on the lower floors in the immediate vicinity of a busy highway, this does not in any way make these floors comfortable for living. But on the lower floors, communication with the outside world is maintained.

People living on the lower floors must always follow certain rules: ventilate the shaded apartment regularly;if possible, do not install plastic windows or open the windows as often as possible for better air exchange;wash floors as often as possible;disinfect floors and walls from various fungal spores;if the apartment is close to the roadside, it is worth using ionizers and air purifiers.

If the apartment is located on the upper floors, you need to deal with other problems that are unusual for the lower floors:

  • constant air humidification, especially in summer;
  • It is recommended to install a powerful ventilation system that helps recirculate air - this cannot be done naturally;
  • It is impossible to completely avoid the effect of height, so you need to spend as little time as possible in the apartment during the daytime.

On which floor is it most beneficial for the body to live?

The study showed which floor is the most favorable to live on. According to doctors' recommendations, it is healthier to live in the city up to the 7th floor. At best, between 2-7 floors. Above the 7th there are some nuances, below the 2nd there are others. The first 7 floors are called the “golden floors”. It is desirable that the house be of brick or brick-block type.

If the area where the house is located is a residential area without greenery around it, then it is recommended to get out into nature regularly. Ideal housing has specific criteria: low to the 7th floor, at least 200 meters away from a busy highway, natural landscapes around the house with trees and preferably a small pond nearby. These criteria when choosing housing in the city are very beneficial for the health of the family. To a simple question, is living on high floors harmful to health? We need to answer: yes, it’s harmful and we won’t live there for long.

When choosing housing, you can save money by buying an apartment on the 25th floor, but this will affect your health over time, but the choice is up to each person.

Illustration: Olga Denisova

Moscow, like most modern megacities, is growing upward. Every year, more and more high-rise buildings shoot into the sky, many of which are intended for housing. Apartment buyers often choose higher floors for the views and feeling of flying when looking out the window. But isn't it dangerous for us to live on the 30th floor? Colleagues from the popular science magazine "Schrödinger's Cat" helped to understand the topic.

Strictly speaking, there is virtually no such floor on which life would be impossible. However, environmentalists do not advise climbing higher than the fifth or sixth floor. Above eight is not recommended by immunologists. Above the 25th there are firefighters. It turns out that the air above the sixth floor is not as clean as it seems. The "genies" of tall factory chimneys fumigate the city precisely at this level and above. Therefore, those who like to charge on the balcony are advised to first find out the strength and direction of the wind.

Every third earthling suffers from claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces) and agoraphobia (fear of open spaces). People begin to suffer if some external factors awaken these dormant ailments. Constantly staying at a bird's eye view is one of the options for such awakening. If a person is too high from the ground, the body perceives the location as unnatural, and therefore it is difficult for it to relax and feel safe.

Another nuance: the higher the number of storeys, the thinner the structure. The difference in the thickness of the walls on the first and 21st floors is needed to lighten the top of the building. Therefore, audibility “at the top” is very high. The result is accumulated psychological stress and a lack of privacy. Plus, due to their “refinement”, the tops of skyscrapers tend to vibrate. These micro-oscillations are not audible to the human ear, but irritate the nervous system. A person may experience anxiety to the point of terror without any apparent reason to panic.

In 2013, researchers from the University of Bern, Switzerland, published an article in the European Journal of Epidemiology, which analyzed mortality statistics for Swiss people depending on which floor they lived on. The sample on which the researchers conducted their work was one and a half million people - scientists were allowed to access census data for 2000–2008.

The verdict is this: the statistical mortality rate for residents of high-rise buildings decreases with increasing height of residence. Residents on the first floor are 22 percent more likely to die than their neighbors on the eighth floor or higher. They are 40 percent more likely to die from respiratory diseases, 35 percent more likely to die from heart failure, and the risk of lung cancer for a person living on the first floor is 22 percent higher than for a person living on the eighth floor.

The only thing in which city dwellers living at heights are inferior to their neighbors below is the frequency of deaths resulting from “going out the window.” Among those living above the tops of trees, there are 41 percent more “ejected” suicides.

In 2007, social psychologist Robert Gifford wrote a long review article for the journal Architectural Science Review on the psychological and sociological specifics of life in skyscrapers. It turned out that the average resident of a high-rise building has fewer friends than someone who lives in a low-rise building.

Residents of low buildings are more likely to be satisfied with their lives than residents of tall buildings. Children living on the upper floors are less likely to be allowed to play outside, as it is difficult to keep track of them through the window. In addition, neighbors in a multi-storey building communicate with each other the least of all existing forms of dormitory.

In general, unfortunately, there is no clear advice on which floor to choose for housing. Stay on top, preventing the most negative consequences for you.

Marina Lubenko, Ivan Shunin

People choose an apartment based on many parameters, including floor selection.

Let's figure it out on which floor is it better to live and buy an apartment in a new building? for a comfortable stay.

This criterion must be met responsibly.

It will depend on him emotional state of the resident And possibility of sale your home in the future.

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Buyer preferences and stereotypes

Tastes of buyers, for the most part, were formed during the period of living in Soviet buildings.

Many people still believe that in houses on upper floors roofs are leaking, and on first floors goes basement smell.

From the period Soviet buildings a lot of time has passed.

Building standards have changed And types of materials, from which new buildings are being built.

Most stereotypes are not true.

TO persistent stereotypes when choosing housing is top floor.

Last may be intimidating due to its proximity to the roof flow. In addition to this factor, a persistent stereotype lies in low water pressure And frequent drafts.

If communications are damaged and first floor does not always have a balcony and people passing by can annoy residents.

Second floor may also be less in demand than others because under him can be located the shops And hairdressing salons, creating a certain noise and interfering with the normal living and peace of residents.

Most buyers of modern housing have certain tastes for purchasing real estate, which are formed from the following parameters:

  1. number of storeys. The first and last floors are more difficult to purchase than the middle ones; as a rule, the first floors can be chosen by people with limited mobility, and the last floors will be valued for the view from the windows;
  2. financial opportunities the buyer, based on which he can be on the first or last floor;
  3. availability of developed infrastructure and distance to important social facilities such as schools and hospitals;
  4. presence of stores and other institutions in the house itself, as well as their location in relation to the selected housing.

Which floor to choose when buying an apartment?

Before you decide on choosing a floor in a new building, necessary weigh all the parameters and characteristics of each floor and set priorities regarding the composition of the family that will occupy the living space.

The first and its features

According to current stereotypes people think that life on the ground floor is more difficult low air temperature and proximity to basement.

In addition, buyers are scared proximity of the floor to the street.

Most modern new buildings have freed residents from the problems that existed in the past.

This is due modern technologies And materials for construction housing stock.

And also access mode in the form concierge, which increases safety for the new owner of the apartment.

If it happens in the basement, then all the foul odors will go into the apartment. Elevator starts moving from the first floor, which will be heard during the day and especially at night.

The advantages of housing on the ground floor include:

  • ability to control children;
  • ease of moving large items;
  • no dependence on elevator rides;
  • low price.

Advantages and disadvantages of the latter

To the few advantages of the upper floors can be attributed view from the window.

The last floor is bought less often and this is due to established opinions about it.

Such doubts include the following factors:

  1. Drafts in the apartment;
  2. Proximity to the roof;
  3. Low water and heating pressure;
  4. The need to walk if the elevator breaks down.

However, the stereotype that the water pressure is somewhat weaker than on other floors is myth, because the in the new building, communications are located under the roof, which on the contrary increases the pressure.

Problem drafts can be easily removed by modern double glazed windows.

Problem elevator breakdown in modern houses this is solved by the fact that they often install two elevators, just in case of such unplanned breakdowns.

Despite the disadvantages, the last floor also has its advantages:

  • absence neighbors above. Which means it's too much noise;
  • Availability technical floor in new buildings, which will save you from possible leaks;
  • better view from the balcony and windows;
  • environmental friendliness, that is, less burning and dust from the street.

Second floor in a new building

Life on second floor, compared to the first one, has a lot of advantages, which include distance from the street And greater sound insulation.

We must not forget that the presence of a grocery store or dentistry, next door below, can give unnecessary noise And nerves.

According to statistics, living space is first And second floors 3-5% lower than in the middle of the house.

The advantages of the second floor can be attributed to the fact that there is practically no need for an elevator to move to the apartment.

In the golden mean

Real estate experts note that most in demand are the floors from five to thirteen.

At the same time, every tenth buyer gives preference seventh floor.

The developers took into account the fact that middle-of-the-road apartments sell more easily And raised prices on them.

As a rule, such floors are chosen wealthy buyers, whose families are not ready to put up with dust and unnecessary noise from their neighbors.

Why are they considered the best to buy?

Most people prefer middle floors for a reason.

The high liquidity of such objects is caused by the following positive characteristics:

  1. Opportunity quick evacuation when fire or other type of emergency;
  2. Lowest degree of contamination, due to the fact that the 3-7 floors are at a sufficient height from the street, car exhaust fumes;
  3. Residents of such apartments are practically do not lack sunlight.

From this point of view, the middle is better and is in demand from buyers, however, positive characteristics also have their own flaws.

First of all, this noise from lower and upper floors. Waiting for the elevator, which takes personal time and inconvenience when it breaks.

Closer to the sky

Top floor in a multi-story building may appeal to people, those who do not have problems with fear of heights.

Many people love what comes into their home pure sunlight, giving the apartment additional comfort.

In addition, the view characteristics in many new buildings give these apartments special attractiveness.

Noise from the lower floors practically inaudible. Owners of such housing can only worry about elevator breakdown they will have to cover some distance before going outside.

Floors close to the sky also complicate the urgent evacuation of residents, as well as for residents of the middle floors.

Corner apartments

Corner apartments are also reluctant to buy. This is justified by the fact that the location of windows, even in new buildings, is designed in such a way that nosy neighbors are constantly trying to look into them.

Another significant flaw is lower temperatures compared to non-corner apartments.

It is believed that the higher the floor and the apartment is located in the corner, the less heat the room will receive.

Anyway, prices for such properties are slightly lower because there is less demand for them.

What to consider when choosing housing?

At it is necessary to reason based on financial capabilities and family composition.

If there are people with limited mobility or elderly people in the family, then preference should be given first floors.

Young people those who want privacy prefer top floors with panoramic views of the city.

In addition to the floor, you need to pay attention to room layout. If there is a landfill or industrial zone near the new building, then the windows should not face this place.

Doctors advise patients do not purchase housing above the seventh floor. According to medical experts, it is harmful to health and affects the physical condition of a person.

This is due to the fact that people need the earth's magnetic field, and the higher the floor, the weaker it is.

Before choosing a new apartment, you need to think about further living conditions and weigh the pros and cons" such an acquisition.

This applies to both large families, so lonely buyers. There is no need to rush to choose, but be guided by your emotions from housing, and then buying and living in such a house will bring pleasure.

For advice from doctors on choosing a floor, watch the video:

There are always many different questions that arise. If there is so much to choose from, buyers are thinking about which area, house, and even floor in an apartment building to choose. Read on to learn about the advantages of locating an apartment on different floors, as well as which floor to choose in a 17-story building.

How to choose a floor to live in a high-rise? Photo No. 1

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question on which floor it will be better to live. After all, it depends on personal preferences, health status and other characteristics of each of the residents and the location conditions of a particular apartment.

For example, many people do not like to live on the first floors, believing that it is noisy, unsafe and uncomfortable due to the proximity of the basement. However, for older people, getting to the upper floors if the elevator breaks down will be problematic. If there is dense construction around the house, then the higher the apartment, the brighter and more comfortable it will be. The view from the top of the apartment, which rises above the rest of the buildings, is undoubtedly better.

However, living too high is considered not very beneficial for a person's well-being. Harmful substances from production and electromagnetic radiation can accumulate here. And from a psychological point of view, some may feel uncomfortable at the top. In general, the location of the apartment on each level has its advantages and disadvantages.

First floors

Apartments on the first floors are traditionally considered by our citizens to be not very good. The disadvantages of this location include noise and dust from the street, dampness and cold from basements, odors from garbage chutes, lack of a balcony, and greater accessibility for penetration.

If the windows face a busy highway, then a problem with exhaust gases arises. The view from the windows of the first floors is also not always pleasing. At the same time, lower apartments also have their advantages.

Firstly, they usually cost less due to their unpopularity among the majority of the population.

Secondly, residents on the first floors are not afraid of an elevator breakdown, and in the event of a fire or other accident, they have a better chance of leaving quickly.

In addition, in such apartments there are no problems of flooding of neighbors from below, or poor water pressure.

Middle floors

What are the benefits of the middle floors of a high-rise? Photo No. 2

Apartments located on the middle floors are considered by many to be the best option. The basement and the street are no longer so close, but the roof is still far away. Therefore, the level of noise and air pollution is lower here, and the danger of leaks from the roof or basement is minimal.

In addition, not as much dirt from the street reaches the middle floors as the first ones. Elevator breakdown for middle floors is not such a big problem. These floors are considered safer and more comfortable for living.

Upper floors

Not everyone likes the very last floors either. Indeed, in old houses, residents of the upper apartments often flood from the roof. This also includes the difficulty of getting to the apartment if the elevator breaks down. On the top floors there are problems with water pressure and heating. Certain difficulties for residents of such apartments may arise in emergency situations.

In addition, if industrial production is located nearby, all harmful substances from their activities will accumulate at the top. Some are afraid to live on the upper floors because of the possibility of penetration into the home from the roof.

On the other hand, living under a roof is more relaxing. After all, neither the noise from the street nor the neighbors above will disturb you. Exhausts from cars and dust from the street do not reach the upper apartments. And the view from the windows above can be wonderful. Moreover, in new buildings, the last apartments, on the contrary, are considered prestigious. They are separated from the roof by a technical floor.

Corner apartments

Should you choose a corner apartment? Photo No. 3

Buyers are also concerned about apartments with a corner location. Since part of the apartment borders the street, they can be colder. And this will require additional costs for insulating the rooms.

If there are two windows on a corner wall and poor insulation, a draft may be created and dampness may appear. In addition, such walls create inconvenience with the arrangement of furniture in the room. However, such apartments can also find their advantages.

Firstly, the corner rooms do not border with, so they are quieter.

Secondly, the presence of several windows at different angles provides a good view, good illumination, and also ease of ventilation.

Choosing a floor when buying an apartment

When starting to choose a new home, it is worth assessing many different factors. When choosing a floor for an apartment, you need to keep the following in mind. First of all, it is worth assessing the health status, age and other characteristics of the residents planning to live in a new apartment.

For older people, for example, it is preferable to choose the lower floors. If the house does not have an elevator, and there is a baby in the family, then it will also be easier from below. It is extremely inconvenient to go down from the upper floors with a child and a stroller every day. Next, you can evaluate the surrounding environment, the view from the window, the condition of the basements and roof of the house.

If you have your eye on the apartment above, you can talk to the neighbors of the apartments on the upper floors. Perhaps they will agree to tell and show whether the roof is leaking or whether there are problems with pressure.

The final choice should be made after evaluating and weighing the pros and cons of each option.

Which one is better to choose?

Advantages and disadvantages of all floors of a 17-story building. Photo No. 4

Only a specific buyer can answer for sure which floor will be best for him. Choosing housing requires an individual approach that takes into account the needs of future residents.

If we discard all special cases, then the middle floors are usually considered the best option. They are practically free from all the disadvantages of the first and last floors. They are not so noisy and dusty, exhaust from cars no longer reaches there, and industrial emissions are concentrated higher.

In addition, in average apartments there are rarely problems with pressure, cold, odors or leaks from basements and roofs. The absence or breakdown of an elevator is not critical for residents of the middle floors.

How does floor height affect the cost of an apartment?

The cost of apartments in the same building may differ not only because of different owners. The number of floors of housing also affects its price. The first and last floors usually have a lower price.

But apartments in the middle will cost more. Although in new buildings, two-story apartments or improved apartments are often built on the top floors. Therefore, their cost may be higher.

Demand in low-rise buildings

Low-rise construction has recently become quite popular. Many houses have no more than three floors, so the question of choosing a location in them is not so relevant. In taller houses, buyers still prefer to settle somewhere in the middle.

Buyers always consider many factors when choosing a new home. One of them is often the floor of the future apartment. Despite the fact that the middle floors are considered the most comfortable, everyone should choose what suits them best.

You can listen to expert advice on the right choice of apartment in a new building in this video:

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09 Jan 2018

Should I buy an apartment on the top floor - is it worth taking, the pros and cons before buying a home.

It described enough pros and cons. Now it’s time for options for apartments on the top floors. Since Soviet times, apartments on the top floors of houses have acquired a bad reputation as being inconvenient for comfortable living.

I will try to cover this issue as fully as possible, because the topic is quite relevant for many.

I want to express my opinion about the top floor and let them shower me with “rubber” Chinese tomatoes :) I would buy an apartment on the top floor, even if there are disadvantages, which I will discuss below.

Why? Because the last floor is probably a way of life, it’s a completely different flight of thought. This doesn’t exactly elevate, but it does raise consciousness to a certain level. This is a completely different view of what surrounds us - it is wider and further.

Creative people usually live on the top floors, although this rule began with attics :)

Should I buy an apartment on the top floor: pros and cons

First, let’s go through, so to speak, the pros and cons of apartments on the top floors of houses from the time of Soviet total construction, because, as practice shows, they are the ones that receive the most complaints.

Let's find out why. An “old” house can be conventionally considered to be one built before 1991—that’s how we’ll roughly denote the time period.

If you decide to buy an apartment on the top floor in such a building, it should not be a surprise to you that the main problems with the roof above your apartment may fall on your shoulders.

Of course, you don’t have to re-roof yourself, but the rest of the HOA members may sluggishly support your position, and then the “enemies” may not be the neighbors below, but the participants in the HOA meeting who voted to paint the entrance while your roof is flooding, but this is a human factor.

As for the apartment itself on the top floor of the house, roof leaks in the “panels” are a fairly regular occurrence if their condition is not monitored in a timely manner.

Hence the increase in the appearance of fungus as a consequence. In addition, vigilance over the heating system and plumbing in the apartment on the top floor also does not hurt, otherwise you can become the reason and sponsor of the renovation of the neighbors below.

But neither neighbors nor a leaky roof on the top floor can become the buyer’s enemy.

An advantage of the decision to buy an apartment on the top floor may be the absence of neighbors above. This factor is also the main one.

Many people who lived on the top floors and then moved to the lower ones remember the silence overhead with warmth. In addition, the top floor excludes such “surprises” from neighbors as ashes, shaking of rugs, feeding birds, stamping feet, children riding bicycles, strumming of a chandelier, etc.

Few people would like to find washed laundry hung on the balcony in obscene condition. The absence of neighbors above does not exclude loud music from neighbors below, but most often they are willing to deal with this.

Those who live on the top floors of buildings with an elevator may encounter periodically inoperative elevators.

To be honest, I don’t like elevators, so I prefer to walk. However, not everyone is happy with this, especially when they have to climb to the top floors of the house after a hard day of work, and even with bags of groceries.

Here you can hear the rejoicing of those living on the first and second floors :)

Yes, on the lower floors it is convenient to keep an eye on the car alarm if it is parked in the yard, it is convenient to throw it out of the window if you forgot something small, but this does not cover the second main advantage of the lower floors - there is no danger of flooding by the sewer!

Moreover, many people living on the top floors normally tolerate the cardio loads that occur when the elevator is not working, whether they are associated with dragging furniture, strollers, bicycles, etc. - fortunately, this happens infrequently.

It has also been noticed that if you buy an apartment on the top floor, you will get less dust from the street and annoying noise compared to the lower floors of houses.

But that's not the main thing! Often the captivating factor is the view from the apartment window. Although it seemed that in this form this could happen. I thought the same thing and I have not yet been convinced myself, having visited friends in an apartment on the top floor with a gorgeous view of the Amur.

Such pictures can lift your spirits in the morning and calm you down in the evening after a hectic day. True, this does not apply to all apartments in Khabarovsk located on the top floors.

For example, the gorgeous view from five-story buildings is quite successfully being built up with new buildings... Yes, and about new buildings! When purchasing an apartment there, you need to take into account 12 more nuances of new buildings in order to purchase exactly what you want.

The downside of deciding to buy an apartment on the top floor of a Soviet-era building is the lack of technical floors, although this does not apply to all types of houses. The lack of a technical floor above the apartment leads to the fact that in the summer the apartment can be Tashkent, and in the winter Yakutsk.

Of course, this is an exaggerated comparison, but the impressions of this obvious disadvantage among residents of apartments on the top floors are quite vivid, sometimes comparable to going through the last circle of hell :) Fortunately, problems with heat are “treated” by installing an air conditioner, sometimes even two.

One of the advantages of the last floor is the good illumination of the apartments by the sun and the absence of the need to curtain the windows tightly, fearing the curious glances of passers-by.

Those who like to walk around in their home underwear can safely go out onto the balcony without fear that someone will be watching. Although there are also examples that do this on the first floors, if, of course, they have somewhere to go. But they don’t have to wait for the elevator, which may not come :)

The top floors of houses pose some danger for pets and children. There is a possibility that cats who like to warm up and run around on the balcony will fall down, and then one of them will get lucky :)

And children need to be supervised more closely. There is also an opinion that there are fewer mosquitoes and flies on the top floors, but to be honest, I can’t say for sure.

Maybe it depends on the floor of the house - the 7th, 14th or 25th can boast of this - I don’t know, but I can believe that on the 25th you feel closer to God. In apartments on the top floors of high-rise buildings, in order to wash the windows you have to love the height :)

There is an issue with ventilation in houses on the top floors - winds and the voices of pigeons can be heard if they have settled on the technical floor.

The layouts of the top floors provide for the presence of Mayevsky taps on the heating radiators to “blow through” the system. This is fraught with guests from the plumbing service, with whom you may not be particularly happy.

In modern houses, hot water is distributed from above, so the apartment is warmer and the water pressure is always good.

In addition, on the top floors of houses there are no heating and sewerage pipes that penetrate through your floor and ceiling - this is quite a good plus for the appearance of the apartment itself and the ease of repair. However, this does not apply to all plans!

Reducing the impression of comfort, in some homes, is the need to drain the tap while waiting for hot water.

The location of the apartment on the top floor of the building relative to the elevator shaft, and indeed the elevator mechanisms themselves, is important, because noise and vibration can become constant companions when living in an apartment on the top floor.

It is preferable when the elevator motor compartment is not located in the attic, but is placed separately on the roof.

By the way, to make it easier for you to pay attention to all the nuances when buying an apartment, you can read the article about inspecting an apartment before buying; the information contained in it will definitely help you.

As for the landing, compared to the first floor, the traffic on the last floor is significantly less, as a result of which it is much cleaner, because not everyone makes it :)

You can make repairs in your apartment and temporarily move some things onto the site without fear that something may be taken away without asking.

It’s rare, but there is, of course, such a thing that young people can choose a place to gather there, although this is equally likely to apply to areas between the first and second floors.

If you decide to buy an apartment on the top floor of the house, be prepared for the possibility of burglars breaking in, as a result of which the alarm system for the apartment will cost a little more, because it will also include its installation on the windows of the apartment.

The disadvantage does not apply to all houses, but it is still worth considering, so when buying an apartment you need to pay attention to this.

If you decide to buy an apartment on the top floor in a modern building, in which the presence of a technical floor is a prerequisite, then this is not a guarantee of protection from the problems described above.

As practice shows, a lot depends on the quality of the developer’s work and his compliance with all construction standards.

In the worst case scenario, even in a new house on the top floor you can experience horrors that mainly affect the old building. Even such a small thing as forced ventilation, provided in new types of houses, can become annoying over time.

In Soviet-built houses, this same natural ventilation becomes clogged over time and loses draft, but in your apartment odors may appear from the lower apartments, this can be eliminated, but you must admit that it is unpleasant.

Therefore, be vigilant when buying an apartment - treat this with special care and it will reward you in the future.

Before you buy an apartment on the top floor, check whether there is a garbage chute and whether it works. It has such a drawback as smell, but that's half the trouble.

Those who like to smoke between floors often throw cigarette butts into it, as a result of which the garbage catches fire and the stinking smoke rises straight to the top floor.

In this case, a persistent smell of burning waste is guaranteed. To avoid such incidents, residents agree and seal the garbage chute, thereby avoiding many problems associated with its irrational use.

In modern buildings, the ceiling height on the top floors is higher than on the lower ones, although this does not apply to all types of houses, but it is an important plus.

In panel houses of the Soviet period, on the contrary, there is a layout with “routing” of pipes under the ceiling. This significantly reduces the ceiling height and affects the price of the apartment.

The decision to buy an apartment on the top floor is not a very good solution for renting out; unfortunately, the three profitable ways to rent out an apartment that I mentioned earlier are especially not suitable. An apartment on the ground floor is more suitable for them.

Should I buy an apartment on the top floor: the example of Germany

What about them? For comparison, in Germany, elderly people or animal lovers try to occupy the first floors. Apartments on the ground floors have a terrace with a green area. Apartments in modern buildings become more expensive with each floor up.

The most expensive apartments are located on the top floor - penthouses.

They don’t know about problems with roof leaks or odors on the first floors. They even have modern 4-story buildings with an elevator. In general, we have something to strive for.

About modern trends of the last floors

Modern new buildings have, for the most part, eliminated the shortcomings that apartments in Khabarovsk had, located on the top floors of buildings of the Soviet period.

Roof leaks are no longer as frequent; the presence of a technical floor and the separation of the elevator shaft by a hall from the apartments has brought positive results.

The houses around are getting taller and taller, Khabarovsk is growing. Now, for those who like to enjoy the sun and the view from the window, they need to buy an apartment as high as possible.

The last floor is less and less perceived as a disadvantage. Reducing the cost of the last floor often applies to economy class and old buildings.

In a higher class of housing, apartments on the top floors are sold at the same prices as average ones, and sometimes even higher.

Another question is that not everyone can afford the opportunity to purchase such housing.

Is it possible to buy an apartment on the top floor at this price?

Moving away from thinking about the pros and cons, let's look a little pragmatically at the apartments located on the top floors of houses - with t.z. cost.

In five- and nine-story buildings of the Soviet period, apartments on the top floors are inferior in price to those located on the middle floors by approximately 5-10%.

In modern economy-class panel houses the situation is varied - the price can be slightly lower, on par or even 5% higher, relative to the cost of similar apartments on the middle floor.

In luxury buildings, the higher the location of the apartment, the higher the price, with some variation in price increases by floor, or in blocks that include several floors at once.

Bonuses of an apartment on the top floor

  • you can make a fireplace, either as an element of the interior or as a full-fledged one, fortunately the roof allows it;
  • romantic gatherings on the roof are also an option;
  • If you have a technical floor, you can, by agreeing with the HOA, organize a storage room in your apartment.
  • I also have an opinion. that you can buy the technical floor. located above the apartment and make a two-level apartment. Unfortunately, this cannot be done officially.

First you need to have this very attic, because... It is not in every home. In addition, it must be free from use by technical services.

In addition, the Housing Code makes it practically impossible to decorate this premises, because... attic spaces are common property and belong to all residents of the house on equal rights.

Therefore, in order to carry out privatization, it is necessary to obtain the consent of all residents of the house.

However, legislation is constantly changing and being revised, and I am sure that there will be ways to legalize this. True, I have not yet encountered this in practice.

If this can be legalized, then residents of the top floors will receive an excellent bonus for living on the top floor of the house.

Today you learned all the pros and cons before deciding whether to buy an apartment on the top floor. Now you know what you might encounter. The only thing I still want to ask is your opinion.

Yes, this is exactly what interests me and other readers! What do you think about the top floor in the house? Please leave your thoughts in the comments to the article.

P.S. Oh yes! I almost forgot :) Probably many will agree with me that Khabarovsk looks very beautiful in the evening, especially... from the top floor :))

By the way, I was not too lazy to conduct a survey among my readers. I asked them simply: Do you want to live on the top floor? I thought that this would dot all the i's.

Poll result:

  • I'm already there - 1022 votes
  • Absolutely not – 538
  • Yes, of course - 5216

from these results it became clear to me that those who live on the top floor have already understood its advantages and answered positively to the question: Should I buy an apartment on the top floor? The rest are striving for this :))

Well, those who are against... I also respect them and thank them for their opinion.