Up Svetlanovsky VKontakte. Residential complex "Svetlanovsky" in Devyatkino: housing at low prices, but surprises are possible with the layout. Apartments and decoration in the UP-quarter "Svetlanovsky"

About the complex

However, before that, it’s worth getting acquainted in absentia. On the project’s colorful website (http://up.spb.ru/), which promises a new happy life, it is said that the “UP! Svetlanovsky quarter” is being built on the northern border of the city and the region, in a “new modern area.” To be more precise, on the left side of the Devyatkino metro station, where active development of the territory is currently underway. Unless, of course, the word active can reflect the full scope of the insane development of the fields of the former Ruchi state farm. So, the complex will consist of 5 12-story monolithic buildings, a kindergarten and a multi-story parking lot. A “fundamentally new standard of living” should be ensured by: good transport accessibility, low number of storeys, landscaped areas, comfort and safety of residents. This statement raises several questions at once, but let’s watch the site to the end. By the way, he is nice and informative, so studying him is a pleasure.

The developer has tried to answer most questions that may arise. And we learn that each building will be made according to an individual project; that the facades of the houses will be ventilated with porcelain stoneware cladding; that balconies and loggias will be stained glass; and the yard will be closed and landscaped, and it will have: video surveillance, parking, areas for recreation, sports and dog walking, bicycle paths and Wi-Fi zones. The completion date of the first stage is scheduled for the 4th quarter of 2016, the entire complex - in the 4th quarter of 2018.

In the meantime, we have come to the section that tells what “UP!” is. format. However, nothing new was found there, except that additional options are promised at reasonable prices. Although, these are just the most important words. Nothing that the developer positions as “fundamentally new” will surprise us. We haven't seen anything like that. In the residential complex "Graffiti", for example, there are rooms for washing dogs' paws, and in the residential complex "Flowers" - 12 different sports grounds, a roller park, and a climbing wall; in the residential complex "Wonders of the World", among other things, there is a rock garden, eco-parking and rental of sports equipment for residents. And all of these are local comfort-class complexes. Some of them are low-rise, closed, safe, comfortable, and with good transport accessibility, so it seems that we have been living according to UP standards for a long time. And in this case, the price may be the only argument why you should choose Svetlanovsky over the others.

Its transport accessibility, by the way, cannot become such a competitive advantage. There is only one two-lane, broken road leading to this part of Murino, which, as expected, is blocked by traffic jams during rush hour. All adjacent streets also freeze within a radius of several kilometers, and it’s scary to imagine how much even a small accident in this area can delay traffic. Today, there are two projects to solve this problem - this is the extension of Svetlanovsky Avenue (the route will pass next to our block) and Grazhdansky - to the Yukki-Kuzmolovo road. However, the timing of these plans is still unknown. Of course, there is the Devyatkino metro station within walking distance, but at the current pace of development in Murino, it has every chance of taking over the status of the busiest station from Prospekt Veteranov. There is also a railway line that can take you to the Finland Station, but the situation still remains extremely difficult.

However, we digress from the website of the Svetlanovsky residential complex, and meanwhile, the developer has placed here a presentation video, photographs of the progress of work, a construction schedule, a building permit and a project declaration - in general, everything that may be of interest to a potential buyer... and us. I got acquainted with all this wealth, and I began to like the complex even more. In the first, largest, building, where sales are now open, 3,033 apartments are planned. A third of them will be studios, a third one-room and a third two- and three-room options. There are a lot of small apartments, but still you can’t call Svetlanovsky an anthill. Depending on the section, from 8 to 16 families will live on the floor. Each front door will have 2 elevators. The parking lot will accommodate 499 cars. The land is owned by the developer, and it would seem that everything is fine, but there is one “but”. The founders of the legal entity with which you are entering into an agreement include companies registered in Cyprus and the British Virgin Islands, and the well-known FSK Leader owns only 24% of the votes. This in itself does not pose a danger, but in the event of bankruptcy it can cause inconvenience. On the other hand, all risks of shareholders are insured, so maybe there is no need to worry.

The commissioning date for the last house is scheduled for June 30, 2019, but the opening date for the kindergarten is not indicated. In general, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the project declaration. It contains a lot of other useful information. For example, there is information about resource supply organizations or the thickness of walls, in general, there is something to read. We will move on to the next part of our research - getting to know the developer.

About the developer

Information about the developer can be found on the project’s website, but much more can be found on the company’s official page: http://fsk-lider.ru/. The Leader financial and construction corporation has united 9 organizations that close the entire cycle of construction and subsequent operation of the complexes on themselves. Based on the experience of our research, such companies usually build on time and with high quality. In addition, “Leader” builds objects “on its own”, which ultimately makes it possible to offer more affordable housing compared to objects of the same level. During its 10-year history, the corporation managed to build 106 residential and commercial real estate projects. I didn’t find a section with awards and medals, but 12 new blocks, 17 urban infrastructure facilities and a wide geography of construction involuntarily inspire confidence.

Let's see how customers respond.

“We went around four large developers and chose Leader. If we compare the quality of construction of modern Moscow builders, then, although they have some shortcomings, they are very acceptable.” msk.stroykontrol.info.

There were quite a lot of satisfied comments, but, unexpectedly, there were also the exact opposite. People write that “Leader” somehow rented out a house without all communications, the sun was shining through the cracks in the walls, and the management company began to issue incomprehensible bills of 900 rubles for security and 130 per square meter for garbage. To be honest, I can't believe it. The State Commission would not be able to accept a house with such violations, and if, due to some circumstances, it did accept it, a loud scandal would immediately break out. People would go to rallies, write letters to the government, seek support in the media, and express their outrage on forums more violently. I didn’t find anything like that, so such isolated comments seem like a provocation.

Accusations of a different nature look much more truthful:

“At the very beginning, Leader promised that there would be no roadways in the yards; this was even reflected in the leaflets. And what do we see? Wide two-lane roads are being built in the courtyards, the pedestrian road remains microscopic, and the cat has cried out for space in the playground.” novostroy.su

“Let's be realistic. The “Leader” deceived us all with this residential complex. He lied wherever possible. To begin with, he globally reduced the distances from the complex to other objects (MKAD, railway, etc.). “Leader” also continues to lie that there are enough parking spaces for everyone. But there are only 600 places, and 1795 apartments! Schools and kindergartens are all very neglected. There are not enough places, there are only 100 of them, but the worst thing is the prices. School 78 thousand per month, and kindergarten - 50 thousand.”novostroy.su

“We bought an apartment in Balashikha City. Constant interruptions in hot water, cold water in the occupied (!) house was waited for 3 months. Now it's -20C, and there's no heating at all. The roof is leaking in some of the entrances.” msk.stroykontrol.info

A little later we will ask the manager to comment on these reviews, but for now, at the end of the correspondence acquaintance, we will turn to prices and layouts. You have to understand whether the game is worth the candle.

Prices and layouts

The developer's website shows basic prices. They only apply to purchases in installments. In all other cases they will give a 15% discount. By the way, the installment plan is valid until the end of construction - the 4th quarter of 2016. The first payment is from 30%, and there will be a 10% discount on it. There are no other premiums for it besides this 15%. However, with such a premium, it makes sense to think about a mortgage. Some banks offer rates 2-3% lower, and there is plenty to choose from: Sberbank, VTB24, Otkritie, Bank of Moscow, Baltika, BFA and St. Petersburg.

The table shows prices with a 15% discount.

The plans can be viewed on the project website. The navigation is designed in such a way that you will immediately understand in which section, and on which side of the world, the apartment will be located. It is very comfortable.

But it’s more difficult to say the same about layouts. Despite all the apparent diversity, they are of the same type. All the variety comes only from those located in the rotating sections, but whether this is an advantage - we'll see.

The range of studio areas is small. Total from 21 to 24 square meters. There are also few layout variations - only three. With the simplest, rectangular options, everything is clear. We have seen a lot of such apartments, and the developer was not surprised by anything here. They are small, cramped, dark, and their only advantage is convenient hallways with space for storing things.

Others are like this. And, despite the fact that apartments with irregular geometric shapes are usually less in demand, these seem to be unexpectedly successful. Especially the one that is close to the square. In it you can easily separate the private area from the guest area, which at 21 meters seems fantastic. The second option in this sense is also not bad, but there is an assumption that it will turn out to be even darker than its “straight” brothers.

There were even fewer layouts for one-room apartments. In fact, there are only two of them. The first is quite typical, with a kitchen from 8 to 10 meters, and a living room from 15 to 18. There is nothing extraordinary in them, but it should be noted that in the bathroom there is a bathtub instead of a shower, in the hallways there is space for a closet, in each room there is a secluded area for sleeping, and in some apartments the balcony area reaches more than 6 meters.

Against their background, the “original” version looks less advantageous. The living room area becomes a single space, indivisible into zones, the curved hallway loses its functionality, and the balcony disappears.

There were also three types of options for two-room apartments. Here the designers divided the bathroom and toilet, slightly increased the lower threshold of the kitchen footage and made the corridors larger. I like that they tried to use every meter and did not make the bedrooms large, with an average area, after all, it is better to give these meters to the living rooms. I would also like to note that there are no load-bearing walls between the kitchen and the guest area, which allows it to be converted into a chic European version.

Three-room apartments were designed according to the same principle, only an additional bedroom was added. And they would have remained quite good, but this “snake-shaped” corridor grew so large that it ruined the whole picture.

And against the general background, I would like to call this one the most successful solution. This apartment is designed most harmoniously, but due to the correct geometry, all rooms become almost equal in area.

I can’t call the layouts good, because in a comfort-class house, I would like to see more options and more meters. At the same time, I cannot call them bad, because it is clear that they approached the issue wisely and in each case made the best option of all possible.

From the developer

The central sales department of the Leader corporation in St. Petersburg is located on Bolshoy Prospekt Petrogradskaya Storona, 48. They said over the phone that the consultation center at the site would be operational any day now, but in the meantime it’s better to come to them, which is what I did.

The manager was helpful and professional. The conversation began with an introduction to the property, then he answered all questions, and in the end he named all the prices and showed the layouts of interest. In general, the performance was very pleasant; it is clear that the company pays great attention to this.

In principle, the Svetlanovsky website is so good that it initially gives a holistic view of the project. The manager repeated everything we already know, but only clarified some details. For example, that the provision of parking spaces will reach 80%. In addition to the parking lot itself with 499 spaces, there will be many open guest parking areas around the perimeter of the complex. And so that they are not occupied by residents of neighboring houses, the territory will be closed.

The next phases will be put on sale at six-month intervals, but the exact dates are not yet known. It is important that after the completion of the 5th (and according to the deadline for the completion of the first) building, the next houses will already be roofed. Only finishing work will be carried out in them, so you won’t have to live in noise and dirt. The construction of the kindergarten, however, will begin only after the completion of the entire complex, since it is impossible to open it on the territory under construction according to some standards. That's what the manager said. They promise a preschool by 2018. The city will build it, but for some reason it will be paid. The scheme is not entirely clear, but I think that by this time municipal kindergartens will also open nearby. According to the manager, about 6 schools and kindergartens are already operating in Murino. This is hard to believe. And I couldn’t find confirmation of this on the Internet. I admit that some private establishments could open on the territory, but in such numbers... The forums are seething with the indignation of shareholders about the complete absence of social facilities in this area: kindergartens, schools, hospitals, etc. The media is full of confessions from the developers themselves that Murino will become a comfortable area no sooner than in the next 5 years. And that’s why apartments in Devyatkino are still so cheap.

With commercial infrastructure everything is much simpler. In our complex, all first floors will be non-residential. In most of the complexes in the neighborhood - too. By 2017-2018 they promise to build a large shopping center between Murino and Bugry, another should appear in the Greenlandia residential complex, 2 large stores are also being built in the Victoria residential complex, which is near the metro station - so there will be no shortage of goods and entertainment.

There should be no problems with postponing Svetlanovsky or connecting communications to it. The manager assured that “Leader” delivers all its properties on time, and called the story about the completed house without electricity, water and heat impossible. He urged people not to believe such reviews and began to praise the quality of construction. He said that structurally the house would be monolithic, with external walls of 270 mm made of brick (with a layer of insulation and sound insulation) and internal walls of aerated concrete. Designer finishing is provided in the halls and public areas. The apartments are pre-finished: the ceilings are leveled and painted, the walls are leveled and plastered, the floor is screeded, a metal entrance door is installed. Electrical wiring with sockets, heating with radiators and installation of meters - by default. The handover of keys to building 5 will be completed before June 2017, but most likely it will begin immediately after the building is put into operation. By the way, access roads are also promised by this time.

When asked how “UP!Svetlanovsky Quarter” differs from any other comfort-class complex in the neighborhood, the manager replied that only they have the following combined: low-rise, closed area, video surveillance, kindergarten and all other advantages. After which, he invited me to visit the site and observe the progress of construction. The manager is present at the site every day until 19:00, and, if necessary, can pick up by car from the final metro stations. Of course, I signed up for this event, and at the end I asked them to print out the contract for me. Although sales are carried out according to 214-FZ, and money is disclosed in the letter of credit only after registration of documents, I still want to get acquainted with it.

On the object

Development in Murino is developing at an accelerated pace. The neighborhood is growing right before our eyes. No matter how many times I come here to study another object, I see something new every time. The first stages of complexes are already being handed over, roads are being built, shops, pharmacies and cafes are opening. This is good news, but let’s hope that the enthusiasm will continue during the construction of social infrastructure.

“UP! Svetlanovsky Quarter” is located to the west of the rest of the development, in a field, and a kilometer from the Ring Road. The location is quite good, but most likely it will still be built up and for the first few years you will have to put up with noise and dirt from the construction of neighboring residential complexes and new roads.

The manager at the site greeted us warmly, took us to the demonstration site, answered all our questions, until the stormy wind blew us away from it completely. Sandstorms became another unexpected drawback of the regional location. Strong winds even in the city cause a lot of inconvenience, but in the open spaces of the outskirts: in Murino, in Kudrovo, in Kamenka, they become completely unbearable.

However, construction is in full swing, there are a lot of people and equipment at the site, everyone is working and promises to finish on time.


Despite the fact that the FSK Leader agreement is being registered with the Federal Registration Service and, it would seem, should be free of all pitfalls, it raised a lot of questions in me. I would strongly recommend reading it with a lawyer to help clarify some of its points. For example, the following points became unclear to me:

1.The parties agreed not to recognize the 20% difference in area as significant. What does it mean? That a 60-meter apartment can become 12 meters larger or smaller, and if it increases, you will be forced to pay for them? That's a big difference, and a lot of money. It is clear that such a development of events is unlikely, but then there was no need to include this in the agreement so that the shareholder would bear responsibility for such a violation.

2.If the Developer cannot transfer the apartment on time, then no later than 2 months in advance he can send the shareholder a letter about the need to sign an additional agreement with a new deadline for the delivery of the property. However, it does not matter whether the shareholder signs it or not, because after 30 days, the term is considered automatically agreed upon. What does it mean? That “Leader” can unilaterally postpone the due date under legal circumstances? Then such a document is no different from a housing cooperative agreement.

3.The following changes may be made in the project: design solution, configuration, area of ​​objects, and you immediately agree not to consider these innovations significant. They will inform you about this by posting information on the facility’s website. That is, the shareholder will only see on the day the apartment is accepted what he actually bought? And parking spaces, fences, and buildings may disappear from the complex? So is this to be understood?

4. However, what I “liked” most was that you might have to pay extra for this. The contract has such a wonderful clause 4.1, which states that: “The price of this agreement consists of the amount of funds.” This sum consists of three parts. The first is reimbursement of construction costs. The developer calculated it right away, and this is what you pay as the cost of the apartment. Second - “For the preparation of documentation on the planning of the territory of the land plot and the implementation of work on the construction of engineering infrastructure, transport facilities, etc.” The developer will present an invoice for this part after the facility is put into operation, and you will have to pay it within 15 days, otherwise you simply will not be given the keys and, perhaps, they will even begin to charge penalties. Additionally, they will make a calculation for the third component of the contract amount - the developer's utility costs in the interval between the handing over of the house to the state commission and the transfer of the apartment to the owner.

Frankly, I’ve seen such a DDU agreement for the first time in my life, and I don’t have the slightest idea how it gets registered with the Federal Registration Service. After all, in fact, the developer can unilaterally change the terms, design and price of the apartment - then what is the point of the federal law?









2nd quarter 2016


3rd quarter 2016

Northern Palette

4th quarter 2016

Without finishing


2nd quarter 2017

Actually rough, but can be classified as pre-finishing.

Summer colors

Policy Group

4th quarter 2016

Without finishing


FSK Leader

4th quarter 2016

For finishing

This is a whole block of 10 brick-monolithic houses from 14 to 24 floors. It is located just 200 meters from the metro, but this is not the only thing they plan to attract investors. As part of the project, they plan to build their own school, kindergarten, sports club and two shopping centers. The developer also preserves the natural landscape and the stream that crosses the entire territory of the complex. In addition, the company has a good reputation, sells under 214-FZ and offers apartments with finishing. The only downside is the limited choice of layouts.

Also a large complex. There are planned 12 brick-monolithic buildings of different heights, several kindergartens and a school. The complex has already been partially completed and is being occupied. The construction is planned to be completed no later than the 2nd quarter of 2017. And there is no reason to believe that the deadline will be postponed. Setl City is a developer with a good reputation, builds on time and with high quality, sells under 214-FZ, offers a large selection of planning solutions and full finishing of apartments. This giant is being built right opposite our complex and has the same distance from the metro - 15 minutes on foot. The only disadvantages include the relative high cost of high-readiness cases.

The structure will include 6 buildings of varying number of floors from 14 to 19 floors, a kindergarten and a parking lot. Construction will be carried out using prefabricated monolithic technology, in 3 stages, and should be completed in 2018. The residential part will be handed over a year earlier, but according to documents, handing over the keys can take up to 12 months. It’s worth keeping this in mind, although in all other respects the complex is very good. The developer promises to paint the facades in bright colors, create a pedestrian boulevard and develop the surrounding area. They speak very flatteringly about the developer; by the way, he is also from Moscow. Among the differences of the complex are a large selection of apartments up to 90 sq.m., and affordable prices.

Unlike its brothers, it is represented by only one building. But what! The building is designed for 2,528 apartments, and will be delivered in 4 stages, from the 4th quarter of 2016 to the 2nd quarter of 2018. However, this is where the “records” end. The developer does not plan to build its own social infrastructure, allocates only 190 parking spaces, and offers only 2 children's playgrounds for amenities. However, the biggest disadvantage will be the modest selection of apartments - you won’t find more than 49 meters. “Alphabet” is an excellent example of an economy model, in which you can immediately see all the differences between the classes of complexes.

In , for example, which belongs to the comfort class, in addition to 5 buildings, the project included: a kindergarten, a school, playgrounds, walking alleys and parking lots. Video surveillance will also be installed in the courtyard, silent elevators will be installed in the houses, and strollers will be installed on the first floors. Separately, I would like to mention the large selection of layouts, although they are limited to 55 square meters.


“UP! Svetlanovsky Quarter” promises to become one of the most comfortable complexes in Devyatkino. It was able to combine low-rise buildings, a closed area, optimal layouts, and a sufficient number of parking spaces. However, the most important thing is that with these advantages, the developer was able to keep the cost of apartments at an affordable level. And this is not alarming, since it is explained by two reasons at once. Firstly, Leader is a strong Moscow developer that finances and builds its facilities independently. Secondly, this is the corporation’s first project on the St. Petersburg market and it needs to attract shareholders. More doubtful is the share participation agreement, which gives the developer too many rights and places too little responsibility on him. Well, probably everyone already knows about the general problems of the region: there are no roads and municipal social infrastructure. The developers themselves admit that Devyatkino will not become a comfortable residential area before 5 years.

Moscow developers have recently increasingly entered the St. Petersburg market. One of the striking examples is a new project in Devyatkino, the Svetlanovsky residential complex, from the famous company FSK Leader. The editors of the site asked the Mystery Shopper to understand all the nuances of this project and find out what is unique about the proposal, which the developer mysteriously calls “Up-quarter.”

3. The manager proudly informed me that there will be no problems with parking in the Svetlanovsky residential complex. And then, of course, I wanted to hear specific numbers, but I was told only the coefficient - 80%. Let's pick up a calculator and do a simple calculation: for 3,033 apartments there should be more than 2,400 parking spaces. The detached parking lot will accommodate 499 cars, the adjacent area will accommodate another 500 (another manager told me this when inspecting the construction site), plus guest parking outside the outer perimeter. But there can’t be nearly one and a half thousand of them, so again there’s an inaccuracy.

4. The manager named the fourth point... landscaping. But according to urban planning standards, absolutely any developer must provide landscaping in the local area. At the same time, the quality of improvement, of course, may vary. We look into the project declaration and read: “The improvement and landscaping of the territory with the installation of lawns and planting of shrubs is provided.” It turns out that planting trees is not included in the plans? But in the neighboring complex they will set up an apple orchard - well, you can go visit your neighbors.

With great reluctance and only out of a desire for objectivity, I list all these inconsistencies in the words of managers, since I, in fact, really liked the Svetlanovsky residential complex. If you don’t belittle your neighbors and don’t throw around loud words about singularity and uniqueness, then the overall set of advantages that the project provides really make it stand out: the combination of price, comfort and delivery time is very, very advantageous.

Project details

But let's return to the specifics of the project. So, average number of floors, fenced area (by the way, the land plot for development is quite large, 10 hectares). This territory provides for the placement of children's and sports grounds (including for parkour), recreation areas and for walking dogs. Commercial premises will be located on the first floors, and when choosing tenants they promise to take into account the opinions of shareholders.

The entrances also provide wheelchair spaces, and the entrance groups are designed to be convenient for residents with limited mobility. Horizontal heating distribution (pipes are hidden in the floor screed), Otis elevators, the tender for windows has not yet passed, according to the manager, the double-glazed windows will be of the KBE brand with a micro-ventilation function.

The construction technology used is monolithic, but the thickness of the walls was told to me in the office as only 120 mm. This is very little, and I once again clarified this point with the manager who showed me the construction site. He gave a more detailed answer.

The thickness of the monolithic reinforced concrete is 160 mm, on top there is a layer of mineral wool insulation and a suspended ventilated facade made of porcelain stoneware slabs. 200 mm thick aerated concrete is used to form openings and balcony doors. The total thickness of the “sandwich” is 320 mm. Interior load-bearing walls are also made of monolithic reinforced concrete with a thickness of 160 mm, and non-load-bearing walls are made of aerated concrete with a thickness of 200 mm.

The thickness of the external walls is 320 mm - this is an average; there are no advantages over other new buildings here. But decorating the façade with porcelain stoneware slabs is a plus compared to plastered houses. Firstly, such buildings look more aesthetically pleasing, and secondly, the facades are more durable and cheaper to maintain. And one more advantage that the developer has provided is specially prepared places for installing air conditioners on the facades of houses (usually they have to be placed on loggias).

The apartments will be delivered with pre-fine finishing: plastered walls, floor screed, leveled and painted ceiling. Electrical wiring with installation of meters, switches and sockets, heating wiring with installation of radiators. A little later they promise to add the ability to additionally order finishing from the developer. According to preliminary data, it will cost 5-6 thousand rubles per square meter.

If you evaluate the quality of construction of FSK Leader based on reviews of previous projects, you will have to admit that it is very unstable, and not all advertising promises are fulfilled, as I already wrote about above.

How much?

Type Footage (sq. m) Price with 100% payment, rub. Cost sq.m., rub. Notes
studios 23 1 520 480 66 108
24 1 690 000 70 417
1 room 36 2 390 000 66 389
39 2 610 000 66 923
2-room 51.42 3 339 214 64 940 east side, 11 apartments per section
53.39 3 489 868 65 366 north and south, 8 apartments per section
53.66 3 484 680 64 940 west side, windows to the courtyard, 11 apartments in a section
3-room 58.83 3 920 431 66 640 2 balconies
63.28 4 147 054 65 535 southwest side, 2 balconies

The apartments of the closest neighbors are more expensive (you just need to take into account that in the GreenLandia residential complex the apartments are transferred by the shareholder with a full, good quality finish):

Residential complex "Colors of Summer", 4 sq. 2016

Type Footage Price, rub Cost sq.m.
studios 24.38 1 843 000 75 595
1 room 29.91 2 237 000 74 791
3-room 54.48 3 748 000 68 796

Residential complex "GreenLandia", 2 sq. 2017

Type Footage Price, rub Cost sq.m.
studios 25.18 1 900 000 75 457
1 room 31.76 2 600 000 81 864
2-room 53.8 3 900 000 72 491
3-room 79.07 5 400 000 68 294

Residential complex "Constellation", 4 sq. 2015

Type Footage Price, rub Cost sq.m.
studios 20 2 000 000 99 059
1 room 30.33 2 800 000 92 318
2-room 53.93 3 700 000 68 607
3-room 80.37 5 200 000 64 701

Prices - 10 out of 10 points

The cost of apartments in the Svetlanovsky residential complex is very attractive. You can find cheaper housing in Devyatkino, but either with a longer check-in period or with a lower level of comfort.

Housing geometry

The apartment layout of the Svetlanovsky residential complex looks generally harmonious. There are few three-room apartments, but there are a sufficient number of two-room apartments, and there are fewer studios than one-room ones. This ratio is maintained in all cases.

The number of apartments on the floor varies greatly from section to section - from 8 to 16, a lot for a comfort class, to be sure. And, by the way, there are only two elevators in any section - freight and passenger.

The layouts are all quite typical - not bad, but not ideal. The studios are cramped (from 23 to 24 square meters in size) - rectangular in shape, there is no space in the bathroom for a washing machine, the hallway will include a small wardrobe, the balcony area is just over 3 square meters. meters. In the place where the house turns there is a small number of studios of irregular shape, but their footage is even smaller - 21 square meters. m, but they are no longer available.

One-room apartments are usually successful: the kitchen area is about 10 square meters. m with a balcony, room size is about 17 sq. meters, and the hallway is almost 4 square meters with space for a closet. Of the minuses: the bathrooms are all combined, and not all of them have space for a washing machine.

“Kopeck-room apartments” and “three-room apartments” already all come with separate bathrooms, but as before, space for a washing machine is not provided everywhere. There are options with two balconies and small bedrooms with an area of ​​about 10 square meters; the walls between the kitchen and living room are non-load-bearing; if desired, they can be combined. The disadvantages are narrow and long corridors. In some places in the kitchen you can see inconvenient protrusions from the ventilation shafts.

I would like to note one more unpleasant point related to the layouts from the message of one of the shareholders in the official group of the residential complex (spelling and punctuation preserved): “This question arose: we signed the contract not so long ago, it contains a page with the layout of the apartment, although I already remember it roughly and therefore I am in some shock when I now see the layouts of similar apartments on the developer’s website, and they are significantly different from ours. I wrote to the manager what happened with the layout and what will happen in the end, he says that it will be the same as on the website. We have a two-room apartment on the 7th entrance, 7th floor, it was 53.67 meters, now on the website they write that it is 53.46 m, instead of a room there is a kitchen and vice versa, and there are many other “innovations”.”

Looking ahead, I will say that, according to the contract, any change in the characteristics of the apartment, with the exception of a change in the number of rooms, will not be considered significant, so it’s probably worth mentally preparing for possible surprises.

Layouts - 5 out of 10 points

The apartments are very compact - on the one hand, for many this is a big plus; you can, for example, buy a three-room apartment for the price of a two-room apartment. But, in my opinion, it would be nice to have more variety in size for those who are looking for a more spacious apartment. Frankly speaking, the layouts fall a little short of comfort class. Bathrooms and corridors are not fully thought out. But the ceilings are good - 2.75 meters.

How to buy?

Sales are carried out under 214-FZ through the conclusion of a DDU. The purchase scheme is as follows:

1. Reservations are made only when purchasing with a mortgage of 30 thousand rubles, which are included in the price of the apartment;
2. A mortgage specialist from FSK Leader will help prepare documents and submit them to the bank himself;
3. After the bank’s approval, the DDU and the loan agreement are signed (a representative of Sberbank himself comes to the office of FSK Leader);
4. The buyer collects documents for registering a child-care facility with the Federal Reserve System; registration takes from 2 weeks to a month and a half;
5. Payment is made after registration for the letter of credit.

In case of installment payment or 100% payment, everything is even simpler:

1. The DDU is signed immediately;
2. Documents are collected to submit for registration;
3. After registering the contract, payment via letter of credit.

Mortgages, including preferential ones, are provided by many banks. The minimum down payment is 20%, the minimum interest rate is 11.15% at VTB24, Bank of Moscow is not far behind it with a rate of 11.2%. At 11.25% of buyers, Absolut Bank provides loans, from Sberbank and Otkritie Bank the rate is 11.4%, at 12% per annum you can take out a loan from SKB, Baltika, St. Petersburg, and BFA Bank banks.

If the down payment is 30% or higher, you can take out a loan using just your passport (without a bunch of documents), such an offer is provided by BFA Bank, Bank of Moscow, Bank St. Petersburg, the rate is slightly lower than 12%.

With 100% payment and mortgage, a discount is provided on the entire cost of the apartment - 15%, you can use installments until the end of construction, but then the price will no longer be discounted.

The cost of the letter of credit will be 0.2% of the amount of the first installment, and about 2 thousand rubles will have to be spent on notary services. But the costs don’t end there; you will have to pay something extra after putting the house into operation:

1. For the developer’s services related to the transfer of the property - the exact amount will be known only on the eve of commissioning, but not more than 826 rubles per sq. m. meter.
2. An advance payment to the management company’s account two months in advance.
3. Additional payment for the difference between the designed and actual area of ​​the apartment based on the results of PIB measurements. This is standard practice, the only non-standard clause is clause 2.3 in the contract, which states that the parties agreed “not to recognize any discrepancy between the designed and actual area as significant changes in the Shared Construction Project.”

Moreover, according to clause 4.6, the shareholder is obliged to make all these additional payments within 15 days after receiving a notification from the developer. Otherwise, the contract may be terminated unilaterally.

Now imagine the situation, if as a result of measurements you need to pay an additional 200 thousand rubles or more (and there were precedents, judging by the reviews of Moscow equity holders) - it’s no laughing matter.

Activists are distributing online copies of court decisions in favor of shareholders of the New Tushino residential complex and the Zapadnoe Kuntsevo residential complex and information that some clauses of the FSK Leader agreement are contrary to the law and are advised to contact Rospotrebnadzor.

The contract also contains other slippery clauses, for example:

Clause 2.4 notifies that if the transfer of the object cannot be made within the agreed period, the developer is obliged to send an additional agreement to the shareholder with a proposal to postpone the deadline, and then the following wording: “if the Participant does not sign the Additional Agreement to the Agreement within thirty calendar days from the date the Developer sends the proposal to the Participant, the Developer’s change in the deadline for transferring the Object to the Participant is considered agreed upon by the Parties.” What does it mean? Whether you sign or not, in any case the offer is considered agreed upon.

Clause 2.8 gives the developer the right to make any changes to the project and layout: “the design solution, configuration, area of ​​the Objects can be changed, provided that the number of rooms of each of the Objects is maintained. The parties agreed not to recognize such changes as significant changes to the Shared Construction Project.”

And, according to clause 8.4, only such changes are recognized as significant, as a result of which “the impossibility of using the Object is obvious (i.e. can be established without the use of special knowledge and means), or the use of the Object will inevitably entail a threat to the life and health of the Participant in the equity construction."

Purchase scheme - 6 out of 10 points

In short, there is a lot to be confused about. You paid money for one product, but as a result you can get something completely different, as long as you can live without risk to your health and the number of rooms remains the same. None of this is very encouraging. In all other respects, the purchase scheme is quite reliable, many banks provide mortgages, installment plans are expensive, but they still exist.

Social and cultural life

According to the sales manager, not far from the Svetlanovsky residential complex, the Adamant company plans to build a shopping and entertainment complex with an area of ​​100 thousand square meters by 2018. m. However, on the Internet I found a different construction date - 2019.

On the first floors of the Svetlanovsky residential complex, 32 commercial premises are planned, all of them are located in sections from buildings 1 to 5, on the outer border of the block. Let me remind you that when choosing tenants, the developer promises to take into account the opinions of shareholders. The manager told me that there will definitely be shops, a bank branch, a beauty salon and a fitness club.

Almost all surrounding residential complexes also provide infrastructure on the ground floors; many developers are building kindergartens, and some even schools.

The Svetlanovsky residential complex itself has a kindergarten for 120 children, but it is promised to be built by the end of construction of the entire residential complex - in 2019. The nearest school will appear in the neighboring residential complex “GreenLandia” residential complex (it will appear in the 3rd quarter of 2017; the school in the “My City” residential complex will be ready at an earlier date).

In general, sufficient social infrastructure is being built in the district, but in the first years after settlement, a shortage of places cannot be avoided, since, as practice shows, the admission of children's institutions to the balance of the Leningrad Region is not carried out as quickly as the settlement of new buildings.

As for clinics and hospitals, the situation is simply depressing, since developers cannot build these institutions, and their construction is not yet included in the regional plans. True, commercial medical centers will have to appear in the neighboring GreenLandia residential complex and the My City residential complex.

There are not enough parking spaces in the Svetlanovsky residential complex for everyone, as we found out earlier. But the prices for parking spaces are very attractive, so it probably makes sense to hurry up and purchase them.

On the 7th and 8th floors a parking space costs 290 thousand rubles, on the 5th-6th floor 390 thousand rubles, up to the 5th floor 450 thousand rubles. These are prices for a space in a closed heated parking lot with air conditioning and access control. Due to numerous “requests from workers,” the parking lot will most likely be built not by the end of 2018, as originally planned, but earlier.

Infrastructure - 7 out of 10 points

Some lag in trade and social infrastructure can be expected, but only temporary; the prospects for medical institutions are less rosy.


The direct route to the new building from the Devyatkino metro station will take no more than 15 minutes (1.6 km) and will pass along Mendeleev Boulevard, which has already been built, but is temporarily blocked by the construction fence of the Arsenal-Real Estate company. By the time the residential complex “Svetlanovsky” moves in, the path will already be clear.

There is already a minibus running from the inhabited buildings of the GreenLandia residential complex and the My City residential complex to the metro. There is no doubt that the route will be extended as soon as new houses are occupied. Thus, the situation for pedestrians, in my opinion, is quite favorable. Future residents of the Svetlanovsky residential complex will not have to experience enormous inconvenience when getting to the metro, as was the case with the first new residents of the neighboring new buildings in this location.

For motorists, everything is much more sad. The fact is that Murino is already suffering greatly from a lack of highways connecting it with other parts of the city. At the moment, communication is provided by a single narrow road along the Ring Road, which is called the road to Murino. According to some reports, by the end of 2016 the population of the rapidly growing area will increase from 12 to 50 thousand people, which will lead to a real transport disaster.

There are plans to build new roads, but they lag far behind the pace of development. For example, recently St. Petersburg did not support the proposal of the administration of the Leningrad region to build an extension of Grazhdansky Avenue, limiting itself to the creation of an exit and exit to the Ring Road (however, they plan to begin building it in 2016).

There are plans to build an extension of Svetlanovsky Avenue, but it is unclear when this project will be implemented. Design is underway to extend Piskarevsky Prospekt bypassing Murino and Novy Devyatkino with access to the Toksovo-Matoksa highway. The possibility of constructing the Devyatkino transport hub and connecting the bus station to the Ring Road is being considered - pre-project preparation is underway.

Transport accessibility - 5 out of 10 points

If for pedestrians the journey to the metro will be short and pleasant, then in the case of motorists the situation is completely different. Yes, many roads are planned for the future, but houses are being populated much faster than plans become reality.

At the construction site

It's time to go to the construction site and see everything with your own eyes. As I already said, the excellent service of FSK Leader eliminates the need to walk from the metro - and I gladly took advantage of this offer. On the way, they told me about the plans for the development of the area, and upon arrival, they showed me a large poster with the general plan in the office and took me to the observation deck, the view from there was excellent.

The number of workers at the construction site pleasantly surprised me - I have never seen such a concentration. Although construction is now progressing at the 2nd floor level, and there is just over a year left before commissioning, looking at the rapid pace of construction, we can hope that they will be able to meet the deadline. The manager said that construction is going on day and night. It is, however, impossible to verify this, since, I repeat, for some reason they did not install web cameras at the facility.

In the VKontakte group, the shareholders posted a link to the construction schedule, although the manager assured me that he did not have such information. However, in words he said that the installation of the box is planned to be fully completed in the spring of 2016, and that utility networks will be laid by March 2016. By the way, experts warn that some projects in Murino have difficulties connecting to sewerage, but the manager assured me that this applies to developments on the other side of the railway.

Most of the neighboring residential complexes are already in a good stage of readiness; to the west, north and south of the Svetlanovsky residential complex there are still bare fields and, according to the manager, it is not clear when construction will begin here, so you need to be prepared for a long proximity of construction sites.


The Svetlanovsky residential complex stands out among the surrounding new buildings due to its unusually advantageous combination of price, quality and delivery time. Medium number of floors, a large closed area with access control, built-in commercial premises, a kindergarten and inexpensive parking, porcelain stoneware facades, completion of the entire project in 2019 - and all this at very reasonable prices.

As for what is hidden behind the wording “Up-quarter”, the website of the new building does not talk about this in detail, but on the developer’s website I found the following information:

The concept of UP quarters is based on five components:

Availability. Residential complexes of FSK "Leader" are located at a minimum distance from Moscow: no further than 5 km from the Moscow Ring Road and 15 minutes to the nearest metro.

Comfort. UP neighborhoods are self-sufficient and have a full range of their own infrastructure, both social and domestic, as well as entertainment. The FSK Leader complexes have their own concierge service, to which residents can shift some of their daily worries.

Safety. All UP quarters have a closed area, professional security and 24-hour video surveillance.

Functionality. All projects of FSK "Leader" are built using monolithic technology, and the apartments have an open layout.

Individuality. Unique and aesthetic architectural appearance of the quarters, high-quality landscape design.

It is clear that Moscow here needs to be replaced by St. Petersburg, and the Moscow Ring Road should be changed to the Ring Road, but we will look at overall compliance with the conditions.

Transport accessibility is difficult to rate highly, despite the fact that it really doesn’t take more than 15 minutes to get to the metro. However, not everyone will want to take the metro, and using a car when everyone is settled will be uncomfortable. Frankly speaking, there will be a transport collapse.

Comfort, if the project is not changed and everything they promise is implemented, will be at the level. The same goes for security. Functionality - no, monolithic technology is difficult to classify as an advantage, other new buildings are being built in a similar way, and the layout of the apartments in the Svetlanovsky residential complex is rather weak. Facades can add personality to a project and make it stand out among its neighbors, but the landscaping, based on information from the project declaration, is very ordinary.

In general, the new building has no obvious disadvantages. Rather, they can be called doubts. The equity participation agreement contains many loopholes and relieves the developer of responsibility in the event of any changes to the project, and reviews of the company’s previous projects do not exclude this possibility.

Evidence of changes in layout after the sale of an apartment in the Svetlanovsky residential complex is also alarming. If, nevertheless, the promises are fulfilled in full, then shareholders will receive comfort-class housing at an economy price. I think the Mystery Shopper will come back here again to check the new building, but for now the project gets “7” points.

Daria Lapatukhina

Publication date 06 November 2015

The Svetlanovsky residential complex is being built in the Vsevolozhsk region by the Leader North-West company. The developer is part of the FSK Leader corporation, which implements residential projects under the UP-Kvartal brand, including large-scale ones in Moscow, Kaluga and Gelendzhik. The residential complex in Bugry is the first project from the company in St. Petersburg.

Residential development

The microdistrict consists of five 12-story buildings and infrastructure facilities. Their construction is carried out in several stages. All houses will be built using monolithic technology with stained glass facades and cladding with hinged porcelain stoneware panels. The first floors are occupied by commercial facilities: a fitness club, a pet store, a cafe, a beauty salon, etc. Apartments are located above. The proposed options include studios, one-, two- and three-room apartments ranging from 21 to 63 square meters. m. Only in the first phase there are 1076 housing units. The developer carries out partial finishing of the premises - preparing walls for painting or wallpapering, laying laminate flooring, etc. Niches are built for the installation of air conditioners. Some of the housing is rented completely ready to move - with repairs.

Public areas

The finishing of common areas is carried out according to the design project. Access control systems, silent passenger and freight elevators are installed in the entrances. There are designated storage areas for strollers and bicycles, and a concierge team. The courtyard space is divided into several functional areas: children's play areas, sports areas, recreation areas with walking and bicycle paths, WI-FI zones. Landscaping is being carried out, including areas for walking dogs. The complex provides multi-level parking for 499 cars and open parking lots. The territory is guarded; video cameras are installed around the perimeter of the buildings.


The microdistrict in which construction is taking place does not have a developed infrastructure. Several other large residential projects are being implemented nearby, in which it is planned to open schools, kindergartens, and medical institutions. In 5 minutes by car there is the Northern Mall shopping center, a little further - MEGA and Grand Canyon. The ecological situation in the Vsevolozhsk district is generally favorable, but since the ring road runs nearby, the air in the quarter cannot be called clean; it is polluted by exhaust gases. In turn, the ring road guarantees excellent transport accessibility to anywhere in the city. There is an exit to Kultury Avenue nearby; it is planned to extend Svetlanovsky Avenue. There is a metro station, bus and railway stations 2 km away.

There were delays during construction, but the residential complex was fully commissioned and "FSK" Congratulations on your initiative. "UP-quarter "Svetlanovsky" became the first fully realized project of a major Moscow developer in the Northern capital (score “A” in the rating of developers).

In previous opinions of the portal, we have already focused on all the positive and negative aspects of this residential complex. In general, the impression of the new building is positive. But since people have been living here for more than one day, they have their own comments about the residential complex. Meeting a group of shareholders on VKontakte makes it possible to learn about some of the problems of life here. In particular, people write that at times there are problems with water pressure. In addition, they point to the problem of basement flooding in a number of completed buildings. Because of this, mold appears on the walls, and mosquitoes and midges breed. The traditional question is the size of the rent. On forums you can find messages, in particular, about high heating tariffs (in comparison with neighboring houses). There are also purely everyday inconveniences that accompany a residential complex at an early stage of its existence. For example, the lack of greenery in the courtyards, as well as the fact that the territory of the residential complex is not yet closed, despite the fact that all buildings have been completed. However, it is a matter of time. The company explained that work on fencing the area has begun and will end in the fall, when the construction site is completely removed. But there is no clarity yet regarding the construction of the promised parking lot; meanwhile, the issue of parking near houses is quite acute.

From the points concerning Bugry as a whole, we note that the prospect of the appearance of a large park between the western and Bugry remains more than vague. Residents of both settlements are in favor of this, but judging by information from open sources, the government offices are considering the possibility of organizing green zones on the currently empty territory, but their area will be small.

Another important moment for all local residents is the start of construction of the Ring Road interchange in western Murino. It is planned to open to traffic next year. After this, the load on the interchange in Bugry will significantly decrease, which means getting to both settlements will become much easier.

“The Svetlanovsky UP quarter remains in the top half of the rating of new buildings in Devyatkino. Prices here are average by the standards of the location, and apartments are in demand. As of the first half of July, about 80 apartments remain on sale, which is a very small percentage of the entire residential complex. For potential buyers, the choice in western Murino is very wide. Among the nearest new buildings, projects that are comparable in price (developer rating “B+”) are the residential complex “Murino 2020” under construction and the “Murino 2019” and “Murino 2017” commissioned. This also includes the “YouPiter” residential complex from “Arsenal-Real Estate” (rating “A”), but it has been subject to delays in completion. If you need cheaper options, they can be found in the nearby residential complex “Colors of Summer” from (rating “A”, the completion date has been postponed), the residential complex “Sozvezdie” from (rating “C-”), the residential complex “Alphabet” (rating “B” -") and etc.

June June 22, 2018

Three buildings have been built, commissioned and continue to be occupied. The remaining two buildings are due to be completed this year. Based on the fact that there were six-month delays for the first three buildings, in the case of those under construction, we may also have to wait. The pace of work is high, but the amount of remaining work is also large. The shareholders themselves are aware of future delays, have come to terms with them and are no longer nervous. They monitor the progress of construction in real time via a CCTV camera.

According to the website version, the company has the highest rating, A+. In St. Petersburg, it is building two more residential buildings - and. And Moscow has something to brag about: more than a dozen new buildings have been fully or partially completed. The developer also works in the regions: in Kaluga and the Kaluga region, in Gelendzhik and the Krasnodar Territory.

Nobody is perfect. allows for errors when performing finishing. Someone noticed that the joints on the balcony are not sealed enough, which is why precipitation leaks out; someone has stains on the walls. But this is rather atypical, and the developer does not refuse to make improvements. In this sense, the attitude towards shareholders is important - it is respectful and attentive. There are many examples of high-quality finishing, which are confirmed by photographs of buyers.

Apartment prices are average for the location. All types of advertised apartments of all sizes are available for sale. There are several payment methods: 100% payment, installments, mortgage. Let us pay attention to the fact that it borders on currently empty plots from the north, south and west. It is unknown which developers and in what time frame will develop them. We can certainly say that the residents of this new building will be looking at the boxes being built for some time. To avoid this, we recommend choosing apartments with windows facing the courtyard or east.

- a location rich in houses under construction, so there is definitely a choice. The nearest neighbors are , . Their minimum prices vary from 1.3 to 2.3 million rubles.

Opinion, May 2017 May 19, 2017

"FSK Leader" is a large Moscow developer that relatively recently entered the St. Petersburg market. However, given the company’s high reputation, regional experts gave it the maximum score “A+” as a reliable, proven developer. In relation to residential complexes "UP-quarter "Svetlanovsky" These advances are so far justified. Building No. 5, part of the first phase, has been built, and residents will receive the keys in the summer. The process of accepting apartments is already underway. Judging by the reviews of shareholders who have already attended viewings of finished apartments, there are no significant complaints about the quality of the constructed house.

In addition, by the end of this year, the developer promises to commission buildings 3 and 4 belonging to the second stage. Previously, their delivery was planned only in the summer of 2018. Work on these houses is currently underway very actively. As for buildings 1 and 2, there is no talk yet about their delivery earlier than the scheduled date - the originally stated deadline is June 2019. However, taking into account the general dynamics, we will not exclude the possibility that they may be passed earlier. We also note that road work is currently underway near the residential complex, which will certainly benefit new residents and motorists.

As for the pros and cons of the residential complex and, in general, the western region where it is being built, we talked about this in great detail in previous opinions on our portal. There is no point in repeating ourselves. Let's just say that new residents will have to put up with the fact that the main problems of this location (traffic jams on the road to St. Petersburg and an acute lack of social infrastructure) have not yet been resolved. However, improvements should appear in the coming years. This is due to the construction of a transport interchange, which will provide the western part of Murino with its own access to the Ring Road and St. Petersburg, as well as the gradual commissioning of social facilities, the construction of which is already underway or is still in the plans (schools, kindergartens, clinics, etc. ).

Sales in the Svetlanovsky UP-quarter are progressing at a good pace. Currently, apartments are being sold in buildings of the first and second stages. As of mid-May, about 130 options are available, with fewer than 20 apartments remaining in the first phase building. Sales in buildings belonging to the third stage are not yet open.

The UP-quarter Svetlanovsky residential complex has plenty of competitors, since there are a lot of new buildings in western Murino. Among the nearest residential complexes we will name (object), commissioned from ("A+", from (rating "B"), (object, rating "B"), under construction (rating "A"), from (rating "A", object included in), residential complexes and “Territory” from (rating “B+”), etc.

April 19, 2016

The fifth building, which is the first to be delivered in the UP-quarter Svetlanovsky residential complex, is planned to be put into operation by the end of 2016. The developer has every chance to deliver the house within the stated time frame. The building has already been erected under the roof, the installation of a soft roof has begun. By the way, in November 2015, construction was carried out at the level of the second and third floors.

Sales also continue to grow at a high pace. According to representatives of FSK Leader, in the first quarter of 2016, the number of transactions in the UP quarter increased by 20% compared to the fourth quarter of 2015. This is despite the fact that January and February are traditionally considered not the most “profitable” months for developers. The fact that sales in the complex are going well can be seen at least from the list of available apartments. For example, out of 143 studios represented in building 5, as of mid-April there were less than 40 left. Three-room apartments and large two-room apartments sold worse. The word “large” in relation to this residential complex should be taken relatively. In this case we are talking about apartments with an area of ​​53.39 - 53.66 square meters. m. Despite the successful implementation of the project, there are still enough apartments for sale. Among the unrealized housing, options of all types are presented, there is a choice of planning solutions, the only exception being studios, where almost all the remaining apartments have an area of ​​23.11 square meters. m.

Sales of parking spaces also continue. Last time we expressed concern that there were not many parking spaces, but, nevertheless, parking spaces in the closed parking lot did not sell out like hotcakes. Those who still don’t get a place should not despair. It is planned to build four multi-level parking lots near the residential buildings of Svetlanovsky’s southern neighbor.

The neighborhood with “Murino 2017” will also be pleasant since a secondary school will be built on its territory. The residential complex “UP-quarter “Svetlanovsky” itself has its own kindergarten. True, the first residents of the complex will most likely have to use the services of social institutions located in Bugry. The local school and kindergarten are about 2 km from the residential complex.

Speaking about prospects, it is worth dwelling on transport accessibility. In the future, it is planned to extend Svetlanovsky Avenue - it should run along the borders of the UP quarter, making it much easier for local residents to get to the center. But, unfortunately, these are still distant prospects. More realistic and short-term plans include the extension of Grazhdansky and Piskarevsky Avenues. In the meantime, the transport situation in the location is only getting worse due to the rapidly growing Murino residential area.

Not long ago, work began on the second stage of the Svetlanovsky UP quarter. The developer pays almost no attention to it on his Internet resources. Partly because sales there have not yet started, partly because there is still nothing to brag about - work is going on at the foundation level. The buildings of the second stage are planned to be put into operation in the second quarter of next year, and the time of its entry into the market will apparently depend on the progress of sales in the fifth building. In any case, it is interesting that clients will have the opportunity to buy apartments of the second stage, having already assessed the pace of construction work.

The competitors of the project, which appeared in the location relatively recently, in addition to the already mentioned “Murino 2017”, include residential complexes, “Territory”.

March 17, 2015

Built by FSK Leader. This is the developer's first project in the Northwestern District. The company is well known in the real estate market of the Moscow region. The developer's assets include mainly economy- and comfort-class properties. The latter are positioned by FSK Leader as housing in the up-quarter format. In essence, this is a classic comfort class: landscaped closed courtyards, bicycle paths, video surveillance, shops, service departments and cafes on the ground floors. Among the disadvantages of the facility is a small parking area (only 449 parking spaces).

IN Residential complex "UP-quarter "Svetlanovsky" Mostly studios and one-room housing will be offered. This is good news for those who cannot yet afford a larger scale. However, the square footage of the apartments, in our opinion, is very modest: from 21 sq.m. for studios to 63 sq.m. for 3-room apartments. It will be a bit cramped for large families. However, the developer will allow you to play with the boundaries inside the residential premises to your liking - the apartments will have open layouts. But the competition is obvious: there will be one nearby where the housing area is 37-110 sq.m. And when comparing similar with Residential complex "UP-quarter "Svetlanovsky" of the Murinsky Posad residential complex, the latter wins because it provides social infrastructure and fine finishing. Plus, they are building nearby, etc., which means a wide choice for the buyer.

The complex will be located between and Bugry, the ring road will be located closer to it than. Proximity to the Ring Road can be assessed in different ways. From the point of view of transport accessibility, this is an obvious plus (though there are no highway access yet), but how comfortable will it be to live at a distance of 1-2 km from a major highway with its noise and environmentally hazardous exhaust emissions arising from the dense traffic flow? Species characteristics of Residential complex "UP-quarter "Svetlanovsky" not picturesque at all. In the east, large-scale construction will continue for several more years (within the framework of the Murino-Bugra ICT), and construction factories are located in the west.

There are different reviews about the facilities of FGC Leader, but in general the company fulfills its responsibilities and has a positive forecast for dynamics. In conclusion, we can predict that only with a humane price per square meter and high construction rates Residential complex “UP-quarter “Svetlanovsky”, with all its pros and cons, will be in high demand.

Location Residential complex "Svetlanovsky" in the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region in the village of Bugry it is very profitable. From here to the nearest metro is about 20 minutes on foot. The developer is FSK Leader. The complex is scheduled for completion in the 4th quarter of 2016. Apartments here are offered to the developer from 20 to 63 square meters. This is a monolithic house, with a ceiling height of 2.65 m. All apartments are sold fully furnished.

general description

The residential complex itself is very convenient and comfortable for future residents, because there are many park areas around for recreation and walking. Nearby are kindergartens, a clinic, and a secondary school. According to the project documentation, the residential area will be additionally landscaped, and specifically its surrounding area.

The houses themselves will be built in such a way that the courtyards are planned to be closed, and the entire territory will be fenced. Numerous areas, paths, and roads will be well lit. It is planned to install high-tech video surveillance systems throughout the entire complex for maximum safety of residents.

There are playgrounds for children, and sports areas with outdoor exercise equipment for adults. It is also planned to lay out bicycle paths and specially fenced areas for walking dogs. Wi-Fi access will be available throughout the entire residential complex. Parking for 499 cars is provided for owners. Nearby there are numerous shopping complexes, famous grocery hypermarkets, children's and adult clothing stores, and department store outlets.

Reviews about the complex

If you look at the reviews about the new building, you can understand that the prices here are low and, moreover, very comfortable conditions for future living. The main advantage of the residential complex is that it is located close to St. Petersburg and the metro station. This is very clearly visible on the map, which clearly demonstrates the territorial distance from the metropolis.

You can purchase an apartment here with a mortgage or under a share participation agreement in construction. According to mortgage lending, future owners will have to contact accredited banks. Today these are Otkritie Bank, Sberbank, VTB 24, Baltika, Bank of Moscow.