Brick veranda. How to attach a veranda to a country house: step-by-step, first-hand instructions Ok Google, you can add verandas to your house

Attaching a warm veranda to the house will be more difficult, unlike the summer option. But a warm veranda can also be used as a living space and in this case it is more practical.

Today we will look at how to attach a warm veranda to your house, what materials can be used, and you will be able to make the right choice. The video in this article will also help you make a smart choice.

The veranda, in fact, is an integral part of a residential building, and therefore its style must correspond to the main style. But this does not mean at all that you cannot attach a brick veranda to a wooden house and vice versa (see). The main thing is that the final result is correct.

If the veranda is covered with the same roofing material as the main housing, then we can safely say that the style of construction has been preserved. Likewise, building it yourself will make the structure cheaper, and the price here is also important and can be quite high.

Planning and legalization of the project

It is so designed that the veranda is always built in the area of ​​the main entrance to the house, and this is absolutely logical: what is the point, and why build it in another place. The purpose of the veranda is to protect the main entrance from precipitation and wind. It looks like you can relax in it, especially in the summer, when the heat outside subsides and all nature begins to revive.


  • What size the future veranda will have depends on the wishes of the owners. As a rule, a family is limited to building no more than the main wall of the house and this is quite enough for the average family. In any case, the size of the veranda should be proportional to the size of the main housing: if the house is small, then why do you need a large veranda, and if the house has two floors, then what is the point of building a one-story veranda.
  • Whatever area the future veranda has, construction should be legalized. To do this, you will have to visit a special department that is developing relevant projects. After drawing up the project, you will have to visit the architectural department, where they will make changes to the house design and issue the appropriate building permit.

Attention: To avoid such red tape, it is better to plan the construction of a veranda at the planning stage of building a house. Even if there is not enough money to build it this year, you can safely build it next year. But it will take much less time to obtain permission and to draw a design for the veranda itself.

Marking and pouring the foundation

Once you have documents in hand indicating that construction is permitted, you can begin to prepare the site. To do this, they fence off the area according to the dimensions specified in the project, after which they remove the entire fertile layer of soil to a depth of 15 cm and transport it to the garden.


  • As a rule, either a strip or columnar type of foundation is chosen. If the construction of the veranda is carried out after the construction of the house, then you will have to prepare a separate foundation for the veranda.
  • If at the stage of building a house, the project also includes the construction of verandas, then you can make one common foundation for the house and for the veranda, then unnecessary problems will not arise.

Attention: A separate foundation is built with a gap to the main one, equal to about 4 cm. When building a foundation for a veranda, you can use the old experience of building a foundation for a house. If you don’t have such experience, then you can hire builders.

Strip foundation

The strip type foundation is ideal for a veranda made of brick or foam blocks.

To obtain such a foundation, it is necessary to perform the following technological operations:

  • Dig a trench along the entire perimeter of the future building, according to the specified dimensions.
  • Formwork is installed from load-bearing wooden boards.
  • Prepare a concrete solution by combining components such as 1 part cement, 3 parts sand and 6 parts crushed stone.
  • The first layer of concrete is poured along the entire perimeter of the trench, after which it is reinforced with stones or broken bricks. You should get a layer of concrete about 10 cm thick.
  • Such operations will be repeated until the concrete layer is level with the ground level.
  • It is advisable to level the last layer with a trowel, after which the foundation is given time to set. This may take from 3 to 4 days.
  • In hot weather, it is advisable to moisten the foundation surface with water to prevent it from cracking.

Columnar foundation

The columnar type of foundation can be used if the building is light in weight. These are mainly wooden frame structures with lightweight roofs.

To have such a foundation, you need to carry out the following work:

  1. Dig the required number of holes. There may be 4 or more of them, depending on the square footage of the building.
  2. A layer of sand up to 50 mm thick is poured onto the bottom of each pit.
  3. All holes are filled with concrete mortar at ground level.
  4. The ground part can be laid with bricks, but before that, waterproofing is laid on the posts. The base of the veranda is aligned with the base of the main building.

Installation of subfloors

A warm veranda should prevent dampness and cold from the ground. Therefore, it is necessary to make a subfloor.

Technological stages:

  • The resulting underground space is filled with expanded clay or other material.
  • Two layers of roofing material are laid on the foundation for waterproofing.
  • Wooden logs treated with an antiseptic are laid on the foundation.
  • A subfloor is laid from edged boards, 50 mm thick.

Attention: If the veranda is built of brick, then you can make concrete floors. They are more durable than wooden ones, especially if thermal insulation is provided.

Construction of a wooden veranda frame

Building a wooden veranda is not so difficult if you follow some recommendations:

  • The lower frame, consisting of 100x100 mm beams, is laid on the subfloor and nailed. The beams are also fastened at the joints made in half a tree.
  • Grooves are cut in the beams of the lower trim for installing vertical posts. The distance between the grooves may vary, but not less than 50 cm.
  • Vertical posts are installed in the grooves and securely fixed with nails. Each rack must be aligned using a building level or plumb line.
  • The upper trim bars are mounted on top of the racks. They are attached in the same way as the bars of the lower trim.
  • A purlin beam is nailed to the wall of the house, intended for fastening the rafters. The purlin beam is attached to the wall of the house using anchor bolts, like all wooden elements adjacent to the house.
  • The rafter system is installed and secured.
  • All wooden products should be coated with an antiseptic.

Roof structure

Since this is essentially an extension to the main building, the roof will be pitched:

  • The design of the rafter system resembles half of a gable roof, while the slope of such a roof will be slightly less. Since the veranda is not a living space, it makes no sense to insulate the ceiling and walls.
  • If you plan to equip the veranda as part of the living space, then you will have to carry out all the thermal insulation measures, from floor insulation to roof insulation.

Wall cladding and installation of windows and doors

After the frame is mounted, you can proceed to the next stage, which is sewing up the frame structure.

  1. Considering the fact that the veranda can be glazed along the entire perimeter, a window sill board is installed wherever windows are installed. In the veranda it is simply necessary, for example, for installing trays of flowers or seedlings.
  2. After this, you can sew up the openings between the vertical posts with plywood, OSB sheets or planed boards no more than 20 mm thick. This operation is carried out both outside and inside the building.
  3. After all, you will end up with a room in which only window and door openings remain. Subsequently, they need to install window frames and a door leaf with a frame.
  4. According to modern technology for installing windows and doors, they are installed, positioned as expected, fixed, and the spaces between the frames are foamed with polyurethane foam. It provides a reliable and tight, and not rigid connection.

Features of building a veranda made of bricks or blocks

A brick veranda can suit any house, wooden or brick. The whole question is what and how such a veranda will be finished. In this case, it will be better if the same technologies are used.

When building this type of veranda, you should use the following tips:

  1. For such a building, it is better to pour a strip foundation.
  2. You can do the laying yourself, so the construction is not very responsible. As a last resort, you can hire a craftsman or a team.
  3. For such a building, half a brick will be enough.
  4. Subsequently, the veranda can be insulated, both outside and inside, and also lined with appropriate materials.

As a rule, the question is raised about whether it is worth insulating the veranda? It’s worth it if you want to make the veranda warm, but if you don’t have such a desire and the funds don’t allow it, then it’s not necessary. A warm veranda will cost much more than a cold one, especially since hardly anyone will live in it, although this option should not be discarded.

Floor insulation

Thermal insulation of the veranda from the floor is extremely important. After all, this is a rather large plane. As mentioned above, before you start insulating the floor in the veranda, you need to think carefully about whether it is worth spending additional money. The fact is that a warm or cold veranda is unlikely to affect the microclimate in the residential building as a whole.

  • But if you plan to give the veranda to children so that they can organize a playroom there, or if there is a lack of living space, then it makes sense to install heating in such a veranda, which means that serious insulation measures will have to be carried out in the veranda, and you should start from the floor.
  • In this case, the floor can contain at least three layers: a subfloor, a layer of insulation and a finished floor, and a facing layer consisting of laminate, linoleum, carpet, etc. is mounted on top of the finished floor.

How to insulate walls

The question of how and with what the veranda will be insulated from the inside must be resolved at the design stage, so as not to later break what has already been built. In this case, it all depends on what the veranda is built from: if the veranda is wooden, then one approach, and if it is brick or block, then a completely different one.

  • If, then before sewing up the gaps between the vertical beams, a layer of insulation is laid between these same beams, with a thickness equal to the thickness of the beams. In this case, beams with a cross section of 100x100 mm were used. After covering the walls of the veranda, you get something like a sandwich: a wooden board or plywood, a layer of insulation and again a wooden board and plywood.
  • If the veranda is brick or block, then a layer of insulation should be laid between the brick wall and the cladding layer, both from the inside and outside of the veranda.
  • From the inside, such a veranda can be finished in several ways, using frame structures such as plasterboard, plastic lining or MDF lining.
  • Frame structures make it possible to place the required layer of insulation between the brick wall and the facing material.
  • As a material for insulation, you can use mineral wool or polystyrene foam boards, cut to the appropriate dimensions of the lathing cells.

Ceiling insulation on the veranda

If the veranda is warm, then special measures should be taken to insulate the ceiling:

  • The hydrobarrier is installed first, then the surface is covered with beams with a cross-section of 27x27 mm. The beams are nailed at intervals of 0.8 meters. The seams obtained when laying the hydrobarrier are glued with metal tape.
  • The gaps between the beams are filled with foam sheets. They are fixed in relation to the surface using self-tapping screws with a wide head. “Ecofol” is laid on top of the penoplex sheets and fixed with a stapler. Subsequently, this “pie” is pressed with a blockhouse, plywood or OSB sheets.

How to insulate a summer veranda

If the veranda is an extension to the house and it is decided to insulate it, then there is a high probability that it will have to be disassembled and then reassembled, but after carrying out comprehensive insulation measures. In any case, work should begin with the floor, namely with its disassembly.

  • After this, the underground space will need to be filled with expanded clay, and then covered with a subfloor. The insulation layer in the veranda can reach 100 mm, after which the finished floor is laid. When laying insulation, it is advisable to ensure that the insulation is laid as tightly as possible.
  • The ceiling is insulated with the same “pie”: a waterproofing barrier is laid on the rafters, a layer of insulation is attached, a vapor barrier is mounted, and decorative material is sewn on.
  • Using this same technology, the walls of the veranda are also insulated. If the veranda was cold, then it is likely that the walls were covered with wooden shelving on only one side. The task is to add an insulating layer in the gaps between the wooden beams and sew it on one more side.
  • If necessary, you will have to replace all wooden frames with glass with plastic windows with single glazing, otherwise the insulation effect will not work. This can also be said about entrance doors, which must have insulation.

Attention: If you approach the problem of insulation comprehensively, you can achieve the maximum effect.

Features of insulation from the outside

To get truly energy-efficient housing, it is necessary to insulate the veranda and the outside:

  • As mentioned above, the veranda can be brick, block and wood. Each of these structures requires its own approach to installing insulation.
  • A veranda made of bricks or blocks can be insulated in two widely used ways: by installing a ventilated facade or by lining it with foam plastic or polystyrene foam boards, followed by cladding with decorative plaster. Both methods are simple and therefore very popular.
  • The ventilated facade is mounted as follows: lathing is installed on the walls of the veranda, in increments of about 40 cm. The lathing can be either horizontal or vertical. It all depends on the facing material used.
  • If you plan to install siding, then the sheathing will be vertical; if it is plastic lining, then it will be either vertical or horizontal. The fact is that plastic lining can be mounted both vertically and horizontally.
  • Any of the suitable insulation materials are installed in the spaces between the sheathing. This can be mineral wool or polystyrene foam boards. They should be well secured to the base.
  • There must be a ventilated space between the insulation layer and the cladding. It will allow excess moisture to evaporate, which means that this border will always be dry.
  • In conclusion, it should be recalled that work must be carried out only with working tools and in the presence of protective equipment, such as glasses, gloves, special shoes and a hat, not counting work clothes. Particular attention should be paid to working with power tools, without which no construction site can be completed. It is especially necessary to monitor the serviceability of plugs, sockets, and connecting cables.

Now you can imagine how to build a warm veranda for your home. First of all, you need to choose the right material. The interior of a warm veranda can be selected after construction from a photo. The main thing is to correctly determine the dimensions and components, and the instructions will help you in this matter.

Any construction, even small-scale construction, begins with planning. If there is an idea to add a terrace, the place for it must be chosen in advance. An open veranda is installed at the same height as the threshold or raised on the foundation. In the latter case, the building is fenced with railings. The protruding part of the house should be in harmony with the overall architecture of the building and landscape design.

Terrace and veranda: similarities, differences and features

Many people do not distinguish between the concepts of veranda and terrace, and do not see a noticeable difference during operation. Previously, their purpose was very different, but over time, both non-residential extensions acquired many similar features. The veranda is characterized by glazing; it is installed in regions with harsh climates. The terrace does not even require a roof, so it can be attached to the main building in areas with early spring and long summer.

Concept and functions of a terrace

Terrace is an area on the street attached to the main building. It is built at the floor level of the room, enclosed with railings, decorative structures, and hedges. Open-air terraces are more common, but you can consider an option with a roof or canopy.

There are different types of such extensions. Their dimensions must correspond to the area of ​​the house. A miniature terrace will highlight the advantages of a small building. A spacious area with massive fencing looks good against the backdrop of an impressive mansion.

Extensions can be a continuation of buildings, go around their perimeter, or be installed autonomously, without contact with the bathhouse or house. The structure taken outside the premises is installed near the pool, next to beautiful landscape elements. All kinds of benches, a dining table, a rocking chair, a soft corner, and various decor will make your resting place cozy.

Concept and functions of the veranda

One of the most popular types of extensions. A useful design increases the attractiveness and ennobles a suburban building. A closed terrace has a roof, walls, and glazing. There are no communications or heating. Only electricity can be carried out.

Enclosed verandas can be used in any season. Built-in areas have a common roof with the house and are erected simultaneously with the foundation being poured. The choice of boundaries and location occurs when drawing up the initial project.

An attached veranda with a separate foundation is more practical. The degree of shrinkage of a lightweight structure differs significantly from that of a residential building, so the possibility of deformation or rupture of the connection is eliminated. The veranda must be located next to the front door. It must have access both from the street and from the house.

Terrace styles

An additional decoration of country houses is a modern terrace. A properly designed transition from home to garden will become a favorite vacation spot for the whole family. To make the extension look original and cozy, its functional purpose should be taken into account during construction. The interior space of the verandas can be decorated in one of the following popular styles:

  • Modern. Explicit minimalism includes comfort, coziness, simplicity and functionality. The furniture used is high-quality designer furniture. There are no or very few decorative elements. These can only be functional items (auxiliary furniture, floor lamps, fireplace, etc.). The materials used are stone, metal, PVC;
  • Traditional. The main features of this style are rigor and pedantry. The mood here is set by dull pastel colors. Bright colors are excluded. Such verandas are considered as a replacement for an office. It is allowed to use decor on railings and supports. Stone and wood with a unique natural pattern are used as building materials.
  • Colonial. The highlight of the style can be any item that matches the theme of the former British colonies. Lush green spaces will help create the appropriate atmosphere and climate on the terrace. Ideal furniture is wicker or wood. A colonial-style terrace can be filled exclusively with natural materials (wood, ceramics, stone, colorful textiles);
  • Beach. It is better to use this design if the dacha is located on the seashore. For complete harmony with the surrounding landscape, a thematic imagery is used - all shades of blue, sand, green. Wooden, textile, leather furniture is suitable;
  • Country. A good solution for houses made of timber. It is characterized by rough furniture, a maximum of textiles and wood, and the presence of decorative household items. For the floor you can use wide deck boards and logs. Clay pots with vegetation look great on a wooden shelf.

Types of terraces

Owners of suburban areas pay special attention to the choice of not only landscape design, but also terraces and other extensions. Various types of raised platforms make it possible to design any complexity. Before starting construction, it is necessary to choose the type of extension, taking into account important factors: climatic conditions, soil characteristics, the possibility of installing a chimney, and supplying electricity. There are many options for constructing terraces.


Such verandas look completely isolated, have walls and a roof. The roof can be laid separately or be a common extension of the house. If the extension is planned to be used in winter, it must be insulated. For the frame, any material left over from a major construction project is used - wooden beams, metal profiles, bricks.

For glazing you can use simple glass in wooden, plastic frames, or polycarbonate. Windows should be located according to the drawing to provide good daylight. Some of them should open freely without creating inconvenience during lunch or rest. If desired, window openings can be left empty, equipped only with removable mosquito nets.


The summer type of extensions is ideal for those who like to relax in comfort in the fresh air. The proximity of a country house to a coniferous forest, a pond, and green hills makes the choice of an open terrace even more tempting. An aesthetic option cannot be called practical. The extension will not protect against bad weather and intrusive insects. It is difficult to use in cold weather and at night. You should also be careful when placing expensive accessories and furniture.

A transparent roof or canopy will help save the situation. Instead of walls, you can use Roman blinds, drapery or any textiles. Tall plants will help create a visual barrier. Without railings, the terrace to the house will seem like a cozy corner in dense thickets.


The main advantage of this type of terrace is the opportunity to freely admire the surrounding landscapes. One of the disadvantages is the possibility of the formation of a greenhouse effect. To use the terrace in winter, it is necessary to install warm glazing. Based on the purpose of the extension, you can choose one of the following types of glazing:

  • Frame or frameless. The presence of frames simplifies glass replacement and general structural repairs. The suture type of joining (without frames), although considered an elite architectural style, has many disadvantages, such as low thermal insulation, inability to use a mosquito net;
  • Panoramic or partial. The choice of glazing type depends on the characteristics of the walls. If there is only a frame and a roof, you can use the panoramic method. For sewn walls, partial is suitable;
  • Roofing or wall. A terrace without a roof or canopy can be covered with polycarbonate or film. Glazing of vertical surfaces is carried out with energy-saving, laminated inserts.

With sliding or removable mechanisms

With the advent of new construction technologies, the usual open terraces have gained the opportunity to be considered full-fledged premises. Now you can spend time here comfortably, even if it is raining or strong wind is blowing outside. Mobile sliding structures allow more efficient use of the internal space of the terrace. Curtains and blinds will last longer because they will not deform when the position of the shutters changes.

An important advantage is safety of use. The sliding mechanisms are fixed in any position and will not swing open or slam shut due to a draft. They can be installed in various options, as individual windows or the entire height of the wall.

Sliding structures should be selected based on considerations of expediency. They come with additional insulation, impact-resistant, and decorative. Based on the type of mechanism, they are divided into lift-and-slide, tilt, and folding.


An extension in the form of a balcony above the terrace helps to acquire new space and improve a private house. You can build a second floor above the veranda at any time during the operation of the building. It is better if the construction is planned at the stage of drawing up the house project. The balcony will be installed on a common foundation, and the floor slab will serve as a protruding canopy.

If the idea to add a balcony appeared after a while, before starting work you will need to evaluate the type of foundation. The location of the terrace in relation to the building is important. If it is not possible to make an opening in the main wall, access to the balcony can be arranged via stairs from the street.

The size, type, and design features of the veranda-balcony depend on the base materials. In brick and block houses, beam floors are more often used. The reason lies in the light weight and ease of installation. The frame can also be made from a steel profile.

There is no point in breaking down the wall of the second floor to simplify the entrance to the balcony. In winter, this will lead to inevitable heat loss. It is not easy to assemble the structure and round the logs on your own. Only experienced specialists can build a high-quality, safe viewing terrace.

Patio terraces

The main feature of the patio is the absence of any partitions or canopies. Only the concrete base in the middle of the yard and the presence of furniture indicate that it belongs to a terrace. The design is chosen based on the occupied space and preferences of the estate owners. Often, relaxation corners are surrounded by pots of flowers, ornamental shrubs, and small fountains.

The patio can be adjacent to one side of the house or located at a distance, for example, by the pool, in the shade of fragrant acacia trees. A patio space is most often installed at the back wall of the house, but there are also front placement options, near the front door. Open areas for recreation can take different shapes. Designers offer several directions for designing patio terraces:

  1. In Japanese style. Lots of themed bamboo decor on a stone base;
  2. Mediterranean style. Predominance of white color, not counting the wooden flooring. The most picturesque option for a patio;
  3. Country patio. Maximum textiles against the background of wooden benches and wicker chairs;
  4. Harmonious Scandinavian. There are laconic structures made of timber and wooden slats. It is complemented by alpine slides, coniferous trees, and artificial streams;
  5. Bright Moorish. The floor is paved with colorful mosaics. All decorative elements and furniture are luxurious and pompous.

Terrace location options

The construction of terraced houses has gained momentum. A convenient extension not only serves as decoration, but also protects the house from winds and sunlight. You can attach a terrace to the house from any side. If it is intended for relaxation, cheerful feasts, or sports, it is better to deploy it behind the house, hiding it from the prying eyes of neighbors and passers-by. The veranda-hallway should be located on the side of the entrance door. So it will also serve as a porch.

The terrace can be built along any wall. It is better if it has an entrance to the living room or kitchen. If the area around the house allows, an extension can be organized around its perimeter. Convenient minimum width is 150 centimeters.

A roof terrace is an unusual option for organizing a recreation area. The original location significantly complicates the design. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the wall material and the strength of the roof. A wooden house may not be able to withstand a heavy structure with furniture, so it is possible to bring your plans to life only on brick houses or aerated concrete. Special attention should be paid to safety and high, stable railings should be installed.

Size and designs

The optimal dimensions for a terrace are 2x4 meters. A family of 4 people can stay on it at the same time without feeling a shortage of space. In the room you can place a small table, a few chairs, a shelf with dishes and even a sofa. For group gatherings, dances, and celebrations, you will need a terrace with an area of ​​at least 7x2.5 meters.

The shape of any type of veranda depends on the preferences and financial capabilities of the owner of the house. The characteristics of the soil, the climatic conditions of the region, the design of the main buildings and other factors are also taken into account. Rectangular terraces are more common. This option is popular due to its simple installation and functionality. Difficulties will arise when building round, trapezoidal, oval, multi-level verandas. The roof and supports for such structures are developed according to a special design. Steps are added to transition between levels.

Materials for creating terraces

The choice of building materials for extensions is very large. It depends on the purpose of the terrace and the personal preferences of the owner. The terrace will look architecturally expressive and be combined with the main building only if an identical base is used.

Any structure must be built according to a preliminary plan and meet a number of mandatory requirements. The building materials used must be fireproof, durable, and stable. Basically, frame verandas are made of wood, brick or metal. The type of material chosen directly affects the final result.

Wooden structures

Natural material is excellent for constructing terraces. A tree, like nothing else, harmonizes with the vegetation in the garden and emphasizes the decorative style. With the help of small bars you can effectively hide facade defects and improve the transition from the room to the garden. To increase strength, builders recommend using hardwood boards. Oak and teak are moisture resistant. Log houses made from exotic trees have an original texture.

Wooden terraces can be of any type. To build open structures, it is enough to install a plank floor and beautiful wooden railings. In the closed version, casement and sliding windows can be provided. The veranda can be used as a dining room, summer kitchen or living room, equipped with a fireplace.

Use of transparent materials

Transparent coverings on the windows and roof will help make your terrace cozy in any weather. For such verandas, the frame is steel, wood, and aluminum profiles. Depending on the type of transparent materials, various technologies for their fastening are used. The walls and roof are made of the following translucent sheets:

  • Glass. The most common material for verandas. Frame and frameless glazing is possible even over a large area, using double-glazed windows;
  • Transparent plastic. It is distinguished by its ability to bend well and transmit light, which allows the production of original domes and arches;
  • Polycarbonate. Has good thermal insulation and sound insulation properties;
  • PVC curtains. Safety pads are easy to put on and take off. They are characterized by low thermal conductivity and ease of maintenance.

Brick construction

Brick is often used for the construction of open and closed terraces, their summer and winter versions. Its main advantage is its high strength characteristics. Experts guarantee the service life of such verandas for more than 100 years. Much longer than extensions made of wood or foam block. For a one-story terrace, brick even with a minimum strength rating is suitable.

Brick allows oxygen to pass through and does not emit harmful substances. It is not susceptible to rotting, attacks by insects, microorganisms. There is no need for additional processing. On such a terrace it is always warm and dry, there is a healthy atmosphere. It looks good, safe and reliable.

Metal structures for creating terraces

Previously, metal structures were not popular due to low thermal insulation properties. Modern technologies have made such terraces popular due to improved material characteristics. Metal supports are mounted in two ways: bolted and welded. In the first case, the elements are bolted together and can be disassembled if necessary, while in the second they are welded and cannot be dismantled. Both methods are reliable and easy to install.

Load-bearing elements can be made of round, shaped pipes or paired profiles. After joining, all seams are treated with an anti-corrosion compound. Used materials are suitable for making terraces, provided they are free of cracks, rust spots, and voids.

Design features during construction

Before you begin building a terrace, you will need to familiarize yourself in detail with the stages of construction. It is immediately necessary to determine the location of the extension and its type. Mark the height, width and area on the site. The next step is to draw up an estimate. If you don’t make the veranda yourself, you need to take into account the payment of hired workers, the cost of consumables and tools. Construction work must be carried out strictly one by one and according to certain rules.


A foundation for a terrace is not required. But if this is a large-scale extension, its reliability and durability can only be ensured with a solid foundation. Taking into account the design features, its weight, size, purpose, different types of foundation are used:

  • Columnar. Individual supports are distributed over the entire area of ​​the future terrace. Under each brick or block, a separate hole is dug, the bottom of which is covered with sand. Then the pillars are lowered there, primed and covered with roofing felt;
  • Screw. Suitable for most soil types. Load-bearing capacity depends on the number of piles, the thickness of pipes, screws and blades. The upper part is made of a steel frame, wooden beams;
  • Tape. The method is used in the construction of heavy structures. Monolithic bases are placed around the perimeter 50 centimeters deep. For lighter verandas, a shallow foundation is suitable;
  • Plate. A universal option. Before laying the slabs, remove the layer of soil and fill the bottom with crushed stone. In this case, the floor covering is mounted on a metal profile, wooden beam, and plastic guides.


The floor for the terrace, which is an outdoor area, must be durable and reliable. It can be made from any material that meets the following characteristics: low level of wear, frost resistance. Also, floor coverings must have anti-slip characteristics and not accumulate moisture.

One of the best materials for flooring in any type of extension is decking. Deck boards are made from wood flour and polymers, which are added to better harden the components. The result is a beautiful, non-slip, very durable material without knots or cracks, imitating natural wood. Cons: visual and tactile difference from real wood.

Porcelain tiles are suitable as flooring for stone terraces. When choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account the large weight and the possibility of making the structure heavier. Place on the prepared surface using special glue. The advantages include frost resistance, variety of design, and the ability to replicate any natural stone. Cons: low impact strength.

The floor on open terraces is often made of concrete slabs. Durable products are easily laid on cement, sand screed, and can be easily repaired if necessary. It is enough to simply replace the damaged element. Cons – heats up in the sun, high probability of uncontrolled subsidence.

For closed extensions, natural wood is used. If the dacha is entirely made of logs, you can make a porch or an open terrace from durable rocks. The advantages of the material include good shock-absorbing properties, a large selection of structures, sizes, and colors. Disadvantages - difficulty of care, the need for regular treatment against fungus.

Any flooring on an open terrace must be laid at a slight angle. This will create conditions for the free flow of water, eliminating the possibility of moisture seeping into the seams and deforming the floor.

Side guards

Not every terrace requires fencing. Sometimes the need for railings or walls arises later. Fences are installed for the safety of small children, as protection from wind and precipitation, to improve the design of the veranda, and to expressly designate the recreation area.

Any fence consists of a frame and filling. The appearance and design features will depend on the purpose. They can be installed as a permanent element or temporary, only at the time of any event, until the summer season ends. The material and type of execution are chosen to suit the overall design of the house and terrace.

Synthetic combined boards and siding are often used. Wood-polymer composite is visually similar to wood, but more durable. It does not swell or fade. PVC fencing is preferred because of its low cost. The wide distribution of material for walls and railings is hampered by fragility and fragility.

It is preferable to use natural materials for fences. Forged metal and profiles should be graceful so as not to load the structure or increase its weight. Transparent fences are made of laminated, very durable glass. Stone railings in the form of balusters are suitable for balconies, brick, and gas silicate terraces.

Roof or canopy

You can give the terrace a noble look with a roof or canopy. There are many interesting options for terraces. If the veranda is built adjacent to the house, identical roofing material must be used. The roof of the extension must have a gentle slope.

An economical, practical material for canopies and roofs is roll roofing. Hydroizol and rubemast last a very long time. They are laid on wooden boards, rafters, and the edges are secured with galvanized nails. If the terrace occupies an impressive area, the fastening points are secured with wooden slats, and a hip or gable roof is made. Flexible tiles are popular due to their attractive appearance and easy installation. The material can be used to cover a terrace of any shape.

To make canopies, it is better to choose corrugated sheets and galvanized iron sheets. Plastic materials can be used in the design of various styles. Wooden structures and polycarbonate canopies also fit into most architectural designs. Modern terraces are covered with retractable, basket awnings.

Materials used for interior finishing of terraces

The choice of finishing materials depends on the conditions of the extension. Important factors to pay attention to are frequency of residence, humidity, temperature inside the veranda, age of the terrace and the main building. It is better to sheathe recent buildings using a temporary plank with tongue-and-groove boards. After a few years, the temporary finish can be updated with one of the decorative materials:

  • Plywood, OSB;
  • PVC panels;
  • Medium-density fiberboards;
  • Plasterboard sheets;
  • Rubberized coatings.

There are not many finishing options for an open terrace. It is better to sheathe the walls and ceiling with plastic panels and pine lining. Decorative plaster with waterproofing is also used. Using original application techniques you can achieve stunning visual effects.

Options for arranging and decorating terraces attached to the house

Adding a terrace to your house is a great idea to increase the area and organize an additional room. Based on the design and purpose, it can be used to make a modest corner for receiving guests, a full-fledged kitchen or dining room, or an all-season living room. On the veranda you can create your own greenhouse, winter garden, and playroom for children. When working on the design of the selected room, you need to remember the harmonious combination of all decorative elements, furniture, appliances and household appliances.

Summer living room

All family members should be comfortably accommodated in such a room. Its area depends on the number of household members. According to the rules of proportionality, furniture and decorative items are selected. A summer living room can be made of any type. For an enclosed space, elements such as a sofa, comfortable wicker or textile chairs, and small tables are required.

The open veranda can be filled with simple furniture. Wooden benches and forged stools will look great. For a greater feeling of comfort, it is better to place furniture along the wall, railings or in groups, encouraging a pleasant conversation. Outside, the composition can be complemented with designer street lamps.

Dining room – a place for outdoor dining

Such a terrace is the dream of any summer resident. In the hot summer, most of the time of any family member spends time on the veranda, and if you can still have a snack there, the value of the room increases significantly. Outdoors you can install a barbecue, a barbecue, run water supply, install an electric stove and a work surface.

There are a lot of interior options for the veranda-dining room. In order not to take your eyes off the lush nature, you can arrange the room in a minimalist style - a table in the center of the terrace, chairs, some textiles. It would be appropriate to place objects of art - beautiful sculptures, still lifes.

Rest zone

The terrace is the most suitable place for arranging a recreation area. Closed extensions with decking can be filled with comfortable furniture and a barbecue can be placed. Openings in covered verandas are covered with soft curtains or bamboo screens. The green pergola looks great. If there are wooden slats, you can let ornamental plants and vines trail along them.

An open veranda can be located in the shade of trees. Garden furniture, a hammock, and a small pool will create a stunning atmosphere and complement the feeling of complete unity with nature. To arrange a beach recreation area, sun loungers, umbrellas, and swings are placed on the adjacent extension. The terrace-balcony can be used as an observation deck. It is appropriate to place comfortable side chairs, a table, a telescope, and beautiful flowerpots here.

Summer kitchen with living room

The area of ​​such extensions must be more than 10 square meters. In a smaller area it will be inconvenient to combine the process of cooking and meeting guests. A well-equipped, spacious veranda will be very useful for any housewife. In the summer kitchen you can preserve vegetables and cook compotes without worrying about evaporation.

You can arrange a kitchen-living room on any type of terrace. All communications are carried out into the closed extension and equipped with the necessary furniture. The materials for construction can be bricks or wooden beams. The space is divided into zones using furniture and floor coverings of different levels.

The main advantage of open kitchen terraces is the opportunity to simultaneously enjoy a meal and admire natural beauty. In summer, such a veranda is simply irreplaceable. The design of a street extension can be very diverse. More often, the territory is divided into small areas - a food preparation area, a soft corner for guests, a eating area and others. An undeniable advantage of open kitchen-living rooms is good air circulation.


To arrange a cozy terrace you will not need a lot of space; even in a small area you can place a practical extension for relaxation. For construction, standard means and a little imagination are enough. Self-planted plants and fruit trees will soon delight you with a bountiful harvest, and a DIY terrace will be a favorite place for family members and guests.

Proper construction of extensions for various purposes can not only expand the residential part of the house, but also improve its appearance and protect it from wear and tear. The construction of a veranda adjacent to the house, regardless of the type of structure, requires careful development of the project, with the determination of materials and construction technology.

Proper execution and approval of project documentation by government authorities will not only insure against problems with the law, but will also help to draw up a plan and estimate for the structure.


A typical veranda is a roofed frame structure built on a strip or column foundation, with glass or half-glass walls. The statement that the veranda should be built from the same materials as the main building, with the emergence of new styles and fashionable trends in architecture, has lost its relevance.

The photos below show ready-made solutions for verandas attached to the house, with various principles of compatibility. In some cases, the new extension is made of the same materials and is completely combined with the house; in others, the new addition is combined with the preservation of common elements - roof, beams, etc.

There are also projects in which the original design of the extension introduces a new architectural touch, updating the exterior.

When choosing materials and construction technologies, you should also take into account the parameters of proper ventilation, moisture resistance and thermal insulation. With full glazing, it is necessary to provide opening segments for ventilation.

If you are building an open veranda, or, as it is also called, a summer terrace, you need to take care of the frost-resistant lining and the slope of the floor towards the site.

Designs with removable frames are optimal for year-round use. Installing large sliding doors will also allow the building to be used in a dual-mode version.

In a typical project, the veranda area is rectangular and ranges from 10 to 15 sq.m. For smaller areas it will be too cramped; for larger ones, additional reinforcement for the roof will be required. Polygonal and semicircular foundations are also possible.

According to its location, the veranda can be corner, end or facade. An original solution can be considered the construction of a terrace along the entire perimeter of the house, which can have glazed, open and closed areas for various purposes: they can accommodate an entrance hall, a recreation area, and a large storage room.


The foundation of terraces and verandas attached to the house must fit tightly to the main building, but at the same time have independent supports.

A strip foundation is suitable for large and heavy structures; in all other cases, a columnar foundation can be erected. When pouring concrete, you need to leave a gap of 3-4 cm with the main wall, which will subsequently be filled with waterproofing foam.

At the first stage of preparation for construction, the soil is cleaned and compacted. Then, for the pillars, corner holes are dug along the depth of the house foundation (about 1 m on average), a cushion is made of crushed stone, gravel and sand, onto which concrete is poured.

After setting, supports made of asbestos or metal pipes are inserted. Concrete pillars or brick can also be used. The same method is used to lay high piles for buildings adjacent to the second floor level.

Depending on the area and weight of the terrace, intermediate posts may be needed, installed every half meter.

For a strip foundation, a 30-50 cm trench is dug, the formwork is placed 15-20 cm higher. Metal reinforcement bars or reinforcing mesh are placed into the soil. Concrete is poured onto a layer of crushed stone and sand.

Wood frame

The frame is assembled from beams or logs with a width of at least 12 cm, which are covered with a waterproofing layer. For the strength of horizontal knitting, experts recommend using fastenings in the foot, the surface of the connection will be at an angle. Vertical posts are secured with diagonal interceptions.

At the final stage, the wooden frame is covered with rafters for the roof. For cladding you can use plywood panels, chipboards, etc.

Construction of a wooden veranda is the best budget solution in terms of materials prices, but when choosing this type of construction you need a professional approach and knowledge of the nuances of construction from wooden beams.

Other materials for verandas

The foam block structure is erected on a strip foundation. This type of masonry is easy to do yourself. The laying is carried out using a special glue, with the seams bandaged for strength.

When finishing, an internal and external waterproofing layer, finishing with plasterboard, wooden panels, moisture-resistant wallpaper and paints are provided. The outer surface can be lined with ventilated facades.

The construction of the structure is made of polycarbonate, a modern and attractive option. This material goes well in buildings with wooden and brick frames.

For a building that consists entirely of bicarbonate panels, you do not need a foundation. The earth can simply be compacted and covered with paving slabs.

The structure is created using aluminum profiles; it is necessary to provide for the possibility of ventilation and water drainage. Polycarbonate panels and frames of various types can be tailored to specific needs for lighting and thermal insulation.

Before you attach a veranda to the house, you need to decide on the functions that it will perform. In addition to the necessary drainage and ventilation systems in any case, proper connection to the permanent structure and roof structure, the schedule for using this part of the house is important.

The design and construction of summer verandas differs from the requirements for premises with year-round use. It is also important to note that any extension will require the same care and updating as permanent buildings.

Photo of the veranda attached to the house

Often, the owners of a residential building made of brick or any other material, immediately after completion of its construction, want to expand the usable space by adding a veranda.

Before attaching a veranda to a house, it is logical to take an interest in the features of such buildings and find out what materials are best to use and what needs to be done to attach a veranda to a house with minimal effort and money.

Preparation for construction

It is recommended to build a veranda of wood for a wooden house, and of brick for a brick house.

To avoid the “incompatibility effect,” experts recommend performing all the component elements correctly. So, if you have a brick house, then it is best to make the extension the same. If the house is built of wood, then it is recommended to make the terrace wooden. To save money, a veranda is often built from foam concrete or a metal frame, covered with plastic or other materials. However, this is not always good, because... Such materials visually separate the extension from the house itself and make it almost incompatible with it.

If you are limited in money or time, then it is better to attach a wooden veranda to a brick house - it looks quite good.

As a rule, the veranda is attached to the front or end wall. The standard length of the structure is up to 6 m, width - within 2.5 m. The entrance door is left inside the extension. Options for constructing terraces may differ from each other. One of the most popular schemes is shown in image 3.

So, you already know that it’s cheap and quick to add a veranda made of logs or beams to a brick house. A columnar foundation is installed under such a terrace. The classic version of a columnar base involves the construction of a brick base. To construct the foundation you will also need concrete, gravel or crushed stone, hot bitumen and broken bricks.

Roofing material is selected to ensure a plastic solution for the façade of the house. It is best to use the most modern roofing options for roofing - rolls, asbestos-cement or steel.

Construction of a veranda involves the use of the following materials and tools:

  • sledgehammer;
  • axe;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • carpenter's hammer;
  • shovel;
  • electric screwdriver;
  • Bulgarian;
  • electric saw;
  • steel corner;
  • nail puller;
  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • cord;
  • small and felt nails;
  • paint or antiseptic;
  • screws;
  • construction lining or wood panels;
  • gypsum solution;
  • dry tow;
  • wood wedges.

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Construction of the foundation and subfloors

The foundation of the veranda attached to the house must be made to the same depth as the foundation of the house itself, so that the extension does not move away from it in the future. At this stage, it is necessary to take into account the type of soil and use the survey report that was carried out during the construction of the house. Measures are being taken to prevent the house from moving on heaving soil (clay, loam, sandy loam).

The foundation is constructed in the following sequence:

  • holes are dug;
  • the bottom of the holes is covered with a layer of sand 20 cm thick;
  • concrete is poured to the ground surface;
  • after the concrete has hardened, the finished pillar is coated with bitumen;
  • the gaps between the pillar and the ground are filled with sand;
  • the above-ground part of the column is made of block or brick masonry, which is brought to the height of the foundation of the house or slightly lower. There should be about 30 cm left to the finished floor of the terrace.

Installation of subfloors is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the underground space is filled with heat-insulating material;
  • the foundation is covered with a double layer of roofing felt;
  • logs, previously coated with an antiseptic, are fixed to the foundation;
  • edged boards are laid (thickness 50 mm);
  • logs are laid.

You can also make a concrete floor, but in this case you will need to do additional thermal insulation work, because... the base will draw cold from the soil, and the floor on the terrace will be cold all the time.

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Construction of the frame and installation of the roof of a wooden veranda

As a rule, wood is used to build verandas. To do this, a frame of beams measuring 100x100 mm is mounted. The work order is as follows:

  • beams for the bottom trim are placed on the previously prepared subfloor and connected in the corners with a “straight lock”;
  • every 50 cm, grooves are cut out in the beams for vertical posts;
  • racks are installed and fixed with staples and nails;
  • a beam for the top trim is attached to the racks on top;
  • A purlin beam is nailed near the slope of the roof of the house, on which the rafters will be laid. It must be secured with anchor bolts, like all racks adjacent to the house;
  • a rafter system is installed;
  • All wooden elements are treated with an antiseptic.

The roof of a veranda attached to a brick house is usually made flat in relation to the roof of the house. To create a terrace roof, it is best to use the same material that was used to construct the roof of the house. In the process of work, other lightweight materials can be used - asbestos-cement, steel and rolls. The roof is covered with a sheathing of horizontally laid boards.

Depending on the material used, the boards can be laid closely or at intervals. If you are making a roof from rolled material, such as roofing felt, then it is preferable to lay its flooring on a continuous flooring made of edged boards. The flooring is attached to the rafters with nails, the heads of which are recessed into the body of the boards.

Rolled materials are laid on the flooring, carefully leveled and secured with nails at the edges. After this, slats are nailed, which will fix the laid roofing material. The top of the slats can be covered with strips of material: they need to be nailed down with tar paper nails. The roof should be folded under the sheathing along the lower edge by approximately 10 cm and secured with nails.

A sparse or continuous sheathing is installed under the steel roof. Sheets of steel are joined by seams and attached to the sheathing using nails. Corrugated asbestos-cement sheets must be laid so that the overlap is on the wave, and the overlying sheet overlaps the underlying one by 14 cm.

Terraces and verandas attached to the house have not only an aesthetic, but also a practical function, transforming the appearance and increasing the usable space of your country house. With proper design, a terrace or veranda quickly becomes a favorite vacation spot for the whole family. According to statistics, it is here, in a cozy circle of friends and relatives, that household members spend most of their free time. However, despite the similarity, with identical role functionality, these two buildings have certain differences.

Terraces and verandas for the house - what are the similarities and differences (photo)

Terrace attached to the house- is a site constructed most often without first pouring a foundation. A terrace is usually erected on the front side of the building, although some go further and build a summer extension along the entire perimeter of the house, which significantly decorates its external architectural appearance.

Terrace - may have railings on the outside or be completely open. To protect from precipitation, a canopy is being built, which will also provide life-saving shade on hot sunny days.

Veranda attached to the house- is perceived as part of it and is a more monumental structure with a foundation, walls, roof, windows - preferably panoramic. If the construction of a veranda is carried out in parallel with the construction of a house, then the project includes a common foundation and roof, which creates a harmonious external image.

You can make a later extension to an already finished building, if such a need arises. Taking into account the design features, it is possible to install autonomous heating here, which will allow maintaining a comfortable temperature in the autumn-winter period.

As for walls and windows, the veranda, like the terrace, may also lack them, it all depends on the project you choose. Such a veranda is considered a summer one and is used for its intended purpose only during the warm season.

Original chairs made of natural rattan are a great way to add warmth and family comfort to the interior.

Beautiful house designs with a terrace and veranda attached to the house (photo)

When developing a project for a terrace or veranda (photos can be found on the Internet), you should immediately decide on its purpose. This will allow you to calculate the appropriate sizes and select. There are several options for using these buildings.

Summer living room

This arrangement idea suggests a desire to spend time together in a cozy room. Therefore, furniture is selected as comfortable as possible, preferably with soft upholstery. There is always a table in the center, around which the whole idea of ​​the rest of the interior is built.

It is appropriate to install plastic pieces of furniture on the terrace, complementing them with decorative pillows and blankets. Ensembles woven from wicker or artificial moisture-resistant rattan will fit perfectly.

An interesting idea is to place a decorative hearth with an open flame in the center of the table

Fireplace room

The space of the covered veranda will acquire respectability and a sense of comfort if you install an electric fireplace in it in a luxurious portal with imitation of antique tiles. Nearby there are cozy chairs on forged legs and a small coffee table.

On the open terrace with a roof, you can equip a wood-burning fireplace with a barbecue and barbecue grills. This ambience is complemented by a comfortable stable table and chairs.

Important! To prevent fire, the wall of the house where the fireplace is installed is protected by a fireproof finish.

A fireplace installed on an open veranda is not only a wonderful decorative element, but also an excellent source of heat that can warm you up in cold weather.

Dinner Zone

Light plastic furniture will help create a cozy atmosphere if there is a need to gather for a meal on the terrace. You will need a sideboard and open shelves with dishes. Instead of a traditional table, you can make a bar counter by choosing chairs of the appropriate height.

If there is a canopy, a stove is installed with a heating surface for cooking food. Multifunctional models with grills, grates, and barbecues are popular.

Rest zone

Terraces and verandas attached to the house (projects and photos can be found in our article) are often equipped as a place to relax. Swing beds are installed here, cozy wicker chairs are hung, sofas, chairs, benches and other furniture are placed.

Many people enjoy spending time in a hammock, conveniently located in the center of the extension. A small coffee table, a carved shelf for books and pleasant little things will harmoniously complement the overall image.

Wicker rattan chairs are an invariable attribute of a modern summer extension to the house

In practice, all these functional roles are most often combined with the predominance of one direction and style. Let's talk more about them.

Stylish solution for the design of the extension

The selection of a style solution for a terrace and veranda attached to a house is most often based on the use of several elements that characterize a specific direction. The implementation of this principle allows you to give the interior a finished look even in a small space.

Eco style

Eco-style terraces and verandas always attract special attention. The dominant requirement is the use of natural materials for both decoration and furniture.

The floor and ceiling are made of planks. When decorating the interior, brick is welcome. On the terrace it is often laid out in the form of fencing posts.

If you need to decorate the windows of the veranda, it is better to opt for linen curtains. This type of fabric harmonizes perfectly with eco-style, bringing home comfort and warmth to it.

Panoramic glazing is one of the main highlights of eco-style

Mediterranean style

The organic use of marine style is not necessarily associated with the location of housing, equipped with a terrace and veranda, on the shore of a lake or sea. An exquisite combination of white and blue colors on the facades of furniture and in the ornament of pillows on a chaise lounge brings a feeling of freshness.

Furniture must be white, while for floors and walls choose sand or beige color, which are considered universal.

Souvenirs brought from the sea are placed on the shelves. The decor will be decorated with frames covered with shells with photographs on the theme of relaxing by the water or reproductions of marine painters. You can place a blue and white striped rug near the entrance.


A veranda attached to a house, having a sufficiently large area, can be made an object of admiration if it is filled with elements of exquisite baroque.

In surface finishing, preference is given to noble burgundy, balanced green, and mysterious chocolate color.

The lines of furniture items should be smooth. The most advantageous are white facades with a golden pattern. For the floor, select tiles with a pattern similar to aristocratic marble or timeless parquet.


Terraces and verandas in the Art Nouveau style are a combination of modern architecture with a cozy, homely atmosphere.

The modern look of the buildings is given by transparent walls made of laminated glass, which allows the space to be filled with natural light. Furniture is used in small quantities. The main criteria in its selection are strength, practicality, and convenience.

Wall flowerpots with hanging plants act as separate bright accents, giving the interior a special style and also bringing warmth to it.

Wood and stone are a classic solution when decorating a terrace and veranda for a house in the Art Nouveau style

If you properly prepare and treat the surface, the metal frame of the veranda looks no worse than a wooden one

Modern style

Modern trends tend to cut off unnecessary details, suggesting the creation of harmonious ensembles with minimal means.

The interior of a terrace and veranda in a modern style is comfort, functionality and conciseness. When designing, it is important to follow the following rules:

  1. Decorative elements in the design are allowed in small quantities.
  2. The finishing material is selected to be durable, such as stone, metal, solid wood. Imitation of the structures of these materials is allowed.
  3. Furniture should be of high quality and have simple shapes.

Traditional (classical) style

Being a modern classic, the traditional style is based, even in conditions of limited terrace and veranda space, on symmetry and soft lines. The decor is used in the form of carved or forged patterns or elegant stucco molding. The atmosphere of aristocratic sophistication is perfectly emphasized by columns replacing supporting structures.

Palette selection— the predominant color scheme of surfaces is selected from an assortment of neutral noble shades - beige, gray, milky, cream. Muted green, burgundy, and chocolate colors are also used.

Main material- wood or skillful imitation of mahogany, walnut. An expensive Persian carpet is appropriate on the floor of the covered veranda. The windows are decorated with thick curtains with lambrequins and tassels. The chairs are covered with covers, and there are decorative pillows on the sofa.

Important! Traditional style does not accept strict geometry. Therefore, there are no sharp corners on the furniture, and the lines of the facades are wavy and smooth.

Drinking a cup of tea or having breakfast in the fresh air is a pleasure

Colonial style

Given the variety of elements related to the concept of colonial style, several varieties with an exotic flavor are used in the design of verandas.

This could be majestic stonework, wicker or wooden furniture, tall palm trees in tubs. Windows and doors are large.

All surfaces, including the floor, are decorated in a light color. The upholstery has a bright contrasting pattern with ethnic motifs; leather can be used.


Veranda in Provence style- attracts with cute and simple shapes. The predominant items of this elegant style are forged furniture supports, light floral patterns on textiles, and warm pastel shades.

To make relaxing on the terrace attached to the house as comfortable as possible, install a rocking chair with cozy decorative pillows or hang a hammock on it.

The veranda in Provence style will become your favorite corner, where everything is filled with warmth and romance.


The project of decorating a terrace and veranda in a country style assumes the total dominance of wood over the rest of the material. Usually, artificially aged wide floorboards are used for upholstery of various surfaces.

Checkered curtains, openwork or embroidered napkins, tablecloths, and towels will add a sense of rustic originality. Rugs and homespun runners would be appropriate on the floor.

When starting to choose a style for a terrace attached to a house, it is appropriate to dwell on several of the most expressive decorative details that characterize this direction. This will be enough, since there should be a lot of free space on the terrace so that it does not look like a warehouse.

Features of building terraces and verandas with your own hands

Terrace and veranda lighting- an important point. Particularly, care is taken when installing lighting fixtures on an open terrace, given that it is exposed to precipitation.

When planning options for placing lamps, it should be ensured that in the evening steps and paths should be visible in parallel with the main area. In this case, the light should not be excessively bright and blinding.

An enclosed veranda allows the use of traditional ceiling lighting schemes with closed round or cylindrical lampshades placed parallel to the walls.

Terraces and verandas attached to the house should have good lighting, this will allow you to spend time in them comfortably even at night

When selecting material for a veranda, it is advisable to take into account the color scheme of the facade of the house and the material used in its construction. There is no need to repeat the entire texture of the facade and its decor, but the color harmony must be maintained.

The convenience of the terrace lies in the fact that it can be located not only below, but also on the level of the second floor of the house. In such a situation, the building is mounted on strong, reliable supports. There will be a fence around the entire perimeter, as well as a staircase with railings leading upstairs.

A two-story terrace allows you to expand the space. It can be equipped with different zones - a kitchen area below, and seating areas above.

It is advisable to make a canopy on the upper platform. The use of transparent materials for these purposes brings special charm.

Important! If you decide to leave the upper platform completely open, installing only protective barriers around the perimeter, then in the summer you can arrange a greenhouse here with cozy benches and a coffee table.

Smooth lines of the terrace design highlight its elegant style

So, let's summarize the above. Regardless of the style and design of the terrace and veranda attached to the house you choose, the main thing is that it is practical and comfortable.

Nowadays, house designs with a terrace on one or two levels, having a small canopy and a beautifully organized recreation area are very popular. The veranda to the house is usually built from the same material as the house itself. If you want to use it all year round, it must be well insulated and have central or autonomous heating.