Lenya Golikov feat summary. The Seven Most Famous Pioneer Heroes. Marat with his sister Ariadna

Golikov Leonid Alexandrovich
17.06.1926 - 24.01.1943

Hero Soviet Union

Decree dates
1. 02.04.1944

Golikov Leonid Aleksandrovich (Lenya Golikov) - a young partisan reconnaissance 67th partisan detachment of the 4th Leningrad partisan brigade, operating on the territory of the temporarily occupied Novgorod and Pskov regions.

Born on June 17, 1926 in the village of Lukino, now the Parfinsky district Novgorod region in a working family. Russian. Graduated from 5 classes. He worked at the plywood factory No. 2 in the city of Staraya Russa.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War since March 1942, Lenya Golikov was a scout of the 67th detachment of the 4th partisan brigade.

The young partisan repeatedly infiltrated the Nazi garrisons, collecting information about the enemy. With his direct participation, 2 railway and 12 highway bridges were blown up, 2 food and feed depots and 10 vehicles with ammunition were burned. He especially distinguished himself in the defeat of enemy garrisons in the villages of Aprosovo, Sosnitsy, Sever. Accompanied a wagon train with food in 250 carts to besieged Leningrad.

On August 13, 1942, a group of scouts, which included Lenya Golikov, near the village of Varnitsa, Strugokrasnensky district, Pskov region, made an attempt on the fascist Major General of the Engineering Troops Richard Wirtz and captured valuable documents, including a description of new samples of German mines, inspection reports higher command and other intelligence data.

On January 24, 1943, a 16-year-old partisan died a heroic death in a battle near the village of Ostraya Luka, Dedovichsky District, Pskov Region. He was buried at home - in the village of Lukino, Parfinsky district, Novgorod region.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 2, 1944, for the exemplary performance of command assignments and the courage and heroism shown in battles with the Nazi invaders, Golikov Leonid Aleksandrovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously).

He was awarded the Order of Lenin (2.04.1944; posthumously), the Order of the Red Banner and the medal "For Courage".


The most extraordinary thing happened to Lyonka on August 13, 1942.
The night before, the partisan scouts had gone on a mission—fifteen kilometers to the highway from the camp. They lay on the side of the road all night. Cars did not move, the road was deserted.
What to do? The group leader ordered to withdraw. The partisans withdrew to the edge of the forest. Lyonka lagged behind them a little. He was about to catch up with his people, but, looking back at the road, he saw that a passenger car was approaching along the highway.
He rushed forward and lay down near the bridge behind a pile of stones.
The car approached the bridge, slowed down, and Lyonka, swinging, threw a grenade at it. There was an explosion. Lyonka saw a Nazi in a white tunic jump out of the car with a red briefcase and a machine gun.
Lenka fired, but missed. The fascist fled. Lenka chased after him. The officer looked around and saw that a boy was running after him. Very small. If they were put side by side, the boy would barely reach his waist. The officer stopped and fired. The boy fell. The fascist ran on.
But Lyonka was not wounded. He quickly crawled to the side and fired several shots. The officer ran...
For a whole kilometer Lenka was chasing. And the Nazi, firing back, approached the forest. On the move, he threw off his white tunic and remained in a dark shirt. It became more difficult to aim at him.
Lyonka began to lag behind. Now the fascist will hide in the forest, then everything is lost. There were only a few rounds left in the gun. Then Lyonka threw off his heavy boots and ran barefoot, not bending down under the bullets that the enemy sent at him.
The last cartridge remained in the disk of the machine gun, and with this last shot Lenka hit the enemy.
He took his machine gun, briefcase and, breathing heavily, went back. On the way, he picked up a white tunic thrown by the Nazis and only then saw the general's twisted shoulder straps on it.
- Ege! .. And the bird, it turns out, is important, - he said aloud.
Lenka put on a general's tunic, buttoned it up, rolled up the sleeves that hung down below his knees, put on a cap with gold stains over his cap, which he found in a wrecked car, and ran to catch up with his comrades ...
Teacher Vasily Grigorievich was already worried, he wanted to send a group in search of Lyonka, when he suddenly appeared near the fire. Lyonka came out into the light of the fire in a white general's tunic with gold shoulder straps. He had two machine guns hanging around his neck - his own and a trophy one. Under his arm he held a red briefcase. Lenka's look was so hilarious that loud laughter broke out.
- And what do you have? the teacher asked, pointing to the briefcase.
- German documents, I took from the general, - Lyonka answered.
The teacher took the documents and went with them to the chief of staff of the detachment. An interpreter was urgently called there, then a radio operator. The papers were very important. Then Vasily Grigorievich left the headquarters dugout and called Lyonka.
“Well, well done,” he said. - Such documents and experienced scouts are mined once in a hundred years.
Now they will be reported to Moscow about them.
After some time, a radiogram came from Moscow, it said that everyone who captured such important documents should be presented to the highest award. In Moscow, of course, they did not know that they were captured by one Lenya Golikov, who was only fourteen years old.

So the pioneer Lenya Golikov became a hero of the Soviet Union.


In Soviet times, every schoolchild knew who the pioneer Lenya Golikov was. His portraits hung in all pioneer rooms: a kubanka with a red ribbon, a harness over his shoulder and a medal on his chest.
Of all the pioneer heroes, Lenya Golikov was the only one who received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union during the war.

Nikolai Nikitenko, a local historian from Pskov, the author of the book “Partisan brigade commanders”, who studies the history of the partisan movement in the Pskov region, talks about inaccuracies in his biography.
He turned to the biography of the hero, studying archival documents about the 4th Leningrad brigade, in which Lenya Golikov fought until his death in January 1943. Recently, Nikolai Nikitenko discovered new unknown details from the life of a partisan hero in the Central State Archive of Historical and Political Documents.

The first inaccuracy in his biography is the alleged pioneer age of Leni Golikov during the war. He began fighting in March 1942. And in June 1942, Lena turned 16 years old, and he could not be considered a pioneer in any way, - says Nikolai Nikitenko. - He was already a mature young man, a participant in many military operations. Very soon, not earlier than the summer of that year, Lenya receives his first award: the medal "For Courage", for carrying a wounded comrade from the battlefield. And in the description on the occasion of the presentation of a scout to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, it is said that Lenya Golikov participated in 27 military operations, exterminated 78 enemy soldiers and officers, blew up two railway and 12 highway bridges, blew up 9 vehicles with ammunition.

In the books, the feat of Lenya Golikov is described as if he acted alone in that ambush.
It happened on the 30th kilometer of the Pskov-Leningrad highway near the Strugokrasnenskaya village of Varnitsa (now it is not on the map). There is now a sign saying that Hero of the Soviet Union Lenya Golikov performed a feat at this place. The archive preserved a record of the story of Lenya Golikov about how the German general of engineering troops Richard Wirtz was destroyed. He spoke about the circumstances of the operation simply and unpretentiously. On August 12, 1942, six partisans took part in the ambush.
Golikov really hit the general with a burst, but when he approached him, the German was still alive.
True, at the end, for some reason, only two of the six partisans are mentioned, except for our hero, - still the group commander Alexander Petrov. They then return to the ambush site to retrieve the suitcase. After examining its contents, the partisans, except for linen, a shoe-mounted machine for boots and a women's jacket, did not find anything of value in it.

Anatoly Tikhanov.

[email protected]

The purpose of this article is to find out how the tragic death of the young partisan LENYA GOLIKOV is embedded in his FULL NAME code.

Watch in advance "Logicology - about the fate of man".

Consider the FULL NAME code tables. \If there is a shift in numbers and letters on your screen, adjust the image scale\.

4 19 31 41 52 67 70 82 88 103 117 127 132 133 145 151 162 180 181 195 200 217 232 235 245 269
269 265 250 238 228 217 202 199 187 181 166 152 142 137 136 124 118 107 89 88 74 69 52 37 34 24

12 18 33 47 57 62 63 75 81 92 110 111 125 130 147 162 165 175 199 203 218 230 240 251 266 269
269 257 251 236 222 212 207 206 194 188 177 159 158 144 139 122 107 104 94 70 66 51 39 29 18 3


"Deep" decryption offers the following option, in which all columns match:

G (ibel) O (t) (pu) LI + K (r) OV (o outpouring) + (pu) LE (v) O (e) (wound) NI (e) (ser) D (ca) + (r ) A (nenie) (pu) LE (d) + (stop) K (a) C (heart) + (p) A (de) N (ie) D (pressure) (k) ROVI + (con) H ( ina)

269 ​​\u003d G, O, LI + K, OV, +, LE, O, NI, D, +, A, LE, +, K, C, +, A, N, D, ROVI +, H,.

We read the bottom line of the second FULL NAME code table:

188-END OF SHOT...; 194-END OF SHOT...; 206-END OF SHOT...; 207 - END OF SHOT.

63 \u003d LEONID A ... \u003d (pu) LE (c) O (e) (wound) NI (e) (ser) D (c) A

207 - 63 = 144 = SHOT.

301 = 94-DEATH + 207-END FROM SHOT.

COMPLETE DATE OF DEATH code = 301-JANUARY TWENTY-FOURTH + 62-ON THE SHOT- \ 19 + 43 \- (YEAR OF DEATH code) \u003d 363.

363 - 269-(FULL NAME code) = 94 = DEATH.

Code for the number of COMPLETE YEARS OF LIFE: 160 = SIXTEEN = 47-DIE + 113-KILL ON THE POINT.

269 ​​\u003d 160-SIXTEEN + 109-DEATH OF THE HEART (ca).

160 - 109 = 51 = KILLED.

We look at the column in the lower table of the FULL NAME code:

159 \u003d (r) ANNICTED IN THE HEART (e)

159 - 111 = 48 = (n) APOVAL.

The Great Patriotic War is the most bloody and ruthless in world history; it took away millions of human lives, including the lives of many young people who bravely defended their Motherland. Golikov Leonid Alexandrovich is one of the heroes of his country.

This is an ordinary boy, whose childhood was carefree and happy, he was friends with the guys, helped his parents, graduated from seven classes, after which he worked at a plywood factory. The war caught Lenya at the age of 15, instantly cutting off all the youthful dreams of the boy.

Young partisan

The village in the Novgorod region, where the boy lived, was captured by the Nazis and, trying to establish their new order, they began to commit excesses. Lenya Golikov, whose feat is inscribed in history with a red line, did not reconcile himself to the horrors that were happening around him and decided to fight against the Nazis; after the liberation of the village, he went to the emerging partisan detachment, where he fought alongside adults. True, at first the guy was not taken for a young age; help came from a school teacher who was in the partisans. He vouched for the boy, saying that he was a reliable person, would show himself well and would not let him down. In March 1942, Lenya became a scout in the Leningrad partisan brigade; a little later he joined the Komsomol there.

Fight against fascists

The Nazis were afraid of the partisans, because they mercilessly destroyed German officers and soldiers, blew up trains, and attacked enemy columns. Elusive partisans seemed to the enemies everywhere: behind every tree, house, turn - so they tried not to walk alone.

There was even such a case: Lenya Golikov, whose feat became for the youth of different generations, was returning from intelligence and saw five Nazis looting in the apiary. They were so engrossed in getting honey and fighting bees that they threw their weapons on the ground. The young scout took advantage of this, destroying three enemies; two managed to escape.

The boy who grew up early had a lot of military merits (27 military operations, 78 enemy officers; several explosions of enemy vehicles and bridges), but the feat of Leni Golikov was not far off. It was 1942…

Fearless Lenya Golikov: a feat

Highway Luga-Pskov (near the village of Varintsy). 1942 August 13th. Being with a partner in reconnaissance, Lenya blew up an enemy passenger car, in which, as it turned out, there was Richard von Wirtz, Major General of the Germans. The briefcase he had with him turned out to be very important information: reports to higher authorities, diagrams, detailed drawings of some samples of German mines and others data that were of great value to the partisans.

The feat of Leni Golikov, summary which is described above, was evaluated by the Gold Star medal and awarded the title of truth, posthumously. In the winter of 1942, the partisan detachment, which included Golikov, fell into the German encirclement, but after fierce fighting he was able to break through and change location. Fifty people remained in the ranks, cartridges were running out, the radio was broken, food was running out. Attempts to restore contact with other units were unsuccessful.

In ambush

In January 1943, 27 exhausted partisans, exhausted by the chase, occupied the three extreme huts of the village of Ostraya Luka. Preliminary reconnaissance found nothing suspicious; the nearest German garrison was quite far away, several kilometers away. The patrols were not put up so as not to attract undue attention. However, found in the village kind person"- the owner of one of the houses (a certain Stepanov), who informed the headman Pykhov, and he, in turn, to the punishers about which guests came to the village at night.

For this treacherous act, Pykhov received a generous reward from the Germans, but at the beginning of 1944 he was shot as Stepanov - the second traitor, was only a year older than Leni, in troubled times for himself (when the turn of the war became clear) showed resourcefulness: he went into partisans , and from there Stepanov even managed to earn awards and return home almost as a hero, but the hand of justice caught up with this traitor to the Motherland. In 1948, for treason, he was arrested and sentenced to 25 years in prison, and with the deprivation of all received awards.

They are no more

Sharp Luka on this unkind January night was surrounded by 50 punishers, among whom were local residents who collaborated with the Nazis. The partisans, taken by surprise, had to fight back and, under the bullets of enemy shells, urgently go back to the forest. Only six people managed to break out of the encirclement.

In that unequal battle, almost the entire partisan detachment perished, including Lenya Golikov, whose feat remained forever in the memory of his comrades-in-arms.

Sister instead of brother

Initially, it was believed that the original photograph of Leni Golikov was not preserved. Therefore, to reproduce the image of the hero, the image of his sister Lydia was used (for example, for a portrait painted in 1958 by Viktor Fomin). Later, a partisan photo was found, but the familiar face of Lida, who acted as a brother, adorned the biography of Leni Golikov, who became a symbol of courage for Soviet teenagers. After all, the feat accomplished by Lenya Golikov is a vivid example of courage and love for the Motherland.

In April 1944, Leonid Golikov was awarded (posthumously) the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for his heroism and courage in the fight against the Nazi invaders.

In everyone's heart

In many publications, Leonid Golikov is referred to as a pioneer, and he is on a par with the same fearless young personalities as Marat Kazei, Vitya Korobkov, Valya Kotik, Zina Portnova.

However, during the perestroika period, when the heroes of the Soviet era were subjected to "mass exposures", a claim arose against these children that they could not be pioneers, because they were older than the prescribed age. The information was not confirmed: Marat Kazei, Zina Portnova and Vitya Korobkov were indeed pioneers, but with Lenya it turned out a little differently.

He got into the list of pioneers thanks to the efforts of people who are not indifferent to his fate and, apparently, from the best of intentions. The first materials about his heroism speak of Lena as a member of the Komsomol. The feat of Leni Golikov, a summary of which was described by Yury Korolkov in his book “Partisan Lenya Golikov”, is an example of the behavior of a young man in the days of mortal danger hanging over his country.

The writer, who went through the war as a front-line correspondent, reduced the age of the hero by literally a couple of years, turning a 16-year-old boy into a 14-year-old pioneer hero. Perhaps, with this, the writer wanted to make Leni's feat more striking. Although everyone who knew Lenya was aware of the current state of affairs, believing that this inaccuracy fundamentally changes nothing. In any case, the country needed a suitable person for the collective image of a pioneer hero, who would also be a Hero of the Soviet Union. Lenya Golikov approached the image optimally.

His feat is described in all Soviet newspapers, many books have been written about him and the same young heroes. In any case, this is the history of a great country. Therefore, the feat of Leni Golikov, like himself - a man who defended his homeland - will forever remain in the heart of everyone.


Leonid Alexandrovich Golikov was born on June 17, 1926 in the village of Lukino, Novgorod Region, into a working-class family. His school biography“fit” in only seven classes, after which he went to work at the plywood factory No. 2 in the village of Parfino.

In the summer of 1941, the village was occupied by the Nazis. The boy saw with his own eyes all the horrors of German domination, and therefore, when in 1942 (after liberation) partisan detachments began to form, the guy without hesitation decided to join them.

However, he was denied this desire, referring to his young age - Lena Golikov at that time was 15 years old. It is not known how his biography would have developed further, unexpected help came in the person of the boy's school teacher, who at that time was already in the partisans. Leni's teacher said that this "student will not let you down" and later turned out to be right.

So, in March 1942, L. Golikov became a scout of the 67th detachment of the Leningrad Partisan Brigade. Later, he joined the Komsomol there. In total, on the combat account of his biography, there are 27 military operations, during which the young partisan destroyed 78 enemy officers and soldiers, as well as 14 undermining bridges and 9 enemy vehicles.

The feat of Leni Golikov

The most significant feat in his military biography was accomplished on August 13, 1942, not far from the village of Varnitsa, on the Luga-Pskov highway. Being in reconnaissance with his partner Alexander Petrov, Golikov blew up a car enemy. As it turned out, Major General of the German engineering troops Richard Wirtz was in it, a briefcase with documents found with him was taken to the headquarters. Among them were diagrams of minefields, important inspection reports from Wirtz to higher authorities, detailed outlines of several samples of German mines, and other documents very necessary for the partisan movement.

For the accomplished feat, Lenya Golikov was presented with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and was awarded the Gold Star medal. Unfortunately, he did not have time to get them.

Some time later, they surrounded 150 punishers, which included local residents who collaborated with the Nazis, and Lithuanian nationalists.

Taken by surprise, the partisans heroically entered the battle, only six of them managed to escape alive from the encirclement. Only on January 31, exhausted and frostbitten (plus two seriously wounded), were they able to reach the regular Soviet troops. They reported on the dead heroes, among whom was the young partisan Lenya Golikov. For his courage and repeated feats, on April 2, 1944, he was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, streets in

Lenya Golikov was born on a warm day on June 17, 1926 in the Pskov region. Like any other boy in the village of Lukino, he finished seven classes and went to work at a plywood factory with his parents. Like all children, he played football and helped his parents with the housework. But the war disrupted the plans of civilians. In 1941, Leonid was only 15 years old.

The area where the Golikov family lived was occupied by the Germans until the early spring of 1942. It was at this time that, by decision of the Leningrad headquarters, a partisan detachment began to form, which became the second home for the young hero. The boy was not immediately accepted into the fourth Leningrad partisan detachment, due to his young age. But a school teacher, who was already in the partisan detachment, stood up for him.

Military merit of Golikov

Leonid's track record is really impressive:

  • he personally participated in 27 recorded combat operations,
  • thanks to this youth, several dozen fascists were destroyed, about 10 combat vehicles with ammunition, as well as twenty bridges that saved the lives of hundreds of Soviet soldiers were blown up by the hands of a young hero,
  • Accompanied carts to besieged Leningrad.

The boy was not afraid of difficulties. Once he confronted five Germans in an apiary in the village, three were destroyed by him personally, two managed to escape. And it's just a child. One of the most striking victories with the participation of Leni was on August 13, 1942, on the small Luga-Pskov highway, the car of Major General Richard von Wirtz was attacked. While our soldiers were repelling the resistance of the German group, the boy with other partisans managed to get hold of very important documentation that changed the course of an important battle.

Awards received during the war

Already in July 1942, Lenya received his first award - it was an honorary " medal for courage", And this was just the beginning. All colleagues, from small to large, unanimously noted the courage and bravery of a fighter who made a lot of efforts to defeat Nazism. In November 1942 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. This is one of the most valuable awards for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Also, by the decree of the Presidium of April 2, 1944, he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Heroes and traitors

Hero of the USSR Leonid Golikov, at the age of 15, fell in battle in December 1942. During the anti-partisan war, their camp was attacked by the Nazis. The detachment in which the boy was surrounded was surrounded in a place called Ostraya Luka, was killed in battle, along with other partisans. Later, from the lips of the survivors, it became known that the detachment was pursued more than once.

Detachments of the NKVD and counterintelligence personally took part in the investigation of the attack on this detachment. During the investigation, it became known about the cruel betrayal of one of the villagers.

Comrade Stepanov, the owner of one of the courtyards where the partisans were located, reported their presence to the headman Pykhov, He then informed the punishers about the partisans, whose detachment was already operating in the village of Krutets. Pykhov was generously rewarded by the Germans. But in 1944 he was captured by the Soviet counterintelligence and shot as a traitor to the motherland.

In the city of Yoshkar-Ola, a lane is named after Leni Golikov. There is also a monument to the hero. Yoshkar-Ola School No. 13 is named after Leonid Golikov. There are streets in other cities named after L. Golikov, these are Pskov, Kaliningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, etc.

What did I do on Sunday when I was still in elementary school? Went to the cinema in the morning. My parents bought me a subscription, four tickets for ten kopecks for the first, nine-hour session. And every Sunday at fifteen minutes to nine I went into the foyer of the cinema with the magnificent title "30 years of the Komsomol".

If you trust the name, the cinema was built in 1948. Actually, the title was deceiving. The cinema was still pre-revolutionary. Boxes, large round black stoves and a stage in front of the screen, where the piano of the German company Zimmermann was missing, survived in it. All the time I wanted to come up, lift the lid over the keyboard and knock on the keys "Chizhik-fawn, where have you been?" One kept, for this hooliganism they could be kicked out of the hall before watching the movie. And the precious ticket for the morning session would be gone.

Now I'm not a big movie buff. And then I really liked watching movies. I watched everything indiscriminately. Both films for children and films for adults. I liked films for adults less. They were incomprehensible and boring.

However, the films that were shown at children's screenings were incomprehensible and boring. Once they showed "Ivan's Childhood" - nothing interesting. Nothing but the name remains in memory.

Already at a more conscious age, I read N. Bogomolov's story "Ivan", with not childish eyes I watched "Ivan's Childhood", the first full-length film by A. Tarkovsky, made according to this story, and realized that this film was shown in vain at the children's morning session. He is not for children. Although according to the plans of the cinema, "30 years of the Komsomol" was probably going on as a film about pioneer heroes.

"Pioneer Hero" I began to feel the wildness of the combination of these words at an age far from being a pioneer. But while I was a pioneer, stories about heroic pioneer exploits were taught to us, and we learned them like a glorious fairy tale. Not thinking much into the details, not noticing inconsistencies, not going to check. Who checks the story?

Now, of course, you understand that, for example, the pioneer hero Lenya Golikova (1926 - 1943) in the pioneers recorded very conditionally. A few days before the start of the war, he turned 15 years old, that is, formally, his pioneer age was over. By the way, school is over. A seven-year education was then considered normal, it was possible to go to work. Leonid Alexandrovich Golikov was hired as a worker at a plywood factory in the regional center of Porfino, Novgorod Region. The plant, by the way, was old, still pre-revolutionary, and produced high-quality plywood. The first Russian multi-engine bombers Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor were made from this plywood.

Although Lenya Golikov was no longer a pioneer, he was still a hero.

His native village of Lukino was liberated already in March 1942. Immediately after the liberation, the Leningrad headquarters of the partisan movement began to form a partisan brigade here, for the war in the rear of the Nazis. A 15-year-old guy was taken into the brigade with difficulty, only on the recommendation of a school teacher.

In general, when we were told fairy tales about the Great Patriotic War, the partisans were presented as sort of grandfathers who went to fight against the bastard Germans. It was easy for them to fight - the forests were their own, familiar, and it was even fun for them to fight.

As for fun in the war - a separate conversation. But partisan life was not at all raspberry. Living in the forest is not fun. Even in summer. And fight too. The life of partisan detachments was most often short, and the end was tragic. Because the German field gendarmerie worked professionally. For one large detachment of Kovpak, about which both books were written and films were made, there were at least a hundred small detachments destroyed methodically, according to all the rules. Driven into the swamp, caught, shot and hanged. The partisans who were taken prisoner had no chance to survive. According to German laws, adopted not hastily, but even before the First World War, civilians who fought with weapons against the German army were to be destroyed. Of course, those who signed up for the partisan brigade were not told about this. And the teacher who recommended Lenya probably didn’t know about it either.

The main feat of Leni Golikov was described in books for children as follows. On August 13, 1942, a partisan detachment attacked a car in which Major General of the Engineering Troops Richard von Wirtz was located. In some books, the pioneer hero captured the general, in others he shot him with his own hands. But General Richard von Wirtz in 1943-1944 was the commander of the 96th Infantry Division, and in 1945 he surrendered with this division to the Americans. So in the summer of 1942 he was able to escape. But the documents remained in the car, in the briefcase. And it was Lenya Golikov who captured the general's briefcase.

The documents were sent to Moscow, and Lenya was presented with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

But during his lifetime, the guy did not receive the Hero. In November 1942 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. As already mentioned, the partisans were not generously rewarded.

And on January 24, 1943, the Nazis surrounded the remnants of a partisan detachment of 20 people in the village of Ostraya Luka and destroyed it. By the way, he gave out one of his own. The guy is a year older than Leni Golikov. Such is the partisan romance.

In 1944, in March, the Leningrad headquarters of the partisan movement presented Lenya Golikov to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and on April 2, 1944, Leonid Aleksandrovich Golikov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

It seems that the pioneer-hero simply became a Hero after the fact. Of all the Heroes of the Soviet Union that existed by the beginning of the 1950s, he was closest to the pioneer age. So the author of the book “Partisan Lenya Golikov”, Yuri Korolkov, fulfilling a social order, turned a 16-year-old Komsomol member into a 14-year-old pioneer. It’s not good to scoff at this, but maybe that’s why Lenya Golikov was chosen because he died, and with age he could no longer object to such a trick. The dead are silent. And the fact that Yuri Korolkov treated history as his superiors ordered is evidenced by the thick book “Secrets of War” written already in the 1960s. There were no special secrets in this book, but there was no truth either.

The portrait of the pioneer hero for the book was drawn by the artist from his younger sister Leni. So he got on the posters and in other books dedicated to the pioneer heroes too.

Most likely, Lenya Golikov opened a whole campaign to create pioneer heroes. There were a lot of guys who were awarded orders and medals of various denominations, and most often not awarded at all, but burned with hatred and died, like the hero of N. Bogomolov's story and A. Tarkovsky's film, there were a lot. But the living resisted the creation of the legend. They were alive, they were young, they were badly knocked down by the past war. War is a trauma for an adult, but there is nothing to say about a child, a teenager. Of these, inadequate, try to mold the image of a hero.

By the end of World War II, Lenya Golikov turned out to be the only hero who, although with a stretch, could be called a pioneer. This was not enough to create a collective image of a pioneer hero. At the end of the 1950s, at the request of the pioneer organization, several more boys and girls who died in the war became Heroes of the Soviet Union: Marat Kazei, Zina Portnova, Valya Kotik. The latter, by the way, really died at the pioneer age, at the age of 14.

How to end this article? Yes, perhaps, in the words of A.T. Tvardovsky:

Children and war - there is no more terrible convergence of opposite things in the world

  1. Lenya Golikov