Is it possible to take mildronat at the age of 90? What helps Mildronate and why it is prescribed: indications and dosage, contraindications and side effects. Partial relief of withdrawal symptoms

Without exaggeration, we can say that no drug in the entire modern history has been so well "promoted", moreover, the manufacturing company has not invested a penny in a worldwide advertising campaign. We are talking about a series of doping scandals in “big sport”, in which meldonium (INN), as it is called abroad, or “Mildronat”, as it is called in Russia (commercial name) turned out to be to blame.

It all started on January 1 last, 2016. It was then that WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) introduced meldonium, also known as Mildronat, to the lists of prohibited substances. The reason was the fact that the cytoprotective and metabolic effect can (allegedly) change the work of the myocardium so much that the heart becomes more resilient and much stronger, which will make it possible to achieve victory, and, consequently, big money.

The history of the emergence of this drug is quite motley. It was first synthesized in the Latvian SSR by Ivars Kalvins, and at first they generally wanted to use it for the disposal of toxic components of rocket fuel (dimethylhydrazine). But in the study of the toxicity of this drug in animals, such effects were found that since 1976 a drug called "Mildronate" has been registered in the USSR, and then in the USA (since 1984).

It is not known why, but in the USA the drug was “unlucky”: it was banned back in the 80s of the last century. In our country, the use of Mildronate tablets began in military medicine, and then, after the collapse of the USSR, it became a widely used drug in ordinary medical practice.

Substance and mechanism of action

The drug acts on the heart muscle through the metabolism of fatty acids. As a result, in myocardial cells - myocardiocytes - the concentration of underoxidized products decreases, the potential for free radical oxidation decreases. Usually, all these substances interfere with the transport of ATP - a universal molecule - a "battery" that supplies all cells with energy.

As a result, myocardiocytes are better able to utilize glucose, and myocardial energy supply improves. And this directly leads to the fact that the heart is better able to cope with the increase in load. In addition, ATP does not only work in the myocardium. Various groups of scientists have found that the drug does an excellent job if the body has to work in conditions of cellular hypoxia. "Mildronate" promotes rapid recovery after heavy loads, including psycho-emotional recovery.

For athletes, the drug allows you to simply give yourself as much as possible and “give your best” in training. However, it is not a hormone, does not have an anabolic effect, and does not lead to muscle building. It prevents heart damage, improves nerve transmission, and prevents cerebral hypoxia.

Indications and forms of release

What helps "Mildronate"? Naturally, the official document (which, among other things, WADA was guided by) is an instruction for use. The most popular forms of release are capsules of 250 and 500 mg, as well as a parenteral form in ampoules (5 ml) of a 10% solution. The solution is administered intravenously, intramuscularly, and parabulbarno (in ophthalmology).

Consider the most popular dosage - "Mildronate" 500, opening the official instructions for use:

  • the drug is indicated for angina pectoris and various forms of chronic myocardial ischemia, as well as for acute myocardial infarction;
  • in the treatment of chronic heart failure (low contractile function of the myocardium);
  • with cardiomyopathies of various origins and with myocardial dystrophy;
  • indicated for ischemic strokes, cerebrovascular pathology and dementia;
  • with overwork and reduced performance;
  • if there are increased loads, including sports;
  • in the treatment of alcoholism (when removing the withdrawal syndrome).

That's all the official evidence. But, in fact, the drug is able to increase endurance, increase resistance to stress, activate the central nervous system, and accelerate the recovery of the body.

That is why many doctors began to prescribe "Mildronate" to each patient, both with diseases and for prevention. Truly, this medicine has become a "panacea" for those people who have suspiciousness, anxiety and a hypochondriacal personality. They believe that if the visit to the doctor did not end with the prescription of the drug, then the visit is unsuccessful and the doctor is bad. "Mildronate" honorably saves this situation.

Attention! It is important to understand that with all its "advantages" everywhere in the testimony it is said: "the drug is used in complex therapy." This means that separately "Mildronate" cannot, and should not, relieve myocardial ischemia, or act in a similar way in other situations. It just helps you recover faster.

Mildronate - instructions for use and dosage

How to apply the drug?

Mildronate can have an exciting effect, and even lead to sleep disturbance. Therefore, for those who use it for the first time, it is recommended not to take it later than 17.00 (in case a normal sleep is planned at night), but it is better to limit it to the morning intake. There are several different regimens for taking the drug, depending on the diagnosis:

  • Heart attack and forms of coronary artery disease require taking up to 1000 mg per day, up to 1.5 months. course admission;
  • With myocardial dystrophy and cardiomyopathy, 500 mg once is enough for 10 to 14 days;
  • In acute disorders of cerebral circulation of an ischemic nature (strokes, transient ischemic attacks), the drug is administered intravenously, for example, in combination with glucose, insulin and potassium chloride. After a course of injections, 1000 mg is prescribed daily in the morning, or Mildronate 500 mg capsule (morning and afternoon) for 1 to 2 months.

The use of injections of "Mildronate" is also indicated, intravenously as a bolus. It should be remembered that one 5 ml ampoule is equivalent to a "large" capsule of 500 mg of the drug, since the content of meldonium is 100 mg per 1 ml of solution.

  • In the case of chronic disorders of cerebral circulation (cerebral atherosclerosis, chronic cerebral ischemia), the drug is indicated at a dose of 500 mg once a day, also for a long time - up to 2 months;
  • Reception in athletes, as well as in persons who are exposed to, or have undergone significant physical exertion, is recommended at a dosage of 500 to 1000 mg daily. The duration of admission is from 2 to 3 weeks;
  • As part of the complex therapy of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, the drug is indicated in a high dose - up to 2000 mg per day, divided into 4 doses. The course of treatment is short - on average - 7 days.

Many people ask - which is more effective: taking Mildronate tablets, or injections? To correctly answer the question, you need to refer to the data of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug. It is known that the maximum concentration in blood plasma occurs 1-2 hours after ingestion.

The drug does not have to pass through the liver to be activated. On the contrary, it is destroyed in the liver, turning into metabolites 3-6 hours after ingestion. Therefore, it is better to use the injection form, since in this case the first passage through the liver is excluded (after absorption of the drug in the duodenum in the case of taking capsules). Of course, there must be all the conditions and relevant indications for this.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

Despite the fact that "Mildronate" is well tolerated, it has an activating effect, and its use at night is not recommended. Also, it cannot be used in the development of allergies, in chronic renal and hepatic insufficiency, but a special contraindication is an increase in intracranial pressure. It can exacerbate the situation, because with a lack of absorption of CSF, increased activation of the brain can lead to its increased production.

During pregnancy and lactation, as well as in children, taking Mildronate is contraindicated - simply due to the lack of necessary research. This tool has long occupied its "niche", brings a good profit, and the company's management rightly does not consider it necessary to invest many millions in the organization of research, since these categories of potential patients are not demand-oriented.

Of the side effects of the reception, allergic manifestations were most often recorded - skin itching, urticaria. Often there were dyspeptic phenomena - discomfort in the abdomen, nausea when taking capsules, as well as headache.

All side effects were dose-dependent and developed when administered at a dosage of more than 1000 mg per day.

Analogues and generics Mildronate

In addition to Mildronate, the drug Idrinol (Sotex) is produced on the domestic market. Also, the active substance (meldonium) contains the following analogues of "Mildronate":

  • Meldonium of the domestic concern "Biochemist";
  • "Angiocardil" in ampoules produced by the Novosibirsk Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant (JSC "Novosibirskchimpharm");
  • Cardionat produced by STADA CIS is also a generic drug produced in the Russian Federation.

It is available in capsules of 250 mg, and in ampoules of the same concentration as the original Mildronate - 5 ml, 100 mg / ml.

Which is better - Cardionat or Mildronat? From a financial point of view, taking 1000 mg of Cardionat daily for a month will cost only 231 rubles (the lowest price), and taking the original drug will cost 533 rubles. But if we talk about effectiveness, then the original drug is always better, since the original substance is always cleaner.

In addition, after the interest in the drug arose, meldonium generics arose, which are produced by Organika LLC, Binergia CJSC, Solofarm. Thus, Mildronate has a whole clone of INN analogues - generics (meldonium) and a brand - generics (Angiocardil, Cardionat), which have similar instructions for use, lower prices and a variety of reviews.

But, as before, the most famous is "Mildronate" - the original development of Latvian scientists. It was he who gained popularity all over the world as a quality remedy for patients and athletes, which increases stress resistance, body endurance to stress, and improves the nutrition of the myocardium and brain.

Due to its mechanism, it is used in the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, to increase the endurance of the body. In the reviews of patients who took the drug, it is said that it improves the physical, mental state at the time of overload and the rehabilitation period.

A drug that can improve and enhance metabolic processes in the tissues of the body. This new generation metabolic drug is used primarily as a cure for ischemia.

It has been observed that long-term treatment with the drug weakens the development of angina pectoris. The active substance of the drug, meldonium, also affects the central nervous system, improving cognitive functions and mental activity.

For what disorders is the drug prescribed:


  • cardiac ischemia;
  • stable angina pectoris;
  • heart failure;
  • menopausal cardiomyopathy;
  • prevention of myocardial infarction.


  • cerebral and cardiac ischemia;
  • consequences of cerebrovascular accidents.

3. Ophthalmology:

  • pathological changes in the fundus;
  • retinopathy;
  • impaired blood circulation in the retinal area.

4. Pulmonology:

  • obstructive changes in the lungs.

5. Narcology:

  • removal of symptoms of the consequences of chronic alcoholism.

6. General practice:

  • nervous fatigue;
  • low performance;
  • asthenia not related to exercise;
  • overload in athletes.

The drug is not used as the main medicine for diseases, but as an adjunct to treatment.


Mildronate (reviews of patients who took the drug indicate an improvement in well-being) contains the active substance meldonium, which is an analogue of y-butyrobetaine, a precursor of levocarnitine, which is part of every cell of the human body.

One capsule of the drug contains:

  • Meldonium digidratum as an active ingredient, 250 mg;
  • dried starch, extracted from potatoes, as a leavening agent;
  • silicon oxide (absorbent);
  • salt of calcium and stearic acid, as an auxiliary component.

Capsule composition:

  • titanium dioxide as a filler;
  • gelatin as a source of collagen.

In what form is it issued

The drug is available in two dosage forms - a gelatin shell and ampoules. The white capsule contains a crystalline hygroscopic powder with a slight odor. Packed capsules of 10 pcs. in blisters, blister. There are 4 cells in a cardboard pack, there is an attached instruction for use. Cost - from 300 rubles.

The liquid form is available in ampoules, each containing 5 ml of the drug, intended for intravenous injection. One ml of the drug contains 100 mg of the active substance, meldonium. The cost of a package of 10 ampoules is from 300 rubles.


The main effect of the drug is the restoration of foci of impaired blood circulation in certain areas of the tissue, where the accumulation of an undesirable amino acid, carnitine, occurs. Mildronate, while maintaining the rate of metabolic processes, reduces the level of carnitine, inhibiting its biosynthesis and absorption in the kidneys.

Levocarnitine is involved in the oxidation of fatty acids, reducing their rate, which are the main source of myocardial energy. Carnitine is also involved in the transport of acids across the mitochondrial membrane.

Due to a decrease in the oxidizability of fatty acids in mitochondria, cells switch to a glycolytic source, which causes the heart muscle to use oxygen in an enhanced mode. In addition, meldonium enhances the ability of red blood cells to release oxygen.

Meldonium reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood, has a cardioprotective effect, and reduces the development of atherosclerosis. The drug continuously trains the heart, thereby preparing cellular metabolism and membrane structures for survival in conditions of ischemic stress, if any.

The drug has a vasodilating effect due to the production of nitric oxide in the endothelium (cell inner surface) of the vessels.

The active substance, meldonium dihydrate, has an effect on the body:

In heart failure Meldonium digidratum increases myocardial contractility, affects the reduction in the frequency of angina attacks.


After taking the drug, Meldonium digidratum is rapidly absorbed, its bioavailability is 78%. Bioavailability in the systemic circulation, or the maximum concentration is reached 1-2 hours after ingestion.

The synthesis and breakdown of the substance occurs in the liver, with the formation of two metabolites. It is excreted through the kidneys, the half-life depends on the dose, but not more than 6 hours. Trace concentrations remain in the body for a long time.


Mildronate (reviews from patients who took the drug are mostly positive) improves metabolism in the muscle cells of the heart, supports the energy supply of all organs. Like any drug, meldonium should be taken on the recommendation of a doctor, taking into account the existing symptoms, age, and characteristics of the patient's body.

For children under 18

Since medicine has not conducted studies on the use of the drug in childhood, it is forbidden to prescribe it before 18 years of age.

For adults

Mildronate for adults is recommended in the following doses - 500 mg or 2 capsules. It is taken in one dose, in the morning, or divided into two doses of 250 mg, in the morning and in the afternoon. Since the drug has a tonic effect, it is not recommended to take it in the evenings. The course of treatment is no more than 14 days. If necessary, you can continue taking after a 2-3 week break.

In case of circulatory disorders in the brain, the dose can be increased to 1 g, which is taken in one or two doses. Treatment is carried out from 4 to 6 weeks. People involved in energy-intensive mental activity are prescribed 4 tab. per day (500 mg) for 2 weeks.

In complex therapy, to relieve the symptoms of withdrawal symptoms, a 10-day treatment is carried out, 4 capsules per day.

Mildronate in ampoules is used intramuscularly, intravenously and for ophthalmic injections. The drug does not require additional dilution with saline. More often, intravenous infusions are carried out, and intramuscular injections are made in the absence of acute conditions of the disease.

For pregnant

Clinical trials of the drug on the effects of the female body during pregnancy and breastfeeding have not been conducted, which makes its use impossible during these periods.

For the elderly

Elderly people should use the drug with caution. Since many people aged 60+ have chronic diseases, renal and hepatic, the use of the drug should be coordinated with the attending physician.


Mildronate is contraindicated in people who have hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug. Patient reviews indicate that some people who took the drug had skin redness, which quickly passed.

The drug is contraindicated in people with increased hypertension due to:

  • disturbed venous outflow;
  • intracranial hematoma.

People with reduced kidney and liver function should use the medicine with caution, you should first consult with your doctor. Whether meldonium has an effect on the ability to drive a vehicle, whether the speed of psychomotor reactions increases, these aspects have not been studied and data are not available. It is undesirable to combine the drug with alcohol.


Cases of overdose are not reported, because the drug is of low toxicity, does not cause severe reactions.

After injections, in case of an increased volume of the drug, symptoms may occur:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • increased heart rate;
  • general weakness.

In such cases, symptomatic treatment is carried out. Doctors advise at the same time to monitor the work of the kidneys and liver, but hemodialysis is ineffective, because the drug has a high level of binding to blood proteins.

Side effects

Mildronate (reviews of patients who took the drug contain information about side effects), as a rule, is well tolerated. However, in susceptible individuals and those who have exceeded doses, secondary reactions may occur.

Body systems Types of reactions Reaction frequency
Lymphatic system and hematopoieticEosinophilia

(increase in the number of eosinophils in the blood)

The immune systemAllergy (skin redness, itching, swelling) often
Cardiac systemTachycardia, arrhythmia, hypertensive crisisrarely
Vascular systemDecreased blood pressurerarely
Nervous systemHeadache often
General violationGeneral weaknessrarely
Musculoskeletal systemMuscle weakness, spasmsrarely
urinary systemFrequent urinationrarely

When taking the drug, it should be remembered that it can affect the results of some laboratory and instrumental studies:

  • increase the concentration of c-reactive protein in the blood;
  • increase eosinophils in the blood;
  • increase triglyceride and cholesterol levels;
  • accelerate sinus rhythm at the time of the ECG.

In the case of doping control, the drug gives a positive result, which should be taken into account by people participating in competitions.

drug interaction

Mildronate (reviews of patients who took the drug can be found on the pages of medical sites) is used with drugs:

  • prolonged action (having a long therapeutic effect);
  • antianginal drugs (increasing blood flow to the heart);
  • diuretic;
  • glycosides (herbal preparations used to treat heart failure).

The drug can be combined with drugs that affect blood microcirculation:

  • reducing the activity of blood coagulation;
  • influencing cardiac arrhythmias;
  • preventing thrombosis.

Meldonium enhances the effect of antihypertensive drugs and vasodilators:

  • nitroglycerin;
  • beta-blockers;
  • nifedipine;
  • nitrates;
  • calcium channel antagonists.

It is undesirable to use meldonium simultaneously with these drugs, since tachycardia and hypotension may develop. It is also able to enhance the effects of drugs that expand the lumen of peripheral and coronary vessels, reducing blood pressure.

Terms and conditions of storage

It is necessary to store the drug in a dry place, protected from children. The temperature should not exceed +25°C. Shelf life - no more than 4 years.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is over-the-counter, available for free sale.


For the treatment of diseases in which Mildronate is used, the following drugs can be used:

Name Action Who is recommended How to use
PreductalImproves metabolic changes in the myocardium in conditions of ischemia,It is prescribed for the prophylactic purpose of angina attacks, in the case of long-term therapy for coronary heart disease.Recommended dose: 1 tab. 2 times a day at the same time as meals
AcgoveginActivates cellular metabolism by increasing the transport of glucose and oxygenIt is prescribed in case of insufficient, cerebral circulation disorders, trophic disorders1-2 tablets three times a day before meals
RiboxinParticipates in the metabolism of glucose, stimulates metabolic processes that develop with a lack of ATPIt is prescribed as part of complex therapy for angina pectoris, inflammation, primary myocardial damage, alcoholic liver damage.The drug is taken after meals, 200 mg three times a day, for 2 months
MexidolRestores cerebral blood supply in vegetovascular dystoniaIt is intended for patients with impaired cerebral circulation, vegetovascular dystonia, anxiety disorders caused by neuroses.The main dose - 250 mg twice a day, not more than 2 weeks
PiracetamImproves memory, attention, performance, restores brain function after intoxicationIt is used to treat balance disorders, memory loss.It is taken on an empty stomach, the daily dose can be divided into two doses, the last dose is taken no later than 17 hours
Sodium adenosine triphosphateThe drug improves metabolism and energy supply of body tissuesUsed to relieve attacks of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia.It is administered intravenously under the control of ECG and blood pressure

Preparations with the active ingredient meldonium

MelforWith symptoms of chronic heart failure, circulatory disorders in the brain, with the removal of symptoms of alcohol syndrome.For the first 10 days, an injection solution is prescribed, and then 2 capsules (500 mg) per day are prescribed once. Course - 5-6 weeks
VazomagInfluences the metabolism, reduces the symptoms of psychophysical overstrainIt is used as a monopreparation, as part of complex therapy in case of cerebrovascular accident, chronic heart failure, decreased mental performance.In the first 10 days, it is administered intramuscularly, and then 2 capsules per day are prescribed.
MedaternAntioxidant, metabolic agentIt is used in neurology, with hemorrhagic stroke, chronic circulatory failure in the brain, decreased performance.1 capsule is prescribed 3 times a day for 4-5 days. Then the dose is increased, the course of treatment is up to 6 weeks.
Cardionatemetabolic agentIn ischemic disease, as part of complex therapy for cerebrovascular accident, circulatory disorders in the retina.In complex therapy, 500-1000 mg is used 1 or 2 times a day, treatment is carried out up to 40 days

The table shows the approximate doses of drugs. They vary depending on the disease, the condition of the patient. Medicines and analogues are selected according to the doctor's prescription, since many side effects are possible.

Mildronate has a large number of good reviews. Patients who took the drug correctly indicate a pronounced positive effect in the prevention of coronary diseases.

Video about the drug Mildronate

The mechanism of action of the drug Mildronate:

They call an effective, popular drug that is used by patients with a wide range of diseases. Athletes also do not bypass this miracle cure.

The recent scandal around meldonium, the active ingredient of the above medication, made many of us pay attention to the positive properties of Mildronate. This drug has extraordinary power, because it has a beneficial effect on the body at the cellular level. But this does not mean at all that it can be taken uncontrollably.

Any strong drug has a significant effect on many systems, human organs. But how does Mildronate affect blood pressure? Is it possible to take Mildronate with high blood pressure and low blood pressure - such questions are often asked by patients. To understand the nature of this medicine, the strength of its effect on the body, you need to carefully study the annotation.

Scientists have long observed the metabolic processes of the human body in various diseases. It was found that the metabolism, without which we simply cannot live, is significantly affected by any chronic pathology.

To quickly eliminate these negative consequences, Mildronate was invented. How does this newest remedy act on the human body?

The drug has many positive qualities, laboratory studies have shown that Mildronate:

  • renews tissues;
  • delivers oxygen to cells;
  • enhances cerebral circulation;
  • allows you to recover after prolonged use of alcoholic beverages;
  • maintains excellent physical shape.

In addition to the listed properties, the medicine makes the cells work especially active, preparing them for high loads, oxygen starvation.

Its positive properties include the blocking of a number of enzymes that are actively involved in the transport of fatty acids through cell membranes. Due to this action, toxins are not formed.

But can Mildronate increase blood pressure? And can Mildronate be taken under reduced pressure? Often the drug is prescribed for or. But they use it exclusively in combination with other drugs that directly affect the pathology.

Mildronate cannot be called a remedy for hypertension or hypotension. However, in combination with other drugs, it perfectly restores cerebral circulation, fulfills its role in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Mildronate is indispensable for elevated - its positive effect on the functioning of cells makes it possible to eliminate circulatory disorders, especially dangerous for the retina, the brain.

Mildronate in kasula

With its help, fatigue is quickly removed, the effects of stress that cause jumps in blood pressure are eliminated. Cells are filled with energy, a person becomes alert, his thinking is clear and positive.

The question of whether Mildronate increases blood pressure has not been sufficiently studied. But it can be argued that in combination with other drugs, Mildronate restores the proper functioning of cells in case of hypotension. This is an excellent remedy for restoring the body after a long-term binge.

The active substance of the drug meldonium works as follows:

  1. removes toxins;
  2. removes nervous excitement;
  3. lowers pressure;
  4. restores the work of blood vessels;
  5. normalizes memory, thinking;
  6. improves metabolism

The drug Mildronate reduces pressure gently. This is an indispensable tool for normalizing the proper functioning of the body, it can be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.

The drug in question plays a unique role in myocardial infarction. It does not allow cells to die, activates their blood supply. As a result, the rehabilitation period is reduced, patients recover their health faster.

Composition and form of release

Mildronate capsules include:

  1. meldonium;
  2. gelatin;
  3. titanium dioxide;
  4. calcium stearate;
  5. silica;
  6. potato starch.

The injections contain only meldonium and water, the syrup includes substances that give it a pleasant taste and color (cherry essence, citric acid monohydrate, dyes, etc.).

The pharmacological industry produces Mildronate in various forms:

  • tablets, which are gelatin capsules, inside of which there is a medicine;
  • injections for intravenous, intramuscular use;
  • in the form of syrup;
  • in drops, the purpose of which is the healing of the retina.

In order for the medicine to act as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to choose its form correctly.


The doctor prescribes the drug for:

  1. myocardial infarction;
  2. angina;
  3. circulatory disorders of the brain (with strokes, cerebrovascular insufficiency);
  4. hypertension;
  5. myocardial dystrophy;
  6. circulatory failures in the retina;
  7. microcardiodystrophy;
  8. chronic alcoholism.

The drug is prescribed to adolescents when they have microcardiodystrophy, neurocircular dystonia. It is administered for diabetic, hypertensive retinopathy, retinal hemorrhages. Chronic bronchitis, asthma are also diseases in which this medicine is actively used.

Mildronate is prescribed for many diseases, but the appointment of this potent agent should remain the prerogative of a specialist.

Meldonium is indispensable for athletes experiencing problems in the form of low performance, overtraining. It is used for speedy recovery after significant stress.


During the use of Mildronate there is a risk of developing an exciting effect.

The medicine is used only in the morning, in extreme cases, until 5 pm.

Mildronate is prescribed by a specialist depending on the disease.

With angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, chronic heart failure, the drug is taken 1-2 times, the dose is 0.5-1 g. per day. The duration of treatment is from 4 to 6 weeks. With a stroke, after the end of the injection, the dose remains the same. It can be taken at one time, or divided in half.

The course of treatment remains the same. In the same way, the drug is prescribed for chronic disorders of cerebral circulation. In one year, 2-3 courses of treatment with this drug should be completed, but all these actions should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Athletes take Mildronate before training, twice a day, the dose is 0.5-1 g.

When it comes to preparing for competitions, the drug is used for 14-21 days, during competitions - up to two weeks.

Withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholism requires an increased dosage. Mildronate is prescribed in combination with other drugs.

The dose is 2 mg per day, it is divided into 4 times. Duration of admission - up to 10 days.

Therapeutic action

The main characteristics of Mildronate are improving metabolism, providing tissues with energy. Thanks to this, it performs the following therapeutic effects:

  1. cardioprotective action- protects heart cells from negative influences, enhances their performance;
  2. antianginal effect- reduces the need for myocardial cells in oxygen, which is especially important in ischemia. Due to this, pain decreases, the frequency of angina attacks decreases, the patient tolerates significant physical, without any problems;
  3. antihypoxic action– reduces the negative impact of lack of oxygen;
  4. angioprotective effect- ensures the integrity of the walls of blood vessels.

Mildronate dilates blood vessels, increases the patient's immunity. It redistributes the blood flow, directing a large volume to where there is an oxygen deficiency - to the heart muscle, brain, retina. In alcoholics, it normalizes memory, attention, speed of reaction, removes tremor.

Healthy people after taking the medicine notice an increase in efficiency, a surge of energy that allows them to cope with increased stress.

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The mechanism of action of the drug Mildronate:

So, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to drink Mildronate with high blood pressure is in the affirmative. It cannot be argued that Mildronate increases blood pressure, but its use in hypertension is not contraindicated. This is a broad-spectrum drug that effectively affects the metabolism, but it should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.

The well-known remedy mildronate, widely used by athletes and the elderly, was recently added to the anti-doping list of drugs, which caused a lot of scandals in the sports environment. What is the danger of the remedy, how to use it correctly, as well as the harm and benefits of mildronate for the body - all this should be known to those who have been prescribed this medication.


Initially, the medicine was used to treat heart diseases resulting from strong energy expenditure, as well as when the body was weakened. However, most often it was used by relatively healthy people, people involved in sports, as well as those who wanted to lose extra pounds.

The drug is available in the form of capsules, liquid for injection, as well as in solid dosage form. The main component is meldonium, a compound that is part of the content of the cellular structures of the human body.

The drug contributes to the onset of complex chemical processes in the body, and acts as follows:

  • increases the body's endurance, increases efficiency;
  • positively affects the state of tissue immunity;
  • promotes mental and physical stability under strong stress;
  • reduces stress on the heart.

Thus, the effect on the body of mildronate is predominantly positive. The medicine quickly delivers oxygen to cells and tissues, cleanses the organs of toxins and metabolic products, and also protects them from destruction.

With regular use of the remedy, the human body is able to withstand intense loads for a long time and recover quickly. All these features make it possible to use it both in therapy and in the prevention of various disorders of the heart, blood vessels, as well as in violation of blood circulation in the brain.

Mildronate showed great effectiveness in coronary disease - due to its ability to slow down cell death and accelerate the regeneration process. In addition, with heart failure, the drug increases the contractility of the myocardium, and makes the body more resistant to physical exertion.

Indications for use

Buying a drug in pharmacy chains is currently not a problem. It is often used in the complex treatment of the following diseases:

  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, ischemia, heart attack;
  • inflammatory processes of the muscle tissue of the heart;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain of a chronic and acute nature.

Other indications for appointment are:

  • deterioration in performance;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • excessive physical stress;
  • some diseases of the retina, for example, hemophthalmia;
  • bronchitis and asthma. In these cases, mildronate is used as an immunomodulatory drug.

Application by athletes

The therapeutic abilities of the product allow it to be used in professional sports, as well as for healthy people who need additional help in the fight against physical overexertion. In these cases, medications containing meldonium are ideal:

  • Mildronate effectively enhances the capabilities of the human body, increases resistance and increases the dynamic activity of athletes;
  • a positive effect of the drug on the effectiveness of training was noticed: due to the active nutrition of the muscular system and the heart, it relieves fatigue, which significantly increases the duration of the approaches;
  • lost energy is restored much faster, while metabolic products are more intensively excreted from the organs;
  • the result of exposure to the substance was established during strength exercises during training, as well as during stress on the heart.

It is worth noting that the remedy is not a doping drug in the truest sense of the word, and does not lead to an increase in muscle mass. Its effect is precisely to relieve fatigue and increase endurance.

The substance included in the composition is often used in the complex disposal of excess body weight. However, it can not be used as an independent drug for weight loss. Meldonium helps to speed up metabolism, recovery processes in the body, and also reduces the amount of cholesterol. This allows a person to quickly adjust to exercise that results in weight loss. That is why, combining mildronate with sports, you can quickly lose extra pounds.

How to use

The correct use of the medication is a guarantee of an excellent result, but it must be prescribed by the attending physician.

The systematic use of the drug may result in a decrease in its therapeutic effect, which is why the patient should carefully follow the recommended scheme:

  • usually the medicine is taken before 5 pm: the ingredients included in its composition increase excitability, and may adversely affect sleep;
  • for medicinal purposes, mildronate is prescribed 500-1000 mg twice a day;
  • the duration of treatment depends on the individual characteristics and the goals pursued, and most often is up to 12 days.

Amateur athletes use 0.5 g per day for 2 weeks, after which they take a break for 14 days and repeat the therapy. For professionals, the dosage is 1 g per day.


The downside of using the drug is addiction. Long-term use can adversely affect the psycho-emotional state of athletes.

Is mildronate harmful? This question worries not only people involved in sports, but also ordinary people. It has been established that the drug does not have a destructive effect on the body, unlike other doping drugs. However, like any medication containing meldonium, the drug has side effects, which, however, are quite rare.

The main conditions for the effectiveness of the drug is compliance with doses and duration of use.

After the use of mildronate, the following negative consequences have been established:

  • allergic skin rashes, swelling. Most often observed with intramuscular use of the drug;
  • dyspepsia, heaviness in the abdomen, vomiting, nausea, heartburn;
  • increased heart rate, manifested during emotional arousal;
  • decrease in blood pressure.

To avoid overdose and other negative consequences, when buying a product, you should pay attention to the dosage: the drug is released in 250 and 500 mg.

Mildronate is prohibited for children under 18 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the following cases:

  • with excessive sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • with severe kidney disease;
  • with liver failure;
  • with swelling of unknown etiology;
  • with increased ICP, provoked by malignant neoplasms.

The opinion of most doctors comes down to one thing: mildronate is a harmless and useful tool that allows you to protect the body under any kind of load. It is most often used as a symptomatic drug when a temporary increase in working capacity is necessary.

Anti-doping control officially banned the use of the drug in early 2016. Identification of the use of mildronate for non-therapeutic purposes may lead to the disqualification of athletes. Typically, these pills are prescribed by a neurologist or cardiologist to strengthen the heart, increase endurance, and restore general tone. People who took the drug, note an improvement in the condition after a few months of course administration.

To buy a product or not - such a decision should not be made independently. Only a qualified specialist establishes the need for taking mildronate and determines the optimal dosage.

Meldonium mildronate was created in the 70s of the last century by Professor Ivan Kalvins, an employee of the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis. It is a synthetic analogue of y-butyrobetaine, which is considered the precursor of kartonin. The substance slows down the passage of certain fatty acids through cell membranes and prevents the accumulation of unoxidized fatty acids in them.

Initially, the active substance of the drug was patented as a growth stimulant for poultry and animals. Over time, mildronate began to be actively used to treat a person: as a powerful metabolic agent, and after some time - in sports - to support athletes.

The main task of mildronate is to stimulate metabolic processes in the body and activate glycolysis. The drug reduces the amount of carnitine produced by the body, which dilates blood vessels. Improves heart function by increasing myocardial contractility. This increases the physical potential of a person and his ability to withstand significant loads.

Carnitine is one of the natural derivatives of vitamin B, synthesized in a small amount by the human body. Participates in the transport of fatty acids, ensures the functionality of muscle tissue and the brain.

With the correct use of the original product, it is possible to increase cellular immunity, reduce the manifestation of overstrain (both physical and psycho-emotional). A study reported to the public in 2015 by the World Anti-Doping Agency showed that the use of mildronate in sports can increase the performance of athletes, speed up their recovery during the competition, improve endurance and the state of the nervous system.


The drug is available in the form of capsules, syrup, tablets and ampoules for intramuscular and intravenous administration. The latter are presented in the form of a clear liquid (transparent 5 ml ampoules). Capsules - hard gelatin 250 mg. After oral administration, the drug is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Within a couple of hours, its maximum concentration in the blood is observed.

Meldonium has a powerful metabolic effect, creating a balance in the delivery and consumption of oxygen to the cells of the body, activates the metabolism in an anaerobic way (that is, without the participation of oxygen).

Thus, the substance in question is able to significantly increase the protective and regenerative functions of the body, activate tissue immunity.

When using mildronate orally, the bioavailability of the drug is, on average, 78%. Intravenous administration gives 100% bioavailability. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood occurs after a couple of hours, and its half-life is about 6 hours.

Application features

Due to the wide range of pharmacological effects, the drug is used in the treatment of many diseases.

Indications for admission

Specialists prescribe mildronate in the following cases:

  • Cardiac pathologies of the ischemic type (heart failure, heart attack, cardialgia);
  • Pathologies of the respiratory system associated with insufficient oxygen supply (for example, bronchial asthma);
  • cerebrovascular accident, cerebral stroke;
  • Circulatory disorders in the retina of the eye;
  • Some forms of diabetes;
  • Prolonged intellectual stress, nervous exhaustion;
  • Prolonged physical activity;
  • Withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholism (in combination with the main therapy).

Application in sports

How can mildronate be used by amateurs, and is it suitable for professionals? Certainly yes. It is an ideal synthetic replacement for gamma-butyrobetaine. Meldonium can significantly increase the endurance of an athlete, as it reduces the level of fatty acids used as energy. They are often used by the body in case of intense physical activity. And these fatty acids are converted into energy in the cells of the heart muscle. Thus, the heart works in an enhanced mode.

The main task of mildronate is to “reconfigure” the body to produce energy not from the heart, but from oxygen and glucose. This reduces the load on vital organs, the heart in the first place. What effect does the drug have on the athlete:

  • Fast recovery with a significant load - decay products are excreted from the body at an accelerated pace, and the process of restoring body tissues takes much less time. This allows you to make training more frequent and productive. The use of the drug is relevant for any sport and bodybuilding as well. Moreover, mildronate will prove to be equally effective both in cardio training and in significant power loads.
  • Increased performance - the drug increases the endurance of the athlete, significantly increases the speed of his reaction. This directly affects speed, agility, significantly increases the level of strength, respectively, you can significantly increase the load.
  • Accelerating the delivery of glucose to the cells of the body is an excellent prevention of the development of a number of cardiac pathologies or severe malfunctions in the heart, such as a heart attack. Mildronate will protect the "motor" from the development of arrhythmia, angina pectoris and other abnormalities.
  • Dulling the negative reaction to overwork (meaning both physical reaction and nervous overstrain) - a similar effect is especially relevant for athletes during the competition and during drying - the drug will reliably support the body when it is on the verge of physical capabilities.
  • Improvement in asthenia - a properly selected course of the drug will help to avoid weakness, eliminate drowsiness and prevent the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. All this will help improve performance in any sport and bodybuilding as well.

Important! It would be erroneous to assume that mildronate can affect the growth of muscle mass. But it gives the body the necessary boost of energy, prevents overwork, provides opportunities for increasing physical activity, which, in turn, will help achieve the desired result.

How to take Mildronate?

The method and dosage of the drug depends primarily on the purpose for which it is taken. So, for heart diseases, in particular, angina pectoris, the duration of the course should be 1-1.5 months. The daily dosage in the first 3 days is 0.75 g, divided into three doses. Then the frequency of administration is reduced to 2 times a week (the daily dosage remains the same - 0.75 g, divided into 3 doses).

With bronchial asthma, the duration of treatment is 21 days. Daily dosage - 0.25 g at a time. Mildronate is combined with bronchodilators.

With pathologies of the fundus and dystrophic changes in the retina, a 10% solution of the drug is administered subconjunctivally and retrobulbarno, 0.5 ml for 10 days. In the case of a strong inflammatory process in the eye, the course is supplemented by the introduction of a corticosteroid locally.

Important! The method of administration of the drug, the dose and duration of the course are prescribed exclusively by the doctor on an individual basis, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the main purpose of the medication.

In sports, mildronat can be taken in any form. Of course, the best result can be achieved by taking a course of the drug by injection. True, in this case it is necessary to select the dosage very carefully and also have the skills of injecting medications. Fans are better off choosing tablets or capsules for themselves.

Important! In the case of oral administration, the drug should be drunk before lunch, preferably 30 minutes before meals or after meals. Mildronate can not be chewed: the drug is drunk as a whole, washed down with a significant amount of water.

To improve performance in sports, the recommended daily dose of meldonium is 500 mg (250 mg twice a day). To accurately calculate the dosage, you should be guided by the calculation of 15-20 mg per kg of weight. On training days, the drug is taken half an hour before they start, but no later than 5 pm, as this can lead to nervous overexcitation.

drug interaction

Antianginal drugs - increase blood flow to the heart. Anticoagulants - reduce blood clotting. Antiplatelet agents - prevent platelets from sticking together during blood clotting. Vasodilators - lower blood pressure. Glycosides - have an antiarrhythmic effect.

For those who would like to use mildronate as a comprehensive course, it would not be superfluous to find out its interaction with other drugs and the peculiarities of the effect under certain loads. Since meldonium changes the body's energy consumption from the heart to glucose, when used at the same time as a carbohydrate-free diet, the result may not be the best. Mildronate is especially relevant when the diet focuses on carbohydrates and oxygen. Thus, it will perform well in gymnastics, running, powerful endurance training, football, tennis, etc.

Simultaneous use with antiarrhythmic and antianginal agents, diuretics, anticoagulants, bronchodilators, etc. is allowed.

Mildronate should be used with caution in combination with vasodilators and antihypertensive drugs. This combination can cause tachycardia and increased blood pressure.

There are a number of drugs, the effect of which is greatly enhanced when combined with the substance in question. These are cardiac glycosides and coronary dilating agents.

Side effects and contraindications

As a rule, the drug is well tolerated, but in rare cases, a negative reaction of the body is possible:

  • From the gastrointestinal tract - dyspeptic problems;
  • From the side of the cardiovascular system - jumps in blood pressure, tachycardia;
  • On the part of the immune system - rash and redness on the skin, itching, angioedema, etc .;
  • From the side of the central nervous system - nervous overexcitation;
  • General weakness.

In case of an overdose, a number of symptoms are possible: headaches, weakness, lowering blood pressure, dizziness, etc.

With caution, you should take a metabolic agent for chronic renal and hepatic diseases.

Mildronate is prohibited for use in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • persons under the age of 18;
  • with high intracranial pressure;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Why is mildronate classified as doping?

In 2016, the drug unexpectedly entered the list of medical substances prohibited for use in sports, and is still considered doping. The question of why mildronate is needed is of concern not only to professionals from big-time sports, but also to those who visit the gym at an amateur level.

Many doctors still cannot understand why the action of a metabolic agent was considered doping. After all, its main task is to maintain the functionality of the body, and not increase its physical performance. For those who plan to use mildronate exclusively at the amateur level, it is completely harmless: on the contrary, it will stimulate to increase the intensity of training and increase their effectiveness.