Nod on Mathematical Development. Synopsis of nodes on the development of elementary mathematical representations in the preparatory group. Didactic game "Choosing a road"

Program tasks:

To acquaint children with the constituent parts of the problem, to teach how to compose and solve arithmetic problems in one action for addition. Strengthen knowledge of numbers, mathematical signs, geometric shapes. To consolidate the ability of orientation in space and on a sheet of paper.

To promote the development of logical thinking through the solution of entertaining problems.

Systematize and expand knowledge about the school. To form a positive motivation for learning at school through a game situation.

Cultivate perseverance, interest in mathematical knowledge.

Today to us in kindergarten guests arrived. Let's smile at the guests and say good morning!

Guys, do you like to play?

Today I invite you to play school.

What are the names of the children who go to school? (Schoolchildren, students.)

What is the name of the tables at which students sit at school? (Desks.)

showing portfolio

Guys, look what is this? ( Briefcase.)

What is in our portfolio?

It turns out this briefcase is magical, he left a message for us

"In order for you to be able to go to school, you must fill your briefcase with school supplies, and for that you must complete assignments."

- Ready to take on tasks?

Guys, sit down at our school desks.

Listen to what rules must be observed at school ....

You sit at the table in a slender manner and behave ... Calmly.

A table is not a bed and you can’t ... Lie.

If you want to answer - do not make noise, but only your hand ... Pick up.

Task number 1 "Intellectual warm-up"

How many corners does a square have? (4)

How many days in a week? (7)

How many tails do five cows have? (5)

How many paws do two geese have? (4)

How many months in a year? (12)

What are the names of all figures with four corners? (quadrangles)

Name the neighbors numbers 5, 8.

Does a circle have three corners? (No, the triangle has three corners.)

Does a hare have four legs? (Yes, a hare has only four legs.)

Do squirrels and squirrels have four tails? (No, a squirrel with a squirrel has two tails.)

Well done, you coped with this task and we get a notebook in our portfolio.

Task number 2 "Friendly numbers"

Cards will be shown on the screen. You will need to fill in the number row. To do this, raise the card with the desired number.

Guys, what is the number between 7 and 9?

Well done, and you coped with this task and get a ruler in your portfolio.

Task number 3 "Task"

Today, we will study, compose and solve problems.

Sophia, please put 4 nesting dolls on the table.

And you, Arthur, bring another matryoshka.

(Children do the task.)

Guys, what did Sophia and Arthur do?

The story about what Sophia and Arthur did is the condition of our task.

Listen again to the condition of the problem:

Sofia put 4 nesting dolls on the table, Arthur brought 1 more nesting doll.

Repeat the condition of the problem again ( Sofia put 4 nesting dolls on the table, Arthur brought 1 more nesting doll.)

This is the condition of our task.

What do you think can be asked in this question? ? (How many matryoshkas became?)

That's right, this will be the question of our task.

Demid, repeat the question of the problem? (How many matryoshkas became?)

The question is always in the problem after the condition.

Do you think there were more or less matryoshkas after Arthur brought another one.

What needs to be done to solve the problem. (You need to add nesting dolls.)

This is the solution to the problem, that is, what can be added, combined, added, subtracted.

How many matryoshkas were made? ( There were 5 matryoshkas in total.)

This will be the answer to our problem. This is what happened, what became known to us.

Guys, repeat the answer of the problem. (IN this became 5 matryoshkas.)

So, you and I made up a problem and answered her question, which means we solved the problem!

Let's repeat, what parts does the task consist of?

What is a condition? (The condition is what is known.)

What is a task question? (This is what is unknown to be found.)

What is problem solving ? (This is something that can be added, combined, added, or subtracted.)

What is a task response? (This is what happened, what became known to us.)

Pay attention, the task is similar to a pyramid, it is necessary to follow the sequence in solving the problem, just as we follow the sequence when we assemble the pyramid.

Now listen to another problem.

- The hedgehog ran through the forest and found 3 pears ( put in front of you as many pears as the hedgehog found), ran further and found 2 apples (put apples in front of you). How many fruits did the hedgehog find in total?

Who can tell me the condition of this task ? (The hedgehog found first three pears, and then 2 more apples.)

What is the question of this task? ( How many fruits did the hedgehog find?

- How are we going to solve this problem? (You need to add apples and pears.)

Correct, what is the answer? ( There are 5 fruits in total.)

Well done guys, let's repeat once again what parts the task consists of? ( Condition, question, decision, answer.)

That's right, for this task you get a pencil case.


- At school, not only children study, but also relax. Who knows what the break between lessons is called? (Turn.)

That's right, and we will now have a change with you

This is the right hand

This is the left hand.

To the right is a noisy oak forest.

On the left is a fast river...

We turned around and

It's the other way around:

To the left is a noisy oak forest,

On the right is a fast river ...

Has it become right?

My left hand?

Answer the question to me, did our left hand become right when we turned around?

No, of course, the left hand remained left, but when we turn, the directions "left" and "right" change.

Well done guys, take a seat, our break is over, we continue to carry out tasks.

Task number 4 "Geometric pattern"

1. In the upper left corner, place the sun with five rays.

2. In the lower right corner, place a Christmas tree of three triangles.

3. To the right of the sun, arrange three clouds in the form of polygons

4. In the lower left corner, place a tree from an oval and a counting stick

5. Place the house between the tree and the Christmas tree.

Does everyone get this picture?

(Checking with the children the location of the figures.)

Where is your tree?

What geometric shapes does your house consist of?

How many rays does your sun have?

Where is your tree located?

What do you have between a tree and a Christmas tree?

Well done, and you coped with this task and get colored pencils in your briefcase.

Task number 5 "Mathematical inequality"

To get the next item in our portfolio, we need to correctly compare groups of items.

Who can tell me what signs we use when comparing a group of objects or numbers. (When comparing a group of items, we use greater than, less than, or equal to signs.)

Look at the first picture. How many fish are on the plate on the left? (7)

How many fish are on the plate on the right? (5)

Put the right sign, just remember, a hungry crocodile chooses the plate with more food.

Let's read this post together... There are more fish on the plate on the left than on the plate on the right.

Well done guys, and for this task you get a notebook with logical tasks in your portfolio.

You guys are great today, you completed all the tasks, although they were not easy.

What have you learned today?

What are the parts of the task?

What did you especially like?

What tasks were difficult for you to complete?

Of course, guys, what we filled the portfolio with today is not enough to go to first grade. But there is still a whole year ahead, and we still have many interesting tasks to complete.

Did you enjoy playing school?

And I liked the way you worked today. Thanks to all.

Let's say goodbye to the guests, and go to our group.

Natalya Glukhova
Summary of GCD for mathematical development V middle group"Let's count the bunnies"

Synopsis of GCD on mathematical development in the middle group"Let's count the rabbits"


exercise in counting objects within 6.

continue to teach children to compare and correlate five objects in size.

consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes.


to consolidate the idea of ​​​​geometric shapes, the ability group them on the basis of color and shape.

form spatial representation: lower, higher;


develop logical thinking, ingenuity, attention

contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development ability to justify one's statements.


nurture interest in learning mathematics, to cultivate the ability to grammatically correctly formulate the answer,

teach children to listen to the opinions of others, attentively listen to the teacher's questions and each other's answers.

educate independence, the ability to understand the educational task and perform it independently.

Technologies used with children:

Interactive teaching method.

Modeling situations.

Person-centered technology.

Game learning technology.


toys - Bunny and six bunnies, boxes of different colors; circles, squares, triangles

presentation, multimedia equipment

preliminary work:

conducting didactic games, individual work in free activity.

Methods and techniques:

gaming - character input, didactic games, outdoor games;

verbal - explanation, posing problematic questions;

visual - attributes

GCD progress:

Slide number 1.

caregiver: Children! Look who came to visit us!

Children's answers.

caregiver: Let's say hello to bunny and ask what is in his bag?

Children's answers.

caregiver: Children, Bunny told me that his bag is empty and that he is going to pick apples for his little hare, but does not know if there will be enough apples for everyone hares. Bunny can't count let's help him guys?

Children's answers.

Slide number 2.

caregiver: Then we go to the forest to bunnies and count them. Bunny I drew a plan and we will quickly get to Zayushkina's hut using it. Bunny even told that you can separate and go different ways.

caregiver: Guys, look how beautiful it is in the forest, what beautiful leaves lie on the ground.

Physical education minute "Forest Lawn".

We went to the forest lawn,

Raising your legs higher

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps.

Who walked so high -

Didn't trip, didn't fall.

Slide number 3.

caregiver: Look, guys, here we are at the hut Bunny. Let's move the branches and take a look.

Slide number 4.

caregiver: Guys, have you forgotten why we came to the forest?

Children's answers.

A game "Merry account."

caregiver: That's right, let's sit on the chairs and let's count. See how I count hare: One bunny, two bunny, three bunny, four bunny, five bunnies.

caregiver: Children, we counted correctly bunnies?

Children's answers.

caregiver: Now let's see what it does Bunny?

Children's answers.

Slide number 5-6.

caregiver: Well done boys. So, at Bunny bag full of apples and all bunnies get an apple.

Slide number 7 - 12.

caregiver: And now, guys, look - Bunny treats Forest dwellers with apples. Guys let's count and name a number.

Children's answers.

slide number 13.

Comparisons "Lower-higher".

caregiver: And now I will ask you to say which of the Forest inhabitants is the tallest?

Children's answers.

caregiver: Who is below the Bear?

Children's answers.

caregiver: Who is the lowest?

Children's answers

caregiver: What can you say about Squirrel and Hedgehog?

Children's answers.

caregiver: Well done guys, you did the job!

Slide number 14.

Comparisons "In size".

Slide number 15.

Didactic game"Geometric figures"

A picture of different colors of geometric shapes is drawn on the monitor. You need to name the geometric shapes and their color and count. Did everyone understand the task? Guys, are you ready? Begin!

Children complete the task, at the end of the game, the teacher together with the children check the correctness of the completed task.

caregiver: Well done, guys, and now quietly sit down in your seats

caregiver: Guys, our lesson has come to an end. Let's remember what we did today?

Children's answers.

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Program content. To form in children the ability to navigate in specially created spatial situations and determine their place according to a given condition. Develop the ability to make a pattern by combining colors, shapes. To consolidate knowledge of ordinal numbers and ordinal counting skills. Cultivate kindness towards others.

Material: a letter from the Hare, geometric shapes, a set of numbers from 1 to 5, split pictures by age.

Preliminary work: Game "Fold the Pattern"

Lesson progress: Guys, we received a letter from the Hare, in which he writes that he hid the game in the group and in order to find it, you need to complete the task. The task is given to the children: stand with your back to the door and take three steps forward, turn to the right and take four steps, etc. When completing the task, the children approach 5 chairs placed in a row.

Game "Train" The chairs placed represent the train, the numbers of the carriages are indicated by figures or numbers. Children dance to the music and at the end they get on the train - whoever has time where. The rest of the children answer the questions of the educator who is traveling in which car.

Who is in the fifth car?

Who is in the third car?

Who is in the fourth carriage?

Which car is at the front of the train?

What car is at the end of the train?

— Who rides in front of the third car?

— Who is going after the second carriage?

Physical education minute

One - rise, pull up,

Two - bend, unbend,

Three - in the hands of three claps

Three head nods

Four - arms wider

Five - wave your hands

And stand quietly.

Game "Fold the Pattern"

Next to the train, the teacher finds the game "Fold the Pattern".

Children sit at tables and complete the task. First, they are given a card with the task to fold the hammer, then they are asked to fold the Christmas tree.

The teacher asks: - What is shown in the picture? How many cubes do we need? How were you able to complete the task? If the kids are tired, you can add another card with the task of folding the sun.

Summary of the lesson:

- How did we travel today?

How many wagons were there?

What did we make patterns from?

Title: Synopsis of GCD on mathematical development in 2 junior gr. "Ordinal account"

Position: educator
Place of work: MADOU No. 34, Kurganinsk
Location: 352430, Krasnodar Territory, Kurganinsk, Matrosova st., 166

Synopsis of GCD on mathematical development for children of the middle group. Journey game "Fun Train"

Spent: Voroshilova Anna Samuilovna, educator of the highest qualification category, MADOU CRR d / s No. 121 of the city of Kaliningrad
Material Description: this summary will be useful to teachers and educators working with children of secondary preschool age(4-5 years).
Subject:"Fun Train"
Target: Development of mathematical concepts and skills of children, consolidation of knowledge about geometric shapes.
Continue to teach children to count to five;
To consolidate the skills of comparing objects in length, width,
To consolidate ideas about geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle.
To improve the ability of children to determine the position of objects relative to each other.
Geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle.
Cards-"Tickets" with geometric shapes corresponding to the designations of the figures on the cars.
Vegetables: cabbage, carrot, cucumber, tomato.
Fruits: apple, pear, orange, lemon.
Two baskets.
"Stream" and "river" made of paper;
Sticks for the bridge along the width of the river.
For the clearing: high and low Christmas trees, hemp, mushrooms. Hedgehog, hare, bird.
Stripes with geometric shapes, paper butterflies of different colors on a string (for each child);
Four hoops.

GCD progress:

Hello children! Do you love to travel? Do you want to travel by train? (Yes). Then buy tickets at the box office and take seats in the cars. The train will take you to a forest clearing.
- Children on tickets with the image of geometric figures find their car (four high chairs put together with the corresponding geometric figure). The teacher checks the tickets.
- Our shaggy dog ​​will be the driver today.
- All settled in their trailers? You can go!
The teacher gives a signal: “Tu-tu-u-u-u!” Children depict how a train rides, knock their feet, read a poem:
- Rides, rides, locomotive! Two pipes and a hundred wheels.
Two pipes and a hundred wheels. The machinist is a red dog!
1.Stop "Shop"
- In the clearing we met many different forest animals.
- Let's buy vegetables and fruits for them, which we put in two baskets. Let's count how many fruits are in the first basket, and now we will find out how many vegetables are in the second basket. (children do the task)
- The song "We're going, we're going, we're going, we're going"
2. "Train repair"
- Guys, the train showed a breakdown, we need to find it and fix it, otherwise we won’t be able to go further.
(Gives out strips with rows of geometric shapes in which this pattern is violated. Children explain where the error is and “eliminate” the breakdown).
3. "The road to the forest clearing"
- To get to the forest clearing, you need to cross a stream and a river.
-What stream? (narrow), so you can through it .... (step over). Children step over, jump over a stream.
- We quickly went down to the river, leaned over and washed ourselves.
- What is the river? (long, wide)
How can we get to the other side? (to build a bridge).
-Right! (children choose the desired floor for the length and width of the bars, build a bridge, cross to the other side)
4. "Forest clearing"
-Here we are in the field. (birds chirping, light gentle music).
What a beautiful forest clearing! Let's sit down and listen to the birds sing. (children sit on the carpet, the music gradually stops).
- Look around and tell me what trees grow here? (Christmas trees)
- How many of them? (2). What color are the trees? How many stumps? (two). What are their heights? (high and low). What grows to the right of the low stump?
(mushroom) - Who is sitting to the left of the Christmas tree? (hedgehog)
- How many mushrooms are under the Christmas tree? (1).
- Who is sitting on a stump? (hare)
- How many birds are on the Christmas tree? (1)
5. "Birds in nests."
-Children, the bird wants to play with you.
Under the text “The sun is shining, flowers are growing, birds are flying” - children wave their hands and run.
After the words “The rain dripped! Birds in nests! - children run into hoops ("Houses") - lying on the floor. The game is repeated 2 times.
- Guys, look how few trees there are in the forest! Birds have nowhere to make new nests. Let's help them: - plant Christmas trees high and low ..
(Christmas trees are on the cart: high and low). Children complete the task: a high Christmas tree is planted near a high stump, a low Christmas tree is planted near a low stump.
- Well done guys! When we next come to this clearing, our Christmas trees will become taller and more beautiful.
6. "Treat"
-Children, you have worked hard, and probably hungry. But, let's treat a hedgehog, a bunny and a forest bird first! And in order not to frighten them, we will leave a treat for them in the clearing.
-Tell me, what does the hedgehog like? (apple). And the bunny? (cabbage, carrot).
- And for the bird - grains.
- It's time for you to refresh yourself. What to do? There are many of us, but there is only one pear, and one orange, and one tomato, and one cucumber. What to do? (divide, cut into pieces).
- Thank you, you told me, but I didn’t know.)
Children thank the teacher for the treat.
- Oh, look, a butterfly flew in for a treat! How beautiful she is! What color is she?
- Yes, she is not alone, but with her friends! (the teacher distributes colored butterflies to the children. Children must make pairs - find butterflies of the same color)
- Now you have become friends - play. (Children play with butterflies - put them on Christmas trees, mushrooms, dance)
- And now it's time to go back. And let the butterflies go, let them fly in the open.
Children "return" to kindergarten.
Outcome. Did you enjoy the trip? How? What do you remember?