City of geometric shapes. Start in science. but also with the environment

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 35 "Leysan" combined type

Yelabuga municipal district

Republic of Tatarstan

City of geometric shapes

Prepared by: M.M. Yusupova - educator

MBDOU kindergarten №35 "Leysan" EMR RT


Summary of classes on the topic: City of geometric shapes

Subject: geometric figure« Rectangle".

Target: introduce a new geometric figure.

Educational tasks: to form a positive attitude towards learning, respectful, friendly relations with each other.

Educational tasks: to consolidate the concept of geometric shapes; learn to find them in objects made up of various geometric shapes.

Development tasks: continue to develop children's speech, creative thinking.

Methods: game, visual, verbal.

Receptions: questions, instructions, additions, reminders, encouraging word.

Equipment: geometric shapes, Pinocchio, cards.

Main educational area: cognitive development.

Integration educational areas:

Social and communicative development - conversation about geometric shapes, didactic game "Geometric".

Cognitive development- directly educational activities;

Physical development - physical education "Warm-up begins", exercise for the hand and fingers« Who has arrived?"

Lesson progress

1. Exercises for the hand and fingers « Who has arrived?

Who has arrived?( Fast

We, we, we!( The tips of the thumbs are pressed together, and the tips of the other fingers simultaneously quickly clap.)

Mom mom,

It's you?( X popping with the tips of the thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes!( Clap with the tips of your index fingers.)

Papa, papa

It's you?( Clap with your thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes!( Clap with the tips of the middle fingers.)

Brother, brother

It's you?( Clap with your thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes!( Clap with the tips of the ring fingers.)

Ah sister

It's you?( Clap with your thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes!( We clap our little fingers.)

We are all together

Yes Yes Yes!( Clap with all fingers.)

2. Conversation with children.

- Guys! Today I met Pinocchio on the way. And he really wants to know about the country of geometric shapes.

- Let us continue our acquaintance and take Pinocchio with us.

Children: yes, yes.

- And now let's remember what cities we visited.

- Let's play.

Pinocchio, you agree to play with us (Pinocchio nods his head). He kindly agreed to play with us. So let's start.

3. A game « Geometric »

- What city is this?

Children: city« Circle».

- Yes kids, that's right. Identify circles by color and size, counting circles forward and backward.

- Well done guys, you did it.

- What city is this?

Children: city« Triangle».

- Right. How many sides does a triangle have?

- Arrange the triangles from largest to smallest.

- Fine.

Children: city« Square».

- Yes, right. How many sides does a square have?
- What can you say about the sides of a square?

- Name them by color. Sort the squares from smallest to largest.

- Well done boys.

- Let's get to know a new figure now, what do you think, what city is this?(children answer)

- This is the city guys« Rectangle». ( Showing and naming rectangles of different sizes and colors). Now, what does this shape look like?

Children: Wardrobe, table cover, door, window ...

- Very good, well done.

4.Game "Constructor"

- Guys, I will read a poem to you, and you will make pictures from geometric shapes.

I took a triangle and a square,

He built a house out of them.

And I am very happy about this:

Now a gnome lives there.

square, rectangle, circle,

Another rectangle and two circles...

And my friend will be very happy:

I built the car for a friend.

I took three triangles

And a needle stick.

I laid them lightly

And suddenly got a Christmas tree.

First, choose two circles-wheels,

And between them place a triangle.

Make a steering wheel out of sticks. And what miracles

The bike is worth it. Now ride, schoolboy!

5. Physical education "Warm-up begins."

The warm-up begins.

Get up and straighten your back.

Leaning left and right

And they repeated it again.( lean to the side.)

We squat on the account,

One two three four five.

This is a necessary job

Train leg muscles.( Squats.)

And now hand jerks

We do it with you.

One jerk and two jerk,( Jerks with hands in front of the chest.)

We continue our work.

6. Loto game.

Guys,close the object with a geometric figure that it looks like.

Drawn items:


Round napkin





- Well done guys, well done.

7. Card game.

- Guys, now we will work with the cards. Determine which figure is missing (attention game)



Yes, kids, well done.

8. " Hatching »

Guys, let's shade the geometric shapes with a simple pencil.We draw the strokes from top to bottom or from left to right without taking our hands off the paper, adhering to the contour lines of the picture.We work carefully, we do not go beyond the contour.(When performing hatching, you should follow the rules).

9. Summary of the lesson.

- What new geometric figure did you meet?

- Pinocchio, did you like our lesson?

Pinocchio: Yes, I liked it very much. I learned a lot about the country of geometric shapes. Can I visit you next time?

- Yes, of course, come!

Summary of GCD using ICT

according to FEMP in the senior group

"Journey to the City of Geometric Shapes"

Compiled by: Kochergina I.V.

Target: generalization of previously acquired knowledge about geometric shapes and their properties.

  • deepen children's ideas about the characteristic features of geometric shapes;
  • teach children to navigate on a sheet of paper;
  • exercise in quantitative counting;


  • develop visual and auditory perception, figurative and logical thinking;
  • develop the ability to act in accordance with the task of the teacher;
  • develop fine motor skills;


  • educate positive motivation for learning, interest in mathematics;
  • cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Demo material:presentation, cards with the image of scales, geometric trees, houses.

Handout:sets of geometric shapes; worksheets with tasks: “geometric trees”, “geometric houses”, “geometric swings”; cards with the image of houses with empty windows.

Ι. Organizing time.
- In a wide circle, I see,
All my friends got up.
We will now go to the right: one, two, three.
And now let's go to the left: one, two, three.
Let's gather in the center of the circle: one, two, three.
And we will all return to the place: one, two, three.
Smile, wink,
We will start to work.
Surprise moment "Letter"

Guys, a letter has come to our group. Do you want to know what is in this letter?
- Let's open the envelope. We were sent a letter by a resident of the country of geometric shapes Geometric. He invites us to visit him.

ΙΙ. Main part.

Educator. Guys, accept the invitation? Then today we are going on a journey through the city of geometric shapes. Why do you think it's called that?

Children. Geometric figures live in this city.

Educator. Right. In the geometric city, figures are everywhere. And what geometric shapes live in this city, you will find out by guessing riddles:

1. I am a figure - no matter where,
Always very smooth
All angles in me are equal
And four sides.
Cube is my favorite brother
Because I…. (square) .

2. I have no corners,
And I look like a saucer
On a plate and on a lid
On the ring, on the wheel.
Who am I, friends?
Answer: circle

3. Look at the figure
And in the album draw
Three corners. three sides
Connect with each other.
It turned out not a square,
And beautiful ... (triangle)

4. He looks like an egg
Or on your face.
Here is a circle -
Very strange appearance
The circle became flattened.
It turned out suddenly .... (oval).

5. We stretched the square
And presented at a glance
Who did he look like
Or something very similar?
Not a brick, not a triangle -
It became a square ... (rectangle)
Educator. You correctly guessed the riddles, and we go on a journey.

Let's turn around ourselves, join hands together

Let's close our eyes - say "AH" - and we will be visiting"

I suggest you sit down at the tables.

Educator. Here we come to the city. Guys, look what a beautiful gate. What is unusual about them? (slide)

Exercise "Name and count

Children. They are made from geometric shapes.

Educator. Pass through these gates and get into the city can only be the one who calls and counts all the figures.

- Count how many circles are shown on the gate? (4)

- How many triangles? (5)

- How many squares? (2)

- How many rectangles? (3)

Educator. Well done! You have completed the task. We can go into the city.

- Guys, look, we are met by a resident of this city, Geometric. (slide)

Educator. A geometrician wants to test how well we know geometric shapes? Listen to the first task.

Exercise "Find the Differences"

– Geometric has a friend who is very similar to him. Look at the little men and tell me how they are similar and how are they different? (slide)

Children. It looks like these little men are made up of geometric shapes.

Differences: the little man on the left has a blue square, and the little man on the right has a green square; the little man on the left has square buttons, and the little man on the right has round ones; the little man on the left has triangular legs, and the little man on the right has rectangular legs; the triangle-cap is turned in different directions.

Educator. Well done boys. You have named everything correctly, and we are moving on.

Exercise "Geometric trees"

Educator. In the city of figures, even the trees are geometrically shaped. Before you cards, which depict trees.
- Show a tree with a crown similar to a circle (oval, triangle, rectangle, square).

Let's calculate how many trees are in the picture? We will count in order. (Five trees).
- Which tree has a round crown? (oval, triangular, rectangular, square)?

Educator. Well done boys! You have completed the task. And now, guys, Geometric offers us a little rest. Leave the tables and stand in a circle.


How many dots are in this circle
Let's raise our hands so many times.
How many sticks to the point
We stand on our toes so much.
How many green Christmas trees
Let's make so many bends.
How many circles do we have here
So many jumps.
(Sit down at the tables) (slide)

Educator. Have a little rest, and nowwe are going to Geometric street. Consider the houses that are on this street.

Exercise "Geometric houses"

- House numbers are marked at the top. In the house under what number do triangles, squares, circles, ovals live?
Which house is the tallest (lowest)?
- Which house is the widest (narrowest)?
Which house does the longest (shortest) path lead to?

- Well done, you did a great job.

Educator. There is a magic swing in the city of geometric shapes. Geometric figures ride on a swing.

Exercise "Geometric swing"

- Let's remember where the right (left) side of the swing is on the card?

- On the left side of the swing, put two red squares to ride.

- And on the right side, plant three blue squares.

- Which squares are more (less)?

What do you think, which squares are heavier? Why?

– What can be done to make the red and green squares equal?

Children. Add one red square or remove one green square.

The geometrician is a very cheerful little man, he invites us to relax a bit and stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Cheerful little man"
I am a cheerful person
I walk and drink.
I am a cheerful person
I love to play very much.
The index and middle fingers of both hands "walk" on the table.
I rub my hands hard
Rubbing their palms.
I twist each finger
I say hello to him
And I'll start pulling.
They cover each finger at the base and with rotational movements rise to the nail phalanx.
I will then wash my hands
They rub their palms.
I'll put my finger to my finger,
I'll lock them up
And keep warm.
Put your fingers in the castle.

Educator. And now we go to the building street.

Exercise "Settle the house with geometric shapes"

Educator. The guys, in a geometric city, built a new house in which different figures will live. Let's help them move in. I will tell you where the figures live, and you will settle them in apartments.

– Place the square in the upper right corner.
- Circle in the middle of the house.
- Triangle in the lower left corner.
- Oval in the upper left corner.
- Rectangle in the lower right corner.

How many empty apartments are left?

- Well done guys, we also coped with this task.

Educator. Our trip around the city

geometric shapes ends. Geometric says

you GOODBYE! He hopes you like it. We have completed all the tasks and it is time for us to return to kindergarten.

“We stomp our feet - clap our hands

Let's turn around ourselves

Let's close our eyes - say "AH" - and find ourselves in our kindergarten"

ΙΙΙ. Reflection.

Educator. Did you enjoy our trip? Where have we been?

What tasks did you find interesting?

– Which ones are difficult?

What tasks did you complete faster?

- Today we visited an unusual city, where everything is connected with mathematics and geometric shapes. All of you tried, listened attentively, and therefore coped with all the tasks.

- Thanks guys. And now you can go to rest.

Subject: "


Objective of the project : create a layout of the city (sketch) based on the knowledge gained on the topic "Geometric bodies".Project objectives :
- to study educational and encyclopedic literature on the topic "Geometric bodies";

Use the acquired knowledge to build sweeps of geometric bodies necessary to create a layout of a fantastic city;

Develop communication skills when working in different groups;

Develop research skills and systems thinking.

Lesson plan:

1. Introductory part.

2. Implementation of the theoretical part

3. Performer of the practical part.


During the classes:

1. Introduction to the lesson.
Dominant activity of students: practice-oriented, creative.

Complexity of the project: monoproject (drawing)

Project duration: short-term (3 lessons)

Theoretical part

Theoretical significanceThe project lies in the fact that we have systematized encyclopedic knowledge on the following issues:

Solids of Plato, solids of Archimedes, solids of revolution

Practical part.

Practical significanceof this project is determined by the fact that we have learned how to make scans of various geometric bodies and, using models of geometric bodies, we will make a layout (sketch) of a fantastic city.

Relevance of this project, we see that any modern person in his life cannot do without knowledge of mathematics, drawing, visual arts, and in particular without the ability to see geometric shapes, bodies and objects in the world around us.

Project stages:

They develop general and individual action plans, determine the amount of material studied, questions for search activities, determine sources for finding answers to the questions posed.


Determination of forms of expression of the results of project activities

Takes part in the discussion, offers his options.

In groups, and then in the class, they discuss the forms of presenting the result of research activities.


Project development

Advising and coordinating student work

Carry out search activities.


Together with groups of students, it selects the necessary theoretical material on the issue under study

They search for answers to the questions posed using literary sources, the Internet. Perform the selection of the necessary material.


Implementation of the practical part of the project

Helps students in building sweeps of various geometric bodies, determining the required dimensions.

Build scans of various geometric bodies, glue models. Determine the number, shape and size of geometric bodies required to complete the layout of the tutorial. Produce selected models.


Registration of results

Advises, coordinates the work of students, helps in drawing up the layout of the textbook.

First, by groups, and then in cooperation with other groups, they draw up the results in accordance with the accepted rules.



Evaluates own performance and student performance

They express wishes, collectively discuss the difficulties that have arisen and offer ways to solve them in future work.

Implementation of the theoretical part of the project

Exercise 1 . (1 group)

To study the theoretical material on the topic "Plato's Solids".

Plato's solids are regular polyhedra. A polyhedron is called regular if: it is convex, all its faces are equal , in each the same number of edges converge.
Regular polyhedra have been known since ancient times. Their ornamental models can be found on
created during the late , V , at least 1000 years before Plato. In the dice with which people played at the dawn of civilization, the shapes of regular polyhedra are already guessed. To a large extent, regular polyhedra have been studied . Some sources (such as ) are credited with the honor of their discovery . Others argue that only the tetrahedron, cube and dodecahedron were familiar to him, and the honor of discovering the octahedron and icosahedron belongs to a contemporary of Plato. In any case, Theaetetus gave a mathematical description of all five regular polyhedra and the first known proof that there are exactly five. Regular polyhedra are characteristic of philosophy , in honor of which they received the name "Platonic solids". Plato wrote about them in his treatise (360 BC), where he compared each of the four elements (earth, air, water and fire) to a certain regular polyhedron. Earth was compared to a cube, air to an octahedron, water to an icosahedron, and fire to a tetrahedron. There were the following reasons for the emergence of these associations: the heat of the fire is felt clearly and sharply (like small tetrahedrons); air is made up of octahedrons: its smallest components are so smooth that they can hardly be felt; water pours out when taken in the hand, as if it were made of many small balls (which are closest to icosahedrons); in contrast to water, cubes that are completely unlike a ball make up earth, which causes the earth to crumble in the hands, in contrast to the smooth flow of water. With regard to the fifth element, the dodecahedron, Plato made a vague remark: "... God defined it for the Universe and resorted to it as a model." added a fifth element, ether, and postulated that the heavens were made of this element, but he did not juxtapose it with the Platonic fifth element. gave a complete mathematical description of regular polyhedra in the last, XIII book . Propositions 13-17 of this book describe the structure of the tetrahedron, octahedron, cube, icosahedron and dodecahedron in this order. For each polyhedron, Euclid found the ratio of the diameter of the circumscribed sphere to the length of the edge. Proposition 18 states that there are no other regular polyhedra. Andreas Speiser defended the point of view that the construction of five regular polyhedra is the main goal of the deductive system of geometry, as it was created by the Greeks and canonized in Euclid's Elements . A large number of information of the XIII book of the "Beginnings" is possibly taken from the writings of Theaetetus.
In the 16th century, a German astronomer
tried to find a connection between the five planets known at that time (excluding the Earth) and regular polyhedra. In The Secret of the World, published in 1596, Kepler outlined his model solar system. In it, five regular polyhedra were placed one inside the other and separated by a series of inscribed and circumscribed spheres. Each of the six spheres corresponded to one of the planets ( , , , , And ). The polyhedra were arranged in the following order (from inner to outer): octahedron, followed by icosahedron, dodecahedron, tetrahedron, and finally the cube. Thus, the structure of the solar system and the relationship of distances between the planets were determined by regular polyhedra. Later from original idea Kepler had to be abandoned, but the result of his search was the discovery of two laws of orbital dynamics - , - which changed the course of physics and astronomy, as well as regular stellated polyhedra (Kepler-Poinsot bodies).

Types of Platonic Solids







Task 2. (Group 2)

To study the theoretical material on the topic "The bodies of Archimedes".

The bodies of Archimedes are called semi-regular homogeneous convex polyhedra, that is, convex polyhedra, all polyhedral angles of which are equal, and the faces are regular polygons of several types (this is how they differ from the Platonic solids, whose faces are regular polygons of the same type)

Some types of bodies of Archimedes

Task 3. (group 3)To study the theoretical material on the topic "Body of revolution".

Bodies of revolution - voluminous bodies that arise during rotation flat figure, bounded by a curve, around an axis lying in the same plane.

Examples of bodies of revolution:

2. Implementation of the practical part of the project. Exercise 1. (individual)Learn how to build sweeps of geometric bodies: a cube, a rectangular parallelepiped, a pyramid, a cylinder. Make a model of each geometric body from paper. Task 2. (group)Draw a sketch of a part of a fantasy city. Calculate how many and what geometric bodies are needed to complete the layout of a part of a fantastic city.Run models of the necessary geometric bodies. Run a mock-up of a part of a fantastic city, prepare to defend the project.

The first group made a layout of the central part of the city. This layout consists of 4 cubes, 8 parallelepipeds, 3 pyramids. With the help of the listed geometric bodies, the buildings of the bank, museum, shop were made. In the center of the layout is a fountain in the form of a hexagonal pyramid.

The second group made a layout of the residential quarter of the city. This layout consists of 13 cubes, 4 parallelepipeds, 14 pyramids, 2 cylinders. With the help of the listed geometric bodies, residential buildings and a water tower were made.

The third group made a model of the school of the fantastic city. This layout consists of 4 cubes, 6 boxes. With the help of the listed geometric bodies, the school building, the children's zoo, the stage, and the sports ground were made.

During the implementation of this project, we have learned to recognize the geometric bodies in the buildings and structures around us, and we will be able to describe the geometric composition of any building. All students in the class are able to make scans and models of geometric bodies: a cube, a rectangular parallelepiped, various regular pyramids. During the project, we learned to evaluate the work of each participant, and were able to express our opinion. This project is the first experience of the whole class on the project technology of studying educational material mathematics.

The results can be used in the lessons of mathematics and geometry, drawing, art.

State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region

secondary school "Educational Center" p.g.t. Roshinsky

municipal district Volzhsky, Samara region


« Construction of a fantastic city from geometric shapes.

(Lesson extracurricular activities)

5th grade

Teacher of fine arts, MHC, drawing

Tatarinova A.N.

Integration of educational areas: "Knowledge" , "Communication" , "Artistic design" , "Health" . Types of children's activities: cognitive, communicative, productive, motor. Purpose: To consolidate the previously acquired knowledge in children.


To develop in children the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgeometric shapes (circle, square, oval, triangle, rectangle). Exercise in correlating the shape of objects with planar geometric figures. To train children in the ability to make geometric shapes from colored sticks, lay out a picture of geometric shapes according to the model. Develop sensory abilities (perception of color, shape, size). Practice fine motor skills. Improve the intellect (attention, memory, thinking, imagination, speech). To instill in children perseverance and the ability to bring the work begun to the end.

Planned results: Children are able to work with Voskobovich's games "Lanterns" , a game "Logic Blocks - Gyenes" , Kuizener sticks, correlate the shapes of objects with planar geometric figures.

Equipment and materials: Geometric figures, Figures-men, costume "Dunno" , the Voskobovich game "Lanterns" (per child), the Voskobovich game "Lanterns" (per child), Voskobovich "Cabin" Flashlights (for the teacher), "Logic Blocks - Gyenes" , planar images of trees (geometric shapes),

Kuizener sticks, a basket with refreshments, planar images "airplane carpet" (per child).

Preliminary work: Acquaintance with games, with geometric shapes, with forms.

Stranger: Hello guys! Do you know what my name is?

Children's answers.

Stranger: Yes! I'm Dunno and I know everything in the world! Znayka gave me a watch.

Here! I even know what shape they are! They are…forms (difficult) (round).

Stranger: Yes! Exactly! I knew that the watch was round, I just didn't have time to tell. I'm going to the city "Geometric Shapes" .

Educator: They say this is a magical city. What do you guys think, who lives there? (geometric figures)

Educator: To travel around the city "Geometric shapes" need to perform different tasks.

(Dunno sad).

Educator: Dunno, what happened to you? Why did you become


Dunno: I probably won't cope with the tasks in the city "Geometric Shapes" . And I will never get to this magical city.

Educator: Dunno, I know how to help you. Guys, let's go on a trip to a magical city "Geometric Shapes" together with Dunno and help him complete tasks there.

Children's answers.

Educator: What do you think, how can you go on a trip? How should you behave when visiting? (bus, plane, boat, bike, train).

Educator: Our journey is fabulous, so we will travel on a fabulous carpet - an airplane. Consider it carefully.

(Exposes a sample, asks a question, children answer)

What geometric figure does a carpet - an airplane look like? (rectangle).

Why do you think so? (a rectangle has two sides long and two short).

How is the airplane carpet decorated? (geometric shapes triangle, square, circle).

Educator: Carpet - the plane will take us to "City of Figures" , only

when the whole will be decorated with geometric figures. What geometric shapes do we need? (triangle, square, circle).

Educator: Figures from the set will help us decorate the carpet "Logic Blocks - Gyenes" .

(The teacher gives each child "Carpet plane" , baskets with "Blocks - Gyenesha" , the children complete the task.)

Educator: "Carpets - airplanes" ready, you can go on a trip, but first let's say the magic words

Find yourself in a new fairy tale

We want, we want.

On the carpet, on the plane

Let's fly, let's fly.

Teacher: Close your eyes. "Carpet plane" and magical music will help us find ourselves in the city "Geometric shapes" .

(Magic music sounds. When the music stops. Children, Dunno, the teacher go to the city "Geometric Shapes" , and see various geometric shapes: circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle).

Educator: Oh! Look who meets us, what are these figures? (Circle, square, oval, rectangle, triangle).

(Dunno tells wrong, children correct it)

Educator: Dunno, do you know how a circle differs from a triangle? And a square from a rectangle?

Stranger: No.

Teacher: Guys, do you know? Tell Dunno (the circle has no corners).

Dunno: I see that you know geometric shapes, but can you cope with tricky tasks in this city?

Educator: Our knowledge and skills, as well as ingenuity, will help us.

(They go to the first clearing, music plays).

Educator: You and I came to a clearing called "Find Similar"

(round shape, red color).


“Look carefully at the pictures with geometric shapes and match them with pictures with those objects that are similar to this or that geometric figure” .

(Circle - ball, bun; triangle - cap, pyramid; rectangle - refrigerator, train; square - picture, clock).

Teacher: We have completed this task. But let's see how we manage to cope with the next task, in the next clearing.

(The teacher with the children and Dunno go to the next clearing, which is called "Put the figurines" .)

Educator: Guys, have you noticed how quiet it is in the forest? Birds singing is not heard, look, we are met by a resident of this country with a task.

Educator: What is the shape of the task sheet? What colour? (square, green).


“All birds have flown from our forest, all animals and insects have disappeared. Help us bring back birds, animals, insects. city ​​dwellers

"Geometric Shapes" .

Educator: Guys, let's help. (children's answers).

Educator: And the game will help us "Miracle - honeycombs" .

(Children collect birds, animals, insects. When the children complete the task, bird songs will sound).

Teacher: We did a good job. city ​​dwellers "Geometric Shapes" say thank you very much. For the fact that we returned the birds, animals and insects to the forest, they said that at the end of our journey through their city,

we will be in for a surprise. But what we will know when we pass all the clearings of the city "Geometric Shapes" and complete all tasks.

(Children make up one per "Kovgographe" train from Voskobovich's game "Miracle - honeycombs" "Cabin" .

Educator: Let's count how many wagons are on the train? (five). Educator: And now let's count the trailers in order (first, second, third, fourth, fifth).

Educator: What is the serial number of the yellow, green, red trailer ...

(children's answers)

Educator: Guys, let's put down the numbers of the cars.

(Children do the task).

Educator: The train is ready and waiting for passengers. We'll ride in trailer number five.

(The teacher shows the number five, distributes "tickets" Voskobovich's game "Magic Eight" ) .

Educator: Take the tickets and let's put the number five on them.

Educator: Attention, the train is leaving.

(The whistle of a locomotive sounds, the children line up one after another, sing a song "Steam locomotive, shiny new locomotive ..." and travel around the room - "go by train" ) .

Educator: So we arrived at the next clearing, it is called "Funny Geometry" . Look, we are met by a resident of this country with a task.

(triangular shape, yellow).


“Make a square, rectangle, triangle out of colored sticks” .

(One child completes the task on the magnetic board).

The children are doing the task.

Educator: How many sticks did it take to build a triangle? (three) Square? (four) Rectangle? (six)

Educator: So we coped with this task.

Stranger: I can't do anything.

Teacher: We will help you.

(Children help Dunno).

Educator: Now the last task awaits us with you, let's go. Look, we are met by a resident of this country with a task

Educator: What is the shape of the sheet with the task, what color? (rectangular, blue).

Educator: Guys, look, whose houses are these? (Figures)

Educator: Right! These are houses of geometric shapes.


“We got lost in the forest and can’t find the way to our houses Residents of the city of “Geometric Figures” .

Educator: Let's help them guys, but first tell me what figure, what house will we take? (circles - in a round house, triangles in a triangular house, squares - in a square house).

(Children and Dunno perform the task).

Educator: I see that you are really great! We coped with all the tasks, helped the residents of the city "Figures" return birds, animals, insects to the forest, find lost figures home. Help Dunno to complete tasks. And now, let's see what kind of surprise the residents of the city have prepared for us. "Geometric Shapes" . And what are these figures, who remembers? (circle, triangle, square, oval, rectangle)

Educator: Well done! Now, let's go for the surprise.

(Music sounds. Children and the teacher go to a clearing on which there is a stump, and on it there is a basket with a surprise (cookies in the form of geometric shapes)).

Educator: So we got to the treat (what shape, size).

Well, now it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's sit on our

"Carpets - Planes" and say the magic words:

On the carpet, on the plane
Let's fly, let's fly
Feel in our group
We want, we want.

(Music sounds, when the music stops, we will find ourselves in our kindergarten.)

Dunno: Well, dear friends,
I'm glad you taught me.
Travel is over.
Thank you for your help.


Make friends with math
Accumulate your knowledge.
Let diligence help you
Memory, logic, attention!

Stranger: I have to go home. Goodbye, see you again.

Educator: Guys, did you like our trip.

Teacher: What city were we in? What geometric shapes did we meet?

Educator: And now we are waiting for a treat.

List of references: 1. Mikhailova Z.A. "Math from 3 to 7". Educational and methodical manual for kindergarten teachers. Publisher: Detstvo Press, 2008 Series: Library of the program “Childhood.

2. T.M. Bondarenko Developing games in the preschool educational institution Summaries of classes on educational games by Voskobovich A practical guide for educators and methodologists of the preschool educational institution Voronezh 2009

Maria Malakhova
Summary of the lesson "Journey to the city of geometric shapes" in middle group

Integration of educational regions: "Cognitive Development", « Speech development» , , "Physical development".

Target: develop ideas about geometric shapes.


2. To form the ability to respond to questions: "How many?", "Which one?", "Which place?" ("Cognitive Development").

3. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name colors ( "Cognitive Development").

4. Exercise in the ability to distinguish and name geometric figures: circle, square, triangle, rectangle ( "Cognitive Development").

5. To form the ability to conduct a dialogue with teacher: listen and understand the question asked, answer clearly, speak slowly, without interrupting ( "Speech Development").

6. Develop attention, thinking, ability to guess riddles ( "Cognitive Development").

7. Cultivate interest in mathematics ( "Social and communicative development").

Methods and techniques:

- practical: posting pictures

- visual: viewing, showing geometric shapes

- verbal: riddles, situational storytelling

Materials and equipment:

Demo material: layout cities« geometric shapes» ; geometric figures: circle, triangle, square, rectangle.

Handout: boards (15x25cm) for each child, a set of colored geometric shapes for each child.

Forms and methods of joint activities

Children's activities Forms and methods of organizing joint activities

Cognitive and research tour of "Magic, geometric city » , problem solving

Game Game situations

Communicative Guessing riddles, situational conversations, questions

Motor Fizkultminutka

construction game

Logic of educational activity

1 The teacher offers to join hands and stand in a circle to give each other their warmth so that everyone has good mood. Children fulfill the request of the teacher An interest in the upcoming activity has been formed

2 The teacher talks about what is unusual in the world city« geometric shapes» and yesterday this city bewitched by an evil wizard, and no one can disenchant. The teacher suggests going to journey, V city« geometric shapes» and try to disenchant him Children accept the teacher's offer

3 The teacher makes riddles in order to open the gate cities:

“Since childhood, I have been your friend, every corner here is straight

All four sides are the same length.

I am glad to introduce myself to you, but my name is ... "

I have no corners and I look like a saucer,

On a plate and on a lid, on a porch, on a wheel"

"My riddle is short : 3 sides and 3 corners. Who am I?" Children guess puzzles:

(square (circle (triangle) Success situation organized

4 The teacher thanks the children, opens the gate and draws attention to an interesting path from geometric shapes different colors Children answer from which geometric shapes what color is the path (from circles) Improved ability to recognize and name geometric figure(circle, distinguish color (red, yellow, blue, green)

7 The teacher offers a game "What changed?" To do this, you need to look carefully at the circles, remember in what order they lie. Offers to close their eyes and swaps two circles Children remember where the circles are, close their eyes.

Children open their eyes and tell what has changed, what circles have changed The ability to remember the location of objects and determine the new location of objects is fixed

8 The teacher praises the children for the completed task and offers to go further along the path that leads to the houses with geometric shapes. The teacher reports that the evil wizard has bewitched geometric figures, and now they don't know what they're called. Children go to the houses with geometric shapes Created interest in upcoming activities

9 The teacher offers to help name and disenchant shapes Children name geometric shapes, defining and naming the form by the window of the house The ability to compare, analyze, draw conclusions is fixed

10 The teacher draws attention to the circle and the triangle, which quarreled and cannot reconcile, as they are also bewitched. The teacher offers to dance "We quarreled and reconciled" Children dance to music "We quarreled and reconciled" Success situation organized

11 The teacher reports that journey to the city of geometric shapes has come to an end and proposes that the inhabitants of this cities no longer quarreled and they always had a good mood, lay out from friends figures funny pictures. Children put pictures on boards geometric shapes The idea of geometric shapes

Final event: looking at funny pictures.

Related publications:

Summary of the lesson "Journey to the country of geometric shapes" Circle of joy: Hello golden sun, hello blue sky. Hello free breeze, Hello little oak. Hello morning.

Synopsis of the GCD in the middle group "Journey to the forest of geometric shapes" Software content. 1. Consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle); name the form.

Abstract of an open lesson in mathematics in the senior group "Journey to the city of geometric shapes" Purpose: systematization of knowledge about geometric shapes and their properties. Program tasks: - to consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes;

Abstract of the lesson in the middle group on cognitive development "Journey to the country of games and geometric shapes" Synopsis of GCD on cognitive development ( mathematical representations) in the middle group. Prepared by the teacher Dubrovina E.V. Topic: Journey.