Build a garden house. We build a frame summer house with our own hands. Finished country houses

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Today, building technologies offer the construction of garden houses not only from classic materials (log, cinder block, brick), but also to use plywood sheets, OSB, aerated concrete blocks, foam blocks, timber, etc. as the main building material.

But it is plywood garden houses that have excellent soundproofing and heat-insulating characteristics, along with ease of work and inexpensive construction costs.

Another advantage of this construction is the ability to make a house out of plywood with your own hands. This allows you to significantly reduce the cost of attracting professional teams. However, it must be borne in mind that garden houses made of timber and plywood have some drawbacks, for example, the vulnerability of the latter to aggressive actions of the external environment. Accordingly, it is necessary to take additional measures to protect this building material, and this, in turn, increases costs.

Also, plywood is an unsafe building material for the inhabitants of the house in terms of the penetration of intruders. Therefore, when building a garden house from timber and plywood, external finishing work is required, for example, sheathing with siding, which, in addition to decorating, also hides the main material used in construction from prying eyes.

Country houses are built using frame technology, which is gaining more and more popularity in many countries of the world. This due to its main advantages:

But the wood that is used to build the house (boards for the roof sheathing, bars for the frame of the walls) must be dry, and the plywood sheets must have a minimum of chips along the edges. In addition, all wood materials are additionally subject to processing with special compounds that can provide the required fire safety, as well as protect against moisture.

Construction of a frame plywood house divided into the following steps:

  • foundation construction;
  • construction of the wall frame and plywood cladding;
  • roofing device;
  • warming;
  • finishing works (internal and external).

Gallery: garden house (25 photos)


To build a house for you you will need the following tools:

Foundation laying

A massive foundation for a frame small garden house is not required, but for this the house must be made with strict adherence to all technologies. Reinforced concrete foundation blocks, a strip foundation with a recess, stuffed piles - all these types of foundations are suitable for starting the construction of a frame house. Usually, a tape type of foundation is used.

With significant differences in relief, it is best to use a pile foundation. This will make it possible to level the structure of the house and avoid distortions with minimal consumption of building materials and normal strength of the base.

Materials required to organize the foundation of a plywood house:

  • crushed stone, sand;
  • concrete (ready-made or its constituent elements: fine crushed stone, cement, sand);
  • pipe for floor ventilation;
  • reinforcing bars.

Before starting construction, you need to independently mark the territory and, with the help of pegs and a rope, mark the boundaries of the future structure. It is best that the place where the house will be installed is leveled. According to a given contour, they dig a trench with a width no more than 60 cm with a depth of 70 cm. This depth is enough to provide the required reliability and strength for a frame house. The bottom of the trench is rammed, then covered with a layer of sand and re-tamped.

Then a layer of fine gravel is poured and rammed. Such a pillow will evenly distribute the load and be able to provide waterproofing of the lower layer of the base. To improve the density of the pillow during the compaction of crushed stone and sand, a small amount of water is used. After that, you need to build a formwork, which can be made from boards, fixing them to each other with jumpers on nails. It is possible to prevent concrete leakage during the pouring of the foundation by using plywood sheets 7-8 mm thick as formwork.

After the foundation has dried and the formwork has been removed, these sheets can be used again. The height above ground level of the strip foundation should be approx 45-50 cm. In order for the formwork not to lose its shape during the pouring of concrete, the upper elements are interconnected by transverse rails.

The reinforcement is laid both across the formwork and along. Moreover, it is necessary to leave the ends of the reinforcing bars above the level of the foundation for the subsequent fixing of the frame. In several sections, a pipe is inserted into the formwork, the length of which is equal to the width of the foundation. This creates sufficient ventilation for the floor.

Then the foundation is poured with a ready-made concrete composition or crushed stone, sand, cement are kneaded into proportions 2:3:1 with water. During pouring, you need to tamp the solution a little to prevent the appearance of voids. The surface must be smoothed with a trowel or a rule so that the top layer of the base is as even as possible. When the foundation hardens (approximately one week, taking into account the depth and weather conditions), further construction can begin.

Frame and cladding

Then, in order to build a country house from plywood with your own hands, you need to assemble the frame. Frame construction is a step-by-step implementation of the following stages of work:


Do-it-yourself garden house insulation options.


Styrofoam coat

Styrofoam brand C25 and more used for exterior wall decoration.

  • The foam is fixed to the cement glue, while the glue beacons can compensate for the unevenness of the wall surface. For additional fastening of the plates, plastic dowel-umbrellas are used.
  • The same cement glue is applied on top of the foam plastic with a wide spatula, then reinforcement is recessed into it - a fiberglass mesh with a cell size of 3x3 mm and a density of at least 170 g / sq.m. The mesh is glued with an overlap of strips of 70-80 mm.
  • Then the mesh is covered with a layer of glue so as to hide its texture.

Subsequent finishing - at the discretion of the owner of the house. As a rule, the walls are finished with decorative plaster or painted with facade paint. Instead of polystyrene, glued mineral wool boards can be used. At the same time, they are much safer in terms of the spread of fire, however, they will cost much more.

Ventilated facade

If the vapor permeability of the walls is most important, then a ventilated facade is being made:

  • A crate is constructed on the walls (using a galvanized profile or timber).
  • Mineral wool slabs are inserted into the spacer between the elements of the crate or under it with fixation by dowel-umbrellas.
  • From above the heater is closed by a wind-shelter membrane.
  • After the facade is sewn up on the crate with siding.


For frame houses, light materials are used to cover the roof: corrugated board or soft tiles.

To the top rail truss beams attached, which are placed according to the level and are additionally fixed with jibs. The step between the beams should be no more than a meter. Then they make a crate with boards. The distance between the boards will depend on which roofing material is chosen. When soft tiles are used, the step between the boards of the crate is made small.

Then, when the crate is done, you need to lay a waterproofing layer. For which the roofing material is quite suitable, which is overlapped, the joints are fastened perpendicular to the crate and the roofing material is laid.


Since the main material for the construction of a frame house is plywood, then interior and exterior decoration necessary. As an external finishing material, siding is best suited, which does not weigh the walls of the house much and is easy to install. A variety of textures and colors also speaks in its favor. In addition to siding, you can use wooden or plastic lining for external work.

For interior decoration materials can be decorative plaster, wallpaper, paint, tiles. But for applying certain finishes, you will need to install drywall sheets.

The presence of a garden house on a suburban area allows you to use it for permanent or temporary residence, storage of various accessories or a full-fledged reception of guests. Also he can serve as a base for the construction team in the case of the construction of a large cottage. And the most important thing is that you can do it yourself without the involvement of specialists, you only need attention, patience and compliance with all recommendations.

Every year there are more and more summer residents who join those who want to quickly build a garden house with their own hands. After all, it is quite logical that questions arise about how to settle down in the summer or at other times of the year in your country house.

You can build a huge mansion or a real family estate, only if you have only a couple of acres at your disposal, then why not decide to build a small garden house, which will not take much time and you won’t even have to involve any “heavy artillery”.

Garden house design

Before you proceed with the drawings of the future home, it is worth thinking about the necessary project documentation. The first thing to decide for yourself is what functions will be assigned to the future house.

Despite the fact that the main purpose of any cottage in the country is temporary residence, most often exclusively in warm weather, it must be not only dry and warm at any time of the year, but most importantly, comfortable for all family members and guests.

In summer, in the heat in an economy class country house or any other, it must be a little cool. Speaking from the point of view of using the house as a structure, it should not, first of all, need regular repairs, as well as serious and lengthy preparation for the cold.

It is imperative that the house always has electricity and, at least in the heat, in summer, drinking water. In addition, it is important that, if necessary, at least a few guests can be accommodated in the house. The ideal option is when each of the rooms is multifunctional.

Having decided to build a modern garden house, it is important to keep in mind that its project today must necessarily consist of a large number of simple floor plans and the mandatory indication of the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach of the rooms.

Particular attention should be paid to the drawings of each of the nodes, where all the walls are connected to the ceiling and, accordingly, the floor, as well as all the supports of the existing floors. It is imperative that there is a vertical section of the future house indicating all the marks of a certain floor level, as well as the bottom of the foundation.

Looking through the photo of the future garden house, another point that you will definitely need to pay attention to is the presence of diagrams of all communication networks, that is, water supply, electrics, and so on.

If you plan to erect a building yourself, then in this case, keep in mind that each of the drawings must be made on paper on a scale with strict observance of all proportions. Linear dimensions are indicated for convenience almost always now in millimeters.

The completion of the garden house project is an explanatory note, which usually contains:

  • characteristics of the decisions made;
  • necessary materials for future construction, indicating their quantity.

What tools and materials will be needed to build a house?

If you definitely decided to build a garden house with your own hands at low cost, then in this case, you can use, for example, foam or gas blocks and bricks loved by many as a building material for construction. In this case, it is better to choose a pine beam with a square section, in which one side is 10 cm, as the main material.

Please note that one of the four sides of the selected timber must be already planed. It is she who will be used for the outer surface of all walls. The remaining components of the house, such as the ceiling, ceilings, floors, and so on, can be easily made, for example, from high-quality pine lumber.

Before construction begins, all building material must undergo a short drying process. The main thing to pay attention to is that the level of dryness of the materials used is approximately the same.

For example, the material of the walls must necessarily have exactly the same dryness as the lining used for finishing the ceiling in the house.

In addition to wood, you will also need the following materials:

  • Asbestos cement sheets;
  • Nails;
  • improvised heaters;
  • Antiseptic impregnation;
  • Ruberoid;
  • Glue;
  • Wallpaper;
  • Foam for mounting.

If you are interested in building a garden house exclusively from environmentally friendly building materials, then in this case you can use only asbestos-cement sheets from this huge list.

It is very easy to build a country house on your own from slats, any timber and prepared boards, as well as from windows and doors already ready for construction.

To work, you need to prepare in advance: a hand and circular miter saw, a battery-powered drill, several types of hammer, a large ruler with a pencil, a cord used for marking, a corner, as well as a flat brush and construction adhesive tape.

Types of buildings

Looking through the Internet various options for garden houses, it is impossible not to be amazed at the ingenuity and imagination of some people. Today, houses differ not only in their size, but also in materials, exterior finishes, the shape of the roof, doors and even windows.

Garden houses made of timber look interesting. They are not only strong with powerful walls, but also and most often made in pleasant warm shades.

Photos of garden houses

The dream of the residents of the metropolis is a beautiful house outside the city, where you can escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. But not everyone has these dreams come true, it seems that a country house is difficult, expensive, and long. In fact, building a country house with your own hands is quite simple.

Choosing a place for the future country house

Choosing a place for a future country house is not the time for hasty decisions, because there are not so many places.

A well-thought-out competent layout will help to use every piece of land as efficiently as possible. Even though this is your land, you will have to fulfill a number of requirements, maintaining a minimum distance:

  • from the street - 5 m
  • from the road - 3 m
  • from the neighboring site - 3 m

We do not consider the option with a lowland - water will accumulate there. Optimally - the highest place on the site in its northern (north-western) part.

A country house made of timber - a modern choice

For construction, timber is used from various types of wood: linden, larch, pine. Natural wood is the most environmentally friendly building material. In wooden houses, a unique atmosphere is formed, which has a beneficial effect on the physical health and emotional state of people. The invigorating aroma of the forest is incomparable to anything. Timber houses do not need finishing: natural wood looks aesthetically pleasing and gives the room a special charm, very suitable for the country spirit.

The undeniable advantages of a house made of timber:

  • at any time of the year, even in severe frosts in winter, the room easily and quickly warms up to a comfortable temperature;
  • the total weight of log houses is relatively small, so the construction of a powerful foundation is not required, which saves effort, time and money;
  • wood is able to absorb excess moisture, being a natural moisture regulator, thanks to which a special microclimate is established in wooden buildings;
  • quite durable: nature itself provided for the ability of a tree to withstand constant climatic changes - a change in freeze and thaw cycles, precipitation, wind, and so on.

stone house

Inexpensive and reliable stone for a country house - foam concrete - a building material made in the form of blocks of cellular concrete. Composition: cement, sand, water and foaming agent. This is the most inexpensive way to build a country house out of stone. Foam concrete blocks do not differ in aesthetic appearance, but their surface is easy to process and decorate.

Advantages of a foam concrete house:

  • creates a comfortable microclimate for life all year round;
  • refractory;
  • high level of sound insulation;
  • long service life;
  • budgeting;
  • the light weight of the material allows you to save on the construction of a massive foundation;
  • high level of thermal insulation: keeps cool in summer, warm in winter.

An alternative to a foam concrete house is a country house made of brick or natural stone. The most durable and reliable material, which is not afraid of almost any natural phenomena and other effects of a mechanical or chemical nature. The main disadvantage is the high cost of the material itself and construction work.

Building a brick or stone house will require a lot of time. Here you can not do without a reliable monolithic foundation. Its construction is possible only with the involvement of special equipment. It will take more than a month to lay the foundation and dry the concrete. Only then can construction continue.

There is also a significant disadvantage in the operation of a stone house. Its interior warms up for a long time, especially if it has been unheated for some time or heated to a minimum. Therefore, a stone country house is not the best option for those who rarely use it in winter.

A lot of people like to get a country house in just a few days. After all, for this you just need to choose the building project you like, and then sign the contract. The "constructor" of your house is delivered to your site by the contractor in a semi-assembled form. The final stages of assembly are carried out as quickly as possible.

They weigh quite a bit. This means that you can use a pile type of foundation. These types of houses are very attractive and not expensive.

The disadvantage of this structure is that you can use the country house only in the warm season. And no options for heaters or heating systems will absolutely help to cope with frost and keep warm.

In addition, you will not feel very good in them in the sultry heat, since the house is very hot in the sun and it is simply unbearable to be inside. In this case, you will definitely need to install a ventilation system or air conditioning. Yes, such options for houses are inexpensive, but their operation will cost a lot! Therefore, think carefully about what type of material it is worth stopping at so that the cottage in the country is practical, reliable and beautiful!

Modern high-tech houses

Progress does not stand still, and with the development of technology, the requirements for houses are also growing. High-tech country houses have become very popular lately. The number of variations, types of installation and facade will impress many who want to build their own home. Modern fashion trends are gradually entering the construction industry.

Projects of country houses in high-tech style are chosen only by those people who seek to feel the spirit of modernity, to feel the technical progress for themselves. These houses well combine the maximum functionality and space for everyday life. Such buildings gained the greatest popularity in Europe. The EU countries were the legislators of this architectural trend.

All details meet the principles of minimalism. No wonder hi-tech is considered technical minimalism. In such a structure there are no catchy and overly bright colors. All forms are strict, restrained and sometimes smooth. The facade immediately catches the eye. Main materials: glass, plastic, wood, metal. In percentage terms, the tree prevails.

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The topic of this article is the construction of a garden house with your own hands. We have to get acquainted with the main points of the construction of a very specific design - a frame house with insulated walls on a columnar foundation, covered with bituminous tiles.

Design choice

Why did we choose this particular project?

  • Frame walls filled with insulation provide effective thermal insulation at minimal cost. In addition, they will easily tolerate a slight deformation at.

To clarify: some alternative solutions (for example, sip panels) guarantee better insulation with greater structural rigidity.
However, when using them, the costs that the construction or rebuilding of a garden house will result in will increase markedly.

  • The columnar foundation again means minimal costs with a small amount of excavation. All alternatives are more complicated and more expensive. Yes, this type of foundation has a small bearing capacity; however, the mass of the frame structure is more than small.
  • Bituminous tiles, laid on a solid shield, attract with the complete absence of noise in rainy weather. Not only that: the shield under it will greatly simplify the thermal insulation work.

So let's get started.


The construction of garden houses, like any other, begins with marking and laying the foundation.

Since the material for sheathing the wall frame will be OSB (oriented strand board), which has standard dimensions of 2500x1200 mm, it will be logical to make the length of each wall a multiple of the smaller of its dimensions: 3.6, 4.8 meters, etc.

The maximum step between the pillars should not exceed 2 meters. This applies not only to the perimeter: internal partitions must be supported by their own props.

After the position of the supports is marked, we proceed to their construction:

  1. We tear off pits about 50x50 cm in size and at least half a meter deep.
  2. We fill each of them with rubble. The height of the bedding is 20 cm.
  3. We ram the crushed stone with a manual rammer.
  4. We form a concrete pad 10 cm thick over the bedding. The concrete grade is M100. With independent mixing, you can focus on the following proportions of the materials that make up the concrete (in terms of one cubic meter):
Strength grade Cement M400, kg Crushed stone, kg Sand, kg Water, l
M100 210 1080 870 210
M150 235 1080 855 210
M200 286 1080 795 210
M250 332 1080 750 215
M300 282 1080 705 220
  1. We lay out on the cement mortar columns of red brick the size of a brick or one and a half. A piece of 14 mm reinforcement is laid in the middle of the column, on which we will anchor the grillage.

Please note: the height of the grillage (and, accordingly, the pillars) must be at least +25 cm from the ground level.
The columns are displayed in the horizon due to the thickness of the seams.
From above, each column is waterproofed with two layers of roofing material.



The material of the grillage is larch, a wood that is exceptionally resistant to decay. Cross section - 150 mm. The beam is drilled where it will sit on the anchor; in the corners, the grillage is connected in half a tree.


They will be boards 50x150 mm with a step of 60 cm, placed on edge.

The lag material in this case does not matter much: inexpensive pine is quite suitable. Logs can be attached directly to the grillage beam with galvanized corners using galvanized self-tapping screws.


The construction of garden houses used for living in early spring and late autumn implies their insulation.

It is necessary to insulate, among other things, the floor.

  1. At the bottom of the lag, cranial bars are stuffed.
  2. They are covered with flooring from a board with a thickness of 20-25 mm.
  3. Above - a layer of vapor barrier.
  4. Then the space between the lags is filled with mineral wool.

  1. A waterproofing film is laid over the lags.

The flooring of 40 mm tongue-and-groove boards is laid after the frame has been built.



Corner posts and upper trim are made of timber 100x100 mm; fastening - already familiar to us galvanized corners. At the time of the construction of the frame, the racks are reinforced with slopes; the structure will reach full rigidity after sheathing. Material for intermediate racks and crossbars - board 50x100.

Attention: window and door openings are tied with a board around the entire perimeter.


Sheets of 12 - mm OSB are fastened with galvanized self-tapping screws 51 - 55 mm long in increments of no more than 25 cm. The joints of the sheets should fall exclusively on the racks.

By the way: if you foam the joint before screwing in the screws, the walls will be noticeably warmer.


The vapor barrier is laid under the insulation from the side of the outer skin; its second layer closes the insulation from the inside after the mineral wool mats are installed spaced between the posts. From the inside, they are sewn up later, in the process of interior decoration.

Roof and attic

On the construction of walls, the construction of a garden house with our own hands does not end: we have to build a roof.

  1. We lay ceiling beams on top of the upper trim (boards 50x100, placed on edge). We fasten them with corners. Step - the same 60 cm as for the racks.
  2. We put rafters from the same board on the corners. We connect each pair of rafters with a horizontal jumper on a hairpin. For temporary fastening of the truss system, we again use jibs.

  1. We construct frames of gables with strapping of light windows and an entrance.
  2. We sew up the roof (including gables) with 15 mm OSB sheets and cover it with a substrate under the tiles.
  3. We cover the floor of the attic on top of the previously laid vapor barrier with a board - edged or tongue-and-groove, depending on whether the attic will be operated.
  4. We install mineral wool slabs between the ceiling beams and fasten the vapor barrier from below with a stapler.
  5. If it is necessary to insulate the attic, we perform similar operations under the roof.
  6. We cover the roof with bituminous tiles. Sheets are fastened with galvanized nails.

The laying direction is from the overhangs to the ridge.

Interior decoration

The traditional instructions for building frame houses are quite standard: the frame is sewn up with OSB both from the outside and from the inside, after which the owner must do the interior decoration.

Most plasters and paints do not adhere to OSB surfaces; the price of specialized primers can plunge even an inveterate optimist into a deep depression.

We will simplify our lives and use plasterboard for wall cladding from the inside. Since the step between the uprights is large enough, it will be necessary to sheathe in two layers with overlapping seams. The pitch of the screws is 15-20 cm, their length is 50 mm; for walls, sheets with a thickness of 12.5 mm are used, for the ceiling - 9.5.

Useful: with a two-layer sheathing, you can do without reinforcing the seams with sickle. Cracks can appear only with a serious deformation of the frame of the house.

Exterior finish

It would be strange to build a house - garden or any other, and not finish it on the outside. The simplest solution is to use vinyl siding; it is mounted on a 40 mm thick crate, necessary for ventilating the space behind it. Don't forget: siding lengthens greatly in the summer heat, so its fastening should provide for the possibility of shifting the planks.


Of course, we have described only one of the countless possible designs. For more information on how to build a house in the garden, the video in this article will offer. Good luck!

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After you have purchased a small plot of six acres, it is extremely important to develop a house project and its location. At the same time, it is necessary to plan everything in a complex, since various types of landscape design require certain conditions for the choice of material for building a building.

If living in a house during the cold season is not expected, it makes sense to consider options for building a small house. This will significantly save the territory of the site for planting or create a unique landscape design.

Before construction, it is important to study all the main requirements for the construction of objects on the land:

  1. Buildings should be located no closer than five meters from the border of the site and three meters from the territory of neighbors.
  2. Between your house and neighboring buildings, the distance should not exceed six meters.
  3. Fences of the site should be erected to a height of no more than one and a half meters.
  4. Toilet, cesspools can be located at a distance of no closer than fifteen meters from residential buildings or water sources (wells, wells).

Which house design to choose?

Before starting construction work, you need to decide on the size of the house. The most relevant size can be considered if the building will be located:

  1. Living room (or several rooms).
  2. Kitchen.
  3. Terrace (veranda open or closed).

Conventionally, all projects of houses can be divided into three types:

Country house with sauna under one roof

Projects of houses with a bath are mainly done in two versions. Each of which must meet the main requirement - the combination of two buildings with different functions.

In the first version, the steam room and the washing department are located on the first floor, and the rest room is located on the second.

When applying the second method, a bathhouse is attached to a residential building. It can be placed directly next to the house or connected to it by a small vestibule.

Common between these methods is the presence of one roof.

It is important to understand that during the construction of such a structure, it is necessary to use additional heat and waterproofing materials.

The undoubted advantage of such buildings is the possibility of creating a unified communication system. This will allow you to use the sauna all year round without having to carry water and firewood.

Dimensions of residential buildings

The smallest residential summer cottages are 4 by 4 m in size; it makes no sense to make houses with a smaller area. The layout in this option is very simple - one room.

From each other, such houses can differ only in the number of windows and location in relation to the cardinal points. Doors should preferably be placed in the middle or at the end of the building. The area is about 16 square meters.

A building measuring 6 x 3 m will be slightly larger, approximately 18 square meters. You can already include a place for cooking in the layout.

The above options are unlikely to be optimal. Timber or log houses measuring 6 x 3 m are much more in demand among summer residents. This is simply explained - the length of a beam (log) is six meters.

In addition, a small kitchen can already be designed in the house. In a country house measuring 6 x 4 m, you can build a small vestibule (or a bathroom).

If we talk about residential buildings 6 x 4 m., then it is quite possible to place another room or living room.

Materials used for the construction of country houses and their durability

  1. Frame houses.

The most common construction method. According to statistics, more than seventy percent of country houses are frame or panel. They are built quite quickly, for the summer season. The minimum construction time, without finishing and installing the foundation, can be one and a half months.

The frame is sheathed on the inside and outside with inexpensive material (plywood, OSB or lining).

Insulation is placed between the sheathing material. Advantages - the ability to complete and rebuild the design. A good option in terms of price / quality ratio. Subject to the technology during construction and regular treatment with special antiseptic compounds, it is quite durable.

  1. Log houses.

The second most common construction method. When buying a ready-made log house (taking into account the time required to build the foundation), it is realistic to build a house within 3-4 months.

Important! It will take approximately six months for the building to shrink.

You can build a house yourself, the process of building a structure is not complicated. Like any wooden building, the house can be easily completed or redesigned. Durable, subject to processing with bioprotective materials. It is environmentally friendly, with proper operation it can stand for more than one decade.

Not a bad option. The truth will require close attention to the assembly process. If all the recommendations of professionals are followed, the owner has the right to count on warm and reliable housing.

  1. Country houses from a bar.

A very popular way. In construction, a solid, profiled timber is used.

The assembly is carried out from ready-made bars, so the construction period will be 2-3 months. Taking into account laying the foundation. As in the case of log houses, the shrinkage time will be about six months. As a rule, houses are made and assembled by professionals.

If you decide to build such a house yourself, a guarantee from the manufacturer is not provided. Advantages - warm; reliable; do not require finishing; the possibility of modernization; durability; environmental friendliness; beautiful appearance. The disadvantage is the high cost.

  1. brick projects.

Brick structures are not afraid of temperature changes and adverse natural factors (precipitation, strong winds). However, this method has a number of disadvantages: brick is a rather expensive building material; The process of building a house can take a long time. Dignity - the service life of a brick cottage can be several decades without special preventive measures.

Important! When erecting such buildings, special attention should be paid to the optimal temperature regime - high humidity is unacceptable.

In addition, due to the significant mass of bricks, the construction of a capital foundation is mandatory. The best option is a monolithic base.

  1. Houses from gas silicate blocks.

The main reason for choosing such material is the low price. Cheaper brick about two times.

Important! The blocks are fragile, so you need to be especially careful when transporting.

Used in the construction of external walls. External cladding will be required, since the appearance of a bare house is not presentable. It is best to use materials that have increased moisture resistance and resistance to deformation. For example: siding or facing clinker bricks.

Low price of the material. The mass of the block directly depends on the quality of the cement mortar used in its manufacture. The maximum number of floors is 2-3.

Advantages - frost resistance; safety; low thermal conductivity; ease of processing; acceptable soundproofing; construction speed.


  • a specific choice of means for finishing, not all materials are suitable;
  • the inability to screw in self-tapping screws, since the blocks have a cellular structure;
  • increased requirements for moisture insulation.
  1. Sibit houses.

Sibit is a type of aerated concrete. Differs in the special durability, the separate properties reminds wood. The material is lightweight and keeps you warm. In terms of thermal insulation properties, it surpasses brick three times.

  • low strength of the material;
  • heavy cabinets and shelves should not be hung on partitions and walls (special fasteners will be needed).

Thus, we can conclude that the most economical option is frame houses.

Approximate prices for country houses

When choosing an option with a frame or frame-panel house, the approximate price will be from 11 thousand rubles per square meter. The construction of a wooden house box will cost about 13,000 rubles. for one m2. For a building made of foam concrete blocks, you will have to pay from 15 thousand rubles. for 1 m2. Brick house - 18000 / m2. Thus, knowing the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe designed house, it will not be possible to calculate the final cost of building labor. But this is only the cost of building walls. To this amount, it will be necessary to add funds for laying the foundation, insulation, the cost of laying the roof, interior decoration.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, there are a huge number of offers for the sale of ready-made country houses on a turn-key basis. Example: a house with dimensions of width / depth / height - 6000/6000/3020 made of glued laminated timber is sold at a price of 367,000 rubles.

The final cost of the house depends on your preferences for choosing additional options and can double or even triple.

Foundation selection

  1. Column Foundation- one of the most common. It consists of pillars buried in the ground. The upper part protruding outward is aligned horizontally.

Pillars should be installed at the corners of the building, under walls and partitions. The distance between them is recommended to maintain 1-2.5 meters. The pillars are usually made of bricks or concrete blocks. It is used in the construction of frame-panel structures, houses from log cabins and timber.

  • profitability;
  • construction speed;
  • applies only to light buildings;
  • cannot be used on moving soils.
  1. Strip foundation completely repeats the outlines of the house, and ensures the stability and reliability of the structure. Represents a tape from the reinforced concrete or a brick. One part of such a foundation is in the ground, the other on the surface. This allows you to equip garages or cellars under the structure. But only in the case of using a recessed type of foundation. Conventionally, such a foundation is divided into shallow (50-80 cm) and deep (over 80 cm).

Used in the construction of any kind of cottages.

  • reliability and durability;
  • high bearing capacity;
  • wide scope.
  • relatively high price:
  • laboriousness.

  • driving;
  • stuffed;
  • drilling;
  • screw.

They are driven or screwed into the soil until they rest against a dense layer of earth.

  1. Monolithic foundation- a reinforced base laid on a specially equipped bed of gravel and sand. Suitable for absolutely any soil, withstand the load from any country house. There is only one drawback - the high price.