Station object and nodes. Railway stations and nodes - about the department. Schemes of separate points without track development on single- and double-track lines

Railway stations and nodes

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Chapter 1

1.1. Track, plan and track profile
1.2. earth bed
1.2.1. The purpose of the subgrade and the requirements for it
1.2.2. Structural elements of subgrade
1.2.3. Cross profiles of embankments
1.2.4. Cross profiles of recesses
1.2.5. Cross sections of subgrade at stations
1.2.6. Drainage facilities
1.2.7. Subgrade deformations
1.2.8. Strengthening and protection of the subgrade
1.2.9. ROW
1.3. Artificial constructions
1.4. Superstructure of the track
1.4.1. Purpose and components of the track superstructure
1.4.2. rails
1.4.3. Rail joints and butt fasteners
1.4.4. Intermediate rail fasteners
1.4.5. Way hijacking and anti-theft devices
1.4.6. Underrail supports
1.4.7. Ballast layer
1.4.8. Seamless path
1.5. rail gauge
1.6. Turnouts
1.6.1. Purpose and main parts
1.6.2. Types of turnouts
1.6.3. Calculation of basic geometric elements
1.6.4. Depiction of railroad switches on station plans. Turnout diagram
1.6.5. Mutual arrangement of railroad switches at stations
1.7. Crossings, road barriers, road signs
1.7.1. Appointment of crossings and their classification
1.7.2. Arrangement and equipment of crossings
1.7.3. Road barriers, road and signal signs
1.8. Track maintenance and repair
1.9. Surveys, design and construction of railways


2.1. Dimensions
2.2. between the tracks
2.3. Parallel Path Offset
2.4. Connection and intersection of paths
2.4.1. End connection and its calculation
2.4.2. congresses
2.4.3. Arrow streets
2.5. Plexus and combination of paths
2.6. station tracks
2.7. Location of station tracks in plan and profile
2.7.1. Location of station tracks in the profile
2.7.2. Location of station tracks in plan
2.8. Limit posts and signals
2.8.1. Setting the limit posts
2.8.2. Signals and their setting
2.9. Total and useful path length
2.10. Track parks and station necks
2.11. Numbering of tracks and turnouts
2.12. Calculation of coordinates of station elements
Basics of Designing Separate Points


3.1. Travel and auxiliary posts
3.2. Traveling
3.3. passing points
3.4. intermediate stations
3.4.1. Purpose and basic schemes
3.4.2. Intermediate stations of multi-track sections
3.4.3. Passenger economy
3.4.4. Cargo devices at intermediate stations
3.4.5. Adjacency of access roads to the intermediate station
3.4.6. Reconstruction of intermediate stations


4.1. Appointment of precinct stations
4.2. Placement of local stations on the network
4.3. Classification of precinct stations
4.4. Main devices and their location at the station
4.5. Organization of the work of district stations
4.6. Schemes of precinct stations
4.7. Docking stations with different current systems
4.8. Nodal section stations
4.8. Passenger facilities at precinct stations
4.9. Cargo economy
4.10. Reception and departure routes for freight traffic
4.11. Calculation of the number of sorting and exhaust ways
4.12. Locomotive economy
4.13. Schemes for placing devices on the territory of the locomotive economy
4.14. Carriage facilities
4.15. Other devices


5.1. Assignment and placement on the network
5.2. Classification of marshalling yards
5.3. Scheme
5.4. Schemes of industrial marshalling yards
5.5. Sorting devices
5.5.1. Types of sorting devices
5.5.2. Hump ​​Elements
5.5.4. Forces of resistance to the movement of the car from the hill
5.7. Longitudinal profile of the slide
5.8. Brake aids
5.8.1. Brake power
5.8.2. Brakes used on slides
5.9. Checking the longitudinal profile of the downhill slide
5.10. Automation and mechanization of processes at marshalling yards
5.10.1. Existing systems
5.10.2. Integrated automation system for marshalling yard control
5.11. Design of marshalling yards
5.11.1. General concepts
5.11.2. Selecting the type and scheme of the station
5.11.3. Choosing a new station location
5.11.4. Calculation of the number of tracks in the parks of the station
5.11.5. Design of marshalling yard parks
5.11.6. Adjacency of access roads to the marshalling yard
5.11.7. Structures located at marshalling yards


6.1. The concept of passenger complexes
6.2. Purpose and classification of passenger stations
6.3. Passenger stations with through tracks
6.4. Passenger stations with dead-end receiving and departure tracks
6.5. Passenger stations of combined type
6.6. Zone stations and stopping points
6.7. Passenger economy
6.8. Purpose and complex of devices of passenger technical stations
6.9. Schemes of passenger technical stations


7.1. Purpose and classification
7.2. Freight stations for public use
7.3. Schemes of public cargo stations
7.4. Freight stations serving sidings
7.5. Specialized cargo stations


8.1. Transfer stations
8.2. Border railway stations
8.3. Port and ferry stations

Chapter 9

9.1. Appointment of railway junctions and classification
9.2. Main node types
9.3. Placement of stations and main devices in the node
9.4. Decoupling approaches and detours of knots

Chapter 10

10.1. Methods for calculating throughput and processing capacity
10.2. Analytical Method for Calculating Throughput
10.3. Graphical Method for Calculating Bandwidth
10.4. Processing capacity of the exhaust path
10.5. Processing capacity of a cargo warehouse (or cargo front)
10.6. Processing capacity of the slide


Appendix A. Main dimensions of ordinary railroad switches

Appendix B. Distance X, m, between the centers of adjacent turnouts

Annex B. Distance from the centers of turnouts to the limit posts and signals

Appendix D. Trigonometric functions of angles that are multiples of the angles of the crosses

Appendix D.

Annex E. Distance between axes of adjacent tracks

Annex G. Duration of storage of goods

Annex I. Estimated cost of construction of railway transport facilities and the implementation of certain types

Appendix K. Symbols on station plans and longitudinal profiles

Task 1

Draw "in fish" a diagram of a technical passenger station of a transverse type. List the devices and service buildings of this station; operations performed on it.

Passenger technical stations carry out technical inspection, cleaning, washing, reformation, repair and equipment of passenger trains. For these operations, track development, car washing machines, a repair and equipment depot (RED), wagon maintenance points, passenger service offices (COP), signaling devices, communications, power supply, etc. are being designed.

Depending on the volume of work, passenger technical stations are divided into stations and technical parks. Stations are large, processing more than 15 trains per day, and medium - from 8 to 15 trains. In technical parks, up to 6-8 trains are processed per day.

The mutual arrangement of individual devices must correspond to the flow of processing of cars, taking into account the unhindered and simultaneously performed work on them. Therefore sorting work, as was customary, is always carried out by the method of permutation and pushes, and not through the sorting hill, which would require the central location of the hill parks. Free descent of wagons in some cases, however, is not allowed. The arrangement of the individual devices further depends on the position of the connections and the available space. In this case, it is more desirable to arrange the devices in series and, so that the length of the station is not too large, also to a certain extent parallel to each other.

There are no technical stations that would meet all the requirements of processing and reshaping with the presence of all special separate devices for this. Such facilities are expensive and therefore can be considered as theoretical. However, on the basis of such an "academic" decision, the ideal program can best be studied, which establishes the need for the following devices:

The track development of the station consists of ways for receiving (rough cleaning), external washing of trains, repair equipment, settling and departure of finished trains, parking of suburban trains, as well as exhaust, running tracks, parking tracks for reserve and faulty cars, unloading at fuel depots, and as well as ways for the parking of postal, baggage cars and dining cars. In some cases, a locomotive depot is also located on the territory of the technical station.

On the tracks of the receiving park, linen is delivered from the cars, dry cleaning of the train, garbage collection and technical inspection of the running gear, shock traction devices, auto-braking equipment, electrical equipment and internal equipment, as well as the reformation of the trains, on the tracks of the washing shop - external washing of the cars (passing composition through a car washing machine).

On the RED tracks, they carry out technical inspection, repair of running gear, shock-traction devices, auto-brake equipment, electrical equipment and internal equipment, refrigeration units, inspection and charging of batteries, internal wet cleaning of cars, supply the train with water and linen.

In the departure park, the wagons are supplied with coal, the wagons are accepted by the conductors of the train, the head of the train and a permanent commission.

Stationary and mobile car washing machines are used for washing trains. Stationary cars are installed at stations serving over 200 wagons per day. Machines for washing cars are placed on open areas if the outside temperature is not lower than -15 , and indoors at temperatures below -15 . The most widespread are stationary machines 116 and 178 m. The feed rate for such machines is 0.8 ... 1.0 km / h, the washing time is 30 ... 35 minutes. The dimensions of the composition washing shop are shown in fig. 1.

Rice. 1

The basic principle of placing car washing machines is to ensure the flow of processing trains. At multi-park stations, washing machines should be located after the reception park.

Repair and outfitting devices (REU) are divided into covered, built at stations in the northern and central regions of Russia, and open, located on the southern roads of the European part of the country, where equipment work is carried out outdoors throughout the year.

With open REU, appropriate production buildings are provided. The repair and equipment depot with covered stalls consists of a stall part and production workshops with service and amenity premises (Fig. 2). When constructing new RED buildings, they should, as a rule, provide for storerooms, bases for dining cars and rooms for disinfecting bedding and removable equipment.

Rice. 2 - Scheme of the repair and equipment depot (in meters): 1 - stall part; 2 - workshops; 3 - uncoupling repair shop

The length of the equipment depot is determined by the number of cars in the longest equipped train with the addition of 5 m on each side to the end walls of the depot and 10 m for stretching the train for the convenience of carrying out transport work in the middle part of the depot.

At the points of formation of passenger trains with the number of assigned cars at least 400, a car depot (WRD) is built for scheduled and current repairs of at least 1,500 passenger cars per year (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 - Scheme of a car depot for the repair of passenger cars (in meters): I, III, IV - repair departments; II - assembly shop; V - wheel park

Passenger technical stations are single-park and multi-park. When processing 4 - 10 trains per day, single-park technical stations are usually designed with a common receiving-departure fleet and a RED placed parallel to it.

The recommended and newly constructed large passenger technical stations, if there is a sufficient length of the site, are designed as multi-park according to the scheme with a sequential arrangement of the RED in relation to the reception and departure parks (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4

Consider the work of a technical passenger station of the transverse type.

The trains from the passenger station along the connecting track arrive at the reception park 1, where they are subjected to technical and sanitary inspection and, if necessary, reformed. Here, the cars are cleaned, then the trains are washed externally in the car washing shop (stationary car washing machines) 4 and they are moved to the repair and equipment depot (RED) 5 to repair running gear, internal equipment and equipment (supply of cars with water, bedding, fuel, supply of dining cars). After that, the trains are placed in the departure park 2, where they are waiting to be delivered to the apron tracks for passengers to board.

Task 2

Draw in the axes of the tracks a non-scale diagram of a freight station located on a single-track line. Draw the cargo area as a "fish".

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of this scheme.

Station type - final;

Number of tracks in the parks: ON - 3;

Type of cargo area - dead end;

The location of the cargo area is sequentially to the parks.

Cargo stations are designed for receiving for transportation, weighing, short-term storage, loading, unloading, sorting and issuing cargo, processing transportation documents for receiving, disbanding, forming and departing freight trains and transferring wagons, performing shunting work on supplying wagons to cargo fronts and cleaning them , maintenance of access roads and organization of forwarding services for the clientele. The layout of the arrangement of cargo stations and their location is selected on the basis of technical and economic calculations as a result of comparing options, taking into account the subsequent development, size and nature of work, the area of ​​​​the allotted territory, topographic, geological and other local conditions, and in the development of stations - also taking into account the most full use of existing devices. Depending on the main purpose and nature of the work, the following cargo stations are distinguished: non-specialized and specialized general use, non-public use for servicing access roads, transfer stations, port, ferry and linear cargo stations. Freight stations for general use are dead-end and through.

On fig. 5 shows the general scheme of a dead-end type with a parallel arrangement of parks and a consistent arrangement of the cargo area.

Rice. 5 - Scheme of a single-track cargo station of a dead-end type with a parallel arrangement of parks and a consistent arrangement of the cargo area: 1 - a station building combined with an EC post and a technical office;, 2 - an access road; 3 - maintenance point; 4 - outfitting devices for locomotives GD - freight yard, SO - sorting and departure park, C - sorting park, ON - receiving and departure park; VV - wagon scales

Cargo stations of a dead-end type with a parallel arrangement of tracks (receiving trains-transfers, sorting-departure and sorting) can be with a cargo area (GR) located in series with the station or parallel to it.

With the sequential arrangement of the GR, the flow of the movement of the cars is ensured when they are fed.

However, this scheme has a number of disadvantages:

simultaneous sorting of wagons and their supply is not ensured;

the mileage of locomotives increases when they move from the GR to marshalling yard C;

the entrance neck of the station is overloaded due to the concentration of operations in it for the reception, departure, disbandment and formation of trains (transfers).

Rice. 6 - The final diagram of a cargo dead-end station with a dead-end cargo area located in series in parallel parks: 1 - station building combined with an EC post and a technical office;, 2 - access road; 3 - maintenance point; 4 - outfitting devices for locomotives GD - freight yard, SO - sorting and departure park, C - sorting park, ON - receiving and departure park; BB - wagon scales; G - slide

Task 3

Describe methods for calculating station throughput. List their benefits and uses.

The number of paths in the park - m = 7;

Number of through trains - ni = 62;

The number of trains to be disbanded - nj = 8;

The number of trains of their formation, sent from the station - ;

Time of occupation of tracks by trains, tir, min

through - 39;

subject to disbandment - 20;

its formation - 35;

Track occupation time during the day to perform permanent operations, min - 2000.

The capacity of a sectional station is determined by the number of freight trains (without processing and with processing) and a given number of passenger trains, which can be passed by the station per day in all directions, subject to the full use of available technical means and the use of advanced technology.

Throughput is divided into available and required. Available throughput is determined by the ability of technical devices (number of tracks, marshalling yard) to accept (process) a certain number of trains (cars). The required throughput is determined by the number of trains (cars) that need to be passed (accepted, processed) taking into account the given number of passenger and suburban trains, intra-monthly uneven train traffic and taking into account the reserve. The reserve for stations is accepted in the same sizes as for lines - 20% for single-track and 15% for double-track lines. The throughput of non-nodal section stations should correspond to the throughput of the approach.

If there are receiving and departure parks (groups of tracks) at the station, specialized only for passing freight transit trains without processing, receiving parks for receiving trains in disbandment and departure parks for sending trains of their own formation, the capacity of the tracks of these parks (groups of tracks) is calculated separately . The same calculation is made if the sections of the tracks of the park are strictly specialized along the adjoining lines.

The movement of passenger and combined trains significantly affects the use of station tracks for freight traffic. The coefficient b, which takes into account the loss in the use of the tracks of the park due to the movement of passenger and combined trains, when adjoining the receiving or receiving-departure park from the arrival side, and to the departure park - from the departure side of one single or double-track

track line is equal to:

where is the given number of passenger and group trains

For a single-track approach with auto-blocking:

0,33 + 0,53 (2)

Period of the schedule of a pair of trains on the limiting span;

o - the coefficient of removal of freight trains by a combined train.

For a two-track approach with auto-lock:

0.65*I + d (3)

where d is the difference between the travel time of freight and passenger trains between the nearest overtaking station possible in terms of track development and the station being calculated (for receiving and receiving-departure parks from the arrival side, for departure from the departure side).

When connecting two or more lines

The first line is the one with the largest number of passenger trains, the second line - with the next largest passenger traffic, etc. For double-track line station parks, the number of lines is taken upon arrival. If more than two lines adjoin the fleet, then the number of passenger (combined) trains specified for the third and other lines is added to their number on the second line and the total values ​​are used to determine the coefficient b (for average conditions b = 0.7 0.95 for not nodal stations and b=0.4 0.8 for nodal stations).

The influence of unevenness, hostility and other factors is estimated by the technically necessary share of the throughput capacity (coefficient c). The technical share of the throughput capacity r of the receiving and departing tracks for the fleet: with one double-track approach is 0.2; with one single-track approach - 0.3; with two or more approaches - 0.4.

The available capacity of the tracks of the fleet (without accelerated freight and group trains) is determined by the formula:

nn \u003d (1440bl vm -) / tzan (1 + s) (6)

where m is the available number of tracks (except running tracks) in the calculated fleet used for freight trains; c - coefficient taking into account the impact of passenger and group trains on the use of tracks of the station's receiving and departing depots (when one line is connected, v = 1.02, when two or more lines are connected, v = 1.09), for the receiving and departing fleet of transit trains without processing in =1);

ttech is the time for performing maintenance work and scheduled types of repair of the track and contact network on average per day;

tzan - the weighted average time of occupation of the track by the performance of technological operations with trains (except for accelerated freight and groupage). For dispatch parks with a reserve of schedule lines provided by locomotives bl = 25%, c = 0.45.

The capacity of the receiving-departure tracks can be determined analytically by the weighted average time for one train to occupy the track ():

where m is the available number of tracks (except running tracks) in the park;

The total time of breaks in the use of tracks for receiving trains, including additional downtime of freight trains on them due to the passage of passenger trains, and the time required for the current maintenance of the track and contact network.

The weighted average time for one train to occupy a track is defined as: (8)

where is the total time of occupation of the track by one train of each category;

The share of trains of various categories given for the estimated period of the total number of trains served by the fleet ().

The track capacity of the calculated fleet for individual categories of trains will be:

Note that for district, marshalling and freight stations, the processing capacity is also calculated, which is determined by the number of freight cars (or trains) that can be processed by the station per day with the best use of marshalling devices.

Also, VNIIZhT has developed a methodology for automating throughput calculations using special software, taking into account the influence of passenger trains, loading of necks and other factors.

Determination of throughput by utilization factor

The capacity of the paths in this case is defined as:

where is the number of movements of trains (locomotives, trains) of j - i category, arriving from the p-th approach, passing through the i-th neck element;

Track Capacity Ratio

where is the processing time of a train of j - i category arriving from the p-th line (transit, dismantling, of its formation, except for prefabricated and export, corner transfers, etc.), min;

c - coefficient taking into account the influence of flow fluctuations, failures of technical devices, mutual influence of adjacent devices and other objective factors (c = 0.2);

m is the number of tracks in the reception (departure) park;

Coefficient taking into account the impact of the movement of passenger and group trains on the degree of use of the tracks (0.8);

c - coefficient equal to 1;

The duration of the occupation of the track by constant, independent of the size of the movement, operations per day.


Nn0 = = = 137.8344551 trains 138 trains.

Task 4

cargo passenger station line

Draw a diagram and describe the features of the operation of a semi-ring type railway junction.

A railway junction is a point of confluence or intersection of several railway lines, in which passenger and freight trains pass from one line to another, wagons are sorted in adjacent directions, and passengers are transferred.

Railway stations are located at the intersection or junction of at least three railway lines. Railway junctions are complexes of technologically interconnected railway stations, main, connecting, bypass and access roads, posts at junction points, as well as overpass junctions of railway lines between themselves and with city highways and roads. They include stations, depots, traction substations, etc. The railway junction, as a rule, is an integral part of the transport hub. The boundaries of the railway junction are the outer boundaries of the separate points included in it.

The semicircular type node is shown in fig. 1. Knots of the semicircular type are also called radial-semicircular, since there are practically no semicircular nodes without the introduction of radial lines.

These junctions are formed when there is a natural obstacle for the laying of the circumferential railway and the construction of a ring-type junction. The sea, a large lake, a wide river, a state border can serve as such an obstacle.

Junctions of this type usually have dead-end entrances to the city, ending in passenger and freight stations. The development of such nodes usually begins with the construction of independent radial inputs, then the main lines are interconnected to ensure the passage of trains from one line to another, as well as for the delivery of local cargo.

At the radial inputs in the nodes of the semi-circular type, it is planned to place passenger and cargo stations, and outside the city limits - a semi-circular railway connecting all approaches to the node.

Rice. 7 - Scheme of a semi-ring type node: St. 1, 2, 3 - passenger stations; St 4 - input cargo station; St 5, 7 - input sorting stations of the node; Art. 6 - station serving the industrial area; Art. 8, 9 - auxiliary marshalling and cargo stations; GD - cargo yard; PR - industrial area

Marshalling yards are located either on several approaches, which have a significant amount of processed car traffic, or on one (for example, station 7) with the organization of the main marshalling yard, and on other approaches, auxiliary marshalling yards may be formed. The number and types of marshalling yards are determined by a technical and economic comparison of options based on the formation plan and the amount of local work on individual approaches.

On fig. 8 shows a diagram of the St. Petersburg railway junction of a radial-semicircular type.

Rice. 8


1. Design of railway stations and nodes. Reference and methodical guide. - M.: Transport, 1981.

2. Sotnikov I.B. Operation of railways (in examples and tasks). - M.: Transport, 1980.

3. Savchenko I.E. and other railway stations and nodes. - M.: Transport, 1980.

4. Railway stations and nodes (tasks, examples, calculations). Ed. N.V. Pravdin. M.: Transport, 1992.

5. Railway stations and nodes (tasks, examples, calculations). Ed. V.M. Akulinichev. M.: Transport, 1992.

6. Manual to SNiP 2.05.07-85. Handbook for the design of industrial railway stations.

7. V.Ya. Bolotny. Design of railway stations and nodes. Proc. allowance for diploma design in universities. M.: Transport. 1989.

8. TsD-858 "Rules for the design of sorting devices".

9. VSN 56-78. Instructions for the design of stations and nodes on the railways of the USSR (current).

To control the movement of trains, railway lines are divided into separate parts, on the borders of which separate points are located, the classification of which is shown in Fig. 2.3.

From the point of view of infrastructure for providing transportation, the stations that provide communication with the clientele are of the greatest importance.

Station- a separate point at which, in addition to stopping and overtaking trains, loading and unloading of goods, receiving, storing and issuing them to the clientele, servicing passengers, and, with the appropriate development of track facilities, disbanding and forming trains, maintenance and repair of rolling stock of railway transport are carried out.

Railway tracks at stations are divided into two groups: station and special purpose. TO station tracks include tracks within the boundaries of the station: main, which are a continuation of haul tracks, receiving and departure, sorting, loading and unloading, depot, exhaust for rearranging groups of wagons or trains, exhibition ones for settling wagons, etc. TO special purpose routes include catching dead ends and access roads to enterprises and warehouses.

If the station has a group of tracks of the same purpose, united by one entrance and exit (neck), then they are called park.

neck station called the zone in which the turnouts are laid, connecting the tracks and parks with each other, as well as with the main, exhaust and running tracks.

Rice. 2.3.

Passenger railway station- a separate point of the railway network that serves passengers, prepares rolling stock for transportation and organizes the movement of passenger trains. Such stations are being built in large cities, industrial centers and resort areas. Depending on the main purpose, there are three types of passenger stations:

  • - serving long-distance, local and suburban traffic (railway stations);
  • - head, serving only suburban traffic;
  • - zoned on suburban areas for the turnover of trains allow you to organize end stations of routes in areas of significant changes in passenger traffic (Fig. 2.4, A).

Rice. 2.4.

A– linear; b- interchange between the railway and the subway; 1 – ways of settling of railway trains; 2 – pedestrian crossing (overground or underground); 3 - subway tracks

According to the conditions of placement on the transport line, the stations are:

  • dead ends(terminal), on which the bulk of the passengers ends or starts the trip;
  • nodal, located at the intersections or junctions of the lines of one or more modes of transport, with a high proportion of transfers between the lines;
  • intermediate, located between terminal and junction stations, with low passenger turnover.

Passenger service includes the following operations: sale of tickets, embarkation and disembarkation of passengers, acceptance, storage and delivery of luggage and hand luggage, reception and dispatch of mail, services for passengers' rest and creation of comfortable conditions for waiting for a trip. To perform these and other services, service centers for branded passenger transport services are organized at the stations both at stations and on trains.

The building for serving passengers at stations with a large passenger flow is called station.

Due to the fact that the railway station serves a large area, it is rational to form a transport interchange hub (TPU) on its basis. The purpose of the TPU is to ensure a quick and comfortable transfer of passengers to other modes of transport. In large cities, transport hubs are organized at the intersection of the railway line and the metro line on the basis of a zone railway station (Fig. 2.4, b). Railway-bus terminals are most often formed on the basis of railway stations.

Historical reference

The first transfer hub based on the railway station "Platforma Vykhino" of the Kazan direction and a metro station in our country was built in 1966 in Moscow (metro station "Vykhino"). It used a cross-platform scheme, the principle of which is shown in Fig. 2.4, b. The transfer of passengers at this transfer hub is carried out from suburban electric trains to the metro, trolleybus, several dozen bus routes of urban, suburban and intercity traffic. The station is built from standard reinforced concrete structures with canopies over passenger platforms and open subway and railway tracks. Metro and railway trains approach the same platform from different sides, which significantly increases the convenience of transferring. Between the platforms and the exit, you can go through the underground passages.

The reconstruction of the station in 2003 partially eliminated the possibility of a cross-platform transfer, and a special transfer pavilion with turnstiles was built.

In 1978, the Devyatkino metro station was opened in the Leningrad Region, which also used the cross-platform principle of TPU organization. Unlike "Vykhino", the metro station "Devyatkino" is a closed type station, on both sides of which there are railway platforms of suburban electric trains covered with sheds. The vast majority of passengers change between electric trains and the metro, since the station is not suitable for surface urban transport routes, and there is only a small bus station serving suburban bus routes. At the moment, a project has been developed for a significant expansion of this transfer hub with the construction of a business center, parking lots for cars and an international bus station.

Freight railway station- a separate point, intended in the general case for acceptance for transportation, weighing, short-term storage, loading, unloading, sorting and issuing cargo, processing transportation documents, receiving, disbanding, forming and departing freight trains and wagon trains, performing shunting work for the supply of wagons on cargo fronts and their cleaning, maintenance of access roads and organization of forwarding services for clients. At the cargo station, interaction with other modes of transport is performed.

Depending on the purpose and nature of the work performed, cargo stations are divided into the following types:

  • common use, where all types of cargo are processed;
  • specialized - for the processing of certain types of cargo;
  • reloading- for transshipment of goods between wagons of different gauges;
  • port- for interaction with water transport.

Public freight stations, as a rule, provide round-the-clock reception and departure of trains, the formation and disbanding of trains with a selection of wagons at destination stations, and the performance of cargo and commercial operations. To perform loading and unloading operations at the station, a cargo area. If it belongs to the owner of the railway infrastructure, then it refers to public places. The technical equipment of the cargo area is determined by the volume of work and the type of cargo being processed, and its location should provide convenient access to other modes of transport. The infrastructure owner is responsible for equipping public cargo areas with the necessary loading and unloading equipment, overpasses, wagon and container cleaning facilities. Separate warehouses, sections of railway tracks and cargo area may not belong to the owner of the infrastructure or be leased to them. These areas belong to public places, and their equipment in accordance with regulatory requirements is carried out at the expense of the entity to which they are provided.

As a rule, the railway infrastructure is provided to the carrier on the basis of a long-term contract in accordance with the Rules for the provision of services for the use of public railway transport infrastructure. The owner of the infrastructure coordinates the applications submitted by the carrier and may refuse to approve them in the cases provided for by the Charter of Railway Transport.

In connection with the development of container transportation, railway transport has become widespread container points, most of which are located at road and rail terminals. Such points are an asphalt concrete platform, equipped according to the cargo turnover with transshipment equipment (gantry cranes, loaders, etc.). A diagram of such a container point is shown in fig. 2.5.

Rice. 2.5.

As a rule, large container points are interconnected by scheduled container trains, which can significantly speed up the transportation of goods.

Foreign experience

In Western Europe, by the end of the last century, due to the congestion of the road network, the problem of meeting the deadlines for the delivery of goods by road has significantly worsened. To solve this problem, it was proposed to use lightly loaded railway lines to organize the movement of freight trains on them according to the schedule and the construction of a network of terminals for the rapid loading and unloading of such trains.

Terminals can be divided into three types, each of which provides

  • 1) exit and arrival of road trains on special railway platforms. In this case, a small paved area and a mobile overpass are usually needed;
  • 2) exchange of containers and swap bodies. Typically, at such terminals, wide asphalt concrete driveways are organized between the railway tracks, where reloading is carried out using reachstackers. The width of the passages allows for short-term storage of containers, although most of them are reloaded directly from the road train to the railway platform and vice versa;
  • 3) in addition to transshipment of containers and swap bodies, also transshipment of semi-trailers. For this, in addition to wheeled handling equipment, the terminal is equipped with a powerful portal crane.

Transportation between terminals is carried out by express trains according to the schedule, which allows the delivery operator to plan the schedule in advance, since loading a train usually takes about an hour, half an hour is required to unload the train.

Container transport technologies are constantly evolving, and in order to reduce the time of loading and unloading trains carrying road trains, the French company Lohr Industries developed a system Modalohr, in which the railway platform with a road train can turn, and stationary overpasses are installed at the terminal, located at an angle to the axis of the railway track. This allows road trains to enter and leave the railway platform independently of each other. 1

railway junction is the area of ​​confluence or intersection of several railway lines, in which the transition of trains from one line to another, sorting work and transfer of passengers are carried out. The structure of the railway junction includes specialized stations (passenger, marshalling, freight), main and connecting, and access roads and railway transport enterprises. The railway junction is a part of the transport hub - a complex of means that implement transport processes at the points of interaction of several types of main transport.

Rail junctions are qualified based on the following factors.

Depending on the nature of operational work and population Served cities nodes are:

  • - transit - located in the area of ​​small and medium-sized cities with a population of up to 100 thousand inhabitants, serving mainly transit passenger and freight traffic;
  • - with significant local work - in the area of ​​large cities with a population of 100 thousand to 500 thousand inhabitants;
  • - large with significant local work - in large cities with a population of 0.5 million to 1 million inhabitants;
  • - the largest with large local work and a large amount of long-distance, local and suburban traffic - in cities with a population of more than 1 million inhabitants.

By geographic location railway junctions are divided into three groups:

  • - land;
  • - located on the seashore (seaport service);
  • – on the banks of navigable rivers (servicing the river port).

By layout of the main devices distinguish nodes:

  • – with one station;
  • – parallel arrangement of stations;
  • – sequential arrangement of stations.

The railway transport infrastructure must comply with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of the railway transport infrastructure" TR TS 003/2011. At the same time, safety is understood as such a state of the railway transport infrastructure in which there is no unacceptable risk associated with causing harm to the life or health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, as well as the environment, life or health of animals and plants. For lines that provide for the movement of trains at a speed of more than 200 km / h, the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of high-speed rail transport" TR TS 002/2011 apply.

  • Reach stacker (reach stacker - Lever mechanical stacker) is a heavy specialized wheeled crane designed to perform reloading operations with containers. Unlike a crane, a reachstacker, like a forklift, can move freely with a raised container.

Significance of railway stations and junctions

Stations are critical to the operation of rail transport. Through them, the railways are directly connected with the population, industry, the construction complex, and agriculture.

Without railway stations, the transportation process is impossible. They perform the initial and final operations of this process: boarding and disembarking passengers, loading and unloading cargo, mail and luggage. Stations are butt points of railways with other modes of transport.

At the stations, the main work is carried out to organize the movement of railway transport: the reception, departure and passage of trains, the disbanding, accumulation and formation of trains, the supply of wagons to the places of loading and unloading, cargo operations and the cleaning of wagons after their production, maintenance, equipment and repair of rolling stock. composition, commercial inspection of freight cars, border and customs inspection at the border.

About 3/4 of the turnaround time of a wagon (from loading a wagon to its next loading) falls on railway stations. This means that here are the main reserves to speed up the transportation process.

The stations house industrial, service and technical and household buildings and structures: stations and terminal and warehouse complexes, posts on duty at stations, parks and marshalling yards, station technology centers, locomotive and car depots, points for maintenance and equipment of rolling stock, operational repair bases for maintenance of the railway track, automation devices, telemechanics and blocking, communications, power supply, water supply, etc.

More than 40% of the cost of new railway lines is accounted for by stations. Rhythm and uninterrupted operation of entire areas and ranges of the public railway network and non-public railway tracks depend on their successful work, which contributes to the efficient use of technical means of transport, reducing the cost of transportation and increasing profits.

Stations are of great importance in ensuring the country's defense capability.

Brief historical information about the development of stations and nodes

The first railway stations appeared in Russia in 1837 during the construction of the single-track railway St. Petersburg-Tsarskoye Selo with a length of 27 km, on which two terminal and three intermediate stations were built.

Fourteen years later, in 1851, the construction of the St. Petersburg-Moscow railway, the largest for that time, 651 km long, was completed, which already had 34 stations. They let 4 passenger and up to 13 freight trains pass in each direction per day.

Soon after the St. Petersburg - Moscow railway line, the St. Petersburg - Warsaw railway was built and the construction of a number of lines from Moscow to other cities began: Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod; Moscow-Ryazan-Kozlov with branching to the east Tambov-Saratov and to the south Voronezh-Zverevo; Moscow-Tula-Orel-Kursk-Kharkov-Simferopol; Moscow-Vologda-Arkhangelsk.

Industrial development required the construction of railways in the Urals, the Caucasus and the Donbass. In 1891, construction began on the world's largest Trans-Siberian Railway from Chelyabinsk to Vladivostok with a length of 7500 km.

In the early years of railway construction in Russia, the throughput of stations was not given much importance due to the small size of traffic. The location of the stations on the line was determined by the need for boarding and disembarking passengers, receiving and discharging cargo, collecting water and fuel by steam locomotives, and organizing the repair of rolling stock.

The stations were located, as a rule, on straight sections of the line and horizontal platforms, near rivers and lakes, which created the necessary conditions for traffic safety and organization of water supply for steam locomotives.

The useful length of the receiving and departing tracks at the stations of early construction was taken according to the length of the circulating trains and was 220-270 m. up to 4.3 m.

In the necks of the stations, turnouts with a 1/11 crosspiece mark were laid on the main tracks, and on the rest - with a 1/9 crosspiece mark. On sidings, transfers taken from the main tracks were used. In cramped conditions, cross switches were sometimes used.

Platforms for boarding and disembarking passengers were built high, level with the floor of the car, 0.9 m high from the top of the rail head. Later, during the construction of the St. Petersburg-Warsaw railway, they began to move to low platforms 0.2 m high above the top of the rail head, which was explained by the high cost of high platforms and the inconvenience for passengers when moving from one platform to another. The length of the platforms reached 130 m, and the width, depending on the size of the station, ranged from 3.2 to 6.4 m.

The schemes of the stations of the first railways were imperfect. At many intermediate stations, on one side of the tracks, a passenger building was built, and on the other, a reservoir building or other structures (see Fig. B1, A), which hindered the development of stations. The junction of the loading and unloading tracks was inconvenient for shunting work.

Intermediate stations on some double-track railways at the beginning of operation had dead-end receiving and departure tracks (see Fig. B1, b) on which freight trains were planted to overtake them by passenger trains. Such schemes were explained by the fear of laying anti-wool turnouts and were possible only with small traffic sizes. Dead-end tracks began to be rebuilt into through tracks only after 1915.

In the 70s of the 19th century, stations were sometimes built on double-track lines with passing tracks located on one side of the main tracks (see Fig. B1, V). Freight trains at these stations

1 - passenger building; 2 - passenger platforms; 3 - stock; 4 - loading and unloading dead end; 5 -

the reservoir building of one direction, taken on the bypass, crossed the main track of the other direction. Subsequently, such stations were rebuilt according to an improved scheme.

On the St. Petersburg-Moscow highway and some stations that are butt for different railways (Dno, Smolensk, Novosokolniki, etc.), an island arrangement of passenger buildings (station stations) between the main tracks was adopted (see Fig. B2). However, this solution did not find wide distribution due to the inconvenience for local passengers and the curvature of the main routes.

Locomotive buildings (depot) on the St. Petersburg-Moscow line were built in a round shape. Later, cheaper and more convenient rectangular depot buildings were built. Turning circles and triangles were used to turn locomotives, and, if necessary, wagons. Sheds were arranged at the terminal stations for inspection, repair and parking of passenger cars.

At district stations, locomotive depots were built on the opposite side of the passenger building, and so close to it that between these structures there was room for laying only four or five tracks. In the early 80s of the XIX century, the depot began to be located on the side of the passenger building (Tula I, Maloyaroslavets, etc.). With such an arrangement, the development of parks was not limited, but there were crossings of the main tracks by steam locomotives removed and supplied to trains, which made it difficult for stations to work, especially on double-track lines.

The first large passenger stations were built in large cities as dead ends. They ended the railroad lines. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the owners of each road sought to have their own passenger and freight stations. This is how the station of the Baltic line appeared in St. Petersburg (1864) next to the previously built station of the Varshavskaya line (1853), and in Moscow - the Moscow-Butyrskaya station of the Savelovskaya line (1898) at a relatively short distance from the already existing station Moscow- Rzhevskaya (1891).

Until the 70s of the XIX century, there was no specialization of stations on the railways, they were common for passenger and freight traffic, which was explained by its small size. Separate halls were allocated for passengers in the service building.

1 - wagon shed; 2 - workshops; 3 - a round building of a locomotive depot; 4 - later rectangular depot

the buildings; 5 - passenger building

The development of capitalism in Russia after the reform of 1861, the growth of industrial production and the export of grain caused a sharp increase in the volume of traffic, the development of which required the construction of new and development of existing stations. They were required to pass a certain number of trains per day. There was a need to increase the number of tracks and their lengthening. The useful length of the receiving and departing tracks for freight trains began to be gradually increased to 320 and 380 m, and in the 90s of the XIX century - up to 480 m for the passage of trains consisting of 56 wagons and two steam locomotives. Since the 70s of the XIX century, for all stations, the distances between the axes of the main and adjacent tracks were 5.3 m, and between the axes of other tracks - 4.8 m.

At this time, a tendency began to appear towards the separation of passenger traffic from freight and freight from shunting within the stations, as well as the specialization of stations to perform a certain range of operations (for example, only passenger, or only freight). At the same time, the question arose about the specialization of tracks at stations. It was understood that all this would improve the use of station devices and rolling stock and help master the growing transportation.

In pre-revolutionary times (until 1917), stations were usually called "small" (according to current terminology - passing points, passing points, intermediate stations), "medium-sized" (district stations) and "large" (prototypes of future marshalling and passenger stations).

By the nature of the work performed, passenger, freight and combined stations began to stand out.

During the rise of railway construction in the late 60s and early 70s of the 19th century, intermediate stations were built through, based on the requirement to increase throughput. At the same time, the use of anti-wool turnouts no longer caused obstacles due to the improvement of their design. For the production of maneuvers without occupying the main tracks, exhaust tracks began to be provided.

When designing district stations, the depot facilities began to be placed on the side opposite the passenger building, behind the entrance arrows, which made it possible to develop the station in width.

The beginning of the formation of marshalling yards on the railway network dates back to the end of the 70s of the XIX century.

The first marshalling yard in Russia was St. Petersburg-Sortirovochny, built in 1878 (see Fig. V3). The station was built on two sides: with two sets of reception, sorting and departure parks located on both sides of the main tracks. Both marshalling yards had inclined exhaust tracks with a descent of 0.01, which made it possible to move the sorted wagons due to their gravity without the help of a steam locomotive.

In 1881, the one-way station Moscow-Sorting on the Moscow-Ryazan road was put into operation. In 1889, the first hump sorting station in Russia, Rtishchevo, was built on the Ryazan-Ural road. Here, instead of inclined exhaust tracks for sorting cars, two marshalling yards were built, from where the cars rolled down due to gravity onto the corresponding tracks of the marshalling yard.

The subsequent increase in the size of passenger traffic, their concentration in large junctions where several railway lines converged (in large cities and resort areas), led to the creation of passenger stations proper to serve passengers and technical parks with a locomotive and wagon depot for equipping and repairing locomotives and trains. trains, i.e. to prepare them for transport.

During the construction of passenger stations, special attention was paid to railway stations, called the gates to the city. Many of them, in addition to their main function of serving passengers, became beautiful architectural monuments that corresponded to the unique appearance of their cities. For example, Moscow railway station in St. Petersburg, Yaroslavsky and Kazansky railway stations in Moscow.

In the initial period of railway construction, most of the stations located at the junction points of different roads were not connected to each other by a rail track, and communication between them was carried out by horse-drawn transport. The beginning of the formation of the first railway junctions in Russia dates back to 1853, when a connecting branch was built between the stations of the St. Petersburg-Moscow and St. Petersburg-Warsaw railways. Subsequently, such branches connected the stations of the Bal-

I and II - parks for receiving trains; III and IV - parks for sorting cars; V and VI - departure parks

trains of the Tiyskaya and Warsaw railways and the station Petersburg-Sortirovochny-Moskovsky.

The beginning of the formation of the Moscow junction dates back to the mid-60s of the 19th century, when connecting branches were built between the Moscow-Kurskaya station and the post of the Petersburg-Moscow road (1866) and the Moscow-Zapadnaya and Moscow stations of the Petersburg-Moscow road (1870). ). By 1908, in the Moscow junction, all railway lines were interconnected by the District Railway. Thus, the first ring-type railway junction was created - the largest in the country.

Petersburg in 1912-1913. a connecting Finnish line was built, which was a major engineering co-

/ - Nikolaevsky; 2 - Vitebsk; 3 - Warsaw; 4 - Baltic; 5 - Finnish; 6 - Novoderevensky; 7 - Okhta with weapons that included bridges across the Neva, Okhta and Porkhovka rivers (the modern name is Okkervil) and 19 overpasses at the intersection of roads and streets. As a result of the connection of all railway lines of the right and left banks of the Neva River in St. Petersburg, a semi-ring type junction was formed (see Fig. B4).

The beginning of the formation of railway junctions in the southern regions of the country is associated with the construction in 1875 of a connecting bypass branch between the stations of Rostov and Kiziterinka, which ensured the trains from the Voronezh line to the south and back (see Fig. B5).

/ - existing line; 2 , 3 - connecting bypass branches; 4 - driveways

In 1875-1902. railway junctions were created in Voronezh, Kharkov, Kursk, Brest, Baranovichi and other large settlements.

The rapid construction of private railway lines at the end of the 19th century and the competition of railway companies necessitated the construction of several duplicate stations of different railways in many nodes. Examples of such nodes were Penza, Ryazan, Ryazhsky, etc.

The First World War (1914-1918) caused great destruction on the railways, especially at the stations in Russia. In the first post-war years, restoration work was launched on the railway transport and, at the same time, the development of plans for the development and technical equipment of the railways, including the placement of marshalling yards on it - strong points for the organization of car traffic.

In 1923, they began to unite the railway junctions (Batratsky, Smolensky, etc.) with the transfer of control over them to one road. To do this, additional connections were laid in some nodes, separate station parks and their necks were rebuilt. By 1927, about 70 railway junctions had been merged. As a result, with relatively low construction costs, it was possible to streamline the operation of units, speed up the formation of trains, reduce the demurrage of cars and save on operating costs.

In the 1930s, work to increase the capacity of stations and nodes reached its maximum scope. The development of industry required the construction of a number of new nodes - Magnitogorsk, Kartaly, Novokuznetsk, Karaganda, etc., as well as the reconstruction of existing ones - Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Perm and Tagil.

In 1934, the first mechanized slide was built at the Krasny Liman station. This marked the beginning of work on the reconstruction of marshalling yards with the mechanization of marshalling devices. By 1940, about 40 hump yards had been mechanized. They were equipped with hump automatic centralization of arrows and signals (GAC), pneumatic mail, information and operational communications.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), work was carried out to strengthen the stations and nodes associated with the construction of railway lines: Pecherskaya, Akmolinsk-Kartaly, Kazan-Ilovaya, etc., as well as to increase the throughput capacity of the Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Penza , Vologda and other nodes. During the hostilities, many railway junctions, 4100 stations, 2573 stations were destroyed. After the end of the war, an unprecedented amount of work was carried out to restore the destroyed structures and buildings.

In the future, the development of railway stations and nodes took place on a new technical basis: labor-intensive work was mechanized, electrical centralization of switches and signals was introduced, and track development schemes were improved. On a number of freight-intensive directions, the useful length of the receiving and departure tracks of the stations was increased to 850-1050 m. In connection with the transition of railways from steam to electric and diesel traction, steam locomotive depots were converted into electric and diesel locomotives.

Great work on the construction of stations was carried out during the construction of new lines, especially in the 1970s, when the Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM) was built, stretching from Ust-Kut to Komsomolsk-on-Amur for 3150 km.

By the mid-1970s, there were about 11,000 stations on the USSR railway network, including 214 sorting stations, 617 district stations, 1,121 freight stations, and 61 passenger stations. Most marshalling yards had mechanized slides. Some of them began to be equipped with a system for automatically controlling the speed of rolling cars (ARS). In the future, new systems of hump automation for managing the dissolution of trains were developed. By the end of the 1980s, there were already about 300 sorting humps on the railway network, of which 140 were mechanized and 6 were automated.

The useful length of the receiving-departure tracks on especially busy lines has increased to 1700 m, and for the circulation of long trains in some cases - up to 2-3 km. The length of tracks and platforms for passenger trains was brought up to 600 m, and in suburban traffic at the largest nodes up to 500 m to enable dual electric trains to run.

In the 1990s, due to the collapse of the USSR and the formation of new states, as well as the decline in production in Russia, the volume of work of the railways was sharply reduced, and investments in the development of railway transport were clearly insufficient. At that time, there was a noticeable discrepancy between the technical and technological level of domestic railway transport and the best world standards. By 2007, the length of the "bottlenecks" in terms of capacity reached 8.3 thousand km, or about 30% of the length of the main directions of the public railway network, providing about 80% of the entire freight work of railway transport. In this case, the “bottleneck” is understood as an element of the railway transport infrastructure, the capacity utilization factor of which exceeds the following values: for single-track sections - 0.85; for sections with double-track inserts - 0.87; for double-track sections - 0.91; for receiving and departing tracks and turnouts of stations - 1.

In this regard, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 2008 No. 877-r, the “Strategy for the Development of Railway Transport in the Russian Federation until 2030” was adopted, which provides, among other things, for bringing the level of quality and safety of transportation in line with the requirements of the population and economy, the best world standards based on the technological and technical development of railway transport, reducing territorial disproportions in the development of railway infrastructure.

The strategy identifies 6 categories of railway lines under construction and reconstruction:

  • - strategic lines designed to strengthen the transport integrity of the Russian Federation;
  • - socially significant lines designed to improve transport services for the population and regions;
  • - cargo-generating lines intended for transport support for the development of new mineral deposits and industrial zones;
  • - technological lines designed to optimize the public railway network in order to develop economic and interregional relations;
  • - high-speed lines designed to carry passengers at speeds up to 350 km/h;
  • - modernized operating lines designed to master the forecast traffic volumes and organize high-speed passenger traffic.

The strategy includes 2 stages - this is the stage of modernization of railway transport (2008-2015), which provides for the provision of the necessary capacity in the main directions of transportation and the radical modernization of existing infrastructure facilities and the stage of dynamic expansion of the railway network (2016-2030), which provides creation of infrastructure conditions for the development of new points of economic growth in the country, reaching the world level of technological and technical development of railway transport and increasing the global competitiveness of Russian railway transport.

Formation and development of the science of stations and nodes

The beginning of the formation of the science of stations refers to the period of construction of the St. Petersburg-Moscow road (1842-1851). The first regulations on the design of stations were developed by the road construction manager, later an academician, P.P. Melnikov. He established principles for the placement of separate items. According to his projects, the first stations were built, including passenger and freight stations in St. Petersburg. He also presented projects of stations of four classes.

The station committee set up on the St. Petersburg-Moscow road for drawing up projects proposed, given the possibility of increasing class II stations, “... sidings and embankments ... arrange the same as for class I stations in order to carry out work with an increase in stations could not imagine any obstacles. This is the idea of ​​stages in the development of station devices, which later received practical implementation.

In 1868, engineer I.F. Rerberg, who worked as the chief engineer of the Nizhny Novgorod railway, developed the "Rules for the location of tracks, buildings and other accessories in the design of railways." These rules served as an indispensable aid in the design of stations. Following this, the works of A.N. Gorchakova - on the design of large nodes

(1872) and I.I. Richter - on throughput and maneuvers (1873-1877).

The further development of the science of stations and junctions is associated with the creation at the St. Petersburg Institute of Railway Engineers in 1882 of the Department of Railways, which trained specialists in the discipline "Stations".

Significant volumes of railway construction at the end of the 19th century required a large number of specialists in the design, construction and operation of railways, including stations. To solve this problem, in 1886 the Imperial Moscow Engineering School (now the Moscow State University of Railways) was founded, which in 1913 became the second institute of railway engineers in Russia.

In order to increase the capacity of the stations, engineer F.A. Galitsinsky, who worked as the head of the Kharkov-Nikolaev railway, proposed to isolate train traffic from shunting traffic with a significant amount of work. He wrote: “We have repeatedly asserted and will continue to assert that the implementation of the principle of specialization of parks ... forms the basis of a well-designed station and does not increase, but reduces both the number of tracks and the territory of stations.”

In 1898, the Congress of Track Service Engineers established the basic principles for the design of railway stations, taking into account the specialization of their work and further development, the possibility of performing parallel operations and reducing the length of a shunting run. These principles are still among the most important in the development of station designs.

Domestic specialists paid much attention to the study of marshalling yards. In 1883, the work of engineer V. Troitsky “Sorting freight cars from sloping tracks and setting up marshalling yards” was published, which summarized the experience of operating the first stations of this type - Petersburg-Sorting and Moscow of the Moscow-Ryazan road, where inclined tracks were used for sorting wagons.

The study of shunting work at Atkarsk and Rtishchevo stations was carried out by engineer, and later professor, A.N. Frolov, who created the foundations of the theory of shunting work, which has not lost its significance to this day.

The basics of designing track development and other devices of separate points were enriched by works on the design and location of tracks and buildings at railway stations, published by S.D. Kareisha (1889 and 1902) and F.A. Galitsinsky (1901, 1902 and 1904). At the beginning of the 20th century, the works of A.V. Verkhovtseva, B.D. Voskresensky and others, who made a significant contribution to the development of the science of stations and nodes.

When designing sorting humps, it became necessary to determine their parameters. In this area, the works of professors G.D. Dubelira, V.A. Arnold, E.A. Gibshman and others V.A. Arnold was the first to develop an analytical method for calculating the profile of hump yards, G.D. Dubelir is a graphical method for constructing a profile and determining the rolling speed of a wagon at each point. E.A. Gibshman on the basis of a study of the resistance of cars at the Lyublino station in 1913-1914. proposed the norms of the main specific resistance of cars when rolling down a hill.

The development of station science was facilitated by the works of the engineer, and later academician V.N. Obraztsova. In 1905, he published the work "On the question of the design and calculation of stations", which prof. A.N. Frolov regarded "as a new attempt to shed light on analysis of this hitherto dark side of engineering creativity." V.N. Obraztsov created a number of fundamental works and textbooks, which formed the basis of the science of stations and nodes.

The works of prof. S.D. Kareisha, the author of the projects of the stations Kazatin, Losinoostrovskaya, Ruzaevka, Nizhny Novgorod and a number of others, who worked for many years in the track services and in the construction of roads, an experienced teacher who spoke many foreign languages. S.D. Kareisha represented Russia at international railway congresses, as well as in the American and French societies of civil engineers, he is the author of a dictionary on all branches of transport, published in four languages.

Thus, Russian scientists and engineers of communications developed: the first classification of stations; basic principles of their design and specialization of track development; the first methodology for calculating station devices, including hump yards.

In 1918, the Experimental Institute of Communications (now the All-Russian Research Institute of Railway Transport) was organized, bringing together prominent railway scientists of the country to develop the fundamental science of railway transport.

In the 1920s, railway scientists and engineers carried out a number of important studies to renovate marshalling yards and railway junctions and increase their capacity. In 1921, the work of Prof. A.N. Frolov "On the issue of the interaction of marshalling yards", which proved the need for design to consider the work of marshalling and sectional yards in the aggregate and interaction as constituent elements of a single process.

In 1922 V.N. Obraztsov developed the "Project for the distribution of nodes on the Russian railway network and the sorting work of nodes in order to reduce shunting work and downtime of cars."

In the same years, significant design developments were carried out in connection with the unification of the nodes. The generalization of these developments served as the basis for the creation of prof. L.N. Bernatsky of the theory of designing railway junctions of large cities (1925).

The growth in the size of traffic required the search for rational ways to increase the capacity of stations, improve the methodology for their calculation. In 1924, the work of P.P. Leonov and A.F. Lutz "Experience in finding the throughput of stations", which for the first time presented an analytical method for calculating the maximum size of traffic with the existing track development. In 1927, an article by M.V. Senkovsky "On the issue of clarifying the calculation of the capacity of stations." The study of professors I.I. Vasilyev and V.V. Arnold "Calculation of the throughput of stations".

The most important contribution to the science of stations and nodes is considered to be the works of Academician V.N. Obraztsov "Basic data for the design of railway stations" (1929) and "Transit nodes and their design technique" (1933).

In connection with the technical reconstruction of existing and construction of new marshalling yards, it became necessary to mechanize marshalling processes. The work of P.P. Leonov and P.P. Dakhturov "On the mechanization of hump devices of marshalling yards".

A major role in the development of the science of stations and junctions was played by the departments on stations and junctions created in the 1920s at the Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev Institutes of Railway Engineers, and later in other transport universities.

An important stage in the development of railway stations and junctions was the creation of the first technical conditions for the design of stations (1926) based on the proposals of prof. S.D. Kareishi and eng. S.N. Kulzhinsky.

Since 1928, a program for the development of stations and the construction of semicircles and connecting tracks at junctions began to be implemented in railway transport. The design of the stations was entrusted to those organized in 1928-1930. design institutes in Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv and other cities of the country. In 1932-1933. in MIIT and LIIZhT, departments were created at the operational faculties for the specialization of engineers in the design of stations and nodes.

Transport scientists and specialists from design institutes are credited with solving major engineering problems in the early 1930s related to the development of the Leningrad junction and Kuzbass railways. Of particular note is the work on the reconstruction of Siberian railways, which, in terms of their scale, surpassed everything that had been carried out on the railways of the world until that time.

Original and very valuable works on the typification of circuits and individual elements of stations and nodes were created by prof. S. V. Zemblinov. Much has been done in this area by Prof. S. G. Pisarev.

Of great importance for the training of specialists was the fundamental work "Stations and nodes" (1935-1938), written by V.N. Obraztsov with the participation of V.D. Nikitina, S.P. Buzanova, M.V. Senkovsky and N.R. Yushchenko.

In the post-war period, scientific research was carried out to improve the schemes of track development of stations, taking into account the introduction of new equipment and advanced technologies on the railways. The work of transport scientists contributed to the successful implementation of these works. Prof. P.V. Bartenev in 1946 proposed technical and economic indicators for evaluating projects and developed a number of exemplary schemes of stations and designs of their elements. The results of the scientist's research were reflected in his textbooks, published in 1943, 1945, 1949 and 1953. In addition to textbooks on stations and nodes, he wrote a large number of articles on the design of stations and nodes and capacity calculations. In 1949, at LIIZhT, M.M. Uzdin completed a study of the design of stations with electric traction, which until that time had been almost unexplored. It was shown, in particular, that in this case the length of the traction territory (the length of the tracks of the locomotive economy) decreases by 1.8-2.2 times, its area - by 3 times, and the mileage of electric locomotives when equipped - by 3-4 times compared to with steam power.

Since the beginning of the 1950s, studies have been carried out related to the electrification of railways using a system of single-phase current of industrial frequency. At the same time, for joining sections electrified by a system of direct and single-phase alternating current, scientists and designers developed special schemes of stations that received practical implementation.

At the same time, universities and design organizations carried out work aimed at increasing the processing capacity of sorting humps and automating the braking of cuts. Issues of improving sorting devices were investigated in the works of prof. V.D. Nikitin. The theory of calculation of mechanized slides was enriched by the works of prof. A.M. Dolaberidze, A.A. Yablonsky. The complex of issues related to the development of stations was considered in his works by prof. V.P. Parfenov. Prof. V.E. Pavlov. A significant contribution to the science of stations and nodes was made by professors V.M. Akulinichev, E.V. Arkhangelsky, L.V. Abuladze, V.Ya. Bolotny, A.M. Kornakov, S.I. Loginov, V.A. Persianov, N.V. Pravdin, I.E. Savchenko, K.Yu. Skalov, N.K. Sologub, E.A. Sotnikov, N.I. Fedotov, N.N. Shabalin and many other scientists.

Scientific developments of talented designers G.Z. Wertzman, K.K. Tal, B.D. Shtange, P.I. Panteleev and others were the basis for the Technical Instructions for the design of stations and nodes.

In the early 1970s, transport scientists developed recommendations on the schemes of stations on the Baikal-Amur Mainline, taking into account its specific features: a heavy profile, a complex line plan, and harsh climatic conditions.

In subsequent years, major studies were carried out at railway transport universities, research and design institutes to justify the development of marshalling, passenger and freight stations at railway junctions, taking into account the passage and processing of connected freight and double passenger trains, as well as issues of placement and schemes of separate points specialized high-speed highways.

A characteristic of recent scientific research in the field of railway stations and junctions is the widespread use of modern economic and mathematical methods, computer technology and simulation to justify the power of station devices.

Thus, to date, significant results have been achieved in the science of "Railway stations and junctions": standard schemes of stations of all types have been formed that meet modern requirements; improved methods for calculating station devices, determining their optimal parameters and feasibility study of design solutions using mathematical methods and computer technology; the problem of stages in the development of stations and nodes has been developed.

The issues of the construction and operation of railway stations and junctions received a fundamental theoretical justification, supported by practice, which allowed the science of stations to take its rightful place among the branches of transport science. These scientific achievements are widely used in the design of railway stations in Russia and other CIS countries.

The above information allows us to formulate the characteristic features of the science "Railway stations and junctions".

The subject of this science is the study of methods for calculating station devices, the basics of their design and interconnection, the principles of rational placement of stations and nodes in the allotted territory, taking into account the interests of settlements, industry and other modes of transport.

This science is complex. When designing stations and nodes, the issues of not only their location and track development, but also the organization of traffic and traction services in adjacent directions are solved. At the same time, projects are being developed for locomotive and wagon facilities, power supply devices, track distances, signaling and communications, and other facilities.

In this regard, the science of "Railway stations and junctions" acquires a complex aspect, it is closely related to such sciences as "Management of operational work", "Management of freight and commercial work", "Arrangement and operation of the track", "Railway design", "Automation, Telemechanics and Communications", "Economics of Transport", etc. It can be said that the science of "Railway Stations and Junctions" is, to a certain extent, a link for these transport sciences in the part related to station devices and structures.

Tasks for the further development of stations and nodes

The objectives of the development of railway stations and junctions are based on the Strategy for the Development of Railway Transport in the Russian Federation until 2030, which provides for the elimination of restrictions on the carrying capacity of public railway transport and the creation of an infrastructural basis corresponding to the world level for the development of new points of economic growth in the country, ensuring modern the level of infrastructure development and transport support of explored new mineral deposits.

To ensure the development of the railway transport infrastructure, the following are provided:

  • - creation of a regulatory framework for the maintenance and operation of railway infrastructure facilities;
  • - development of integrated solutions for the reconstruction of the railway transport infrastructure for the passage of trains with axle loads up to 30 t-forces at the polygons for the circulation of heavy trains;
  • - the use of low-maintenance structures of the railway transport infrastructure, railway automation equipment, communications and power supply systems;
  • - reduction of unit costs for maintenance of the railway transport infrastructure by 25-30%;
  • - increase in the operating time of railway infrastructure systems by 30-40%;
  • - introduction of complex computer systems at marshalling yards, including automatic control of locomotives.

To ensure high-speed traffic, it is planned to put into operation high-speed electric trains and infrastructure for speeds up to 350 km/h, as well as maintenance systems for high-speed and high-speed infrastructure and rolling stock.

In the period up to 2015, the long-term program provides for:

  • - construction of second tracks with a length of more than 2.4 thousand km, including about 1.5 thousand km in the main directions;
  • - construction of third and fourth tracks on the main routes with a length of more than 300 km;
  • - construction of bypasses of the Krasnodar, Omsk, Saratov, Chita and Yaroslavl railway junctions;
  • - electrification of sections with a length of about 4 thousand km (including the sections of Syzran-Sennaya, Trubnaya-Aksaraiskaya, Rtishchevo-Kochetovka, Yurovsky-Temryuk-Kavkaz-Taman). Electrification of these sections will increase the length of electrified landfills in order to ensure the predicted volumes of freight traffic, including in the directions of North-South, Kuzbass-Azov-Chernomorsky transport hub;
  • - equipping sections with an automatic blocking system with a length of about 2 thousand km;
  • - development of stations and nodes.

In the period 2016-2030, the long-term program provides for:

  • - construction of second tracks with a length of about 2 thousand km according to the minimum option, more than 3 thousand km according to the maximum option;
  • - detours of the Irkutsk, Perm and Novosibirsk railway junctions;
  • - formation of a deep bypass of the Moscow junction (third ring);
  • - northern bypass of the Sverdlovsk junction;
  • - electrification of sections with a length of 3 thousand km according to the minimum option, according to the maximum option - more than 3.5 thousand km (including Kandy-Inza, Ulyanovsk-Syzran, Sonkovo-Dno-Pechory-Pskov). Measures for the electrification of these sections will make it possible to divert part of the prospective cargo traffic from the main directions to parallel passages);
  • - equipping sections with an automatic blocking system with a length of more than 1 thousand km according to the minimum option, according to the maximum option - more than 3 thousand km.

The strategy for the development of railway transport in the Russian Federation until 2030 sets new requirements for stations and junctions that must ensure the specified traffic sizes, the passage and processing of heavy freight and high-speed passenger trains. In this regard, it is necessary to design new and reconstruct existing stations and nodes according to rational schemes, their comprehensive development, taking into account the achievements of modern science, and improving the technology of their work based on the automation of production processes.

  • The first institute of railway engineers in Russia. Founded in 1809. Now St. Petersburg State University of Communications.

Topic 7 Stations and nodes page 6


junction a separate point on single-track lines is called, having a track development intended for crossing and overtaking trains. In addition to crossing and overtaking trains, passengers are boarded and disembarked at sidings, and in some cases, cargo is loaded and unloaded in a small amount. To perform these operations at the sidings, there is a main track used mainly for non-stop passing of trains, one or two receiving and departure tracks on which trains are accepted for crossing or overtaking, a passenger building (usually combined with the station attendant's room) and landing platforms and disembarkation of passengers, devices for signaling, centralization and blocking (SCB) and communications, lighting, turnouts. On electrified lines, in addition, there is a contact network.

If there is one receiving-departure track, in addition to the main one, it is possible to organize either crossing of trains of opposite directions, or overtaking in one direction. If it is necessary to cross two trains with overtaking one of them by a more urgent train, two receiving and departure tracks are required, respectively. With two tracks, it is possible to cross a package of two trains with trains of the opposite direction with partially-packet and package traffic schedules. If the line provides for the crossing of packages of two trains with an oncoming train and overtaking it by the fourth, then at least three receiving and departing tracks are required, in addition to the main one.

According to the layout of receiving and departure routes distinguish between sidings with longitudinal, semi-longitudinal And transverse path placement. In addition to receiving and departing tracks, sidings may have an additional dead-end track designed for loading and unloading cargo, parking of service cars, track machines, etc.

Schemes with a longitudinal arrangement of tracks provide greater throughput of adjacent hauls due to the possibility of crossing and overtaking extended, including connected, freight trains, which allows increasing the carrying capacity of the section. In addition, better conditions are created for the acceleration of trains on departure and the simultaneous reception of oncoming trains. Scheme A, in addition, it ensures the maximum use of existing devices in the construction of double-track inserts or a second main track. According to this scheme, sidings are built on the lines of I and II categories. Scheme B It is used when a large number of passenger trains pass with overtaking freight, as well as when performing loading and unloading operations on both sides of the main track. The disadvantages of longitudinal type schemes are the large required length of the station platform L pl = 2 l 0 + 350 m (l 0 - normative useful length of receiving-departure tracks).

Scheme with a semi-longitudinal arrangement of tracks used when the length of the site is insufficient or in the presence of artificial structures that limit the length of the siding. The track offset must be sufficient to accommodate the passenger train within the usable length of the main track. Due to the large distance between the turnouts, this scheme is only possible with centralized control of the turnouts.

Scheme with transverse track arrangement requires a minimum platform length L pl = l 0 +400 m, provides a compact arrangement of devices, as well as independence in the use of receiving-departure paths, when the occupation of any path does not prevent the use of other ones. However, in this case, it is impossible to cross trains of increased length, the conditions for the simultaneous reception of trains of opposite directions and the acceleration of trains when the siding is placed in the pit worsen. Therefore, a scheme of this type is used on lines of categories III and IV, as well as in difficult topographic conditions on lines of categories I and II. The second passenger platform may be provided when crossing at the siding of passenger trains.

Crossroads of the transverse type, where the turnouts leading to the receiving and departing tracks are laid at a minimum distance according to the passing laying scheme and according to legitimacy principle(the first input arrow gives a deviation to the right), require less construction and maintenance costs.

Favorable conditions are created for non-stop crossing of trains using double track inserts . To create a double-track insert, one of the receiving-departure tracks is extended towards one or both hauls. The length of the double-track insert should ensure the possibility of crossing trains on the move even if they do not pass a separate point at the same time: it is determined by a special calculation and is 4 ... 6 km. At the same time, the throughput capacity increases by 1.5 - 1.7 times, the sectional speed of trains increases by 40 ...

passing points

passing point a separate point on double-track lines is called, having a track development that allows overtaking trains and, if necessary, transferring a train from one main track to another. In addition, passengers are boarded and disembarked at passing points, and in some cases cargo operations are carried out in small volumes.

To overtake trains at passing points, as a rule, there is one receiving-departure track in each direction, and to transfer trains from one main track to another, between the main tracks in the necks fit control exits. In addition, a passenger building or a pavilion, platforms and passages between them, a service building, signaling and communication devices, lighting and a contact network (on electrified lines), turnouts are being built at overtaking points.

Passing points come from transverse, semi-longitudinal And longitudinal the location of receiving and departure routes, as well as with consistent the location of passenger devices and ways for freight traffic, the first type being the main one. Semi-longitudinal and longitudinal arrangement of passing tracks is used in cases where it is necessary to facilitate the acceleration of trains. A scheme with a consistent arrangement of passenger devices and tracks for freight traffic is advisable in areas with heavy suburban traffic.

intermediate stations

Of the total number of stations on the railways, the main share falls on intermediate stations. In contrast to sidings and passing points, which are built only to provide the necessary capacity of the line, each intermediate station is also assigned the task of meeting the needs of the national economy in the transportation of goods and passengers. Therefore, for intermediate stations basic operations will be:

    passage of passenger and freight trains through the station, and, if necessary, their crossing and overtaking;

    acceptance and departure of passenger or mail-luggage trains that stop at the station;

    acceptance and departure of freight trains that have work at the station;

    shunting operations for uncoupling and attaching wagons to such trains, maintenance of cargo points and sidings;

    organization and provision of passenger, postal-luggage and cargo operations, as well as interaction with other modes of transport.

In addition, at some intermediate stations, according to local conditions, additional operations:

    the formation of prefabricated or other local trains, when it is very difficult or inefficient to form them at precinct or marshalling yards;

    connection or disconnection of connected trains;

    stop of transit trains for complete testing of the brakes before the haul with a long descent;

    turnover of suburban multiple unit trains, when the station is also the end of the zone of their circulation ( zone station);

    ensuring the operation of pushing locomotives, etc.

To perform basic operations, intermediate stations must have track development and devices with appropriate equipment. To organize the passage, overtaking and crossing of trains (or other stops provided for in the schedule in accordance with the features of the line), stops of passenger and mail-luggage trains, except major, provided receiving and departure routes. To organize work with trains that have an uncoupling or trailering of wagons at a given station, exhaust ways. For the performance of cargo operations, loading and unloading routes, warehouses or platforms for receiving, storing, issuing cargo, machines and mechanisms for loading and unloading cargo, and, if necessary, weighing wagons during large loading of bulk cargo, exhibition paths for wagons delivered to driveways.

TO passenger devices are passenger building, platforms, transitions at the same or different levels (pedestrian bridges or tunnels), postal and luggage rooms and machines for transporting mail and luggage, sanitary and commercial premises.

Intermediate stations are equipped with signaling and communication, lighting and water supply and drainage devices; on electrified lines, the receiving and departing tracks are equipped with a contact network. Sometimes at intermediate stations there are also traction substations. There should be convenient road access to the passenger building and cargo warehouses on both sides of the station with crossings or overpasses.

Depending on the relative position of the receiving and departing tracks, as well as sidings and passing points, intermediate stations are divided into stations transverse, semi-longitudinal And longitudinal type.

On single lines most often used longitudinal track plan , which has advantages over others in terms of ensuring traffic safety and line capacity, similar to sidings. is used in case of impossibility due to local conditions to place the tracks in a longitudinal pattern. Scheme with transverse track arrangement it is used on single-track lines of categories III and IV, as well as in difficult topographical and climatic conditions on lines of categories I and II.

Longitudinal type schemes differ not only in the one-sided or versatile arrangement of the receiving and departure tracks relative to the main one, but also in the versatile or one-sided arrangement of passenger and cargo devices relative to the main track. The organization of passing, crossing or overtaking transit trains is the same as at sidings of the same type.

When designing intermediate stations, it is planned to isolate shunting routes from train work, i.e., so that work on uncoupling and hitching cars with combined trains and servicing cargo points can be carried out in parallel with crossing or overtaking trains at the station. To do this, the tracks leading to the loading devices must always be adjacent to the exhaust track behind the exit, along which the reception or departure of trains is carried out.

In the absence of crossing of passenger trains at the stations, one passenger platform is provided, as a rule, at the passenger building; in the presence of a crossing, the second platform is arranged between the main and the receiving and departure path, which then passes into the exhaust one.

On double lines schemes can also be used transverse, semi-longitudinal And longitudinal the location of the receiving and departure routes. The main one is considered scheme of the station with a transverse arrangement of receiving and departure tracks (A), providing compact placement of devices. Scheme with semi-longitudinal track arrangement (b) can be used when passing passenger trains with a stop along one of the main tracks, and also, if necessary, have an additional loading and unloading front or adjoining the access track from the side of the passenger building. Scheme with a longitudinal arrangement of tracks (V) is used when it is necessary to have an additional loading and unloading front and the transfer of wagons (or trains) from one direction to another, as well as on high-speed lines.

Trains pass without stopping along the main tracks, and tracks are used to overtake trains. 3 (for odd) and 4 (for even). Passenger trains with a stop are passed in the schemes of the longitudinal and semi-longitudinal type along the main ones, and in the scheme of the transverse type ( A) are even in II the main one, and the odd ones - along the receiving-departure path 3 . Sometimes, in specific local conditions, it is allowed to arrange a passenger platform between the main tracks. Collective or other trains with work at the station are taken to the track 5 , and when it is busy - on the way 4 . When receiving and departing combined trains in an odd direction, hostility arises with routes along II main path.

Intermediate stations on multi-track sections(usually on busy lines and approaches to large cities) can be with a transverse or semi-longitudinal arrangement of receiving and departing tracks. The schemes of these stations depend on the number and specialization of the main tracks, the placement of passenger and cargo devices, the location of the station's receiving and departing tracks before laying additional main tracks, the length of the station sites and other local conditions at the site and at the station. On tripartite sections two tracks are single-acting, as on a double-track haul, and the third is double-sided, as on a single-track, and this third double-sided main track can be located either on the side or between the main single-acting tracks. On four lanes there are various options for specializing the main tracks for passing passenger, suburban, suburban "expresses" (having a small number of stops within a four-track section) and freight trains in different combinations and directions.

Technical equipment and design of intermediate stations

Intermediate stations are built on single-track and double-track railway lines. Intermediate stations are: ordinary, support And for non-stop crossing of trains; according to the location of the receiving and departure routes - longitudinal, semi-longitudinal And transverse types. Intermediate stations are designed main, receiving and departure, exhaust, exhibition And loading and unloading way.

Reception and departure routes have useful length 850 , 1050 ,1250 m. To connect the tracks, turnouts of marks are used 1/9 , 1/11 , 1/18 And 1/22 . Number of receiving and departing tracks at intermediate stations single track lines is taken depending on its required capacity: with 24 pairs of trains or less - two tracks, except for the main one, and with a capacity of a single-track line of more than 24 pairs of trains and on double tracks- from two to three. At pre-node and reference stations, it is allowed to increase the number of receiving-departure tracks by 1.

Exhaust ways for shunting work on maintenance of loading and unloading points and in some cases for disbanding and forming trains, they are built with a traffic size of more than 12 pairs of trains per day. The useful length of the exhaust paths is set 450 - 500 m and corresponds to about half the length of the calculated composition.

Exhibition paths are intended for parking of wagons in anticipation of cargo operations or after their production. The number of tracks is determined by the volume of work of the cargo yard and access roads.

At the freight yard, the exhibition tracks are placed parallel to the loading and unloading tracks, for access tracks - parallel to the receiving and departure tracks or sequentially behind the station tracks on the part of the enterprises. In the absence of a straight section in the plan, exhibition tracks can be placed on curves with a radius of at least 600 m, and in difficult conditions - 500 m.

Loading and unloading ways , laid on the territory of the freight yard, are intended for parking of wagons during cargo operations. The useful length of these paths is determined by the front of loading and unloading operations, but should not be less than 120 150 m. Loading and unloading tracks are designed as dead-end or through according to the standards established for exhibition tracks. The main requirement for their placement is the independence of the supply and removal of wagons to each section of the freight depots.

Ways for equipping shunting locomotives located near the tracks of the cargo yard. Usually these are two dead-end paths with a useful length along 100 m: one contains equipment devices, and the second is used to unload fuel, sand and lubricants.

Path for parking pusher locomotive is located near the receiving and departure tracks, from where trains depart towards a long rise. Usable path length - 60 m.

Distance between axes of adjacent tracks at stations on straight sections there should be:

not less than 4800 mm (optimally - 5300 mm) - for the main, receiving-departure and sorting routes;

not less than 5300 mm (optimally - 6500 mm) - between the exhaust and the path adjacent to it;

not less than 4500 mm (optimally - 4800 mm) - for secondary station tracks (tracks for settling and equipping rolling stock, tracks for freight yards, etc.);

not less than 3600 mm - for tracks intended for direct transshipment of goods, containers from wagon to wagon.

Length of station platformsL pl on new lines it is set depending on the useful length and relative position of the receiving and departure tracks and is accepted for schemes:

    longitudinal L pl = 2 l 0 + 800 m;

    semi-longitudinal L pl = l 0 + 1150 m;

    transverse L pl = l 0 + 600 m,

Where l 0 - normative useful length of receiving and departing tracks for freight traffic.

In longitudinal profile the main and other station tracks of intermediate stations are located on the site or slopes not exceeding 1,5 0 / 00 . In difficult conditions, an increase in slopes up to 2,5 0 / 00 . Exhaust paths outside the necks are designed on the site or on the descent no steeper than 2.5 0 / 00 towards the station. In difficult conditions, their design is allowed at the profile level of the main track.

Cross profiles at intermediate stations of all types, they are designed, as a rule, as double-slope with slopes directed in different directions: on single-track lines - from the axis of the main track, and on double-track lines - from the axis of the inter-track between the main tracks.

The slope of the subgrade surface is set depending on the type of subgrade soil, climatic conditions and the number of tracks located within the slope, and ranges from 0,01 before 0,02 .

In respect of station tracks should be located on straight sections. In difficult conditions, it is allowed to place them on curves with a radius of at least:

2000 m - on high-speed lines;

1500 m – on trunk lines of categories I and II;

    m - on the lines of especially cargo-stressed, III and IV categories.

In difficult topographic conditions, it is allowed to reduce the radius of the curve to 600 m on the lines of especially cargo-stressed, III and IV categories, and in mountainous conditions - up to 500 m.

If it becomes necessary to set up a station, siding or passing point with a transverse arrangement of tracks on a curve, then this must be done on a curve directed in one direction. Separate points with a longitudinal and semi-longitudinal arrangement of tracks are allowed in difficult cases to be located on reverse curves(two adjacent curves with a convexity in opposite directions). In this case, the paths of each of the directions of movement within the useful length should be located on curves facing the same direction, between these curves a direct insertion of at least 75 m, in especially difficult conditions - not less than 30 m.

Exhaust paths are not allowed to be placed on reverse curves. In exceptional cases, it is allowed to keep the reverse curves on the exhaust tracks until the stations are rebuilt. In all cases, in the presence of reverse curves, conditions must be provided for safe shunting work.

To prevent spontaneous departure of the rolling stock (without a locomotive) beyond the limits of the useful length of the tracks at stations, sidings and passing points, the longitudinal profile of the receiving and departing tracks, on which the uncoupling of locomotives from wagons and the performance of maneuvers, is designed concave (pit-like) outlines with the same height marks at the ends of the useful length of the tracks. In necessary cases, to prevent spontaneous departure of wagons, provision should be made for the installation of safety dead ends, guard arrows, dropping shoes or sharp points, as well as the use of stationary devices for securing wagons included in electrical interlocking.

To serve passengers, they build passenger devices:passenger buildings (railway stations), passenger platforms And transitions between them.

Passenger buildings with rooms for the head of the station and the station attendant are built for 25, 50, 100 or 200 passengers and are located, as a rule, from the side of the settlement at a distance of at least 20 m from the axis of the nearest main track, and on new lines with speeds of more than 120 km / h - at least 25 m.

Passenger platforms suit, as a rule, low, high 0.2 m above the level of the rail head. Tall platforms 1.1 m are built at the stations of suburban areas with heavy traffic of multiple unit trains. The length of the platforms is taken according to the length of the passenger train, while at the newly constructed stations it is possible to extend them up to 600 m, and at stations serving only suburban traffic - up to 300 m. The width of passenger platforms is accepted: the main lateral within the station - not less than 6 m(for the rest of its length - at least 4 m), intermediate - not less than 4 m, and with a small number of passengers (when boarding one train no more than 25 people) - at least 3m.

For the passage of passengers and the transport of luggage and mail to intermediate low platforms, they arrange transitions (plating) at the level of the rail heads 3 ... 4 m wide. One transition is made opposite the passenger building and two - approximately 1/4 of the length from the ends of the platform.

Cargo devices in accordance with Rules and technical standards for the design of stations and units on 1520 mm gauge railways, as a rule, should be located on the side opposite the passenger building, which avoids crossing the main tracks when maneuvering with combined trains. On lines with difficult climatic and topographic conditions, it is allowed to place cargo devices on the side of the passenger building and the settlement, which makes it possible to reduce the volume of earthworks, the length of roads, engineering networks and improve the working conditions of workers in the cargo area. The disadvantages of such an arrangement include: occupation by a combined train and shunting work of the track near the passenger building, which complicates passenger operations, threatens the safety of passengers or requires the installation of transitions at different levels and other security measures; the need to stop maneuvers for the passage of passengers to trains or back. When receiving combined trains on the opposite side from the cargo devices, the main tracks cross when uncoupling and hitching cars, which causes delays in combined trains, especially on double-track sections. When choosing a location for cargo devices, it is also necessary to take into account the possibility of increasing the number of tracks in the future from these devices, the junction of access roads, the wind rose and sanitary requirements, the cost of vehicles, line loading.

With a small cargo turnover, cargo devices include covered warehouse And covered platform total length 40 m, and bulk cargo area length 30 m. Dimensions container yards accepted depending on the amount of work and the type of loading and unloading mechanism. The main mechanisms at container yards are forklifts And gantry cranes.

Automation and telemechanics devices consist of input, weekend, route And shunting traffic lights And turnout electric drives controlled by the station attendant or the train dispatcher (with dispatcher centralization). With manual control, the arrows in the inlet necks are built (on the right side in the direction of the train) turnout posts. At intermediate stations of electrified roads there are also traction substations.

Water supply devices consist of water intake And water structures, pumping stations, pressure And distribution networks, hydrocolumns, firefighters And taps. Water-pressure facilities are located on elevated places, near the main consumer of water. When placing them outside the track development, the intersection of the tracks is carried out at a right angle. To supply water to passenger devices and technical needs, water buildings located at a distance of at least 150 m from the axis of the passenger building and 70 m from the axis of the main track.

lighting lines located outside the track development. First of all, necks, passenger platforms and cargo devices are illuminated.

Adjacency of access roads

In the area of ​​intermediate stations, as a rule, there are enterprises or bases, the transportation needs of which are provided by rail transport. Such enterprises have their own internal railway network, which is called industrial rail transport . At small enterprises, this can be one or two tracks directly at the cargo fronts, and at large ones, such as metallurgical plants, the deployed length of the network reaches several hundred kilometers with dozens of internal stations, its own locomotive and wagon fleet.

To connect railway stations with the internal network of enterprises, they design driveways , through which the transfer of wagons to enterprises and back. Access roads adjoin the station, and in especially difficult conditions, with the permission of Russian Railways, the connection can be on the stage ( auxiliary posts).

Adjacency of sidings complicates the work of the station and requires additional track development depending on the car turnover of the siding, the nature of incoming and outgoing car flows (routes, groups, individual wagons or mixed), the number of freight points, the traction service system (by the locomotive of the station or enterprise), the nature of the movement along the access road (train or shunting), access road parameters (length, slopes, smallest radii and location of the enterprise site relative to the junction station), etc.

On average, intermediate stations are adjoined by one or two access roads serving small and medium-sized enterprises, which are characterized by a small heterogeneous or large, but homogeneous cargo flow, the concentration of cargo devices in one place and the use of railway transport mainly either for the import of goods or for the export of products . One or more cargo fronts concentrated in one place of an enterprise with track development, warehouses, machines and mechanisms for cargo operations are called cargo point.

Depending on local conditions, on the location of enterprises in relation to the station, there are various options for connecting access roads to the station tracks. Access roads should adjoin the main group of tracks of the station located on the opposite side of the passenger building, not cross the main tracks when wagons are delivered to the access track. Options for adjoining access roads from the side of the passenger building are undesirable.

In all cases, at the adjunction of access roads to an intermediate station, safety dead ends or drop switches are laid to prevent the rolling stock from entering the main and receiving and departure tracks of the station.

Adjacency of sidings with routed car traffic carried out, if possible, in such a way that at the junction station the direction of movement of routes following to the access road and back does not change, and such access roads should adjoin to the neck of the station. For example, when following routes to and from an access road in the direction A connection should be optional I or IV, and in the direction B- by options II or III. When serving by mainline locomotives, only block trains are allowed to pass through the station to the access track and back, and one receiving and departure track is additionally laid at the station (track 7 For I And II options, 6 - For III And IV options) to wait for departure to the access road or to the site, depending on employment. For any type of station, the junction of such access roads will be similar. If there is a change in the direction of movement of routes at the junction station, then one more track is required to overtake the locomotives.

In most cases, routes to the siding address, after arriving at the junction station, are delivered to the cargo points of the siding in parts by the company's locomotive or the station's shunting locomotive. If transportation is carried out by the locomotive of the enterprise, then three tracks are required (one for the part of the route to be left, the second for the wagons taken out of the siding, the third for overtaking the locomotive), as shown in rice.b in the variant I, path 6, 7, 8 and dead end 9 from the side opposite to the junction for the device of isolated routes of movement of the locomotive of the siding.

Access roads of the considered type are used by extractive industry enterprises (quarries, open pits) with incoming routes of empty timber and sending routes at the exit, as well as construction industry enterprises and thermal power plants that receive goods by routes and send empty timber to the line.

At junction of sidings with non-routed car traffic, arriving at the station with combined or export trains, the direction from which it arrives or departs does not play a special role, since it is processed at the junction station.

If the car flow is small, then when servicing the access track by the locomotive of the railway at the station, an additional sorting and exhibition way in the shunting area of ​​the station, regardless of the location of the enterprise, usually next to the existing exhibition track at the cargo devices (track 8 or 8`) or parallel to the receiving and sending path.

The length of this path must be no less than the largest group of wagons arriving at the same time to the address of the adjacent industrial enterprise. If the access track is served by the locomotive of the station, then the organization of work depends on the scheme of the cargo point, and the connection, depending on the location of the site of the enterprise, can be carried out according to the options II, IIIa, IIIb, IVa And IVb.

When servicing the access track by the locomotive of an industrial enterprise at the junction station, the wagons are picked up at the address of the access track and rearranged to the exhibition track. An example of such an adjacency is options Ia, II. When the site is located on the side opposite the main shunting area, the number of exhibition tracks depends on the order of movement along the access track, the need to overtake the locomotive and isolate the routes of movement of the locomotive of the industrial enterprise.

To ensure traffic safety, when adjoining access roads, safety dead ends (or guard arrows that drop shoes, etc.) are provided, if necessary.

Acceptance and delivery operations are carried out, as a rule, on the tracks of the junction station when servicing transportation by the locomotive of the enterprise and, conversely, on the siding when servicing it by the locomotive of the station.

When the station locomotive serves the access track, its track development is simplified, since it is not necessary to create isolated areas for different locomotives, but it may be necessary to strengthen the track development on the internal tracks of enterprises.

Reference intermediate stations

On lines with heavy traffic, the circulation of combined trains has a negative impact on the section speed and throughput of the sections, because. each stop of a combined train increases the duration of its stay on the section and leads to the removal of at least one train of another category from the schedule. Therefore, a reduction in the number of stops of a group train contributes to an increase in section speed and better use of the section's capacity.

Many sections of railways have a large number of intermediate stations located at a distance of 7 ... 10 km from each other, while the volume of freight work at such stations is insignificant. In order to intensify the transportation process in areas with large traffic volumes, so-called reference intermediate stations. The combined train stops only at these stations, where the cars are uncoupled to the recipients located both at this station and at nearby intermediate stations, where it does not stop. The wagons uncoupled at the base station are transported to nearby stations by a shunting locomotive. After performing cargo operations, the shunting locomotive collects the cars and delivers them to the reference station, where they are attached to the assembly train.

With the concentration of cargo work at the reference stations, the remaining stations are either closed for cargo work and essentially turn into sidings or passing points, or remain junction stations for sidings, which are served by the locomotive of the reference station. Cargoes of low-activity stations are delivered to the reference station by road, thus achieving not only a reduction in the number of stops of the combined train, but also the concentration of cargo work at a smaller number of stations.

Reference stations with developed cargo facilities are located at a distance of 30...40 km from each other, depending on the availability and condition of roads.

Base stations have a corresponding development of track and storage facilities, mechanization facilities. At the reference stations, it is planned to strengthen the track development and cargo facilities, which turn into cargo areas, subdivided depending on the daily cargo processing into four categories: I – 12, II – 22, III – 32, IV- 45 wagons.

Covered warehouses, covered and open platforms are built on the cargo areas of the base stations for processing packaged cargo. The length of the covered warehouses is taken as a multiple of 6, but not more than 300 m, and the width is not less than 18 m. their doors were opposite the doors of the warehouse.

In cargo areas of III and IV categories, covered warehouses are built with an internal input of tracks 24 or 30 m wide with the input of one or two tracks and a length of 72 or 144 m. The tracks at the warehouses can be dead-end or through.

The length of the loading and unloading fronts of open platforms and platforms is determined in the same way as for covered warehouses. The dimensions of the container platform are accepted according to standard projects.

For direct transshipment of goods in the direct version of the wagon-car, high platforms 6 m wide are built, which have a toothed shape from the side of the vehicle entrance, and a ramp with a slope of 1:10 for the entrance of forklift trucks at the end. The length of the platform is taken according to standard designs based on the processing of 8, 12, 16, 20 wagons per day and is 38.6, respectively; 47.6; 65.6; 74.6 m

For self-propelled loading and unloading of various wheeled loads, a high platform with a side and end front or only a side front is arranged, 27 or 54 m long and 6 m wide with ramp slopes of no more than 1: 7.

To unload bulk cargoes transported in gondola cars, elevated tracks 1.5 ... 2.4 m high are built, on both sides of which platforms for cargo storage are located. Sometimes elevated tracks and platforms are covered with a gantry crane for loading goods onto vehicles, closing wagon hatches, and unloading goods in winter.

To organize the sorting work on the selection of cars at the reference stations, they stack sorting and exhibition ways, the number of which depends on the volume of work, the number of cargo fronts and cargo points or sidings, car traffic on them and the service system of sidings.

Reconstruction of intermediate stations

Reconstruction of intermediate stations is carried out in connection with the introduction of new types of traction, the construction of second tracks, the transition to non-stop crossing of trains, the development of devices for passenger or freight traffic, the adjoining of new lines or sidings, the introduction of new automation and telemechanics.

The main types of conversion of intermediate stations include: adaptation of the station for high-speed traffic; extension of receiving and departure routes to increase the mass of trains; laying additional tracks with increased movement; construction of new and expansion of existing passenger platforms and cargo yards; adjoining access roads; equipment with automation and telemechanics devices.

Due to the development of high-speed traffic at intermediate stations:

    straightening the main paths and increasing the radii of curves;

    removal of necks on straight sections of the track;

    removal of a certain number of turnouts on the main tracks and replacement of cross transfers and deaf intersections with ordinary mark transfers 1/11 with sloping and continuous rolling surface in the cross part, 1/18 or 1/22 ;

    reorganization of necks to replace short inserts between turnouts with longer ones (at least 25 m);

    removal of passenger platforms to the outer side of the main tracks;

    replacement of crossings and crossings with tunnels, pedestrian bridges and overpasses;

    modernization of devices for electrical interlocking of turnouts and signals.

Path lengthening is made, as a rule, in the direction of a simpler (by design) neck and a gentle slope. To reduce the volume of earthworks, it is allowed to lengthen the tracks in both directions.

An increase in the length of the station site is possible by changing the slopes when approaching the station or using the existing site or part of it with a slope 1,5 0 / 00 . The laying of additional tracks is carried out in parallel with the existing ones or the station is rebuilt, changing its type (for example, transverse to semi-longitudinal or longitudinal).

The adjunction of new lines of local or main value, depending on the given conditions, is carried out from either side of the station. The junction of the new line in the neck should provide the possibility of simultaneous reception of trains from the existing and newly built lines to all the tracks of the station.

With the development of devices for servicing passenger traffic existing platforms are being extended and new platforms are being built, transitions between platforms are being built. During the construction of tunnels or footbridges, platforms are widened, station tracks are shifted or shifted, tracks are laid for laying down suburban trains.

During the reconstruction of cargo yards new storage areas, scales are being expanded and built, additional exhibition tracks are being laid or existing exhaust tracks are being extended.

Implementation of new means of automation and telemechanics(auto-blocking, electrical interlocking of switches and signals) requires widening of the distance between the tracks for installing output signals and rearranging the turnouts for direct inserts between them.

The optimal option for rebuilding the station is determined on the basis of a feasibility study, taking into account development prospects, capacity and other factors.