Causes of frequent heartburn in women. What causes heartburn. Heartburn medicines

Description of the disease

- this is a feeling of discomfort or a feeling of heat, a burning sensation behind the sternum, spreading upward from the epigastric (pituitary) region along the esophagus. The appearance of heartburn occurs periodically, mostly an hour after eating, especially if the food was plentiful and spicy. Less often, it occurs during physical exertion, when the body is tilted or in a horizontal position.

Usually, to relieve (stop) heartburn, it is enough to drink water, you can stop heartburn by taking antacids (substances that neutralize the action of acid). However, heartburn attacks can recur quite often and disrupt a normal lifestyle.

Heartburn, disturbing a person more than three times a week, significantly impairs the quality of life. Although there is some relationship between the periods of heartburn, the duration of esophageal clearance, and the presence or absence of damage to the esophageal mucosa, it is not always clear enough. Some patients suffering from severe esophagitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus) do not complain of heartburn.

Heartburn can accompany gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, cholecystitis, toxicosis of pregnant women, occurs with diaphragmatic hernia, intolerance to certain nutrients. If heartburn is combined with belching (especially acidic), then this may be a sign or. If the pain worsens when lying down, then the problem is probably in the esophagus.

Causes of heartburn

Causes of heartburn - increased acidity of the stomach, less often - a special sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach with low acidity. Often heartburn is accompanied by diseases of the stomach, but it can also occur with neuropsychiatric disorders after eating.

An unhealthy diet and lifestyle exacerbate heartburn and are among the most common causes.

    Smoking, alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee and hot spices in large quantities irritate the stomach lining, which leads to an increase in acid and relaxation of the gastric valve.

    Heartburn provokes the use of large quantities of citrus fruits, various pickles, fresh bread, pies and fried foods.

    Overeating leads to stretching of the stomach and provokes a copious release of acid.

    Taking drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, ortofen and some others provokes an increase in acid production in the stomach and the reflux of acidic contents into the esophagus.

    Wearing tight belts, lifting weights, pregnancy, being overweight contribute to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which leads to heartburn.

    Sleep after eating can cause heartburn.

  • Drugs for and relaxation of smooth muscles.

    Heartburn after every meal

    Regular heartburn after eating should not be considered a separate problem. This unpleasant symptom mainly indicates diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    A list of some diseases and conditions that cause heartburn after each meal:

      Chewing gum. According to a 2014 study, chewing gum within half an hour of eating may also help reduce heartburn. Gum, which contains bicarbonate, appears to be particularly effective.

      Soda. Baking soda can help you neutralize hydrochloric acid in your stomach and relieve heartburn symptoms (1/2 teaspoon (flat) in a glass of water). It is very important to drink soda slowly, in small sips! If you drink it quickly, then the situation will worsen (a new release of hydrochloric acid from the stomach).

      Soda is not safe, use it only in an emergency! There is an effect after using soda, since the acidity really decreases sharply. But when it enters the body in excess, in response, the stomach begins to produce hydrochloric acid with double aggression, and the heartburn attack intensifies.

      Moreover, soda should not be taken often, an excess of soda in the body leads to a potassium deficiency (this will immediately affect the heart), convulsions and exacerbation of kidney diseases are possible. Nausea, gas, diarrhea, and intestinal pain are also possible as side effects.

    • Flax-seed. Pour half a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of the seed. It is more convenient to cook in the evening so that the infusion is ready in the morning. Before drinking, bring the volume of the resulting drink to a full glass and drink on an empty stomach for at least 14 days. You can use a simpler recipe. Grind flax seeds and, as soon as heartburn begins, pour a teaspoon of the powder with a glass of warm water and drink in small sips.

      Chaga mushroom. Another excellent adjuvant in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract is birch fungus or chaga (befungin is produced on the basis of chaga).

      What to do with severe heartburn?

      Home remedies are definitely good. But what to do when severe heartburn "attacks" at the very moment when there is not enough time to prepare infusions and decoctions, it will also not work to urgently get an appointment with a doctor, but you need relief right now?

      Pharmaceutical preparations called antacids will come to the rescue:

      • Phosphalugel,



        Maalox and other drugs.

      But, one should not forget about their side effects:, and other unpleasant consequences. In addition, they flush out calcium from the body.

      Let's figure out which foods should be preferred for heartburn, and which foods should be discarded.

      Steamed dishes, as well as baked and boiled vegetables are much healthier:

      It is necessary to include products containing complex carbohydrates in the menu:

        durum wheat pasta;

        bran or corn bread,

        brown rice.

      Your "correct" diet will be incomplete without:

        fat-free cheeses, sour cream and cottage cheese;

        lean meat;

        hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs;

        various cereals: semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal;

        apples and bananas;

        non-carbonated mineral water (preferably alkaline), compote of non-acidic berries and fruits, green tea.

      What will you have to sacrifice:

        fried, salty, spicy and greasy, no “sliced ​​bacon” or bacon;

        fat sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir;

        oranges, limes and lemons. They contain an acid that contributes to a significant increase in the acidity of the stomach;

        baking and confectionery;


        hot spices and seasonings;

        scrambled eggs and fried omelet;

        tomato paste;

        strong coffee and tea;


        carbonated drinks.

      But diet is half the battle. Heartburn can be caused by overeating. Food must be eaten correctly:

        Eat small meals, but often, 5-6 times a day.

        The process itself should be leisurely, allowing you to thoroughly chew food.

        Last meal no later than 19.00.

        For at least 40 minutes after eating, you should not take a horizontal position.

        It is necessary to drink about 2 liters of water per day, evenly distributing this amount.

      How to avoid heartburn? Here are some tips:

        during meals, drink mineral water without gas, it will wash away the acid from the walls of the esophagus;

        try to eat more often, but in small portions;

        limit yourself to the above products that provoke heartburn;

        follow the rules for taking medicines;

        if you feel the need to lie down after eating, then raise the headboard by 10–15 cm;

      • in neurotic states, a psychologist or psychotherapist will help;

Usually, heartburn is not perceived by a person as a serious symptom that requires a medical examination. If she rarely makes herself felt, it is enough to review the diet. But when a symptom occurs more than once a week, this is already a reason to visit a specialist. This condition is especially characteristic of the fairer sex. The causes of heartburn in women are due to many factors that affect their body, especially during pregnancy. Let's take a closer look at them next.

Heartburn is an unpleasant burning sensation that is localized in the throat or stomach, behind the sternum. It is caused by the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus and damage to its lining. This is due to the malfunction of the sphincter, a small muscle formation responsible for food entering the stomach. If its functioning is disturbed, the sphincter does not close when food passes from the mouth to the stomach, and acid flows back into the esophagus.

The walls of the esophagus, unlike the stomach, are not protected from the aggressive action of gastric juice. It damages them, causing a person to feel discomfort, burning and an unpleasant aftertaste that appears in the mouth.

Know! Normally, gastric juice should be only in the stomach, since its effect is destructive to the internal organs.

There are many reasons that cause heartburn. These can be both general conditions - for example, a disturbed diet, and specific - pathologies that affect the functioning of the sphincter. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor to establish the exact cause of the disturbing symptom. If heartburn is observed frequently, it is difficult to independently understand why it occurs. Usually its appearance is due to the following factors:

  1. Wrong nutrition. In many ways, heartburn is provoked by food that relaxes the sphincter. These are fatty or very spicy foods, excessive alcohol consumption. It often happens that burning occurs from chocolate, pastries, tomatoes, carbonated drinks.
  2. Wrong diet. This includes both a violation of the time regimen - the habit of eating in the evening before bedtime, and the poor quality of food. From overeating at night, a person may feel heartburn in the morning due to the fact that the digestive system does not rest at night. It is also common in those who prefer quick snacks, when food is not chewed and simply swallowed.
  3. Medical preparations. Some drugs provoke the appearance of a symptom due to a specific composition. So, drugs for heart failure, asthma or hypertension, analgesics often contain an item about heartburn in the list of side effects.
  4. Smoking. Cigarette smoke irritates the walls of the stomach, which increases the amount of acid produced. It is especially harmful to smoke on an empty stomach - gastric juice is secreted in the absence of food that needs to be digested. This negatively affects the work of the digestive tract and can subsequently lead to the development of gastritis.
  5. Physical exercise. When tilting the body, lifting weights and any intense physical activity after eating, there is a risk of gastric juice entering the esophagus. This is due to exercises in which the body is in the wrong position. After eating, you should not engage in physical activity. With frequent heartburn, exercises that strengthen the press are prohibited.
  6. Diseases. Some pathologies can directly affect the work of the sphincter. These include: inflammation of the esophagus, diabetes mellitus, hiatal hernia.
  7. Pregnancy period. Due to the growing fetus, there is pressure on the stomach and diaphragm of the woman. In addition, during pregnancy, progesterone is released, which relaxes the sphincter muscles. This deprives it of its ability to close tightly, as a result of which gastric juice enters the esophagus, heartburn begins.

Important! The first thing to do when heartburn appears is to normalize the diet and give up bad habits.

It also happens under stress. Due to nervous shocks, a spasm occurs that interferes with the passage of food. At the same time, the sensitivity of the esophagus increases, it reacts sharply to the release of acid.

Diagnosis for heartburn

The doctor who treats heartburn is a gastroenterologist, internist or family doctor. Depending on the severity of the diagnosed disease, it may be necessary to consult related specialists: a dentist, a rheumatologist. Consider the procedure for contacting a doctor.

Collection of anamnesis

The doctor learns about the patient's eating habits, what medications he takes, how often he shows physical activity. Also be sure to find out what diseases could cause heartburn. These questions will help the doctor preliminarily determine why the patient is bothered by this symptom. It is important to understand whether heartburn is accompanied by belching, nausea, bloating, bitterness in the mouth, and weakness. The doctor determines the nature of heartburn: whether it is long-term, when attacks occur - at night, in the morning, before meals or after.

After collecting an anamnesis, a gastroenterologist may suspect diseases that have heartburn in the list of symptoms:

  • gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD);
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • duodenitis;
  • cholecystitis.

Usually, already at the stage of questioning, the doctor prescribes a trial therapy.


This procedure is a detailed examination of the esophagus and stomach using an endoscope. It is administered to the patient through the mouth to the duodenum. The device allows not only to examine the internal organs, but also to take tissue for a biopsy in case of a suspicious formation. In addition, FEGDS (fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy) allows you to determine the presence of bacteria that cause inflammation of the stomach, as well as measure the level of acidity of gastric juice.

Know! FEGDS is considered the most informative method for examining the esophagus, stomach, duodenum.


If it is impossible to perform FEGDS - for example, if there are contraindications or a gag reflex, due to the patient's fear of swallowing the probe, an X-ray examination is prescribed. This method involves several x-rays of the stomach and esophagus with contrast (barium suspension). However, this procedure has a number of significant disadvantages:

  • radiation dose;
  • the study is not able to replace a complete examination carried out using an endoscope;
  • there is no way to take a biopsy.

However, x-rays can determine the narrowing of the esophagus and establish the presence of a hiatal hernia.


This procedure allows you to evaluate the work of the esophagus and sphincters, in particular, the lower one, which is responsible for preventing the reflux of gastric juice.

24-hour pH-metry of the esophagus

It is carried out as an additional study if it is not possible to correctly establish the diagnosis even with the use of FEGDS. A special probe is inserted through the nasopharynx into the esophagus, which determines the acidity in the stomach during the day. This method is rarely used.

Medical treatment

Most drugs work to reduce the level of acidity, which entails a decrease in the aggressive effects of gastric juice. According to the principle of work, all funds are divided into two large groups - antacids and antisecretory drugs.


They relieve an unpleasant symptom by neutralizing hydrochloric acid. However, they do not affect the root cause of heartburn, but only temporarily alleviate the condition. They are prescribed as an emergency remedy when discomfort in the form of a burning sensation in the throat overtakes a person suddenly.

Antacids are divided into absorbable and non-absorbable. The first is characterized by an increase in the production of gastric juice at the end of the drug. Absorbable drugs begin to act instantly, but the effect lasts a couple of hours. These include Rennie, Tams, baking soda. Non-absorbable drugs work more efficiently and last longer. Do not cause deterioration of the condition after the end of the action. The most famous antacids of this group are Gastal, Maalox, Phosphalugel.

Antisecretory drugs

They are more powerful drug therapy than antacids. These drugs not only neutralize the acid, but also block its production. They act directly on the cause of the disease. These include Omeprazole, Cimetidine, Ranitidine, Lansoprazole.

Know! There is a surgical method for treating a patient with persistent heartburn. It consists in strengthening the lower sphincter with a part of the stomach (its bottom). The operation is performed when conservative therapy is impossible or ineffective, there is a high risk of developing esophageal cancer due to reflux (acid reflux).

The first thing you should pay attention to when heartburn is diet. It usually needs to be corrected. There are certain rules:

  1. For fatty, fried foods, prefer steamed boiled foods.
  2. From protein foods, choose low-fat cheese, boiled eggs, fish, boiled meat.
  3. From vegetables, eat more legumes, carrots and potatoes.
  4. Replace sugary carbonated drinks with water, tea or compote.
  5. Eat little and often. At the same time, chew food thoroughly, do not swallow whole pieces.
  6. Eat dinner no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime, do not force the digestive system to work at night.

In addition, you need to get rid of bad habits that provoke heartburn. For example, discomfort can occur after alcohol: such a drink irritates the mucous membrane, it cannot fully cope with its function of protecting internal organs. Alcohol negatively affects the functioning of the whole organism: it should be abandoned due to the negative effect on the liver, stomach, and nervous system.

Possible Complications

The list of complications that constantly occurring heartburn leads to is quite extensive. This once again indicates the need for a medical examination to prevent:

  • inflammation leading to ulcers and erosion;
  • tissue dehydration;
  • esophageal bleeding;
  • feeling of impassability of food;
  • esophageal carcinoma.

Even mild heartburn can turn into a serious illness. This symptom should not be ignored. If it bothers you for a long time, be sure to consult a specialist.

Heartburn is an unpleasant burning sensation in the esophagus and chest that occurs due to increased acidity. The scheme for the occurrence of heartburn is quite simple: gastric juice rises from the stomach into the esophagus, its acidic components irritate the mucous membrane, causing a burning sensation. But there can be several reasons for heartburn, that is, the reflux of juice from the stomach into the upper parts of the digestive system. Consider the main reasons why heartburn appears.

Poor diet is the main cause of heartburn

If you rarely experience heartburn, you should associate it with festive tables and parties. Overeating of spicy, fatty, high-calorie foods, especially in combination with alcohol, will definitely cause such a reaction in the body.

To avoid such heartburn, you should not abuse fried and fatty foods.

Heartburn can be caused by sweet black tea, and fresh rye bread with a lot of yeast, onions, chocolate, mint, citrus fruits and tomatoes. Such cases of heartburn, fortunately, are easily treated - you just need to take a dose of an acid-reducing drug. It is also useful to revise the diet a little, replacing harmful products with safer counterparts. For example, instead of the usual onion, you can buy a Texas sweet variety or Russian meadow - they do not cause heartburn. White onions are scalded with boiling water before use to reduce its pungency.

You can also do with other products that torment you. Chocolates should be eaten less often, moreover, gradually moving from bitter varieties to milk and white chocolate. Bread should be chosen without yeast, but it is better to try to completely abandon this high-calorie product.

Getting rid of food heartburn is completely in our hands. However, supporters of an unhealthy lifestyle suffer from this type of heartburn quite regularly.

If you have managed to gain excess weight, this condition can also cause heartburn.

Peppermint in gum, caffeine, and alcohol relax the esophageal sphincter, which holds stomach acid in place.

Smoking and frequent consumption of coffee and carbonated drinks irritates the stomach, causing it to throw out portions of acid more often, and heartburn becomes chronic.

You can get rid of it once and for all by adjusting your diet and daily routine.

Peptic ulcer and gastritis as a cause of heartburn

Patients suffering from stomach ulcers often experience heartburn. They usually have an increased acidity of the gastric juice, and its discharge into the esophagus causes great discomfort, even if they are very slight. Ulcers begin to form on the mucosa of the esophagus, which increases heartburn. Gastroenterologists advise abandoning the tradition of taking soda during heartburn, as it reduces acidity for a very short time, and in some cases can cause an even stronger reaction a little later. Only a doctor can prescribe the right drugs for heartburn.

In addition, with various diseases of the stomach, its motor function may be disturbed, and gastric juice will be sent in waves into the esophagus. This problem should also be solved under the supervision of a gastroenterologist.

Causes of heartburn - wrong lifestyle

Heartburn can be caused even by such seemingly insignificant problems as uncomfortable clothes that squeeze the stomach, lifting weights while eating, eating on the run. It is also harmful to chew food badly and dine in front of the TV - food leftovers are poorly digested, causing an increase in acidity.

Doctors do not recommend taking long breaks between meals, because during “non-working” hours, gastric juice stagnates and becomes more concentrated. In the event of an attack of heartburn, such an acidic liquid has a much stronger effect on the delicate mucosa of the esophagus. Switch to fractional meals with several healthy snacks throughout the day, this will dilute the gastric juice. During those meals that we used to consider the main ones - breakfast, lunch and dinner - use dessert spoons instead of tablespoons, reduce the volume of the plate. After the end of the meal, it is useful to stand still for 5-10 minutes so that the digestion of food is more efficient.

Heartburn at night provokes the habit of eating at night. If about 3 hours have not passed since the last meal, and you have already gone to bed, expect an attack of heartburn. In a horizontal position, gastric juice, abundantly produced during meals, can easily overflow into the esophagus. If you can’t refuse a late dinner, ease your suffering with high pillows, or raise the head of the bed higher with the help of props under the legs at the head.

Smoking provokes heartburn due to the property of nicotine to increase the acidity of the stomach. In addition, when air is inhaled through a cigarette filter, pressure builds up in the abdominal cavity, which also causes the stomach to overreact and attack the walls of the esophagus.

Another cause of heartburn is weak muscles in the esophagus.

Weakening of the esophageal sphincter is one of the main causes of heartburn. Muscle failure, which is supposed to keep gastric juice from passing into the esophagus, is caused by several factors, primarily a large amount of stress in a person's life. Also, some drugs can affect this muscle ring. For example, Spasmalgon, Diphenhydramine, Amlodipine, Atropine, some antidepressants and steroids - in a word, those drugs that provide relief from spasms and muscle relaxation.

Injuries in the abdominal cavity: diaphragm and pressure as causes of heartburn

A hiatal hernia allows part of the stomach to protrude into the esophagus, causing acidic contents to be thrown up unhindered, causing heartburn. It provokes the appearance of heartburn and increased internal pressure in the abdominal cavity, when the gastric juice does not have enough space in the compressed space of the stomach. For this reason, pregnant women often suffer from heartburn, especially in the last months.

During pregnancy, heartburn also occurs due to an increase in the content of the hormone progesterone in the body. If a pregnant woman is experiencing symptoms of heartburn, she should reduce the frequency of eating foods that cause, for example, tomatoes, pickled vegetables, cabbage, coffee and soda. In some cases, meat, yeast bread, boiled eggs, and even food that is too cold or too hot can cause heartburn in pregnant women.

Causes of heartburn - diseases not associated with dysfunctions of the stomach

Heartburn manifests itself, among other things, as a symptom of several diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs that are not directly related to increased acidity. These are chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, duodenal ulcer, stomach cancer, toxic and food poisoning. Having found heartburn that came on suddenly in the absence of other symptoms of high acidity, you should consult a doctor to exclude or start treating these diseases, which are much more dangerous and unpredictable, in time.

Fake heartburn due to heart failure

Symptoms of heartburn - burning and pain in the sternum, do not always indicate the ingress of gastric juice into the esophagus and heartburn as such. This sensation can also be a symptom of some cardiovascular diseases, including those that lead to a heart attack. Therefore, whatever the causes of heartburn, it is better to find them out with your doctor.

Heartburn occurs when the contents of the stomach reflux into the esophagus. Aggressive gastric juice irritates the walls of the esophagus, which is manifested by burning.

Most often, heartburn occurs in people predisposed to it due to malnutrition - eating dry food, on the go, abuse of coffee, strong tea, and mint drinks. Often, a burning sensation behind the sternum occurs due to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure with excess weight, pregnancy, due to a tightly tightened belt, or when lifting weights.


Heartburn is not only an unpleasant feeling behind the sternum. The constant ingestion of digestive juices into the esophagus increases the risk of erosions, ulcers, and even cancer of the esophagus.

In addition, the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus and further down the throat can provoke coughing and hoarseness.

First aid

For a quick fix, many people prefer to "extinguish" it with baking soda. Soda really helps for some time to neutralize the hydrochloric acid contained in the gastric juice. However, carbon dioxide, which is produced as a result of this reaction, sharply bursts the stomach. This can cause discomfort and even provoke gastric bleeding if the patient has a concomitant peptic ulcer. In addition, soda provokes an increase in acid secretion within half an hour after taking it, which means that the symptoms of heartburn will only intensify.

Therefore, you should not resort to this method, especially since there are safe drugs - antacids - to eliminate heartburn. They help neutralize hydrochloric acid without producing carbon dioxide. Also, to quickly eliminate the burning sensation, alginates are used, which, under the influence of hydrochloric acid, turn into a dense gel that mechanically prevents acid from being thrown into the esophagus.

Folk recipes

Squeeze juice from raw potatoes. Take it 1-2 tbsp. spoons 1-2 times a day half an hour before meals.

Take equal proportions of fennel herb, dill and crushed anise seeds. 1 st. pour a spoonful of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes, strain. Drink 1-2 glasses daily in small sips.

When heartburn occurs, drink a few sips of milk - it also quickly neutralizes the acid.


To avoid heartburn:

  • eat often and in small portions;
  • give up spicy, fried, fatty foods, sour drinks, garlic, raw onions, sour fruits, limit the consumption of chocolate, alcohol, coffee, do not drink strong tea;
  • do not bend over after eating;
  • eat dinner at least 2 hours before bedtime;
  • raise the head of the bed by 10 centimeters by placing something under its legs - this will reduce the risk of heartburn in a dream;
  • do not tighten the belt tightly, do not wear tight clothing, bandages and corsets that tighten the stomach.

To the doctor!

With frequent attacks of heartburn, you should definitely consult a doctor - a general practitioner or a gastroenterologist. It is very important not to start the disease, struggling only with its symptoms. To identify the causes and consequences of heartburn, the doctor may prescribe a gastroscopy.


Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications.

Often people do not pay close attention to heartburn, believing that it can disappear on its own. In reality, this is not entirely true. It is important to understand the cause of its occurrence in order to undertake the right methods of treatment without causing harm to health.

Heartburn is a burning sensation and a feeling of heat and discomfort in the sternum, located just above the epigastrium along the esophagus. This unpleasant symptom is a direct indicator of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The appearance of heartburn can be both periodic and permanent, depending on a number of reasons that provoke it.

Causes of heartburn

The main cause of heartburn is the weakness of the cardiac sphincter, which as a result does not prevent the reflux of food from the stomach. With inferiority of the sphincter, reflux develops much more often than in a healthy person.

An essential factor is also the production of an excessive amount of hydrochloric acid, which contributes to intense tissue injury. Due to these reasons, the following situations may arise:

  • Heartburn after eating, occurring immediately or after 15-30 minutes.
  • Heartburn and pain in the stomach is often accompanied by an exacerbation of gastritis or stomach ulcers.
  • A feeling of heartburn in the throat is a sign of a probable hernia of the esophagus, manifested by burning pain behind the sternum.
  • Belching and heartburn that occurs 15-25 minutes after eating in the presence of damage to the gastric mucosa.
  • Constant heartburn can occur while taking certain anesthetic drugs (citramon, ketorolac, paracetamol, ibuprofen), which destroy the natural protective barrier of the stomach.

It is important that a burning sensation in the sternum may indicate not only the pathology of the digestive tract. Sometimes it can also indicate cardiovascular disease.

Symptoms of heartburn in various diseases

Excruciating sensations of heat and burning in the sternum should not be explained only by heartburn. Such symptoms can indicate not only diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but also other serious conditions.

One should not rush to conclusions and make a preliminary diagnosis, taking into account only this symptom. It is important to have an idea of ​​the pathologies that are characterized by similar symptoms:

  • Reflux - esophagitis, in addition to heartburn, accompanied by a feeling of "lump" in grief and problems when swallowing food.
  • Gastritis. In an acute course, burning and unbearable pain in the epigastric region may occur.
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. There is vomiting of sour contents, periodic nausea.
  • Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by heartburn and increased salivation, as well as diarrhea and abdominal discomfort.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system that occur with a strong cough and simultaneous regurgitation (reverse promotion) of gastric contents are also distinguished by the presence of heartburn.
  • An attack of angina pectoris remotely resembles a state of heartburn, when there is severe soreness in the chest and a burning sensation, as a rule, as a result of emotional stress.

Heartburn can be cured based on identifying the causes that cause it. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the development of unwanted symptoms in order to achieve positive therapeutic results.

Heartburn treatment at home

A burning sensation in the chest can develop as a result of an exacerbation of a chronic disease. In this case, therapeutic measures should be aimed at eliminating the primary pathology and minimizing unpleasant symptoms.

An integrated approach will help get rid of burning sensation behind the sternum. It consists not only in the regular intake of medications prescribed by the attending physician to eliminate burning sensation and lower the level of gastric acidity, but in the selection of a suitable diet, correction of exercise and rest regimes, as well as the use of traditional medicine recipes.

Lifestyle Correction

The development of diseases of the digestive tract is facilitated by some factors that adversely affect the entire process of digestion. The most significant causes that are recommended to be excluded to prevent pathology include:

  • Lifting a weight causes a sharp increase in pressure inside the peritoneum, causing food to be thrown back into the esophagus.
  • Excessive consumption of black coffee, known for its peculiarity of increasing the acidity of the stomach.
  • Tight clothing leads to a distorted position of the internal organs, causing the eaten food to rise to the top.
  • Overeating stretches the walls of the stomach and produces an increased amount of acid.
  • Cigarette smoke, which causes spontaneous heartburn attacks by changing the taste in the mouth to sour or bitter.
  • Being overweight puts extra pressure on the abdominal organs, causing heartburn.

Finding the strength to eliminate the adverse effects of provoking factors will help the patient prevent the progress of the disease or, at least, reduce unpleasant manifestations.

Proper nutrition for heartburn

When identifying the true cause of heartburn, the attending physician will help in adjusting the diet and compiling a suitable diet. It is noted that in the chronic course of the disease and single attacks of heartburn, the products differ slightly:

  • It is necessary to eat in small portions often and fractionally every 2.5-3.5 hours.
  • Exclude citrus tomatoes from the daily diet, and add vegetables, berries, fruits and cereals.
  • Eat non-fermented cheeses, low-fat varieties of fish and meat, eggs and lightly toasted white bread.
  • Add vegetable oils (pumpkin, olive, sunflower) to ready meals.
  • Herbal preparations, decoctions, tea with milk, fruit drinks and non-carbonated mineral water are suitable for drinking.

Folk remedies for heartburn

You can treat heartburn on your own, having natural herbal remedies in your arsenal. Some of them tend to reduce the negative effect of pepsin on the mucosa of the esophagus:

  • Baking soda . To prepare the solution, dissolve a pinch of soda in 300 ml of water, and then drink it in small sips. This tool is not suitable for everyday use.
  • Peas . It is necessary to chew 4-5 steamed or fresh peas before the main meal.
  • potato juice. You should drink half a glass of juice on an empty stomach and before going to bed.
  • Almond. It is necessary to remove the skin by treating the nut with boiling water, and then carefully chew the almonds.
  • Honey. Suitable for rare episodes of heartburn: 1.5 tbsp. l. honey to 230 ml of water. Take morning and evening before meals.
  • Mineral water. Mineral water of the alkaline type "Borjomi" is prescribed. Gas should be allowed to go out for two hours, then slightly warmed up and taken half a glass before the main meal.
  • Milk . Products with a high fat content are used. It is necessary to drink half a glass of milk before each meal.
  • Aloe. For the preparation of aloe juice, large juicy leaves are suitable, which must be washed, crushed and squeezed with gauze. One dessert spoon of the resulting juice should be diluted in 200 ml of water and consumed in the morning and evening after meals.
  • Mint infusion. For its preparation, both dried raw materials and fresh leaves are suitable. One teaspoon of dried mint or a few fresh leaves pour boiling water in a glass. Infusion time: 10 minutes. Take as regular tea.

Ways to get rid of heartburn folk methods are diverse and effective. Each patient can choose the right one for themselves, based on the recommendations of the attending doctor.

Medical treatments for heartburn

In traditional medicine, a list of medications and therapeutic methods has been developed that can effectively and in the shortest possible time alleviate the patient's condition with repeated or first-time attacks of heartburn.

All treatment options are available and clinically tested, most of the medicines are available without a prescription and are suitable for daily use at home. Before starting the treatment of heartburn, it is important to seek the advice of a gastroenterologist, who will determine the right direction of therapy.

heartburn pills

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which pills best deal with heartburn. The pharmacopoeia has many drug groups of drugs for heartburn attacks, which are effective in a given situation:

  • Rennie. It is one of the most common antacid drugs, which is available in the form of chewable tablets. The reasons for this popularity is that this drug quickly removes negative symptoms and lowers the pH level of gastric juice. Suitable for use during childbearing.
  • Gastal. The action of this drug is aimed at combating various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and suppressing the signs of high acidity. It has a healing effect, it belongs to the group of non-absorbable antacids.
  • Omeprazole. It is a classic drug that reduces the acidity of the stomach, and belongs to the proton pump inhibitors. The components of the product are able to adsorb hydrochloric acid and protect the digestive organs from the negative effects of irritating factors. It is a preventive measure for a number of gastric pathologies.
  • Rutacid. The drug of the antacid group, acceptable for admission in diabetes mellitus. It is presented in chewable tablets, in which there are no components harmful to diabetics. Active substances neutralize hydrochloric acid, have a gastroprotective effect, promote the healing of ulcers and erosions of the esophagus, as well as the stomach.
  • gastracid. The action of the drug is aimed at adsorbing an excess amount of hydrochloric acid and substances that threaten the integrity of the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach. Lowers the acid level by interacting with acidic compounds and envelops the surface of the mucosa.
  • Gaviscon. According to the instructions for the drug, Gaviscon chewable tablets have a mint flavor and are used to eliminate the following symptoms: heartburn and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, belching. It is intended to be used by pregnant women.
  • Ranitidine. This drug is designed to block histamine receptors in the cells of the gastric mucosa. As a result, the production of hydrochloric acid is reduced and the symptoms of heartburn are eliminated.

The selection of the optimal drug for heartburn should be carried out by the attending specialist after conducting a comprehensive diagnosis and determining the causes of the pathology. Self-medication is fraught with aggravation of the general condition with the development of heartburn against the background of concomitant diseases of the digestive tract.

Suspensions for heartburn

The use of drugs in the form of suspensions is distinguished by additional ease of use, especially if a child needs to be treated. Means are easily soluble in water, which facilitates the process of swallowing. Known suspensions include:

  • Almagel. In a short time, it is able to neutralize the effect of hydrochloric acids, which irritates the walls of the esophagus. Prevents the development of gastroduodenal reflux, ensures the rapid promotion of the food "lump" through the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates stomach cramps.
  • Phosphalugel. It has a neutralizing property in relation to hydrochloric acid, envelops the walls of the stomach and the mucous membrane of the esophagus, and is known for its absorbent effect.
  • Smecta. It is widely used in the treatment of patients of various age groups. The cellular exchange of the damaged mucosa is restored, preventing acid exposure.
  • Maalox. Known in gastroenterology for its protective, analgesic, antacid and enveloping action.
  • Palmagel. Indicated in the diagnosis of reflux - esophagitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, peptic ulcers. Eliminates discomfort in the stomach after mistakes in nutrition, taking certain drug groups, aggravating the use of coffee, nicotine and alcoholic beverages.

The above drugs relieve the feeling of unbearable burning behind the sternum and are available to any potential patient. Their action is aimed at suppressing unwanted symptoms in a short time period.

Drops for heartburn

The components of healing drops are distinguished by the presence of organic components. Their work is to eliminate heartburn, neutralize hydrochloric acid and restore the functions of the esophagus, as well as the full motility of the digestive tract.

  • Iberogast. It can be prescribed by a doctor in the treatment of spastic pain and inflammation in the abdominal cavity. The action is aimed at regulating the level of necessary enzymes and biological components in the digestive system, while maintaining intestinal peristalsis.
  • Ezoton Plus. It is a drug prescribed to prevent diseases of the esophagus, stomach and larynx, which can be triggered by heartburn.
  • Khilak forte. It is useful for a slight increase in the pH level in the stomach.

Herbal preparations are designed to normalize the natural microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, increase the body's defenses after prolonged exposure to drugs or pathogenic bacteria.

Surgical treatment of heartburn

In case of ineffectiveness or impossibility of conservative therapy, the only possible treatment for heartburn is surgery. Surgery may be needed to stabilize the sphincter to adequate function.

Medical science has a number of the latest surgical methods for the correction of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GRD). Moreover, most of them are non-invasive, which eliminates the incision of the skin.

  • Endoscopic bulking agent injection involves the surgeon inserting a special filler into the area where the esophagus and stomach meet. Manipulation leads to a natural narrowing of the lumen of the esophageal sphincter and excludes gastroesophageal reflux.
  • Endoscopic expansion with hydrogel implants involves the use of a gel that resembles living tissue by the surgeon.
  • Endoluminal gastroplasty involves the formation of several folds by the surgeon using an endoscope, which are then attached to the esophageal sphincter. Improvised folds are able to limit the amount of sphincter opening and prevent the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus.
  • Endoscopic radiofrequency ablation is based on the insertion of a miniature balloon into the gastroesophageal junction. The electrodes located on the surface of the balloon are capable of generating thermal impulses after it is inflated. As a result of exposure to high temperatures, the mucous membrane of the esophagus is covered with tiny scars that prevent the esophagus from narrowing.
  • Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication is a wrapping of the gastric apex around the esophagus, forming a kind of cuff. This design strengthens the esophageal sphincter from below and prevents acid from leaking out of the stomach.
  • Laparoscopic installation of a magnetic device (LINX) involves general anesthesia and a minimum of intervention by the surgeon. The operation consists in attaching magnetic balls to the lower part of the esophagus, which will further ensure the absolute closure of the sphincter.

Before resorting to drastic measures, the possible disadvantages, as well as the advantages of a particular intervention and procedure prior to treatment, should be discussed with the attending doctor and a specialist in the field of abdominal surgery.

Getting rid of heartburn during pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the obvious causes of heartburn in women. Reflux develops due to increased intra-abdominal pressure. In the event that a woman noted periodic episodes of heartburn before pregnancy, the symptoms, as a rule, worsen. Throughout the entire period of gestation, the uterus increases in size, which leads to some displacement of the stomach and constraint of intestinal motility.

It includes a complex of non-drug methods and medications. Moreover, for effective and stable relief of adverse events, sometimes it is enough just to follow a diet. Necessary measures:

  • Proper nutrition.
  • positional therapy.
  • Sleep on the left side.
  • Sufficient consumption of pure water.
  • Replacing fresh bread with toast or white bread croutons.
  • The use of drugs from the group of non-absorbable antacids (Renny, Gastal, Phosphalugel, Maalox, Almagel).

Heartburn Prevention Measures

Timely preventive measures can prevent the occurrence and progression of diseases of the digestive system. In the presence of a chronic pathology that provokes heartburn, preventive measures are also necessary.

  • It is important to chew food thoroughly and slowly.
  • During sleep, slightly raise the head of the bed.
  • It is worth abandoning tight wardrobe items and tight belts.
  • Exclude carbonated drinks and coffee, alcohol.
  • Gastroscopy is indicated once a year, even for those people who are not bothered by "burning" sensations behind the sternum.

If heartburn remedies from a home medicine cabinet can eliminate negative symptoms at the moment, then preventive measures are aimed at controlling the primary pathology.

Possible consequences of heartburn

The activity of the esophageal sphincter of a healthy person is normally aimed at preventing gastric contents from being thrown into the esophageal canal. Otherwise, the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach suffer from the action of hydrochloric acid.

In the absence or incorrectly selected therapeutic effect, the patient has a high risk of developing negative consequences, which can become a reality in the shortest possible time:

  • Insufficiency of the 12th duodenum causes the contents of the stomach to be thrown into the larynx, followed by a burn of the mucous membrane.
  • Painful weight loss.
  • The occurrence of internal bleeding, perforation of ulcers.
  • Dehydration.
  • Difficulty swallowing.
  • Rupture of the esophageal walls.

Gastroenterological practice proves that persistent heartburn, if left untreated for a long period, can lead to the development of oncological neoplasms in the esophagus. With frequent attacks of heartburn, it is undesirable to try to cope with it on your own.