Ways to improve the efficiency of large enterprises. Course work: Ways to improve the efficiency of production and economic activities of an enterprise. Losses from marriage

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Increasing the efficiency of the enterprise's production activities


2.2 Analysis of the main economic indicators of the enterprise

3.3 Evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed measures




Today, a significant number of people and organizations are engaged in production activities. The development of the competitiveness of the entire organization depends on the successful activities of the enterprise.

That is why the modern concept of manufacturing enterprises involves identifying strategies and methods for increasing and measuring the efficiency of existing activities.

Production activity is a system-forming factor that ensures the holistic functioning, preservation and development of the organization.

The problems of increasing the efficiency of enterprise productivity in the conditions of radical reform of the Russian economy have acquired particular importance. What was required was not just fundamental changes in views on this problem, but a change in the entire paradigm of the organization's performance.

Management of production at an enterprise and human resources is an integral part of the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.

To ensure a unified approach based on the developed strategy, enterprises develop policies in key areas of activity, which include marketing, finance, production, quality, procurement, human resource management, etc.

Methodologically, the category of enterprise performance has a specific conceptual apparatus, has distinctive characteristics and indicators, special procedures and methods - certification, experiment and others; methods of studying and directions for analyzing the content of labor of various categories of personnel.

The emerging increase in the interest of researchers in the problem of increasing production efficiency at an enterprise is accompanied by an increase in the number of publications and scientific works in this area. Despite this, many issues related, for example, to personnel management, have not been sufficiently developed for the most effective use of these studies at enterprises of the Russian Federation.

Research in the field of increasing production efficiency at an enterprise can be considered “constantly relevant.” Their need arises whenever economic conditions change or when new, more effective methods of production management appear.

In fact, the development of the economic environment and management technologies occurs continuously and gradually, although from time to time they undergo very significant, revolutionary changes.

All this determines the relevance and significance of the research, and also predetermines the goals and objectives of the final qualifying work.

The purpose of this work is to identify ways to improve the efficiency of an enterprise's production activities.

When studying the theoretical foundations of the final qualifying work, analyzing the positive and negative aspects of the activities of the enterprise under study, it is expected to develop measures and recommendations for improving the existing systems of production activities at the enterprise and other aspects of the organization’s activities.

We also highlight the research objectives:

Describe efficiency as an economic category

Summarize the classification of factors influencing the increase in the efficiency of an enterprise.

Analyze ways to improve the efficiency of an industrial enterprise

Determine the main problems of ensuring effective production activities of the enterprise.

Evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed measures.

The thesis examines the activities of the Luxury Furniture enterprise. Ulyanovsk". The mission of the enterprise is to be a leader in production and sales in the Russian and export markets.

The object of the final qualifying work is the enterprise “Luxury Furniture. Ulyanovsk".

The subject of the final qualifying work is the production activities of the enterprise.

Information base of the study: research by A. Ya. Kibanova, I.B. Durakova, Yu. V. Vasilyeva, V. N. Parakhina, L. I. Ushvitsky, Z. P. Rumyantsev, T. O. Solomandina, V. V. Travina, V. A. Dyatlova, V. P. Chemekova , I. Arkhipova, O. V. Izhbulatova, V. Konovalova, N. Koshcheeva and others, on the basis of which this final qualifying work was developed.

Structure of the final qualifying work: the qualifying work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and appendices. The list of references includes 48 titles.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of production efficiency in an enterprise

In the domestic economic literature of recent decades, it was hardly possible to find a more widespread concept than efficiency. Many scientific works and studies are devoted to him.

General and many specific interpretations of this concept are given, the basics of its formation are considered and various measurement methods are proposed. Sometimes this concept was given a typical slogan character.

Discussions in this direction did not stop with the beginning of fundamental economic transformations, when other, seemingly more pressing issues were brought to the fore.

Economic efficiency characterizes the effectiveness of all social production. From the point of view of the national economy, a state in which the needs of all members of society are most fully satisfied with given limited resources will be considered effective.

In general terms, efficiency (translated from Latin as effective, productive, producing results) characterizes various developed systems, processes, and phenomena.

Efficiency acts as an indicator of development. She is his most important incentive. In an effort to increase the efficiency of a specific type of activity and their combination, specific measures are identified that contribute to the development process, and those that lead to regression are cut off.

Efficiency, in this sense, is always related to practice. It becomes the target reference point for management activities, directs these activities towards validity, necessity, justification and sufficiency.

To clarify the essence of economic efficiency, determine its criteria and indicators, it is necessary to distinguish the content of the concepts “efficiency” and “effect”.

“Effect is an absolute value denoting the achieved result of a process. Economic effect is the result of human labor creating material wealth.

Of course, the result itself is very important, but it is equally important to know at what cost it was achieved. Therefore, the commensurability of the effect and the costs of achieving it is the basis of economic efficiency.”

The problem of efficiency is always a problem of choice, for example, what to produce, what types of products, in what way, how to distribute them and how much resources to use.

“The determination of efficiency is based on the principle of comparative advantage, which is the basis for the specialization of both countries in general and individual producers in particular, as well as the cornerstone of free trade (discovered by D. Ricardo).

It is precisely thanks to the comparative advantage of using some resources over others that it is possible to determine the most efficient production option, providing the greatest difference between results and costs, and to establish the alternative cost of any resource.”

“Efficiency” as a concept means effectiveness. As a category, it has two sides - qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative side reflects its logical, theoretical content, that is, the essence of the category.

The quantitative side reveals the effect of the law of saving time, namely, it reflects the saving of time in achieving the goals of social production throughout the entire reproduction process and at its individual phases on the scale of the entire national economy, its individual regions, industries, and economic entities. That is, at all historical stages of the development of human society, it must spend its forces economically, achieving expansion of production output with minimal expenditure of funds. And this is an objectively existing criterion of economic efficiency at all stages of social development.

Efficiency can be defined in two ways: firstly, as the ratio of the result of production to the costs of its implementation; secondly, as the ratio of the result of what was produced to what had to be abandoned when choosing an alternative option.

“The performance of economic activities at different stages of production was measured differently. At the pre-industrial stage, when, as is known, manual labor dominates, the natural measure of cost efficiency is the productivity (output) of living labor.

However, at the industrial stage, a new trend became characteristic: living labor is replaced by machines, that is, labor embodied in them.

Finally, in the post-industrial stage of the economy, costs of means of production (especially in sparsely populated and unmanned production) increasingly dominate. In this case, the new indicator “production efficiency” is crucial.

During the years of economic policy of the USSR, efficiency was largely considered as a quantitative indicator of the economy, characterizing systematic connections and quantitative relationships between the costs of a socialist society for the expansion and simple reproduction of fixed assets and the results obtained from this.

“The effect (result) of industrial capital investments on the scale of the national economy, its industries, as well as individual sub-sectors, is manifested in the growth of gross and final production, as well as net (i.e., national income) in value and in kind terms; efficiency is measured by the ratio of the result (product) to the costs (investments) that caused it.

In those industries and sub-sectors, as well as in enterprises (associations) where net output (national income) was not calculated, profit was used as an indicator of the effect, and efficiency was taken as the ratio of profit to the value of funds or the ratio of the increase in profit to the increase in the value of funds (or capital investments).

Quantitatively, this indicator does not reflect all economic efficiency, because does not include a significant part of the net product (wages, public consumption funds), but allows one to judge its dynamics.

The effect of non-productive capital investments is expressed in the growth of services that satisfy non-productive socio-cultural needs (housing, household services, education, healthcare), and efficiency is measured by the ratio of natural results (the area of ​​residential buildings, the number of places in schools, the number of beds in hospitals, etc. ) to costs (investments).

Currently, the idea of ​​the efficiency of production and enterprise activities has changed somewhat.

The works of many scientists outline not only the complex problems of the theory of economic analysis of the efficiency of an enterprise, but also reflect particular issues related to the formulation of methodological aspects of the formation of indicators of the efficiency of social production, the search for a rational combination of issues of measuring, assessing and planning the efficiency of production, management, etc. d.

“The effectiveness of an activity characterizes its effectiveness, which is expressed in the growth of the well-being of the country’s population. Consequently, production efficiency can be defined as the optimal use of resources in comparison with social needs."

“Increasing efficiency requires such management in which every ruble invested in a production facility, spent on raw materials, materials, fuel and energy, wages of workers, would give the maximum return, so that the volume of finished products quickly increases, and the total costs per unit products decreased."

“Increasing the efficiency of an enterprise is not random, but a natural, stable, repeating and causally determined process that operates objectively. It should be noted that the more civilized the society, the more important it becomes to increase production efficiency, as the need and understanding of the need to save social costs of extremely increased production increases; the goal of production becomes the satisfaction of the needs of all members of society, and at the same time priority is given not to the material, but to the social result.

All this allows us to say that increasing the efficiency of social production acquires the features of an economic law, which can be formulated as the law of increasing production efficiency. The law of increasing production efficiency is a law-trend, since the growth of the efficiency of total social labor is often hampered by opposing factors. The greatest increase in production efficiency is achieved with the intensive type of expanded reproduction, which is characteristic of the current stage of development of society and the economy of developed countries.”

In the economic literature there are various interpretations of the category of efficiency of the so-called expansion type. For example, some authors, characterizing the effectiveness of activity, emphasize that it expresses the relationship between people regarding the planned use of society's production resources and characterizes their return from the point of view of the objectively determined goal of social development, determined by the basic economic law.

The definition of production efficiency as the relationship between society and enterprises regarding the most rational use of natural, production and financial resources is also incomplete, since it does not reflect its specifics.

The main drawback of all broad interpretations of the category of production efficiency is the inclusion in the definition of the category of a number of elements that are not directly its essence. Each economic category should be considered as a basic concept that reflects the most general and essential properties, aspects of the phenomena of activity and cognition.

Economic efficiency is a complex category of economic science. It permeates all spheres of human practical activity, all stages of social production, and is the basis for constructing quantitative criteria for the value of decisions made.

The most significant characteristics of economic activity, such as integrity, multidimensionality, dynamism and interconnectedness of its various aspects, are reflected through the category of economic efficiency.

The essence of economic efficiency is not at all in the digital relative values ​​between costs and results, but represents the very relations of production, distribution and exchange, which determine the reduction of costs to achieve a beneficial effect.

Production efficiency is an economic category and it is unlawful to understand it only as a category of a commensurate or quantitative order, intended to compare costs with results. It is always necessary to remember when clarifying the essence of a category that it is not the methods of calculation that determine its concept and content, but, on the contrary, the economic content of the category determines the methods of its calculation.

A distinction is made between the efficiency of reproduction of the total social product or the actual production process taken as a whole, or (which is the same) national economic efficiency, including the efficiency of production, distribution, circulation and consumption of the social product; efficiency of individual phases of reproduction.

Taking into account the structure of the organization of social production, the efficiency of various large regions of the country, republics within the Russian Federation is distinguished (this is regional efficiency); the efficiency of the national economy, its individual branches, associations, enterprises and, finally, the workshop, brigade, group, as well as the efficiency of individual workers in various spheres of the economy. Taking into account the structure of international relations, a distinction is made between national and international effectiveness."

Thus, economic efficiency is one of the most general and generalizing concepts of economics - a complex socio-economic category of reproduction, reflecting the process of development of productive forces in close contact with production relations.

It can be defined in the same way as the relationship between the values ​​of goods that are produced and the values ​​of goods whose production had to be abandoned due to their greater opportunity cost.

1.2 Classification of factors influencing the increase in production efficiency at an enterprise

Production efficiency at enterprises has a multidimensional nature. Knowledge of production factors and the ability to determine their impact on performance indicators make it possible to influence the level of indicators through factor management and create a mechanism for searching for reserves.

According to Magomedaliev: “The modern tools for assessing business performance are quite wide: from a set of classic financial indicators to new concepts of economic added value and a balanced scorecard. However, as businesses grow and their management systems evolve, it becomes increasingly difficult for managers to understand which products, processes and departments affect business performance. It often happens that a large enterprise has more than a thousand operational indicators. As the size and complexity of an enterprise increases, inertia also increases; the lag between the processes of the enterprise’s functioning and its financial results grows. What is most important in large, complex enterprises: non-financial and financial efficiency is concentrated in various parts of it. Functional indicators are scattered throughout the enterprise, while financial indicators relate to the entire enterprise as a whole and its business units.”

In complex economic analysis, along with general or synthetic indicators, private (analytical) indicators are calculated. Each indicator reflected a specific economic category and is formed under the influence of very specific economic and other factors. Factors are elements, reasons that affect a given indicator or a number of indicators. In this understanding, economic factors, as well as economic categories reflected by indicators, are objective in nature. From the point of view of the influence of factors on a given phenomenon or indicator, it is necessary to distinguish between factors of the first, second, ..., nth order. The difference between the concepts of indicator and factor is conditional, since almost every indicator can be considered as a factor of another indicator of a higher order, and vice versa.

Factors in economic analysis that influence the improvement of operational efficiency can be classified according to various criteria. Thus, factors can be general, i.e. influencing a number of indicators, or private, specific to a given indicator. The generalizing nature of many factors is explained by the connection and mutual conditionality that exist between individual indicators.

There are internal factors, or those controlled by the enterprise (they, in turn, are divided into main and non-core), and external, little controlled or completely uncontrollable. Internal main factors are those that theoretically determine the results of an enterprise. Internal non-core factors, although they influence general indicators, are not directly related to the essence of the indicator under consideration, for example, violations of economic and technological discipline. External factors do not depend on the activities of the enterprise, but quantitatively determine the level of use of the production and financial resources of a given enterprise. These factors are shown schematically in Figure 1.1.

Rice. 1.1. Factors influencing production efficiency at an enterprise.

Classification of factors and improvement of the methodology for their analysis make it possible to solve an important problem - to clear the main indicators from the influence of external and secondary factors so that the indicators adopted to assess the effectiveness of an enterprise more objectively reflect its achievements.

Reserves in full can be measured by the gap between the achieved and possible level of resource use, based on the accumulated production potential of the enterprise. Reserves are classified according to different criteria. The basic principle of classifying production reserves is based on sources of production efficiency, which are reduced to three main groups (simple moments of the labor process):

purposeful activity, or work;

subject of labor;

means of labor.

From the position of the enterprise and depending on the sources of education, external and internal reserves are distinguished. External reserves are understood as general national economic reserves, as well as sectoral and regional reserves. An example of the use of reserves in the national economy is the attraction of capital investments in those sectors that provide the greatest economic effect or ensure an acceleration of the pace of scientific and technological progress. The use of external reserves, of course, affects the level of economic indicators of the enterprise, but the main source of increasing the efficiency of enterprises, as a rule, is on-farm reserves.

The use of production and financial resources of an enterprise can be both extensive and intensive. Extensive use of resources and extensive development are oriented towards the involvement of additional resources in production. Intensification of the economy consists, first of all, in ensuring that the results of production grow faster than the costs of it, so that by involving relatively fewer resources in production, greater results can be achieved. The basis for intensive development is scientific and technological progress. Analysis of production intensification requires classification of factors of extensive and intensive development. The classification of factors for intensive and extensive development of production is shown in Figure 1.2.

Rice. 1.2. Factors of production development at the enterprise

The classification of factors that determine economic indicators is the basis for the classification of reserves. There are two concepts of reserves: firstly, reserve reserves (for example, raw materials), the presence of which is necessary for the continuous rhythmic activity of the enterprise; secondly, reserves as not yet used opportunities for production growth and improvement of its quantitative indicators.

Professional growth of personnel is also an important factor influencing the efficiency of the enterprise, in view of the fact that it increases the labor potential of the enterprise, the efficiency of its activities, and represents a set of able-bodied workers who are able to solve assigned tasks under certain organizational and technical conditions.

The labor potential of an enterprise can be characterized by a structure that represents the ratio of psychophysical, demographic and other characteristics of groups of workers and the relationships between them. Quantitative indicators of labor potential reflect, as a rule, the total working time fund.

The basis of enterprise management as a whole is theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of management, as well as methods and techniques that ensure the joint effective activities of people working in the organization.

The state of the enterprise’s personnel, the level of their qualifications and professionalism, the ability of hired employees to optimally solve the production tasks facing them and bring profit to the enterprise directly depend on those theoretical approaches and practical methods of working with people. These factors certainly influence the efficiency of the enterprise.

High quality products ensure economical use of material and labor resources, stabilization of the reproduction process, economic growth, proportionality and competitiveness, including on the world market, and affect the efficiency of a particular enterprise.

Along with the quality of the product, the price of these goods also matters to the consumer. Therefore, for entrepreneurs to succeed in their activities, it is necessary to ensure competitive quality and competitive prices for their goods and services.

The social efficiency of an enterprise is characterized by the level of satisfaction of the entire set of human needs. This is, first of all, manifested through the volumes of production and consumption of various types of goods and services per capita, and their compliance with scientifically based standards.

The social efficiency of the economy, in addition, is associated with the degree of satisfaction of a special group of social needs of people - maintenance and safe working conditions, employment, the state of the living environment, the amount of free time, the provision of the population with services in education, health care, etc.

All this taken together is called quality of life. The quality of life covers and characterizes the entire range of its properties, extends to all its aspects, reflects people’s satisfaction with the material and spiritual benefits provided to them, reflects security, comfort, convenience of living conditions, their adaptability to modern requirements, state of health and life expectancy.

Economic and social efficiency interact and determine each other. Increasing economic efficiency is the basis for raising the living standards of the people and meeting their social needs. In turn, solving social problems has a positive effect on enhancing the human factor and increasing economic efficiency.”

1.3 Ways to increase production efficiency at an enterprise

The ultimate goal of any enterprise is to provide a high-quality, competitive product that flexibly responds to the requirements and wishes of customers.

Fulfilling this task is possible only in a purposefully and coordinated team, which is reflected in the following typical fundamental principles of the enterprise:

Constant, systematic and thoughtful work to develop the enterprise at all levels;

Interaction at different levels, both between departments of the company itself, and with enterprises and organizations at the regional and international level;

Creating and maintaining an engaged and competent team, applying management principles that place a high value on human resources;

Modern infrastructure for organizing activities and supporting technological systems that meets international requirements.

The relatively small workforce of enterprises allows them to actually take advantage of the principles of participatory democracy, offering each worker the right to make their personal contribution to the overall production process. Constant dialogue and direct communication between employee and management also become possible. Activities in an enterprise with a large staff become more complicated due to

A market economy poses a number of fundamental tasks, the most important of which is the most effective use of human resources.

An equally important principle of the enterprise’s activities is the fundamental focus on its own personnel or on external personnel, the degree of openness in relation to the external environment when forming personnel. On this basis, we can distinguish open and closed personnel policies of the enterprise.

An open personnel policy is characterized by the fact that the organization is transparent to potential employees at any level; the organization is ready to hire any specialist with appropriate qualifications without taking into account work experience in other organizations.

Such a personnel policy may be adequate for new organizations that have an aggressive personnel policy to conquer the market, focused on rapid growth and rapid access to the forefront of their industry.

A closed personnel policy is characterized by the fact that the organization is focused on recruiting new personnel only from the lowest official level, and replacement occurs only from among the organization’s employees.

This personnel policy is typical for companies focused on creating a certain corporate atmosphere and creating a special spirit of involvement.

Development of personnel policy is a key element of the enterprise's activities and increasing its efficiency.

In the broad sense of the word, personnel policy is a system of rules and norms (conscious and formulated in a certain way) that bring human resources in accordance with the company's strategy. It follows that all activities related to working with human resources - selection, adaptation, staffing, certification, development, promotion, etc. - are planned in advance and coordinated with a general understanding of the goals and objectives of the organization.

In the narrow sense of the word, personnel policy is a set of specific rules, wishes and restrictions in the relationship between people and the organization.

Under normal conditions, personnel policy is focused on achieving the main goals of the enterprise: maintaining its sustainable functioning, increasing competitiveness, achieving leadership in the industry.

To achieve the set goals, it is especially important to ensure the production behavior required by the organization for each of its employees. Like the development strategy of the organization as a whole, the operating principles are developed taking into account the internal resources and traditions of the organization and the opportunities provided by the external environment. Personnel policy is part of the organization's policy and must fully comply with the concept of its development.

Personnel policy defines goals related to the enterprise's attitude to the external environment (in the field of human resource management), as well as goals related to the enterprise's attitude to its personnel. Personnel policy is carried out by strategic and operational management systems.

The main goal of the enterprise is to provide its functional subsystems, management system and production system of the organization with the necessary employees, equipment and customer base.

The enterprise must also resolve the following issues: recruitment, assessment, labor adaptation, incentives and motivation, training, certification, labor and workplace organization, use of personnel, career planning, personnel reserve management, management of innovations in personnel work, safety and health, releasing staff, determining leadership style, etc. .

All activities of the organization should contribute to achieving this goal. From the main goal, one can derive subgoals of the organization’s activities, for example, to provide labor resources of a certain quality and quantity by a specific date, for a specified period, for certain jobs.

Ensuring economic efficiency in the field of personnel management means using personnel to achieve the goals of the organization's business activities (for example, increasing production volumes) with limited labor resources corresponding to the organization. Social efficiency is ensured by the implementation of a system of measures aimed at meeting the socio-economic expectations, needs and interests of the organization’s employees.

The organization of an enterprise's activities, as a strategic function, should be aimed at preventing problems rather than at solving them promptly.

For example, speaking about an organization from which people are “fleeing,” you can throw all your efforts into searching and selecting new personnel, or you can go by preventing turnover and strengthening efforts to retain workers in the enterprise. At the same time, the costs of the enterprise as a whole will be much lower.

The main activities of the organization are:

carrying out marketing activities;

Planning the organization's personnel needs;

forecasting the creation of new jobs;

forecasting the introduction of new technologies;

organization of recruitment, selection, assessment and certification of personnel,

career guidance and labor adaptation of personnel;

selection and placement of personnel;

development of incentive systems and motivational mechanisms to increase interest and satisfaction with work and remuneration;

rationalization of enterprise costs;

development of programs for developing the enterprise’s activities and increasing its efficiency;

career advancement of employees and training of reserves;

organization of labor and workplace;

development of employment and social programs;

effective distribution and use of employees employed in the organization, rationalization of their number;

management of innovations in the organization's activities;

ensuring operational safety;

ensuring personnel health protection;

ensuring a high level of quality of services, products and other results of the enterprise’s activities;

ensuring a client base.

At the enterprise level, the system of indicators of overall economic efficiency includes indicators both by type of resources used and estimated ones.

The main evaluation indicator of an enterprise's activity is profit. Performance indicators traditionally include:

product profitability;

profitability of production assets;

production of products for 1 rub. costs;

relative savings of fixed and working capital, as well as material, labor costs and wages.

The result of a company's economic activity is its income.

Income is a certain amount of money received by a company as a result of the production and sale of goods or services over a certain period of time. The income category reflects the economic performance of the company, its economic policy, and the choice of strategic and tactical decisions.

The dynamics of income and its value indicate the degree of efficiency of the company, public recognition of its products, and finally, the place and role of the company in the relevant market.

The profit of the company largely depends on the amount of income. Current economic theory interprets profit as income from the use of factors of production - labor, land, capital and entrepreneurship.

In quantitative terms, profit is the difference between total revenue and costs, but if there are two approaches to defining and measuring costs, then the content of the concept of “profit” should be considered in two aspects - accounting and economic.

The accounting profit of an enterprise is the difference between total revenue and external costs.

The total economic costs, together with normal profit, constitute economic costs (costs). The difference between total revenue and economic costs forms economic, or net, profit.

For an enterprise, the issue of profit margin is important. There are absolute and relative indicators of profit. A relative indicator of profit is the rate of profit (profitability), demonstrating the degree of return of production factors used in production.

“Efficiency in relation to a single economic unit is not identical to efficiency on a societal scale. If an enterprise carries out its activities with minimal costs of all factors of production, in this case we are talking about production efficiency or the production efficiency of an individual business unit.

The system of process and enterprise performance indicators should take into account three main flows of information:

Information about the quality of a product or service, the degree of compliance with customer requirements, stability and reproducibility of product parameters;

Information about the quality of the process, its efficiency and resource intensity, stability and reproducibility of process parameters;

Information about the degree of client satisfaction, the possibility and feasibility of the client’s foreseeable needs.”

Summarizing world experience, economists have created a portrait of an efficiently functioning company.

1) The company has its shares listed on one of the foreign stock exchanges. Thus, it expands the possibilities for mobilizing capital. The company is looking for the capital it needs not only on the national market, but also on a global scale.

2) The level of profit of a company may fluctuate under the influence of certain factors. Deviations from profit targets mean that the firm has little control over the environment and can expect both ups and downs in profit margins in the future. Achieving the planned level of profit is of great importance for the company's relationship with banks. The latter prefer to deal with companies whose activities are predictable.

3) The firm must be able to effectively defend itself.

4) The company is constantly engaged in restructuring. By getting rid of unprofitable and low-profit enterprises and divisions, the company increases its efficiency.

5) The effective functioning of the company requires the revival of shareholder activity. The latter must monitor the activities of managers. This problem is relevant not only for Western, but also for Russian companies. Privatization in Russia led to the disappearance of state control over enterprises.

In modern conditions, increasing the efficiency of an enterprise can be achieved mainly through the development of innovative processes that receive final expression in new technologies and new types of competitive products.

The search and use of innovations directly at enterprises is an urgent problem. The development of new technical, organizational and technological solutions, improvement of basic management principles in relation to the specifics of the domestic market create conditions for updating reproduction processes in enterprises and provide additional impetus for economic growth.

By their nature, innovation includes not only technical or technological developments, but also any changes for the better in all areas of scientific and production activity. Constant updating of equipment and technologies makes the innovation process the main condition for the production of competitive products, gaining and maintaining the position of enterprises in the market and increasing productivity, as well as the efficiency of the enterprise.

Chapter 2. Analysis of the efficiency of the enterprise

2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

Furniture Factory LLC "Mebel Lux" is one of the largest manufacturers of cabinet, office, and student furniture in the city of Ulyanovsk. The company was founded in 1992.

The company has been operating in the furniture market for more than 14 years. The geography of product distribution is extensive. Furniture is supplied to many regions of Russia. The price segment is medium. The range of products is constantly updated.

Furniture is sold both from our own production and from partners. Thanks to this sales system, it is possible to purchase furniture directly from production, bypassing intermediaries and thus saving the buyer’s budget.

Furniture Factory LLC “Mebel Lux” was established and operates in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies” dated February 8, 1998 No. 8-FZ.

Furniture Factory Limited Liability Company "Furniture Lux" (hereinafter referred to as the company) was created by several persons, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares of sizes determined by the constituent documents.

The participants of the company are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, within the limits of the value of the contributions made by them. Participants of the company who have not fully contributed to the authorized capital of the company bear joint liability for its obligations to the extent of the unpaid value of the contribution of each participant of the company.

The company's participants made contributions in the manner, in amounts, in composition and within the time limits provided for by the Federal Law and the company's constituent documents, undertook not to disclose confidential information about the company's activities, and also bear other obligations in accordance with the Federal Law and the company's charter.

The constituent documents of the company are the constituent agreement and the charter.

The authorized capital of a company is made up of the nominal value of the shares of its participants and determines the minimum amount of property that guarantees the interests of its creditors.

The size of the authorized capital of the company and the nominal value of the shares of the company's participants are determined in rubles. The size of the share of a company participant in the authorized capital of the company is determined as a percentage or as a fraction. The company's charter may limit the maximum size of the share of a company participant.

Contributions to the authorized capital of a company can be money, securities, other things or property rights or other rights that have a monetary value. The company's charter may establish types of property that cannot be a contribution to the company's authorized capital.

Each founder of the company must fully contribute to the authorized capital of the company within the period determined by the constituent agreement and does not exceed one year from the date of state registration of the company. At the time of state registration of the company, the authorized capital was paid by the founders at least half.

The company places bonds and other issue-grade securities in the manner prescribed by securities legislation in an amount not exceeding the amount of its authorized capital or the amount of security provided to the company for these purposes by third parties, after full payment of the authorized capital.

The supreme body of the company is the general meeting of the company's participants, which can be regular or extraordinary. All company participants have the right to attend the general meeting of company participants, take part in the discussion of agenda items and vote when making decisions. Each company participant has a number of votes at the general meeting of company participants proportional to his share in the authorized capital of the company, with the exception of cases provided for by Federal Law.

The sole executive body of the company (general director) was elected by the general meeting of company participants for a term of up to 7 years.

Before offering a product to the buyer, employees of the enterprise work for a long time to study consumer demand, preferences and likes of customers.

The company operates with high quality and service culture. An individual approach to each client helps to constantly expand the circle of partners and clients.

Ensuring this, of course, not only thanks to the professionalism of employees and discipline within the company, but, above all, significant and constant investments in the development of the company, its further growth.

The furniture is produced by highly qualified specialists who have worked in this field for many years. Establishing new contacts, expanding and strengthening existing relationships in cooperation is confirmation and important recognition of the correctness of the chosen direction of development.

The main activities of the Furniture Factory LLC "Mebel Lux" are the production and sale of cabinet furniture for home, office, upholstered furniture, kitchen furniture, children's furniture. There are currently more than 1,000 models in production.

The enterprise is equipped with high-performance, high-quality imported equipment and staffed with highly qualified specialists. The furniture is certified and complies with the current GOSTs of the Russian Federation.

For the manufacture of furniture, equipment from well-known foreign companies from Italy and Germany is used in production. All products are certified in accordance with Russian Federation standards.

The products are characterized by high wear resistance and durability of the surface layer.

Chipboard (chipboard) - the main material for manufactured furniture, is a multilayer material obtained by hot pressing of wood particles mixed with a binder (synthetic formaldehyde resins).

The chipboard board meets the most stringent requirements for panel materials and is free from such disadvantages as knots, internal voids and cracks.

Important advantages include high strength; rigidity; uniformity; softness in processing; ability to firmly hold nails and screws. The boards come in standard and increased water resistance, which is achieved by introducing a special paraffin emulsion into the chipping mass. These slabs are commonly used to make kitchen countertops.

Laminated chipboard is a board with a protective coating of special decorative paper impregnated with melamine resins (which is why the term “melamine board” is often used).

The laminated board has high consumer qualities: heat and moisture resistance, as well as high resistance to abrasion and other damage. It is important to note that the laminated board used for furniture production meets sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the content of formaldehyde resins.

MDF medium density fiberboard is an abbreviation of the English medium density fiberboard, or medium density fiberboard. But HDF-high density fiberboard, or high-density fiberboard, in contrast to LDF, where L-low is low.

The features of MDF are that this material is made by dry pressing of fine wood chips treated with binders and formed into a plate followed by hot pressing (density 700-870 kg/m3). The main binding element of the fibers is lignin, which released when wood is heated. The production technology excludes the use of substances harmful to health.

Thus, the environmental friendliness of MDF is achieved due to the fact that the main binding agent is not synthetic, but natural material. MDF boards are lined with natural or synthetic veneer, paper-resin film, PVC film (polyvinyl chloride). Laminate cladding of MDF boards is very popular.

The laminate coating makes the MDF board more durable, and a variety of colors and textures of the coating can satisfy the most demanding taste. In terms of moisture resistance and mechanical characteristics, MDF is superior to natural wood.

The basis of the work of the Furniture Factory LLC "Furniture Lux" is its mission - an individual approach to each client and high quality furniture products.

The main goal of the Furniture Factory LLC “Furniture Lux” is to generate profit and distribute it among the owners. The main task of the company is to find new clients, create a circle of customers and work with regular partners.

The highest goal of the organization under study is to create market needs and meet the demand of buyers (consumers). But needs need to be ranked according to the degree of satisfaction, importance, profitability, profitability, etc.

Goals must be commensurate with the capabilities of the company, with its technical, intellectual, personnel, financial level and raw material capabilities.

The company "Furniture Lux" LLC quite successfully copes with the goal and task set for itself at the beginning of its activities; today the company is one of the leading in the Volga region, specializing in the manufacture of furniture.

Management of an enterprise's activities is carried out in the process of performing certain purposeful actions (management functions).

A control system is a combination of an object and a control body, functioning as a single whole.

The general management function is a direction or type of management activity, characterized by a separate set of tasks and performed by special techniques and methods.

Personnel management is a complex concept, covering a wide range of issues: from the development of the concept of personnel management and employee motivation to organizational and practical approaches to the formation of a mechanism for its implementation in a specific organization.

The management system of Furniture Lux LLC is determined and implemented on the basis of:

· Constitution of the Russian Federation;

· Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies”;

· Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

· Charter of the Company;

· STP VTsIR 20.18.003-2008 QMS “Personnel Management”

· STP VTsIR 20.18.001-2008 QMS “Organization of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel”;

· provisions “On the main directions of personnel policy”;

· provisions “On remuneration of workers”;

The task of the HR department is to provide all departments of the company with the necessary personnel, train personnel to perform their duties in the best possible way and motivate each employee to make the most of their abilities in order to achieve the goals of the organization.

In the process of an enterprise's personnel management system, various forms of work are used: practical training, brainstorming, development of collective solutions, seminars, presentations and trainings, as well as role-playing games.

The “Human Resources Management” process at the enterprise includes the following subprocesses:

1. Marketing, personnel accounting:

planning needs (prospective and current) for personnel;

recruitment of personnel (meeting future and current needs for personnel, accounting for personnel movement).

2. Personnel assessment and analysis:

organization of a personnel assessment system (assessment based on performance, assessment of labor potential, personnel audit);

formation of a personnel reserve (working with the operational reserve, with the reserve for key management positions);

requirements development.

3. Personnel development:

development of main directions and personnel development programs;

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I would like to note not only the complexity of this task, but also the greater effectiveness of changes based on the use of these management systems. The ability of top management to critically evaluate the management system they have built, and even more so to decide to change it, is a sign of the high professionalism of the manager. Most often, the management system changes with the arrival of a new owner of the enterprise or a change in the top management team. The owners of the enterprise, not waiting for the old management team to increase the company's profits, are forced to change the team. There are also the opposite situations, when the company makes changes one after another, but this does not help improve the efficiency of the enterprise, which also, as a rule, leads to a change in top management.

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An important factor in increasing the efficiency of an enterprise is scientific and technological progress. In modern conditions, revolutionary, qualitative changes are needed, a transition to fundamentally new technologies, to technology of subsequent generations, a radical re-equipment of all sectors of the national economy based on the latest achievements of science and technology. Radical transformations in engineering and technology, the mobilization of all, not only technical, but also organizational, economic and social factors, will create the prerequisites for a significant increase in labor productivity. It is necessary to ensure the introduction of the latest equipment and technology, to widely apply progressive forms of scientific organization of labor in production, to improve its standardization, to achieve an increase in production culture, strengthening order and discipline.

One of the important factors in intensifying and increasing the efficiency of enterprise production is the economy regime. Resource conservation must become a decisive source of meeting the growing demand for fuel, energy, raw materials and materials. Increasing production efficiency depends on better use of fixed assets. It is necessary to more intensively use the created production potential, achieve rhythmicity of production, maximum equipment load, significantly increase the shift of its work and, on this basis, increase the production output from each piece of equipment, from each square meter of production area. The result of organizing the intensive use of production capacity is the acceleration of the growth rate of production without additional capital investments. Organizational and economic factors occupy an important place in increasing production efficiency. Their role especially increases with the growth of the scale of social production and the complication of economic relations. The production social infrastructure, which has a significant impact on the level of production efficiency, requires further development and improvement. This is the improvement of the very forms and methods of management, planning, and economic stimulation of the entire economic mechanism. In this same group of factors, various levers of economic accounting and material incentives, financial responsibility and other self-supporting economic incentives are widely used.

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3. Ways to improve the efficiency of an enterprise

Ways to improve production efficiency– a set of specific measures to increase production efficiency in given areas. The main ways to increase production efficiency: reducing labor intensity and increasing labor productivity, reducing the material intensity of products and rational use of natural resources, reducing the capital intensity of products and intensifying the investment activities of enterprises.

An important factor in increasing the efficiency of an enterprise is scientific and technological progress. In modern conditions, revolutionary, qualitative changes are needed, a transition to fundamentally new technologies, to technology of subsequent generations, a radical re-equipment of all sectors of the national economy based on the latest achievements of science and technology.

Radical transformations in engineering and technology, the mobilization of all, not only technical, but also organizational, economic and social factors, will create the prerequisites for a significant increase in labor productivity. It is necessary to ensure the introduction of the latest equipment and technology, to widely apply progressive forms of scientific organization of labor in production, to improve its standardization, to achieve an increase in production culture, strengthening order and discipline.

One of the important factors in intensifying and increasing the efficiency of enterprise production is the economy regime. Resource conservation must become a decisive source of meeting the growing demand for fuel, energy, raw materials and materials.

Increasing production efficiency depends on better use of fixed assets. It is necessary to more intensively use the created production potential, achieve rhythmic production, maximum equipment load, significantly increase the shift of its work and, on this basis, increase the volume of production from each piece of equipment, from each square meter of production area. The result of organizing the intensive use of production capacity is the acceleration of the growth rate of production without additional capital investments.

Organizational and economic factors occupy an important place in increasing production efficiency. Their role especially increases with the growth of the scale of social production and the complication of economic relations. The production social infrastructure, which has a significant impact on the level of production efficiency, requires further development and improvement. In management, this means improving the very forms and methods of management, planning, and economic stimulation of the entire economic mechanism. In this same group of factors, various levers of economic accounting and material incentives, financial responsibility and other self-supporting economic incentives are widely used.

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Course work


“Methods for increasing the efficiency of organization management”

(using the example of Galaktika LLC of the Nord store chain)

Nizhny Tagil


    Management efficiency: concept, types…………………………..…5

    Basic methods for increasing the efficiency of organization management………………………………………………………………20

    Modern approaches to increasing the efficiency of a trade organization……………………………………………………………….29




The relevance of research. A person, society, any organizational structure are constantly developing, and most often, they strive to develop effectively, achieving certain results.

The current implementation of reforms in forms and methods of management, organizational structures aimed at stimulating entrepreneurship and developing market relations of enterprises with different forms of ownership is often not effective enough and does not achieve its goals.

With the transition to a market economy, fundamental changes occurred in the management system of organizations. The consequence of such changes are new approaches to the organization and quality of management of a particular enterprise, organization, or structure.

We can say that the last one and a half to two decades of management science have passed under two banners: innovation and human resources. This time can be characterized by the growing complexity of the external organizational environment, a sharp increase in the rate of its change and tougher competition in world markets. All this required a search for hidden reserves and new ways to improve the efficiency of organization management.

The increasing interest in recent years in the problem of management as the most important factor in the effectiveness of management in the organization as a whole indicates the recognition by theorists and practitioners of the importance of the problem of management methods.

Currently, practice requires the development of a whole range of issues related to the peculiarities of studying individual scientific, theoretical and practical problems of increasing the efficiency of production and economic activities in market conditions. The point of view of those specialists who consider it necessary to concentrate research in the field of management in general deserves attention.

The relevance of this topic is currently confirmed by the works of a number of leading foreign and Russian scientists and practitioners.

Object of study– effectiveness of organization management.

Subject of study– methods for increasing the efficiency of management of a trade organization.

The purpose of this work– identify the main methods for increasing the efficiency of management of a trade organization.


    Describe the general content of management effectiveness: give the concept, highlight the types of effective management.

    Identify the main methods for increasing the efficiency of organizational management.

    Analyze modern approaches to increasing the efficiency of a trading organization.

Work structure:introduction, three main chapters, conclusion and references.

    Management efficiency: concept, types

“An organization’s management system” is one of the key concepts of organization theory, closely related to the goals, functions, management process, the work of managers and the distribution of powers among them in pursuit of certain goals. Within the framework of this system, the entire management process takes place, in which managers of all levels, categories and professional specialization participate. The organization's management system is built to ensure that all processes occurring in it are carried out in a timely and high-quality manner. Hence the attention that organizational leaders and specialists pay to it, with the goal of continuous improvement and development of both the system as a whole and its individual components. It is obvious that studying and improving the management system, both within an individual organization and the state, society as a whole contributes to the speedy achievement of set goals and objectives.

Management as a modern system for managing a company, an enterprise operating in a market economy, involves creating the conditions necessary for their effective functioning and development of production activities. We are talking about a management system (principles, methods, organized structure) that is generated by the objective necessity and laws of market economic relations associated with the company’s orientation to the demand and needs of the market, to requests for individual results, the widespread use of the latest scientific and technical achievements, and the regulation of intercompany relations . The peculiarity of modern management is its focus on ensuring rational management at the company level in conditions of resource scarcity, the need to achieve high final results with minimal costs, optimal adaptation of the company to new market conditions for production or consumer goods, the provision of modern electronic computing technology, the degree of involvement in foreign economic activity.

The goal of any organization is to grow, develop and maximize its economic results. This requires continuous improvement in management efficiency. The quality of organization management is influenced by many both objective and subjective factors. Some of the most important are a properly constructed structure and division of labor, the availability of all necessary resources, and modern technologies. The effectiveness of management is influenced by the attitude of staff towards work, the manager and the organization. The qualities and abilities of the manager himself, his authority, his ability to find a common language with his subordinates and organize the work process are also of great importance.

Before moving on to studying the specific features of methods for increasing the efficiency of organizational management, it is necessary to define the basic concepts.

So, management methods are a set of techniques and methods of influencing the managed object to achieve the goals set by the organization 1 .

Effective management of an organization is a complex act of balancing various values ​​and interests, involving intentional sacrifices when necessary for the overall good of the organization. Therefore, management aimed at success in a complex dynamic world requires a certain approach, for example, a situational or integrated approach.

Whatever the chosen criterion, the effectiveness of management in dynamics characterizes the growth of organizations, i.e. changing boundaries between organizations and between organizations and the market.

The desire to achieve success (management efficiency) is characteristic of all subjects of activity.

The main components of organizational management effectiveness are 2:

. practical implementation of management decisions;

. effectiveness and efficiency of the organization;

. the need for a situational approach;

. performance;

. survival of the organization;

. generalization;

A general indicator of management efficiency can be considered the value of a business and its dynamics.

In a market economy, an enterprise needs to solve management problems at a qualitatively new level. The need to quickly respond to market conditions and a rapidly changing economic situation requires restructuring the internal microeconomics of the enterprise, establishing management accounting, and optimizing management processes.

Effective enterprise management involves a comprehensive solution to a number of problems, among which are:

    financial management;

    Production Management;

    sales and supply management;

    management of internal services;

    personnel management.

The effectiveness of enterprise management can be quantitatively characterized using a number of indicators, the list of which is determined by the nature of the enterprise’s activities and the priority goals of its development. Among the indicators of management efficiency, one can highlight indicators of business activity (numerous turnover ratios), profitability indicators, indicators of the effectiveness of investment projects, etc.

The following methods of effective management can be distinguished 3:

    social and socio-psychological, used to increase people’s social activity;

    economic, due to economic incentives;

    organizational and administrative, based on direct directives;

    self-government as a type of self-regulation of the social system.

In a more general form, all control methods can be divided into two groups: basic and complex. The main ones include those in which the substantive aspect is clearly distinguished based on the compliance of management methods with the requirements of certain objective laws (for example, social, economic, organizational, technical, etc.). Complex, or complex, methods of social management are combinations of basic methods.

Effective management methods are the most important means of implementing laws and management principles. All their diversity (economic, social, psychological, organizational-administrative, etc.) is effective only when the subject of management, based on system analysis, uses the totality of them that is necessary in a given specific management situation, which today represents a complex complex phenomena (economic, social, political and spiritual-cultural).

In management practice, as a rule, various methods and their combinations are simultaneously used. One way or another, all management methods organically complement each other and are in constant dynamic balance.

The focus of management methods is always the same - they are aimed at people engaged in various types of work activities - at the organization's personnel.

There are three major factors that influence the personnel of an enterprise.

The hierarchical structure of an enterprise, where the main means of influence are relations of power - subordination, pressure on a person from above, through coercion, control over the distribution of material goods.

Culture, that is, shared values, social norms, and behavioral guidelines developed by a society, an enterprise, or a group of people, which regulate the actions of an individual, force the individual to behave one way and not another without visible coercion.

The market is a network of equal relations based on the purchase and sale of products and services, property relations, and the balance of interests of the seller and the buyer.

The overall effectiveness of enterprise (organization) management consists of the effectiveness of management of individual functional subsystems - marketing

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