The most effective and fastest hair growth. What are the most effective folk remedies for scalp hair growth and thickness? It is important before washing your hair

Long, shiny, strong hair flowing over the shoulders is the ultimate dream of every woman, regardless of her age and social status. Long hair looks very impressive, and therefore many girls and women strive to have just such hair. In adulthood, representatives of the fairer sex usually have short haircuts, but in their youth, almost everyone dreams of long hair. Growing the desired length is not as easy as it seems. Reaching a certain length, the hair may begin to split, and its owner has to cut off split ends from time to time. A desperate representative of the fair sex, in the struggle for the ideal hair length, tries all available means - from pharmacy to folk recipes, achieving varying degrees of success. But it is worth remembering that beautiful and long hair is not only but also an important indicator of a woman’s health. Hair, like skin, can say a lot about how well the body of its owner functions. If you have problems with your hair that cannot be solved with cosmetics and changing shampoo, you should consult a medical specialist. After an examination, the doctor can name the true reason for the slowdown in hair growth.

Causes of slow hair growth

As a rule, the reasons can be internal and external. Internal causes of slow hair growth include the following:

  • Lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body. The lack of macro- and microelements such as sulfur, calcium, iron, iodine, selenium, silicon, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, chromium and others significantly affects the condition of the hair. Vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis of beta-carotene, B vitamins, tocopherol, vitamins D and C also slows down hair growth and worsens its structure.
  • Insufficient blood supply to scalp cells of various origins. As a result of this reason, the hair follicles do not receive oxygen in the proper amount.
  • The mature age of a woman, in which hormonal changes in the body occur and deterioration in the growth and appearance of hair.
  • The presence of various ailments in a woman, including the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, and diseases of the hair follicles.
  • Stressful situations and unhealthy lifestyle.

External reasons that provoke slow hair growth include:

  • Exposure to environmental aggressors: ultraviolet rays of the sun, wind, frost, exhaust gases, etc.
  • Using hot styling with a hairdryer and iron.
  • Perm and aggressive coloring.
  • Incorrectly selected shampoo and hair care products.

Ingoda, several factors act together, and their negative impact has a cumulative effect on the hair. Their growth slows down, hair takes on a dull and lifeless appearance. After the examination, the doctor will make a diagnosis. Then the picture will be clear. The disease will need to be treated with medications prescribed by the doctor. Most likely, in addition to the main therapy, the doctor will prescribe a complex of vitamins. If no serious disease is detected, then it will be quite enough to adjust your diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. In addition, the beauty industry does not leave women alone with their problems. Cosmetology stores and pharmacies are replete with products that help intensify hair growth and help strengthen hair follicles.

Proper nutrition for hair growth

Nutritionists say that with a properly balanced diet, health problems will never arise. If you correctly develop a diet, include foods rich in vitamins and minerals, maintain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, then a beautiful and blooming appearance is guaranteed.

Let's figure out what is good for hair growth and what substances must be present in our daily diet.

To ensure normal healthy hair growth, you need a balanced diet:

  • Proteins must be present in the required quantity. It is better to choose lean meat, eggs, nuts and fish as sources.
  • Fats in the form of unsaturated fatty acids, which are present in fatty fish and vegetable oils.
  • Complex carbohydrates, which are found in fruits, vegetables, whole grain flour, bran.

Let's list the vitamins that promote normal hair growth:

  • Ascorbic acid(for active blood flow and complete absorption of iron, accelerates hair growth). Contained in large quantities in rose hips, bell peppers, citrus fruits, currants, etc.
  • B vitamins strengthen the hair structure, make it thick, shiny and elastic, promote normal growth. Contained in cereals, brewer's yeast, nuts.
  • Beta-carotene, or vitamin A, gives hair softness and silkiness, moisturizing and fighting split ends. Vitamin A is found in eggs, liver, butter, orange vegetables and fruits.
  • Tocopherol, or vitamin E, has a healing effect on the entire hair structure - from the bulb to the tip, acts as a protector and improves blood circulation in the scalp. This vitamin is found in vegetable oils, nuts, eggs and green vegetables.
  • Tyrosine, an amino acid, protects hair from premature aging and graying.

In addition to vitamins, to strengthen and grow hair, it is necessary to include macro- and microelements in the daily diet:

  • Zinc fights gray hair and hair loss (onions, garlic, seafood).
  • Copper also promotes healthy hair (cereals, pumpkin, apricots).
  • Phosphorus gives hair a bright color and maintains elasticity of the structure (legumes, fish).
  • Magnesium makes hair elastic (dried apricots, greens, nuts).
  • Sulfur adds shine and strength (legumes, garlic, fish, liver).
  • Silicon strengthens the hair structure (root vegetables, cucumbers, zucchini).
  • Iodine heals hair by enhancing local metabolism (mushrooms, seafood, persimmon).
  • Iron improves blood circulation and oxygen supply to the scalp (meat, liver).
  • Calcium needed to build the correct hair structure (sesame, dairy products).
  • Selenium plays the role of a protector from the harmful effects of the environment (milk, meat, rye bread).

The best and worst foods for hair growth

Thus, we summarize what is good for hair growth:

  • Seafood: fish, seafood (protein, zinc, iodine, polyunsaturated fatty acids, phosphorus).
  • Leafy vegetables and greens (calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamins A and C).
  • Poultry (easily digestible protein and iron).
  • A variety of vegetable oils (vitamins E, A, D and unsaturated fats).
  • Chicken eggs (easily digestible protein and B vitamins).
  • Root vegetables (magnesium, potassium, vitamins A and B).
  • Cereals (B vitamins).
  • Legumes (biotin, iron, zinc).
  • Nuts and seeds (vitamin E and unsaturated fats, selenium and zinc).
  • Milk and dairy products (calcium, vitamins A and D).

There is also a list of products that negatively affect the growth and condition of human hair. These include:

  • Sugar (including carbonated drinks), the excess of which in the body acts as a toxin. Among other things, it makes the scalp more oily.
  • Salt, as well as fast food and processed foods rich in this substance, interfere with the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  • Caffeine blocks the absorption of potassium, zinc, and vitamins B and C.

Pharmacy vitamin complexes for hair growth and strengthening

If, nevertheless, correct nutrition cannot solve the problem of slow hair growth, then you need to pay attention to vitamin complexes for hair growth. In pharmacies, such products are now available in a wide range. Pharmaceutical companies produce multivitamin complexes aimed directly at improving and activating their growth. Their composition is balanced based on a person’s daily need for a particular vitamin or mineral, which is good for hair growth. The intake of one or another vitamin-mineral complex should be prescribed by a doctor, based on the individual properties of the body. Choosing a drug on your own may result in an allergic reaction. Among the most famous multivitamin complexes for growth are the following:

  • "Revalid" is a drug based on a group of amino acids and vitamins that has a beneficial effect on hair and nail growth.
  • "Pantovigar", the effectiveness of which women note after a six-month course. Active vitamins and minerals penetrate the hair follicle and strengthen it, promoting accelerated hair growth.
  • "Perfectil" is an English drug loved by many Hollywood beauties. The growth and structure of nails and hair noticeably improves after a month of taking the drug.
  • "Vitacharm" is a domestic drug prescribed in a course for a month.
  • "Vitrum Beauty Elite" is an American product containing vitamins, minerals and substances of plant origin that have a positive effect on hair growth and strengthening.
  • “Complivit Shine” refers to dietary supplements produced in Russia. In addition to vitamins and minerals, it contains green tea extract and lipoic acid.
  • “Inneov Hair Density” is also a dietary supplement, but made in France. It is distinguished by the inclusion of grape seed extract. The course of application is at least 3 months.


In addition to vitamin-mineral complexes, pharmacies also sell other products for hair growth. These include shampoos and sprays that have a therapeutic effect. They strengthen the hair structure and promote its growth.

Hair growth spray is not only effective, but also easy to use. Thanks to this release form, it can be applied in a targeted and dosed manner. There are washable and leave-in sprays. Manufacturers include various biologically active substances in these products: vitamins, plant extracts, moisturizing components, which are good for hair growth.

Among the most famous hair growth sprays are the following:

  • “B.U.T.Y” from “Kera-Nova” is a domestically produced hair spray. This serum is applied to clean and damp hair and does not need to be rinsed. Containing chili pepper extract, castor oil, keratin and panthenol strengthen hair follicles, stimulate growth and moisturize. The effect is noticeable after a month of use. The price pleasantly surprises with its availability.
  • “Platinus B” is a domestically produced spray mask enriched with pine extract, burdock oil and humic acid. This spray requires intensive rinsing.
  • "Kerastase Stimulist" is a luxury nourishing spray for hair growth from a French manufacturer. It contains arginine, glycolipids, aminexil, vitamins and enzymes. They provide intensive hair growth and significantly strengthen the structure. Designed for daily use, needs to be rinsed off. The course is quite long - 6 months. The price for this spray is quite high.
  • "Alerana" is a medicinal product in the form of a hair spray. A product based on the highly effective substance minoxidil actively fights hair loss and stimulates its growth. "Alerana" for hair growth gives a noticeable effect after 4 weeks of use. The spray is applied to clean scalp and is not washed off. However, this drug has contraindications: age under 18 years, pregnancy and lactation, after 65 years. The product may also cause dermatitis.
  • Energizer spray from Hobe Laboratories is positioned as a hair growth activator. It has an enriched composition, which includes natural extracts of rosemary, horsetail, arnica, jojoba and juniper oils and pantothenic acid. The spray is applied to clean, dry hair and does not need to be rinsed. As a result, hair follicles are strengthened and growth is enhanced. Hair becomes dense, elastic and vibrant.

Homemade hair growth sprays

For those who do not want to spend colossal amounts of money on expensive products from stores, there are medicinal recipes for hair intended for home preparation.

Here, for example, is a recipe for an herbal hair spray. To prepare it you will need mint, burdock, string, chamomile, St. John's wort and calendula. All herbs are taken in a teaspoon, a cinnamon stick is also added. The mixture is poured with boiling water with a volume of about 250 ml. Infused until cool, then filtered. 1 can of ginseng infusion is added to the filtrate. Before use, the composition is poured into a spray bottle and nicotinic acid is added. If you have it, you can replace it with pepper tincture. The effect of using such a spray is obvious. Accelerated growth, improvement in hair structure will please you.

There is an easier recipe for a homemade spray for hair growth and thickness. To prepare it you will need fresh lemon juice (8 tablespoons), distilled water - 2 glasses, 2 tablespoons of vodka, two or three drops each of rosemary and ylang-ylang oil. Mix all the ingredients in a convenient container with a spray bottle and let it brew for a day in the refrigerator. The spray nourishes the hair follicles and promotes their accelerated growth.

Folk recipes for hair growth and beauty

In addition to hair sprays, you can use various folk remedies at home. These are various oils, masks, infusions. Our great-grandmothers kept beauty recipes that are passed down from generation to generation. They have proven their effectiveness through centuries of use. In the modern world, replete with industrial beauty products, folk recipes are still relevant. Women trust them because they are distinguished by their natural composition and affordable price. Homemade masks give instant results, since the biologically valuable substances in them are in an active state, and their absorption occurs much more efficiently than from pharmaceutical preparations.

Burdock oil for hair growth and strengthening

Burdock oil, which is very inexpensive, is an excellent remedy for hair. Since ancient times, it has been used by beauties for hair care. This oil is obtained from burdock roots through oil extraction. The oil contains many biologically active substances: vitamins, proteins, minerals, inulin, tanning components, stearic and burdock oil. Burdock oil is used according to the wrapping scheme: oil is applied to damp, clean hair, rubbed into the roots and distributed along the length. Then the hair is wrapped in plastic and a towel. After two hours, the oil must be washed off with shampoo. The procedure can be repeated 1-2 times a week. Burdock oil is suitable for damaged hair, as it restores its structure well. You can combine this remedy with egg yolks, lemon juice, honey, other oils (castor, chamomile, wheat, jojoba, rosehip), mustard, onion juice. You can also add burdock oil, the price of which ranges from 20-130 rubles per bottle, to your regular shampoo and enjoy excellent hair quality after washing.

Can chicken eggs improve hair quality?

This is such a simple and affordable product that many are surprised by the fact that a chicken egg effectively helps with hair growth problems. The balanced composition of the egg, which includes a large amount of protein, vitamins B, D, A and B2, amino acids, mineral compounds, lecithin and cholesterol, has a beneficial effect on the hair structure, acting regeneratively. Under the influence of the biologically active substances of the egg, the hair becomes soft and silky smooth.

Eggs for hair growth are included in a variety of masks. You can mix the egg with burdock oil, honey and cognac, aloe, lemon juice, yogurt and other nutritious ingredients. Such masks are applied to clean hair, wrapped and left for several hours. Then you need to wash your hair and enjoy the result.

Plant infusions for hair growth and strengthening

The use of plant infusions is also an ancient and very effective way to stimulate hair growth and improve hair quality. Examples include the following tinctures for hair growth:

  • A tablespoon of nettle is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for an hour. This lotion is rubbed into the hair roots several times a week.
  • Infuse three tablespoons of coltsfoot in a liter of boiling water, strain and rinse your hair after each wash.
  • Infuse one large hot red pepper in 100 g of vodka for 2-3 weeks in a dark place. The result is a legendary pepper tincture that has an unsurpassed stimulating effect on the hair roots. You can use the tincture separately, rubbing it into the scalp, or add it to various masks, mixing it with honey, burdock oil or beer.
  • Infuse 2-3 tablespoons of calendula flowers in a small amount of boiling water or alcohol. The tincture is used as a rinse after shampooing. This product strengthens hair, fights split ends and dandruff.

All of the above products for hair growth and strengthening work most effectively in combination. To the main therapy prescribed by your doctor, add various masks or sprays. Decide for yourself which means to give preference to - home or industrial. The main thing is regular use and compliance with all recommendations of specialists. The result will not take long to arrive. As a reward for your care, your hair will grow faster and will delight you with its healthy shine, thickness and fullness.

Founder of SDR Technology, NUS student studying biochemistry and molecular biology, Elena Kornilova ( @helenakornilova.sdr) told why you need nicotinic acid, how to prepare a lotion at home that accelerates hair growth, and also shared the secrets of care.

Elena Kornilova

NUS student, founder of SDR Technology

“In order for hair to grow faster, you first need to improve microcirculation. Any methods will do: scalp massage, nicotinic acid sprays and other stimulants. In addition, you need to take care of the root, nourishing it with nutrients and vitamins. Don't forget about proper care of the hair shaft. The complex should include a mild shampoo for daily use, conditioner for colored and damaged hair, a mask, leave-in care in the form of sprays, oil for ends, and thermal protection. Hair growth sprays work great in combination with Darsonval. Apply to scalp. Give a light scalp massage. And then use Darsonval for 5-10 minutes. Taking vitamins and minerals for hair growth can also be supplemented with ginkgo biloba extract, which stimulates blood circulation and improves microcirculation of the scalp. It is also an excellent antihypoxic agent. The daily dosage is 300-400 mg.”

A nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid for topical use is still the simplest, inexpensive and quite effective remedy for hair growth. The result is explained simply: it dilates blood vessels, improving blood circulation and helping to saturate the follicles with oxygen and nutrients. Nicotinic acid has only one drawback: it is not recommended for use in its pure form by everyone - it can cause peeling that lasts about a week and headaches.

Price: 33 rub. for 10 ampoules

Lotion "Hair Expert", Evalar

If you are intolerant to nicotinic acid in its pure form, use sprays based on it. They contain additional ingredients that relieve irritation and have anti-inflammatory, strengthening and androgenic effects: extract of nettle, chamomile, horsetail, yarrow and other ingredients.

In the early 90s, a remedy for hair loss was patented in America, which included three ingredients: L-carnitine, ascorbic acid and vitamin PP (nicotiamide). Expert Hair lotion from Evolar is similar, but it has more active ingredients: L-arginine, panthenol, biotin, vitamin B6 and others. Apply the product 3-4 times a week - no need to rinse off. The course of treatment is at least two months.

Price: 600 rub.

Usma juice and oil

Usma juice and oil are an excellent natural hair growth activator. They contain linoleic, linolenic, oleic acids, mustard oil and other beneficial substances that actively nourish and saturate the bulbs. But these products are not suitable for blondes - they can dye their hair, giving an undesirable shade.

Price: about 700 rub.

Hellebore water

For those whose hair grows to a certain length and then stops growing, I recommend trying this lotion. The active ingredients it contains increase the growth phase by eliminating subclinical inflammation in the hair follicles. In addition, the product has an antiandrogenic effect and also combines well with minoxidil.

Price: 1,871 rub.

Strengthening tonic for hair growth with rosemary, Weleda

The product has a completely natural composition - it does not contain silicones, mineral oils, flavors, preservatives and dyes (organic lovers will definitely not pass by). The main active ingredient is rosemary extract, known for its tonic and activating properties. Additional active ingredients include horseradish leaf extract, which improves tissue trophism, and essential oils. Read about 50 essential hair products.

Price: 880 rub.

Lotion against premature hair loss Bio+, Сutrin

This lotion is available in two variations: for men and women. It stimulates dormant hair follicles, normalizes the condition of the scalp and increases blood circulation. The lotion can be used every day without fear of irritation or other unpleasant symptoms. Apply to dry or slightly damp hair - no need to rinse. Don't forget about scalp massage - useful for stimulating metabolic processes.

Price: 660 rub.

Lotion for hair strengthening and growth HairVital

The lotion is a pinkish-reddish water with a subtle scent. But this “water” has such a composition that your hair will say “thank you” for it. Main active ingredients: lysolecithin, panthenol, vitamin E, black walnut extract, honey. The lotion strengthens the roots, stimulates growth, and makes hair more elastic.

Price: 256 rub.

Hair growth activator "Exiderm"

The product contains amino acids, extracts of medicinal plants, vitamins and the biostimulant “Vitanol”. It can be found in the pharmacy in the form of a lotion or spray. It is used for active hair loss, as well as for its prevention.

Price: 302 rub.

Homemade lotion

If desired, hair growth lotion can be made at home. You will need:

Nettle - 20 g
Horsetail - 20 g
Hops - 20 g
Mint tincture
Ginseng tincture

Pour 250 ml of vodka over the herbs and let steep for two days. After this, strain and add equal parts of mint and ginseng tincture. Stir, pour into a glass container and put in a warm, dark place for 8-12 hours. The lotion is ready to use. Rub into roots before shampooing and leave for several hours. For normal scalp, can be used at night.

08/14/2017 at 14:20 · Pavlofox · 1 520

The best hair growth products

The best hair growth products come in different forms: they are represented by vitamin complexes, ampoules, liquid vitamins, shampoos, balms and lotions. They contain active components that are designed to nourish and restore damaged curls. Restoring hair health and saturating it with essential vitamins, minerals and other elements allows you to stimulate its growth and prevent active hair loss.


It is a medicinal series of products in the form of shampoos, balms, lotions and vitamins designed to activate the growth of strands. You can achieve the best results by using the entire treatment line. Shampoos, balms and other products from the series for topical use can be used without the appointment of a trichologist. If you want to take a course of “Horsepower” vitamins, it is recommended to first consult a specialist in order to avoid the occurrence of adverse reactions from taking them.


It is one of the popular modern products that is used in trichology to improve the growth of strands. The local drug is also used as a preventive and therapeutic agent against alopecia in both men and women. Its active components trigger restoration processes in the hair and improve its nutrition. After a course of use, the curls acquire radiance and become completely healthy, beautiful and stronger. Their loss is significantly reduced. It is possible to achieve such results only if you complete the full course.


In ampoules it is one of the best remedies for topical use. The pharmaceutical preparation is used both separately and as part of masks. Nicotinic acid is a vital element for healthy hair. It helps improve local blood circulation, saturate tissues with oxygen and nutrients. Regular use of nicotinic acid allows you to completely restore damaged strands and helps stimulate their active growth. It is often used with other liquid vitamins, as well as home remedies, including aloe juice, nettle infusion, chamomile, etc.


Often used for weakened and lifeless curls that are prone to falling out and growing poorly. They are available in the form of tablets for oral administration. They contain a group of B vitamins and additional elements that hair needs for nutrition, strengthening and growth. Despite the fact that the drug is considered relatively safe, it still has contraindications and side effects, so before starting use you should consult a trichologist. Brewer's yeast allows you to restore not only the health of your strands, but also your skin and nails.


In folk medicine it is the number one remedy for hair loss. It is also used for their growth. Castor oil has a local irritant effect, which improves blood circulation, resulting in better delivery of nutrients to the hair follicles. The product is widely used as part of various masks. It is used with cognac, onions, honey, egg yolk, garlic, etc. Castor oil not only has a local irritating effect, but also additionally enriches the curls with useful acids and vitamins, providing them with the necessary nutrition.


Kapous Professional is a series of products designed to restore damaged curls that are prone to hair loss. The line of care products includes shampoos, balms, masks and lotions. They contain active ingredients such as keratin, panthenol, and vegetable oils. They restore the hair structure from the inside, strengthen the hair follicles and stimulate the active growth of strands. Regular use of the treatment line allows you to completely restore the health of weakened, lifeless hair that is prone to hair loss.


This is a line of medicinal products to stimulate the growth of strands and restore their health. Shampoo, balm and lotion are intended to prevent baldness, and are also indicated at the initial stage of the development of alopecia. They can also be used as preventatives against hair loss. Extracts of plant components, containing all the necessary substances, nourish each hair from the inside, penetrating deeply into its structure. Also, active elements strengthen the roots of curls and promote their active growth. With regular use of the Rinfoltil series of products, you can completely restore health to diseased strands that are not growing well.


A line of medicinal products, which includes shampoos, balms, ampoules, which allow hair to grow better and restore its damaged structure. They contain a vitamin complex and biologically active components that penetrate deeply into the structure of the curls and their follicles, which makes it possible to give strength and volume to the hair. The products help reduce hair loss and actively stimulate growth, provided that this series is regularly used in combination. Users note that after using Alerana products, their hair takes on a healthy and shiny appearance.


One of the best products that not only nourishes and strengthens curls, but also promotes their active growth. The topical preparation includes hot pepper extract, which promotes better nutrition of the hair follicles and stimulates the growth of strands. An additional property of the product is the fight against dandruff, thanks to salicylic acid, which is also included in the composition. "Kapsiol" is a fairly effective drug, but before using it, you should carefully read the instructions for use, as it can cause a number of side effects due to the content of salicylic acid, which can penetrate into the general bloodstream through the skin.


The best vitamins designed to restore and improve the growth of damaged strands. The complex includes selenium, zinc, biotin, copper and other active ingredients vital for hair. To obtain good results, a course intake of vitamins is required, the duration of which should not be less than one month. According to the testimony of the trichologist, the intake of the product can be increased. The vitamin complex has contraindications and side effects, so it is not recommended to take it without the appointment of a specialist.

What else to see:

In this article we will look at everything most popular ways to speed up hair growth at home and their effectiveness. The average human hair growth rate is approximately 1 cm per month, and in the warm season, approximately 1.5 cm. Now there is a huge amount of means to increase the growth rate to 3-3.5 cm per month. We have selected the best ones for you.

1. Nicotinic acid

Nicotine not only helps to grow a long mane, but also reduces hair loss. Quite simple and effective to use. About 80% of those who have tried this drug note hair growth of up to 3 cm per month. To achieve a good result, it is recommended to apply a course lasting 30 days. Every day, before going to bed, massage one ampoule into the scalp (namely, into the skin, not onto the hair!). You should not use more than one ampoule per day to avoid overdose.

The procedure is best carried out after washing your hair on naturally dried hair, so that dust and sebum do not penetrate the follicles along with the nicotine. A little tip for economical application: pour the contents of one ampoule into a small container (for example, a jar lid) and dip your fingers in the liquid and apply to the scalp along the partings. Keep the distance between the partings at 3-4 cm and don’t worry about not being able to apply the product to your entire head, the blood will do it for you.

If applied correctly, you will feel a slight ant effect. You can buy nicotinic acid at any pharmacy at a price from 100 to 180 rubles. for 10 ampoules.

2. Castor oil

One of the most popular and favorite remedies among the fair sex. It accelerates hair growth almost as effectively as nicotinic acid, but it has one, in the literal sense of the word, fatty minus. It is very difficult to wash off from the hair, as it has a dense consistency. But even here the ladies got used to it and began to wash it out of their hair, first with laundry soap and then with shampoo.

Castor oil perfectly restores hair, thickening its structure, eliminates hair frizz, makes it elastic and bouncy. He has no special recommendations on the frequency of use, you can use it at least every day, if not laziness. It is most convenient to apply also along the partings, taking the oil into a syringe. First, evenly distribute the oil on the hair roots, and then comb through the entire length with a fine comb, then place the hair in cellophane and wrap with a towel. You should keep castor oil on your head for at least an hour.

A positive effect is noted after the first application, the hair becomes smoother and denser. You can buy castor oil at a pharmacy or specialized stores at a price of 30 to 100 rubles. for a bottle.

3. Pepper tincture

Pepper is not only an excellent remedy for hair growth, but also perfectly eliminates the problem of hair loss. Already after the first month of using the tincture, the loss decreases by 50-70%, and the growth increases three times. Red pepper warms the scalp well, thereby increasing blood circulation, due to which the hair follicles are activated.

Pepper spray should be applied exclusively to the roots, as it contains alcohol, which dries out the hair. It is recommended to use this product 1-2 times a week. There are a lot of application methods, but here, I think, a regular spray bottle will be the best assistant. When spraying liquid, close your eyes and do not take deep breaths. Then wrap your hair in cellophane and wrap it in a towel, leave for 1-1.5 hours. The price for pepper starts from 12 rubles.

4. Brewer's yeast for hair, skin and nails (tablets)

Another popular product among girls, which not only strengthens hair, but also, due to its composition rich in B vitamins, will improve the condition of the skin and nails. Yeast is usually taken in a course of 1 to 2 months, 3-5 tablets with meals.

Due to the fact that taking the drug helps remove toxins from the body, small rashes may appear on the skin. But don’t worry, they will stop in a few days and the skin will take on a more well-groomed and healthy appearance. After one course of treatment, the growth rate of hair and nails doubles. One package of these vitamins will cost 100-150 rubles.

5. Perfectile

Not every girl knows these miraculous vitamins. They are the secret to the beauty of many models and were originally created just for them. At the moment, Perfectil is an official drug in many modeling agencies, the use of which is mandatory among fashion models. These vitamins perfectly restore complexion, hair and nails health, acting from the inside. They should be taken one capsule during or after meals for one month.

A positive result from Perfectil is observed after two weeks of continuous use. Hair and nails begin to grow faster, become stronger and look healthier. Acne, inflammation and dry skin disappear. In terms of cost, this drug is not as affordable as the above-mentioned products; its price starts from 550 rubles.

6. Horsepower

A line of hair products that only the lazy have never heard of. But today we will only talk about shampoo for hair growth from this brand. Here the reviews from the ladies are very contradictory, since it is not suitable for everyone.

The worse the condition of the hair, the better the effect of the shampoo will be, so if you have fairly healthy hair, then this product is most likely not for you. Thanks to lanolin and collagen contained in this product, lifeless and damaged hair will gain healthy shine, volume and well-groomed condition.

Also, many note thickening and smoothness of the hair after use. The price, however, is quite high for shampoo and starts from 550 rubles.

It’s up to you to decide which product you choose, but don’t forget about the most important sources of beauty, which are proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Well-groomed hair makes both women and men more attractive. But frequent stress, poor nutrition, illness and many other factors have a detrimental effect on their condition. For better hair growth on the head, special tablets are used. They will help strengthen and enhance hair growth.

Hair growth enhancement tablets are drugs that improve the health of hair and hair follicles.

They enrich hair with essential vitamins and microelements, which promotes hair growth. Usually you need to take several tablets per day, which contain the daily requirement of essential substances. Sometimes tablets are added to shampoo or masks are made from them.

Composition and effects on the body

The components of drugs to stimulate hair growth are most often:


  • B vitamins (improve hair condition, strengthen the hair follicle, enhance growth and promote cell renewal);
  • Vitamin A (stops hair loss, promotes growth);
  • Vitamin C (favorably affects cell growth and renewal, has a general strengthening effect);
  • Vitamin E (balances the work of the sebaceous glands, renews keratin, improves the condition of hair and follicles);
  • Vitamin D3 (protects the skin from infections and ultraviolet rays, restores hair follicles);
  • Vitamin K1 (prevents cell aging).


  • Magnesium (prevents hair fragility and depletion);
  • Zinc and zinc oxide (enhances hair growth);
  • Chromium (has a strengthening effect);
  • Calcium (fights baldness, improves appearance);
  • Phosphorus (gives hair shine and rich color);
  • Iron (strengthens hair);
  • Copper (prevents hair loss);
  • Selenium (stops hair loss, has moisturizing properties).

Amino acids:

  • Folic acid (eliminates hair loss and activates hair growth);
  • Cystine (restores natural keratin);
  • Para-aminobenzoic acid (prevents premature cell aging);
  • Taurine (nourishes the hair follicle).

Natural ingredients:

  • Brewer's yeast (corrects skin health, stimulates hair regrowth);
  • Horsetail extract (helps the formation of collagen needed by hair);
  • Wheat germ extract (has a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair);
  • Burdock extract (stops baldness);
  • Echinacea extract (restores weakened hairs, moisturizes and nourishes them);
  • Palm berries (balances the amount of the androgen hormone, the increase of which threatens the disease androgenic alopecia);
  • Mint (acts as an antiseptic);
  • Chinese camellia (has an antimicrobial effect);
  • Walnut oil (strengthens and enhances hair renewal).

Indications for use

It is worth considering taking pills for hair growth on the head if the following phenomena are observed:

  • Hair falls out more than ever;
  • Their slow renewal (regrowth) or lack thereof;
  • The quality of hair has changed;
  • Hair is weak with split ends;
  • Oily hair type;
  • Constant presence of dandruff and itching;
  • Lack of adequate nutrition.

Criteria for choosing a suitable product

  • Depleted, dull hair needs a product with calcium and magnesium;
  • If your hair does not grow and has become stiff, choose tablets that contain silicon or phosphorus;
  • Brittle hair will need a product with iron;
  • When early gray hair appears, the composition should contain B vitamins, in particular vitamin B3;
  • Sulfur in tablets will return lush volume to your hair;
  • You also need to pay attention to the dyes and flavors in the composition of the drug. If they are there, it is better to refuse it, since the use of such tablets often leads to allergic reactions of the body;
  • Don't forget to check the expiration dates of the drug.

On pharmacy shelves you can find a variety of tablets for scalp hair growth for women and men. Therefore, the choice is not always easy. To make choosing the right product easier, let’s consider the most common options:

"Hair Expert" from Evalar

This product has a natural composition that helps hair “come to life”. After taking the drug, they grow much faster and their number increases. The active components of the tablets will resume the production of collagen, which will help improve their health.

Tablets for hair growth on the head from Evalar.

Indications: slow growth, hair thinning, increased hair loss.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation.

Reception method: 1 tablet twice a day, taken with food for at least 3 months.


Tablets for hair growth on the head Perfectil

This is a complex of vitamins that improves basic health indicators, both hair and the whole body.

It speeds up metabolism and improves blood flow in cells, and this helps hair become stronger.

Indications: changes in hair structure, brittle nails, dry scalp, psoriasis, dermatitis, alopecia.

Contraindications: hypovitaminosis, problems with the thyroid gland, intolerance to one of the components.

Reception method:
1 capsule per day after meals, in the first half of the day. Drink for 1 month.


The product has a general strengthening effect, participates in skin regeneration and metabolic processes. Tablets are also prescribed to enhance hair growth on the head. After taking them, hair stops falling out, appearance improves and growth increases.

Indications: brittle hair and nails, vitamin deficiency, pregnancy, infectious diseases, malnutrition.

Contraindications: intolerance to any of the components.

Reception method: 3 times a day, 1 tablet, the interval between doses should not exceed 3 hours.


Suitable for those with dull hair that has lost volume. The drug improves the hair structure and has a positive effect on the hair follicles and scalp.

After taking the tablets, the number of hairs increases and their quality improves.

Indications: increased hair loss, changes in hair quality, androgenic alopecia.

Contraindications: age up to 12 years, pregnancy, lactation.

Reception method: 3 times a day, 1 tablet, take with food. Duration of treatment is 3 months.


These tablets are designed to enhance scalp hair growth as well as scalp regeneration. Prevents cell aging and improves metabolic processes.

Indications: androgenic alopecia, alopecia areata, fragility and disruption of hair structure.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, age up to 12 years.

Reception method: 2 times a day, 1 tablet on an empty stomach. Eating is possible no earlier than half an hour later.


This product is available in different forms. Affects hair, follicles and scalp. Cells are quickly regenerated and hair health improves.

Indications: androgenetic alopecia, vitamin deficiency.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation.

Reception method: general course of at least 4 months.


A homeopathic medicine that is used to reduce the number of follicles that have stopped developing. Reduces hair loss. Used to treat diffuse alopecia.

Indications: hair loss.

Contraindications: lactose intolerance, age up to 12 years.

Reception method: 3 tablets per day, 1 at a time. Take an hour after meals or half an hour before. The course must last at least 2 months.


Used to replenish the necessary elements in the hair and throughout the body. Strengthens overall immunity and hair.

Indications: seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff, oily or dry skin, brittle and split nails, baldness.

Contraindications: allergy to any of the components.

Reception method: for the purpose of prevention, take 2 capsules per day for 2 months. For treatment, you need to increase the dose to 3 tablets, and extend the course to 3-6 months.

"Calcium gluconate"

Such tablets improve metabolism, accelerate cell renewal and strengthen overall immunity.

Indications: lack of calcium in the body, increased excretion of calcium.

Contraindications: atherosclerosis, urolithiasis, hypercalcemia.

Reception method: 2-6 tablets 2 or 3 times a day. Pre-grind. You need to drink for at least 10 days and up to a month.

"A nicotinic acid"

It is also nicotinamide or vitamin PP, strengthens hair and stimulates its growth. This substance is often found in various hair cosmetics and is also available as a separate, complete product for hair treatment. Found in ampoules or tablets.

Indications: prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency PP, increased oiliness of hair, slow hair growth.

Contraindications: liver cirrhosis, stomach ulcer, pregnancy.

Reception method: 2-4 times a day, 2 tablets an hour after meals. Course duration is 15-20 days.


Vitamin complex that helps improve the quality of hair and nails. After completing the course of treatment, the hair becomes thicker and stronger.

Indications: hair loss, disruption of the structure of hair and nails.

Contraindications: hormonal disorders, age up to 12 years.

Reception method: 3 times a day, 1 tablet with food. The course lasts 2-3 months.

"Mumiyo" in tablets

This substance is produced in the form of a thick resin, powder or tablet form. Can be used internally or to make masks. Such pills for hair growth on the head give the hair strength, it grows faster and falls out less, and this makes it thicker.

Indications: hair loss, split ends, slow growth, seborrhea, increased sebum production, hair fragility, prevention of skin diseases.

Contraindications: intolerance to components.

Reception method: 3 times a day, 1 tablet after meals. Drink for at least 1 month.

"Foltena Pharma"

Actively fights alopecia by slowing down the aging process of hair. They stop falling out, and thanks to improved blood circulation, new ones grow.

baldness, dandruff, skin diseases.

Contraindications: allergic reactions.

Reception method: 2 times a day, one tablet after meals. Drink for at least a month.


A woman has androgen hormones in her body, which are necessary for a full menstrual cycle. But it happens that there are more of these hormones than necessary. In such cases, bald patches appear on the head. Antiandrogen drugs were created to combat this problem.

Pills for hair growth on the head in pharmacies, reviews and prices

They come in steroidal (Finasteride, Proscar, Propecia), non-steroidal (Casodex, Nimutamide, Flutamide) and plant origin (dwarf palm berries, Sabal palm fruits). They all work differently but are aimed at suppressing androgens.

Homeopathic remedies

Such remedies are called both some natural-based medications and folk recipes. The advantage of such drugs is that when used correctly they do not cause harm. The downside is that homeopathic remedies work slowly. These include Selentsin, Reabiliton, Alopeton, Keranorm, etc.

Tablets to add to shampoo

Some people prefer to make their own cosmetics. A simple option in this case is to add special tablets to your everyday shampoo. To do this, crush the required amount and add to shampoo. You can use Aevit, Mumiyo, etc. tablets.

Average prices for drugs in rubles

Hair expert 400
Perfectile 300
Pantovigar 300
Alphabet 350
Aurita 430
Rinfoltil 350
Selentsin 400
Nutricap 1250
Calcium gluconate 5
A nicotinic acid 16
Revalid 300
Mumiyo 25
Foltena Pharma 3000

When taking pills for scalp hair growth, you should take them with plenty of water. This way, excess drugs will be eliminated from the body faster. Better yet, before taking it, go for a consultation with a trichologist and attending physician who knows your medical history, who will adjust the amount of the drug and the duration of the course of treatment.

Useful videos about hair growth products

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