North-Eastern Rus' in the XII - early XIII century. North-Eastern Rus' in the XI-XIII centuries Culture of North-Eastern Rus' in the 14th-15th centuries

Lesson Objectives:

1) to continue the formation of the concept of “political fragmentation of Rus'”, the patterns of this process, the reasons for the separation of the principalities and the consequences. Show the commonality of the historical process in the development of the countries of Western Europe and Rus';

2) to reveal the features of the development of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality; explain the causes and consequences of the struggle between princes and boyars; show the nature of the activities of the princes.

Basic concepts and terms: political fragmentation, its causes and consequences; princely strife; Grand Duke of Kyiv; Grand Duke of Vladimir; squad, boyars; feudal landownership; opolye; 1147 - the first mention in the annals of Moscow.


Map “The fragmentation of Rus' in the XII - the first quarter of the XIII century.”

Multimedia projector, computer.

Computer presentation “North-Eastern Rus' in the XII - early XIII centuries.” Annex 1 .

CD “Encyclopedia of the history of Russia. 862–1917.”

CD “History of Russia and its closest neighbors. Encyclopedia for children”

CD “Lessons of Patriotic History until the 19th century. Cyril and Methodius"

CD “Russian and general history. 6th grade"


"The Tale of the Murder of Andrei Bogolyubsky".

1. Vladimir-Suzdal principality. Location and natural conditions.

2. Prince Yuri Dolgoruky (1125-1157)

3. Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky (1157-1174)

4. Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest (1176-1212)

5. Summing up.

During the classes

I. Repetition of the studied material.

What is “political fragmentation?

Is this process regular or random?

What are the most important causes of fragmentation (task 1).

Name the largest political centers that emerged after the collapse of Rus' (task 2).

What consequences (positive and negative) did the fragmentation of Rus' have?

II. Exploring a new topic.

Introduction: After the death of Mstislav the Great, a struggle for Kyiv began between the Monomashichs and the Olgoviches. The process of crushing Rus' into independent principalities continued. One of these political centers is the Rostov-Suzdal land (the fiefdom of Monomakh).

Problematic issue: Comparison of two excerpts from the PVL and "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". Why did the Vladimir-Suzdal principality become great?

1. Vladimir-Suzdal principality. Location and natural conditions.

The patrimony of Vladimir Monomakh (together with Pereyaslavl-Yuzhny).

Isolates itself from Kyiv in the 30s. 12th century

Working with the map:

Territory: the ancient lands of the Vyatichi and Krivichi, North-Eastern Rus', the interfluve of the Oka and Volga with the fertile Suzdal opolye (small dry hills on the Russian Plain with fertile land - black earth).

Non-Slavic tribes - measure, all. Muroma - peaceful relations, gradual merging, enrichment of culture.

Features of development in a specific period (work from textbooks - p. 95).

List the reasons for the massive influx of people into these lands in the 11th-12th centuries:

Novgorodians - in search of fertile land;

Southerners - fleeing the Polovtsian danger; from the growth of boyar land ownership and extortions.

Primitive technique; population growth required the development of new lands.

1. The main branch of the economy is agriculture due to the abundance of fertile lands suitable for crop production.

2. A constant influx of people in search of protection from nomadic raids and normal conditions for farming.

3. The location of the principality at the crossroads of trade routes (along the rivers Oka and Volga).

Rapid urban growth. Old ones: Rostov, Yaroslavl (Yaroslav the Wise), Suzdal (1024), Vladimir (1108, Vladimir Monomakh). New: Moscow, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky.

- What does the abundance of cities in the Rostov-Suzdal land testify to?

(High level of craft; active trade in bread (with Novgorod and other lands; you can influence the recalcitrant; enrichment of the boyars); city-defenders of the principality. A large number of cities required a lot of food. This contributed to the development of agriculture.

4. The unlimited nature of the power of the prince and the deliberative powers of the veche.

2. Prince Yuri Dolgoruky (1125-1157).

Prince of Rostov, Suzdal, Pereyaslav and Grand Duke of Kiev. The sixth son of Vladimir Monomakh. During the life of Monomakh, he ruled in the Rostov-Suzdal land. Having become independent, in 1125 he moved the capital from Rostov to Suzdal.

He pursued an active urban policy. The founder of the cities of Yuryev-Polsky, Dmitrov, Zvenigorod, etc. It is considered the founder of Moscow, because. in connection with his name, Moscow was first mentioned in the annals (1147) - on the occasion of the meeting of the allies: Yuri Dolgoruky and Svyatoslav Olgovich of Chernigov.

Established control over Novgorod, Ryazan, Volga Bulgaria. He fought for the throne of Kiev and occupied it from 1149 to 1151 and from 1155 to 1157 Poisoned, according to legend, by the Kyiv boyars.

What was the main political goal of Yuri Dolgoruky?

Why was he called Dolgoruky?

What segments of the population were interested in such a policy? Why?

3. Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky (1157-1174). Work with the textbook - p. 96-98.

What prompted Andrei to return to North-Eastern Rus' from Kyiv?

What purpose could Andrei have pursued by taking away the icon of the Mother of God from Vyshgorod?

How should the chronicle story about the appearance of the Mother of God to Prince Andrei be characterized? (Legendary and political character - justification for the transfer of the capital)

Why did Andrei Bogolyubsky move the capital from Rostov to Vladimir? (Where there was no vecha) How did this affect the nature of princely power? (Becomes "autocratic")

Son of Yuri Dolgoruky.

He was planted by his father in Vyshgorod near Kyiv, but in 1155 he arbitrarily left it and settled in Vladimir, where in 1157 he became the "autocrat" of the Vladimir-Suzdal land.

He expelled his younger brothers and the elder squad of his father. He took lands from the boyars, increased the princely estate, distributed lands for service to junior combatants (this is how the nobles appeared - temporary land holders). Vigilantes from vassals (equals) turned into servants of the prince, dependent on his favors.

He strove for church independence from Kyiv, tried to create a separate Vladimir Metropolis, but the Patriarch of Constantinople did not allow this. He contributed to the formation of the cult of the Virgin in Rus'. In 1155 he took the icon from Vyshgorod, now it is one of the most revered shrines - the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. He developed the idea of ​​God's chosenness of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality and was the initiator of the establishment of new holidays - the Savior (August 1) and Intercession (October 1). He built many temples (nickname - Bogolyubsky).

He moved the capital to Vladimir: “The city of Vladimir multiplied all sorts of inhabitants in it, like merchants, cunning needleworkers and artisans of various people.”

Since 1159, he fought for the subjugation of Novgorod, fought with the Volga Bulgars.

In 1169-1170. temporarily subjugated Kyiv and Novgorod.

1169 - the assault on Kyiv and its defeat. Andrei Bogolyubsky remained in Vladimir, passing Kyiv to his younger brother Gleb.

What changes that have taken place in Rus' does this decision of A.B. testify to? (Compare: Yuri Dolgoruky spent his whole life striving to become the Grand Duke of Kyiv)

Andrei Bogolyubsky sought to subjugate Southern Rus' to the power of Vladimir and turn the South Russian princes into his subjects.

The political center had to move from the Dnieper region to the North-East (Kiev's loss of primacy among Russian cities as a result of strife, Polovtsian raids and the decline of the Dnieper trade route).

The policy of Andrei Bogolyubsky, his desire to rule alone came into conflict with the veche and boyar traditions. As a result, a conspiracy was drawn up against him (the Kuchkovichi brothers), and in 1174 he was killed by his inner circle in the village of Bogolyubovo.

1174-1177 - political instability in the principality. Frequent change of princes; the fight of the boyars; uprisings of "lesser people". Won the victory...

4. Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest (1176-1212).

Son of Yuri Dolgoruky, half-brother of Andrei Bogolyubsky. Had 12 children.

Under him comes the highest flowering of the principality.

He continued the policy of his brother, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, consolidating his power in the principality and authority in Rus' (characteristic in the “Word ...”). Achieved complete centralization of power. Repression and confiscation of the estates of the opposition boyars. Reasons for success: alliance with new cities (weaker boyars), reliance on the nobility.

He subjugated Kyiv, Chernigov, Ryazan, Novgorod. Successfully fought with the Volga Bulgaria and the Polovtsians.

Under him, the title of Grand Duke of Vladimir was established, which is gradually gaining recognition in all Russian principalities, which is reflected in the annals.

The construction of the Dmitrovsky Cathedral in Vladimir and the restructuring of the Assumption Cathedral.

Intensive development of the eastern outskirts.

After the death of Vsevolod, strife resumed between his sons - Konstantin and Yuri - a dispute about seniority. The intervention of the boyars, Novgorod, the Kyiv prince Mstislav Udaly.

1216 battle on the river. Lipice.

5. Summing up.

Why did the Vladimir-Suzdal principality become great?

1) The ancient center of power and economy of North-Eastern Rus' was located on the Suzdal opolye.

2) The city of Vladimir was equipped by the princes as a new all-Russian capital.

3) Under Andrei Bogolyubsky, the Vladimir-Suzdal principality began to be called great.

4) The Vladimir-Suzdal principality became the most powerful in Rus'.

Test - table “Characteristic features of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.

By time: arrange the princes of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality in order of government (task 3 - The Knight at the Crossroads).

Or a simulator for the lesson of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.

Homework: 11 (points 1-4), question. 1-2 (compiled tabl.), 9. c/c 3 (c. 1-3).


1. Textbook: Katsva L.A., Yurganov A.L. History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 16th century: Grade 6. – M.: Enlightenment, 2007. – 304 p.

2. Reader on the history of Russia: in 4 vols. - T.1. From ancient times to the end of the 17th century. - M.: MIROS - "International Relations", 1994. - 352 p.

3. Kostomarov N.I. Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky//Kostomarov N.I. Russian history in the biographies of its main figures. - M., 1989.

4. Rybakov B.A. The world of history: the initial centuries of Russian history. - M .: Young Guard, 1984.

5. Grekov I.B., Shakhmagonov F.F. World of history: Russian lands in the XIII - XV centuries. - M .: Young Guard, 1988.

6. Izbornik: Collection of works of literature of Ancient Rus'. - M., 1970.

7. Karamzin N.M. History of the Russian state. - M., 1993.

In an era of fragmentation, new
powerful centers of culture. The idea of ​​a common Rus-
the earth never died, but every
the isolated region developed its own
traditions, multiplying Russian culture with new achievements.
The heyday of the Vladimir-Suzdal land falls on the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky. Andrei turned Vladimir into a fortress, surrounded by a wide moat, a ten-meter shaft and wooden walls 7 km long. It was possible to enter the city through the Golden and Silver

Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir Reconstruction

gates. The grandiose (as high as a seven-story building) Golden Gate served as a powerful fortification. They still amaze the imagination with their monumentality.
The main religious building of Vladimir was the Assumption Cathedral, built in 1158-1160. Located on the high bank of the Klyazma, he surpassed the height of St. Sophia of Kyiv. Andrei Bogolyubsky longed to turn the city into a new capital. He spared no expense. The best architects from the Russian lands created this masterpiece of Russian architecture.
Remarkable for its lightness and spirituality, the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl (1165) has largely retained its original appearance. The construction of the temple dedicated to the feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God shows the prince's intention: to create a monument that embodies the idea of ​​divine patronage of the Vladimir-Suzdal land and the "God's chosen" princes.
The construction of churches was continued by Vsevolod the Big Nest.
Dmitrovsky Cathedral was built in his princely court (1154-
1197), which, like the Assumption Cathedral, towered on the edge of the Klyazma slopes. The upper half of the temple is covered with intricate carvings: out of 566 carved stones, only 46 images are associated with Christians.

sky symbolism. There are many eagles, leopards, crocodiles, fabulous animals. Scientists have established: it was customary to compare princely power with some animals. For example, with a lion and even with a crocodile. The reliefs glorified the princes. Arcature (consisting of arches) belt, as it were, separates the "earthly" part from the "heavenly". Pilasters (pilasters protruding from the walls with a quadrangular section divide the walls of the church into wide parts, ending in semicircles in the piers - zakomaras. One such zakomara of the northern facade contains a sculptural portrait of Vsevolod himself surrounded by sons - “nests”.
The Suzdal architecture of this time is characterized by the clarity of architectural forms and lines, decorativeness. If most Novgorod churches were built of brick, then white stone was used for construction - limestone, which was easy to carve. Presence of elements


Romanesque style in the architecture of the Vladimir-Suzdal land is explained by the fact that architects from other countries, in particular from the Holy Roman Empire, took part in the construction of temples.
A peculiar literature also developed in the Vladimir-Suzdal land. One of her most talented works is “Prayer”, or “Word”, by Daniil Zatochnik. There is a lot of controversy in science about whether Daniel was a nobleman or a junior combatant, a serf, or even a person without a stable position. In one thing, I think, there can be no doubt: before us is a representative of a social stratum dependent on the prince. He sadly describes reality: he is not attracted to wealth, and there is no hope for friends, and he doesn’t want to marry a rich bride (“an evil wife dries to death”), and go to the monastery - the blacks themselves “return to worldly life”, having a "prodigal disposition". Better to die in poverty than "lie to God." Sadness, sadness expressed in artistic form. Daniil skillfully uses rhymed prose: “To whom Pereslavl, and Goreslavl to me; to whom Bogolyubov, but to me a fierce woe; to whom Beloozero, and to me it is blacker than tar ... ”The author of“ Prayer ” worships princely power: “Look at the bird of heaven, as if you neither yell (plow), nor sow, but trust in the mercy of God; so we, sir, desire your mercy.” Turning to the prince, he compares himself to stunted grass growing under the wall, on which the sun does not shine, and the rain does not pour; he is offended by everyone, because he is not protected by "the fear of your thunderstorm."
Exercise. Think about what features of the political system of North-Eastern Rus' were reflected in the Prayer.
QUESTIONS AND TASKS How do you understand what culture is? What were the achievements of Ancient Rus' in the development of culture? Give the most significant examples. What ideas dominated the literature of Southwestern Rus' and the Northeast? What are the reasons for the differences? Describe the architectural monuments of Kyiv, Novgorod, Vladimir. Which of them attract you the most? Why? What features of ancient Russian life seemed to you especially interesting? What role did Christianity play in the development of Russian culture? Give examples.

Do you remember the dates

Vsevolod the Big Nest,
Can you answer the following questions: What is the “next” line of succession to the throne? What were the most important reasons for the transition of Rus' to political fragmentation? How did it change during the XI-XII centuries. the role of Kyiv? What were the features of natural and geographical conditions in North-Eastern Rus'? How did this affect the settlement of the Rostov-Suzdal land? What changes has the nature of princely power in the Northeast undergone? What caused it? What were the similarities and differences in the position of the boyars in the North-East, in the Galicia-Volyn land and in Novgorod the Great in the 11th-12th centuries. ? What were the features of the Novgorod economy? How were they connected with the natural conditions of the Novgorod land? What were the features of the political system of Novgorod? What was the position of certain groups of the Novgorod population? How to explain the sharp rivalry between the princes for the throne of Novgorod?

Author: Kovaleva Natalya Aleksandrovna,
A history teacher
© Fokina Lidia Petrovna

Territorial features

North-Eastern Rus', the interfluve of the Oka and
Volga (Zalessky Territory)
The forest zone is a natural defense against
Harsh climate
Marginal lands
© Fokina Lidia Petrovna

Slow development of agriculture.
Arable farming since the 13th century.
Forestry: hunting, fishing,
Developed craft.
Development of trade along the Volga with the West and
© Fokina Lidia Petrovna

The weakness of veche traditions in the new
cities. Fighting the old, the local
boyars. emergence
unlimited monarchy.
© Fokina Lidia Petrovna

The most famous princes

Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky (11251157) son of Vladimir Monomakh
Andrey Yurievich Bogolyubsky (11571174) son of Yuri Dolgoruky
Vsevolod Yurievich Big Nest
(1174 - 1212) son of Yuri Dolgoruky
© Fokina Lidia Petrovna

Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky (1125-1157) son of Vladimir Monomakh

A worthy descendant of the great Vladimir Monomakh, his seventh son Yuri Dolgoruky - entered the history of Russia not only as a great prince
Kiev and specific Rostov-Suzdal, the founder of the city of Moscow. He
left a memory of himself as an ambitious, energetic, directly
moving towards the goal. Controversial assessment of his life and
activities, however, as well as deeds, deeds and decisions of many great
military leaders of those ancient times.
Nickname "Dolgoruky"
received due to constant
attacks on others
© Fokina Lidia Petrovna

N. M. Karamzin spoke of him as a person who noted
transformation of the eastern expanses of ancient Rus': the foundation
many cities and towns, the construction of roads and churches,
the spread of Christianity. And he also claims that, having a hard
disposition and not distinguished by good-heartedness, Dolgoruky did not stand on ceremony with
enemies and recalcitrant boyars, which deserved an active popular
Strengthening the North-Eastern Russian lands
Participation in the most famous and successful campaign of 1111 against the Polovtsy in
part of the army of Russian princes was the first victory of Yuri: daughter
Polovtsian Khan becomes his first wife. Prince Yuri Dolgoruky
whose biography emphasizes that count on inheritance
He could not take the throne of Kyiv, being one of the younger sons
Monomakh, from 1113 became the specific ruler of the Rostov-Suzdal principality, practically the outskirts of Rus' in the interfluve of the Oka and
Volga. He is primarily concerned with the transformation and
strengthening this region, building cities and temples. Yuri
Dolgoruky became the first prince ruling on the lands entrusted to him
over forty years. Strengthening the Rostov-Suzdal Territory and
registration of its borders, Yuri Dolgoruky (the years of reign led to
the creation of many fortress cities in North-Eastern Rus') strengthened
their influence and position.
© Fokina Lidia Petrovna

Strengthening Christianity
When building cities, the prince did not forget about the spread of the Orthodox
Christian faith, building magnificent temples. He is still revered
as the founder of many churches and monasteries, in particular, Georgievsky
monastery in Vladimir-on-Klyazma, Borisoglebsky - on the Nerl River,
Church of Our Lady in Suzdal, Church of St. George in Vladimir and
Yuriev, the Church of the Savior in Pereyaslavl-Zalessky and Suzdal.
Campaigns and victories
In 1120, at the behest of his father, Yuri Dolgoruky headed the successful
a campaign together with the Polovtsians - nomads of Turkic origin against the Volga Bulgars, who lived on the lands of modern Tatarstan,
Chuvashia, Samara and Penza regions. Biography of Yuri Dolgoruky
replete with military victories - he rarely fought, but, having endless
courage and skill of a military leader, used these qualities to
achieving your goals. He was probably well educated
a man who understands the whole need for the unification of Russian lands. He
participated in this process, strengthening the north-east of Rus'.
In 1125 Suzdal became the capital of the region instead of Rostov. Principality
became known as the Rostov-Suzdal land.
© Fokina Lidia Petrovna

Prince's aspirations
Strengthening his position in the north-east of Rus', Prince Yuri Dolgoruky
tends to the southern possessions, to inaccessible Kyiv, where "a great
policy". It was for this activity that the chroniclers nicknamed Yuri
Dolgoruky. After the death of Vladimir Monomakh in 1125, Kiev
the throne was inherited by his eldest son Mstislav, then (after his death
in 1139) - Yaropolk Vladimirovich, who soon ceded power to Vyacheslav
Vladimirovich - the sixth son of Monomakh. Princely strife wore
ubiquitous character, and the struggle for power at all times remained
the most cruel and unprincipled. In the period from 1146 to 1154, the prince
Yuri Dolgoruky is trying to win power in Kyiv. It's getting
main purpose of his life. And during this time he twice wins the throne from
nephews - the sons of Mstislav, but cannot keep him. Join
He succeeds to the throne of Kiev on March 20, 1155 by right of succession
after the death of his brother and the sixth son of Monomakh - Vyacheslav
Vladimirovich. The short reign of Yuri Vladimirovich in the city
the golden gate was not calm, but he died on May 15, 1157,
fulfilling his dream, being the Grand Duke of Kyiv.
© Fokina Lidia Petrovna


Founding of Moscow
The first mentions of Moscow in ancient chronicles date back to 1147
year. Biography of Yuri Dolgoruky and chronicle evidence of that
time they say that the construction of the city began after the meeting of the prince
with Svyatoslav Olgovich in a small settlement on the Moscow River.
The year of the first mention of Moscow began to be considered the date of its foundation. Yuri
Dolgoruky closely followed the development of the city, in 1156, according to his
order, the future capital was fortified with a moat and new
wooden walls. Around the same time, construction began.
wooden kremlin.
Settlements on the site of present-day Moscow arose much earlier than indicated
Events. Archaeological finds indicate that people appeared here
7-9 thousand years ago, and about 2.5 thousand years ago the territory of the future Moscow
first settled by a settled agricultural population,
who was already familiar with the working of iron.
In the 5th century BC. in this area, the first
settlements-settlements, fortified with ditches and ramparts, along
on the crest of which a wooden palisade was built. There were
These settlements are very long, about one and a half thousand years. Then
Finnish and Baltic tribes lived here. In the 9th - early 10th centuries
archaeologists have found evidence of the Krivichi living here
and Vyatichi. All R. XII century, the village of Krasnoe belonged to the boyar
Stefan Kuchka, who was soon killed on the orders of Yuri Dolgoruky.
The prince himself began to own Moscow.
© Fokina Lidia Petrovna


Wives and children
The biography of Yuri Dolgoruky mentions two marriages of the prince. First wife
there was a Polovtsian whose name was not preserved in the annals, the second was called
Olga. These marriages brought Yuri eleven sons and two daughters. TO
Unfortunately, historical documents do not contain any details about
family relations of the prince. The name of the last daughter of the ruler has not been clarified either.
The characterization of Yuri Dolgoruky by the ancient chroniclers is very unflattering:
extreme unpopularity among the people of Kiev contributed to the heavy disposition of the prince,
his cunning and resourcefulness in achieving his goals.
Perhaps this was the reason for his death. Chroniclers do not deny
the possibility of poisoning Yuri. However, despite all the contradictions
strong nature, an unambiguous fact: Yuri Dolgoruky, short biography
which emphasizes the implementation of tough policies, contributed a lot
strengthening and unity of Rus' as a great state.
© Fokina Lidia Petrovna

12. Andrei Yurievich Bogolyubsky (1157-1174) son of Yuri Dolgoruky

Andrei's father, Prince of Suzdal
Yuri Dolgoruky, sought
establish itself in Kyiv and led
endless feuds with their
opponents. Andrew was
compelled for the time being
obey the will of the father. IN
periods of short reigns
Yuri in Kyiv, he ruled in neighboring
destinies - Vyshgorod, Turov,
Pinsk (1149-1151, 1155). But
he did not like reigning in
troubled southern lands where it
fate would depend on the mood
squads and veche decisions
© Fokina Lidia Petrovna


Vladimir icon
Mother of God
© Fokina Lidia Petrovna
Power-hungry and self-willed
character, Andrei cherished the idea of ​​giving
dominant position among Russians
make it the center of government
life in Rus'. This prompted him in 1155
fled to Suzdal land against their will
father. In Rostov and Suzdal then reigned
Andrew's younger brothers. That's why his way
lay in a small Vladimir on the Klyazma,
which he planned to make the center of everything
the oldest cities on earth could cause
discontent of Rostov and Suzdal residents.
Andrew needed the support of the Church. By
way to Vladimir he stole from
Vyshgorod monastery miraculous
Mother of God,
The transfer of this revered in Rus'
shrines to Vladimir would give the city
the meaning of the blessed place.


Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir Prince's Palace in Bogolyubovo Church of the Intercession on
© Fokina Lidia Petrovna


According to legend, not far from Vladimir, the Mother of God appeared to Andrei in a dream.
and ordered to build in the village where he spent the night, a church in the name of Christmas
Mother of God, and around her a monastery. Laid down by the prince in Bogolyubovo
the residence became Andrei's favorite place to stay, who has since
nicknamed Bogolyubsky. In 1157, after the death of Yuri Dolgoruky,
Rostov and Suzdal unanimously proclaimed Andrei a prince. But
he chose not Suzdal, but Vladimir, as the capital of the principality, where on a grand scale
unfolded stone construction.
Under Andrei, the Golden Gates, the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl were built,
Assumption Cathedral - world-famous masterpieces of ancient Russian
architecture, - many monasteries, temples, fortifications.
© Fokina Lidia Petrovna


Bogolyubsky dispossessed and expelled four of his brothers, two
nephews, dissatisfied with his autocracy of the boyars. These measures strengthened
princely positions, but at the same time increased the number of enemies.
However, Andrei's political interests extended much further.
limits of North-Eastern Rus'. The reason for one of the strife was that
that the Kiev prince Mstislav Izyaslavich - Andrey's longtime opponent - according to
of his own will, he sent his son Roman to reign in Novgorod.
In 1169, the united army of 11 princes, equipped with Bogolyubsky, moved
to Kyiv. The devastated and plundered city has forever lost its former
the importance of the center of Rus', and the dominance in the Russian lands finally passed to
The despotic character of Bogolyubsky, his harsh, and sometimes cruel
treatment of close associates, quarrels with church hierarchs led to
that a conspiracy had been drawn up against him, in which his most
close boyars and servants.
Behind the murder on the night of June 28-29
1174 in Bogolyubovo once beloved
all the prince was followed by robberies and massacres
princely posadniks and administrators,
lasting six days.
© Fokina Lidia Petrovna

17. Vsevolod Yurievich Big Nest (1174 - 1212) son of Yuri Dolgoruky

Vsevolod Yurievich Bolshoi
Nest Kyiv, and then
Vladimir-Suzdal prince;
one of the most notable
politicians of his
time. Named for
that had many children and
big family.
© Fokina Lidia Petrovna


Short biography of Vsevolod the Big Nest
The death of Yuri Dolgoruky, who had many heirs, led
to the fact that between them began a struggle for power. Vladimir's older brother
Andrei Bogolyubsky, after the death of his father, became the head of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality and expelled his own mother and
brothers, among whom was Vsevolod.
However, in 1169 Vsevolod returned and entered the struggle for
power at the age of 16. First, together with his army with the support
other brothers and uncle Vsevolod becomes the head of Kyiv, but the board
Vsevolod the Big Nest in Kyiv does not last long, only five weeks, after
which he is expelled and even taken prisoner. He was released from captivity by his brother
In 1173, as a result of a conspiracy of the boyars, Andrei Bogolyubsky died, and
followed by Mikhail, and the Vladimir-Suzdal principality remains without a prince.
Taking advantage of the moment, Mstislav attacks the city of Vladimir with
Novgorod army, but Vsevolod fights back. In the same year Vsevolod
becomes the prince of Vladimir-Suzdal, and a long period begins
the heyday of the principality and the shift of central power from Kyiv to Vladimir.
Vsevolod the Big Nest ruled Vladimir until his death.
© Fokina Lidia Petrovna


Politics of Vsevolod the Big Nest
Prince Vsevolod Yurievich is considered one of the most skillful politicians and
leaders of Kievan Rus, since it was he who managed to put
the beginning of the idea of ​​autocracy and seize power in his principality, and
also subjugate half of all Rus'.
In foreign policy, Vsevolod was most noted for the following
- military campaigns in Mordva;
- military campaigns in Bulgaria in 1183-1185;
- the fight against the Polovtsy, for which Vsevolod teamed up with others
In general, Vsevolod managed to significantly expand the eastern
the territory of Rus' due to the seizure of the lands of Bulgaria. However
Vsevolod did not set the initial goal of his military campaigns at all
military superiority, and the conquest of new trading territories and
ways, since it was the economy and the development of trade that he considered
paramount task.
© Fokina Lidia Petrovna


In domestic politics, among his victories were:
- conquest of power in Vladimir and becoming the sole ruler
their lands (boyars and nobles did not have significant power under him);
- close relations with Kiev and surrounding lands, thanks to which
during his reign, Vsevolod the Big Nest managed to significantly
increase its influence on the Kyiv prince and move the center of power to
- the conquest of power over the Novgorod lands and the subjugation of their princes.
The results of the reign of Vsevolod the Big Nest
Thanks to his skillful policy and wisdom, Vsevolod managed to concentrate in
in their hands, power over a significant territory of Rus', expand the borders
states, open up new trade routes and boost the economy. For my
activities Vsevolod the Big Nest received the title of Grand Duke and was
noted in "The Tale of Bygone Years", "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" and others
significant works.
He bequeathed to his sons to continue his policy and, being afraid
civil strife, distributed power between them in advance, but the children
Vsevolod the Big Nest did not listen to him. As a result, after 1212
a single powerful principality, which Vsevolod created for so long, collapsed
into several parts, and Rus' again mired in internecine wars.
© Fokina Lidia Petrovna

In the XII century, Rus' was a set of feudal principalities. Along with Kiev, new cities rose, new centers of culture appeared. The primacy among the isolated lands belonged to the northern Vladimir-Suzdal principality, the flowering of which was prepared by the activities of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. It was there, in Zalesye, that one of the most beautiful artistic ensembles in all of medieval Europe was created, in which architecture, painting and sculpture are represented as famous masterpieces.

Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, son of Vladimir Monomakh, built numerous fortresses and cathedrals in the north of Rus': the Church of Boris and Gleb in Kideksha (4 km from Suzdal) and the Cathedral of the Transfiguration in Pereslavl-Zalessky. These were temples-heroes, they were distinguished by weighted proportions, squat, which resembled fortifications. Their interior was simple and strict.

Under the son of Yuri Dolgoruky, Andrei Bogolyubsky, Vladimir became the largest center of Russian culture. Earth ramparts are being erected around the city; From the west, a gate leads to the city, named after the example of Kyiv Golden. At the opposite end of the city - Silver. Temples are being built. The Assumption Cathedral (1158-1161) was built on the high bank of the Klyazma and became the architectural center of the city. The cathedral is three-aisled and single-domed. It was there that the greatest Russian shrine was located - the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir. Two and a half centuries later, Andrei Rublev decorated this cathedral with frescoes, which were the pinnacle of ancient Russian monumental painting.

The most remarkable building of the time of Andrei Bogolyubsky is the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl (1165), which impresses with its harmony, dynamism and lightness of forms. The church is inextricably linked with the surrounding landscape. It is perceived as a poem in stone.

Under Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest, Vladimir-Suzdal Rus reached its highest power. The Assumption Cathedral was restored after the fire; built the church of St. Dmitry (1194-1197). This small church is distinguished by heavy rhythm and power, but the cathedral is built and proportioned in its own way. On its outer walls there are stone carvings, reliefs depicting the biblical king David, the prince with his sons, a plot from the novel "Alexandria" - the flight of Alexander the Great to heaven. Under the successors of Vsevolod, the churches of the Nativity of the Virgin in Suzdal and Georgievsky in Yuryev-Polsky were erected.

All temples were painted with frescoes and decorated with icons. Outstanding icons of this time: Dmitry Solunsky, Yaroslavskaya Oranta. A Russian school of icon painting was created, which is characterized by folk ornamentation, bright, colorful combinations, the introduction of carmine (red paint), which was alien to Byzantine painting.

Decorative and applied art is developing, reaching its peak in the design of the Golden Gate of the Nativity Cathedral (the fire section method was used).

The Mongol-Tatar invasion destroyed many churches, icons burned down, people died. The tragedy of the Russian people was reflected in literature, which carried out the mission of a unifier. She retained the best that was accumulated in the spiritual development of Kievan Rus and could become the basis of the revival.

The theme of the heroic single combat of the Russian people with foreign invaders became the leading one in Russian literature of the 13th-14th centuries. It is revealed most impressively in "The Tale of the Devastation of Ryazan by Batu in 1237" and in "The Tale of the Destruction of the Russian Land". The image of the Ryazan resident Yevpaty Kolovrat ("The Tale of the Devastation ...") is significant. This is a poetic generalization of the strength and power of the Russian people, who did not bow their heads before the enemy. Even Batu, admiring the courage of Evpaty, says over the body of the deceased hero: "If such a one served with me, I would keep him at my very heart."

In the middle of the 13th century, the "Life of Alexander Nevsky" was created, where Alexander's victory over the German knights on Lake Peipus in 1242 is drawn in a style typical of military stories.

Only Novgorod and Pskov escaped ruin during the Mongol-Tatar invasion, where Russian culture of the 13th-15th centuries flourished.

History of Russia [for students of technical universities] Shubin Alexander Vladlenovich



Socio-political specificity of the region. The first settlements of the Slavs in the upper reaches of the Volga and Oka belong to the VIII-IX centuries. Ilmen Slovenes penetrated here from the northwest, Krivichi from the west, and Vyatichi from the south. The first cities in this region were Rostov and Mur (reliable information about them dates back to the end of the 10th century). In the XI century. Suzdal, Ryazan, Pronsk, Yaroslavl and Uglich were founded.

Due to the remoteness from the center, this region was not attractive to the Kievan princes. The eldest sons and brothers of the Kyiv prince did not want to move here. Therefore, at the end of the X century. or at the beginning of the 11th century. the younger sons of Vladimir I were planted here. Rostov went to Boris, and Murom to Gleb.

In the next century and a half, the situation did not change. Vladimir Monomakh gave the Principality of Rostov to his seventh son, Yuri (1117–1157). It is with his reign that the development of the region begins. During his reign, Yuryev-Polskaya, Dmitrov, Przemysl, Zvenigorod, Kideksha, Mikulin, Gorodets were built. For the desire to expand his principality at the expense of neighboring lands, Yuri received the nickname Dolgoruky. When the opportunity arose, he began the struggle for the throne of Kiev and took it. The Rostov-Suzdal principality went to his eldest son Andrei (1157–1174). Soon Andrei moved the capital to Vladimir. The Principality became known as Vladimir-Suzdal.

Meanwhile, during the twelfth century migration from the southern lands of Kievan Rus increased. In search of a better life, future settlers were pushed, firstly, by the struggle of the princes with each other for land (as a result of which ordinary people died), secondly, the process of enslavement of the peasants that had begun, and thirdly, the more frequent raids of the Polovtsy, which individual princes could restrain was no longer valid. The agrarian overpopulation of the southern principalities also played an important role. A stream of colonists-fishermen also came here from the northwest. In the XII century. the cities of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Moscow, Zvenigorod, Rzhev, Zubtsov, Mologa, Tver, Kostroma, Veliky Ustyug, Beloozero, Klin, Dubna, Gorokhovets, Starodub appeared in the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.

In the southeast of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality was the Ryazan principality. It stood out from the Chernigov in the 20s. 12th century In addition to Ryazan itself, the principality included three cities: Pereyaslavl-Ryazansky, Kolomna and Pronsk. The youngest principality in the region - Nizhny Novgorod - arose in 1221.

The specificity of political administration in this territory begins to form in the second half of the 12th century. Until that time, the northeastern region did not have deep veche traditions. The main reason for this was the low population density, which did not allow the formation of political institutions that could act as limiters of princely power. Nevertheless, the management in Rostov and Suzdal in the first half of the XII century. was based on the interaction of the city council and the princes appointed from Kyiv. The situation changed when in 1157 Andrei Bogolyubsky, the eldest son of Yuri Dolgoruky and the daughter of the Polovtsian Khan Aepa, became the Grand Duke of Kyiv.

Back in 1149, his father gave him Vyshgorod "to keep", but a year later Andrei received the Western Russian cities of Turov, Pinsk and Peresopnitsa. In 1151, with the consent of his father, he returned to his native Suzdal region, where, apparently, he had an inheritance (Vladimir-on-Klyazma). In 1155, Andrei was again transferred to Vyshgorod, from where - now against his father's will - he fled to Vladimir-on-Klyazma. After the death of Yuri Dolgoruky, Andrei inherited the throne of Kiev, but, despite the custom, did not go to live in Kyiv. In the same year, the inhabitants of Rostov, Suzdal and Vladimir elected him their prince. In 1162, Andrei Bogolyubsky expelled his brothers, nephews and stepmother, as well as his father's squad, from the Rostov-Suzdal land. So the foundations of the unlimited despotic power of the Vladimir prince were laid.

After the expulsion of the senior squad, Andrey's support became the merciful servants of the prince. The rights that previously belonged only to the prince's combatants began to extend to the most influential servants. However, unlike the combatants, the gentry, or nobles (as they began to be called from the end of the 12th century), could not be considered equal to the prince. He was their master, not their comrade. The servant was in personal dependence on the master, was his property, although he could hold high positions and have large possessions.

Andrei Bogolyubsky subjugated Kyiv and Novgorod to his power. To reign there, he planted assistants, dependent princes. In case of disobedience, he organized grandiose military campaigns against them. So, in the last (unsuccessful) campaign against Kiev in 1173, detachments of Rostov, Suzdal, Vladimir, Pereyaslav, Belozer, Murom, Novgorod, Ryazan, as well as squads of Turov, Polotsk, Pinsk, Gorodensky, Chernigov, Novgorod-Seversky, Putivl, Kursk, Pereyaslavl-South, Torch and Smolensk princes.

Starting from the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky, squad orders are becoming a thing of the past. The combatants lost their rights, and the prince increasingly relied not on them, but on the servants. Their power has grown steadily. The basis of the new system of state power - the despotic monarchy - was the direct subordination of the subjects-serfs to their master-prince. So in the second half of the XII century. in North-Western Rus', new social forms of citizenship-ministeriality begin to take shape, which are fundamentally different from Western European vassal-suzerain relations in that they completely lack a contractual basis, and the servant is in direct and unconditional dependence on the master. Subsequently, it is they who will become dominant and will create the basis of a despotic system of government in all Russian lands.

Socio-economic specificity of the region. The economic feature of the region was the slow development of productive forces. In the agricultural sector, this was determined by the following reasons.

The natural and climatic conditions and geographical position of this region were worse than in the lower reaches of the Dnieper and Danube, in the Dniester basin, where the demographic center of Kievan Rus was located. Moreover, they differed significantly from Western Europe. The summer heat in North-Eastern Rus' was only enough for the ripening of barley and rye. It was quite rare to grow a good crop of heat-loving crops - wheat, oats and millet. Winters could be both severe and with frequent thaws, which harmed winter crops. In spring, the harvest was under the threat of late frosts, and in autumn - early frosts. In Europe, agricultural work began earlier and ended later, and animal husbandry could be done all year round. In the central non-chernozem zone of Rus', the stall keeping of livestock reached 200 days. This is despite the fact that due to the extremely short agricultural summer (on average, about 120 days), the peasant, who was fully occupied with field work, did not have time to store enough fodder for the winter.

The second reason that complicated the development of agriculture was the nature of the vegetation. There were very few territories more or less free from forests: Vladimir, Suzdal and Rostov regions. The forests there were not located in a continuous mass, there were many edges between them, which freed the colonists from the need to uproot trees. Therefore, the common names Rus Zalesskaya or Opole were assigned to the named three districts. The rest of the territory was covered with dense forest thickets, the uprooting of which made agricultural work extremely laborious.

The third reason for the low profitability of agricultural labor was the nature of the soil. Only in the Vladimir and Rostov regions did relatively good soils exist - dark-colored carbonate. The soil of the remaining regions consisted of loams, gray podzolic soils, and sandy loamy soils.

The development of crafts and trade was held back by other reasons. First of all, it is the low density of the population and its poverty. As a result, trade and craft cities did not arise here. The vast majority of fortified settlements were fortresses or administrative centers that belonged to some prince, boyar or monastery. The craft here did not actually separate from agriculture: due to poverty, the peasants strove to do everything they needed themselves.

The development of foreign trade was hampered by remoteness from world trade routes. North-Eastern Rus' was separated from the Baltic route by the lands of Novgorod, which did not need competitors in trade. From the Volga route to the XIII century. the Slavs were cut off by the Polovtsy, and from 1237 by the Horde. The routes to the south were also under enemy control. Therefore, the market mechanism in the region was formed extremely slowly. In trade transactions, crystal and carnelian beads, multi-colored glass bracelets, slate spindle whorls (weights for spindles) were used as a monetary equivalent.

From a technological point of view, the artisans of North-Eastern Rus' reached a high level, for example, the products of locksmiths were exported to Europe, and the quality of weapons, according to the Crimean Khan, was higher than that of Italian, Turkish and Syrian masters. However, artisans mostly worked on orders, so the market mechanism did not form among them. It is no coincidence that there is no information in written sources about the sale of artisans' products on the market.

The further development of the established systems of administrative control of the Russian lands was due to the invasion in the second third of the 13th century. Mongolian troops, which significantly changed the political situation in the country.

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From the book History of Russia from ancient times to the 16th century. 6th grade author Chernikova Tatyana Vasilievna

§ 21-22. NORTH-EASTERN Rus' AT THE END OF THE XIV - THE FIRST HALF OF THE XV century 1. The reign of Vasily I Dmitry Donskoy died in 1389 at the 39th year of his life. According to his will, the great reign was to go first to the eldest 18-year-old son Vasily, and after his death to the next son, Yuri.

author Milov Leonid Vasilievich

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NORTH-EAST RUSSIA90. The most interesting moment of development in this region during the Scythian period was the flourishing of the so-called Ananyin bronze culture in the region of the middle Volga and Kama. It is named after the village of Ananyino in the Vyatka province, where the first

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SECTION II. Northeast Rus'

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NORTH-EASTERN Rus' Unlike the Chernigov, Smolensk and Volyn princes, the princes of North-Eastern Rus' almost did not participate in the devastating internecine war that blazed in Southern Rus' on the eve of the Batu invasion, in the 30s of the XIII century. By the middle of the century the princes


Northern and Northeastern Rus' 1217–1220 Having gained the upper hand in the dispute between the princes of the Big Nest (1217), the eldest of the brothers, Konstantin Vsevolodovich, did not interfere in the affairs of his neighbors, but sought to better equip his lands. In May 1218, in Vladimir-on-Klyazma, the prince laid

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Northern and Northeastern Rus' in 1224–1237 Relations between Novgorod and the descendants of Dolgoruky in the last decades before the invasion of Batu were not easy. On the one hand, Novgorod could not effectively defend Northern Rus' without a princely squad, on the other hand,

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§2. NORTH-EASTERN Rus' IN THE YEARS OF THE BOARD OF SEMYON IVANOVICH PROUD Ivan Kalita's son, Moscow Prince Semyon Ivanovich (1317-1353) with his young brothers was accepted into the Horde by Uzbek, who granted the elder a label for a great reign. According to the "History of the Russian" V.N.


§ 4. NORTH-EASTERN Rus' Socio-political specificity of the region. The first settlements of the Slavs in the upper reaches of the Volga and Oka belong to the VIII-IX centuries. Ilmen Slovenes penetrated here from the northwest, Krivichi from the west, and Vyatichi from the south. The first cities in this region were Rostov

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§ 6. STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL LEADERSHIP IN Rus'. NORTH-EASTERN Rus' IN THE 13th–15th centuries Already half a century after the establishment of the Horde dominion, a rather fierce struggle for political leadership began between the Russian princes. If before the rivalry

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North-Eastern Rus' gathers strength If the undeniable superiority of Moscow over other principalities was not yet appreciated and understood by everyone under Prince Ivan, then after his death the strength of the Kalitin clan was fully manifested. Prince Ivan died in 1359, leaving the reign to his son Dmitry, who

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Section II North-Eastern Rus'

From the book History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 17th century author Sakharov Andrey Nikolaevich

§ 4. North-Eastern Rus' on the eve of the last third of the 15th century The development of an acute political crisis is sometimes similar to the course of a serious illness. After a long deterioration, repeated relapses of seizures, recovery is often rapid. And so it happened

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North-Eastern, or Vladimir-Suzdal Rus' In the XII century. as a result of princely strife and Polovtsian devastation, the decline of Kievan Rus begins. The troubles of Kyiv life caused the movement of the population from the center of what was then Rus', Kyiv, to its outskirts, i.e. to