Composition on the topic: the image of Gerasim in the story and. With. Turgenev "mumu. Description of Gerasim from the story of Mumu The moral superiority of the character

Mumu was written by Turgenev in 1852. According to the testimony of the writer's contemporaries, it was based on real events that took place in the house of Varvara Turgeneva, the mother of the writer himself. This incident made an indelible impression on the author. And after that, he created a small work, which seemed to critics very sweet, sad and touching. But for Turgenev himself, this story was really terrible.

general characteristics

The description of Gerasim from the story "Mumu" can be started by getting to know the main character. The main character of the work is a deaf-mute janitor named Gerasim, who serves with an elderly lady. Almost from the first lines of his work, the writer distinguishes Gerasim from the rest of the servants. Describing his character, Turgenev emphasizes such qualities as diligence and strength. He does all the work around the house, in the yard, as well as in the stable, and at night he is on guard. Gerasim is an ordinary village man. He is a serf.

Despite the natural lack of a man, he has great physical strength, which must be mentioned in the description of Gerasim from the story "Mumu". He is usually reserved and sullen. It's hard to tell from his face what he's going through. And his severity, apparently, was as innate as his deafness. Also, the main character did not understand the jokes of others. The description of Gerasim from the story "Mumu" in this regard can be supplemented with a quote from the work. Not everyone dared to mock him: he did not like jokes. Even the courtyards were afraid of the janitor. In everything, the main character loved order. And even the roosters did not dare to fight under Gerasim. He lives in a small closet above the kitchen. He arranges everything in this closet according to his own taste.


The description of the appearance of Gerasim from the story "Mumu" should contain the information that the writer gives in his work. Turgenev describes the main character as a sedate and important hero. His height is 12 inches (or 195.5 cm). Gerasim Turgenev describes the gait with the help of such definitions: “hard”, “heavy-footed”, “incorrect”. His face is “joyful”, or “lifeless”, “petrified”. Gerasim is dressed in a caftan, sheepskin coat, and boots.

Description of Gerasim from the story "Mumu": character traits

Throughout the story, the reader has the opportunity to observe that in every situation the main character retains his best qualities - honesty, love for work, the ability to sincerely love. Gerasim always keeps his word to the last. He is also endowed with a deep sense of self-worth. This is his moral and spiritual superiority over the rest of the inhabitants of the yard.

To whom Gerasim was attached by soul

A brief description of Gerasim from the story "Mumu" should also contain a short essay on his emotional attachments, because this indicates the ability to love, inherent in the main character. Of all the inhabitants of the courtyard, Gerasim likes Tatyana the most - a woman with a kind and meek character, whose age is about 28 years old. Gerasim treats her kindly, showing signs of attention and not letting anyone offend her. After the evil lady ordered that Tatyana be married to a drunkard, Gerasim became completely sad. He finds a puppy with an interesting color - a white dog covered with black spots. Only with this puppy Gerasim feels happy. He names the dog Mumu. Gerasim takes care of her like her own child.

Brief description of Gerasim's closet from the story "Mumu"

Much can be said about the main character based on the description of his closet. Turgenev writes that Gerasim built a bed for himself from oak planks. The writer calls her "truly heroic." There is a table in the corner, and near the table there is a strong “three-legged chair”. The chair is so solidly made that Gerasim himself sometimes picks it up, deliberately drops it and grins. There is a heavy chest under the bed. The serf's closet is locked.

The actions of the protagonist

Usually, the time when schoolchildren are asked to prepare a description of Gerasim from the story "Mumu" at home is grade 5. At this age, students can already understand those difficult events in the life of a Russian peasant, which Turgenev's work tells about. The serf works for four. Despite such work, even this does not suit the lady. She wants to completely manage the life of her serfs.

First, she marries her maid, Tatiana, to an alcoholic shoemaker. And then he demands that Gerasim's beloved dog Mumu be removed. However, the main character, although he is deaf and mute, shows his intractability. He drowns his beloved dog and then leaves the manor house without even asking the master's permission. Until the end of his days, Gerasim lives as a bean in his village.

character's moral superiority

Despite the fact that Turgenev made his main character mute, in fact, all the other inhabitants of the court can be called dumb. After all, they had no personal desires. They were also ignorant of their own dignity, they were more like slaves. Despite this, Gerasim is on good terms with the servants.

Describing the character of his hero, the writer emphasizes his moral superiority over the rest. In the essay “Description of Gerasim from the story“ Mumu ”, the student can indicate: Turgenev compares the main character with a young bull, a sedate and proud gander. In order to describe the appearance of his hero even more vividly, Turgenev uses the technique of hyperbole. For example, Gerasim mows so crushingly that he could “at least brush a young birch forest from the roots ...”. And if the writer compares his main character with a powerful hero, then the rest of the servants are called "little people" by Turgenev. All the inhabitants of the court sought to please the mistress in everything. They thoughtlessly followed any of her orders, even if these actions humiliated them or those around them.


Gerasim - a serf, deaf-mute from birth, serves as a janitor. Gerasim is a middle-aged man, strong build, about 2 meters tall. The author considers him a hero and a giant, compares him with a bear. Gerasim is gloomy, strict, accustomed to loneliness. He is more attracted to life in the countryside. He is very hardworking, diligent, excellent worker. Everyone around respects Gerasim, because he always keeps his promises. A little rough, but very observant. Gerasim is a believer.

Gerasim was a serf. He had few rights. He was deaf and mute from birth. He had a mistress whom he had to obey. Kind, smart, polite, responsible, thoughtful. He lived according to the principle "We are responsible for those we have tamed." Therefore, he had to drown Mumu, due to the fact that the hostess asked to do this. Since he was deaf and dumb, it was difficult for him to communicate with people, and Mumu understood him without words. It was very painful for him to kill the dog, he was left all alone. And he died shortly after he drowned Mumu.

Gerasim - a serf, deaf-mute from birth, serves as a janitor. Gerasim is a middle-aged man, strong build, about 2 meters tall. The author considers him a hero and a giant, compares him with a bear. Gerasim is gloomy, strict, accustomed to loneliness. He is more attracted to life in the countryside. He is very hardworking, diligent, excellent worker. Everyone around respects Gerasim, because he always keeps his promises. A little rough, but very observant. Gerasim is a believer.

Gerasim is the protagonist of I. S. Turgenev's short story Mumu. I would even say that he is the only hero of this work. The deaf-mute tall hero not only outwardly differs from those around him. Economic and hardworking, Gerasim retains in himself a kind heart, sensitive to someone else's misfortune, in Russian a broad village soul, a sense of dignity unprecedented for the period of serfdom. According to Turgenev, "mighty as a tree ... on fertile land", he loved the land, which he was not the owner of. Everything that this “glorious peasant” did, he did simply and sincerely, with all his heart. To work - so to work, to love - so to love. Tender and touching were the feelings of the giant Gerasim for Tatyana, who, by order of the mistress, was given in marriage to a drunken shoemaker. After a bitter disappointment in love, the deaf-mute recklessly became attached to the dog he found: “no mother takes care of her child like Gerasim looked after his pet.” But even this harmless affection was destroyed by the wayward lady. And yet, sorrows and troubles did not break the mighty hero. Gerasim left the city, which brought him so much grief, and returned to his native village - to the land, village life, to everything that had always been dear to his heart. And this is his strength and his victory over the vicissitudes of the fate of the serf

Gerasim was a serf. He had few rights. He was deaf and mute from birth. He had a mistress whom he had to obey. Kind, smart, polite, responsible, thoughtful. He lived according to the principle "We are responsible for those we have tamed." Therefore, he had to drown Mumu, due to the fact that the hostess asked to do this. Since he was deaf and dumb, it was difficult for him to communicate with people, and Mumu understood him without words. It was very painful for him to kill the dog, he was left all alone. And he died shortly after he drowned Mumu.
Gerasim - a serf, deaf-mute from birth, serves as a janitor. Gerasim is a middle-aged man, strong build, about 2 meters tall. The author considers him a hero and a giant, compares him with a bear. Gerasim is gloomy, strict, accustomed to loneliness. He is more attracted to life in the countryside. He is very hardworking, diligent, excellent worker. Everyone around respects Gerasim, because he always keeps his promises. A little rough, but very observant. Gerasim is a believer.

Gerasim was a serf. He had few rights. He was deaf and mute from birth. He had a mistress whom he had to obey. Kind, smart, polite, responsible, thoughtful. He lived according to the principle "We are responsible for those we have tamed." Therefore, he had to drown Mumu, due to the fact that the hostess asked to do this. Since he was deaf and dumb, it was difficult for him to communicate with people, and Mumu understood him without words. It was very painful for him to kill the dog, he was left all alone. And he died shortly after he drowned Mumu

Gerasim - a serf, deaf-mute from birth, serves as a janitor. Gerasim is a middle-aged man, strong build, about 2 meters tall. The author considers him a hero and a giant, compares him with a bear. Gerasim is gloomy, strict, accustomed to loneliness. He is more attracted to life in the countryside. He is very hardworking, diligent, excellent worker. Everyone around respects Gerasim, because he always keeps his promises. A little rough, but very observant. Gerasim is a believer. Gerasim was a serf. He had few rights. He was deaf and mute from birth. He had a mistress whom he had to obey. Kind, smart, polite, responsible, thoughtful. He lived according to the principle "We are responsible for those we have tamed." Therefore, he had to drown Mumu, due to the fact that the hostess asked to do this. Since he was deaf and dumb, it was difficult for him to communicate with people, and Mumu understood him without words. It was very painful for him to kill the dog, he was left all alone. And he died shortly after he drowned Mumu. Gerasim - a serf, deaf-mute from birth, serves as a janitor. Gerasim is a middle-aged man, strong build, about 2 meters tall. The author considers him a hero and a giant, compares him with a bear. Gerasim was gloomy, strict, accustomed to loneliness. He is more attracted to life in the countryside. He is very hardworking, diligent, excellent worker. Everyone around respects Gerasim, because he always keeps his promises. A little rough, but very observant. Gerasim is a believer

Literature lesson in grade 5

Subject: I.S. Turgenev. Mumu story. Image of Gerasim.

Frolova Olga Nikolaevna, teacher of Russian language and literature, Dashkovskaya secondary school, Serpukhov district, Moscow region.
Lesson type: a lesson in “discovery” of new knowledge.
Lesson Objectives:
Educational: analyze the first part of the story (the image of the lady, Gerasim; the image of Tatiana and Gerasim); to form the ability to analyze the text of a work of art; develop the ability to express their thoughts, evaluate the actions of heroes, draw conclusions.
I. Developing: to develop the oral speech of students; the skills of analyzing the image of a literary hero and the skills of comparing the heroes of a work.
II. Educational: to cultivate a sensitive attitude to the artistic word; humane attitude towards people.
Methods: problem-search (inciting and leading to a dialogue), the method of independent work with the text, the visual method (presentation).
Techniques: dialogue, commented reading, expressive reading, building a cluster, frontal questioning, artistic retelling, syncwine.
Means of education: computer, projector, presentation, textbook, illustrations for the work, an excerpt from the animated film "Mumu" directed by Valentin Karaev, visual material (illustrations, children's drawings).
1. The story of I.S. Turgenev “Mumu”.
2. Textbook "Literature Grade 5" in 2 parts, publishing house "Enlightenment", 2012, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Authors: V.Ya.Korovina, V.P.Zhuravlev, V.I.Korovin.
3. OA Eremina “Lessons of literature in the 5th grade” a book for the teacher.
During the classes
I. Self-determination to activity (organizational moment).
Presentation (slide 1)
– Today we have a special lesson, we will get acquainted with the work of the great Russian writer I. S. Turgenev, his story “Mumu”.
In preparation for the lesson, you studied the biography of I. S. Turgenev. What are the main facts from the writer's life that you remember? (student answers)
II. Checking homework (tasks: checking homework, updating and “going out” to explain new material) slide 2.
- At home you read the story "Mumu". We work in groups. Restore sequence
episodes. For more productive work, each group is offered instructions to help. No errors - “5”; one or two errors - “4”; three, four errors - "3". Examination.
slide 3

III. Updating knowledge and fixing difficulties in activities.
1. Rebus Slide 4.
- Cross out all the letters of the English alphabet and read the rebus.
r g l l g y d x s o n n i e w m z o d (DEAF-MUTE)
– What does this word mean? (Deprived of the ability to speak due to congenital or acquired deafness.)

Who do you think our lesson will be about? (Gerasim.)

2. Compiling a cluster.
Restore the sequence of episodes in the story "Mumu". Put numbers 1-9
1. Gerasim arbitrarily leaves the manor house for the village.
2. The life of Gerasim in the lady's house.
3. Gerasim finds a puppy.
4. Gerasim's love for Tatyana.
5. Parting with Tatyana.
6. The lady demands to destroy the dog.
7. The lady decides to marry the drunken shoemaker to Tatyana.
8. Gerasim obeys the will of the landowner by drowning the dog.
9. Meeting of Mumu and the lady
- Guys, when you first see a person, what do you first pay attention to? (Appearance, clothes…)
– To get to know a person better, are these signs alone enough? (No.)
What else do you need to pay attention to to get to know a stranger better? (On actions, on attitude towards people around ...)
Why should you pay attention to all this? (In order to understand: what this person is like, what moral qualities he possesses ...)
The scheme is being built.
- Well done! Gerasim is a new character for us from I. Turgenev's story "Mumu". To understand what it is, what will we pay attention to when we re-read this wonderful work? (On a portrait, on deeds ...)
slide 5
- On the slide, we got a cluster that will help us when meeting Gerasim.
Now let's try to formulate the topic of the lesson. Image of Geras
slide 6
Write the topic of the lesson in your notebooks.
IV. Discovery of new knowledge. Construction of the project of an exit from difficulty.
- Describe in one word (epithet) Gerasim.
– Look: there is only one hero, but there are many opinions about him. Let's try to figure out who this person is.
1. Work with text. Achieving understanding at the content level.
- What does the lady's house look like? What did we learn about her at the very beginning of the story?
Slide 7
“In one of the remote streets of Moscow, in a gray house with white columns, a mezzanine and a crooked balcony, there once lived a lady, a widow, surrounded by numerous servants. Her sons served in St. Petersburg, her daughters got married; she rarely went out and lived out the last years of her miserly and bored old age in solitude. Her day, joyless and rainy, has long passed; but her evening was blacker than the night.”
- How do you understand the words: “Her day, joyless and rainy, has long passed; but even her evening was blacker than the night”?
(In the morning, a person is called his childhood and youth, the day is maturity, the evening is old age. Turgenev wants to say that the life of this woman was bleak, and old age is completely gloomy.)
2. Viewing a fragment of the cartoon (2 minutes)
– I suggest you look at the beginning of the cartoon “Mumu” ​​directed by Valentin Karaev and answer the questions: how does the beginning of the cartoon differ from the beginning of the story by I. Turgenev? How can you characterize the lady by the viewed fragment?
- For what purpose did the director add the episode with the fly?
(Director Valentin Karaev added an episode with a fly to show the whims, mood swings, tyranny of a lady. Tyranny is the behavior of a person who acts according to his own whim or arbitrariness, while humiliating the dignity of other people.)
So let's summarize our observations. What epithets help to understand how the lady lived?
ILLUSTRATION ON PAGE 195. “The Benefactor” Artist Trutovsky Konstantin Alexandrovich. This illustration does not depict any episode from the story of I.S. Turgenev's "Mumu", but draws a type of lady, close to Turgenev's.
(Benefactor - a person who provides someone with patronage, help, service.)
(GRIVALKA - a poor woman who lived out of mercy in someone else's rich house, did not have any specific duties and entertained the owners, making up their society.)
Portrait of Gerasim. Slide 8
- Let's read the 2nd paragraph of the story and answer the question: “What makes Gerasim stand out among those around him? With what author's characteristic does the story about him begin?
“Of all her servants, the most remarkable person was the janitor Gerasim, a man of twelve inches tall, built by a hero and deaf-mute from birth. The lady took him from the village, where he lived alone, in a small hut, apart from his brothers, and was considered perhaps the most serviceable draft peasant. Gifted with extraordinary strength, he worked for four - the matter was arguing in his hands, and it was fun to look at him when he either plowed and, leaning his huge palms on the plow, it seemed, alone, without the help of a horse, cut up the elastic chest of the earth, or about Petrov the day acted so crushingly as a scythe that even if a young birch forest was brushed off its roots, or it thrashed agilely and non-stop with a three-foot flail, and like a lever, the oblong and hard muscles of his shoulders lowered and rose. The constant silence gave solemn importance to his indefatigable work. He was a nice peasant, and if it were not for his misfortune, any girl would gladly marry him ... But Gerasim was brought to Moscow, they bought him boots, sewed a caftan for the summer, a sheepskin coat for the winter, gave him a broom and a shovel in his hands, and appointed him as a janitor.
(“Remarkable” - 1. Outstanding, extraordinarily good. 2. Same as remarkable, worthy of special attention. “Glorious” - 1. Famous, widely known for something outstanding. 2. Cute, very good - coll.)
- How did Gerasim work? Pick up synonyms for the adjective "tireless" work. - FOOTBOOK IN THE TEXTBOOK p. 190. (Indefatigable, tireless, restless, not knowing rest, not knowing tired.)
But the usual course of his life is broken. How does the text say about it? Slide 11.
(“…brought to Moscow, bought…, sewn…, given… and determined…”)
- What kind of strength should a lonely old woman have to treat a hero like that?
(The old woman is a landowner, and Gerasim is a serf.)
- Who is a "serf" and who is called a "draft" serviceable peasant, we learn from the historical background.
4. Historical and cultural context of the story(historical reference is prepared in advance by a 5th grade student).
Slide 9
Serfs are peasants attached to the land and personally subordinate to one owner. The nobleman who owned the peasants could impose any punishment on them, could sell the peasants, for example, sell the mother to one landowner, and her children to another. Serfs were considered by law the full property of the master. The peasants had to work for the landowner in his field (corvée) or give him part of the money they earned (tire).
"Tyaglo" - serf service, which the landlords imposed on their peasants. Turgenev emphasizes that Gerasim was a full-fledged worker who carried all the peasant duties.
5. Work with the term "comparison".
“At first he did not like his new life strongly. From childhood, he got used to field work, to village life. Alienated by his misfortune from the community of people, he grew up mute and powerful, like a tree growing on fertile land ... Moved to the city, he did not understand what was happening to him - he was bored and perplexed, as a young, healthy bull, which only what they took from the field, where the lush grass grew up to his belly - they took it, put it on a railroad car - and now, dousing his fat body with either smoke with sparks, or undulating steam, they are rushing him now, rushing with a knock and a screech, and where rush - God knows! Gerasim's employment in his new position seemed to him a joke after hard peasant work; in half an hour everything was ready for him, and again he would stop in the middle of the yard and stare, with his mouth open, at all the passers-by, as if wishing to get them to solve his mysterious situation, then he would suddenly go off somewhere into a corner and, throwing a broom far away and shovel, threw himself face down on the ground, and lay motionless on his chest for hours, like a captured animal…”
What is a comparison? (Comparison is an artistic technique in which an image is created by comparing one object with another.) Find a comparison in Gerasim's description.
All definitions are recorded in dictionaries.
“He grew up dumb and mighty, like…………. (a tree grows on fertile land)”
“I was bored and wondered how ………. (a young, healthy bull, who had just been taken from a field where lush grass grew up to his belly, is perplexed) ”“ he threw himself on the ground with his face and lay motionless on his chest for hours, like ... ... ... (caught beast) ”“ will he take firewood stab, the ax rings with him like ... ... ... (glass, and fragments and logs fly in all directions) ”
– Continue my phrase: “These comparisons help to emphasize…..” (his love of a free life.)
5. Acquaintance with a new term. Hyperbola. 1 paragraph “He was taken to…” P.192
Slide 10
- Read the description of Gerasim's closet. Why do you think the author describes the janitor's housing in such detail?
“He was given a closet over the kitchen; he arranged it for himself, according to his own taste: he built in it a bed of oak planks on four logs, a truly heroic bed; one hundred pounds could be put on it - it would not bend; under the bed was a hefty chest; in the corner stood a table of the same strong quality, and near the table there was a chair with three legs, but so strong and squat that Gerasim himself used to pick it up, drop it and grin. The closet was locked with a lock, reminiscent of its appearance kalach, only black; Gerasim always carried the key to this lock with him on his belt. He didn't like to be visited."
(Turgenev describes Gerasim's closet in such detail in order to use this description to show in more detail the character of the hero: unsociable, strong.)
- Turgenev, talking about Gerasim, uses hyperbole. (Hyperbole is deliberate exaggeration.) Find examples of hyperbole in the text.
(- he worked for four;
- alone, without the help of a horse, he cut the elastic chest of the earth;
- crushingly acted obliquely, that at least a young birch forest should be brushed off the roots ...)
6. Work in groups. Drawing analysis.
Slide 11 + drawings on the board
Look at your drawings and illustrations by famous artists.
- What features of the appearance and clothes of the mute janitor are conveyed in the drawings?
-Write answers and justify them.
8. Physical education (eye exercise)
9. Gerasim's relationship with the courtyards and Tatyana.
slide 12, 13
– I.S. Turgenev called his hero Gerasim. What does this name mean and does it correspond to the hero? Prove with examples from the text. (The meaning of the name Gerasim comes from the Greek name Gerasimos, meaning “respected”, “venerable”) STR.191 last paragraph “With the rest of the servants ...)
“With the rest of the servants, Gerasim was not on friendly terms - they were afraid of him - but short: he considered them to be his own. They communicated with him by signs, and he understood them, carried out all orders exactly, but he also knew his rights, and no one dared to take his place in the capital. In general, Gerasim was of a strict and serious disposition, he liked order in everything; even the roosters did not dare to fight in his presence - otherwise it's a disaster! He sees, immediately grabs his legs, turns the wheel ten times in the air and throws him apart. There were also geese in the lady's yard; but the goose, as you know, is an important and reasonable bird; Gerasim felt respect for them, went after them and fed them; he himself looked like a sedate gander.”
- How did Gerasim's relationship with the courtyards develop? Why does Gerasim feel superior to others? Play episodes of clashes between the inhabitants of the manor house. PAGE 191 from the words ...
“... and what about strangers, so after one night, having caught two thieves, he banged their foreheads against each other, and banged them so hard that at least don’t take them to the police later, everyone in the neighborhood began to respect him very much; even during the day, those passing by, no longer swindlers, but simply strangers, at the sight of the formidable janitor, waved and shouted at him, as if he could hear their screams.
- Prove that Tatyana was the "bright spot" in Gerasim's life. ("He fell in love with her; whether with a meek expression on her face, or timidity of movements - God knows him!")
What kind of person was she? PAGE 193
“From early youth she was kept in a black body; she worked for two, but she never saw any kindness; they dressed her badly, she received the smallest salary; she didn’t have any relatives: one old housekeeper, abandoned in the countryside as unusable, was her uncle, and her other uncles were peasants, that’s all. Once she was known as a beauty, but beauty very soon jumped off her. She was of a very meek disposition, or, rather, frightened; she felt complete indifference to herself, she was mortally afraid of others; she only thought about how to finish the work by the deadline, never spoke to anyone and trembled at the mere name of the mistress, although she almost did not know her in the eyes.
- Why was Tatiana not pleased, but frightened by signs of attention from Gerasim?
- What did the quaint old woman decide?
10. Expressive reading of the episode
"Tatyana's drunkenness". PAGE 202
“The trick worked perfectly. Seeing Tatyana, at first, as usual, he nodded his head with an affectionate lowing; then he peered, dropped the shovel, jumped up, went up to her, brought his face close to her very face ... She staggered still more from fear and closed her eyes ... He grabbed her by the hand, rushed across the whole courtyard, entering with her the room where the council met, pushed her straight towards Kapiton. Tatyana froze... Gerasim stood still, looked at her, waved his hand, grinned, and went, stepping heavily, to his closet...”
- How does Gerasim behave after this incident?
“The whole day he did not go out of there. The postilion Antipka later said that he saw through the crack how Gerasim, sitting on the bed, with his hand to his cheek, quietly, measuredly and only occasionally mumbling - sang, that is, swayed, closed his eyes and shook his head, like coachmen or barge haulers, when they sing their mournful songs. Antipka became terrified, and he moved away from the gap.
- What qualities of character are manifested in his behavior? Name the key words that convey the state of mind of the hero.
(He “didn’t leave” his closet for a whole day; “putting his hand to his cheek, quietly, measuredly and only occasionally mumbling, he sang, that is, swayed, closed his eyes and shook his head”; “I came from the river without water: he somehow broke a barrel on the road”; “zealously cleaned and rubbed his horse.” His suffering can only be judged by outward signs.)
- Expressively read the episode of Gerasim's farewell to Tatyana. PAGE 202–203.
“Another year passed, during which Kapiton completely drank himself with the circle and, as a person who was decidedly unfit for anything, was sent with a wagon train to a distant village, along with his wife. On the day of departure, at first he was very brave and assured that wherever they went, even where the women wash their shirts and put rolls on the sky, he will not be lost; but then he lost heart, began to complain that he was being taken to uneducated people, and finally became so weak that he could not even put on his own hat; some compassionate soul pushed it over his forehead, straightened the visor, and slammed it down on top. When everything was ready and the peasants already held the reins in their hands and waited only for the words: “God bless!” Gerasim left his closet, approached Tatiana and presented her with a red paper handkerchief, which he had bought for her a year ago. . Tatyana, who up to that moment had endured with great indifference all the vicissitudes of her life, here, however, could not bear it, shed a tear, and, getting into the cart, kissed Gerasim three times in a Christian manner. He wanted to escort her to the outpost and at first went along with her cart, but suddenly stopped at the Crimean ford, waved his hand and set off along the river.
Slide 14
How does the scene of parting with Tatyana characterize Gerasim? Gerasim is generous. Even a year later, he did not lose his good disposition towards Tatiana. He, the only one of all, took pity on her and managed to ease the moments of parting with the house. He was not afraid of ridicule, “he came out of his closet, approached Tatyana and gave her a red paper handkerchief as a souvenir ...”.
VI. Independent work with verification.
slide 15
- Make a short description of Gerasim, using the materials of today's lesson, in the form of a syncwine.
Cinquain is not a simple poem, but a poem written according to the following rules:
Line 1 - one noun expressing the main theme of the syncwine.
Line 2 - two adjectives expressing the main idea.
Line 3 - three verbs describing actions within the topic.
Line 4 - a phrase that carries a certain meaning.
Line 5 - conclusion in the form of a noun (association with the first word).
VII. Reflection of activity.
- Please, everyone stand at the desks and answer my last question, but without words, only with movements.
- If you were bored, not interested, then raise your hands up.
- If you feel great, then clap your hands.
- If you have received new knowledge in the lesson, then sit down in your seats.
Yes, we are all different. We all have the right to our opinion. And we can express our opinion not only with the help of gestures, emotions, but also with the help of speech. You and I have been given the most valuable thing - the ability to speak, something that Gerasim was deprived of. And why I.S. Turgenev made his hero deaf and mute, you will learn in subsequent lessons.
VIII. Homework.
slide 16
- A story about Gerasim on behalf of Tatyana, the lady (optional)
OPTIONAL: write a cinquain “The image of a lady”; "Image of Tatiana".

>Characteristics of Mumu heroes

Characteristics of the hero Gerasim

Gerasim is the protagonist of I. S. Turgenev's story "Mumu", a deaf-mute janitor in the yard of an old lady, a man of unusual physical strength with a strict and stern disposition. This mute tall janitor differed from those around him not only in appearance, but also in character. Gerasim was a hardworking and economic man with a kind heart. He, accustomed to doing field work, was brought from the village to Moscow at the whim of the lady, where they handed him a broom and ordered to clean the yard. Gerasim did not like this way of life. He was bored and uncomfortable in the city. But even here he began to work regularly, quickly got used to the new job. One night he even caught two thieves and he was especially respected. The courtyards were even a little afraid of the gloomy janitor-giant. They did not dare to joke with him, because he did not like jokes.

He himself was on good terms with the servants and considered them his own. Gerasim loved order in everything: under him, even roosters did not dare to fight. He lived in a closet above the kitchen and arranged everything there according to his taste. Of all the workers, he liked the laundress Tatyana the most - a woman of twenty or eight years of meek disposition. He showed her signs of attention and did not allow anyone to offend her. However, the lady ordered that Tatyana be married off to the drunkard Kapiton, and she soon left for the village with her unlucky husband. After Tatyana's departure, Gerasim was completely sad. Unexpectedly, he found a small white puppy with black spots, which became his best friend. He named the puppy Mumu.

Only with this dog did he feel truly happy. She didn't need his words, she understood him by his look. Gerasim cared about her more than any mother about her baby. But the old lady took a dislike to Mumu and ordered that they get rid of the dog. In order to prevent Mumu from falling into the wrong hands, Gerasim himself decided to fulfill this order. He drowned his beloved dog, his best and most beloved friend. In this act, the character of a serf, a forced man, was manifested. It never occurred to him that it was possible to disobey the malicious mistress. He protested in a different way. Immediately after the death of Mumu, Gerasim collected all his things and, without asking permission, went to the village.

Gerasim is the main character of the story by Turgenev I.S. "Mu Mu". In the image of Gerasim in the story "Mumu", the author embodied the best human traits. Kindness, love of work, strength, sympathy for the weak and defenseless, love for animals, sensitivity. All these features were endowed with the hero of Turgenev. When you read the story, you understand that the author himself admires his created hero, his greed for work, his spiritual kindness, strength. Turgenev compares Gerasim with a large tree that has grown on fertile soil.

The image of Gerasim in the story of Mumu

Gerasim grew up in the village and was a serf. Deaf and mute by nature, this hero was economic and had a big heart. Everything he did, he did sincerely, diligently and from the heart. He loved the village and the land on which he worked. But, by the will of fate, he is brought to the capital, where he has to do the work of a janitor. This position was not to his liking, just as the city was not to his liking. He wanted to go back to nature, to the earth, but since nothing can be changed, Gerasim resigned himself and did the work carefully and responsibly. Because of his formidable appearance, everyone was afraid of him, but at the same time respected him.

Gerasim is very homesick, misses the village, doing field work. The only consolation was the feelings that appeared for Tatyana, but the lady marries the laundress to another, which causes pain to Gerasim, making him unhappy. But soon a sip of happiness appears in his life in the form of a small dog, to which the man gives the nickname "Mumu". He accidentally finds this puppy by the river, and could no longer pass by. He warmed his dog, fattened her up and became her friend. With the advent of the four-legged, Gerasim's life became brighter, more joyful. The dog also fell in love with the man and was always there. But happiness did not last long, since the lady, seeing the dog, wanted to play with it, and when she heard a roar in her address, she ordered to kill it. No matter how Gerasim tried to save his faithful friend, anyway, later he had to kill the animal with his own hands, the field of which he could no longer stay in the city and arbitrarily, spitting on everyone, returned back to the village.

The evil lady managed to take away what was dear to his heart, this is Tatyana and the dog, but she never managed to break him, his strength of mind, his self-esteem.