Sleep is the starting point. Where to start the analysis of Oblomov? Sleep - the starting point Conclusion generalization to the chapter of Oblomov's dream

The protagonist of Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" Ilya Ilyich, from the first pages of the work is described by a man who prefers to give orders to servants only in the prone position. The reason for this is not a disease, but simple laziness. Why does a young thirty-two-year-old man have the mindset of an old man? What influenced this perception of life? A summary of the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream” will help the reader understand the reasons that turned a smart and inquisitive child into a weak-willed, spoiled bumpkin.

In a dream, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov finds himself in his native village of Oblomovka. The area is very beautiful, quiet. There is no sea nearby. There are no mountains resembling an animal grin. People there are absolutely happy, they do not compare themselves with others. They just enjoy a measured life.

In such a village, seven-year-old Ilyusha Oblomov woke up in his own bed. Near him was already a nanny. The woman immediately began to dress the pupil. Mom appeared in the room. She took her son by the hand and led him to his father. The estate was full of relatives, everyone wanted to treat the boy, kiss him. “The entire retinue of the Oblomov house picked up Ilya and began to shower him with caresses, he did not have time to wipe off the traces of endless kisses.” The child was frisky, he always made attempts to run away from the nanny and climb onto the dovecote or hide in the barn.

A loving mother constantly tried to protect her son from all sorts of children's pranks. She forbade him to go out into the sun, and sometimes she said that it was bad even in the cold. The Oblomovs did not have a special zeal for work. The main occupation of the father was to monitor all the household members. He knew who was going where, what he was carrying, what he was doing. His wife often spent time talking.

Dinner was considered very important on the estate. "Food was the main concern of life in Oblomovka." Relatives gathered and discussed together what to cook for them today. After dinner, everyone was supposed to take a nap. That's when Ilyushka ran into the ravine, watched the beetles, chased the birds. After the rest, everyone was taken to new things. Someone went to the river and threw pebbles into the water, others sat by the window or in the gazebo and listened to the birds singing.

Ilya's parents were of the opinion that labor was sent to a person as a punishment. Such views on life left their mark on the formation of the personality of their son. When he turned thirteen, it was decided to send him to Verkhalevo, to study at the boarding school of the German Ivan Stolz. Mother and father understood that learning to read and write is a necessary thing, but they wanted it to happen easily and quickly.

Mom represented her son in uniform as governor. Despite thoughts about the bright future of her child, she was calmer when he was at home. She and her husband constantly found reasons, if only little Oblomov would stay at home. For them, there were many excuses to shirk from the boarding house: the approach of frost or heat, Good Friday or parental Saturday.

Ilya absolutely did not regret that he would not go to Stolz. At home, he wanted to play snowballs, run with the boys, climb trees, and not turn into a houseplant. "Nursed like a flower in a greenhouse, it grew the same way - slowly and sluggishly." If the boy made attempts to do something on his own, then any of his relatives hurried to the rescue, thereby preventing him from expressing himself. "Seekers of manifestations of power turned inward and withered." Such behavior of adults suppressed the development of Ilya's aspirations. Gradually, he got used to the fact that his relatives would do everything he wanted for him. A spoiled child has turned into a lazy and pampered man.

MOU "Secondary school No. 28"

Open Day

Literature lesson


“We all come from childhood” (Analysis of the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream” based on the novel “Oblomov” by I.A. Goncharov)

Date: 15.11.2014

Grade: 10 B

Spent teacher

Russian language and literature:

Beskaeva E.A.

Saransk - 2014

Lesson type: art lesson.

Type of lesson: a lesson in in-depth work on the text of the work.

Lesson form: lesson - conversation (with elements of artistic reading, discussion).

The purpose of the lesson: analyze "Oblomov's Dream", identifying aspects of the life of the Oblomovites that influenced the formation of the character of the protagonist; through visual means to trace the formation of the character of the hero; understand the role of symbols; to master the ability to understand the character of a person in its connection with social and national characteristics.


1. Cognitive:

Recall with students the function of sleep in a work of art; give examples of previously studied works in which a dream was present.

To acquaint students with the compositional feature of using "Oblomov's Dream".

To identify the positive and negative features of the life of the Oblomovites, which influenced the character of Ilya Ilyich.

Reveal the role of images-symbols in the chapter.

To enrich the vocabulary of students and improve the skills of speech culture.

2. Developing:

To develop the ability of analytical work with the text of a work of art.

3. Educational:

Cultivate a sympathetic understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the individual.

Raising a love for literature lessons.

Raising interest in Russian traditions, features of the Russian national character.


The text of the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov", computer presentation, diagram, handout, text of the beginning of the novel with sentence numbering



Today we will visit the "wonderful land, in a blessed corner", where Oblomov's dream will take us.

What will we discuss in class today?

( let's trace the formation of Oblomov, where the roots of laziness and apathy came from, let's think about the Russian character, about Russia and its fate.)

So, the topic of the lesson: "We all come from childhood" (Analysis of the chapter "Oblomov's Dream"). For the topic of the lesson, I chose the statement of the 19th century French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

Guys, what do you think: the statement reveals the main idea of ​​chapter 9? Justify your point of view.

And the epigraph to the lesson will be the words of Oblomov himself “Who am I? Why am I like this? We will try to answer these questions by referring to Oblomov's childhood.


To reveal the character of his hero, the author chooses the motif of a dream. Let's hear what role the dream motif plays in a work of art.


Dreams have long been used in fiction to create a mysterious atmosphere, to motivate the actions of characters, to convey their emotional state (psychologism). Since the time of ancient Russian literature, dreams have warned of dangers, served as signs, helped, instructed, gave rest, and at the same time tempted, tested, put before a choice. Dreams perform retrospective and prognostic functions, participate in the creation of the chronotope of the work. They absorb all three tenses: they show pictures of the past, present and future, thereby pushing the spatio-temporal boundaries of the text. Dreams can serve as a memory function. Thus, dreams in works of fiction are polyfunctional.

Teacher :

Let's remember in which works we studied earlier there was a dream?

(A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" - Tatyana's dream; in: A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" - Petrusha Grinev's dream; in: "Ballads" by V. Zhukovsky.

And what, in your opinion, is the function of sleep in these works, why do the authors use them?

1. Sleep - as a revelation of the spiritual state of the hero, a means of psychological analysis.

2. Sleep - like an idyll, a dream.

3. Sleep - as a prediction of the future.

Which of the following functions does sleep perform in the work of I.A. Goncharova?

1. Sleep - revealing the spiritual state of the hero, while it acquires a special symbolic meaning: sleep is a symbol of the whole life position of the hero, his spiritual sleep.

2. Dream - shows the hero's dream, but its paradox is that it is directed not to the future, but to the past.

Who tells us the dream?

(The dream is narrated by the narrator. It is as if he is outside the depicted world of Oblomovka. Behind what has been said, certain assessments and attitudes towards what the hero sees are guessed.)

The hero dreams of Oblomovka, in his dream it is created emphaticallyidyllic image.

Vocabulary work:

What is an idyll?

(The image of a peaceful rural life against the backdrop of beautiful nature. 3. peaceful, happy existence. (S.I. Ozhegov. Dictionary of the Russian language).)

The genre of the chapter is close to a folk fairy tale, in which the world rests unshakably on good, and, of course,idyll. The genre of this chapter can also be attributed to the genre of idyll.

What do you think are the features of an idyllic world?

( The main features of the idyllic world:

-perfect scenery

- unity of man and nature

- closed space

- uncertainty of time

-mythical character


- conflict-free.

Teacher: What is the composition of the chapter?

The entire text can be divided into three main parts:

1) the first two paragraphs (a wonderful corner);

2) from the 5th to the 17th sentences - a picture of wild nature;

3) the last paragraph (a peaceful corner). The greater middle part can also be subdivided into more small, connected with the main images of the text: a person, mo rhemes, mountains and abysses.

The composition of the text is based on opposition and dacies. Wonderland is contrasted with wild nature; her opposed to man. Image of the wildest nature based on gradation - strengthening the impression of something without gradation worthless, terrible, hostile to man. Human condition in the face of wild nature is also conveyed with the help of gradation: first it is said that a person becomes sad when view of the sea, and gradually comes to the conclusion that he is completely disappears against the backdrop of a majestic picture, even the sky recede moose from people. This reinforces the impression of loneliness, nothing the identity and helplessness of man in the face of wild nature.

The beginning and end of the passage, as it were, close the circle, framing central part. This frame carries the main idea: emphasize the blessings of the world in which the oblos live movtsy.

chapter 9 plan.

1. Landscape of Oblomovka.

2. Description of the seasons.

3. Natural phenomena.

4. Description of the village.

5. Ideas about the world.

6. What disrupts the usual course of life (death is a rarity, the blacksmith Taras is mad, a strange man in a ditch).

7. Morning of little Ilyusha.

8. Ravine.

9. The child runs away from the nanny. Observations (dark - light, shadows).

10. Home life.

11. Afternoon sleep is like death.

12. Dreams about the future of Ilyusha.

13. Tales.

14. Signs.

15. The teachings of Ilyusha.

16. Rites. Norm of life. (Christening, name day, wedding)

17. "Labor" (gallery, fence).

18. Receiving guests.

19. Evening conversations. (Memories, interpretation of dreams, signs).

20. Story with a letter.

21. Teaching, dreams of a certificate.

22. Snowball fight.

Teacher: So, we find ourselves in a “blessed corner” ... (student reading the beginning of the chapter)

"Where are we? To what blessed corner of the earth did Oblomov's dream take us? What a wonderful land! No, really, there is a sea, there are no high mountains, rocks and abysses, no dense forests - there is nothing grandiose, wild and gloomy ...

The sky there, it seems, presses closer to the earth, but not in order to throw it stronger than an arrow, but only to hug it tighter, with love: it spreads so low overhead, like a parent's reliable roof, in order to protect, it seems, the chosen corner from all sorts of adversities.

The sun shines brightly and hotly there for about half a year and then does not move away from there suddenly, as if unwillingly, as if turning back to look once or twice at a favorite place and give it in the fall, in the midst of bad weather, a clear, warm day.

The mountains there seem to be only models of those terrible mountains erected somewhere, which terrify the imagination. This is a series of gentle hills from which it is customary to ride, frolicking, on the back or sitting on them, contemplating the setting sun.

The river runs merrily, frolicking and playing; it either spills into a wide pond, or strives for a quick , or subsides, as if in thought, and crawls a little over the pebbles, releasing frisky streams from itself on the sides, under the murmur of which it sweetly slumbers.

The whole corner of fifteen or twenty versts around presented a series of picturesque sketches, cheerful, smiling landscapes. The sandy and gently sloping banks of a bright river, a small bush creeping up from the hill to the water, a twisted ravine with a stream at the bottom, and a birch grove - everything seemed to be deliberately tidied up one to one and masterfully drawn.

Exhausted by worries or not at all familiar with them, the heart asks to hide in this corner forgotten by everyone and live in happiness unknown to anyone. Everything promises there a calm, long-term life to the yellowness of the hair and an imperceptible, sleep-like death.

Teacher: What means of expression does Goncharov use when describing the “wonderful land”?(blessed corner; wonderful land; favorite place; picturesque sketches; cheerful, smiling landscapes, everything is quiet and sleepy, etc.


Why Goncharov to oppose a peaceful corner (Oblomovka)chooses the sea, mountains, abysses?

The sea, mountains and abysses are the favorite images of romance. classical literature associated in romanticism with such concepts mi, as eternal restlessness, struggle, a constant desire for freedom, to overcome everyday life. Contrasting these images of a peaceful corner, Goncharov enhances the impression of 06 as if from a closed, quiet, blessed world, where peace reigns, and at the same time, as it were, emphasizes its own literary position: the rejection of romanticism as a method depicted eating something unusual, exceptional, far from the usual venous life.

Teacher: And here we are in Oblomovka ... Who inhabits the "wonderful land" in this description? (peasants )

What details of peasant life appeared in the text?(Spring, preparing a peasant for work, waiting and greeting rain. Cows, chickens, sheep walk through the fields and the village)

As the isolation of Oblomovka from the rest of the world is shown, the perception of the rest of the space by the Oblomovites as alien and fantastic

Why were the Oblomovites wary of the man in the ditch?

(An outsider has invaded their closed world, they are afraid.

a stranger came, a letter,);

Determine the role of symbolic images in describing the way of life of the Oblomovites

What is the magical power? (dream)

What is the law in this world (idleness);

The main concern of the Oblomovites? Find in the text.

(kitchen and food), food care, supplies)


What was the main occupation of the Oblomovites?

Find a description of the pie, the "ritual" of making and eating it.

With the help of what artistic means does the writer poetize such a physiological state of a person.

Prove that the image of the pie has a symbolic meaning.

(Individual task "For bot about food was and the first and most important concern in Oblomovka. What calves fattened there for the annual holidays! What a bird was brought up! How many subtle considerations, how many occupations and worries in courting her! Turkeys and chickens assigned to name days and other solemn days were fattened with nuts; geese were deprived of exercise, forced to hang motionless in a bag a few days before the holiday, so that they swam with fat. What stocks were there of jams, pickles, biscuits! What honeys, what kvass were brewed, what pies were baked in Oblomovka!”

On Sundays and holidays, these industrious ants did not let up either: then the knock of knives in the kitchen was heard more often and stronger; the woman made several trips from the barn to the kitchen with double the amount of flour and eggs; there was more groaning and bloodshed in the poultry yard. They baked a gigantic cake, which the gentlemen themselves ate the next day; on the third and fourth days, the remains entered the girl's room; the pie survived until Friday, so that one completely stale end, without any filling, went, as a special favor, to Antipas, who, crossing himself, undauntedly destroyed this curious fossil with a crash, enjoying more the consciousness that this was a master's pie than the pie itself, like an archaeologist, with pleasure drinking lousy wine from a shard of some thousand-year-old dishes.


A real cult of pie reigns in Oblomovka. Making a huge muffin and filling it with it resembles a kind of sacred ceremony, performed strictly according to the calendar, from week to week, from year to year.

Let's remember thatpie in the popular worldview - one of the most obvioussymbols happy, abundant, blessed life. A pie is a “mountain feast”, a cornucopia, the pinnacle of universal fun and contentment. Feasting, festive people gather around the pie. Warmth and fragrance emanate from the cake; pie - central andmost archaic symbol of popular utopia. Oblomovka is a forgotten, miraculously surviving "blissful corner" - a fragment of Eden. To the inhabitants herebroke off eat up an archaeological fragment-a piece of a once huge pie.The very word "pie" is consonant with the word "feast". It's a holidaynew feast dish. And indeed, "feast" is a centa real event of every day for the Oblomovites; they spendtheir life is not in labor, they consider labor a punishment, but in feasts, for their life is harmowhere both the physical and spiritual principles are inextricably merged.

vocabulary work :

Eden -paradise, place of abundance


Note the features of the image of space and time in the episode "Oblomov's Dream"

Find a description of the flow of time in Oblomovka.

« Everything promises a calm, long-term life to the yellowness of the hair and an imperceptible, sleep-like death.

Correctly and imperturbably, the yearly cycle takes place there.

According to the calendar, spring will come in March. Winter will endure the character until the indicated time of warmth. In November, snow and frost begin. Summer is especially intoxicating in that region. Then the time will come for rituals, feasts, and finally a wedding; the whole pathos of life was concentrated on this.

Then repetitions began: the birth of children, ceremonies, feasts, until the funeral changed the scenery; but not for long: some faces yield to others, children become youths and at the same time suitors, marry, produce their own kind - and so life according to this program stretches out in an uninterrupted monotonous fabric, imperceptibly breaking off at the very grave.


Cmrub inOblomovka is perceived as a natural transitionfrom one kind of sleep to another - eternal sleep.

We depicted the sleepy realm of Oblomovka in the form of a vicious circle; Oblomov's life in St. Petersburg on Gorokhovaya appeared to us as a vicious circle. There is a certain pattern in this.

What words are repeated most often? Why?

The most common words are "silence, sleep, peace." A picture of a leisurely, unhurried, lazy life is created. Time seems to slow down. The author conveys the joy of a measured life, the enjoyment of it. In an atmosphere of bliss, little Ilyusha grows.


What can be the conclusion?

(Conclusion: no one seeks to leave this world, because it is alien, hostile. They are quite satisfied with their life-existence. Love, birth, marriage, death, this life circle is unchanged, like the seasons. The calendar, ritual cycle is centuries-old folk traditions).


There are a lot of symbolic images in this chapter. Decipher the symbolic meaning of the ravine.

(When Ilyusha ran away from the nanny, he wanted to “get into the birch forest and the dovecote” and watch the insects. Here, the curiosity inherent in any child is manifested.

“He wants to run into the ravine; the child ran to the edge, closed his eyes, wanted to look, as if into the crater of a volcano ... but suddenly all the rumors and legends about this ravine arose before him: he was seized by horror, and he is neither alive nor dead, trembling with fear, rushes to the nanny.


The ravine is unfamiliar, dangerous. The story about the monster in the ravine (“there, they say, there are goblin, and robbers, and terrible animals”) is conveyed by the author comically. The comparison “like in a volcano crater” frightens Ilyusha, for him this is an unknown world, and he recalls all the superstitions he heard from adults.


Part of the chapter is like a fairy tale.

Why does a fairy tale play such an important role in Oblomovka?

(Fairy tales: they promise mountains of gold, they talk about an unknown country where rivers of honey and milk flow, where no one does anything. A good sorceress chooses her favorite - quiet and harmless (lazy), whom everyone offends, and showers him with good.).

What are Oblomov's favorite fairy tale characters?

What meaning is revealed when the image of Oblomov is brought closer to the folklore images of Emelya and Ilya Muromets?


What are the customs, rituals of the Oblomovites. Find in the text.

Our poor ancestors lived by touch, naively marveling at everything. Death happened to them from a dead man taken out of the house before with his head, and not with his feet from the gate; fire - from the fact that the dog howled three nights under the window. They believed both werewolves and the dead. They will tell them that a haystack was walking around under the window - they will not hesitate and believe. Strong faith in the miraculous in Oblomovka.


Conclusion: All life consists of ritual holidays. This testifies to the mythological consciousness of people. What is natural for others is mysterious, sacred here. A special attitude to the time of day is also mythological: the evening time is dangerous, the afternoon has powerful power. The sky presses against the earth - a reproduction of the myth of the marriage of earth and sky.)


What is the central image in the chapter "Oblomov's Dream" that unites all its fragments?

(The image of a mother (as a mother-woman and mother-nature) unites all the elements of the chapter and creates the image of a native space, where everything is warmed by maternal love, care, where everything lives according to the laws of following the traditions of the fathers. “The norm of life was ready and taught to Oblomov by his parents, and they accepted it, also ready, from grandfather, and grandfather from great-grandfather. And so the river of life flowed, in laziness, apathy.

What are the parents of Ilya Ilyich doing? (reading student)

How do parents treat Ilyusha? What about those around you? Read out.


Another important moment in the life of Oblomovites. What is the attitude of the Oblomovites towards education and books?

Oblomovites are ignorant, superstitious people.

No one bothered with mental labor. The book was seen as a thing intended for entertainment. « Oblomovs understood the benefits of enlightenment, but only external . They still had a vague and distant idea of ​​the inner need for teaching. They dreamed of getting around the stones and obstacles secretly scattered along the path of enlightenment, without bothering to jump over them, that is, learning lightly, not to the point of exhausting the soul and body.

Goncharov resorts to paraphrase so that the reader comprehends what he heard and understands the author's attitude to what was said.


Do adult Oblomovites understand the need for enlightenment?

(The old people - yes, but only the external side. They had a very vague idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe internal need for education. They only need some brilliant advantages for Ilyusha).


Who and how opposes the influence of Oblomovka on the teenager Ilya?

(Stoltz, who received a practical labor education).

Was the new influence successful?

(No. “Today you won’t go - Thursday is a holiday, is it worth it to go back and forth.” “Today is not up to learning, parental week.” “Something your eyes are not fresh today. Sit at home this week”).

Is there a fairy tale in this passage?

( No. Change the style of the story.This part is more suitable for Stolz's view, which, according to the author, should resist Oblomov's dream, debunk Ilya's fabulous consciousness, make it modern).

(Why does the scene end with a fun snowball fight?

(Oblomov subconsciously craves activity).


What is the meaning of the hero's last name?

Let's pay attention to the semantic load of the hero's name: Ilya Ilyich is a sign of the repetition of his father, his life. The surname also helps to reveal the character. It has a common root with the old Russian word "oblo" - circle, wheel (hence, "cloud", "region"). It is the circle that is associated with Ilya Ilyich. His life goes on in a closed cycle, that is, in a circle, without noticeable forward movement.

Such a meaning is quite consistent with the soft-round man Oblomov and his round, peacefully blissful patrimony. Although in the literature about Goncharov there are other opinions about the origin of the surname of the protagonist of the novel "Oblomov" - from another archaic word "Oblomon", which means sleep. But even more clearly in the name of Ilya Ilyich comes through the meaning of the FRAGRANCE. According to researchers of Goncharov's work, Oblomov's existence is a fragment of a once full and inclusive life, it is a fragment of Eden as symbol happy, abundant, blessed life. This is also a fragment of the old, patriarchal way of Russian life, poeticized by Goncharov. The name of the protagonist of the novel also contains the meaning of a fragment of serfdom, because the novel was created in the post-reform era and was its bright, brilliant embodiment.


Thus, Oblomovka in the mind of the hero acquires the features of an absolute ideal, Oblomovka is a utopian dream.

So, the moral ideal of Oblomov is an integral harmonious personality, the social ideal is a patriarchal unchanging Russia. This explains the poetization of the patriarchal way of life.


Let's return to the topic of the lesson "We all come from childhood." The relevance of the novel. « A significant part of Oblomov sits in each of us. Is it true?


Individual task

The view of the modern reader on the novel as a whole and, in particular, on the episode

It only seems that only in a blessed corner ke of the land where Oblomov's dream took us, "happy people lived, thinking that it should not and cannot be otherwise, sure that all others live in exactly the same way and that to live otherwise it is a sin." In reality, such happiness is a dream of the kingdom ("Just like a lump of dough, curled up and lying") - the secret dream of more than one Oblomov and not the prerogative of only gone into distant history XIX century.

If you look around, then without much difficulty you can see next to you not one, not a hundred, not a thousand people whose fairy tale is mixed with life, and they unconsciously sad: "why is a fairy tale not life, but life not a fairy tale "; who through the centuries and generations in the minds of a sword the kind to take a walk, "where there are no worries and sorrows"; who has left the location to lie on the stove, walk around in a ready-made, unearned dress and eat at the expense of a good sorceress; who, not in a dream, but in reality, has an idle imagination drawing there is an unknown side, "where there are no nights, no cold, where miracles happen all the time, where rivers of honey and milk flow, where no one does anything all year round, and day-to-day they only know that they are walking ... "

"To this day, Russian people among the surrounding country goy, devoid of fiction loves to believe in reality seductive tales of antiquity, and for a long time, maybe perhaps he has not yet renounced this faith" - this Goncharov writes in Oblomov, presumably, about his time, and we only repeat after him, noting tea is the same already in its own, XXI century.

No, no matter what anyone says, but the life position, according to which the ideal of life is at rest and inaction, not formed yesterday rushed, not tomorrow will die. And the best confirmation of this thoughts in Goncharov's novel is the episode with the collapse of part of the gallery. Born a writer two centuries ago ass, he is still almost every day almost unchanged present in television news broadcasts dachas. And we're like genuine bummers tsy, we look and gasp, we wonder, we are horrified and reproach each other, and sometimes we even get angry. Well, exactly like in Oblomov's dream, only we have it all in reality.

Let's compare: the Oblomovites from Goncharov's novel "Another life and did not want, and did not love. They would be sorry if circumstances brought changes in their way of life, whatever they were. They would be bitten by longing if tomorrow were not like today, and the day after tomorrow like tomorrow.

And now look around you and see how it is already modern the exchanged Oblomovites are sincerely perplexed: "Why do they need diversity, change, accidents that you ask are there others? Let others disentangle this cup, and they, the Oblomovites, have nothing to do with it. Let others live as they want. "Roman Goncharova makes you think about the active life position of a person, his citizenship.

This is the talent of the true reader: capabilities Today hear in a classic work written at a completely different time about other people yah, thoughts not only about the past, but directly related to you and your life.

Otherwise, what would be the point of the current debate about the nature and essence of the reforms of Ivan the Terrible, Peter I , Stolypin, Gorbachev, and others. These reformers were driven by the idea of ​​violating the eternal holiday of Oblomovka, in which “the work is carried off the shoulders like a yoke”, to change the belief that the main advantage of the Russian national character is gentleness, delicacy, indulgence, allowing you to violate the custom, disobey the charter.

To current readers, and above all to her young parts themselves will have to answer many questions: “To How do you have to live to get at least a drop of Che fishing joy?

Lying on the couch all your life doing nothing? Or proceed from the fact that a person was created for business, and not for lying on the native Russian stove?

Praise your own benefit above all else? Or proceed from the fact that there are other values ​​in the world?

To be in a happy state of "I don't know anything" and "...our name is legion"? Or be receptive to everything what do the world and people around you offer?”

These questions are read in the novel Yves on Goncharov's "Oblomov", written in 1858 - the floor torus centuries ago.

And each of us must draw the right conclusion after reading the novel.


Let's summarize the chapter "Oblomov's Dream" and return to the epigraph of the lesson. Let's make a conclusion. What is an Oblomovka?

Oblomovka is a micromodel of Russian life in general. This is a world in which people with a pure childlike soul are brought up, like Ilya Ilyich. BUT the other side of this phenomenon is that a person remains a child until the end of his days ( infantilism*) . Eden becomes the beginning of the death of man.

Vocabulary work:

infantilism - childishness, underdevelopment, childishness, childishness


What character traits did Ilya Ilyich develop under the influence of Oblomovka's way of life? (answers)

Positive features






"columbine simplicity

The ability to feel beauty


The ability to self-blame

Unwillingness to be humiliated by fuss (career, money, fame)

Striving for harmony in the soul

Negative Traits


Inability to overcome difficulties

lack of will



Lord's arrogance

Hope for "maybe"



empty daydreaming


What is the key to the character of the hero, proposed by the author? Human traits are formed in childhood. Oblomov's pure, tender soul, his "pigeon" meekness originates in Oblomovka. But laziness and helplessness are also from there. That is why this key chapter of the novel is so important to us. Through the image of Oblomov, the Russian character is shown. Russia is shown through Oblomovka. And it is bitter to admit that this is the fate of Russia.

What is Russian laziness? Each of you will answer this question in your own way.

Is the image of Oblomov, his native village, satirical or nostalgic? Both. I.A. Goncharov in his essay "At Home" admitted: "I wrote my life."

Today we made a virtual journey with Oblomov to his childhood, examined the hero in order to understand "why he is like that." There is a lot of attractiveness in him: he is charming, kind, soft, poetic, able to think. But he turned out to be unprepared for life: he was not taught to work, to act independently, his vivid imagination and curiosity were not encouraged. And as a result, a decent, intelligent person turned into a parody of a person, and his name became a household name.

And today's conversation is valuable for you and as for future parents. Oblomov is an example of how not to educate. Goncharov wrote:“And the child watched everything and watched everything with his child, nothingmindless". Remember: "There would be no need for another model when the example of a father is in the eyes." Everything starts from childhood.


1. Answer in writing the question: “What is the meaning of the main character’s last name?” , proving one of your chosen points of view:

a) Oblo - rounded (when you lie down, you swim around)

b) Oblomov - a man broken off by life

c) from a "fragment" - a piece of the deceased patriarchal way of life).

2. Select material on the topic "Olga Ilyinskaya and Oblomov"

- Goncharov's work, where the author displays the problems that concern him, explaining their reasons, and trying to express his convictions and hopes. He wrote his novel for about ten years, and he introduces us to the life of the protagonist Ilya Oblomov, who became a prominent representative of the nobility of the 19th century. At that time there were many such Oblomovs. Getting acquainted with the work, we see a lazy person, full of apathy towards life, a person who would lie on the couch, but nothing more is needed. Why is the hero like this? Oblomov himself asked this question in the work of Goncharov, and here one must turn to the origins, that is, to childhood, in order to understand the character of a person. Here the head of Son Oblomov comes to the rescue. And to get acquainted with the plot of this chapter, we suggest that you get acquainted with its summary.

Oblomov's dream summary

Studying the work, in chapter 9, called Oblomov's Dream, we are transported to Oblomovka, at a time when our hero was small. In his dream, we get acquainted with the description of Oblomovka. For Ilya, this is like heaven on earth, where life flows in a measured way, where everything proceeds monotonously and monotonously, where few people care about problems and questions about the meaning of life.

Further in the episode Oblomov's Dream, the hero sees himself as a seven-year-old boy, cheerful, inquisitive, energetic. He is ready to explore everything, to experiment. He would run, frolic and explore the world, but not in Oblomovka, where every step of the child was watched, they made sure that Ilya did not overstrain, where at any moment everything would be done for him, because there are serfs for this. The author also introduces us to Oblomov's parents, lazy, but at the same time kind people. Because of his laziness, the farm is abandoned, they are easy to rob, because Oblomov's father does not even know what his income is. Oblomov's mother only takes care of compiling the menu, because in Oblomovka it is very important to eat well and then sleep. That's just during a lunchtime dream, Ilya acquired complete freedom, when he could do everything that was forbidden to him.

In the next episode, Ilya sees himself as a fourteen-year-old guy. He studies at the Stolz boarding house, where Andrey Stolz does his homework for him. At the same time, Ilya's parents are looking for various reasons so that their child does not go to classes, and in general they believe that study is not needed, and knowledge will not be useful in life. We see that Ilya wants to develop, wants to explore the world, but his parents stop these impulses and, as a result, the frisky boy turns into a lazy nobleman.

Dream Oblomov analysis

Making the chapters of Oblomov's Dream, we can say that the role of Oblomov's dream, like the very meaning of sleep, is large. This chapter is a full-fledged work that complements Goncharov's novel and makes it possible to understand why Ilya lives such a lazy life, where he cannot even dress himself. In it, we understand that Oblomov's laziness is an acquired quality and there is proof of this - the head of Son Oblomov. We understand that if Ilya grew up in a different atmosphere, his parents initially did not interfere with his development, to explore the world, then the life of the hero would have turned out differently. She could be bright, saturated. And so, why should he do something when it is enough just to blink and several servants will fulfill any order, any desire. At the same time, he now solves all his life questions with a simple answer: not now. This is our Oblomov, who became so under the influence of the environment in which he grew and developed. This is not an anomaly, but a habit from childhood to get what you want at the expense of others, and it was this habit that developed the hero’s apathy and immobility, plunged him into a lazy state and a miserable existence.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is a hero who suffers from apathy towards life in general. The chapter of the novel, in which Goncharov describes Oblomov's dream, vividly characterizes this.

Writers usually use the genre of sleep to reveal the character of the hero. Goncharov used it to make the reader understand that “Oblomovism” is an acquired character trait; in childhood, the hero was energetic, full of hopes and desires. He clearly imagined his happy family, caring wife and happy kids.

In his dream, Oblomov appears before us as a seven-year-old boy, carefree and cheerfully running around on the lawn and dreaming of his bright future. Only the excessive care of the mother limits his freedom. The nanny constantly makes sure that the child is fed, is in the shade or is warmly dressed, etc. In the continuation of the dream, we see a thirteen-year-old teenager who does not really want to study, he likes his carefree existence, leaving his native nest does not please him. After all, instead of a nanny, he now always has a caring servant at hand, you just have to want something, the desire is immediately fulfilled, you should not make any unnecessary movements. While still a boy, he firmly understood why he should do something himself, when there are always nannies, aunts, and servants at hand. We can say that his initiative, to any action was ruined in early childhood. From a frisky, thinking child, a lazy, apathetic nobleman grows up.

From dreams, we understand that he inherited the features of his worthless, narrow-minded parents. The father did not delve into soybean business affairs, as a result of which he was easily robbed. Mother, apart from the menu, was not interested in anything, the farm was abandoned and was in severe decline and dilapidation.

Goncharov shows us life in the village of Oblomovka as if in a fairy tale. The huts are built in a special way, the sky is pressed low against the earth, as if carefully hugging it, the river runs effortlessly, even the sun does not leave immediately, but seems to return several times before leaving. Oblomovka appears before us as if an animated character. The main task of every Oblomov member is to eat well and sleep after eating. The sea is considered useless for a person, leading him to sadness. Mountains are solid abysses created for the death of man. The inhabitants of Oblomovka knew about Moscow and St. Petersburg, about the French and the Germans, and then everything was dark, dark and two-headed people. Everything that happens outside the village inspires pain and fear. Indicative is the picture in which the man brought the letter. They scold him terribly: “Why did you bring it. Then there's bad news." To which he strongly justifies himself: “Yes, I said, we are not ordered to take letters. What the soldier promised to complain to the authorities. I took it."

Oblomov's dream continues in reality. For every request of others for something, for every thought or desire, Ilya Ilyich has one excuse: "Not now." The attitude of the author to the protagonist of the novel is strictly contradictory. Then he shows him as sweet and good-natured in an ironic way, which causes a kind smile on the face of the reader. But sometimes his nature is shown as strictly contradictory, complex, tragic.

Option 2

The image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov will remain in the reader's memory as an example of complete apathy and laziness.

The writer Goncharov very often depicts Oblomov in an ironic manner, but there are moments in the novel when Ilya Ilyich appears to the reader as a tragic and controversial figure. The character and habits of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov were formed under the influence of the environment. There is an episode in the work that perfectly proves this statement - this is the chapter "Oblomov's Dream".

Many writers very often appeal to the dream genre, as it reveals the character's inner world well. However, Goncharov uses this genre to show the origins of the character's character. The chapter "Oblomov's Dream" describes Oblomov's childhood in detail. The writer Goncharov shows that Oblomov's qualities such as apathy and indifference to the world, laziness, are acquired, not innate.

The chapter we are considering, "Oblomov's Dream," is an inserted episode, an extra-plot element. This chapter, although it has independence and completeness, does not affect the further development of the storyline. The chapter aims only to display in detail the character of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

In a dream, Ilya Oblomov initially sees himself as a seven-year-old boy. He frolics and plays, he is overcome by curiosity, he is drawn to everything that surrounds him, there is still no apathy that will overtake him later. Despite all this, the constant control of his mother with the nanny prevents him from fulfilling his desires. Only at a time when everyone fell asleep during the day, Ilya Oblomov gained freedom. His independent life began.

In the dream, Oblomov also appears as a boy of twelve or thirteen. He is no longer able to resist, the thought that he needs to live the way his parents live has firmly settled in his head. Ilya Oblomov does not want to study, because for this he has to leave his home. He cannot understand the value of studying. His mother was only worried about her child being always cheerful, fat and healthy. And other things were unimportant and absolutely did not affect the mother of Ilya Oblomov.

The writer Goncharov managed to write the chapter in such a way that the reader could fully experience the old, rural life. In any line of the chapter there is the sound of a folk dialect, a mournful song, everything in the chapter is like a fairy tale. In the native village of Ilya Oblomov, everything appears somehow alive and spiritualized.

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