The composition of matter causes the diversity of substances. One of the reasons for the diversity of organic substances. What does the molecular formula of CH4 show?

The lesson will consider types of crystal lattices, types of aggregate states of matter and solids with a crystal structure. The concept of polymorphism and allotropy is introduced.

I. Repetition

Repeat from the 8th grade course:

II. Variety of substances in the environment

Currently, more than 100 chemical elements are known. They form more than 400 simple substances and several million of a wide variety of complex chemical compounds. What are the reasons for this diversity?

1. Isotopy of elements and their compounds

isotopes - a variety of atoms of the same chemical element, differing from each other only in their mass.

For example, a hydrogen atom has three isotopes: 1 1 H - protium, 1 2 H (D) - deuterium and 1 3 H (T) - tritium. They form a complex substance with oxygen - water of various compositions: ordinary natural water - H 2 O, heavy water - D 2 O (found in natural water in the ratio H: D \u003d 6900: 1).

isobars , atoms of different chemical elements with the same mass number A.

Isobar nuclei (in chemistry) contain an equal number of nucleons, but different numbers of protons Z and neutrons N.

For example, atoms 4 10 Be, 5 10 B, 6 10 C represent three isobars (in chemistry) with A = 10.

2. Allotropy

Allotropy - the phenomenon of the existence of a chemical element in the form of several simple substances (allotropic modifications or allotropic modifications).

For example, the oxygen atom occurs as oxygen and ozone.

Audio definition: "Allotropy"

Allotropy is an explanation of a different co-stuff of a substance or a difference in their cry-became-li-che-re-shet-ke. Kis-lo-rod and ozone - al-lo-trope mo-di-fi-ka-tion hi-mi-che-sko-go element-ta kis-lo-ro-da. Coal-le-rod ob-ra-zu-et gra-fit, diamond, full-le-ren, car-bin. The races of the atoms in their cris-became-whether-che-lattice-kah are different, and in this way they manifest their different -stva. Phos-fo-ra has all-lo-trope substances - red, white and black phosphorus. Al-lo-tro-piya ha-rak-ter-na and for metals. For example, iron-le-zo can exist in the form of α, β, δ, γ.

Te-ku-honor of amorphous substances

One of the properties, according to some-eye, amorphous bodies from liquid ones, is their fluidity. If you put a ku-so-chek of resin on a heated surface, then it will gradually grow along this surface.

Viscosity- this is the ability to resist the re-re-me-sche-ing of some parts of the body from-no-si-tel-but others for liquids and gases : the higher it is, the more difficult it is to change the shape of the body. Window panes are typical amorphous substances. Theo-re-ti-che-ski they should flow down in step-pen-but. But the viscosity of the glass is you-so-kai, and its de-for-ma-qi-it can be neglected. The viscosity of the glass is approximately 1000 times higher than the viscosity of the resin. For the year, the de-for-ma-tion of the glass is 0.001%. For 1000 years, the deformity of glass is 1%.

Dependence of the state of aggregation on the long-range and short-range order of location

Due to-vi-si-mo-sti from pressure and temp-pe-ra-tu-ry, all things can exist in different personal ag-re -gat co-hundred-i-ni-yah: solid-house, liquid-com, gas-about-different or in the form of a plasma. At low topics-pe-ra-tu-rah and you-with-whom-dav-le-nii all things exist in the solid house ag-re-gat-nom co- hundred-i-nii. Solid and liquid composition of substances on-zy-va-yut con-den-si-ro-van-nym.

In solids, the parts are dis-la-ga-yut-xia-compact-but, in a certain de-len-nom in a row. In za-vi-si-mo-sti from the step-pe-no emphasis-to-chen-no-sti particles in solids define 2 phase co- sto-i-niya: cri-steal-li-che-skoe and amorphous. If the parts are sorted out in such a way that there is some kind of paradise between the neighboring parts do-chen-ness in race-by-lo-same, namely: in a hundred-yan-noe race-sto-i-tion and the angles between them, such a yav-le-nie on-zy-va-yut on-whether near-not-go in a row in a race-by-lo-same-nii. Rice. A.

A b

Rice. 1. Are there near-near and far-near in a row in a race of particles

If, however, the parts of the race are, in the same way, in such a way that the emphasis on the near-zhay-shi-mi with-se-dya-mi, and on the go-times-up to the big races-hundred-i-ni-yah, it's on-zy-va-yut on-whether-chee far away in a row. Rice. b.

Examples of amorphous substances

Amorphous body(from the Greek A - not, morfe - form) - demon-form-men-substances. In them, there is only the nearest one in a row and there is no far-off in a row.

Examples of amorphous bodies are attached in fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Amorphous bodies

This is wax, glass-lo, pla-sti-lin, resin, sho-co-lad.

Properties of amorphous substances

  • They have only a nearby row of docks (as in liquids).
  • Solid ag-re-gat-noe state under normal conditions.
  • There is no clear topic-pe-ra-tu-ry floating. Swimming in in-ter-va-le tem-pe-ra-tour.

Crystalline substances

IN kri-became-li-che-skom the body is both near and far in a row. If you think-len-but connect-thread points denoting-cha-th-th lines, it’s better to read a spatial frame, someone’s name -va-et-sya kri-became-li-che-sky re-shet-coy. Points, in some times-me-sche-we are parts - ions, atoms or mo-le-ku-ly - na-zy-va-yut knots-la-mi cri-be-whether -che-sky re-shet-ki (Fig. 3). Parts are not rigidly fixed-si-ro-va-ny at the nodes, they can shake a little without running away from these points. Depending on what parts are on-ho-dyat-sya in the nodes of the cri-be-li-che-re-shet-ki, you-de-la-ut its types (Table 1).

Rice. 3. Kri-became-li-che-sky re-shet-ka

Dependence of properties on the type of crystal lattice

Physical properties of substances with different types of ti-pa-mi cri-became-li-che-re-she-current

Type of cri-be-li-che-sky re-shet-ki

Physical properties of substances

Type of chi-mi-che-sky connection in substances

Examples of substances


From-no-si-tel-but strong re-shet-ka, up to-hundred-precise-but you-so-kie values ​​Tpl. Pre-vol-but-solid nele-tu-chie. Ras-pla-you and ras-tvo-ry conduct electric current.


Salts, alkali-lo-chi, ox-si-dy alkali and alkali metal


From-no-si-tel-but strong re-shet-ka, up to-hundred-precise-but you-so-kie values ​​Tpl. Forged, plastic, electrical, and heat-lo-water.


Metals and alloys


Strong sieve. The highest values ​​​​of T pl., very hard, non-volatile, insoluble in water.


Simple substances of non-metals (graphite, diamond), SiO2, Al2O3


Substances ha-rak-te-ri-zu-ut-xia low-ki-mi Tpl., le-tu-chie, low strength.

Co-va-tape polar-naya and co-va-tape non-polar

Pain-shin-stvo or-ga-ni-che-substances (glucose, methane, benzene), sulfur, iodine, solid carbon-le-sour gas

Table 1. Physical properties of substances

There are several sub-types of cree-became-che-sky re-she-current, different-cha-yu-shchi-sya races-lo-no-no -eat atoms in space.

In substances with atomic, ionic, metal-li-che-cri-steel-li-che-re-shet-ka-mi there is no mo-le-cool - this nemo-le-ku-lar-nye substances.Mo-le-ku-lar-nye substances- with mo-le-ku-lyar-noy kri-became-li-che-re-shet-coy.


Polymorphism - this is a phenomenon, with some complex substances one-on-one-of-a-hundred-va have different cri-be-li-che-re -shet-ki.

For example, pyrite and mar-ka-zite. Their form-mu-la is FeS2. -stva-mi. Ana-logic-but, different-personal-mi-fi-zi-che-ski-mi-properties-mi-ob-la-da-yut-mi-ne-ra-ly co-sta-va CaCO3: ara-go-nit, marble, iceland spar, chalk.

“Here, as elsewhere, distinctions and rubrics do not belong to nature,
not essence, but human judgment which
they are for your own convenience."
A. M. Butlerov.

First time term "organic chemistry" appeared in 1808 in the "textbook of chemistry" by the Swedish scientist AND I. Berzelius. The name "organic compounds" appeared a little earlier. Scientists of that era divided substances into two groups rather conditionally: they believed that living beings consist of special organic sconnections, and objects of inanimate nature - from inorganic.

For many simple substances, their allotropic forms of existence are known: carbon - in the form of graphite and diamond, etc. Currently, about 400 allotropic modifications of simple substances are known.

The variety of complex substances is due to their different qualitative and quantitative composition. For example, five forms of oxides are known for nitrogen: N 2 O, NO, N 2 O 3 , NO 2 , N 2 O 5 ; for hydrogen, two forms: H 2 O and H 2 O 2.

There are no fundamental differences between organic and inorganic substances. They differ only in some features.

Most inorganic substances have a non-molecular structure, so they have high melting and boiling points. Inorganic substances do not contain carbon. Inorganic substances include: metals (Ca, K, Na, etc.), non-metals, noble gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, etc.), amphoteric simple substances (Fe, Al, Mn, etc.), oxides (various compounds with oxygen), hydroxides, salts and binary compounds.

Water is an inorganic substance. It is a universal solvent and has high heat capacity and thermal conductivity. Water is a source of oxygen and hydrogen; the main environment for the flow of biochemical and chemical reactions.

Organic substances, as a rule, have a molecular structure, have low melting points, and easily decompose when heated. The molecules of all organic substances contain carbon (with the exception of carbides, carbonates, carbon oxides, carbon-containing gases and cyanides). Chemical bonds in the molecules of organic compounds are predominantly covalent.

The unique property of carbon to form chains of atoms makes it possible to form a huge number of unique compounds.

Most major classes of organic substances are of biological origin. These include proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, lipids. These compounds, in addition to carbon, contain hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and phosphorus.

Carbon compounds are common in nature. They are part of the flora and fauna, which means they provide clothes, shoes, fuel, medicines, food, dyes, etc.
Everyday experience shows that almost all organic substances, such as vegetable oils, animal fats, fabrics, wood, paper, natural gases, do not withstand elevated temperatures and decompose or burn relatively easily, while most inorganic substances do. Thus, organic substances are less durable than inorganic ones.
Synthesis of organic from inorganic substances.
In 1828 a German chemist F. Wöhler managed to artificially obtain urea. The starting material in this case was an inorganic salt - potassium cyanide (KCN), the oxidation of which produces potassium cyanate (KOCN). The exchange decomposition of potassium cyanate with ammonium sulfate produces ammonium cyanate, which, when heated, turns into urea:

In 1842 a Russian scientist N. N. Zinin synthesized aniline, which was previously obtained only from a natural dye. In 1854 a French scientist M.Bertlot received fat-like substance, and in 1861 an outstanding Russian chemist A. M. Butlerov - sugary substance.

slide 2

The purpose of the lesson:

consider the composition, structure of substances and identify the reasons for their diversity.

slide 3

Substances (by structure) molecular, or daltonides (have a constant composition, except for polymers) non-molecular, or berthollides (have a variable composition) atomic ionic metal H2, P4, NH3, CH4, CH3COOH P, SiO2 Cu, Fe NaCl, KOH

slide 4

The law of constancy of the composition of substances

Joseph Louis Proust (1754-1826) was a French chemist and analyst. The study of the composition of various substances, carried out by him in 1799-1803, served as the basis for the discovery of the law of composition constancy for substances of a molecular structure. Each chemically pure substance, regardless of location and method of preparation, has a constant composition and properties.

slide 5

What does the molecular formula of CH4 show?

The substance is complex, consists of two chemical elements (C, H). Each molecule contains 1 C atom, 4 H atoms. Substance of molecular structure, CPS. Mr= ω(C) = ω(H) = m(C):m(H) = 12: 16= 0.75=75% 12+1 4=16 1-0.75=0.25=25% 12:4 =3:1

slide 6

What are the reasons for the diversity of substances?

  • Slide 7

    At the beginning of the 20th century, a scandalous story took place in a warehouse of military equipment in St. Petersburg: during an audit, to the horror of the quartermaster, it turned out that the tin buttons for soldiers' uniforms had disappeared, and the boxes in which they were stored were filled to the brim with gray powder. And although it was bitterly cold in the warehouse, the unfortunate quartermaster became hot. Still: he, of course, will be suspected of theft, and this promises nothing but hard labor. The poor fellow was saved by the conclusion of the chemical laboratory, where the auditors sent the contents of the boxes: “The substance you sent for analysis is undoubtedly tin. Obviously, in this case, a phenomenon known in chemistry under the name "tin plague" took place. ?

    Slide 8

    "Tin Plague"

    White tin is stable at t0 >130С Gray tin is stable at t0

    Slide 9

    Allotropy is the ability of atoms of one chemical element to form several simple substances. Allotropic modifications are simple substances formed by atoms of the same chemical element.

    Slide 10

    Allotropic modifications of oxygen

    O2 - oxygen is a colorless gas; has no smell; poorly soluble in water; boiling point -182.9 C. O3 - ozone ("smelling") gas of a pale purple color; has a pungent odor; dissolves 10 times better than oxygen; boiling point -111.9 C; the most bactericidal.

    slide 11

    Allotropic modifications of carbon

    Graphite Diamond Soft Has a gray color Low metallic luster Electrically conductive Leaves a mark on paper. Hard Colorless Cuts glass Refracts light Dielectric

    slide 12

    Fullerene Carbin Graphene Harder and stronger than diamond, but stretches a quarter of its length like rubber. Graphene does not pass gases and liquids, conducts heat and electricity better than copper. Fine-grained black powder (density 1.9-2 g/cm³), semiconductor.

    slide 13

    Rhombic sulfur is a type of octahedron with cut corners. Light yellow powder. Monoclinic sulfur - in the form of needle-like crystals of yellow color. Plastic sulfur is a rubbery mass of dark yellow color. Can be obtained in the form of threads.

    Slide 14

    Allotropic modifications of phosphorus

    P (red phosphorus) (white phosphorus) P4 Odorless, does not glow in the dark, is not poisonous! Has a garlic smell, glows in the dark, poisonous!

    slide 15


    Before you is a painting by an unknown artist. The one who offers the most isomers will be able to buy it. Starting price - 2 isomers.

    slide 16

    CH2 \u003d CH - CH2 - CH3 CH2 \u003d C - CH3 Butene-1CH3 2-methylpropene-1 (methylpropene) Butene-2 ​​CH3 CH \u003d CH-CH3 C \u003d C C \u003d C CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 H H H H H Cis - butene - 2 Trans - butene - 2 H2C CH2 H2C CH2 Cyclobutane H2C CH CH3 CH2 methylcyclopropane

    A substance in chemistry is a physical substance with a specific chemical composition. In the philosophical dictionary of Grigory Teplov in 1751, the Latin term Substantia was translated as substance. In modern physics, matter is usually understood as a type of matter consisting of fermions or containing fermions along with bosons; has a rest mass, unlike some types of fields, such as electromagnetic. Usually (at relatively low temperatures and densities) a substance consists of particles, among which electrons, protons and neutrons are most often encountered. The last two form atomic nuclei, and all together - atoms (atomic substance), of which - molecules, crystals, etc. Under certain conditions, such as in neutron stars, quite unusual types of matter can exist. Substance in biology is the matter that forms the tissues of organisms, which is part of the organelles of cells. Inorganic substances - a chemical substance, a chemical compound that is not organic, that is, it does not contain carbon: Salts, Acids, Bases, Oxides. All inorganic compounds are divided into two large groups: Simple substances - consist of atoms of one element; Compound substances - consist of atoms of two or more elements. Simple substances are divided by chemical properties into: metals (Li, Na, K, Mg, Ca, etc.) non-metals (F2, Cl2, O2, S, P, etc.) ; amphoteric simple substances (Zn, Al, Fe, Mn, etc.); noble gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn). According to their chemical properties, complex substances are divided into: oxides: basic oxides (CaO, Na2O, etc.); acid oxides (CO2, SO3, etc.); amphoteric oxides (ZnO, Al2O3, etc.); double oxides (Fe3O4, etc.); non-salt-forming oxides (CO, NO, etc.); Hydroxides; bases (NaOH, Ca(OH)2, etc.); acids (H2SO4, HNO3, etc.); mphoteric hydroxides (Zn(OH)2, Al(OH)3, etc.); salts: medium salts (Na2SO4, Ca3(PO4)2, etc.); acid salts (NaHSO3, CaHPO4, etc.); basic salts (Cu2CO3(OH)2, etc.); double and/or complex salts (CaMg(CO3)2, K3, KFeIII, etc.); binary compounds: oxygen-free acids (HCl, H2S, etc.) oxygen-free salts (NaCl, CaF2, etc.); other binary compounds (AlH3, CaC2, CS2, etc.).Organ. substances - a class of chemical compounds containing carbon (excluding carbides, carbonic acid, carbonates, carbon oxides and cyanides): Amines, Ketones and aldehydes, Nitriles, Organo-sulphur compounds, Alcohols, Hydrocarbons, Ethers and esters, Amino acids organic compounds of biological origin - proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids - contain, in addition to carbon, mainly hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and phosphorus. That is why "classical" organic compounds contain primarily hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur - despite the fact that the elements that make up organic compounds, in addition to carbon, can be almost any element. Compounds of carbon with other elements constitute a special class of organic compounds - organoelement compounds. Organometallic compounds contain a metal-carbon bond and constitute an extensive subclass of organoelement compounds. There are several important properties that distinguish organic compounds into a separate, unlike anything else, class of chemical compounds. The different topology of the formation of bonds between the atoms that form organic compounds (primarily carbon atoms) leads to the appearance of isomers - compounds that have the same composition and molecular weight, but have different physicochemical properties. This phenomenon is called isomerism. The phenomenon of homology is the existence of series of organic compounds in which the formula of any two neighbors of the series (homologues) differs by the same group - the homological difference CH2. A number of physicochemical properties, in the first approximation, change symbatically in the course of the homologous series. This important property is used in materials science when searching for substances with predetermined properties.

    2Preparation of alcohols from saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Industrial synthesis of methanol.

    3. Experiment. Realization of transformations: salt - insoluble base - metal oxide.

    Sulfuric acid reacts with copper(II) oxide when heated. Cu 2+ ions pass into the solution and give it a blue color.

    CuO + H 2 SO 4 \u003d СuSO 4 (copper sulfate salt) + H 2 O,

    CuO + 2H + = Сu 2+ + H 2 O.

    An alkali solution is added to the filtrate, a blue precipitate is observed:

    CuSO 4 + 2NaOH \u003d Cu (OH) 2 (insoluble copper oxide) + Na 2 SO 4,

    Cu 2+ + 2OH - \u003d Cu (OH) 2.

    when the blue precipitate of copper (II) hydroxide is heated, a black substance is formed - this is copper (II) oxide and water:
    Cu(OH)2 = CuO + H2O

    1. Higher oxygen-containing chemical elements of the third period, their composition and comparative characteristics of properties.

    Phosphorus forms a number of oxygen-containing acids (oxoacids). Some of them are monomeric. for example, phosphinic, phosphorous, and phosphoric(V) (orthophosphoric) acids. Phosphorus acids can be monobasic (single-protonic) or polybasic (multi-protonic). In addition, phosphorus also forms polymeric oxoacids. Such acids may have an acyclic or a cyclic structure. For example, diphosphoric(V) (pyrophosphoric) acid is a dimeric phosphorus oxoacid.

    The most important of all these acids is phosphoric(V) acid (its other name is orthophosphoric acid). Under normal conditions, it is a white crystalline substance that deliquesces when it absorbs moisture from the air. Its 85% aqueous solution is called "phosphoric acid syrup". Phosphorous(V) acid is a weak tribasic acid:

    Chlorine forms several oxygen-containing acids. The higher the oxidation state of chlorine in these acids, the higher their thermal stability and acid strength:

    HOCl< НСlO2 < НСlO3 < НClO4

    HClO3 and HClO4 are strong acids, and HClO4 is one of the strongest among all known acids. The remaining two acids only partially dissociate in water and exist in aqueous solution predominantly in molecular form. Among the oxygen-containing acids of chlorine, only HclO4 can be isolated in free form. Other acids exist only in solution.

    The oxidizing ability of oxygen-containing acids of chlorine decreases with an increase in its oxidation state:

    HOCl and HClO2 are particularly good oxidizing agents. For example, an acidic solution of HOCl:

    1) oxidizes iron (II) ions to iron (III) ions:

    2) decomposes in sunlight to form oxygen:

    3) when heated to approximately 75 ° C, it disproportionates into chloride ions and chlorate (V) ions:

    The remaining higher acid-containing acids of the elements of the third period (H3AlO3, H2SiO3) are weaker than phosphoric acid. Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is less strong than perchloric (VII) acid, but stronger than phosphoric acid. In general, with an increase in the oxidation state of an element that forms an acid, the strength of the acid itself increases:

    H3AlO3< H2SiO3 < H3PO4 < H2SO4 < НСlO4

    2. General characteristics of macromolecular compounds: composition, structure, reactions underlying their production (for example, polyethylene or synthetic rubber).

    3. 3 a da cha. Calculation of the mass of the starting substance, if the practical yield of the product is known and its mass fraction (in percent) of the theoretically possible yield is indicated.

    Task. Determine the mass of magnesium carbonate reacted with hydrochloric acid if 8.96 liters of carbon monoxide (IV) were obtained, which is 80% of the theoretically possible yield.

    Ticket number 25.

    General methods for obtaining metals. The practical significance of electrolysis on the example of salts of anoxic acids.

    Metals are found in nature mainly in the form of compounds. Only metals with low chemical activity (noble metals) are found in nature in a free state (platinum metals, gold, copper, silver, mercury). Of the structural metals, only iron, aluminum, and magnesium are found in nature in the form of compounds in sufficient quantities. They form powerful deposits of deposits of relatively rich ores. This makes it easier to harvest them on a large scale.

    Since the metals in the compounds are in an oxidized state (have a positive oxidation state), getting them in a free state is reduced to a reduction process:

    This process can be carried out chemically or electrochemically.

    In chemical reduction, coal or carbon monoxide (II), as well as hydrogen, active metals, and silicon are most often used as a reducing agent. With the help of carbon monoxide (II), iron is obtained (in the blast furnace process), many non-ferrous metals (tin, lead, zinc, etc.):

    Hydrogen reduction is used, for example, to produce tungsten from tungsten(VI) oxide:

    The use of hydrogen as a reducing agent ensures the highest purity of the resulting metal. Hydrogen is used to produce very pure iron, copper, nickel and other metals.

    The method of obtaining metals, in which metals are used as a reducing agent, is called metallothermic. In this method, active metals are used as a reducing agent. Examples of metallothermic reactions:



    Metal-thermal experiments for obtaining metals were first carried out by the Russian scientist N. N. Beketov in the 19th century.

    Metals are most often obtained by the reduction of their oxides, which in turn are isolated from the corresponding natural ore. If the original ore is sulfide minerals, then the latter are subjected to oxidative roasting, for example:

    Electrochemical production of metals is carried out during the electrolysis of melts of the corresponding compounds. In this way, the most active metals, alkali and alkaline earth metals, aluminum, and magnesium are obtained.

    Electrochemical reduction is also used for refining(purification) of "raw" metals (copper, nickel, zinc, etc.) obtained by other methods. In electrolytic refining, a “rough” (with impurities) metal is used as an anode, and a solution of compounds of this metal is used as an electrolyte.

    Methods for obtaining metals, carried out at high temperatures, are called pyrometallurgical(in Greek pyr - fire). Many of these methods have been known since ancient times. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. begin to develop hydrometallurgical methods of obtaining metals (in Greek hydor-water). With these methods, the ore components are transferred into an aqueous solution and then the metal is isolated by electrolytic or chemical reduction. So get, for example, copper. Copper ore containing copper (II) oxide CuO is treated with dilute sulfuric acid:

    To reduce copper, the resulting solution of copper (II) sulfate is either subjected to electrolysis, or the solution is treated with iron powder.

    The hydrometallurgical method has a great future, as it makes it possible to obtain a product without extracting the ore from the ground.

    2. Types of synthetic rubbers, their properties and applications.

    3. Experience. Obtaining the named gaseous substance and carrying out reactions that characterize its properties; (carbon dioxide)

    CO2 is a typical acidic oxide: it reacts with alkalis (for example, causes lime water to become cloudy), with basic oxides and with water.

    Carbon dioxide is obtained by acting on salts of carbonic acid - carbonates with solutions of hydrochloric, nitric and even acetic acids. In the laboratory, carbon dioxide is produced by the action of hydrochloric acid on chalk or marble:

    CaCO3 + 2HCl = CaCl2 + H20 + CO2 it's carbon dioxide

    In industry, large amounts of carbon dioxide are obtained by burning limestone:

    CaCO3 = CaO + CO2

    Chemical reactions with carbon dioxide

    When carbon monoxide (IV) is dissolved in water, carbonic acid H2CO3 is formed, which is very unstable and easily decomposes into its original components - carbon dioxide and water:

    CO2 + H20 -> H2CO3

    It does not burn and does not support combustion (Fig. 44) and therefore is used to extinguish fires. However, magnesium continues to burn in carbon dioxide to form oxide and release carbon as soot.