List of the main life values ​​of a person. How to determine your life values ​​\u200b\u200bThe system of human life values

Did you know that 99 of the 100 richest Russians according to Forbes magazine have children?? I will tell you more about this below.

Are you satisfied with your job, family relationships, health, internal state? There are various problems in the life of every person, but many difficulties can be avoided if you act in accordance with the correct values ​​​​of life.

Now I will talk about 8 life values ​​​​and how their satisfaction affects the level of happiness.

8 Life Values

1. Spiritual development. This is your moral state and actions, understanding of life values.

2. Family, loved ones. Your relationship with your soulmate, relatives, friends.

3. Health, sports. Your well-being. Regularity in general examinations can also be attributed to this section, since many diseases can be asymptomatic until the very last stage.

4. Financial situation. Satisfaction with financial position.

5. Career. Career and finances are separated because for many, self-realization in a career is more important than income, for some it is the other way around.

6. Rest, emotions.

7. Self-development.

8. Environment. People you interact with frequently, at work and in other public places.

If you want, you can supplement with your other life values.

Priorities in life values

The maximum efficiency and level of experienced happiness is achieved under 2 conditions:

Your values ​​in life are correct;

You are as close as possible to the uniform satisfaction of all life values.

Now let's analyze these 2 conditions a little and start with the first: Correct life values. Each life value has its own priority.

The main life value is spiritual development, i.e. your moral state. The importance lies in the fact that negative actions have a bad effect on all areas of life: health, recreation, finances, etc. The reason is that bad deeds create conflict with yourself, or rather, with your conscience. Think back to how you felt after the fight. Irritability, headache, stress, etc. are the result of any negative emotions.

All bad deeds are in conflict with your conscience, as a result, stress hormones are produced., which lower immunity, worsen your mood, etc. If, from a moral point of view, you do good deeds, then hormones of happiness are produced that strengthen the body's strength and improve mood, which, in turn, affects all other areas of life.

Let's designate the main vital value from above.

The second most important value is family. Problems in the family, as well as in the value of "spiritual development" strongly affect all areas of life, the principle is about the same.

3rd most important value: health, which also affects everything else. Priorities for other values ​​may vary depending on your personality type.

Supporting facts from forbes about success

Many may have doubts about the above priorities, so I will give the facts. Everyone knows Forbes magazine, which annually publishes lists of the richest people in the world. In one of the magazines, I found the following interesting fact: In the list of the 100 richest Russians according to forbes, I counted only 9 divorced men, 1 unmarried, the rest are all married. But the most interesting thing is that 99 out of 100 have children, even those who are divorced, adopted or their own. At the same time, the average data for all married men in Russia is much lower, you yourself understand this.

It turns out that the most successful men are married and who have children. This is a fact of statistics.

How do you like this arrangement? It seems to be the opposite, according to the logic of a modern person, the more you work to achieve success, the less time you have for everything else. Why is it so difficult for single men and women to succeed? Why do they have to work harder and achieve less?

So, according to the statistics in marriage, you are more likely to realize your desires. But let's try to understand why this happens, because a family and children require time, care, and effort!

We are so arranged that when good deeds are released into the blood hormones of joy (dopamine, serotonin, etc.). Remember how you felt when you provided invaluable help to another person. You can look at the faces of people who work in charitable foundations, even from photographs it immediately becomes clear that they feel much happier than others.

Taking care of others, in particular, family, children, greatly reduces susceptibility to stress, because our brain cannot think about several situations at once, it works sequentially. What does this mean? And then, when we want to help someone, positive thoughts of help do not allow negative emotions to develop. If there were no thoughts about how to help your neighbor, then experiences and negative emotions would fill the void.

This is why after a divorce, so often people start drinking and fall into other harmful ailments, they just become more susceptible to negativity. And family people, on the contrary, are less proud, offended, sick, this happens because when a person takes care of someone, his morale improves.

That's why the family can help not only get the release of happy hormones: endorphins, but also reduce the production of stress hormones, replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.

Success and morale

The foundation of success is your morale. Everyone understands that people avoid cooperation with proud, arrogant, evil people and, on the contrary, are drawn to interaction with calm, polite, kind people. Therefore, the most important value is spiritual development, which improves your morale and reduces negative actions. As a result, there is less conflict with conscience and less negative thoughts that negatively affect through the release of stress hormones.

I will share my experience, I go to an Orthodox church, regularly go to confession and receive communion. It helps to improve morale, remove negative thoughts and feel happier.

The family gives a person the opportunity for faster spiritual development, because caring for one's neighbor makes a person better, his moral condition improves, and his actions become correct. Therefore, family and relationships with loved ones are the 2nd most important life value.

Priorities allow you to make a more accurate analysis and help you better understand what needs to be done to change your life for the better. For example, satisfaction with financial position should not be higher than satisfaction with spiritual development. Or satisfaction with a career should not be higher than satisfaction with family relationships. That is, on the wheel of life, you need not only to tighten up your sagging needs, but also to ensure that lower priority life values ​​do not rise above higher priority ones.

Often people work where they do not like. And every day unloved work brings more and more disappointments and spoiled mood. Often the reason is not a bad job or even a bad employee, but that they do not fit together. If you approach the choice of work and lifestyle in accordance with your life values, then you will be more successful in any area.

How to evaluate life values

The criterion for success in life is the level of happiness experienced. Perhaps everyone wants to be happy. The more you satisfy your life values, the happier you will feel.. But in order to understand where to start, you need to know at what stage of satisfaction your current life values ​​are.

Now is the time to evaluate your life values. First, take a piece of paper and draw a circle, then divide it into 8 parts by drawing 4 lines through the center. Put zero in the center of the circle - this is your starting point. Divide each of the 8 axes into 10 parts, grading with risks. There will be zero in the center of the circle, and 10 along the edges at the intersection of the lines with the circle.

Label each intersection of the line with the circle described above with 8 life values.

Ask yourself: Are you satisfied with the work you have done to improve your health, relationships with your family, etc. For each item, rate your level of satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 10 and tick on each axis.

It is important to add that the question should not be asked related to satisfaction in general, but to how you have worked on each area. What matters is not the end goal, but your desire and movement towards it.

I'll explain why: Life constantly limits us in some way and there are situations when the desired cannot be achieved, but you can achieve satisfaction from the work invested. For example, a person does not have a leg, of course, everyone would like to have full-fledged limbs, but so far this is not possible, so if such a person always indicates a low result on the health axis, this will demotivate him, because he wants, but cannot .

And if you put your movement towards a goal on the wheel of life, for example, a person without a leg trains every day to feel as natural as possible on an artificial leg and indicates high numbers on the health axis, then this will motivate him to further training. Therefore, 10 points on each axis is the value of the maximum result that you can achieve, and not someone else in this life situation.

As a result, you should get a figure similar to a circle. If this did not work out, then look at all the sagging areas of life. First of all, it is necessary to satisfy the most lagging vital values, since. it is always easier to saturate the base level than the higher one, i.e. to get a uniform circle. In addition, balance in life is extremely important for a person. Only a balanced life will bring happiness.

Now you know how much your life values ​​coincide with the real state of affairs and what needs to be changed in the first place.

You need to determine life values ​​regularly, draw a circle of life at least once a month, preferably once a week.

The figure to strive for is a circle. When you determine your life values ​​​​and the degree to which they are realized, it will be much easier to prioritize things, your life will become more balanced, you will feel happier.

P.S. If you have any difficulties or questions about the article you read, as well as on the topics: Psychology (bad habits, experiences, etc.), sales, business, time management, etc. ask me, I will try to help. Skype consultation is also possible.

P.P.S. You can also take an online training "How to get 1 hour extra time". Write comments, your additions;)

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There are things that play a huge role in a person's life, determine his worldview, help make decisions. What is it - people's life values how and why you need to make up your correct value hierarchy, learn from this article.

What it is

Each of us has a kind of guidelines, thanks to which we understand what is more and what is less important, what is acceptable and what is not. It is a set of beliefs, ideals, and principles that we follow when we do something. With these internal "quality standards" you can determine what is most significant in your personal universe.

A person sometimes sets these coordinates himself, relying on the experience he has experienced, and sometimes they are acquired by him from the outside with a light suggestion from society and firmly grow into his worldview. If an individual betrays his basic attitudes, he will face an intrapersonal conflict, which will entail a state of depression.

Definition of the concept and signs

Life values ​​are a kind of absolute that occupies a primary position in the worldview. We are guided by them, setting ourselves certain goals, through their prism we evaluate our actions, desires, as well as the behavior of other people. They help us prioritize.

To become a value guide, the existing phenomenon of reality must receive an emotional response and a rational explanation of its significance for a particular person. Therefore, you cannot impose your coordinate system on another.

In the process of formation and development of personality, values ​​can and will certainly change. In childhood, some things come to the fore, in youth, others, and in adulthood, absolutely opposite things. A person's priorities directly depend on the events he experiences, the influence of certain ideas on him. Some situations can turn your mind around, look at your life from a different angle and completely rethink your hierarchy of landmarks.

List of main features of value attitudes

  • Significance. They have weight and importance in the eyes of the one who owns them. By all means, the owner seeks to observe and protect them.
  • Awareness. As a rule, people are aware of what is important to them. Based on this understanding, they build a certain model of behavior, which they adjust to the existing internal norms and rules with the help of self-control and self-discipline.
  • Self-sufficiency. Personal guidelines do not need the approval or advice of others.
  • Positive character. These beliefs are not perceived by the individual as duties. They do not burden, but cause only positive emotions.

The role of life values

Each person should clearly understand their internal coordinate system. This understanding will help in solving difficult issues, at the moment when you need to make a choice. Awareness of what is actually primary for you at a given moment in time will allow you to avoid global mistakes and regrets.

The hierarchy of significant attitudes is individual. Based on it, the individual builds his life. Very often you have to choose between two important things, it is precisely the analysis of your own guidelines and priorities that helps to stop internal torment and doubt. There is no single, right or wrong answer to the question of what should be the basic basic values ​​for a person. It all depends on the attitude of a particular individual.

Components of personality

The formation of value attitudes is an obligatory part of the process of socialization and personal development. Under ideal conditions, they should be ordered, structured in the mind, and their owner should clearly understand what is of paramount importance to him at this stage of life. But not everyone knows how to work with their beliefs and prioritize them.

Relationships between people are largely based on the coincidence or mismatch of internal guidelines and priorities. The compatibility and similarity of their values ​​strengthens relationships and ties, and the divergence causes conflict situations. New value attitudes are formed under the condition of the natural involvement of the individual in an environment unfamiliar to him, where his need for something that he had not previously thought about is revealed.

Behavior Prerequisites

Prioritization of internal beliefs is the main motive that determines people's actions, lifestyle and direction of activity. Depending on what is important to the individual, he will consciously or unconsciously strive to follow this paradigm, build his desires and plans around it.

Every act of a person is a reflection of his values. Knowing what a person primarily relies on, one can predict his reaction to any phenomenon, better understand his motivation. We all perceive the world through the prism of already existing paradigms that have been formed on the basis of past experience, which is why it is so difficult to hear and accept the position of another.

How are

The foundation for the formation of value orientations is laid in childhood. The child, like a sponge, absorbs the results of his interaction with the world, puts what is happening on the shelves "good", "bad" with the help of the immediate environment (parents and peers). In adulthood, it is much more difficult to change your beliefs, to turn the vector of thinking in a radically new direction. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to the formation of personality in adolescence.

What influences the emergence of certain values:

  • The process of education. In the early stages of life, it is the parents who are the models for the child, thanks to which he understands how to behave in a particular situation, what is pleasant and what is undesirable. Even interests are formed on the basis of the basis laid down by loved ones. Adults demonstrate to children peculiar patterns of behavior on which they consciously and unconsciously rely in the future.
  • Educational institutions. Kindergarten and school play no less important role in a child's life than the family. Getting new knowledge and skills from teachers, schoolchildren are already beginning to understand what is important for them to a greater extent and what is less important.
  • social norms. As soon as we feel ourselves a part of society, we are faced with certain limits and requirements of behavior, which we agree to fit in so as not to cause condemnation.
  • Self-knowledge. Having mastered this tool for personal development, a person discovers unlimited possibilities for introspection. They allow you to separate your views from those of others, to abstract from the obsessive influence of the value coordinates of other people.

What can be life values

Universal. Otherwise they are called cultural. On the basis of these ideas, society forms concepts of how one should act, and how not. In the attitude of the individual, they are formed in the process of upbringing in the family.

These include:

  • health;
  • education;
  • social status;
  • Love;
  • family bonds;
  • children;
  • development;
  • self-realization.

Individual. Occur over the course of life. These are not just beliefs that the public consciousness broadcasts, but the personal attitudes of each person.

Main value orientations

I classify them in two ways:

  • Material. This includes everything related to a comfortable life, housing, financial solvency.
  • Spiritual. Something that cannot be felt with the help of the senses, but which has great weight on the mental level. Family, friends, career, hobby, education, health, beauty and more.

However, it is almost impossible to strictly separate one category from another. One way or another, they are closely intertwined and cannot exist in isolation.

What are personal life values ​​in a person's life: a list of examples

  • Activity.
  • Serenity.
  • Impartiality.
  • Gratitude.
  • Inspiration.
  • Cheerfulness.
  • Flexibility.
  • Spirituality.
  • entertainment.
  • Dreaminess.
  • Wisdom.
  • Reliability.
  • Independence.
  • Security.
  • Certainty.
  • Organization.
  • Awareness.
  • Frankness.
  • Openness.
  • Devotion.
  • Attractiveness.
  • Affiliation.
  • Proactivity.
  • Determination.
  • Modesty.
  • Stability.
  • Courage.
  • Hardness.
  • Accuracy.
  • Moderation.
  • Uniqueness.
  • Financial independence.
  • Thrift.
  • Sensuality.
  • Generosity.
  • Brightness.
  • Altruism.
  • Heroism.
  • Optimism.
  • Pragmatism.
  • Practicality.
  • Professionalism.
  • Realism.
  • Balance.
  • Wealth.
  • Hospitality.
  • Benevolence.
  • Curiosity.
  • Constancy.
  • Perfection.
  • Creation.
  • Perseverance.
  • Faith.
  • Power.
  • Imagination.
  • Achievement.
  • Knowledge.
  • Study.
  • Pleasure.
  • Education.
  • Understanding.
  • Adventure.
  • Confidence.
  • Abundance.
  • Wit.
  • Opening.
  • Justice.
  • acceptance.
  • Development.
  • Diversity.
  • Sympathy.
  • Diligence.
  • Pleasure.
  • Coolness.
  • Hygiene.
  • Depth.
  • Discipline.
  • Self-discipline.
  • Friendship.
  • Health.
  • Comfort.
  • Beauty.
  • Logics.
  • Love.
  • Hope.
  • Experience.
  • Victory.
  • Support.
  • Peace.
  • Benefit.
  • Is it true.
  • Simplicity.
  • Height.
  • Self control.
  • Freedom.
  • Family.
  • Glory.
  • Passion.
  • Happiness.
  • Tradition.
  • Energy.
  • Synergy.
  • Success.
  • Purity.
  • Humor.

This is not a complete list of value orientations existing in the world. Based on it, you can create your own hierarchy by adding other concepts.

Pyramid of values

The famous scheme of A. Maslow, describing human needs, can also characterize the system according to which life priorities are built. The foundation of human existence as a whole is its biological component. There are motives that physiology dictates to us: in other words, it is difficult to talk about the eternal when you are hungry, cold or in pain.

The next step in the formation of priorities is the desire for security. It includes the desire to organize a comfortable space for life.

After that, social needs arise, the need for respect and recognition, the thirst for knowledge and creativity, aesthetic and spiritual values.

Another classification of value orientations in the table

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The value system of men and women

The debate about gender differences is currently very active. But it is difficult to deny the influence of historical and biological factors on the formation of value ideas. According to statistics, the desire, first of all, to build a career, to gain a high social status and material well-being is characteristic of the male part of humanity. Women's physiology and psychology implies bringing to the fore the desire to realize oneself as a mother, a wife.

However, speaking not in general, but in particular, everything related to internal beliefs is a purely individual issue.

The Importance of Human Relations

We are born as biosocial beings. This means that the formation of personality without a relationship with society is simply impossible. In one form or another, everyone has a focus on building communication, friendships and love relationships. It can be expressed in different ways and to varying degrees, but it is conditioned by nature itself.

Hierarchy of values

Building your own priority pyramid helps in a situation where you need to make a choice between several ambiguous options. It will also allow you to analyze your behavior, actions and prevent the emergence of an internal conflict.

How to define your life maxims

The most common method for identifying a personal value-oriented system is the principle of comparative analysis. First, write down everything that matters to you. Do not limit yourself: use the list above and complete it with your own points. This procedure can take quite a long time - take your time. The most important thing is to describe the picture of your worldview as fully as possible.

After that, rest and switch to a different activity. Return to the list after a few hours or even days (for the purity of the experiment). Reread it and choose the 10 most significant moments for you, and simply cross out the rest. The next step is to reduce the resulting list by two more times.

When the 5 most valuable concepts remain before your eyes, prioritize them. To do this, imagine what you could never give up in favor of another. As a result, you will get your own hierarchy of values. This is your inner compass.

How to instill life values ​​in the process of education

The first thing to understand is that do not even try to inspire your child with certain guidelines if your behavior contradicts your words. The fundamental principle of the formation of a child's personality is a personal example. It is the model of adult behavior that the baby, and then the teenager, encounters daily, in practice, will be fixed in his subconscious. Therefore, when swearing at children or demanding a certain way of thinking from them, think about whether you yourself follow what you are talking about.


Periodically, your internal coordinate system needs to be adjusted. Such a need arises, for example, when you are faced with an unresolvable internal conflict.

If you have dissatisfaction with life, with yourself, you are not satisfied with what is happening around you (spouse, work, environment), you need to urgently understand what led to this, and have you forgotten about your inner compass. Or maybe your priorities just changed, and you didn’t leave the path laid earlier in time?

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Open your hands to change, but don't let go of your values. (Dalai Lama)

Every day we face the need to solve some problems. Every day we are faced with some circumstances that test our patience and character. In this situation, our life values ​​are very important, which serve as markers and allow us to make sure that we are moving along our path in the right direction. When all words and actions are aligned with our values, life seems right and meaningful to us, and we ourselves are confident and pleased with ourselves. But if it happens that our behavior does not correspond to internal beliefs, we very soon begin to feel anxiety and irritation that arise and grow within us. This unpleasant feeling tells us that not all is well in our world. Moreover, these feelings can become a source of anxiety and unhappiness for us. And only by firmly following the dictates of our conscience can we maintain our self-respect and feel self-sufficient and happy.

Our life values ​​are our inner compass, by which we must check every step along the road of life. Do you have health, money, relationship problems? This is because our internal models of the world do not match what it really is. Is it difficult to make any decision? And this is because we are not sure what we really want and what is really important to us. When we have certain attitudes, it is easier for us to weigh options and find the right solution - after all, a person’s life values ​​\u200b\u200bserve him as a support, and by following them, regardless of circumstances, we begin to live a more fulfilling and productive life.

What can be the main thing for you?

It is very important to decide what is most important to you, because life's values ​​\u200b\u200bhelp shape character and control our actions, desires and decisions. Of course, different people have different internal attitudes: for one, what is most important is what seems not so important to another, but for a third, and in general, the main landmark in life differs from what is important for both the first and second. And yet we can list the most frequently mentioned criteria by different people that are of paramount importance in their lives and should be of particular importance to each person. So what are life values?

  • Love is probably the very first thing that almost every one of us will call. This is an important personal value that deserves a special place in the life of every person. And here we are talking not only about a romantic feeling, because this is not the only kind of love that a person is capable of experiencing. Just as you love your loved ones and friends, you can love other people too. Love for people gives rise to compassion, and this is another thing that we must say when we list the main values ​​​​of life. When we come to compassion, we begin to see the best in people while they see the best in us.
  • The understanding that everyone needs. How often you can see people who hold in their hearts anger and resentment against others, the reasons for whose actions they do not want to understand. Anger makes them blind and separates them from others. If you are ready to understand and accept people and circumstances that force them to act one way or another, you will gain control over the situation and will be able to find a common language with everyone.
  • Respect for people is also a very important criterion. It not only allows us to draw inspiration from the best qualities of others, but also allows us to better see and try to correct our shortcomings. Nobody's perfect; and respect is the only way we can see the good in others and strive to improve ourselves. And, like many other values ​​in life, respect tends to be reflected from other people to you - the more respect you treat others, the more respect they show you.
  • A discipline that many, unfortunately, confuse with routine and try to avoid it. Routine means that we dully do something very monotonous; discipline is when a person acts even with a certain amount of fun, but the main thing that worries him is the full fulfillment of his duties. A disciplined and responsible person will always respect his own and other people's time, so punctuality can be called one of his characteristic features.
  • Faith in others. It can also extend to your relationship with yourself. It is your determination that is able to lift a person if he has fallen. His self-doubt in a difficult moment can be destroyed by your faith in him. And interestingly, this belief is contagious - the more you believe in others, the more your faith in yourself grows stronger.
  • Gratitude. When you take just a second to say "thank you", expressing your appreciation for another, you light a huge fire of friendliness and gratitude for you in that person. It is gratitude that helps to see and feel the abundance of joy that our life is generous with.
  • Forgiveness. Forgiveness frees us from the pain and anger that keeps us stuck in the past. When you forgive, you let go of resentment and move forward in your life.
  • Friendship. Friends support us, and they are always ready to help with advice if we ask them to. Friends serve us as a support in difficulties and are always with us in joy.
  • Hope. This is exactly the fuel that warms us when we are tired and cannot see the road. Hope convinces us that sometimes the question is not "whether it will come true", but "when" it will be.
  • Optimism. There is an expression: “If you got a lemon, make lemonade out of it!” It is a very valuable quality to be able to see the good even where it is very difficult to see it. People with this quality always have less bad things in life than good ones. Or rather, there is no bad thing - because they know how to resist it.
  • Patience is a value that creates a better state of mind, more effective in making decisions.
  • Tolerance. There are people with whom we sometimes do not want to deal with. But instead of showing them your contempt, it is better to show tolerance - this is the best and worthy alternative.
  • Honesty. It's not even worth discussing. And do not be surprised that we call this criterion at the very end - this is because honesty is the foundation on which all other life values ​​\u200b\u200bare based, whatever they may be. Honesty isn't just about admitting you made a mistake at work or telling your spouse the truth about how you spent money on their card. Honesty is about admitting to yourself that you are not perfect. This is the only way you can influence your life to change it for the better.

How to set and use your main priorities?

There is a very effective way to define your values, and it is as follows:

  1. Make a list of what seems to be the most important thing in your life - so important that you cannot be happy without it. Your initial list can be very long - that's okay, you'll tweak it later.
  2. Review your list and ask yourself: Is this really something I can't live happily without? Without it, will my life really seem unbearable? If there is any doubt, remove it from your list.
  3. Repeat this process until your list is reduced to six to ten values. Now you have a list of the most important life values ​​for you. Based on them, you will be able to go through life, experiencing your significance and satisfaction in everything that you do.

Your personal values ​​are made up of everything that has happened in your life, and they include many different influences: the influence of your parents and family, your attitude to religion, your education, artistic preferences, your social circle, and many other factors that depend on life experience and the prevailing worldview of each person. Effective people always recognize and consider this environmental impact; they develop a clear, concise, and meaningful "set" of beliefs and priorities. How do you proceed further if you can consider yourself an established person with a coherent value system?

  • You demonstrate and model your priorities in personal and professional behavior, when making important decisions, and during interpersonal interactions.
  • You can build on your values ​​in the family as you build relationships with your husband and raise your children.
  • You adjust and set life goals based on your main personal criteria.

So choose exactly those meanings that are really most important to you, meanings that define your character. They will be one of the most powerful tools available to you to help you become the person you want to be. This is a tool to achieve your goals and dreams, a tool to influence other people and the reality around you. Don't miss your opportunity!

Knowing your personal values ​​will help you find satisfaction in life and find your way through it. They can work as a compass, pointing you in the direction of a meaningful life and career. If you have to make a choice, or if you feel like you're treading water, take stock of your values ​​and stay true to them to get you on the right path. To identify your values ​​in life, take the steps below to help you figure out what is important to you. Once you understand your personal values, you can use them as a basis for "reconstructing" your life. This will help you build a life and career that aligns with your values.


Part 1

Reveal your values

    Make a list of the things that are most important to you in life. Even if you don't consider it a value, chances are there are a few things that are of the utmost importance to you, such as family and friends. Take 5-10 minutes and think about what you think is important in life, and then write these things down on a piece of paper. Try to come up with at least 5 points.

    • For example, you could write: "My family, creative side, helping others, being kind to animals, and learning new things."
  1. Identify 3-5 situations where you really felt alive and engaged. When we are doing something important to us, we easily lose the sense of the present moment. Think of times when you felt this way. Keep in mind that these exciting and invigorating experiences don't have to be "happy." Then ask yourself what made the experience worthwhile to find out what value it might represent.

    • You can write: “When I helped my friend Alina after an accident”, “When I received a diploma at school”, “When I left abandoned kittens”.
    • Then analyze why you felt alive helping your friend Alina. You may have enjoyed feeling helpful, or you may have been uplifted by the need to get creative and come up with activities to do together during your friend's recovery.
  2. Think about what words you would like to hear from people on your 80th birthday. This will allow you to look back at your life to decide how you want to live it. Imagine that you are celebrating 80 years on Earth and celebrating all your accomplishments. Then think about what it might say about your values ​​in life. Ask yourself the following questions:

    • Who is at my party?
    • What do people like about me?
    • How have I affected people's lives?
    • What have I achieved in life?
    • What do the answers to the previous questions say about your values?

    Option: You can also answer these questions by writing your obituary the way you would like it to sound. Think about how you want to be remembered by people, and then implement these things into your daily life.

    Think about what you admire in other people to bring out your values. Start by identifying two or three people you admire, such as family members, friends, leaders, celebrities, or fictional characters. Then identify what you admire about them, such as their accomplishments or talents. Then decide what values ​​they can represent (from your point of view). Most likely, these will be the values ​​that you adhere to.

    • For example, you may admire preacher Martin Luther King Jr. for his courage, commitment to standing up for the truth, and selflessness.
  3. Make a list of the things you really want in life. Fold a piece of paper in half or create two columns in a word document. On the left side of the page, write down the answers to the questions below. On the right side of the page, write down what each item on the list says about your values. The list is likely to be very long, but that's good because it will give you more directions to get to know yourself.

    • What do you want to achieve?
    • Who do you want to be in life or at work?
    • What things do you hope to have?
    • What do you hope to experience in life?
    • How do you want to spend your time?
    • What are your goals and aspirations?
  4. Use the list of values ​​to decide what is important to you. Such a list consists of a list of values ​​that can be analyzed. Circle or write down the values ​​you identify with. Then select the top 10 values ​​from the list to find out what is most important to you.

    • For example, you can use this list:
  5. Make a ranking of the 10 core values ​​you have chosen. After you have completed one or more of the steps to recognize your values, make a list of the 10 things that are most important to you. Then arrange them from 1 to 10 places, where number one is the most important value. Use this list as you make life and career choices.

    • It's okay if the values ​​and their ranking line change over time. We are constantly learning, developing and changing, so it is only natural that some values ​​lose their importance or, on the contrary, gain it.

    Part 2

    Assess the alignment of values
    1. Rate how your life compares to each value on a scale of 1 to 10. Start at the top of the list and work your way down. Think about how each value is reflected in your life and how thoroughly you follow it. If you feel like this value is fully expressed, give yourself a 10. However, if you don't see this value at all in your life, give yourself a 1.

      • For example, let's say you value artistic creativity. You can give yourself a 10 for this item if you make art, study it, visit local museums, and own a couple of reproductions that you like. However, give yourself a 1 point if you only have a couple of art books and that is where your relationship with art ends.
    2. Using a scale of 1 to 10, determine if your profession matches each value. Ideally, to be satisfied in life and work, you need to express your values ​​through your profession. Think about how your job or profession represents each value. Give it a 10 if everything seems to match, or a 1 if it doesn't.

      • For example, suppose you value helping people. If you work for a local non-profit organization, you can give yourself a 10 for this item. On the other hand, if you don't interact directly with people at work, give yourself only a 3 (which might make you feel dissatisfied).
    3. Look for values ​​that you are not currently expressing in life. After you evaluate your career and life, identify the values ​​that are important to you but that you don't live by. These areas can be worked on to make you feel happier and more satisfied. In addition, it will help you find more meaning in your activities.

      • Make a list of the values ​​you want to add to your life. Use this list when you start making changes.

      Advice: ask yourself why these values ​​are not being expressed in your life. Is something bothering you? Do you feel like you can't express it? By identifying obstacles, you can remove them.

    Part 3

    Incorporate values ​​into your life and career

      Imagine what your ideal life would look like. Think about who you would be if you fully displayed your values. Where would you live? What kind of work would you do? How would you spend your free time? Make sure your choice is in line with the personal values ​​you have identified.

      • For example, you may have decided that in your ideal life, you would help people get in shape through dancing. You probably imagine that you live in a big city on the coast, teach dance cardio in the gym, and go to the beach with friends in your free time. In addition, you have several pets because you love animals.

      Advice: try to imagine your ideal life to understand what you want the most. Then find ways to bring those images to life.

    1. Identify professions that align with your personal values. It will help you find meaning and purpose in life. Think about what kinds of tasks you could do on a daily basis, what kind of environment you would like to work in, and who you would like to collaborate with. Then find a job that reflects those values.

      • For example, let's say you want to help people in your community and do projects that affect it. In this case, you can work in a non-profit organization or in a government and political position, become a social worker, or work in the field of urban planning or public health.

How many of them are there? The list of all life values ​​is huge, but everything that is too big can be divided into parts. In the synton approach, the basic life values ​​of a healthy person can be grouped into three main circles of values:

  • Personal life and relationships
  • Business, business, work,
  • Own development

If these parts are divided into smaller ones, we get the following list.

Love, excitement, entertainment and relaxation.

These are the values ​​of joy - have fun, enjoy, live to the fullest. Journey to a distant warm country, where the azure sea and white sand. Playing in a casino when betting takes your breath away. The romance of meetings in a cafe, where there is a cozy twilight and a wonderful person opposite.

Family, understanding, children.

This is a long-term relationship in a couple, parents and children, friends and relatives. It is the value of relationships with other people. Here, too, there is love - like joyful care, affectionate attention, warm respect. Here is a man after a working day joyfully goes home - there is his family, his wife and children. Here a young guy drops everything and goes to help his parents with the garden - because the parents are already hard, but he loves them. Here is a woman ruffling her child's hair and sitting next to her to read a fairy tale.

Home, comfort, money.

This is the value of an orderly life. It lies at the junction of two spheres - after all, “home, comfort, money” are very necessary for the family and will not interfere with rest. On the other hand, money is already a way into the sphere of “Business, work, business”. A young couple travels to IKEA for the day to buy furniture for their new apartment. They carefully choose every chair and every shelf - you want to buy a lot, but less money than you want.

My business, my projects.

What do you do for a living? What do you do with your time when you go to work? What plans do you make when you fall asleep at night? All this is the value of the business. Everything related to your work, your ideas and plans for creation and development is collected here. The guy from adolescence was fond of photography and video filming. Everywhere I tried to grab something unusual. Ten years have passed - he shoots expensive, high-quality clips and wants to aim at cinema.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Career, power, status.

This is the value of social development - obtaining a higher social status, new opportunities to influence and do. A man changes the car over and over again, buying more and more prestigious brands. A woman goes only to expensive boutiques. Each of them shows their status and each worked hard to reach such a height.

Education, professional development.

It is difficult to do your job well without education and experience. Therefore, the value of mastery development is in the area of ​​“Business, work, business”. On the other hand, any education and professional development necessarily leads to personal development. Therefore, the value of developing mastery simultaneously belongs to the sphere of "I and my own development." Here is a girl carefully looking at what a Hollywood star looks like at the Oscars. The girl is a stylist, she watches the ceremony to catch the most fashionable trends. The girl is at work.

Personal growth, social and psychological skills.

This is the value of personal development. Personal growth can be briefly called the word "wisdom". This is maturity, balanced conclusions, attention to other people. Social skills are behavior in society, for example, the ability to speak one language with a worker, and another with an intellectual. Psychological skills are overcoming your fears, mastering your emotions, purity and clarity of thinking. The girl was caustic and quick-tempered, next to her it was hard. She took care of herself and became softer in communication, more accurate in expressing feelings. People immediately appeared nearby.

Beauty, health, harmonious development.

Appearance, a slender figure, well-developed muscles, the ability to dance and move beautifully - this is all the value of the body. This value lies at the junction of two spheres - when a person takes care of his health, he necessarily develops, therefore the value rightly enters the sphere of "I and my own development." On the other hand, beauty and health has a strong influence on relationships and therefore belongs to the area of ​​“Personal life and relationships”. It is easier for a sporty, fit guy to interest a girl. A flexible and graceful girl is easier to attract the attention of a guy.

Spiritual growth, knowledge of life, realization of destiny.

If you live not only for yourself, if it is important for you to leave a good mark in life - you have the highest motives, you can be called a person with spiritual aspirations. If you are a lover of literature on spiritual practices, which sells a standard set of astrology, yoga, esotericism and healing along with psychotherapy and oriental teachings, then you are just a buyer of literature in this genre.