Metal bending machine. How to make a bending machine with your own hands. Manufacturing options for manual roll forming machines

It is not difficult to make a bending machine with your own hands, but so far a few home craftsmen and specialists who use bent sheet steel products in their activities are engaged in the manufacture of such equipment for their own needs. Meanwhile, such a device, which has a sufficiently high reliability and ease of operation, will help to save a lot.

One of the most affordable sheet benders is the domestic LGS-26, the price is about 38 thousand rubles. We will make it cheaper and optimize for your needs

Especially the manufacture and use of a bending machine is relevant for those who need to perform technological operations for bending sheet material not daily and in large volumes, but periodically.

Types of sheet benders and their design

Before you start making a homemade manual sheet bender, you should clearly define the list of tasks for which it is necessary. It will depend on the main purpose of such a device according to which scheme it will be executed.

The simplest is a fixture in which sheet metal is bent using a special traverse. By means of such a device, it is possible to easily bend a sheet of metal at an angle of 90 degrees, using only the strength of the hands without additional devices, if the width of the sheet does not exceed 0.5 meters. The base of the sheet is fixed with clamps or in a vice, and its bending is carried out due to the pressure exerted by the traverse. In some cases, to obtain a bend angle of exactly 90 degrees, you may need an embedded spacer (in the figure - on the right), which is an ordinary strip of metal that will help compensate for the elasticity of the sheet.

More complex in design is a press brake, the design of which is a matrix and a punch. Sheet metal in such a device is located on the matrix, and the punch is lowered onto the workpiece from above, giving it the required profile. At home, a press brake is unlikely to find application, as it is quite complicated and unsafe to use.

A version of a home-made press brake working in tandem with. If you already have a press, then it will not be difficult to supplement it with devices for bending narrow sheets of metal. You will get something like this:

A bending machine is much more perfect, in which metal bending is carried out due to the action of three shafts on it. Such equipment is called pass-through. One of its main advantages is that its adjustable rollers allow you to get different bending radii. Such a tool for bending metal can be manually or electrically driven, and its rollers can have a different design.

  • Rolls with a smooth working surface are designed for most sheet metal work, which involves bending blanks, making sections of pipes with a large diameter, etc.
  • Profiled rolls are necessary for bending elements of roof structures (ridges, valleys, drains, flanging, etc.).
  • The broaching bending machine can be additionally equipped with a support, a clamp and a traverse, which allows it to be used for manual bending of workpieces.

Such machines are equipped with a set of shafts of various profiles, which can also be purchased additionally to make the equipment more versatile.

How to start making a bending machine

To make a sheet metal bending machine, you will need a drawing of such a device or detailed photos of it. In addition, a number of important factors should be taken into account, such as the effort that will need to be applied to use the bending machine, its weight and dimensions (on which mobility depends), cost and availability of components. As a result, we obtain the following initial parameters.

  • The maximum width of the sheet that will need to be bent is 1 m.
  • The maximum thickness of sheet material: galvanized - 0.6 mm, aluminum - 0.7 mm, copper - 1 mm.
  • The number of work cycles that will be carried out without readjustment or repair is 1200.
  • The maximum bending angle of the metal profile, obtained without manual finishing, is 120 degrees.
  • It is highly undesirable to use workpieces made of special steels (for example, stainless steel).
  • In the design of the bending machine, welded joints that do not tolerate alternating loads should be avoided.
  • You should limit as much as possible the number of parts of the bending machine that you will need to order on the side, resorting to the help of turners or millers.

It is very difficult to find a drawing of a device that would satisfy all these requirements, but it is possible to refine the most successful of them.

The most popular sheet bender design and its improvement

The design of the manual bending machine shown in drawing No. 1 can be easily improved. According to the above drawing, it can be seen that the sheet metal bending device consists of such elements as:

Drawing No. 1: To build our bending machine, we will apply this scheme

  1. pillow made of wood;
  2. support beam from a channel 100–120 mm;
  3. a cheek, for the manufacture of which a sheet 6–8 mm thick is used;
  4. processed sheet of material;
  5. clamping beam made of corners 60–80 mm, connected by welding;
  6. axis for the rotation of the traverse (made from a metal bar with a diameter of 10 mm);
  7. the traverse itself is a corner with dimensions of 80–100 mm;
  8. handle of the device, made of a bar with a diameter of 10 mm.

At the traverse of the sheet bender (point 7), which, according to the original drawing, is supposed to be made from a corner, a variant of execution from a channel is conventionally shown. Such a modernization will significantly increase the endurance of the traverse, which, when using a corner, will inevitably bend in the middle at a certain moment and stop creating a high-quality sheet fold in this place. Replacing with a channel will allow you to do not 200 bends without straightening or replacing this element (which is very little with more or less active work), but more than 1300.

The design of such a homemade plate bending machine can be further improved, which will make it more efficient and versatile.

Drawing No. 2: The main elements of the sheet bender

Drawing No. 2 allows you to understand in more detail the design of a home-made bending machine:

  1. homemade clamp, made from a suitable corner (40-60 millimeters) and a screw with a heel and a collar;
  2. cheek;
  3. channel, acting as a support beam of the machine;
  4. clamping beam bracket, made from a corner of 110 millimeters;
  5. the clamping beam of the sheet bender itself;
  6. axis of rotation of the traverse;
  7. the traverse itself.

Reinforcing the pressure beam

Below we will consider the scheme of strengthening the clamping bar. However, if you initially have a fairly massive corner as a clamp, and you do not plan to bend excessively thick sheets on your bending machine, then it is quite possible to do without reinforcing the clamping bar in the described way.

In order to extend the service life of the clamping beam and make it comparable to the service life of the traverse, this structural element, which was originally made from a corner according to the drawing, should be supplemented with a base made of a metal strip with dimensions of 16x80 mm. The front edge of this base must be given an angle of 45 degrees in order to align its plane with the plane of the clamping corner itself, and a chamfer of about 2 millimeters should be made directly to the working edge of this element.

In drawing No. 2, the received part in the section is indicated in the additional figure at the top right. These measures will allow the clamping metal to work not in bending (which is highly undesirable), but in compression, thereby multiplying the service life without repair.

An additional 60th angle, welded to the rear flange of the main pressure angle, will keep it from bending up. In drawing No. 2, this is shown in more detail in the additional figure at the top left.

You should also take care of milling the lower plane of the pressure beam, which forms the fold. The unevenness of this plane, according to generally accepted rules, should not exceed half the thickness of the bent workpiece. Otherwise, it will not work to bend the workpiece evenly, without a swollen fold line. It should be borne in mind that the beam should be given for milling only when it already has all the welds, since their implementation leads to a change in the geometric parameters of the structure.

We increase the reliability of machine mounts

There is another big drawback in the bending machine - the scheme for attaching it to the desktop. The clamps that are provided in this fixture are a very unreliable fastening option, especially considering the rapid fatigue of welds. Such fasteners can be completely dispensed with, which will also avoid the need for welded joints and cheeks. The following steps allow you to solve this problem:

  • the manufacture of a support beam that will protrude beyond the desktop;
  • making U-shaped eyes at the ends of the support beam;
  • fixing the support beam to the work table with bolts (M10) and shaped nuts with paws.

If there are no cheeks in the improved bending machine, then how to attach a traverse to it? You can solve this issue quite simply: use butterfly door hinges for this, which are usually used for hanging heavy metal doors. To fix such loops, providing a sufficiently high accuracy, you can use screws with a countersunk head. In drawing #2, this is further illustrated at the bottom right.

It is possible to bend many workpieces on a bending machine with a traverse attached to butterfly loops, since these loops are very reliable.

Complete structure

After assembly, an improved device for obtaining a metal profile looks like this:

  1. reinforced support beam;
  2. flywheel - threaded element;
  3. a beam that provides clamping of the workpiece;
  4. clamp for attaching the device to the desktop;
  5. traverse, with the help of which, in fact, you can bend the workpiece.
The drawings show pressure flywheels, which in practice few people have. More often use ordinary screws with welded knobs. After welding the knobs, it is imperative to drive the thread on them, since welding can affect it extremely negatively.

Drawings of another version of the sheet bender

Detailed drawings of a bending machine very similar in design, but differing in the fastening of the traverse. The diagrams show the dimensions, which, of course, can be changed depending on the intended use of the machine.

The working elements of the zig-machine are rollers, and its use allows you to significantly save on the purchase of factory-produced roofing elements. If you watch a video showing the operation of such a device, it becomes clear that you can use it even at the place of direct installation of the roof structure.

To choose the right fixture for the manufacture of bent sheet metal elements, you can follow the following recommendations.

  • For a home craftsman who needs a bending machine from time to time, a simple device made from improvised means is quite suitable.
  • Those who from time to time fulfill orders for the installation of a roof will need a manual sheet metal bending machine and a simple zig machine.
  • Professionals who are constantly engaged in the manufacture of elements for roof structures and tin work need a factory device for bending sheet metal.
  • Manual is useful for those who are professionally engaged in the manufacture of elements of roofing structures. Optimal for such specialists is professional equipment, which is characterized by higher reliability and durability.

Russian-made sheet bender SKS-2in1, price 64 thousand rubles

If your plans still include the active use of a home-made bending machine to work on a more or less large flow, then be prepared for the fact that at some point your production may stop due to a breakdown. Since the steel used by home craftsmen for the production of do-it-yourself bending machines, most likely, will not withstand high loads, will quickly get tired and just float.

But for a household, not particularly loaded application, a home bending machine will be an excellent helper and will save a lot of money. It is necessary to take this moment into account and not expect miracles of endurance and performance from a simple home-made machine.

Before making a bending machine with your own hands, you can not only study the numerous drawings of such devices posted on the Internet, but also watch the training video. Perhaps, for some, the size of the described bending machine will seem too small, then you can consider the option of a home-made bending machine of a larger format. Of course, this is no longer a mobile machine, it is suitable for a small private workshop:

Advantages of a homemade sheet bender

Do-it-yourself production of a bending machine or the purchase of a manual through-pass bending machine are often interested in those who want to save a lot on the purchase of mass-produced corrugated board. Simple theoretical arithmetic shows: if you independently bend corrugated board with the help of such a device, then the cost of the latter will be 40% lower compared to the cost of factory products. But not everything is so simple.

If you purchase a factory-run machine for manual type corrugated board with an eye to small-scale own production, then it will cost about 60 thousand rubles. Meanwhile, such a manual sheet bending machine does not guarantee the stable quality of the corrugated board obtained with its help. The problem is that rolling in one pass will most likely lead to the appearance of overdrawn corners, from which cracks can subsequently develop. And rolling one sheet repeatedly, gradually changing the degree of pressure, is too long, laborious and, as a result, unprofitable. But on the other hand, it is quite convenient to make simpler parts from sheet steel with its help.

For a full-fledged Chinese-made rolling line for corrugated board, you will have to pay about $ 20,000. Of course, it consumes a lot of electricity (from 12 kW) and its installation requires a large area, which clearly does not fit into the plans and budget of most home craftsmen.

The most important thing to consider when purchasing a bending machine is the possibility of its quick payback. To achieve this for a master who uses such a device privately is quite difficult. In this case, it is more advisable to use a home-made sheet bender, which is suitable for the manufacture of bent sheet products of any type. With the help of such equipment, it is possible to bend both sheets with standard dimensions and non-standard products, which are in great demand during roofing, as well as many others.

How does a bending machine work

Before wondering how to make a bending machine, you should understand the design features of such equipment. First of all, such devices differ in the type of their drive. So, there are devices with a mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and manual drive.

Mechanically driven bending machines may use a flywheel with a friction clutch and a crank or a system of pulleys, levers and cables with a falling weight. Such devices, characterized by a shock impulse at the beginning of the working stroke, which then gradually weakens, are far from ideal in terms of the quality of the result due to the mechanics of their work and are used less and less.

The efficiency of sheet metal bending equipment, which is equipped with an electric drive, drops markedly with an increase in load in the form of a decrease in the size of the workpiece or an increase in its strength. If you try to bend a hard metal workpiece (for example, stainless steel) on such a bending machine, you may encounter the fact that the rotor of the electric motor will begin to slip, reducing torque and increasing power consumption.

Precisely adjusting the developed force to the resistance of the workpiece allows equipment with a hydraulic drive, but it is not cheap. A conventional hydraulic jack, which can also be used as a drive for bending sheet metal, does not provide an even distribution of force from it along the entire length of the bend.

To summarize all of the above, it turns out that a manual bending machine is the best option for home craftsmen. It can be made in various designs.

Do-it-yourself sheet bender: drawings, video, description. A huge number of products can be made from sheet metal - a gutter system, shaped parts that can be used to sheathe a roof, a low tide for a basement, corners for buildings from a profiled sheet, and so on.

All this can be done by a special bending machine, in other words, a bending machine, which is not difficult to do with your own hands. We'll talk about this.

There are three types of sheet bending machines:

  • simple manual, in this case, the bending of the metal is performed by applying force. Such devices make it possible to avoid sheet materials at any angle - from a few degrees to 360.
  • hydraulic machine, in which, with the help of blows, the sheet metal is bent into the shape of a matrix. The latter is straight, sometimes curvilinear. Such equipment is recognized as professional, and it is actively used for enterprises of large and medium capacity.
  • Roller / roller sheet benders, in which the sheet of metal does not bend strictly in a straight line, but is rounded off. With the help of such equipment, pipes or any similar products can be made.

All devices described are related to sheet bending machines. With your own hands it will be easiest to make equipment of the first type, and a little more difficult - the third. We will talk about them - how to make a sheet bender with your own hands + video.

Simple (manual)

Metal shaped parts are expensive, even more expensive than metal tiles, so it makes sense to make the simplest sheet metal bending machine, and use it to make any number of corners, ebbs and other parts that you need, while only for your size.

And yes, don't worry about the looks. On sale if the sheet metal is not only galvanized, but also already painted. In each design, the sheet will be tightly fixed, so when working, it will not slide on the table, and the paint will not be erased or scratched.

In places of bending, it will also not be damaged, so the appearance of the products will be decent. With due effort, your products will look even better than those on sale.

Listogib from Taurus

For the manufacture of such a machine, you will need any flat surface, for example, a table, it is desirable that it be metal, as well as 3 corners with a shelf width of at least 4.5 cm, and a metal thickness of at least 0.3 cm. If you have plans to bend long workpieces (length more than 1 meter), then it is advisable to take shelves with a greater width and thickness of the metal. Goods can be used, but this is required for bending sheets with greater length and thickness. You will also need 2 metal door hinges, and 2 more screws with a diameter of 1 to 2 cm, with “lambs” and a spring on them. You will also need welding in order to weld the hinges and make holes (or a drill with a drill, which is suitable for metal work).

For a do-it-yourself bending machine, we use 7 cm brands - 3 pieces of 2.5 meters each, 2 more bolts of 2 cm in diameter, a small piece of metal with a thickness of 0.5 cm.

The procedure is as follows:

This option will be the most powerful - you can bend long workpieces and thick sheets. Although such scales are not always in demand, they can always be reduced. In the video there is a construction of a similar type, but slightly smaller and with a different clamp bar mount. By the way, you can install a spring on the screw and then it will be easier to raise the bar. The design is interesting because flanging can be carried out on it, but standard devices cannot do this.

Listogib from a corner with a clamping bar

This model is made of a corner with thick walls, the bed is made in the form of an ordinary construction goat, which is welded from a similar corner. The handle was taken from the luggage trolley, and the design of the screws is interesting in its own way - they are long, the handle is taken out in the form of the letter "L". It is easy to unscrew and screw in place.

It is not difficult to make such a bending machine with your own hands, but consider some features:

  • The corners are not shelves to each other, but have a direction in one direction. Because of this, fastening the hinge is not the most convenient.
  • At the bend of the far corner, weld small stop plates for the plank on both sides.
  • On the same bar, weld the nut from the screw (on both sides).

Now you can go directly to the clamping bar. It can also be made from a corner, but it should be laid on the machine with a bend up. In order for the bar not to bend during operation, reinforcement is welded - metal jumpers. From both ends of the bar, weld small metal pads in which holes for the bolts are made. And one more thing - the face that is turned to the place of the bend is required to obtain sharp corners on the bend.

The clamping bar must be installed on the machine, and springs should be placed at the installation site. Put the handle back in place. If it does not press the bar, due to the elastic force of the spring, it will be raised above the surface. In this position, fill the workpiece under it, expose and press. Such a sheet bender will be a good option for use at home. You will not be able to bend thick metal, then galvanized and tin without difficulty.

Rolls for sheet metal

This type of sheet bender can be with three drives:

  • Hydraulic.
  • Manual.
  • Electric.

Do-it-yourself rolls for sheet metal are made with manual or electric drives. There should be 3 shafts in a manual one, and 3-4 in an electric one, but according to the standard, there are also only three. Such a machine requires a good base, which can be used as a bed or workbench. The basis of the design are rolls, which must be the same size. The two lower ones should be stationary, and the upper one should be mobile. By changing the distance between the upper and lower rollers, the radius of curvature can be changed.


The machine is driven by a handle, which must be attached to one of the shafts, and then the torque will be transmitted to the remaining rollers through the sprockets. They should be selected in such a way that the rotation speed is the same. If it is planned to manufacture pipes on the equipment, the upper roller must be removable on one side and have a quick fixation system. After folding the sheet into a tube, you cannot pull it out in any other way.

How is metal bending done by hand? When performing construction work, it is often necessary to bend metal elements. For example, it may be necessary to bend sheet metal or pipes. Pipes with a small diameter are bent with a vice.

Bending of metal sheets on a bending machine occurs without welding and does not violate the structure of the metal.

Often, when performing construction work, it becomes necessary to bend pipes of large diameter. For such work, special machines are needed that bend pipes and metal sheets. The bent element does not receive damage.

When bending parts, the plasticity of the material, its thickness are taken into account, and the radius of curvature is determined.

What is metal bending technology?

Assembly diagram of a home-made sheet bender: 1 - base; 2 - handwheel nut; 3 - clamp; 4 - bending sheet; 5 - clamp; 6 - crimping punch.

Sheet metal bending is the performance of certain actions, as a result of which the metal sheet acquires the desired shape. The bending of the part occurs without the help of welding or any other connections that reduce the strength and durability of the material.

When the product is bent, its outer layers are stretched and the inner ones are compressed. The bending technology is to bend one part of the part in relation to the other to the required angle.

During bending, the material is subjected to deformation. The amount of possible deformation depends on the thickness of the material, bending angle, plasticity and bending speed.

Bending is performed by means of equipment for bending parts. This equipment bends the element in such a way that the finished structure is not damaged.

If the element is not bent correctly, then various defects will occur on its surface, as a result of which the material will receive such damage on the bending line that the finished structure may break. Bending is carried out for sheets of various thicknesses.

The bending stress of the material must be greater than its elastic limit. As a result of bending, plastic deformation of the material should occur. In this case, the finished structure after the bending operation will retain the shape that was given to it.

Drawing of a sheet bender (detailing): 1 - clamp; 2 - cheek; 3 - base; 4 - bracket; 5 - welded clamp; 6 - axis; 7 - corner of the punch.

Benefits of the bending process:

  1. The process is highly productive.
  2. As a result of bending, a workpiece is obtained that does not have a seam.
  3. The finished structure is highly resistant to corrosion.
  4. The product is highly durable.
  5. Rust does not appear at the bend of the product.
  6. The structure is solid.


  1. The process of manual bending is quite laborious.
  2. Bending equipment is expensive.

Unlike structures made by bending sheet metal, welded structures have a weld that is subject to corrosion and rust.

The bending of products is carried out manually or with the help of equipment. Manual bending is very labor intensive. It is done with a hammer and pliers. The bend of the material of small thickness is performed with a mallet.

Bending of sheet metal is carried out using rollers, presses or roller machines. To form a sheet into a cylinder, manual, hydraulic or electrically driven rollers are used. Pipes are made in this way.

Scheme of assembly of the working stroke: 1 - insert made of wood; 2 - base; 3 - right cheek; 4 - bending sheet; 5 - clamp; 6 – punch axis; 7 - punch; 8 - punch lever.

Metal bending is used in home construction for the manufacture of gutters, profiles, metal frames, pipes and other structures. When bending sheet metal with your own hands, you can make pipes of various diameters. With the help of machines, zinc-coated material is bent.

If you need to bend metal at home, you can make a bending machine with your own hands. For the manufacture of the machine, you need to make a template made of wood, having a contour of a certain, curved shape.

When bending the product, you need to determine its dimensions. The length of the structure is calculated taking into account the bending radius of the sheet. For workpieces that are bent at a right angle, without creating roundings, the bending allowance should be 0.6 of the sheet thickness.

With your own hands, you can bend structures made of ductile metals: copper, brass, aluminum. The bending radius depends on the quality of the material and the bending method. Products with a small radius of curvature are made of plastic materials.

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Do-it-yourself metal bending

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How to make a bracket by bending

When bending a steel strip on a roller machine, the top notch on the bar must match the size of the strip.

Materials and tools:

  • a metal sheet;
  • vise;
  • hammer;
  • frame;
  • bar;
  • electric saw for metal.

First, you need to calculate the length of the workpiece strip according to the scheme and calculate the bending of the metal sheet.

When calculating for each bend, a margin of 0.5 strip thickness and 1 mm per bend of the ends to the side is performed.

According to the scheme, the workpiece is cut out, marks are made for the place of bending. The workpiece is bent in a vise with squares.

First you need to clamp the workpiece in a vice at the level of the bend. Then, using a hammer, the first bend is made.

Then the workpiece is rearranged in a vice and clamped with a frame along with a bar. Then make a second bend.

After that, the workpiece is pulled out, marks are made for the length of the legs of the bracket.

A bracket with a bar frame is bent in a vice, while both of its legs are bent. The bend is specified with a triangle. If the bend is not made correctly, it is corrected with a hammer and a frame bar. After the bending process, the structure is sawn off to the desired dimensions.

In our time, sheet metal is gaining momentum. Increasingly, one or another person has a brand new fence made of metal profile sheets.

The question arises what kind of machine creates this wonderful and necessary building product for mankind.

Sheet bending structure.

sheet bending machine

This is a specially designed device with which you can bend sheets of galvanized metal of a certain thickness. Such a miracle machine, as a rule, is used for industrial purposes.

Among skilled craftsmen, such a device has not become widespread. However, in our time, there are people who were able to reproduce the prototype of the production module and make their own sheet bender.

Such a thing is quite simple to do with your own hands, it will not take up much space in your garage or workshop.

Direction of application

It would seem that quite simple equipment, but covers a huge industry. This invention is capable of producing products in the following fields of activity:

The most extensive scope

This is construction. It is in this area that you can find a huge selection of corrugated board, metal profiles, metal tiles and its components. Also metal siding - it is used for interior decoration of houses and buildings. Ventilation shafts are also produced by bending machines.

Mechanical engineering and aviation

Also shipbuilding. This area is very expanded, as various body parts, aircraft skins, as well as ship skins are created.


Not everyone knows that with the help of sheet benders, cases of household appliances are created (microwave ovens, ovens, cases of refrigerators and washing machines, computer cases and much more).

Furniture manufacture

In this area, boxes, lockers for changing rooms, lockers for storing things, etc. are created.

Many areas were covered by the operation of the plate bending machine. Each of the above areas is very widespread among the population.

Varieties of sheet bending fixture

Like many other machines, the sheet bender differs in one of the most important criteria - this is a type of drive action.

Consider these types:

Manual drive action

This type is used mainly in everyday life. These include homemade inventions. It is with the help of this device that you can make any devices for home or summer cottage from galvanized steel. And if you correctly install the support beams and brackets on the manual bending machine to the required bending radius, then this will allow you to create complex elements.

Mechanical impact

Such units belong to stationary machines. The operating force is distributed from the flywheel. This design has limitations in its use. The fact is that the device is equipped with a special lever, through which the sheet is bent. The downside is that you need to apply physical force.

Electromechanical option

Electromechanical actuators have received wide acceptance among their owners. This is because this machine is very convenient and versatile. The process begins with the laying of galvanizing on the surface of the matrix. After pressing the start key, the punch, the pusher and the gearbox itself come into force. Due to this, the galvanized sheet bends or bends with the necessary parameters. The force that such a machine produces is at least 100-200 kilograms, in some cases this characteristic can reach up to one ton.

Electromagnetic drive action

Electromagnetic machines, in our time, are mainly used in the metal-rolling industry. The percentage of use of such equipment in mechanical engineering is 70%. It has only one advantage. Small dimensions, high performance (this device is capable of producing about several hundred parts in just one minute), it is completely silent.

Hydraulic drive

This category belongs to the category of press brakes. The press with hydraulics is used in mass production of parts. They are very productive, of high quality, fully automated, have control of the sheet bending angle.

zig machine

This device has a very important side. They are used in the manufacture of components. With the help of a zig machine, you can make flanging of galvanized sheet, corrugated edges, rolling connecting folds and much more.

Making a sheet bender with your own hands

If you figure it out, the detailing of the sheet bender is not so complicated.

Types of metal profile

bending beam

Due to it, the metal sheet is bent at an angle from 0 to 180 degrees.

pressure beam

This part holds the sheet by clamping force and prevents it from sliding.

goniometer disc

A special disk on which all the necessary dimensions of the corners are displayed.

Disc knife

A sharp, sharp blade made from high-strength steel that cuts through steel without any problems.

Rear table

Consists of through designs with a flat, upper surface on which the galvanized workpiece will move.

clamping handle

Due to it, the clamping beam is brought into readiness and action.

Stretching device

Allows you to provide a choice of the position and shape of the beams, for the production of high-quality bending of rolled metal products.

Development of a technical device

Tip: Before you are going to draw drawings, look for various details for the future brainchild, it is very important to make a choice, choose what is best for you. It is also important to take into account the area in which your home-made module will be used.

During the construction process, it is important to assemble it in a way that is comfortable for you. So that the entire load is distributed to the most enduring muscles of your body and to the support legs of the device. When developing a unit that you want to create with your own hands, it is important to consider the following parameters:

  • The width of the galvanization should not exceed one meter.
  • The slope of the fold should not be less than 120 degrees.
  • The number of continuous production cycles should not exceed 1200 units.
  • The use of various alloys of steel and other metals as a workpiece is strictly prohibited.
  • Allowed thickness of the following metals:
  • Aluminum - allowable thickness 0.7 mm.
  • Galvanized - the optimum thickness is 0.66 mm.
  • Copper - a thickness of one millimeter is allowed.

When all the necessary criteria are taken into account, you can safely assemble your instrument.

This is what sheets of steel and metal will look like when they are bent as they pass through the rolls. In addition, the figure shows how sheets can be bent until the desired shape is obtained.

Variety of bending galvanized sheet

Drawings of a bending machine

Drawing of a bending machine from simple parts.

The drawings of any device are considered the basis of your invention. After all, it is in it that the dimensions and location of a particular part will be indicated. When there are all necessary

dimensions and sketches, then the assembly of the device will certainly end in success. At the present time, there are a huge number of different drawings with dimensions. As they say, you choose! Below we will consider one of the simplest drawings.

This variety is quite productive and successful model.

Material selection

All materials for this machine can be easily found in your garage. So, let's look at what these materials are:

Wooden insert

Denoted in the drawing by the number "1" is created from a simple wooden block.

Metal channel

With a size of 100x120 mm, it will fit well into the design of the base.

Right cheek

It is created from a steel sheet, 6-8mm thick.

iron corners

60mm and 80mm will serve for the manufacture of the pressure beam.

Punch axis

Can be created from an iron pin with a diameter of 10 mm.

The punch itself can be created from an iron corner 80x100 mm, or you can use a channel.

steel bar

With a diameter of 10 mm, it is suitable for creating a punch arm.

Tip: To create a punch, it is best to choose not a metal corner, but a channel. This is because the channel can withstand much more bending than the corner.

Detailing and assembly process

Your attention is presented to the assembly process, as well as the description and location of the parts. When assembling, you will certainly be helped by a welding machine. Seams after welding must be processed so that the seams are flush with the plane of the part on which this seam is located.

So, consider the details indicated on the assembly diagram:

The location of parts during assembly.

  • A medium-sized clamp (on the M 10 screw there is a knob on one side and a heel on the other), located in a corner measuring 40x60 mm.
  • Cheek made of sheet steel, 8 mm thick.
  • The basis from a channel 100х120 mm.
  • Bracket from the corner 110x110 mm.
  • Clamping beam from a corner 60x60 mm and 80x80 mm.
  • The axis of the punch from the rod 10 mm.
  • The punch itself is from a corner of 80x100 mm.

After all the above parts are in place and fixed, you should prepare your machine for operation. To do this, you just need to remove all construction debris that remains after assembly.

Rules and safety precautions during operation

Everyone has long known that safety is the key to health and longevity. And also a chance not to remain disabled. This machine, in its category, is extremely dangerous. The thing is that the machine itself can cause a huge amount of injury. In addition, the material itself that will be used on it is very sharp.

Therefore, it is important to consider the simplest rules in order to keep danger out of your way:

  • If your machine is purchased, then it is important to check all the components of the machine for serviceability.
  • Before work, it is necessary to tighten all the clothes so that the hanging jacket does not stick out, the belt or lace does not dangle, etc.
  • When working with a purchased or home-made machine, you need to purchase goggles and tight gloves that will be comfortable to work in.
  • Check the condition of the installation fasteners so that everything is twisted and nothing dangles.
  • All blanks must be placed near the machine so that it is convenient to take them with your hands.
  • Provide adequate lighting in the workplace.
  • The workplace must be cleared and have a free passage within a radius of one meter.
  • The bed must be grounded if an electric drive is present.
  • If you work with electricity, strictly speaking, a rubber mat must be present at the workplace.
  • It is unacceptable to put various materials into the machine that are not intended for these works.

When these rules are followed, you can not worry about your safety.

Tip: Due to the fact that the work will be done with iron, it is imperative to protect access to the machine from children and do not leave the workplace unattended! Also, always be on the alert, as metal is an unpredictable thing!


Overview of mechanical bending machine

Overview of the segmental bending machine

Overview of the production of trapezoidal corrugated board

Overview of the manufacture of equal-shelf corrugated board

Overview of the production of metal tiles

Homemade machine assembly overview

A press brake is a device where cold bending of sheet metal is performed in various ways. By and large, creating a bending machine with your own hands (drawings and a description of how to make such a unit will be described in the article) is possible, but this, as a rule, will be a manual fixture, occasionally a mechanical one. Nevertheless, such a machine will be an invaluable help in the household, because with its help various designs will turn out more beautiful.

Homemade press brake

Types of bending machines

Stationary hydraulic sheet bender

Plate bending machines can be both stationary and mobile (portable) and can be divided into three categories:

  1. Press.
  2. Swivel.
  3. Rotary.

But all these units can be classified according to the drive, which can be:

  • hydraulic (stationary and mobile);
  • pneumatic (stationary and mobile);
  • electromechanical (stationary);
  • mechanical (stationary);
  • manual (mobile).

Note. The workpiece can be fed manually or automatically, and the dimensions are marked either manually or by CNC (Computer Numerical Control).

A few words about the application

The scope of application of the machine is quite extensive

For some reason, there is an opinion that the sheet bender is a construction machine, but this is not entirely true or even not at all true. In fact, such units are used in mechanical engineering and the automotive industry, in instrumentation and for the creation of aircraft. This is not a complete list of its application, but the main task of such machines is the production of any products from various (non-ferrous and ferrous) sheet metals.

Production of a press brake

It can be said that manual sheet bending, driven by the use of the muscular strength of the worker, is the most convenient unit for the repair and construction of facilities. It can be applied directly to the place where it is needed at a given time, and then quickly transferred to another point.

How to draw up a technical task plan

First of all, don't scatter. And this means that there are many articles, photos and videos on the Internet about this, but in each case individual details are needed. Therefore, before you decide to draw up a work plan, decide on the technical characteristics, and these are:

  • maximum allowable sheet width in mm;
  • maximum sheet thickness in mm;
  • the range of bending angles you need;
  • bending accuracy;
  • dimensions of the machine (length, width, height).

Video: homemade sheet bender

If everything is clear with the width (the sheet is rarely wider than 1000 mm), then with the thickness it’s not quite, for example, sheets with a thickness of no more than a millimeter are used for seam roofing. Gutters have the same thickness, but when it comes to railings for stairs or other fencing, here the thickness can reach 3 mm.

Note. If the metal turned out to be narrower than it is required for the manufacture of something, then it can always be seamed on the same machine. Folding should not be confused with rolling, since the second option requires special rolling rollers that sheet benders do not have.

Sheet bending machine, drawing

Do-it-yourself sheet bender - drawings and a description of how to do it:

  1. Roller knife. It is best made from alloy steel, and if necessary, replaced with a new one.
  2. Back table. Serves for placing the workpiece. A cutter and a bender are held on its supports.
  3. Wooden stand. Serves to prevent the workpiece from slipping. The height of the stand is adjustable.
  4. Front stops. Allows you to set the width of the cut.
  5. Corner stop and measuring plate. It allows you to vary the angle and the bend will turn out to be arbitrary, that is, the one that is required in a particular case.

Perhaps the most difficult moment in drawing up a plan can be called the choice of the required range of angles when bending metals. But, as it were, with such structures, the maximum bending (depending on the rotary beam) can only reach 135⁰, but if necessary, bending up to 180⁰ can be done. One or another thickness of the sheet is determined by the power of the clamping frame - the more powerful the frame, the thicker the metal can be bent.

The choice of the kinematic scheme of the machine

One of the do-it-yourself sheet bending options

You can dwell on different options in the manufacture of such a mechanism, but it is best to prefer the most popular scheme. In such cases, the bending of the sheet is carried out by turning the movable traverse - everything is very simple and very reliable.

Most popular design

Drawing No. 1

  1. Wooden pillow.
  2. Support beam (channel section 100-120 mm).
  3. Cheek from a sheet 6-8 mm thick.
  4. Preparation for processing.
  5. Clamping beam from corners 60-80 mm (connected by welding).
  6. Smooth reinforcement with a section of 10 mm, as an axis for the rotation of the traverse.
  7. Traverse (corner 80-100 mm).
  8. Device handle (smooth reinforcement with a section of 10 mm).

In order to make the machine work more efficiently, its design can be improved, as shown below.

Drawing No. 2

In this drawing, all nodes are considered in more detail, therefore, one can more clearly imagine the design of a home-made sheet bender.

  1. Homemade clamp. An angle of 40-60 mm and a screw with a heel were used.
  2. Cheek.
  3. Machine beam from a channel.
  4. Pressure beam bracket made of 110 mm angle.
  5. Clamping beam.
  6. Axis of rotation.
  7. Traverse.

Complete structure

Note. This section shows a more powerful design, which is assembled according to the same principle as in the upper drawings #1 and #2.

Drawing of the assembled sheet bending structure

You can compare these drawings and make sure that they are basically the same, only the last one was made with an increase in power and operational life.

  1. The wooden support beam is reinforced with a sheet of metal.
  2. Threaded flywheel element.
  3. The beam for clamping the workpiece is reinforced.
  4. Clamp.
  5. Traverse for bending the workpiece.
  6. Channel for additional fastening of the support beam.

Note. On the drawings, you can see the pressure flywheels, but it is extremely difficult to find them for sale. Therefore, when assembling a bending machine, you can make a home-made device. These are ordinary screws with collars welded to them. Only at the end of welding work should the thread be renewed with a lerkoy, since in most cases it will be clogged with metal spatter.

Video: how to make a sheet bender yourself


We hope that you have received an answer to the question of how to make a bending machine with your own hands at home and figured out the types and classification of machines. As you can see, the manufacturing process is not so complicated, but it requires the necessary materials, which should be stocked up ahead of time.